Feral Hunter

Armagile "the Hunter"'s page

88 posts. Organized Play character for Kirill.Storm.

Full Name

Armagile Reincarnated


Half-Human (Mwangi Elf)


Druid 7 | HP 85 | AC 25 | F +15; R +14; W +16 | Speed 25 ft | Perception +15



Strength 16
Dexterity 14
Constitution 16
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 18
Charisma 10

About Armagile "the Hunter"

Background and description:
Armagile is a half-elf form Mwangi Expanse, grew up in the wilderness without civilisation. Being a part of flora and fauna at first place, and Pathfinder at the second, sometimes he acts savagely. He is hard to get along with people, but charmed by elven partly wild culture and other civilisation wanders.

Armagile's skin is pale grey as bog, covered with a bunch of scars. He is tall and thin, his limbs disproportionately stretched, dark hair ties into tress. His gray eyes are patient usually, but bulges out sometimes, being the first sign of irritation.
Most of the time upper half of the half-elf's is covered with a helm-mask made of ape skull. And he's mostly known as the Hunter
after it.

When you see Hunter for the first time he wears selfmade hide kilt of dark bear fur but also got more equipment like spears, simple wooden shield and sturdy but worn backpack.

The Hunter is followed by a Fiery Cat aka Fury who usually prefer to sneak around in the wilderness. ..or walk and jump through rooftops during urban journey. She usually plays with a pretty large stick, which can be reconized as an battered Animal Staff.

Fury - Fiery cat Companion:

Medium Animal
INT=-4 WIS=3 CHA=0

Abilities: Flaming attack, Fiery pelt 1d4, Burning glow

Perception* +14 (Low-Light, Iprecise Scent)
Speed 35

Skills Acrobatics +13 | Athletics +12 | Intimidation +9 | Stealth +15 | Survival +12

Hit Points 60
Armor Class* 23
Fortitude* +13, Reflex* +15, Will* +14
Weakness to Cold 5, Fire Immune

Melee* [dice=Jaw(finesse, P, F)] 1d20+13 2d6+3+1[/dice]
Melee* [dice=Claws(agile, finesse, S, F)] 1d20+13 2d4+3+1 [/dice]

Ancestry Hal-Elf (Humanoid) Background Hunter Class Druid (Animal) 7
Alignment is Neutral
Language Common, Sylvan, Druidic Perception** +15 (Low-Light)

STR (+3) DEX (+2) CON (+3)
INT (+1) WIS (+4) CHA (+0)

Hit Points 85
Armor Class 25
Fortitude** +15, Reflex** +14, Will** +16
Resist Fire 5, Unwavering Mien
Movement 25 ft
Melee [dice=LongSpear at and P dmg] 1d20+12 => 1d8+3[/dice]
Ranged Javelin +11 (30 feet) (1d6+2 P)
Special - primal Magic Warrior transformation

POWERS - Primal**________________________________________________________
[dice=Spell Attack] 1d20+15 [/dice]
Heal Animal 4d8+32 ; Spider Sting Monarch.

Magic Warior Trasformation - Primat:
Ape Speed 25 feet, climb Speed 20 feet; Melee fist - Damage 2d6 bludgeoning.
Heightened (4th) Your battle form is Large and your attacks have 10-foot reach. You must have enough space to expand into or the spell is lost. You instead gain 15 temporary HP, AC = 18 + your level (25 +Shield?), attack modifier +16, damage bonus +9, and Athletics +16.

Level 0 Primal Spells:

Detect magic
Electric Arc
Read Aura
Dancing Lights

Level 1 Primal Spells:

Hydraulic Push

Level 2 Primal Spells:

Flaming Sphere
Speak with Animals
Dispel Magic

Level 3 Primal Spells:

Safe Passage
Aqueous Orb
Wall of Wind

Level 4 Primal Spells:

Freedom of Movement

FEATS AND ABILITIES____________________________________________________
Ancestry and Heritage Abilities Half-Elf, Elven Lore, Fey Influence - Monarch
Class Feats Magic Warrior dedication, (free), Widen Spell (Manipulate), Mature Animal Companion (always get 1 action), Magic Warrior transformation
General Feats Shield Block (free), Ancestral Paragon - Unwavering Mien (Mental and Sleep), Consult the Spirits (Nature)
Skill Feats Natural Medicine, Recognise Spell (reaction), Wilderness Spotter (Forest)
Free Feats Shield Block, Survey Wildlife (10 min), Animal Companion

Acrobatics* +11 | Arcana* +10| Athletics* +12 | Crafting +1 | Deception +1 | Diplomacy +0 | Intimidation* +9 | Lore (Elven)* +10 | Lore (Tanning)* +10 | Lore (Magic Warrior) +12 | Medicine +4 | Nature*** +17 | Occultism +1 | Performance +0 | Religion* +13 | Society +1 | Stealth* +12 | Survival** +15 | Thievery +2


Equipment and welth - Stowed backpack (Bulk 4,6):
Bedroll, belt pouch (2), chalk (10), flint and steel, grappling hook, rope (50 ft), rations (2 weeks’), sheathes (2) soap, torches (5), waterskin...
Healers Tools (5 $, Bulk=1)
Weapons 4 javelins, longspear, handaxe
Gear adventurer's pack, bandolier, holly and mistletoe
Crowbar (20 $, Bulk=L)

Armor - Hide, Resilent +1 (340 $)
Animal Staff (90 $)
Wayfinder Vanishing! (150 $)
Ring of Energy Res - Fire (245 $)
Pathfinder Pouch (200 $)
Exploding Shield (25 $)
Ring of the Ram (200 $)

Level Progression::