[PF2] [Outpost III] GM XaveTheNerd's 1-15: The Blooming Catastrophe (Inactive)

Game Master X Hums


Hero Points: Niklaas 0 | Nikebei 2 | Lux 1 | Armagile 0 | Fester 1

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Hell's Vengeance - Slides

Discussion is for significant amounts of OOC talk.

Verdant Wheel

Half-Human (Mwangi Elf) Druid 7 | HP 85 | AC 25 | F +15; R +14; W +16 | Speed 25 ft | Perception +15

I see any faction related scenario - I bring character from this faction. So, druid will come from my side.

Hell's Vengeance - Slides

The link to the slides is above. Please be sure to fill out the second page of the slides with your information.
Note: For now, please just put whether or not you have a day job. I'll call for the rolls as we're nearing the end of the scenario.

A few ground rules:
1. Please use discussion for discussing what to do, unless it's in smaller quantities. (For example, discussing whether to go to area A or area B should happen in discussion, but discussing whether or not a party member needs haste should probably happen ooc in gameplay).

2. Due to the nature of play by post, I expect a post every weekday from every player. I'll try to make time to update twice a day on weekdays, but I can only promise one consistently. You will be botted and rolled for even out of initiative if you do not post frequently. This may not always be in your best interest, but I try to stay fair with how I bot a character. I don’t know if you’re saving that fireball for the big bad final fight, though.

I also play 2-3 irl games through the weekend, so I cannot make any promises about posting through the weekend. I will do what I can.

3. When combat comes up, you will have approximately 24 hours from the time I post you're up to respond. If you take too long, I will likely bot your character. I have a specific Alias for "DA BOT" so you'll know if you or somebody else got botted without having to read too deeply into my posts.

4. I use block initiative in combat, and though enemies go in the order specified, players go in the order posted. If you wish to wait for something to happen (for example, for the bard to start the Inspire Courage that he always does [the drama queen!]) you must specify so in your post. If the event does not happen, we revert back to the initial rule.

5.Lastly, have fun!

When you've filled out the sheets above, please make a post introducing your character in the gameplay thread. Once I've seen all the posts, I'll begin the scenario when I'm able to.

Now, a bit about me: I’ve been GMing Pathfinder for over 3 years now, having started with the Beginner Box. I’ve grown all the way into an official, self-labelled min-maxer (though to some I go too far and must accept the title Munchkin). I work in a super lax Software Engineering job, and typically have time to post while I’m at work. I am currently involved in several long term play by post adventures, as well as several long term in person adventures. Needless to say, I’m knee deep in Pathfinder, and I ain’t turnin’ back any time soon.

Horizon Hunters

NG female dwarven Druid 2

Thanks for the opportunity to play, Xave. This scenario seemed well-suited for my druid. She's even got the demon-hunter background, which seems to tie in nicely to the Abyssal corruption that was mentioned in the scenario summary. Looking forward to playing.

I've put my information on the Slides document, will put up an in-character introduction when we get closer to the start of the event.

Verdant Wheel

Half-Human (Mwangi Elf) Druid 7 | HP 85 | AC 25 | F +15; R +14; W +16 | Speed 25 ft | Perception +15

Congratulation with involving in the Pathfinder guild.
I am mastering (not sure about Present Continious here) games for about 18 years. And last 5 within PF mostly.
PF 2e is not so opened to min-maxing. This make the system really well.

I will join with a character who lived through the first edition and now found 1 more incarnation.
He is a Verdant Wheel member and following by a bear companion. A bit savage person he is.

Will be happy to play as far as we start!

Envoy's Alliance

6-07 | female (she/her) nephilim human (Vidric) sorcerer (angelic) 9 | ◆◇↺ | HP 80/80 | AC 26 (27) | P+13, F+15, R+18, W+16 | Explore: Detect Magic | LLV, 30' | Focus: 2/2 | Spells: 1st (4/4) 2nd (3/4)* 3rd (0/4)** 4th (4/4) 5th (2/3)*** DE (1/1) staff (5/5) | Hero 1/3 | Active Conditions: Experienced Mountaineer, *lucky number, **life link (x4), ***vital beacon 5d10 [ ] 5d8 [ ] 5d6 [ ] 5d4 [ ]

Nina Jaribu (Watery Soup) here. Nina is locked in another campaign. I believe we are on the last fight. We have been told we'll definitely finish by Monday. I'm hopeful that I'll be able to make this game but haven't posted in Gameplay yet because I can't be sure.

Nina will level to 2 once she finishes her current adventure, but I've already spec'ed it out, she will take a druid dedication and Battle Medicine.

Hope to see you fellow druids soon!

Dark Archive

Hey guys,

Apparently, I picked the wrong character for this scenario (because I also have a gnome nature barbarian who was raised by squirrels in another game), but I'm planning to play a rebuilt PF1 tiefling ninja - who will be a cavern elf rogue in PF2. His name's Niklaas Ramada, he's a thief rogue, and he'll be coming in at Lvl 1 with a bit of experience on him.

I'm looking forward to the game!

Here's a link to Niklaas' character sheet:

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1k_pTE1Wi_ByPiDznhYGFbP143TFiz11Nl7r_eUc TSTo/edit?usp=sharing

Also, I'm not sure how to leave character art in the Paizo forums, as this will be my first game using the medium.

Dark Archive

Actually, while I was reviewing my characters tonight, I realized that Niklaas is Lvl 2.

My apologies for the inaccurate information from earlier...

Horizon Hunters

NG female dwarven Druid 2

Joshua, I've pushed back twice against Niklaas's posts in-game, but I figured I'd devote an out-of-character post to it as well.

I get that you're going for an edgy foulmouthed character who likes to insult other people, and that's your choice. For me personally, dealing with antisocial party members like that holds little interest. I wanted to let you know that I'll probably ignore most of what Niklaas is saying, if that's the way he's going to act.

Verdant Wheel

M Ancient Elf Scoundrel Rogue 1 | HP 6/14 | AC16 | Frt3 - Ref7 - Wil6 | Perc6, Low Light, Trap Spotter | Spe30 | Conditions: None
Cantrips: Message, Chill Touch

Sidenote that contains some minor Doomsday Dawn Playtest Scenario spoilers: "Fester" has an interesting origin as a PFS character, as he is one-of-two characters I am making based on a character from the Doomsday Dawn playtest. As stated in main chat, Fester, a grifter and compulsive liar by nature, is the character that heard the story of an epic battle where crusaders helped a group of heroes do some ritual to save the fate of the world, and decided that it would be a good persona to take on, since

Doomsday Dawn Spoilers really start here:
all the crusaders involved died horribly and thus claiming to have lived through it as a lone survivor would be hard to contest. The original character I was using for it was a Leshy (thus the name Festering Bergamot) that I intend to have reincarnate as a PFS character now that the ACP system is finally in place, although he will only have vague memories of his time as a crusader. Thus, "Fester" acts as the tale of the adventure that lives on in the crusader's stead, while the Actual Crusader will live on later as a amnesiac soul.

He also serves as a great way for me to "steal valor" from all of my PF1 characters that no longer exist, which I will likely be doing a lot of where applicable in this game. None of his party-lies will be intentionally antagonistic, this was just a fun way that I came up with to run a Bluff/Feint Rogue in PFS.

Cool, so hopefully that clears the air for "Fester". I hope you all enjoy the roleplay.

Envoy's Alliance

6-07 | female (she/her) nephilim human (Vidric) sorcerer (angelic) 9 | ◆◇↺ | HP 80/80 | AC 26 (27) | P+13, F+15, R+18, W+16 | Explore: Detect Magic | LLV, 30' | Focus: 2/2 | Spells: 1st (4/4) 2nd (3/4)* 3rd (0/4)** 4th (4/4) 5th (2/3)*** DE (1/1) staff (5/5) | Hero 1/3 | Active Conditions: Experienced Mountaineer, *lucky number, **life link (x4), ***vital beacon 5d10 [ ] 5d8 [ ] 5d6 [ ] 5d4 [ ]

I'd give Nina a <50% chance of making this adventure, but if she joins, I'm snap vetoing Niklaas for a convention, or really any publicly recruited scenario.

I am GMing an Outpost game with a young (young enough that her mom made her post that she was a "kid") player - exactly for fear of behavior like this. Just ... no.

It's nothing against the concept. I am open to running an age-restricted, foul-mouthed adventure outside of a convention setting for characters like Niklaas and players who explicitly sign up for an age-restricted, foul-mouthed adventure, PM me if interested.

Envoy's Alliance

6-07 | female (she/her) nephilim human (Vidric) sorcerer (angelic) 9 | ◆◇↺ | HP 80/80 | AC 26 (27) | P+13, F+15, R+18, W+16 | Explore: Detect Magic | LLV, 30' | Focus: 2/2 | Spells: 1st (4/4) 2nd (3/4)* 3rd (0/4)** 4th (4/4) 5th (2/3)*** DE (1/1) staff (5/5) | Hero 1/3 | Active Conditions: Experienced Mountaineer, *lucky number, **life link (x4), ***vital beacon 5d10 [ ] 5d8 [ ] 5d6 [ ] 5d4 [ ]

Nina will miss this adventure. I'm taking myself off the signup and assume there will be no problem filling thr spot. I will help recruit if that's a bad assumption.

My offer to run an adventure with the boundaries relaxed is still open. PM me (Watery Soup) and I'll make it my next PFS2 run (starting in 2 weeks or so).

Hope you have fun with this adventure.

Hell's Vengeance - Slides

I'm going to have to triple down on Nina and Lucretia's concerns. This is a public forum with public recruitment. We don't know the ages of the parties joining us or the social upbringing of those people. There is a time and place for that, and my home games get raucous like that all the time. In fact, I play that character. But this is not the situation.

I will say this in no uncertain terms: Joshua (Aka Niklaas), Tone it down or leave. At a bare minimum, remove the cursing, and do please try to remember that members of the Pathfinder Society live by 3 words. Explore, Report. Cooperate.

EDIT: Let me be clear about one more thing: I love a good rollplay. And Niklaas's sass is honestly pretty funny. BUT: If a player requests you to tone it down or they'll ignore you, please do not ignore that. We're all adults here, and the above are valid concerns. Keep up the roleplay, but tone down the frankly evil feeling to it.

Dark Archive

Okay, so I weighed my options for how to best respond to everyone’s opinions for a while now, then I typed up a detailed response – only to have it get eaten by the internet… CURSE YOU INTERNET!!!!

Whatever the case may be, I’ll try to reiterate here what I typed up earlier.

I’ll start by admitting that I was equal parts understanding but… also kind of annoyed. Still, I’ll focus on the understanding part first – especially since I think that’s what everyone wants to read more than anything.

So going into this game, there was a part of me that knew Niklaas was a controversial character that might rub people the wrong way. Confession time – this is only the second play-by-post I’ve joined in a looooooong time, and I might have underestimated the power of proximity (or anonymity) because of that. I mean, I roleplay Niklaas as an unapologetic and crude jerk/brute, and that can be especially problematic when gaming over the internet. Since we’re not face-to-face at a table, I realize I don’t get the chance to really know everyone’s age (and what’s appropriate based on the age-range). Neither do I have as much of an opportunity to distinguish myself from the ruthless jerk that I roleplay and the (in my opinion) fairly polite (and kind!) guy that I am. It’s easy to equate my lying, cursing, jerkface character to me being a lying, cursing, jerkface of a player. Honestly though, it may surprise you to read that I haven’t had much trouble roleplaying Niklaas in-person, and most people who have played with me (and him) during both game days and conventions - have had a good time (partly because in-person, people realize that I’m not Niklaas; and partly because I’m also not talking in-character the whole time we play in-person either, which probably helps things too). In real life, I also don’t typically like to curse myself – so I can understand people being upset by it. In my defense however, I have been self-editing all of the curse words I’ve typed up so far. I thought that would be enough to avoid offending anyone – but it’s clear I was wrong in that regard.

Therefore, I will officially apologize to anyone I offended, because that was not my intent. I play Niklaas because it’s fun to be a stupid jerk sometimes, and it can be funny for the other players involved too - but I didn’t mean to upset anyone.
Now that typed, I also feel the need to point out a few things some have said that likewise annoyed me.

First of all, I don’t appreciate Xave implying that what Niklaas has been doing is anything “evil.” What have I typed up that implies anything “evil”? I’ve been roleplaying Niklaas as a rude and crude jerk. Is he mean? Yes. Is he callous and abrasive? Most definitely yes. But evil? No, not really. I can kind of understand the misinterpretation though. I imagined Niklaas as being creepy as heck because I wanted him to be intimidating, and he is Chaotic Neutral too – an alignment that’s gotten a bad rap for a while now. I’m sure you guys know how many people abuse CN to basically justify any evil act that tickles their fancy. I’ve never really gone that far with it myself – but you guys don’t know that because you’ve never played with me before. The most I typically do with Niklaas is insult people and act a fool – but whatever the case may be, I digress.

I also want to point out that I find it somewhat ironic for both Xave and Lux (I guess I’ll call you Lux, as I don’t know what else to call you. You have me at a disadvantage here, since I forgot that my preset name on the Paizo forums was my actual name – I guess since I’m a Venture Lieutenant? Whatever the case…) – but I find it somewhat ironic that you two both are talking about cooperation and bolding the text for emphasis (which I find annoying, mind you), especially when I haven’t done anything to imply a lack of cooperation. I’ve used self-edited curse words and picked on Lux a bit, but I fully intended to work with the party to complete the scenario. May I also add that the rule of cooperation in the Pathfinder Society is there so everyone remembers to respect ALL walks of life and ALL forms of role play and playstyles. Not every PC in every party has to get along like best buds, and sometimes rivalry can make a game more entertaining – but that doesn’t have to stop PCs from cooperating to get things done. If anything, I’d argue that Lux is the one sounding like they don’t want to cooperate – wanting to basically ignore my character and all that. I can understand you not liking my character, but cooperation goes both ways. If you want my cooperation, you need to cooperate too.

Finally (and this is the biggest thing for me), I don’t appreciate getting ganged up on about my character. You can point something out without giving me the cold shoulder equivalent or jumping to conclusions about my nature as a person. And as for Nina (because I don’t know your real name either), I really, REALLY didn’t appreciate your comments at all. In the equivalent of a harsh drive-by criticism, you had the nerve to talk about a “snap veto” of my character, and then put a shameless self-promotion for a game you’re GMing? Well, you can be sure I’m going to “snap veto” that game of yours. I don’t want a GM that’s going to act like you did – and as for your example, it’s not really relevant to our present situation at all. No one posted that they were a kid in this game, and I assumed that everyone was an adult. If I knew there was a kid at any table I ran, I would be extra careful to be kid-friendly. I’ve ran tables at conventions for children, I practically RAISED my brother (who’s 8 years younger than me), and I was a Kindergarten teacher for two years. I have prided myself on being a role model for children. I am not a heartless monster trying to corrupt the youth of America. I like kids, I respect them, and I think it’s great when the younger generation sits down at my tables. So stop jumping to conclusions and just get over yourself already.

Now, with all of that out of my system – I’ll discuss what I’m willing to do moving forward.

I’ll admit that I’ve played Niklaas with a fairly clean tongue in the past when I’ve had to – so that is an option.

As a compromise option, I could also just type out random strings of #%$@#^$^* whenever I want to curse with him (I’d prefer that, but it’s not a game-ender if it still bothers others).

Finally, and because I was kind of ticked off at how all of this was handled in the first place, I’m perfectly fine with just dropping the game if that’s what will make everyone else happier after reading all of this. I can always get my younger brother – who happens to BE “Fester” – to run it for me and my local playerbase another time.

I will refrain from posting for now, as I await your decision.

Dark Archive

BTW - I know you guys didn't know this, but I kind of hate being called "Joshua." Please, and especially if we continue to play together, either call me Josh or Niklaas. Either works for me.

Hell's Vengeance - Slides

Alright. Alright. I see your concerns. Let me address them as GM. I would like others to weigh in as I would like all at my tables to have fun, so don't take my word as final for this. I will do what leads to collective fun. ALL points are valid here, even yours Josh. (Apologies on the Joshua front. I have friends that go both ways with nicknames, so I decided to go with the first part of the username.)

Firstly, thank you for apologizing. It really does say a lot about you as a person. Not a lot of people are willing to even apologize, so honestly thank you for being open and listening to others. There's not enough of that in some of my local gaming groups.

As for the annoyances, I will address what I can.

On the first two points: I've honestly never played at a table with a rude PC and had it go well. Honest to Desna I've always seen it fall apart. It's actually been a reason some newer people haven't returned to play at my local game stores. Had we had any kind of context to realize your nature is merely in roleplay and not in actual personality, the feeling may have gone off completely differently.

I will also admit my opinion was skewed as I read the discussion first and saw the request from Lux first. Looking back with a new perspective, it does look like you're just trying to have fun with a jerkface of a character. That's understandable, and I do enjoy a bit of party banter in the dead moments.

That said, Lux brings up a point. You have made another player at the table uncomfortable, and they decided to warn you as an adult should do. This is public gaming, and it needs to have boundaries. It seems you crossed Lux's, and she politely asked you to tone it down.

The remainder of the posts were not intended to "gang up" on you, as much as reaffirm the discomfort of a player. The snap veto comment was a bit overboard, but the majority of people do not wish to play with what appears to be an uncooperative character.

Making fun of people, even in character, is typically considered uncooperative. Being rude is typically considered uncooperative. If somebody acted to you the way Niklaas acted to the other players, you'd almost refuse to cooperate with him too. That's why both of us have emphasized cooperation. Rudeness inherently defies cooperation to people who aren't used to it. Lux is not used to it. Personally, I see what you were getting at, and nothing Niklaas has said or done has yet to break cooperation aside from general rudeness.

Which brings me to my last point: You are completely anonymous to all of us. First impressions are everything, and Niklaas's first impression was literally an insult. I had coworkers back in my college radio station who talked like that. They were some of the least friendly people I'd ever met unless you got them drunk or offered them something in return. From your first impression, that's all I got. Your second post made it a bit better, as did your third, but the sour taste of the first impression was still there.

This is my first time GMing a public recruitment event. All other tables I have GMed and am GMing have been carefully vetted to include people I know are good people. I did not (and do not) know that about you as a person. All I had was that first impression.

If you wish to continue playing, I will still request that you tone it down, if not for Lux's sake, then for mine.

However, I would like to emphasize that if YOU can't have fun the way you'd like with Niklaas in a group where you have to tone it down, I completely understand. There are several characters that I play in private home games that I wouldn't enjoy playing if I had to tone it down (Had an enchantress that used some colorful language as her verbal components for spells; she was a blast to play but man was she an unruly hooligan). It sounds like the local group you have is alright with the banter, and I'd absolutely love to have a PFS group that's willing to go a bit more adult oriented. If that's how you want to play this one, I can inform you it would be a blast.

To all: I would like your opinions if you've got 'em. If you're not alright posting them publicly, please send me a Private Message.

Verdant Wheel

Half-Human (Mwangi Elf) Druid 7 | HP 85 | AC 25 | F +15; R +14; W +16 | Speed 25 ft | Perception +15

Fester ... I got just on assosiate with Fester Addams from funny-creepy family. Is that right reference?

About Niklass . I am playing since I was 16 years old. And GMing since 17. Almost 20 years past. I saw difeent players and different character types. I familirized with a bunch of social concepts. And both social and roleplay area were much more free from limitations.
So, it's funny to see such a restrictions. When I was young I could drink and buy alcohol whereever I wanted. Now I am 34 years old and had been ticketed by police month ago for drinking bear walking on the street. For the first time. So, society around us become more restricted, in verbal in acts. Should mention, that I live in Russia %)

Anyway I am fine with being a bit rude and roleplay unpleasant person. But I would like to understand persons intentions. And we should respect PFS format, it's not homebrew company where everyone will accept such character.

In-game my character won't just work with such an uncooperative person such as Niklass -Armagile is unsocialized and savage character, but not really tolerante.

So I suggest everyone will be less rude and write more understandable for non-native :)
Will post in main thread within few hours.

Envoy's Alliance

Female Goblin (Charhide) Barbarian(Cook)/3 Hero Pts 0, HPs 43/48(53), AC 20, F +9, R +7, W +8, Perc +8 , Athletics, Medicine(E) +8, Acrobatics, Diplomacy, +7, Survival +6, Craft, Lore: Cooking, Gladiatorial +5, Speed 25, Focus Pts 1/1, Exploration Mode: Investigate

Just signed up for this, hope that not a problem. Halfling Sorcerer 1. Pretty new to 2ed, so still learning and getting used to the new PFS stuff for 2ed. Lots of 1ed though. Lots 1st ed and Starfinder experience as GM and player, GM'ed at PaizoCon UK recently, not when 2ed was around.

I'll add more details to the character sheet, I just copied what spat out of HeroLab, so should be fairly legal. All a bit of a rush.

Live in the UK.

Won't post in play until I get the all clear to join the party.

Scarab Sages

Hey, just chiming in as Fester's player. (I would post here AS Fester but the avatar for Fester gives a strange tone to every post its used for)

I can confirm all of what Josh has said, so if there is any concerns to his sincerity, hopefully I can ease those concerns somewhat. Niklaas was based on the first PFS character he created back in PF1, which was based on a old play-by-post character he had made even longer ago during our first play-by-post attempt way back when 3.5 was still active. In both the earlier two cases, the character was a drow-equivalent race followed by a tiefling (shoutout to the mistake that was PFS Season 5's allowed races) and tends to be ran as a bit of an irreverent ass to say the least. That said, the PFS1 build of the character is currently retired at level 11 without having ever caused any problems for a PFS group, because he does abide by the Pathfinder society tenants in the field, even if he does it somewhat abrasively. (heck, this character wasn't even the one that accidentally freed Koth Vaul in PFS1) Generally the tone he tries to aim for is irreverent-but-good-natured, and I can confirm that he has toned down the aggressiveness of it in the past for younger or uncomfortable audiences without issue.

As for the player, I can assure you that he is NOT roleplaying himself when he RP's as Niklaas, so if you have any concerns about that, you don't need to worry. As he mentioned earlier, this is one of his first Play-by-Post runs in years, so he's not very well-adjusted at the moment to the boundaries created by anonymity. I was the one who encouraged him to join a Convention scenario in part because our local PF2e scene is very slow-going at the moment and I figured it'd be a good opportunity to get some more effective play time with the new system. If you have any concerns about him pushing the boundaries, I'm sure he'd listen to them and adjust accordingly. (or at least, he will after I show him where the PMs are located on this maze of a forum; part of the reason it took a while for him to reply to the OOC chat yesterday was because he was not used to checking both the IC and OOC tabs frequently on Paizo)

Hopefully that helps clear things up, and as stated in his post, if this is too much of a mess for people here, I can run the scenario at our FLGS for him later as a worst-case-scenario, as I have previously done so in the past.

@Armagile: Sadly the Addams Family was before my time, but a coincidence like that hardly surprises me considering "Fester" is not usually a name given to heroic characters. In this case it was pulled from a name I was previously using for a one-shot scenario where I played a Leshy, and this character just stole the Leshy's identity after death. But yeah, always fun to find out about unintended references!

@Nikebel: Welcome aboard! Don't mind the current state of the OOC thread, with any luck this should be mostly resolved before your character jumps in.

Hell's Vengeance - Slides

@Nikebei: You're free to join. Just trying to minimize pain for the players here, but definitely feel free to hop into gameplay.

@Falgaia: I don't doubt the sincerity of Niklaas's player. Honestly seems like me as a person. I honestly just want to make sure the air is cleared as we proceed and wanted to explain why we all acted the way we did. I'm prefectly fine with Niklaas continuing, assuming both he and Lux can still have fun.

Envoy's Alliance

Female Goblin (Charhide) Barbarian(Cook)/3 Hero Pts 0, HPs 43/48(53), AC 20, F +9, R +7, W +8, Perc +8 , Athletics, Medicine(E) +8, Acrobatics, Diplomacy, +7, Survival +6, Craft, Lore: Cooking, Gladiatorial +5, Speed 25, Focus Pts 1/1, Exploration Mode: Investigate

Just so you know, I´m pretty aged, well at least 60, so no problem with banter. We´re all on the same side after all. In fact the Lux/Niklaas had me laughing, very enjoyable banter, I will go with the flow and hopefully we´ll all survive, even Nikebei (started as Nice be I cos of the Charisma .. ;-) ).

Haven´t got his whole backstory yet, but it will get there no doubt.

Oh, this is probably the worst type of adventure for Nikebei, as he´s more a people person, and probably built more with 1e type mentality, rather than optimised for 2e (that´s me not the character).

Horizon Hunters

NG female dwarven Druid 2

That was quite a bit of reading up. Josh, for off a big thanks for taking the time (twice!) to write out your thoughts on the character and on your thought process. The apology is much appreciated. I totally get that you can be a nice and friendly player while choosing to portray a very different character. And while I certainly understand you better as a player now (after your out-of-character post), that wasn't very clear in the beginning. Maybe your lack of recent PbP experience would show here, but if you knew the character would be controversial, I would have liked/expected some out-of-character warning up-front. The lack of that caught me quite off-guard, which is the reason why I felt the need to take this to the discussion thread.

Looking back, my initial post was a bit short. I could have explained myself better, and for that I apologize as well. The situation might not have become so tense if I had expressed myself a bit more carefully.

Here's my thought process: When Lux finds herself with someone who's abrasive and who specifically insults her, I - as a player - have to find an in-character response. That's fine. As you said, that's part of dealing with all kinds of different people, especially in a Pathfinder Society game. But, without any ooc warning of any kind, I had no idea where this might end. And I was not looking forward to having to 'defend' my character from insults during an entire scenario. Therefore, I wanted to speak up about how I would respond: Lux would be totally on board to work together as best as possible, but I would choose to simply ignore any cursing or insults. (Note: That would not be because it would make sense in-character, but because I as a player wouldn't enjoy having to roleplay that.) In essence, that was all I wanted to make clear: I'm perfectly fine playing in a game with a character like Niklaas, and I'm not personally offended by an abrasive an cursing character, but I will engage a lot less with such a character's banter because doing so doesn't really appeal to me as a player.

Honestly, it already helps a lot to get a feel for the person behind the character. In that sense, I can totally understand your experience that this goes a lot smoother around an actual table.

For my part, please know that there are no hard feelings and I'm very much willing to continue this scenario together. I hope that you can find a balance where you can play your character as you envision him, while having interactions that are fun for all the players. I'll strive to do likewise.

Envoy's Alliance

Female Goblin (Charhide) Barbarian(Cook)/3 Hero Pts 0, HPs 43/48(53), AC 20, F +9, R +7, W +8, Perc +8 , Athletics, Medicine(E) +8, Acrobatics, Diplomacy, +7, Survival +6, Craft, Lore: Cooking, Gladiatorial +5, Speed 25, Focus Pts 1/1, Exploration Mode: Investigate

As this is Nikebei's first adventure, he only has his faction boon.

Not sure about the training bit, 3 points in Spells...

Verdant Wheel

M Ancient Elf Scoundrel Rogue 1 | HP 6/14 | AC16 | Frt3 - Ref7 - Wil6 | Perc6, Low Light, Trap Spotter | Spe30 | Conditions: None
Cantrips: Message, Chill Touch

@Nikebei: School points information can be found here under 14: Factions. http://www.organizedplayfoundation.org/encyclopedia/pfs2edplayer-basics/

Tl;dr you get two free consumables at the start of every adventure based on where you went to do pathfinder training so that there's less of a need to buy those things for your character between sessions, and also so you can be a bit more reactive with your purchases based on the scenario.

Envoy's Alliance

Female Goblin (Charhide) Barbarian(Cook)/3 Hero Pts 0, HPs 43/48(53), AC 20, F +9, R +7, W +8, Perc +8 , Athletics, Medicine(E) +8, Acrobatics, Diplomacy, +7, Survival +6, Craft, Lore: Cooking, Gladiatorial +5, Speed 25, Focus Pts 1/1, Exploration Mode: Investigate
"Fester" wrote:

@Nikebei: School points information can be found here under 14: Factions. http://www.organizedplayfoundation.org/encyclopedia/pfs2edplayer-basics/

Thanks Fester

Dark Archive

Okay, so after reading everyone's responses, I guess I'm cool with continuing the game? I'll try to be more careful of what I type in the future. Hopefully we can all put this behind us, and everyone can have a good time.

Also - Lux, yeah, in hindsight I guess I should've given you guys more of a warning about my character. I didn't foresee it being as big an issue as it became though, because as Fester and I have already mentioned, I haven't had much trouble playing him at face-to-face games.

And in defense of my first post - you guys might have read it as Niklaas being really aggressive and mean with the female dog comment, but actually that was just Niklaas' go-to greeting. As far as Niklaas' internal thoughts go, he didn't even intend that as an insult - and it's kind of more like a term of endearment/respect, to use around friends and allies. It's kind of like how some people might call their friends things like "bro" or "dude." It wouldn't take too long for anyone paying any attention to Niklaas to realize he was probably raised on the streets, where social norms tend to be a lot more crude.

Anyway, for the record I hadn't mentioned it before in the midst of all the controversy, but Lux, I will also admit, I thought the choice of a coyote for an animal companion was pretty interesting. Are you using the stats for a wolf, and re-skinning it as a coyote? I'm personally a huge fan of re-skinning things for flavor myself (one of my favorite examples was a PF1 guntank in Mithral full-plate that I reimagined as a two-face style clockwork cyborg from Alkenstar). I just wanted to give you props for choosing an unusual animal companion in either case (since Niklaas definitely isn't the type to give many compliments in-game - unless your coyote pup proves to be useful, that is).

Horizon Hunters

NG female dwarven Druid 2
Joshua Gremillion wrote:
I thought the choice of a coyote for an animal companion was pretty interesting. Are you using the stats for a wolf, and re-skinning it as a coyote?

Thanks. It does indeed use the wolf stats. The Core rulebook states that a wolf animal companion is a "Wolf or other canine creature". I thought this gave some interesting leeway, so I googled what other canine creature would pique my interest. And whether Ozul will prove useful, I'll let the dice decide on that. :)

Horizon Hunters

NG female dwarven Druid 2

We've had quite a number of people rolling Deception. I wanted to make a suggestion on that. When using Deception against an NPC, the NPC wouldn't roll Perception to check if they caught the lie, but the DC for the check would be determined by their Perception modifier (10+modifier). I realize I've been using that for Lux as well. With her Perception modifier of +7 she'd catch a lie if the Deception score was 16 or lower. That saves me some dice rolls, and seems in spirit with the rule. Is everyone OK with that, or would they prefer I roll Perception for some additional variance in the results?

Envoy's Alliance

Female Goblin (Charhide) Barbarian(Cook)/3 Hero Pts 0, HPs 43/48(53), AC 20, F +9, R +7, W +8, Perc +8 , Athletics, Medicine(E) +8, Acrobatics, Diplomacy, +7, Survival +6, Craft, Lore: Cooking, Gladiatorial +5, Speed 25, Focus Pts 1/1, Exploration Mode: Investigate
Lucretia "Lux" Fairweather wrote:
We've had quite a number of people rolling Deception......

Like that idea, I probably won´t do too much lying to the group, it was more joining the theme at the time and to give you all a flavour of Nikebei.

Dark Archive

Lux’s idea seems fair. I didn’t think about it, but that is how the new rules would typically have you do it. Maybe only roll your own perception if you’re really actively scrutinizing someone?

Hell's Vengeance - Slides

Yeah. As this is second edition, opposed rolls are no longer a thing. Technically you're all rolling Deception against the other PCs Perception DCs. It's an interesting system that takes some getting used to.

I'm going to start switching my home group over to Second Edition shortly, so I've gotta brush up on the nuanced differences like that. Still feels weird, though.

Envoy's Alliance

Female Goblin (Charhide) Barbarian(Cook)/3 Hero Pts 0, HPs 43/48(53), AC 20, F +9, R +7, W +8, Perc +8 , Athletics, Medicine(E) +8, Acrobatics, Diplomacy, +7, Survival +6, Craft, Lore: Cooking, Gladiatorial +5, Speed 25, Focus Pts 1/1, Exploration Mode: Investigate

Don´t like moving Sense Motive into perception for this, its rolling too many things into one ... just call me an old fuddy duddy 1st edition nut.

Dark Archive

I just WISH I could transition my home game to PF2. When the new edition first came out, I tried to make the switch, but all my players just complained about how they couldn’t min-max their characters as much. One of my conversations with a player was literally something like:

Player - “I don’t want to switch to PF2.”

Me - “Why not? The system runs a WHOLE lot smoother.”

Player - “But I can’t make my character build in PF2.”

Me - “Sure you can. They still have clerics in PF2.”

Player - “But I can’t get my Perception up to +50...”

Me - “...”

This particular player’s PC is only Lvl 10 BTW...

Scarab Sages

In that player's defense, his Perception at level 10 in only a +40. I know because my character has a +21, and we made the recent discovery that we can tie only if he rolls a 1 while I roll a 20.

Much more balanced when you think about it ofc.

(Sidenote: Fester is trained in literally every listed skill except for Craft because of rogue schenanigans.)

Envoy's Alliance

Female Goblin (Charhide) Barbarian(Cook)/3 Hero Pts 0, HPs 43/48(53), AC 20, F +9, R +7, W +8, Perc +8 , Athletics, Medicine(E) +8, Acrobatics, Diplomacy, +7, Survival +6, Craft, Lore: Cooking, Gladiatorial +5, Speed 25, Focus Pts 1/1, Exploration Mode: Investigate
Joshua Gremillion wrote:
I just WISH I could transition my home game to PF2. When the new edition first came out, I tried to make the switch, but all my players just complained about how they couldn’t min-max their characters as much.

Me, I'm useless at min maxing, take my Don Quixote Summoner, he rides his eidelon into battle, his background is as a librarian who read heroic tales and wants to enact them himself.

But I still not sold on 2e yet ... but then this is only the third game I'm playing to get a feel for it. The other 2 games only started a week before this so ... be prepared...

Dark Archive

I for one welcome anyone willing to even TRY PF2, so go Nikebei! Whoo!

Also, I’d like clarification on “sex talk.” Does that mean hitting on NPC characters is still acceptable, as long as I keep it relatively clean?

Hell's Vengeance - Slides

Yes. As soon as we pass the...ovulation...border (which I understand is at least partly a translation error), we go too far. Be flirty. As for measurements and stuff. That's all fine and dandy. As soon as the talk shifts to more Calistrian topics, the line is drawn. Niklaas is nearing the edge of where I draw the line, but Armagile is the only one to have fully crossed it.

Verdant Wheel

Half-Human (Mwangi Elf) Druid 7 | HP 85 | AC 25 | F +15; R +14; W +16 | Speed 25 ft | Perception +15

Yea, I realized it. Agree with restriction and will perform correctly. Niklaases mood was a bit catching for me.

Hell's Vengeance - Slides

No worries. I have to be told to hold back as well sometimes, so all's good.

Dark Archive

So the NPCs can curse, huh...?

Just sayin’...

Hell's Vengeance - Slides

Should have thought about that. I took Niklaas' cues a bit too far there.

Dark Archive

It honestly doesn’t bother me at all. Also, stop using Niklaas as you scapegoat everybody! Niklaas can’t MAKE you type anything you didn’t already want to type! Come on! (I am kidding - BTW)

Hell's Vengeance - Slides

Just a note to Fester and Niklaas, the Paizo Forums here have a standard display method for stats. Though it hasn't been well established for 2e like it had for 1e, I would still like to request that you two standardize your character information.

Lux has a pretty good setup, but if you want something more compact, I'd like to point you to my Goblin Rogue Gurnk. If you plan to continue playing on these forums after Outpost, it would be best to transition to something along the lines of those. The most important part is the header.


Also on that note, Nikebei, you don't currently have the header on your character. That can be populated by filling out the Gender, Race, and Class portions of the character as seen in either Gurnk's or Lux's sheet. It's very helpful to have a quick reference, as saving a click sometimes lets me post earlier.


LAST NOTE: Thanks for the patience while I got this first encounter set up. It takes so much more time to set up encounters for 2e, and that's on top of the time it takes to set up the first encounter as well. Thank you for your patience!

Verdant Wheel

Half-Human (Mwangi Elf) Druid 7 | HP 85 | AC 25 | F +15; R +14; W +16 | Speed 25 ft | Perception +15

Such preparations worth a lot of time. So waiting is less we can do. Feel free to ask if need help.

Guys, if you wanna code for quicker filling up - write down you e-mail, I will send you my charsheet as a wireframe to suse code formating.

Verdant Wheel

M Ancient Elf Scoundrel Rogue 1 | HP 6/14 | AC16 | Frt3 - Ref7 - Wil6 | Perc6, Low Light, Trap Spotter | Spe30 | Conditions: None
Cantrips: Message, Chill Touch

Much appreciated, I've mostly just been getting by by stealing info from other folks I see, so its good to know what the standard formatting is. I'll get to it shortly.

Dark Archive

Yeah. I was originally trying to copy Lux’s set up actually, but I didn’t know what went in which section of your profile info... So I ended up with what I have currently...

I’ve been meaning to fix it, but I hadn’t gotten around to it yet. I’ll try to fix mine within the next day or so.

Envoy's Alliance

Female Goblin (Charhide) Barbarian(Cook)/3 Hero Pts 0, HPs 43/48(53), AC 20, F +9, R +7, W +8, Perc +8 , Athletics, Medicine(E) +8, Acrobatics, Diplomacy, +7, Survival +6, Craft, Lore: Cooking, Gladiatorial +5, Speed 25, Focus Pts 1/1, Exploration Mode: Investigate

The main part of mine was generated by HeroLab, then the spoilers were added by me.

Anyway, added details to character sheet.

Dark Archive

Does Jaldan actually have artwork? I just noticed her on the map.

Hell's Vengeance - Slides

A large amount of the artwork is just mine from Google. I try to keep it either stock image or Paizo where I can. I should have put a disclaimer. Unfortunately Jaldan didn't get artwork. The next centaur you meet, though, does have artwork.

Any official artwork for the scenarios I GM stick around on subsequent slides.

As for Jaldan suddenly showing up, I should have technically had her on the map before, but her tactics in the fight are super, super basic and specific. She does take up space, though.

Dark Archive

Gotcha. I can relate to surfing the internet for that perfect pic to represent a character. I thought that Jaldan looked a little too anime too, but it’s definitely good art.

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