Deadlands Reloaded: Tales From the Ranger's Bible [CLOSED GROUP] (Inactive)

Game Master Sevenspawn

The Harrowed, the manitou, the hucksters are done;
The monsters fold up
And cash out one by one.

We must tell the stories so what was learned will live on
Since those that fought them
Themselves too are gone.

The Reckoning changed everything on July 4th, 1863. What happened exactly remains shrouded in legend, even after only fifteen years... but the world was broken. The Reckoners woke up, and they don't truck with the ways of men.

Now it’s 1879, and the Reckoners’ plans are going nicely. Though a cease-fire has stalled the War Between the States, the Great Rail Wars are once more picking up steam. The Indians fight against the white men and each other, abandoning the Old Ways and forsaking the nature spirits. The dead rise from their graves and strange beasts roam the terrain.

It is the job of the Texas Rangers to hold them back.


Maps and Images

Discussion thread here.

Welcome to the game! Let's talk about formatting first, before we get into making characters and talking about the world.

The board uses bb code. So everything is contained within square brackets. If you click 'How to format your text' at the bottom it'll show you how. I've inserted a space in the code examples below so you can see how it works. Here's the conventions:

[ b]Insert text here. [ /b] = Bold text. "This is used for dialogue. Always put dialogue in quotation marks."

[ i]Insert text here. [ /i] = Italics. This is used for thoughts. No need for quotes.

[ ooc]Insert text here.[ /ooc] = OOC. This is for out of game comments.

[ spoiler=Spoilers]Insert text here. [ /spoiler] = Spoilers.


Use these if you want only the GM, or the GM + one other person to see. I will use spoilers to hide information you need a check to beat, or to pass information to a specific character. Clicking on spoilers not meant for you is peeking.

How Dice Work

Dice are rolled like so:

[ dice=Attack]1d20+3[ /dice]

Attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

When rolling an attack, roll damage at the same time on the same line.

Attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6 Damage: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10


This means when you post, try to push the game into the next room, the next line of dialogue, or so forth. Speak to and interact with others. PbP means stalling.

If you have questions, feel free to ask me here. I will explain how combat works when we get to a fight.


As Savage Worlds uses your skill test and the Wild die, you will always roll two dice. Just do so on the same line. Make sure to preview your post after you roll in case your dice explode.

[ dice=Shooting]1d8[ /dice] [ dice=Wild Die]1d6 [ /dice]
[ dice=Damage]2d6+1[ /dice]

Shooting: 1d8 ⇒ 8 Wild Die: 1d6 ⇒ 2
Explode!: 1d8 ⇒ 6
Damage: 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (5, 5) + 1 = 11

Sometimes you'll see Ace! written instead of Explode!; that's a Deadlands thing. It means the same thing.


When your characters are done (we'll get to that in the next post), please post a 'dot' (like ".") on the Gameplay thread and I'll have the first post up tomorrow.

The final thing I'll ask you guys to do is to create taglines for your characters. On your character profile, you'll see a few fields to enter basic character info. We're going to repurpose three of those fields which will show character information per every post. Do it like so:

Race (variable information): This is for your basic stats. Parry, Toughness, Wound level, and Power Points (if you have them). Like so:

| Wound: 0/3 | Parry: X | Toughness: X | PP: X/X |

Classes/Levels (non-varied information): Edges and Hindrances that have a roleplay component, so I don't care about your +1 to charisma, but I do care if you're supposed to be Curious.

Edges: Connected | Hindrances: Curious, Outsider

Gender (who you are): Just a 'what you are'.

Female Human Savant

On to character creation!

Female Human Fighter


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