![]() Getting ready to run this scenario, and came across something I needed to ask. For the Drandlesticks, there is a chance that the target will drop their weapons and equipment 100'. Should I just be trusting that the players won't turbobotch the Acrobatics check, the Will Save, and the 50% chance the wind carries the weapons off? Currently, if it carries the weapons off the cliff, as written, those items are Destroyed. The only items I can think of offhand that could feasibly survive 50 falling damage are Sturdy Shields. Every other item I can think of, including the hypothetical Level 10 player's +2 Striking Flaming Serrating Greatsword, is gone after a fall like that. Is this intended? As is, I'm kinda just hoping that the Monk chooses to be the point man for the run we're about to have locally. ![]()
![]() Hey GM, So does it seem like this thing has a reaction to turn into a cloud of untargetable fire after getting hit once - then on it's turn it can rematerialize itself anywhere in the cloud's radius? The really important thing is this - from what we've seen so far, does the cat have to rematerialize in the same space it poofed out in? Or can it rematerialize in ANY space within the radius of it's cloud? Either way, that is one annoying reaction. We might should have Klatzu try to nail it with a blade surge first before I take my turn with Niklaas... Or maybe Niklaas should try to intimidate the cat first to make the hit easier... ![]()
![]() Man, what a long game - but I thoroughly enjoyed it! This is why I’ve come to like PbP formats - because it allows you to really describe a character’s internal thoughts, feelings, and motivations - as well as have some longer interactions that might be impossible in your average timed format. Thanks again for GMing the game, Xave! And I’m psyched that Jaldan actually has joining the Society as a canon option in the scenario! I may have to officially have Niklaas switch factions to the Verdant Wheel after this so he can spend more time with her... Also Xave, any chance you could add a note on my chronicle about Niklaas’ romance with Jal? If I find another scenario with her in it, I want to be able to prove to the GM - yeah, we’re totally a thing! We’re the celebrity power couple of Nikdan... or maybe Jallaas?! -Either way, a great game and a fun group! Thanks everybody! Performance: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11 ![]()
![]() (This is gonna be a looooong one...) When Jaldan first took his hand, Niklaas had thought, SCORE! I f*#%^£ totally read this right! She’s DEFINITELY inta me... But when he’d sensed her growing more and more anxious as they got further and further from camp, he’d thought, F*%#! F@#%! MAYDAY! MAYDAY! I’m losin’ ‘er! Tha plan - she’s flatlinin’! A little bit a’ fear is good - ‘specially if it gets her ta holds me tight - but too much an’ it’ll be a complete buzz-kill! She’ll demand we go back, an’ it’ll all be ruined! Cum on Niklaas! Don’t f#%^ this up! Where’s that d@#* field - betta’ get there STAT if’n I’m gonna salvage dis...Stay with me girl! STAY WITH ME! Desperately, Niklaas continued to think up more stories - while even making a few more up as well - in an effort to calm Jaldan’s nerves… Finally, they made it to the field. Jaldan seemed impressed - which was a good sign - until Niklaas gave her the bouquet… which didn’t seem to go over well… Niklaas’ mind was racing, and he would’ve started beating his head against a tree if he hadn’t already been in the middle of confessing his feelings. F#%*£€ IDIOT! he screamed exponentially into his mind, I jus KNEW I should’a given ‘er a bouquet of tha borin,’ non-lethal s€¥•! Whut wuz I thinkin’?! Given ‘er poisonous flowers?! GAH! An’ then, even comparin’ ‘er to tha flowa’s she don’t like?! WHUT’S YA PROBLEM, NIKLAAS?! GET IN THA GAME, DUMB@#%! YA TOTALLY BLOWIN’ IT! Obviously enough, Niklaas didn’t like how things were going, but he just kept barreling on through his confession - realizing with some horror at how once he’d begun, he just couldn’t seem to stop. The words just kept spewing from his mouth like a stream of rancid, steaming puke; and no matter how much he wanted to shut it down and cut his losses, he couldn’t stop the words from coming… Finally, he’d said his peace, closing with probably some of the most earnest and vulnerable words that ever slipped from his cracked, ebon lips… “I think… I think I luv you…” Niklaas visibly shivered in the silence that followed, before quickly coming back with a retort he hoped would lighten the mood - though he was still waiting expectantly for the centaur to say something… ANYTHING… to express what she was thinking... Finally, Jaldan began her piece, and Niklaas listened with baited breath, weighing every word. She called me strange! Strange iz good - oh, maybe it’s not… yeah, she definitely seems ta think it’s not - but! She thinkz I’m a good human being at least! I’m… not really human - but now’s not really tha time ta quibble on tha details… Oh no… She jus said I make a’ “fun acquaintance.” F@#% ME! She’s totally friend zonin’ me, isn’t she?! F#%£! F$&@! F#%<! …Yeah, an’ tha species thing is fair - but… but… but magic, maybe? An’ don’t all those stupid bards always sing ‘bout how luv can conquer all?! Even across species?! She thinks I’m “nice” - but that’s probably more friend zone speak… an’ ya s’posed ta marry within tha tribe?! REALLY?! Cum on! Can sum one say INCEST? I wuz suppos’d ta be an honorary memba’ a tha tribe anywayz… An’ she COULD be an apprentice druid anywhere really… I mean, it’s not like tha world’s short on druids, an’ tha only way ta climb tha ranks is ta go hunt down yer betta’s an’ slay ‘em in sum blood-sport battle-to-tha-death single combat er nuthin’... That WOULD be pretty metal, but stupid as s&@$. An’ anywayz, we even got TWO tree hugga’s in our current party… They must reproduce through buddin’ er sumthin’ fer us ta ‘ave that many… An’ tha kidz… D@#% those kidz… but I’m great with kidz! ...Sumtimez… When Jaldan finally paused to catch her breath, all the color had drained out of Niklaas’ face. His expression was one of dogged determination to see this through - but also doomed resignation, as he foresaw that build up only leading to one thing... Aw’right… he thought wearily to himself, sighing, ‘Ere it cums… Tha friend zone…a fate worse than death… Huh… But I neva’ really been friend zoned b’fore… I mean, who’d even wanna be FRIENDZ with ME? I gotz lotz a acquaintancimisms, an’ even MORE enemies - a LOT MORE enemies... but friendz? BLARGH! Who needz ‘em? I’m usually tha one breakin’ ‘earts… er more like jus’ outright p$&#%*% people off… Aw s&@$... An’ here’z a thought - is this that kharmic justice er sum s#%^ tha monks er alwayz talkin’ ‘bout?! Did I p$@& off tha godz I don’t believe in so much, they conspired ta bring me ta’getha with my soulmate - jus so she could friend zone me while all those high-an’-mighty f%#£* up on their golden thrones could give me tha bird one las’ time? Those f$&#%€ b#%€£¥$...THAT I STILL DON’T BELIEVE IN, MIND YA! F$&# YOU, GODS! YA FIGMENTS OF EVERYONE’S COLLECTIVE IMAGINATIONS! Niklaas was sweating bullets now; his palms were shaking; his milk-white eyes went wide - all as he realized Jaldan was beginning to speak again. His inner tirade went dead silent. This. Was. It. The moment he’d dreaded had come, and any second now, Jaldan would tell him… Tell him... Hold on a sec, Niklaas froze, blinking, completely dumbfounded. Did she jus’...? But naw, she didn’t… DID she? Niklaas played back the last few crucial moments in his head, unable to fully comprehend what had just been said, Afta’ tha mission… Fav’rite spot ta hang out… go back ta tha city… get sumthin’ ...NICE TA EAT?! Am I crazy - well YES! Yes I am - but, that sounds strangely like… That’s whut you outlanda’s do when… you… LIKE. EACH. OTHA’?!?!?! Niklaas took a sharp intake of the crisp night air; then began cackling like a madman into the darkness - though a sudden thought made him stop abruptly. Ya wanna spook Jal, ya idjit? Don’t blow this, fool! Act kewl… BE kewl… Don’t give ‘er any reasons ta second-guess ‘erself now... Instead of laughing, Niklaas contented himself with grinning like a shark-toothed idiot. Catching up with Jaldan, he chuckled, “Heh heh heh… Yer askin’ me if I gotz ideaz? Man, that’z f#%^*£ rich! You’ve known me fer… whut? A day? Thatz plenty ‘nuff time ta know, babe - A’ COURSE I GOTZ IDEAZ!” Taking the centaur’s hand without hesitation, Niklaas added, “So, whut ya wanna ‘ear first? Tha good ideaz? Tha GREAT onez? ‘Er wouldja prefer tha TERRIBLE onez first? Person’lly, I prefer tha terrible onez myself - they’re tha most fun!” As they started walking (trotting?) back to the camp, Niklaas thought of something else he’d wanted to say earlier, [b] “By tha by - not ta brag er nuthin - though I do luv ta do jus’ that - but I ‘appen ta know sum pretty impressive tree-huggas back in tha Society. There’s this one birdbrain by tha name a’ Os… Osper… Osprey?” Niklaas shrugged, “I jus’ call ‘em Ostrich. He pretty much stays in bird form 24-7, but ‘E’s s’posed ta be one a’ tha best in tha druid biz. Also - there’s dis one ol’ adventurin’ buddy a’ mine; I like ta call ‘em Birdface on account a’ him bein’ one a them crow people - Tent-gunk, I think they call ‘em… Sumthin’ like that… But ‘e’s seen sum s#%+, an’ I bet ya could learn sumthin’ from either of ‘em - not ta mention all tha otha’s in tha Society. So’z I’m thinkin’ - maybe that could be our angle, yeah? Write it off as one a’ them, whacha call, ‘joint venchas’ - er a’ jestcha a’ good will, maybe? Tha Society takes you in fer a little while an’ you get ta learn tree-huggin’ from a mess a’ culchas ya wouldn’t get ta see otha’wise? I doubt anyone in tha Society would mind - Heck! We got an entire faction devoted ta recruitment - an’ if we went that route, think a’ what ya could take back ta make yer forest an’ yer tribe even betta’? Now, ya might ‘ave ta be away from tha tribe an’ tha kidz fer a bit - but on tha upside, ya could get ta see tha sights, learn sum s#%*, an’ get that dinna’ date ya mentioned earlier too…” Giving Jaldan one of his own winks, Niklaas nodded knowingly. He scratched his bandaged head for a second, then shrugged, “I don’t mean ta overwhelm ya though… I mean, we already had an eventful night as-is, an’ I got plenty a’ otha’ ideas if’n ya jus interested in bein’ out fer one night on tha town - but think it ova’ gorgeous. Dis place might be pretty b%^#*#$, but there’s a whole world a’ possibilities beyond one forest - an’ I’d be more than ‘appy ta show it to ya sumtime, if ya eva’ get tired a’ jus hearin’ ‘bout it from me.” Niklaas would continue to bounce ideas off Jaldan on the walk back, going from the possibilty of orchestrating her faked ‘kidnapping,’ all the way to just telling their plans to Kaana straight - which was obviously the craziest idea Niklaas had come up with, by far… When they finally reached camp, Niklaas would’ve ended the discussion with, “-But don’t worry, Babe. If worse cums ta worst, I’ll jus kick that trainin’ dummie’s butt again ta show Chief Harda#% ‘ow serious I am!” Pausing for a long moment, Niklaas would finally say - a bit more hesitantly than he’d hoped, “Whelp… I guess this ‘ere is where we part wayz fer tonight, huh? You… uh… you ‘ave a good… good rest a’ yer night… Hopefully, I’ll get ta see ya again tamorra’ b’fore we head out… but, uh… jus in case I don’t see ya...” Taking something from his cloak pocket, Niklaas held it up and flipped it open, a bead of light illuminating the object and its immediate surroundings like a torch. Nodding to it, Niklaas asked, “Ya know whut this is? It’s a Pathfinda’s badge a’ office. We each get one afta’ Confirmation, a…” Niklaas chuckles, “...watch… that has our initials inscribed on tha inside. Check it out!” Thus saying, Niklaas would toss his wayfinder to Jaldan to give her a closer look. “Now, I know whut yer thinkin.’ That’s one bada@& watch - whut with all four major times listed: Eatin’ Time, Snoozin’ Time, Why Er We ‘Ear Again Time… an’ Noon.” Niklaas grinned wider, curious to see if she’d call him out on one of his favorite BS lines about it being a ‘watch.’ “But anywayz… I wuz thinkin’... Why don’t ya keep it safe fer me while I’m out on tha mission t’morra? You could prob’bly put it ta betta’ use than me anywayz - whut with takin’ care a’ those kidz an’ all. Tell ‘em itz mine, an’ let ‘em hear one - er more - a’ tha stories I toldja t’night on our walk about.” Niklaas abruptly jabbed a finger in Jaldan’s direction, looking down it at her all serious, like one of those gunslingers looking down the barrel of an Alkenstar rifle. “Aye. But I expect ya ta return it when I get back - an’ it betta’ still be able ta tell me when it’z Snoozin’ Time, ya ‘ear?!” There’s one final thing Niklaas would try to do - if he could avoid getting slapped in the face, that is. Before heading off for the night, one last thing he’d do would be try to steal a kiss from Jaldan. He’d slip in close under the pretense of showing her some detail about his wayfinder - then try to plant a passionate one right on her lips. Deception to pull off the steal: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22 If he succeeds - or even if he fails - he’ll just laugh it off and shrug, “Whelp, whut didja expect? They call me a rogue fer a reason - I steal s$&@! Maybe ya can steal it back sumtime, eh? That kiss, I mean?” With a wink and a wave, Niklaas would say, “Lata!” and be off. (-And I did not intend to type up this much, but I have been having so much fun with this! TLDR - Niklaas is psyched that Jaldan likes him; offered the idea that she might could learn from the Society’s druids for a while if she was interested in joining the Society - even temporarily; he’s going to leave his wayfinder with Jal for safe-keeping while he’s out on the mission; and he’s trying to steal a kiss before he leaves…) ![]()
![]() Hey Storm/Armagile (I don’t know which you prefer), If you’re wondering, the general vibe I’ve gotten from Armagile is that he’s aloof, slightly stand-offish, and somewhat intimidating - but with a softer side personified through Misha. As a character, I think he’s a good one. He’s more of the strong silent type, so he hasn’t been forthcoming with his backstory or anything, but that’s perfectly understandable for a character like him. I’ve got multiple characters myself who aren’t good “people persons,” and I RP them similarly. -And yeah, I have a couple characters that I’ve been RPing/writing about for over 10 years. Niklaas is actually my oldest and best-loved character, and he’s seen interpretations in my own personal writing, in 3.5, the Iron Kingdoms, the Dragon Age pen & paper, PF1, and finally here in PF2. I’ve admittedly always felt somewhat limited due to the short-story or episodic nature of PFS adventures, but I have really liked pbp formats because it still gives you the time to flesh out your characters and describe their internal thoughts and motivations without holding up the entire game in realtime. This adventure has been a blast so far, and I’ve really enjoyed playing with everyone and having a chance to bring Niklaas back to his roots in the form of written storytelling. I’m glad you guys let me stay in the group! Considering all that, I’m especially excited about the side romance angle because in all the years I’ve RPed him, Niklaas never once actually had true feelings of love for anyone except his sister (but that was familial - not romantic). He’s always hit on all the attractive female NPCs, and been with a number of prostitutes while visiting many brothels, but he’s never really been attracted to any of them as true people. Fun fact - In my first rendition of the character in the Iron Kingdoms, Niklaas did also have a wife and kids that got brutally murdered in his backstory... but I dropped that bit in later interpretations of the character because it didn’t really fit him all that well. I couldn’t imagine Niklaas as a true father figure, but more as an angsty and unhinged young adult acting out against a world that doesn’t accept him. Anyways - I’m really looking forward to finishing up this adventure, as well as concluding Niklaas’ side-story. Here’s to hoping that everything goes well! ![]()
![]() Hey Xave, I realize my side bit isn’t the top priority here - you want to keep the real game moving, and I know you’ve been mentioning a lot of other games you’re either playing or running at the same time you’ve been GMing this one too. I also realize that you typed up a response (possibly a long one) last week and lost the post by the sound of it (and I know retyping something is always a pain, especially if it’s long). Another factor might have been Paizocon too. Since it was last week and you may have been GMing or playing there - as well as having to balance work and your other responsibilities as well, I can understand how you could’ve been extremely busy. That typed though, I have been waiting patiently for you to post a response to my last bit with Niklaas in the off-the-rails side-story, and my last post was over a week ago (the Friday before last). I’m really enjoying the real game too - but please, I beg you! Post a response to the side-bit soonish! I want closure! ![]()
![]() In response to Jaldan’s apprehensions, Niklaas would’ve replied, “No worries, Babe. We ain’t goin’ too far - an’ ‘sides, if you bring tha ice, an’ I bring tha slice an’ dice? There ain’t a f#*+£¥ up lawn ornament around what can stop us! Then Niklaas would offer the centaur his hand, adding, “Cum on, let’s go!” On the way to the field, Niklaas would’ve been in high-spirits (especially if Jaldan took his hand), but he’d also be uncharacteristically anxious, and spend the time filling the void with humming a tune off-key or talking about inane things for cheap laughs. If Jaldan seemed interested, he’d be more than happy to hear about her life in the forest - or to recount one of his other past adventures in the Society. “There wuz this one time we were on dis river in a big-a#% boat. Well, these pirates come sailin’ in on rafts! They lock boardin’ ramps onto our ship, thinkin’ they got us corna’ed. So, whut do I do? I run across their own f*€¥•&$ ramp an’ bring tha fight right ta them! Shirley’s flashin’ left an’ right - pirates goin’ down with ev’ry swing. I manage ta dislodge tha ramp - but then they start ta corna’ me. Do I let those f$&^*+# get tha betta’ a’ ol’ Nicky though? Nah -that ain’t me! I jus’ cut down anotha’ pirate, flip ‘em a partin’ bird - then dive off their raft - BACKWARDS - and swim back ta our ship as we make our escape!” When they started to get closer to the field though, Niklaas would grow more serious. “So… I, uh… I been thinkin’ ‘bout that bush ya gave me earlier…” Niklaas begins, a bit uncertainly. “You know tha one, yeah? Well, thought it might be…NICE?” He would’ve said quizzically, hissing it through his sharpened teeth as though trying it out for the first time. He’d think on it a moment, then nod in the darkness, “Yeah, NICE - ta return tha fava,’ that is. But I mean, ya gave me sumthin’ that ya made yerself, so I… I knew I wanted ta get ya sumthin’ ...special… Whelp, I could’ve sewn ya sumthin’ - but it would’ve taken a while, an’ I didn’t know how long we’d be stayin’ ‘ere… I consida’d carvin’ ya yer own shankin’ knife too, but I didn’t know how well that’d go ova’ with tha rest a’ ya tribe… Then I stumbled on this place…” Niklaas would take that moment to clear the treeline and reveal the field of flowers. He’d pause a moment to let Jaldan take in the sight, then add, “Ya prob’bly already knew ‘bout this place, right? Well, whut ya might not a’ known is that quite a few a’ these ‘ere flowas can be turned inta sum pretty potent poisons. Back when I first left home with my sis, we used ta find places like dis sumtimes on tha outskirts a’ towns an’ cities, an’ we’d go there ta collect tha toolz fer our… well, our first profession - this wuz before we got inta tha Society. Back then, one flowa that I always luved ta see wuz this one called Deathbell. They were… well, in a word? Guess ya’d call ‘em ‘beautiful’ - but I also liked ‘ow they were deadly too. Made sum a tha best poisonous s#*£¥ ya could find fer cheap… Now, I ain’t sayin’ YER cheap er nuthin,’ Jal. Actually, Babe, it’s… ah… jus’ tha opposite.” That’s when Niklaas would pull out the bouquette he’d made (and probably hidden somewhere nearby). “So… uh… I’m kinda’ new ta this sorta’ thing. Typically, tha only girls who talk ta me er tha ones ya pay in tha Red Light District, if ya… if ya get my drift? Heh… And… uh… I know we only jus’ met an’ all… but… well, tha life of a Pathfinda’ isn’t exactly a safe one, ya know? There’s alwayz tha chance sumthin’s gonna kill you before you kill it… So, I didn’t want ta let tha chance slip by without tellin’ ya how I felt. I might not get anotha’ chance - so ‘ere it iz. Jaldan - ya remind me of a deathbell. Yer an excitin’ kind a’ wild, dangerous beauty. Ya curse, ya kick a&$, ya got a kind heart - whut with tha way ya treat those kids an all - AN’ YA SMOKIN’ HOT! Plus - an’ dis might be tha biggest thing - but… I feel like ya really get me. Ya aren’t afraid of me jus’ cause tha way I look or act - an’ believe YOU me, I’ve been all over tha world fer tha Society, an’ I neva’ once found NOBODY else like you.” Thus offering her the bouquette, Niklaas would close with, “So’s… uh… I know there’s a lot a’ reasons why ya might not feel tha same way I do… I mean, yer younga,’ I’m olda,’ we’re not really even in tha same species, I think…? Oh, an’ letz not ferget tha part ‘bout me bein’ one ugly, insane son of a b*+<£ ta boot… But eitha’ way…” Niklaas gulps back his own bile, wincing as he forces himself to earnestly say the sappiest words he thought he’d never say earnestly in his entire life, “I think… I think I love you.” He’d pause for a moment - then add, “Oh… an’ ya might want a glove fer this bouquette… An’ maybe don’t sniff it too hard eitha’... jus ta be on tha safe side, yeah?” ![]()
![]() (Awesome! I’ve been waiting expectantly for that post. I’ll happily take Elder Scrolls flowers for the win!) After gathering up his ‘bouquette’ (of a sort) while adding in a few more types of flowers to the mix to make - at least what HE thinks is a nice, colorful arrangement - the elven rogue would’ve snuck back to the centaur camp. Trying to stick to the shadows so no one else would catch him in the act, Niklaas would’ve then stalked over to Jaldan’s tent (I believe it is a tent, right?), and - after dusting himself off, testing his breath, and sharpening his teeth with his boy, Derrick - he would’ve tried to get the centaur babe’s attention. He’d start by throwing some rocks at the side of the tent, and after a while if that didn’t work he’d start whispering in his typical rasp, “Pssssst… Pssssssst… PSSSSSSST! ...Aye! Aye, Double H… Ya awake? …Ya ‘wake now? …’Ow ‘bout now? Now? If yer awake, say sumthin’... Freeeeeeeee-ckles! … Oh Freeeeeeeckles! …Don’t make me cum in there, Freckles! I don’t need anotha’ breakin’ an’ enterin’ on my rap sheet… Then he’d start switching between the rocks and the whispering, continuing on with the stubborn, single-minded determination of an experienced a#* until Jaldan woke up or dawn broke over the horizon. Stealth to be sneaky, sneaky, sneaky while moving around the camp: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22 (Not sure what Niklaas would need to do to wake up Jaldan without alerting the rest of the camp - but I’ll roll a few & you can use the one that makes the most sense to you, GM...) Stealth to not wake up everyone else in the camp while trying to wake up only Jaldan...: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14 Deception to sneak a message to Jaldan: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25 Perception to know when to shut up so no one else catches him in the act: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8 If he can wake up Jaldan, he’ll say, “Sup Sleeps’aLot. Can’t believe yer wastin’ sum a tha best hours a tha day in yer tent!” Then motioning for her to follow, he’d add, “Cum on, I wanna show ya sumthin’ bada**. Ya can sleep in tha daylight. Nobody likes that s*+% anywayz!” -Assuming he could convince her to follow, he’ll take her back to the field of flowers. Let me know if everything works out up to this point though... ![]()
![]() BTW - I thought about it a bit more, and Niklaas might also try to look for something that’s beautiful AND dangerous too, like a flower that can be turned into a poison (nightshade maybe? Is that a flower?) If I need crafting for that, to be able to determine what could make a good poison: Crafting: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22 (-And I’m just guessing what checks might be useful to save time here. Sorry I’m throwing so many at you...) Also, Niklaas is ready to go. The only thing he needs to do is present whatever he can find to Jaldan in the morning before the party heads out. Ideally, he’d present it to her just before sunrise. We can always flashback to something like that at any time though, so no worries if everyone else is ready to move out. ![]()
![]() Gotcha Deneve! Hopefully Niklaas won’t have to spend the WHOLE night searching for something, but here goes the checks. I guess I’d opt for Perception first since it’s the highest, but just in case it matters... and I’ll add in a medicine check too because why not. I might be able to find a rare herb or something? Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9
![]() So, with the advice he got, I guess Niklaas will try to find something out in the woods that speaks to him? Honestly, I’m not exactly sure what that might be. Maybe something deadly? Like a spider? Or something that could be used as a weapon? He could always find a nice, sturdy piece of wood to whittle down into a shankin’ knife? Or something dark and intimidating - but cool? A meat-eating plant maybe (something like a venus fly trap? Would I be able to make a Survival or Perception check for that, GM? ![]()
![]() Hey guys, I thought a bit more about this romance side quest thing since last night, and I don’t want to stall out the game. If everyone else wants to move forward with the actual adventure, I can just figure out gift finding/making logistics as a side project here in the discussion to keep the story moving. I definitely want Niklaas to give Jaldan something though, and I get really excited about relatively meaningless character development things like this. Judging from his most recent post, Xave seems (to me) to be implying that he’s okay with a bit of NPC romance (please correct me if I’m wrong Xave); and I also thought it might be an entertaining way to have a bit more PC interaction. Whatever the case, I realize that the rest of the party might just be ready to move on - so let me know if that’s the case (bc if nobody reigns me in, I might go seriously off the rails here). If everyone IS okay with a romantic side quest though, I won’t complain... ![]()
![]() BTW - GM, what are the logistics of attempting to make Jaldan something with Craft? Would I be able to make something decent in a night? I have no idea how long we’re even staying here, so probably the faster I can get something of a good quality, the better. If crafting will take too long, I might just have to think of something my character already has that he can give her... Maybe Derrick? I wouldn’t miss Derrick much... Also, I know I called out the party druids, but if anyone else wants to weigh in on Niklaas’ theoretical love life, feel free to do so... ![]()
![]() From a purely mechanical standpoint, I’m kind of feeling like the forest fire was meant to be a distraction to split the party’s attention and make it easier for the leshies to pick us off one at a time. I’ve seen similar mechanics in other scenarios this season, and in most instances, the extra threat is more of a perceived threat - but not mechanically able to pack enough punch to do anything. This time around though, those flames definitely have been dealing some major damage... The best strategy might’ve been to focus-fire the leshies down (ideally at range), and only then deal with the fairly deadly flames. -That said, I understand why druids would go for the fire first. I hold nothing against the nature-lovers among us. -Personally, I also prefer to get into melee for flanking too so... you know how it is... ![]()
![]() I didn’t know that Sucka’ was Russian; that’s cool. I was using it as a slur of “Sucker,” which basically means “fool,” “idiot,” or “someone likely to be fooled because of their low intellect.” Does it mean the same in Russia? Also, the “Pig’s ear” comment was new for me too. I got the basic meaning, but being American myself, I hadn’t ever heard that term before either. ![]()
![]() These leshies are kicking our butts! Who knew they were nuclear-powered? Personally, I’m perfectly fine with challenges and retcons. It is also a LOT harder to kill someone in PF2 than in PF1, so don’t be too worried yet Xave. Still, things are not looking good right now... Maybe if our dice could change for the better... -Fingers crossed. ![]()
![]() I just WISH I could transition my home game to PF2. When the new edition first came out, I tried to make the switch, but all my players just complained about how they couldn’t min-max their characters as much. One of my conversations with a player was literally something like: Player - “I don’t want to switch to PF2.” Me - “Why not? The system runs a WHOLE lot smoother.” Player - “But I can’t make my character build in PF2.” Me - “Sure you can. They still have clerics in PF2.” Player - “But I can’t get my Perception up to +50...” Me - “...” This particular player’s PC is only Lvl 10 BTW... ![]()
![]() In a little less than a month, I'm going to be running a game at a birthday party for a group of young teens. The birthday boy is turning 16 and requested a game be run at his birthday party. (Cool, right?) Anyway, I'm trying to decide what I want to run, and I thought I'd turn to the community for a little help. I've run games for some of this group before, and they want to use the same characters, so here's what I've got so far:
There will be two other players, characters to be made later. So, looks like it will be a party of 6 PCs, all CR 5. I think we'll stick with that. So, now for the adventure/plot:
Beyond that, I'm not sure. If you were in my shoes, what might you do? I'm looking to keep this a light-hearted, fun/silly game. Any thoughts/tips? ![]()
![]() TracerBullet42 wrote: ...I'm in the process of converting all of the Savage Tide bad guys in Hero Lab and putting together some new statblocks. I think that they are quite lovely.... If you would like to check out my work, clickety clickety. |