[Outpost III] GM Brew's Siege of Gallowspire (Inactive)

Game Master Wicked Brew

Campaign Map & Slides

Current Characters

Simulacrum of Vraxeris the Illusionist
Dark Archive Arklore M. Flavii

Male Human Taldan evoker 7 NG Init +3; Senses Perception +10 Defense AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 17 hp 58 Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +7

played by Arklore (227 posts)
GM Brew

played by Wicked Brew (2,338 posts)
Grand Lodge GM Dennis

Rusthenge || Spell Templates | Starship Roles | ◆◇↺

played by Dennis Muldoon (7,915 posts)
Scythe Glass Swarm
GM Nowruz

played by noral (11,455 posts)
Grand Lodge Kahwen

[Init +9, Per +18, Spd 40'] M Tengu Unchained Rogue (Swordmaster/Scout) 11th [HP 58/58, AC 30(34) |ff 19 |t 21, Fort +7, Ref +19, Will +7,] CMD 27

played by EbonFist (1,695 posts)
Sabina Merrin
Grand Lodge Marduk Zhro'hysh

Female Human (Garundi) Wildling 7 | Diehard! | HP: 81/81 [95/95] | DR 1/- | AC: 20 [18] | T: 13 [11] | FF: 17 [15] | CMD: 25 [27] | Fort: +12 [14] | Ref: +9 | Will: +7 [9] (+1 vs fear and confusion) | Init: +3 (+5 in forest) | Perc: +12 (+14 in forest, +14 vs Humans+Aberrations) | SM: +2 (+4 Humans+Aberrations) | Spd: 40 ft.
Tracked Resources:
Spells: 1 - 2/2 ; Rage: 67/9

played by Zinou (415 posts)
Silver Crusade Morrolan de'Morcaine

Dwarf Ftr1/Inq 7, HP:69/69, AC:27, Touch:11, Flat Footed:26, F:+12, R:+5, W:+9 (+2 vs. psn, spells, and spl abilities; +2 res vs. evil), Init:+3, Perc:+13

played by Kydeem de'Morcaine (338 posts)
Father Zastoran
Silver Crusade Pierre Viret

Human (Taldan) Mediator 7 | HP: 66/66 | AC: 24 | T: 12| FF: 23 | CMD: 14 | Fort: +11 | Ref: +6 | Will: +11 | Init: +1 | Perc: +3 | Sense Motive: +7 | Speed 20 ft.
Tracked resources:
Spells: 0 - 4 ; 1st - 4/5+1 ; 2nd - 2/4+1 ; 3rd - 1/3+0 ; 4th - 1/1+1 ; Channel (DC 19): 7/9 ; Touch of Glory (+9): 5/6

played by Zinou (420 posts)
Jamus Hainard
Silver Crusade Uldar The Crusader

AC 24,FF20, T14 HP66/66 Bite+7 1d6+8 Claw x2 +7 1d6+8 Talon x2 +7 1d8+8F: +9, R: +8, W: +3 Perception+7, Stealth +7
61/61 HP, AC: 24, T: 13, FF: 22, CMD: 22, F: +10 , R: +6, W: 3, Init +2, Pereption +13, CG Male Halfling Dragoon Fighter 1, Calvalier 4 Hunter 3, +1 Impact Adamantine Lance: +13/+8, (1d8+7, x3) (3d8+27 on mounted charge) Morning Star: +12/+7, (1d6+4, x2)

played by Daveak Bringer of Destruction (81 posts)
Bullying Brawler
Dark Archive Xiaobo Feng Weimin

Male 72/72 HP, AC:28[-ki], T: 24, FF: 21, CMD: 30, F: +11, R: +15, W: +14, LN Male Human Lvl 9 Manuever Master, Lvl 1 Memory Inquisitor, Init +7, Pereption +17, Attack +14 (2d6+14, x2)Trip/Disarm/Grapple +21, 20, 14 Bane:5/5 Ki Pool:11/12 Judgement 1/1 Domain Power 4/7 Stunning Fist9/9

played by Daveak Bringer of Destruction (554 posts)
Scarab Sages Zaarah Katsu

Female N Kitsune, always in human form (auburn hair, freckles, dreamily observing and sometimes looking a little bit crazy) | Swashbuckler 1 / Magus 15 | Low-light vision | Speed 30ft, Fly 60ft | Boots of Speed 10/10 | Lucky Horses. 1/1 | HP 209/209 | Normal: AC 24 T 19 FF 16 | CMB +25 (Disarm, Trip, Sunder), CMD 28 | F +22, R +22, W +15 | Empower 1/1 | Quicken 1/1| FreeMove 4/4 | Panache 9/9 | Arcane Pool/Ring 11+4/13+4 | Black Blade Pool 4/4 | Concentr. reroll 2/2 | Chaldira reroll 1/1 | Reroll 1/1 | Flight 15/15 | Init +9 | Perc +26, SM +21, Bluff (Deceive) +28, Dipl. (Convince) +28 | Active cond: Ablative barrier, invisibility, fly, Defending bones

played by noral (1,174 posts)