DM Mathpro's Crypt of the Everflame

Game Master mathpro18

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Well when your heated debate and role play is over you explore the room a little. I need a marching order please.

Game Master

The cleric just knows he can't help out against the 2 of us, so he is hiding in the corner, HA, HA, HA!

"Ssso pity isss not on the wrong path?! I shall try that nexxxt time Xxxerosss, but it will be very hard!"

I shall closely follow Xeros, so I would be second in line, with Xeros in front. Not sure where Fealix and Conrad are. If Conrad is still walking with us, our conversation may have frightened him off!

Male Tiefling Ranger(Trapper)-1/Cleric-1

He responds to Amgir "It's not easy for any of us trust me, but by Cayden's silver mug I will not let them choose what I am. That is my decesion."

Xeros leads the group keeping a eye out for traps, he'll look back to see if they others really did scare off the cleric.

Male Aasimar Oracle(Planar and Possessed) lvl 1 Barbarian(Urban) lvl 1 Total lvl 2

Fealix will silently dispose of the cleric who has been sitting silently by and then follows after Amgir. Totally kidding about disposing of Conrad but we seem to have lost our uncharacteristically quiet Cleric of Cayden again. Aren't they suppose to be a noisy bunch that you can't shut up? Whatever.

Fealix simply follows Amgir and I assume Conrad is still following unhealthy as that me it is quite an unhealthy place too be. Course even more so if you have Fealix behind you hehe.

Game Master

Have we actually lost Conrad? If so we may have to put out an add for another Cleric (Although I am hoping that Conrad will return to us).

Sorry I haven't been posting much. Now that I'm back in school it should be picking up again. I'll see if I can find a replacement for Conrad. I really wish I could get this map to copy out of the really need a map for this room...I might try to cook something up in CC3 if I get bored.

Xeros you enter the room and then quickly turn to your right(south) and then take a left(east) a few feet later and a little ways down this hall you see that it kind of forks. To the south you notice a switch sticking out of the wall in a small alcove type thing. To the north is another hall way and you can also continue on to the east.

Male Tiefling Ranger(Trapper)-1/Cleric-1

"Amgir keep an eye on the hallways to the north and east. Fealix come take a look at this with me." Xeros moves to the small alcove and examines the switch.

Perception:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21
Disable Device(to see if I can understande the device):1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25

Male Aasimar Oracle(Planar and Possessed) lvl 1 Barbarian(Urban) lvl 1 Total lvl 2

Fealix looks at the switch. Then with a shrug he pulls it. Immediately Fealix looks around defensively for any signs or sounds of disturbance.
Perception:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19


Impatient much?


Game Master

Perception1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5

"Theresss nothing here, letsss jussst move on!"

Xeros you seem to deduce that the lever is some sort of locking mechanism and will help unlock a door, but you haven't found the door that it belongs to yet. Fealis pulls the leaver and nothing happens. Which direction are you going to continue forward? You can either go north or east.

Male Tiefling Ranger(Trapper)-1/Cleric-1

"Fealix hold least it wasn't a trap my friend." He gives a sigh of relief. He looks at the switch and then at Fealix, "I believe that switch belongs to a locking mechanism out of this room since none of us heard anything opening or unlocking. Being in the south here I say we go to the east." Xeros says as he moves to the east hallway, takes out his dagger and marks the entrance if he can by scratching a mug so the cleric can follow if he's not with us. Then will move east looking around for traps or trouble.

Perception:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20
Stealth:1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19

DM Mathpro:
If we end up replacing Conrad, my friend FuriaRi0t would be intrested in coming into the game. Let me know if you want to do that.

Game Master

Has this game ended?

Male Tiefling Ranger(Trapper)-1/Cleric-1

I'm still here, waiting for mathpro to reply but he might just be busy at school so will just have to wait or roleplay as much as we can til he replies.

Male Aasimar Oracle(Planar and Possessed) lvl 1 Barbarian(Urban) lvl 1 Total lvl 2

I talked to him yesterday. He got addict to a dreaded MMO. I hate those kind of games because all they do is suck your life away. Kind of like this one does. Guess he failed his will save again last night. I'll keep pressing him.

Male Tiefling Ranger(Trapper)-1/Cleric-1

They have claimed a few of my players in the past, good luck Shanosuke!

Game Master

Yes good luck, I have been really enjoying this campaign so far, mainly because of the role-playing with you guys. But it would be horrible to just have this end on us. I shall keep my fingers crossed for your persuasion skills.

Hey guys sorry about the delay...Oh and feel free to have FuriaRiOt jump in

Xeros your perception allows you to see that the floor tile a little down the hall doesn't seem to fit right. Upon further inspection you find that its trapped. Make me a disable device check.

Male Tiefling Ranger(Trapper)-1/Cleric-1

I'll let him know.

"Stay back you two, I just need to disable this trap. I just don't want either of you getting hurt if I mess it up."
Xeros takes out his thieves tools and begin's his work.

Disable Device:1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21

You are able to disable the trap and the floor tile pushes back up into place. You continue down the hall and five feet after the trap there is another all that goes north and south. To the North you see nothing but to the south you see a door. If you want to go North make me a perception check, if you want to go to the south make me a disable device check because the door is locked. A quick glance straight ahead(east) allows you to see this part of the room ends in about 10 feet from where you are.

Just to get a rough picture in your mind this room is about 35'x55' but its not a perfect square, there are parts missing. I really wish I could just post a map...

Male Tiefling Ranger(Trapper)-1/Cleric-1

Xeros looks at the group after he disables the trap and gives them a motion to follow him, as he gets to the north and south hallway he takes out a copper and flips it in the air while saying, "North or south lets have the fates decide, heads its north and tails it south."

1:head and 2:tails= Coin flip 1d2 ⇒ 2

"The fates have spoken and want us to go south." He gives the group a wink and puts back his coin and quietly moves to the door in the south,

Checking it for traps:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23
Disabling Device(for lock if I don't see traps and for the trap if I do):1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22

DM Mathpro:
Hey buddy don't forget to message over at caravan dogs were waiting to see what the fireworks are all about that I saw. Thx buddy!

Silver Crusade

Male Human...?

DM Mathpro:
First, SORRY for interrupting game play. I was curious as to the build requirements you made for this game so I can construct my cleric... I've been out of town for work, but have gotten home early, so I have the weekend to get him constructed!

Human (I think...) Cleric of Desna is what I will most likely be building.

Male Tiefling Ranger(Trapper)-1/Cleric-1

Character Creation stats for FuriaRi0t:
Character Creation:
I am going to be generous and let you do 2d6+6 for stats, roll two sets and take your favorate.
Allowable sources are: Core, APG, Inner Sea World Guide, and UM. Sorry but I'm not allowing UC at this time, if we continue onto Masks I might allow it then.
Max HP at first level
Average starting gold
I'll allow the playable races out of the bestiaries.
Two traits

There you go buddy!But do the rolling in our ooc thread.

Game Master

'Ah at lassst, a little lessssss caution from you Xxxerosss. Maybe we should leave thingsss to "Fate" more often? Ssso, why do you pledge yourssself to Cayden Xxxerosss, hasss he ever anssswered your quessstionsss, protected you or even guided you?'

I turn to Fealix 'Ssso do you pledge yourssself to a cccertain god, or have you pledged yourssself to the protective being that ssspeaksss with you? Sssoundsss to me like she isss worthy of being paid ressspect and honour.'

'Anyway...Xxxerosss lead on, with "Fate" guiding our way.'

Hey guys

Sorry I disappeared. I'm going to be restarting a crypt of the everflame game. If you guys want, you can resubmit your characters and we'll see what others bring to the table. I want to use the advanced races playtest so if you want to look over the different races those are open. I'll get the recruitment thread open soon.

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