Nazard |

Hi guys,
Now that we are four (+ me), I've set up a discussion group (obviosuly), for all the reasons people have discussion groups with PBP games.
Please feel free to get to know each other and get a feel for each others' playstyles, and I don't mind if you would like to collude on character creation. Fate and destiny have decreed that your four characters are the ones to face this threat and save the world...it probably would make sense that the fates would choose a party that complements itself well.
Here are character creation guidelines:
20 point buy
2 traits (standard trait rules) or 1 skill-based feat (either Skill Focus, or ones of the feats that gives +2 bonuses to two skills like Alertness or Acrobatic, but not Cosmopolitan)
I'm leaning strongly to good-aligned only, but I could be swayed by a good-ish LN or TN. I want there to be moral choices made at times, and I want them to hurt!!!!
Standard-ish races
Western flavour only (and no guns, so not that western)
In other words, no ninjas, samurai, Tian Xia immigrants, or gunslingers. Most of this nastiness is going down in the Inner Sea region, and it would help immersion if the characters all had something to lose if things go south.
Fun class combinations are okay, but please don't try to break the game with the most uber-powerful setup you can.
Yes to hero points.
And here's the biggie...I've been playing in a game that uses this approach and so far I'm liking it. Since it makes magic items truly special and unique, and part of the this game is a relic hunt for ancient artefacts and items, I really want that flavour.
I am eliminating some of the more basic magic items. (Weapons, armor, shield, cloaks of resistance, stat boosting items). Instead you will get bonuses every level to compensate for not getting these items. This will require a spot on your character sheet keeping a log of what you chose and when. The bonuses are from training and experience and not magical.
Every level you can choose from one of the following five categories (Melee, Ranged, Armor, Shield, Saves). You will get a +1 bonus to that category everytime it is chosen. You can choose any one of the five once every block of 4 levels (1-4, 5-8, 9-12, 13-16, 17-20). So you cannot choose +1 to saves at 3rd and 4th level, but can choose them 4th and 5th level.) And yes this starts at 1st level
Every even level your character will receive an extra +1 to a stat over the normal rules. That means at 2nd you get to raise a stat +1, 4th a +2, 6th a +1, 8th a +2, etc) You cannot choose to raise the same stat twice in a row.
Weapons The bonus is an enchantment bonus but does not make your weapon magical. For that you need to find an item with a magical power on it (like flaming or keen) or cast a spell like magic weapon. It makes having these weapons useful for overcoming DR and having less chance to break. Masterwork weapons still give a +1 to hit if you haven’t chosen the weapon bonus and also has 1 additional point of hardness. (The extra point of hardness should be added to magic items).
Armour/Shields The bonus is an enchantment bonus but does not make your armour/shield magical. For that you need to find an item with a magical power on it (like fortification or slick) or cast a spell like magic vestment. Finding magical armour makes the armor harder to destroy. Masterwork armor reduces armour check penalty by 1 (This includes magical armor). You can put points in armour, even if you don't wear armour, but you can't put points in shields unless you use something that gives you an actual shield bonus (like a shield or klarr, but not the shield spell.
Saves The bonus is a resistance bonus.
Ability Boost All boosts to a skill are considered enhancement bonuses and are from experience and training. For this game, enhancement bonuses stack up to a total of +6 maximum. So you could have boosted your strength up +2 and cast bull's strength for another +4 for a total of +6. But if you boost your strength up another point for +3, bull strength still only boosts to +6. Normal means of getting inherent bonuses will still work.
When you do encounter actually magical weapons or armour, the price of the weapon or armour for sale will be figured out as normal for the item like it had a +1 bonus on it. A Sword of Flaming will be priced as a +2 weapon
Monstrous foes will not be using these rules, but any NPCs with character classes will be.
That about covers it for now. Feel free to bombard me with any other questions you may have.

Navior |

Hello everyone!
Okay, a couple of questions. :)
First off, I assume every time you use "enchantment" bonus, you mean "enhancement"?
Second, if you choose a bonus to melee or ranged, does that bonus apply to all melee or ranged weapons, or does apply to only one kind of weapon?
Third, you say you can choose an armour bonus even if you don't wear armour. Does that mean you get a boost to your AC even when not wearing armour (the bonus acts as an enhancement to your clothes or something) or do you only receive its benefit if you happen to put on armour?

Nazard |

Hello everyone!
Okay, a couple of questions. :)
First off, I assume every time you use "enchantment" bonus, you mean "enhancement"?
Second, if you choose a bonus to melee or ranged, does that bonus apply to all melee or ranged weapons, or does apply to only one kind of weapon?
Third, you say you can choose an armour bonus even if you don't wear armour. Does that mean you get a boost to your AC even when not wearing armour (the bonus acts as an enhancement to your clothes or something) or do you only receive its benefit if you happen to put on armour?
Interesting definition of "a couple"...
1) Yes, sorry. Enhancement, not enchantment. That's what I get for copy-pasting somebody else's campaign notes without more than a casual edit.
2)The bonus applies to all weapons of that type, so someone with a +1 in melee has +1 to attack and damage with all melee attacks. They would get the bonus on daggers, for example, but not if they are thrown. Vice versa with a +1 bonus in ranged. Also, it only applies to weapons (manufactured and natural) not spells, so +1 to ranged would not apply to ray of frost, for example. The idea is to replace the endless stream of +1 swords that start cropping up and that somebody who uses an unusual weapon doesn't get penalized because they're never going to find a +1 gnome hooked hammer as a loot drop. Note that these bonuses only apply to attack and damage rolls...having a +3 bonus in melee doesn't mean that all your melee attacks bypass silver damage reduction. Indeed, they don't even count as magical for bypassing damage reduction. Spells like magic weapon will get more use in a game like this.
3)If you choose an armour bonus, you get the bonus even in your bath! It's interpreted as training and experience more than an actual magical alertation to your full plate (or skin). Yes, it's odd therefore to say that it's an enhancement bonus (same with weapons and ability increases) but it's the only way to keep things from getting ridiculous with stacking. The bonus is treated exactly the same way as a magical bonus applied to a suit of armour, just that you keep the bonus even when you take the armour off. It's a little nicer in that way, because it transfers between different suits of armour, for example. What it does, in theory, is make characters less dependant on specific pieces of equipment, so that when they do receive an item that does give them benefits from using the specific piece, that piece is quite special.
The shield bonus is for characters who use shields, meaning that they will be spreading their bonuses a little more thinly than other classes. As this system is experimental, we'll have to see if it becomes a serious issue at higher levels.
I should note that magic items like scrolls, potions, wands, rods, and staffs (the spell-storing kind) are all unaffected, as are most wondrous items. Some items, like a rod of splendour will still grant enhancement bonuses to abilities, since that isn't their main purpose, but there won't be any headbands of intellect or cloaks of resistance.

Nazard |

So, how do you feel about an angelborn aasimar inquisitor of Sarenrae? He would use a scimitar and be big on tactical skill. He would also be a tracker and likely emphasize the 'fiery, uncompromising justice' aspect of Sarenrae over the forgiveness and redemption aspect.
I'm fine with it. It'll bring an interesting dynamic to the mix for sure.

bbangerter |

Morning everyone. I've been thinking of playing a straight up fighter (probably an archetype of some kind) or melee combat oriented oracle. Though I'm not set on either of these yet and actually don't mind playing something else if we find ourselves too melee oriented as a whole.
@Nazard, how much starting cash?
I should have a profile up tonight with the beginnings of a back story.

Nazard |

Since we're talking about home rules, here, I thought I'd mention something else I do a bit differently from core.
I'm much more lenient with skill checks involving aid another. Rather than force one character to declare themselves primary and all the others as helpers (in most situations), I prefer if all characters make their roll and we take the best as the primary and the others as aiders.
It gets very frustrating (especially in PBP) if some characters are trying to break down a door and we have to say that thei 18 Str fighter is always primary and the 13 Str inquisitor is always aiding, then the inquisitor goes and rolls a 20 while the fighter tanks with a 7 (or worse, 2).
In some situations, this doesn't work. If all the characters are trying to loom over an NPC to Intimidate, then they can all make rolls, and the best is primary, but if it's one character trying to Intimidate, while the others hang out in the background and loom, play with daggers, etc, then that person is primary while the others are aiders.

DM Barcas |

So, guys, I am a bit of an elitist and a perfectionist when it comes to play-by-post games. I submit high-quality work and I have expectations that everyone else involved do so as well. I can pledge that you won't see short, shallow posts from me. (Take a look at some of my aliases, especially my DM Barcas alias, for examples.)
Fortunately enough, Nazard is recruiting known quantities. I am not remarkably worried that you won't produce quality, but I'd at least like to be up front about my expectations.

Nazard |

Characters so far:
Barcas: melee-and-tracking-focused inquisitor of Sarenrae
bbangerter: some kind of fighter
Navior: something arcane (wizard or bard)
Frenchfry: no clue, hasn't arrived yet
I will point out that I will not be adding any GMNPCs. However, there are several plot-important NPCs that will probably be traveling with you from time to time to provide a bit of back-up/muscle/support.
As for the writing quality of posts, my only worry is that I won't be able to keep up! That being said, there are times when life gets busy and one doesn't have time to put together a long, detailed post. I often find that the only time I have to post some days is from my phone. At times like those, I'd rather see a few quick sentences to show that you're still there and up-to-date than silence.

Navior |

As for the writing quality of posts, my only worry is that I won't be able to keep up! That being said, there are times when life gets busy and one doesn't have time to put together a long, detailed post. I often find that the only time I have to post some days is from my phone. At times like those, I'd rather see a few quick sentences to show that you're still there and up-to-date than silence.
There are also times, I think, when a couple quick sentences make more sense than a long drawn-out post. It all depends on the situation really. At any rate, I don't create shallow characters, so you won't be seeing any shallow posts from me. :)
As for my character, I will likely be doing some sort of retooled version of Laya from the defunct MSI game, but likely as a wizard this time (or maybe bard). Still mulling over specifics though. I'm flexible, of course.

Nazard |

Is Laya still going to be a follower of Pharasma?
Something I should mention is that it would be nice if all characters were followers of one god or another, even the ones who aren't divine casters.
Either that, I suppose, or devoutly against following a god. That being said, if a character is dead set against ever doing anything that could possibly benefit a god or its church, this game is going to stall out really fast! :)

Garim Radsey |

Some initial info in profile with a basic outline for his background. Decided to go with oracle, haunted curse, seer archetype (though that might overlap with Naviors character a bit, so I may drop that for the vanilla oracle). Undecided on mystery yet.
Spells will probably be focused on combat buffs for myself and/or DM Barcas and FrenchFry.
What books are allowed/disallowed? Currently I'm specifically looking at Burning Disarm from pathfinder chronicles. But I'm sure there are other spells I'll have an interest in from other paizo non-core books as well, so just want to make sure I'm focusing on what is allowed.

Nazard |

Mostly, if it's on pfsrd20.com, I'm good with it, beyond the specific exceptions mentioned above. Burning disarm is a fine spell. I'm pretty easy going about what I allow in terms of spells, feats, etc.
That reminds me...no Antagonize, please.
Does Garim revere any particular god or goddess? Also, do you have any plans for the source of the malevolent spirit, or ideas on how you'd like to incorporate it? For example, is the spirit a guiding force leading him towards his destiny, and only acts up at crucial times when he might "miss the boat", or when he's not actively pursueing his destiny/fate.

Nazard |

Laya, you can't put a level bonus into ability scores at level 1. At first level, you can choose melee, ranged, armour, shield, or saves. At second level, she can boost her Intelligence, in addition to putting a +1 bonus in one of the other four categories. Third level, only a +1 in one of the three remaining categories, then at fourth level a +1 bonus in one of the last two, as well as a +2 bonus to one ability score (not the same as the one boosted at 2nd level, so it's smart to not boost your primary stat at 2nd level). At fifth level, the whole pattern resets, so you can place a +1 bonus in any of the five categories, etc.

Nazard |

While there are places on the campaign website to include stats, backstory, and inventory, I'm more likely to check your profiles first before those spots. The website is good, however, for keeping track of things like party loot, NPCs you've met (and details about them), and a record of your adventures, if you're the type who likes to keep campaign journals. It's also a place I can stock you up on maps and images (like the two that are currently there). I'll also be updating the list of wiki links on the left-hand side, as you explore more places and begin to interact with the faiths of more gods.

Navior |

Laya, you can't put a level bonus into ability scores at level 1. At first level, you can choose melee, ranged, armour, shield, or saves. At second level, she can boost her Intelligence, in addition to putting a +1 bonus in one of the other four categories. Third level, only a +1 in one of the three remaining categories, then at fourth level a +1 bonus in one of the last two, as well as a +2 bonus to one ability score (not the same as the one boosted at 2nd level, so it's smart to not boost your primary stat at 2nd level). At fifth level, the whole pattern resets, so you can place a +1 bonus in any of the five categories, etc.
Oops! I misread. Sorry about that. I think it's because the ability boosts are described as enhancement bonuses and with everything else (except saves) being enhancement bonuses, I lumped abilities into the same category with everything else.
I'll move the bonus to saves.

Garim Radsey |

How soon would you like characters completed by? Just want to know if I should finish it up before the weekend, or if I can take my time over the next few days and weekend both?
I view Garim's becoming an Oracle as having been recently touched by two powers.
One benevolent, the driving force that tugged at him, and the power of his new found abilities and growing seership.
The second the malevolent spirit, seeking to oppose him in fulfilling what fate has decreed.
For either (or both) I can name them as having specific sources (hades or the abyss for the malevolent spirit and one of the heavenly planes for the benevolent, or if it makes sense within the campaign I can leave those to you to define their source. Agents of higher beings sent to aid and hinder Garim respectively.
As to religion, Garim never put much stock in religion - more the kind of guy who listens to worship services on special holidays and the like - but is otherwise absent from religious ceremony, but that is about to change. He could easily become a worshiper of
Iomedae: if events about to unfold as the old priest lays dying reveals a cold and sinister evil - to be countered by valiant and courageous men and woman in Iomedae's service.
Aroden: if events about to unfold give some indication that Aroden is in truth returning.
The new god Masoumi: if he does anything that would give Garim real hope of being rid of the evil spirit that has hounded him these last two weeks.

Nazard |

How soon would you like characters completed by? Just want to know if I should finish it up before the weekend, or if I can take my time over the next few days and weekend both?
** spoiler omitted **
Well, I'm always over-eager when it comes to starting new games, but I'd like folks to be ready, especially when it comes to background and personality. The beginning of the campaign is a lot of role-playing, meeting people, etc.
The danger I foresee with saying that his tormentor is some power from the lower planes is that, if such were the case, it would be nice for him to eventually be able to defeat such a power, which can't happen without re-writing the oracle class! That being said, things flying around the room, keeping him up all night with a poltergeist-style harassment is beyond the scope of a core haunted curse. Therefore, once Garim is actively pursuing his destiny (the heavenly powers), it could be that these acts are sufficient to bind the power of those evil spirits, taming them down to what the APG describes the haunted curse's effects as being. It'll be a part of him he can never quite shake, a taint he carries with him the rest of his days.
Personally, I find haunted is the most flavorful and interesting of the oracle curses. When I played an oracle once, I went for it. He was a gnomish oracle who revered Sivannah. I flavored the "haunt" as the effects of his own shadow, which came alive, grasping at him, pulling chairs after him. When he prayed for spells, they danced about him. Crazy fun.

DM Barcas |

As much as I'd like to, I don't know if I really should be committing to another game right now. Maybe after the end of summer, when my classes are all finished with. (Though I'll have the annual murder spree to contend with, which should take up a lot of time as well.) I'd love to follow along and watch, so best of luck!

Garim Radsey |

No objections to a paladin.
Most of my stat block is done, though I still need to purchase equipment.
Decided on going with the metal mystery, to tie into my apprenticeship as a blacksmith.
Will work more on story details tomorrow.
The stronger manifestation of the spirit from last night would be a one time thing, unless you find a place in the story where thematically it makes sense to show a stronger manifestation again.

Garim Radsey |

Stat block is done. Although I can't imagine him having any of his gear, except maybe his warhammer, at the start of the campaign. The rest would be sitting in whatever apartment he was renting. I'm actually torn on him even owning a set of scale mail and a shield, it just wouldn't have been in his nature to have ever felt like he would have need of such pieces of equipment - more likely he'd buy them once he realized life wasn't going back to normal for him. But I didn't want to forget and spend the money elsewhere and end up going around completely armorless. I don't mind role-playing his purchase acquisition of these pieces - though in my own games I tend to put purchases off-screen as a generally minor point with no connection to plots/events/etc.
Some tweaks to the back story to explain that he at least knows he has some powers due to being an oracle.