
Rune Aurora Aiba's page

47 posts. Alias of Azure_Zero.

About Rune Aurora Aiba

Name: Rune Aurora Aiba
Race: Succubus (Redeemed)
Class: Giant Risen Succubus (Reduced to CR 4) : Ninja 11/20
Type: Outsider(Native, Chaotic, Good)
Size: Large
Gender: Female
Age: ??
Alignment: NG
Deity: Kurgress
Languages: Common, Celestial, Abyssal, Draconic, Elven, Sylvan, Giant, Orc,
Tongues for the Rest

Stats*: 14,14,14,14,14,10
STR: 22(6) = 14 + 0 + 0 ((14) +2 succubus +4 Giant) +2 (12th,16th)
DEX: 20(5) = 14 + 0 + 0 ((14) +6 succubus -2 Giant) +2 (4th,8th)
CON: 24(7) = 10 + 0 + 0 ((10) +10 succubus +4 Giant)
INT: 22(6) = 14 + 0 + 0 ((14) +8 succubus)
WIS: 18(4) = 14 + 0 + 0 ((14) +4 succubus)
CHA: 30(10) = 14 + 0 + 0 ((14) +16 succubus)

Hit Points: 8d10 + 11d8 = (128) + 133(CON*19)
Init: 5 = 5(Dex)

Melee: 22/17/12/7
Range: 21/16/11/6

AC: 24:14:24

Succubus 6 + INT + FC = 12+FC + 2 (269)
Ninja 8+Int+FC = 14+FC
ACP = 1 //Armour Check Penalty
Format: Total = ranks + stat + trained(?) +other(noted) -ACP
*Acrobatics: 27 = 19 + DEX Mod + 3 - ACP;
b*Appraise: 11 = 2 + INT Mod + 3;
*Bluff: 40 = 19 + CHA Mod + 3 +8(racial);
*Climb: 11 = 2 + STR Mod + 3 -ACP;
b*Craft: 6 = 0 + INT Mod + 0;
*Diplomacy: 32 = 19 + CHA Mod + 3;
*Disable Device: 27 = 19 + DEX Mod + 3 -ACP;
*Disguise: 32(+10) = 19 + CHA Mod + 3 +10(CS);
*Escape Artist: 27 = 19 + DEX Mod + 3 -ACP;
*Fly: 27 = 19 + DEX Mod + 3 -ACP;
Handle Animal: 10 = 0 + CHA Mod + 0;
Heal: 4 = 0 + WIS Mod + 0;
*Intimidate: 32 = 19 + CHA Mod + 3;
Know(Arcana): 15 = 9 + INT Mod + 0;
Know(Dungeo): NA = NA + INT Mod + 0;
*Know(Local): 28 = 19 + INT Mod + 3;
Know(Nature): NA = NA + INT Mod + 0;
*Know(Planes): NA = NA + INT Mod + 0;
Know(Religon): 15 = 9 + INT Mod + 0;
bKnow(Engine): NA = NA + INT Mod + 0;
bKnow(Geography): 9 = 3 + INT Mod + 0;
bKnow(Histor): 9 = 3 + INT Mod + 0;
b*Know(Nobles): 12 = 3 + INT Mod + 3;
b*Linguistics: 6 = 0 + INT Mod + 0;
*Perception: 34 = 19 + WIS MOD + 3 +8(racial);
b*Perform (Dance): 17 = 4 + CHA Mod + 3;
b*Perform (Sing): 17 = 4 + CHA Mod + 3;
b*Profession (): 4 = 0 + WIS Mod + 0;
Ride: 5 = 0 + DEX Mod + 0 -ACP;
*Sense Motive: 26 = 19 + WIS Mod + 3;
b*Sleight of Hand: 27 = 19 + DEX Mod + 3 -ACP;
*Spell Craft: 28 = 19 + INT Mod + 3;
*Stealth: 27 = 19 + DEX Mod + 3 -ACP;
Survival: 4 = 0 + WIS Mod + 0;
*Swim: 11 = 2 + STR Mod + 3 -ACP;
*Use Magical Device: NA = NA + CHA Mod + 0;

* Class Skill
b Background Skill

Class features, Feats, Traits and Racial Traits:

Class features:
Poison use
sneak attack +6d6
Ki pool (Ninja Level/2 + Cha Mod) 15
No trace +3
Improved uncanny dodge
Light steps
Master tricks

Ninja Tricks:
Vanishing Trick
Hidden Weapons
Fast Stealth
Bleeding Attack

1) Exotic Weapon (Butchering axe: Adventurer's Armory 2, pg8)
3) Exotic weapon (Elven curve blade: Ultimate Equipment, pg 20)
5) Medium Armour Prof
7) Steadfast Personality (CHA instead of WIS for Mind effecting spells)
9) Deepsight (Darkvision 120ft)
11) Combat Reflexes
13) Combat Expertise
15) Improved Disarm
17) Greater Disarm
19) Extra Ninja Trick (Ghost Step)

Armour Expert
Indomitable Will

Race: Succubus:
Darkvision 60ft
Claws (1d6)
Spell Resistance 10+HD
Abyssal Body(Resist: acid 10, cold 10, Immune: electricity, fire, poison)
Tough Skin: Natural Armour = +7 +3
Racial +8 to Bluff + Perception
Wings (fly 50ft (aver), glide 30ft)
Change Shape (Medium + Large Humanoids)
Telepathy 100ft
DR 10/Cold_Iron or Evil

Anarchic Gift (Gift of Transformation) (Su) redemption has altered her
profane gift ability. This ability functions the same, except
the bonus to an ability score granted by anarchic gift is a
sacred bonus, and the gift cannot be removed by dispel evil.
She can maintain only one anarchic gift at a time.

Invigoration (Su) can choose to infuse a
portion of her own life energy into a mortal during an act
of passion, such as a kiss. She gains 1 negative level when
she uses this ability, while the target creature is affected by
restoration and breath of life (both at CL 12th). If after 24
hours and succeeds at a DC 20 Fortitude save, this
negative level is removed (failure means it must be removed
via normal means). She cannot use this ability on herself.

Redeemed (Ex) gains the good subtype and
is no longer in danger of being staggered in the presence
of other demons. She regains full use of her succubus spelllike
abilities, and can use her anarchic gift on an unlimited
number of creatures. Her constant spell-like ability to
detect good changes to detect evil.


Caster Levels: HD+4
Detect Evil

Charm Monster (DC:10+4+CHA)
Detect Thoughts (DC:10+2+CHA)
Ethereal jaunt (self plus 50 lbs. of objects only)
Suggestion (DC: 10+3+CHA)
Vampiric touch (DC: 10+3+CHA)
Greater Teleport (self plus 50 lbs. of objects only)

Dominate person (DC:10+5+CHA)
summon (level 3, 1 Choir angel 50%)

AC, Saves, Attacks:

AC: 41 = 10 + 9(Armour) +5(Dex) + 10+3(NA) + 4(Def);
Touch: 19 = 10 +5(Dex)+ 4(Def);
Flat: 41 = 10 + 9(Armour) +5(Dex) + 10+3(NA)+ 4(Def);

Immune: Sleep
Fort: 16 = 2+3(base) +7(CON) + 4(Cloak);
Ref: 22 = 6+7(base) + 5(DEX) + 4(Cloak);
Will: 18 = 6+3(base) + 4(WIS) +1(Trait) + 4(Cloak);
+6 vs Mind Effecting

Melee: 22 = 8+8(base) + 6(STR);
Range: 21 = 8+8(base) + 5(DEX);
CMB: 22 = 8+8(base) + 6(STR);
CMD: 37 = 10 + 8+8(base) + 6(STR) + 5(DEX);

250 000 starting gold (cannot spend more than 75 000 gold on a single item)
Weapons: 110500

Name: Balrog
Cold Iron Butchering axe: 3d6 , x3 , 25 lbs. , Slash, Special: See Text
Enchanments: +1, Flaming(+1), Ghost-Touch(+1), Mighty Cleaving(+1), Resizing

Name: Winter's Breath
Mithral Elven curve blade: 1d10 , 18-20/x2 , 3 lbs. , Slash, Special: See Text
Enchantments: +1 Keen(+1), Shocking Burst(+2), Shocking Burst(+2), Resizing, Shrinking

Name: Kunoichi
Mithral Wakizashi: 1d6, 15-20/x2 , 1 lbs. , Pierce or Slash, Special: Deadly
Enchanments: +1 Keen, Resizing

Name: My little friends
50 * MW Shuriken: 1d2 , X2, 10ft, 1 lb per 10, Special: Monk
--Weight: 34

Mithral Breast Plate (Armour:+9 Dex:+5 ACP:0 ASF:15% Weight: 15lb
Enhancments: + 3, Ghost-Touch(+3), Glamered,

Special Substances and items:

Potions: 2000 + 600 + 2400
2*Salve of Slipperiness (8/8)(8/8)
Sovereign glue (8/8)
2 * Extended Enlarge Person (6 minutes)

Rings: 20000 + 32000gp
Ring of invisibility
Ring of Protection +4

Wonderous Items: 2000gp +16000gp + 4000gp + 18000gp
Handy Haversack
(Shoulder) Cloak of resistance +4
(Hands) Gloves of arrow snaring
(Neck )Amulet of natural armor +3

Adventure Gear:10gp
Standard adventure stuff

Tools and Skill Kits:

?? * Peasant

Weight Total:58.0
Light: 100, Med: 200, Heavy: 300

Cash: 160gp
0 PP
1000 GP
0 SP
0 CP


In her Original Form she is 16 feet tall with ruby colored feather wings,
She has attractive Deep Voilet eyes and long voilet Hair, with a attractive curves and muscular figure.

She regularly uses a Human, Elven, and Half-elven forms as they are better for doing her work.

golden blonde hair, Blue eyes, 5'10"

Red Hair, Emerald Green Eyes, 6' 0"

Voilet Hair, Voilet Eyes, 6' 2

Data and Background:

Name: Rune Aurora Aiba
Race: Giant Risen Succubus
Job: ??
Age: ??
Likes: Work, Exercise, Nature
Favorite foods: Meats, potatoes, eggs, Milk, Honey, syrup, Fish, various veggies and fruits

Background Info:
Was born in the pits of the Abyssal after a succubus managed to get a lustful giant's essense, which became a foundation of Rune's birth.

Given her size and physical strength she drifted to a more martial and subterfuge method of thinking,
Then over a unknown of years of being an assasin of the Abyss using Tian Ninja arts she learned and stole while possessing Kunoichi and refining them.

Then one day while possessing a Paladin of Iomedae, she got a revelation that started her on the path of redemption.
After a some time and help from another Paladin of Iomedae and Cleric of Kurgress did she finish becoming a risen succubus.
Right after rising, she took her last name as her middle name and took on the last name of Aiba.

She started do Mercenary work for Good causes and to keep the losses of innocent people to a minimum.

SLA Back up:

Caster Levels: HD+4
Detect Evil

Charm Monster (DC:10+4+CHA)
Detect Thoughts (DC:10+2+CHA)
Ethereal jaunt (self plus 50 lbs. of objects only)
Suggestion (DC: 10+3+CHA)
Vampiric touch (DC: 10+3+CHA)
Greater Teleport (self plus 50 lbs. of objects only)

Dominate person (DC:10+5+CHA)
summon (level 3, 1 Choir angel 50%)