[PF2] [Outpost III] GM XaveTheNerd's 1-15: The Blooming Catastrophe (Inactive)

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Hero Points: Niklaas 0 | Nikebei 2 | Lux 1 | Armagile 0 | Fester 1

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Horizon Hunters

NG female dwarven Druid 2

Putting the ooc tactics stuff here: I think Gust of Wind will not help. Ray of frost could work, but it seems like a waterskin will have enough effect as well.

Hell's Vengeance - Slides

Because this is ridiculously specific:

A successful DC [redacted] Athletics, Nature, or Survival check from an adjacent square is sufficient to smother one 5-foot-square of fire; each attempt is an Interact action. Dousing the flames automatically extinguishes one or more sections of fire, with no check. Water typically clears a 5-foot square if the amount is small (such as that from create water or hydraulic push). Larger amounts of water, such as a full bucket, typically douse a 10-foot-by-10-foot area (or 4 squares in some other shape). Throwing a bucket of water on flames requires an Interact action. A waterskin doesn’t contain enough water to put out even 1 square of fire. Cold can also put out fire, but only if the cold can affect an area; cold is usually less effective than water, so a frost vial typically puts out only 1 square of fire, and ray of frost is ineffective.

after reading deeper there, Jaldan used create water, not a waterskin.

Envoy's Alliance

Female Goblin (Charhide) Barbarian(Cook)/3 Hero Pts 0, HPs 43/48(53), AC 20, F +9, R +7, W +8, Perc +8 , Athletics, Medicine(E) +8, Acrobatics, Diplomacy, +7, Survival +6, Craft, Lore: Cooking, Gladiatorial +5, Speed 25, Focus Pts 1/1, Exploration Mode: Investigate

Given that it was said that the centaur had a pack of waterskins and used the waterskin to put out a square, Nikebei used his go to get next to the centaur so he could help by using waterskins.

Hope you don't mind, but I have redone to get next to the fire, rather than get next to the centaur. Just a positional change, no change to actions.

Hell's Vengeance - Slides

Yes. That's fine. I totally read that wrong the first time.

Envoy's Alliance

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Goblin (Charhide) Barbarian(Cook)/3 Hero Pts 0, HPs 43/48(53), AC 20, F +9, R +7, W +8, Perc +8 , Athletics, Medicine(E) +8, Acrobatics, Diplomacy, +7, Survival +6, Craft, Lore: Cooking, Gladiatorial +5, Speed 25, Focus Pts 1/1, Exploration Mode: Investigate

I feel you pain Fester ..., shoould have been playing Cthulhu.

Dark Archive

Hey Xave, Niklaas already whiffed his attacks this turn, so it should be the Leshies again. Don’t forget I have my buckler raised though, so my AC is slightly higher!

Horizon Hunters

NG female dwarven Druid 2

Did my attacks from last turn do anything? I didn't see the mentioned in the GM recap. However, the turn order was a bit chaotic so they may have been missed.

Hell's Vengeance - Slides

Oof. Okay. Yeah. Things got really confusing there. Lux, I didn't apply your attacks. I'll do so now.

Hell's Vengeance - Slides

And just to top off the confusion...

Ugh. I really am sorry guys. Being fair, this is only my third time GMing 2e, and my first time in PbP format, so I probably shouldn't be this hard on myself.

Now, a pointer from me because I hate killing players. The other ones explode too. I don't want Fester dying here, so it'll probably be best to not kill another leshy until Fester's conscious again. Taking damage while dying automatically increases the dying condition by one, and he's already got persistent damage to make things worse.

Horizon Hunters

NG female dwarven Druid 2

Wow, I hadn't counted on such a large range for the explosion. That's pretty nasty. I'll redo my turn to feed Fester a minor healing potion, so that he'll be conscious at least.

Edit: Don't sweat the mistakes, they happen all the time. Just move on and forget about it, or do a quick retcon like you did here.

Hell's Vengeance - Slides

Should have mentioned: The explosion's radius is 30 feet! It pretty well covers the battlefield.

Envoy's Alliance

Female Goblin (Charhide) Barbarian(Cook)/3 Hero Pts 0, HPs 43/48(53), AC 20, F +9, R +7, W +8, Perc +8 , Athletics, Medicine(E) +8, Acrobatics, Diplomacy, +7, Survival +6, Craft, Lore: Cooking, Gladiatorial +5, Speed 25, Focus Pts 1/1, Exploration Mode: Investigate

Nikebei will have to alter his turn as the spell does not work on anyone who is dying, only unconscious or conscious living creatures. So he wouldn't have cast it on Fester, but used it on Lux.

Dark Archive

These leshies are kicking our butts! Who knew they were nuclear-powered?

Personally, I’m perfectly fine with challenges and retcons. It is also a LOT harder to kill someone in PF2 than in PF1, so don’t be too worried yet Xave. Still, things are not looking good right now...

Maybe if our dice could change for the better...

-Fingers crossed.

Verdant Wheel

Half-Human (Mwangi Elf) Druid 7 | HP 85 | AC 25 | F +15; R +14; W +16 | Speed 25 ft | Perception +15

Dear GM. It is completely fine you provide challenge. You are doing good job! So do not worry - we'll survive :) O hope...
This encounter is really interesting, partially because of fire.

Horizon Hunters

NG female dwarven Druid 2
Nikebei wrote:
Nikebei will have to alter his turn as the spell does not work on anyone who is dying, only unconscious or conscious living creatures. So he wouldn't have cast it on Fester, but used it on Lux.

Are you sure about this? From what I read, Soothe has as its target "one willing living creature". Even if unconscious and dying, Fester is still living. Also, I found this quote:

Core wrote:
Some spells restrict you to willing targets. A player can declare their character a willing or unwilling target at any time, regardless of turn order or their character’s condition (such as when a character is paralyzed, unconscious, or even dead).

Dark Archive

Honestly, I agree with Lux. I thought Soothe was the same as any other heal spell in that you can use it on unconsvious/dying characters - pretty much as long as they aren’t dead.

Envoy's Alliance

Female Goblin (Charhide) Barbarian(Cook)/3 Hero Pts 0, HPs 43/48(53), AC 20, F +9, R +7, W +8, Perc +8 , Athletics, Medicine(E) +8, Acrobatics, Diplomacy, +7, Survival +6, Craft, Lore: Cooking, Gladiatorial +5, Speed 25, Focus Pts 1/1, Exploration Mode: Investigate

Interesting Lux, I might have misunderstood the way things worked here.

But the retcon is confusing enough without retconning Nikebei's turn twice. So given when this encounter is over, then we can all declare if we are willing or unwilling creatures to Nikebei's spells. Really just this and Mage Armour.

Hell's Vengeance - Slides

Yeah. I see no reason this couldn't be cast on somebody who is dying. It's a positive effect, so I assume all allies would definitely count as willing.

Dark Archive

For some reason, I suddenly got some serious nostalgia for the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers... I wonder why?

Dark Archive

So, I’m a little confused. Is Lux still standing?I thought Nikebei healed her on his last turn? Fester seemed like the one most in need of assistance to me, considering he’s low & still on fire...

Envoy's Alliance

Female Goblin (Charhide) Barbarian(Cook)/3 Hero Pts 0, HPs 43/48(53), AC 20, F +9, R +7, W +8, Perc +8 , Athletics, Medicine(E) +8, Acrobatics, Diplomacy, +7, Survival +6, Craft, Lore: Cooking, Gladiatorial +5, Speed 25, Focus Pts 1/1, Exploration Mode: Investigate

I'm making a pig's ear of this game.....

.... From what I read, I thought when it said Lux had gone to ground, it was he'd been made unconscious and was dying....

If he's just down on the ground prone, I'd have gone after Fester and thrown some healing his way....

Verdant Wheel

Half-Human (Mwangi Elf) Druid 7 | HP 85 | AC 25 | F +15; R +14; W +16 | Speed 25 ft | Perception +15
Nikebei wrote:

I'm making a pig's ear of this game...

Is this some sort of idioma? Can you explain it please, for Russian?

And I also noticed, that Niklaas used word Sucka. It is actually russian word... I think Niklaas is familiar with meaning...

Envoy's Alliance

Female Goblin (Charhide) Barbarian(Cook)/3 Hero Pts 0, HPs 43/48(53), AC 20, F +9, R +7, W +8, Perc +8 , Athletics, Medicine(E) +8, Acrobatics, Diplomacy, +7, Survival +6, Craft, Lore: Cooking, Gladiatorial +5, Speed 25, Focus Pts 1/1, Exploration Mode: Investigate
Armagile "the Hunter" wrote:
Nikebei wrote:

I'm making a pig's ear of this game...

Is this some sort of idioma? Can you explain it please, for Russian?

And I also noticed, that Niklaas used word Sucka. It is actually russian word... I think Niklaas is familiar with meaning...

make a pig's ear of

make a pig's ear of (something)
To do a very poor job of something; to ruin something completely. Primarily heard in UK.
I'm going to need to start this table over again from scratch—I really made a pig's ear of it.
Janet made a pig's ear of the Jefferson account, so I'm going to need you to come in at the weekend and put things in order.
See also: ear, make, of
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2015 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

make a pig's ear of bungle; make a mess of. British informal
This probably developed with humorous reference to the phrase make a silk purse out of a sow's ear (see silk).
See also: ear, make, of
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

make a pig's ear of something
UK informal

to do something badly, wrongly, or awkwardly:
He's made a real pig's ear of that bookcase he was supposed to be making

Hell's Vengeance - Slides

DANG! I thought I caught that. Lux is standing.

Dark Archive

I didn’t know that Sucka’ was Russian; that’s cool. I was using it as a slur of “Sucker,” which basically means “fool,” “idiot,” or “someone likely to be fooled because of their low intellect.” Does it mean the same in Russia?

Also, the “Pig’s ear” comment was new for me too. I got the basic meaning, but being American myself, I hadn’t ever heard that term before either.

Liberty's Edge

Oficially "sucka" is just a female dog. Most relevant word in english is "a b$%%&".
In general this word a bit more complicated and can be used as interdomain. For example, if you familiar with Jessie Pinkman from Breaking Bad TV show, he sometimes crys "Yes, b#&~#!"... so he might us "da, sucka" / "vot tak, sucka" instead $))

Envoy's Alliance

Female Goblin (Charhide) Barbarian(Cook)/3 Hero Pts 0, HPs 43/48(53), AC 20, F +9, R +7, W +8, Perc +8 , Athletics, Medicine(E) +8, Acrobatics, Diplomacy, +7, Survival +6, Craft, Lore: Cooking, Gladiatorial +5, Speed 25, Focus Pts 1/1, Exploration Mode: Investigate

GM Xave, if you're waiting on anyone, then just bung a post in here, sometimes players don't know that you are waiting for them.

Dark Archive

I think we’ve all acted...?

Hell's Vengeance - Slides

Sorry! My weekends get iffy on the posting schedule, especially when I'm starting up a new home game. I'm working on the post now.

Envoy's Alliance

Female Goblin (Charhide) Barbarian(Cook)/3 Hero Pts 0, HPs 43/48(53), AC 20, F +9, R +7, W +8, Perc +8 , Athletics, Medicine(E) +8, Acrobatics, Diplomacy, +7, Survival +6, Craft, Lore: Cooking, Gladiatorial +5, Speed 25, Focus Pts 1/1, Exploration Mode: Investigate

No worries GM Xave, just wanted to make sure we weren't slowing you down. :-)

Hell's Vengeance - Slides

Nope. Just...the nature of how much goes on is kinda slowing me down.

Horizon Hunters

NG female dwarven Druid 2

It's a difficult fight indeed, lots of moving parts. Tough one to run!

Am I correct that being adjacent to any fire deals 1d6 damage, and when it spreads to the square you're in, that's another 2d6 damage. Both with Reflex save for half?

Envoy's Alliance

Female Goblin (Charhide) Barbarian(Cook)/3 Hero Pts 0, HPs 43/48(53), AC 20, F +9, R +7, W +8, Perc +8 , Athletics, Medicine(E) +8, Acrobatics, Diplomacy, +7, Survival +6, Craft, Lore: Cooking, Gladiatorial +5, Speed 25, Focus Pts 1/1, Exploration Mode: Investigate

That's what happened to me..... :-(

Dark Archive

From a purely mechanical standpoint, I’m kind of feeling like the forest fire was meant to be a distraction to split the party’s attention and make it easier for the leshies to pick us off one at a time. I’ve seen similar mechanics in other scenarios this season, and in most instances, the extra threat is more of a perceived threat - but not mechanically able to pack enough punch to do anything. This time around though, those flames definitely have been dealing some major damage...

The best strategy might’ve been to focus-fire the leshies down (ideally at range), and only then deal with the fairly deadly flames.

-That said, I understand why druids would go for the fire first. I hold nothing against the nature-lovers among us.

-Personally, I also prefer to get into melee for flanking too so... you know how it is...

Hell's Vengeance - Slides

Yeah. 1d6 for ending your turn adjacent to the flames. Another 2d6 if it spreads into your square (which I've been assigning randomly. Technically it's my choice. I could be mean or nice if I wanted. Chose to let the dice decide.

Horizon Hunters

NG female dwarven Druid 2
GM XaveTheNerd wrote:
Lux moves (redirected) to the fire, but can't quite put it out; instead, she fans the flames and embers fly to the other side of the fire, setting more of the forest ablaze.

Taken from the gameplay thread. I wasn't quite sure what went on here. Did I do something to make things actively worse? A critical failure on the roll? Or was this flavor without in-game effect, meaning this was just the normal spreading of fire that would have happened anyway?

Since we've been at this a while and it's already confusing enough, I thought I'd check for some clarification.

Envoy's Alliance

Female Goblin (Charhide) Barbarian(Cook)/3 Hero Pts 0, HPs 43/48(53), AC 20, F +9, R +7, W +8, Perc +8 , Athletics, Medicine(E) +8, Acrobatics, Diplomacy, +7, Survival +6, Craft, Lore: Cooking, Gladiatorial +5, Speed 25, Focus Pts 1/1, Exploration Mode: Investigate

If I've followed the mechanics correctly, a DC 15 Survival check will put out a square of fire. In the last round, Nickebei rolled a 16 Survival, but there was no mention of it in the round up and no fire appears to have been put out?

Dark Archive

Niklaas will save the hero point for now. With thr way this first fight is going, I think he may really need it later...

Hell's Vengeance - Slides

Sorry to all on the delay. I've had a medical issue flare up, and we're still determining what the exact cause is. I was in quite a bit of pain yesterday, so I didn't worry about posting here. Thank you for understanding.

@Nikebei: I put it in my notes but didn't delete the fire. Sigh. Too many moving parts.

@Lux: I'll be sure to note flavor a bit more distinctly. I've been pretty bad at it as of late. It was just flavor for the usual spread.

Envoy's Alliance

Female Goblin (Charhide) Barbarian(Cook)/3 Hero Pts 0, HPs 43/48(53), AC 20, F +9, R +7, W +8, Perc +8 , Athletics, Medicine(E) +8, Acrobatics, Diplomacy, +7, Survival +6, Craft, Lore: Cooking, Gladiatorial +5, Speed 25, Focus Pts 1/1, Exploration Mode: Investigate

Hope you feel better soon and can find the cause.

Horizon Hunters

NG female dwarven Druid 2

Take care Xave, and health always comes first!

Dark Archive

Hope it’s nothing too serious! Get well soon dude. I can only imagine what it must be like to find a doctor right now... So I wish you luck in that regard too.

Hell's Vengeance - Slides

Looks like my back just got all sorts of fed up with things. Luckily, that's not a needed surgery. *wipes brow*

Let me get to gameplay now.

Hell's Vengeance - Slides

To keep you all updated: Outpost ends in mid May, and we're making good time. I will only speed things along in the final encounter if we get close.

Horizon Hunters

NG female dwarven Druid 2

Glad to have you back, Xave. It's good to hear that nu surgery is needed, at least...

Verdant Wheel

Half-Human (Mwangi Elf) Druid 7 | HP 85 | AC 25 | F +15; R +14; W +16 | Speed 25 ft | Perception +15
GM XaveTheNerd wrote:

Looks like my back just got all sorts of fed up with things. Luckily, that's not a needed surgery. *wipes brow*

Let me get to gameplay now.

I've found hernia at my lower back last August... . Maybe my chopper (motorbike) was the trouble source. Anyway I am still recovering. Making gymnastics daily to be fine. And avoid taking heavy weight so far.

Surgery terrifying me in general. So, glad you are fine Xave. Be care!

Envoy's Alliance

Female Goblin (Charhide) Barbarian(Cook)/3 Hero Pts 0, HPs 43/48(53), AC 20, F +9, R +7, W +8, Perc +8 , Athletics, Medicine(E) +8, Acrobatics, Diplomacy, +7, Survival +6, Craft, Lore: Cooking, Gladiatorial +5, Speed 25, Focus Pts 1/1, Exploration Mode: Investigate

Glad to have you back GM and without the need of surgery.

Dark Archive

Yeah, glad that it wasn’t anything too serious Xave. You do have to be careful when it comes to your back though. My dad’s back got seriously messed up from doing field work as a surveyor, so I know how much your that can mess you up. Make sure you’re taking care of yourself.

Hell's Vengeance - Slides

Of all the times to split the party! I'm not complaining, but that was almost 2 pages of the adventure summed up in one post! Well, at least it's all out of the way now! Whew. Definitely one of the longest posts I've ever made.

Envoy's Alliance

Female Goblin (Charhide) Barbarian(Cook)/3 Hero Pts 0, HPs 43/48(53), AC 20, F +9, R +7, W +8, Perc +8 , Athletics, Medicine(E) +8, Acrobatics, Diplomacy, +7, Survival +6, Craft, Lore: Cooking, Gladiatorial +5, Speed 25, Focus Pts 1/1, Exploration Mode: Investigate

Ain't that's what you love about players ..... :-)

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