Records of the Caia Outfit

Game Master NotEspi

Apparently, mercenary life isn't all sparkles and sunshine. Who would have thought?


Area Templates

Ghaf Estate Ground Floor | Ghaf Estate Top Floor

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Male Kobold Cultist Investigator/Psychic 1 | HP 13 | AC 16 | Fort +2; Ref +7; Will +6; | Perception +6 darkvison | Speed 25 | Spell DC 17 | Exploration (Investigate)

Endoin checks the two scenes carefully.





When finished, he reports. "The time is a bit off. And we need a gold thread. Anyone find a gold thread?"

F Aiuvarin Abberant Sorcerer 1/Enigma Bard 1 | ♥️ 19/19 | AC 15 | Fort 6; Ref 5; Will 6 | Perc +6 (lowlight vision) | ☘️ 0/1 | | Speed 30ft | Class DC 17 | ⚕: | ✋: | 20/20 arrows | Exploration Action:

"Well, we can change the time on the regular clock to match the one in the mirror. But I'd have to look around for thread..."

Fey will take some time to look around for any gold thread that can be used. +6 perc

M Catfolk artist bard/air kineticist 1; HP 20 | AC 17| F+9, R+7, W+4 | Perc +4 (Low-Light Vision; imprecise scent) | Speed 25 | Class DC 17 | Active Conditions: _____ | Hero Points: 1

Rem has not felt very helpful during these investigations but he readily agrees with Fey’s suggestion to try altering the time and he helps her search for a gold thread, although he observes, ”The missing gold thread may just mean that the dagger has been moved since the painting was made.” Rem also checks to make sure the thread isn’t just tucked under the dagger or something simple like that. He also pauses, chuckling, to admire the lizard display.

Ghaf Estate Ground Floor | Ghaf Estate Top Floor | ◆ ◇ ↺

1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15

You look at the miniature, attempting to find the pointed-out golden thread. You look at the bottom of the relief, at the frame, at the floor under your feet, but there is none to be found.

However, looking at the frame, you notice that the frame itself seems to be damaged by... claws? Something of the sort.

Male Human Rogue/Swashbuckler 1 | HP: 19 | AC: 19 | F: +4, R: +9, W: 6* | Speed: 30 | Perception +6 (+7 to traps | Init: +6

Marcus steps closer to the relief, his gaze narrowing as he examines the claw marks on the frame. "Well, that’s curious." he says, reaching out to trace one of the marks with his fingertip. "Looks like something’s been fiddling with this mirror before we got here. Maybe even trying to get in or out."

Turning his attention to the lizard display, he takes a closer look at the cards and figures. "These little critters are dressed better than half the nobles in Oppara." he jokes. "And they’re playing cards. Makes you wonder if we’re supposed to play a hand ourselves ... or if there’s something hidden among the cards?"

F Aiuvarin Abberant Sorcerer 1/Enigma Bard 1 | ♥️ 19/19 | AC 15 | Fort 6; Ref 5; Will 6 | Perc +6 (lowlight vision) | ☘️ 0/1 | | Speed 30ft | Class DC 17 | ⚕: | ✋: | 20/20 arrows | Exploration Action:

Fey shuffles closer to where Marcus was looking at the mirror, pulling a face. "Maybe Fake Ghaf actually has claws?" She posits.

"Couldn't find any gold thread, though." She frowns and looks around more, twirling some of her blonde hair around her fingers thoughtfully.

"Unless we can use some of my hair," She says, chuckling. "Or if anyone had some spare threads in general. I could make it look golden," She wiggles her fingers and demonstrates, casting Prestidigitation on her hair to give it a golden, metallic sheen. "Only works as long as I hold it, though."

Male Kobold Cultist Investigator/Psychic 1 | HP 13 | AC 16 | Fort +2; Ref +7; Will +6; | Perception +6 darkvison | Speed 25 | Spell DC 17 | Exploration (Investigate)
Fey Dawnglow wrote:
"Unless we can use some of my hair," She says, chuckling. "Or if anyone had some spare threads in general. I could make it look golden," She wiggles her fingers and demonstrates, casting Prestidigitation on her hair to give it a golden, metallic sheen. "Only works as long as I hold it, though."

"As good an idea as anything else."

Ghaf Estate Ground Floor | Ghaf Estate Top Floor | ◆ ◇ ↺

So you will be attempting to replicate the golden thread? If that's right, I will need a crafting check from whoever is attempting this.

M Catfolk artist bard/air kineticist 1; HP 20 | AC 17| F+9, R+7, W+4 | Perc +4 (Low-Light Vision; imprecise scent) | Speed 25 | Class DC 17 | Active Conditions: _____ | Hero Points: 1

"Good idea to try replicating the thread. Endoin and Tamhar, from what I've seen you're both better crafters than I am, but I'll try to help. I also think we should change the time to match the clock in the image, if we haven't already."

If no one stops him, Rem will adjust the time, and he will stand by and offer suggestions and a helping hand as the others work the "thread."

crafting to aid: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11

But he doesn't have much to offer...

Female Kobold Tinker Rogue/Alchemist 1 | HP 16 | AC 18 | Fort +7; Ref +9; Will +6; | Perception +6 darkvison | Speed 25 | Alchemist DC 16 | Exploration (Scout)

Tamhar puts here hand out for the hair. "Here let me give it a shot. This is very good quality hair to work with."

crafting: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24

"Hopefully that will be good enough"

Ghaf Estate Ground Floor | Ghaf Estate Top Floor | ◆ ◇ ↺

Tamhar takes the strands of hair and gets to work. Within a few minutes, she has a fairly good replica of the rope in her hand and imitates the placement of the thread on the miniature dagger. Moving the minute hand on the clock is not an issue.

Once both walls mirror their opposite, the door east of you clicks and opens up with a soft creak as the air pushes out of the newly revealed hallway in the form of a soft breeze.

In this hallway, there are five doors. The one you just entered through has a set of simple but durable latch locks ready to lock the door behind you if needed.

On the opposite end of the hallway, you can see a wooden door reinforced by steel plates with a set of latches similar to the western door.

On the north side, you see three sconces containing shining stones. Opposite to each of the sconces is a door. These doors are not reinforced, nor locked. The carpet covering the floors had seen very little use. It might actually have the most vibrant colour in the house, indicating almost nonexistent traffic in this particular hall.

The air, if a little stale, has traces of myrrh and old wax in it.

M Catfolk artist bard/air kineticist 1; HP 20 | AC 17| F+9, R+7, W+4 | Perc +4 (Low-Light Vision; imprecise scent) | Speed 25 | Class DC 17 | Active Conditions: _____ | Hero Points: 1

"Huzzah!" Rem claps with pleasure as the door opens, and then is rendered speechless by the scene beyond. "Well, this is rather more extensive than I was expecting."

"It doesn't look like anyone has been in here for a long time, but I hope we're still on the right track -- maybe this is a secret passage that leads to different rooms. I think we should search for traps or any hidden details before entering. I'll look, but we should get more than one set of eyes on it."

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25

Question: If I'm understanding correctly, the opposite door can be locked from the inside (inside this hallway), so it appears we should be able to just open it easily from this side?

Ghaf Estate Ground Floor | Ghaf Estate Top Floor | ◆ ◇ ↺
Remqaur wrote:
Question: If I'm understanding correctly, the opposite door can be locked from the inside (inside this hallway), so it appears we should be able to just open it easily from this side?

Correct. They can both be locked/unlocked from this hallway.

F Aiuvarin Abberant Sorcerer 1/Enigma Bard 1 | ♥️ 19/19 | AC 15 | Fort 6; Ref 5; Will 6 | Perc +6 (lowlight vision) | ☘️ 0/1 | | Speed 30ft | Class DC 17 | ⚕: | ✋: | 20/20 arrows | Exploration Action:

"Smells like magic," Fey comments, stepping in behind Rem with a grin. "Lots more extensive, you're right, Rem. Should we lock the doors behind us...for safety?" If there's no protest from anyone, Fey will go ahead and lock the door behind them to make an obstacle for anyone who could be looking for intruders.

She peeks around and casts Detect Magic, seeking a direction where the most magic might be present.

She'll also want to peek at the stones in the sconces, but I want to see where the detect magic stuff points me first.

Male Kobold Cultist Investigator/Psychic 1 | HP 13 | AC 16 | Fort +2; Ref +7; Will +6; | Perception +6 darkvison | Speed 25 | Spell DC 17 | Exploration (Investigate)

"Excellently done," Endoin calls out to his wife as the door opens.

He goes into the hallway. "I don't think this is the study." He goes over and inspects the closest stone.

Occultism: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19

Male Human Rogue/Swashbuckler 1 | HP: 19 | AC: 19 | F: +4, R: +9, W: 6* | Speed: 30 | Perception +6 (+7 to traps | Init: +6

Marcus watches as Rem and Fey work with precision. When the door opens and reveals a more extensive hallway than expected, he raises an eyebrow, clearly impressed.

"Well, what do you know? Full of surprises, you lot."

Marcus checks in on Tiqi to make sure she's doing okay.

Ghaf Estate Ground Floor | Ghaf Estate Top Floor | ◆ ◇ ↺

Remqaur starts inspecting the hallway. Throughly. He taps the walls, taps the floor, taps the sconces, smells the air for odd scents, but finds nothing that seems dangerous in the immediate vicinity.

Meanwhile, Fey opens her inner eye to look for residual energy of the magical. She does register the otherworldly hum of magics in the vicinity.

And I really hate to do this to you again, but... Level 1 Detect Magic does what it does. It improves over time, so don't grow indifferent to it.

Endoin starts inspecting the sconces. Looking at the shining spheres, you realise you have seen these all over the house, and they are simply a means of illumination. However, the other ones were usually embedded into walls, covered in glass, or otherwise inaccessible. If you were to reach into the sconces, however, you could simply pick one or more up without a hitch and have a personal light source for a long time.

Tiqi, following the group around curiously, took her time inspecting the "mirror" outside the door. She definitely is not relaxed, but not exactly on edge. It seems her curiosity is taking over. Every now and then, she looks over her shoulder to find Jassim trailing the entire group. When she finds Marcus looking, she returns a soft smile and a confirming nod, reassuring you she is still here.

M Catfolk artist bard/air kineticist 1; HP 20 | AC 17| F+9, R+7, W+4 | Perc +4 (Low-Light Vision; imprecise scent) | Speed 25 | Class DC 17 | Active Conditions: _____ | Hero Points: 1

"Well, which door do we check out first?"

Rem doubts he'll hear anything, but he listens at all of the doors (the three on the side and the one at the other end) just in case.

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21

Ghaf Estate Ground Floor | Ghaf Estate Top Floor | ◆ ◇ ↺

If you put your ear to the door in the eastern wall, you can hear the sound of wind whistling as it rushes past the frame.

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