DM Mathpro's Crypt of the Everflame

Game Master mathpro18

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Each of you(save the barbarian who’s an interesting side case I need to consider) were born in the town of Kassin. As you grew up and expressed an interest in your individual field(class) you were given a mentor to help guide your studies and path along becoming your selected classes. Below are details on each of your mentors as well as some background on the town’s history and the quest you guys are undergoing.


Ekat Kassen was a crusader and fortune seeker who came to serve Lastwall in the year 4515 AR. While he fought with distinction, he soon realized that he wanted more from life and left the Lastwall military to find his fortune elsewhere. His travels took him all over the region around Lake Encarthan, and he decided to settle down in 4522 after a very profitable adventure. Using a sizable portion of his fortune, he set out to tame a small area of the Fangwood on the banks of the Tourondel River, making it a natural stopover for those traveling up and down the river to Skelt. For the next 10 years, the town, which was then known as Kassen’s Hold, grew and prospered.
All that changed when Asar Vergas came to Kassen’s Hold with a host of mercenaries under his command. Asar was an old companion of Ekat, and the two had traveled together for some time before splitting up just after Ekat’s last adventure. Over the years, Asar became sure that Ekat had cheated him after that adventure. Promising great wealth to his mercenaries, Asar raided the town relentlessly for 2 months. Finally, the townsfolk managed to locate Asar’s camp in an ancient crypt deep in the forest, and Ekat himself went out to deal with his old companion.
The battle was terribly bloody, with only a few townsfolk coming back to tell the tale. In the end, Asar was slain and his mercenaries scattered, but Ekat suffered a mortal wound. He died 2 days later, on the 11th day of Neth, 4535. In honor of their beloved founder, the townsfolk buried Kassen in the ancient crypt, interring his bones in a place of honor, above the simple sarcophagi used to inter Asar, his mercenaries, and the townsfolk that lost their lives in the bitter struggle. They placed an eternal flame above Kassen’s final resting place, so that all who visited might find warmth in the wilderness.
Over the years, the Crypt of the Everflame has become an important part of the history of the town, now simply called Kassen. The townsfolk view the crypt as a memorial to those difficult first years of the town’s history. Every autumn, a few of the townsfolk make a pilgrimage to the crypt to light a lantern from the flame and bring it back to town, where it is preserved all winter, a symbol of the town’s resilience. Most years, the town mayor and a group of dignitaries perform this quest. Every few years, however, a handful of younger townsfolk are given the honor of lighting the lantern. Many see this as a passage into adulthood, a taste of adventure before settling down to work and marriage. The quest starts out as a solemn ceremony in town, where the townsfolk gather to wish the adventurers luck, just as it was when Kassen himself left to fight the mercenaries. When the adventurers return a few days later, the town holds a great celebration in their honor. This also marks the final harvest celebration before the long winter.

Xeros’s mentor:

Arnama Lastrid (NG female human ranger 4, ranger mentor): Nirmathas is known for its rangers, valiant woodsmen who have spent years carving out a nation and protecting it from foreign and domestic threats. Arnama is one such ranger. She is tough, quiet, and more than willing to risk her life to protect the people of Kassen and the country she has grown to love. Arnama was orphaned during the early wars with Molthune, growing up in a band of adopted parents. These rangers taught her everything she knows. When Arnama came of age, she lead the band to find out where her parents came from. That trek led her to Kassen, where she has remained ever since, living in their old house just outside town. Arnama is a skilled ranger but not the best teacher. Those who have tried to learn from her find her impatient and without discipline. She does, however, excel at teaching by example, leading her charges on far-ranging patrols and hunts.

Fealix’s mentor:

Arnama Lastrid (NG female human ranger 4, ranger mentor): Nirmathas is known for its rangers, valiant woodsmen who have spent years carving out a nation and protecting it from foreign and domestic threats. Arnama is one such ranger. She is tough, quiet, and more than willing to risk her life to protect the people of Kassen and the country she has grown to love. Arnama was orphaned during the early wars with Molthune, growing up in a band of adopted parents. These rangers taught her everything she knows. When Arnama came of age, she lead the band to find out where her parents came from. That trek led her to Kassen, where she has remained ever since, living in their old house just outside town. Arnama is a skilled ranger but not the best teacher. Those who have tried to learn from her find her impatient and without discipline. She does, however, excel at teaching by example, leading her charges on far-ranging patrols and hunts.

Amgir’s mentor:

Braggar Ironhame (CN male dwarf expert 3/barbarian 2, barbarian mentor): Braggar is one of the two blacksmiths that service Kassen. This dour dwarf runs a small business on the south side of town. Although he is outpaced by his competitor (Renet’s Steel, near the town square), Braggar’s goods are of higher quality. Braggar is a surly mentor, capable of incredible fits of anger if one of his pieces is not turning out as planned. As such, he often has to spend time repairing his workshop, which only further slows down his work. Braggar’s teaching style focuses on craft and artifice, but he can also teach pupils about controlling their anger and unleashing it when the time is right.

Conrad Bailey’s mentor:

Father Rantal Prasst (NG male human cleric 2 of Erastil, cleric mentor): The small town of Kassen has only one temple and it is devoted primarily to Erastil, but Father Prasst allows those who worship other friendly gods to pray at the temple as well. While Father Prasst does not offer services in the names of these deities, there are small shrines to other gods set up in some of the alcoves, including Gozreh, Gorum, Shelyn, and Torag. Father Prasst is a kind and understanding man, but he ishard when it comes to the defense of the community. He is quite young, only 24, and many in the community do not put too much faith in his council, except in spiritual matters. He was trained as a soldier in Tamran, but he le$ after his first battle to become a priest, and refuses to say why.

Conrad Bailey:
Though it was hard you have managed to convince Father Prasst to take you on as a trainee and he’s even built a small shrine to your god in the back of his temple. At current you have just gotten done praying when he approaches you. He speaks You have done well my child, and now it is time for you to take your next step into becoming a man. I’ve enlisted you in the quest to gather the ever flame for Kassen. As you know its been over a decade since this ritual has been done by anyone but the mayor and his men so I am entrusting you with a lot of responsibility. I had that brute Braggar make these for you. He hands you a masterwork rapier and a silver holy symbol. Go forth now and make me proud.

You have been training with Braggar for many years trying to learn how to control that temper of yours. You arrived in Kasses shortly after you lost control for the first time and started working with Braggar shortly after, as requested by several of the townsfolk. At first they were rather distrustful of your character but after the many years and your learning to control your anger a little better they have started to warm to your character but still don’t really trust him. You just arrive for work/training at Braggar’s shop when he approaches you. You have learned everything I can teach you and after taking to the mayor and several other townsfolk I’ve convinced them it would be wise for you to experience the quest for the Everflame so I enrolled you. Its been over a decade since townsfolk have been entrusted with this task so there is a great deal of responsibility that comes along with the quest. Please take this seriously and follow my teachings. I have crafted this for you to keep you safe He hands you a masterwork bastard sword. Now go meet in the town square and don’t be late.

Xeros and Fealix:
Xeros you have been training under Arnama for a few years now though it took you about 6 months to get her to agree to train you as she didn’t quite trust the demonic blood coursing through your veins. After you met Fealix and saw that he could benefit from some of her teachings you asked her to start working with Fealix. She was dead set against the idea because she saw him as a traitor to his ancestry. But after you reminded her that she was wrong about you she will agree to take him under her wing as well. However she refused to teach someone that evil her craft, not wanting to see it perverted. Currently the two of you are out talking when she approaches. Boys, I’ve signed you up to participate in the quest for the everflame. While I’m sure Xeros can handle the responsibility well, I’m still a little worried about you Fealix so I ask that you Xeros look after him and make sure he keeps out of trouble. I’ve gotten each of you something special for each of you. She hands Xeros a masterwork longbow and she hands Fealix a masterwork Morningstar. She looks into their eyes It took me calling in a lot of favors to get the mayor to agree to letting you go on such a monumental quest, please please please don’t prove my faith in you wrong.

It is the 11th day of Neth, 4711 and you have all just left the company of your respective mentors and are gathered in the town square, waiting to be given further instructions. The bells atop the Temple of Erastil toll their midday song, echoing throughout the quiet town of Kassen. As the peals begin to fade, the first of the townsfolk make their way into the square, dressed in black, as if attending a funeral. They slowly fill the square, moving quietly across the cold, hard ground, their eyes downcast and mournful, a few even seem to be crying. After a few moments, a murmur passes through the crowd as it slowly parts to let Mayor Uptal through. He leads the way with a tarnished silver lantern. Behind him, an old pony drags a cart laden with backpacks and supplies. Once he reaches the center of the crowd, Mayor Uptal stops and calls out to the assembled townsfolk.

“Once again the winter winds blow through the Fangwood, marking the end of another harvest. There are wolves in the woods, howling at our walls, and serpents in our shadows, waiting to strike. Just as it was one hundred and seventy-six years ago, when Kassen himself left these walls to protect us, so it is today. Where are the heroes? Where are the brave folk that will venture out to Kassen’s tomb and retrieve the flame to keep this community safe for another winter?”

Male Human Cleric/1

"I have been chosen," a man says, stepping forward. He is dressed in solid black - his only adornment is a bright, glimmering silver tankard on a simple silver chain. He gives a slight nod to the crowd. Most recognize him as the bartender, Conrad, from a small tavern in town. He is trying to remain calm, but he can't help but allow a wide smile to cross his face.

Game Master

"I too will go to the Everflame" a raspy voice announces. The words seemed somewhat practised though. Out of the crowd walks a man (if you can call him that), a man that everyone recognises as Amgir. He has anger issues and works with Braggar one of the local blacksmiths. Many people give him a doubtful look as he proceeds forward, with just a set of simple clothes, a leather shirt with small studs and a large sword across his back.
"I won't fail, besides there could be something strong to fight" as he says the final part a grin grows upon his reptilian face.

Male Aasimar Oracle(Planar and Possessed) lvl 1 Barbarian(Urban) lvl 1 Total lvl 2

I need to talk with the DM about my character a bit. I will post once I have everything clear.

For Xeros and Fealix:
I didn't read the back stories earlier...sorry. Glad you guys worked something out and I will honor it. Xeros your events unfold pretty much as described above except that Fealix won't be there. You still get your masterwork item.

Fealix because of the charitable donation you made to the town the Mayor has approached you and asked that you join the other 3 on a quest to gather the ever flame. He also gives you your masterwork item.

Just needed to clear something up with those two...continue on.

Male Aasimar Oracle(Planar and Possessed) lvl 1 Barbarian(Urban) lvl 1 Total lvl 2

Fealix will look at the mayor.

"Here comes that good for nothing mayor, what does he want now. Another good deed? This town asks too much of you but offers little reward."

Fealix nods and then turns to the mayor and smiles pleasantly. "What can I do for you sir?" Fealix listens carefully to the mayor's request.

"Town tradition huh? So they've finally picked you to do something important eh. Maybe a good opportunity to pay some of these fools back for the years of neglect."

The mayor then offers Fealix the morning star. "Thank you. What a wonderful gift." A rather twisted grin crosses Fealix's face as he begins to admire the weapon in his hands.

"Maybe this town isn't so worthless and ungrateful after all. There is a lot of "good" we can do with this gift. For now, let us see what this adventure holds.

Fealix nods to the mayor. "Very well, I will accept the task you have given me. I will take my leave now." With that, Fealix will bow politely and make his way to the town square.

At the square attending the assembly. Fealix listens to the obnoxious mayor prattle on the nonsensical story of this worthless town. Once the mayor calls for heroes, Fealix will step forward and join the others. The others will seem a six foot red skinned young man with brown hair and rather disturbing white eyes. He has a shield on his back and he wears an assortment of earthen coloured traveler's garb. He is surprisingly good looking for a man of Kessen. You may know him as a survivor of a great fire that had taken place a few years ago. Story is that he lost his adopted family in the disaster. They were somewhat wealthy and he inherited it. Rather than keep it for himself, he donated almost all of it to the local orphanage he group up in. His name is Fealix.
"I will go to the crypt." He announced.


"This is kind of exciting. Who knows what damage we could cause. Let's look at the other saps who have also joined."

Fealix will then gander at the others who had stepped forward. First Fealix noticed the Cleric.


"Let's see, bah! A cleric of the chapel! What an annoying bunch they are! This is going to be a long an painful trip. What else is there?"

Fealix then turns his attention to the lizard.


Well now this is interesting. Such an unpredictable creature. This will definitely level things out with that cleric for sure. And now onto the last one......oh no, not him!"

As fate would have it, Fealix saw his old childhood friend Xeros was also apart of those who would venture to the crypt. Fealix's eyes widened and his face lit up into a smile. He moved over to greet his friend with a hug.
"It is so good to see you again. How have you been these past few years?

Male Tiefling Ranger(Trapper)-1/Cleric-1

Xeros accepts the bow from his mentor, he hesitates a response. "I am honored ,but will the town accept me.........but your faith in me is all I need thank you for your teachings."


A figure around 6ft tall stands up in silence and moves up with his face being covered by his hood. The man is dressed in earh tones and a bow and flail covering his back. As he gets to the stage, he removes his hood in front of the crowd showing a face with it bearing a demonic mark. He looks out to the people, "I Xeros, student of Arnama Lastrid, have been chosen." Showing a proud face and holding firm to the reaction of the public.

As Fealix turns his attention to him, Xeros accepts his hug, and says "Its been to long, nothing intresting just training and lots of it." As he remembers the news of Fealix's family he sombers a little bit, "I am sorry to hear of your families tragedy, but rejoice in the news of us reuniting for the same goal!". Xeros thinks to himself I see the fates have chosen me to help my friend once again.

Male Aasimar Oracle(Planar and Possessed) lvl 1 Barbarian(Urban) lvl 1 Total lvl 2

At the mention of his family Fealix ponders a minute. "Family? Oh them, right. They were a greedy bunch so I guess they got what they deserved. But you should be happy, I gave all their money to our orphanage. So now the little brats should be happier.....but I doubt it. The only special thing about that place was you of course. Oh man it is just so good to see you again"


"No its not!"

Fealix shakes his head violently a bit and then turns his attention back to Xeros. "So how did you end up on this silly quest anyways?"

Male Tiefling Ranger(Trapper)-1/Cleric-1

He eyes Fealix for a moment after he tells Xeros about his family, and responds ”Glad to see you still have kindness in your heart to help those that have helped you in the past. As you said that orphanage didn’t have much, but at least gave me your friendship.” When he sees his friend’s head thrashing about, Xeros puts his hand on his shoulder to steady the man and to let him know that he is here with him.

Xeros ponders Fealix’s question over trying to figure out his own answer for it, after a moment he figures out what he will say.

”My mentor believes…….I believe that this might help prove myself to the townsfolk, cause gods know I would love to walk down the street once without getting rocks or slurs thrown at me.” Xeros says ending with a smile and a soft chuckle.

Game Master

While Fealix and Xeros are chatting, Amgir turns to the Bartender who stood up first, "Hmm, a bar man, eh? You don't look very ssstrong, why the big sssmile? They don't look ssstrong either! There will be fighting, right?" On his face you can see disappointment, at the very thought there may be no fighting.

Male Human Cleric/1

Conrad just smiles at Amgir. "Ha! I'm strong enough, I can assure you. As for the other two, I'm sure they can handle themselves quite capably. And the smile? It's for the same reason you're participating - the expectation of battle." Conrad continues smiling, awaiting the final participants. He assumes he won't be the only human going on this journey.

Game Master

"Ha, the bar man thinksss he can fight? We shall sssee sssoon enough. But I like you, battle isss the bessst thing ever, anyone who looksss forward to a fight, isss alright in my eyesss!" His face no longer showing any sign of disappointment as another comrad also thinks there will be fighting.

As the four of you step forward and start talking the Mayor clears his throat. Conrad being the only pure blood amongst the group, I am tasking you with the responsibility of carrying the lantern. You are to fill it with the light of the Everflame and then return to camp. He walks over to Conrad to hand him the lantern and then walks to a small cart and prepares the backpacks and then disperses them. Please take these to aid you on your way He says as he hands everyone a backpack. Once everyone has their supplies he will turn to address the crowed. I present to you the brave heroes who will follow in Kassen’s footsteps to retrieve the Everflame! Some of them may not return, but I say to you that their sacrifice shall not be forgotten. Go, brave heroes, and do not return until you have the eternal fire. Someone shouts from the back of the crowed With that uncontrolled brute, the tiefling, and the Aasimer we will have no flame this winter. Uptal you have screwed us all. And with that a tomato comes flying out of the crowed and splatters all over Xeros. The mayors guards quickly apprehend the man with the good arm and he is dragged off, still ranting about how the current group has no chance of success. Hoping that the selected bunch have the self control to not retaliate the mayor points to the south, the direction of Kassen’s tomb. Go, brave heroes, and do not return until you have the eternal fire.He repeats trying to recapture the moment. The townsfolk begin
waving goodbye with cold, solemn looks on most of their faces and again some appear to be crying. They slowly start filing out of the town square and noted amongst the crowed is all of your mentors, dressed in black.

Amgir's Backpack:
Amgir your backpack contains 5 days worth of rations, a small tent, a winter blanket, a full waterskin, a grappling hook, hemp rope, and a piece of paper that looks to be part of a map.

Conrad's Backpack:
Conrad your backpack contains 5 days worth of rations, a small tent, a winter blanket, a full waterskin, a vial thats labled "Potion of cure light wounds", a bottle of local brandy, and a piece of paper that looks to be part of a map.

Fealix's Backpack:
Fealix your backpack contains 5 days worth of rations, a small tent, a winter blanket, a full waterskin, a box containing tinder and 3 tinderwigs, and a piece of paper that looks to be part of a map.

Xeros's Backpack:
Xeros your backpack contains 5 days worth of rations, a small tent, a winter blanket, a full waterskin, 3 torches, and a piece of paper that looks to be part of a map.

Your soon going to be alone in the square. Each of you have your backpacks. You're not exactly sure where to go but I'm sure if you put your heads together you'll come up with something.

Game Master

As everyone is walking away Amgir says "They guy had a good throw" before laughing raspily to himself.

When I see Braggar, I will bow my head to him and say "I will not let you down, I will return with the flame and have my anger under control. I will make you proud" Even if he doesn't hear me, I will still feel better and more determined to make sure that I keep my word.

After looking through my backpack, I introduce myself to the remaining 2 adventurers "Looksss like we will be travelling together, I am Amgir. I will ussse my ssstrength to help usss get the everflame.I have been learning to control my anger, ssso you should be sssafe with me. I can't wait for beautiful combat!" With that I will give everyone a curt bow.

Male Aasimar Oracle(Planar and Possessed) lvl 1 Barbarian(Urban) lvl 1 Total lvl 2

At the mention of the cleric being the only pure blood. Fealix snorts


"Would you look at that. Their precious pureblood human gets all the honors. It doesn't matter what "good" you do, your still only a halfbreed to these stuck up self righteous people. You see there is nothing here worth saving after all

Fealix leans over to Xeros and whispers. "You hear that? Pureblood. They're still going to categorize us even after all you and I have done. Their precious human blood must not be tainted. Makes me sick."

When the man from the crowd through the tomato, Fealix's eyes flashed with anger.


"And now these ingrates throw food at your best friend! Are you going to stand for that? You should take that arm and put it to better use! Right now!"

Fealix speaks under his breath:
Perception score of 10 by the others:

"No not now. In a minute. This isn't the time or place. I worry about it later, before we leave."

Once the crowd leaves, Fealix will take his things and look to the group with a pleasant smile. "Excuse me for a moment my friends. I forgot something I need to take care of before we go." With that, Fealix will turn to take his leave of the group.
For Xeros:

You recognize that look. Fealix always made it when he met someone he wanted to kill. The scary part is, Fealix is actually known to do just that. Kill. That man's life may very well be in your hands at this moment.

Game Master

Percpetion - 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10

Male Human Cleric/1

Upon hearing that he will be the only human on the expedition, his brow furrows. He hasn't spent much time with these individuals and is surprised by the composition of the four. He takes the lantern, nodding at the mayor and smiling at the crowd.

When the tomato hits Xeros, Conrad laughs - not at the poor Tiefling, but with the knowledge that things are about to get out of hand. He is slightly disappointed when the situation diffuses itself so quickly.

Perception Check
1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13

Overhearing Fealix's words, Conrad looks to see who he's talking to. Seeing no one, he shrugs, unconcerned for the moment. Then, he catches the eye of his mentor. He nods and grips his idol. His mentor turns and departs with the crowd.

He pokes through his backpack, grateful to find the familiar Kessen brandy and taking particular notice of the small piece of parchment. He withdraws it and looks at it for a moment. Even at a quick glance it's clear that he's holding a piece of a map.

Turning to the others, he sees Fealix stalking off. To the other two, he says, "I don't suppose you two fine...gentlemen...happen to have a similar piece of parchment, do you? I assume that we have each been given a portion of a map, leading us to our destination. Until our recently depart companion returns, we may be at a standstill before we've even begun."

Game Master

Although I hear what the one called Fealix says quietly, I bear it no mind. Why should I, it has nothing to do with me.

I am just pondering to myself

When will they accept me, just because I no longer look like them?! Well I will prove I can be trusted, for Braggar's sake more than my own. He trusted me with this, the first person to trust me since this curse began. I will not dishonour that trust!

As Fealix is walking off, I call out "Have fun and sssee you sssoon, you two too. I will be waiting here, preparing for the fun ahead" I am really fidgeting at the moment.

Sense Motive of anyone = 10:
I am getting impatient and really wanting to go and find someone strong to fight

With that, I sit down, with the blade Braggar gave me and start polishing and sharpening it. Which seems to make me less fidgetty. Upon hearing the Bar mans words, I rummage through my pack and pull out a piece of parchment "Isss thisss what you mean? You can have it, it isss jussst confusssing me. You can underssstand it, if ssso I will follow you. You know where to go, I have no idea."

Game Master

"oh, and jussst sssay what you want to, it ssseemed sssomewhat forccced to sssay gentlemen. Plusss I am no gentleman, jussst call me what you sssee or think of me."

Male Tiefling Ranger(Trapper)-1/Cleric-1

Perception:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14

As the tomato hits the tiefling, memories of old and new flood in of previous humilations he shakes away his sudden anger, Xeros has gotten used to such abuse he looks to the group and smiles as he wipes away the fruit. "I guess some one doesn't know how to pack up food he wishes to give a hero on there journey." He lets out a chuckle. He responds to the blood issue, "I don't know why yours isn't the purest since yours contains the blood of a celestial."

As he sees his friend start to stalk off with that look in his eyes. He holds out his hand and says to Fealix, "My friend I know you have a handkerchief for me to wipe of this mess. And a better revenge will be you and me carrying a lantern with there precious flame back to the village." He will follow Fealix if he doesn’t start heading back to him.

Game Master

After hearing the one named Xeros make a joke out of the tomato, I give out a raspy laugh and say "A sssenssse of humour? Thisss will be even more interesssting, I love a good joke almossst asss much asss battle."

With that I will hold out a cloth towards the tomato covered man, offering it to him. Whether he takes it or not, I get back to polishing and sharpening my sword.

Male Aasimar Oracle(Planar and Possessed) lvl 1 Barbarian(Urban) lvl 1 Total lvl 2


Bring the lantern back so these miserable people can rejoice!?! Like hell! That doesn't make any sense at all. That is precisely what they want. No the despair is better.

Fealix glances at his shoulder. "I will worry that man some other time. Too much of a hassle." Fealix looks back at Xeros. "Very well, I will let it go.....for now." Fealix puts on the pack and groans a bit. "Honestly though, I wonder to this day why you care so much about riffraff like that man. I mean, he directly insults and assaults you and your simply going to let him walk? Why?"

Why even ask him. He's only going to give you a nonsensical answer that has to do with being so self righteous. His better have must be retching at the thought even as I speak!

Male Tiefling Ranger(Trapper)-1/Cleric-1

He accepts the cloth from Amgir and wipes off the mess from his face. "Thank you sir, I'm in your debt. You have to have a sense of humor about these things or you'll never be happy." He says with a smile and hands back the cloth to the Troglodyte. In reference to his friends question, "Someone has to watch out for them, might as well be me. Seriously though, you inspired me to be kind to others by your friendship with me when no one else would. So I came up with the idea if I protect people with the same passion as you did for me we all would be friends, so far it hasn't been easy but as a wise man once said anything that comes easy isn't worth it." As he hopes that answer suffices.

With Conrad’s question about the papers in the backpack, he digs through his and brings up his piece of paper, then looks to the group and says "I got one, how about you two?"

Realizing he didn't introduce himself he says,"Sorry about my rudeness, my name is Xeros and I'm sure you have seen me at the bar, Conrad. Amgir I have heard little about you but look forward to be next you in battle instead of in front of you."
Xeros comments to there earlier inquiries.

Conrad would probably recognize Xeros, he comes in the bar near the end of the night hanging with the drunks that don't judge him on his appearence.

I'll move things along tomorrow when I get back from my interview. Just wanted to pop in and let you guys know you haven't been abandoned.

Male Aasimar Oracle(Planar and Possessed) lvl 1 Barbarian(Urban) lvl 1 Total lvl 2

Fealix listens to Xeros explain his inspiration for goodness.


Oh GODS! You dumb@$$! You taught him that. What is wrong with you! Ugh you need to stop being such a positive influence on people and start focusing more on bringing our ideals to this world.

"Would you shut up! I swear one day I will make you bow to me!" Fealix shouts out to the sky.

Bow to you? Heh I would love to see that sweetie. Just try

He notices the others are most likely staring at him. He immediately composes himself. "Sorry, my name is Fealix. Just Fealix. I'm nobody special but Xeros here is a great man...."

No he isn't

"....and has done much for me...

No he hasn't

"....will be of great help too us..."


"WOULD YOU SHUT...UP!!!" Fealix shouts. He shakes his head violently again. "Okay, hopefully I will have no more interruptions." Fealix reaches into his pack and pulls out his paper. "Here I have a piece of the map as well. It looks as though it will take all four of us to find this place."

Game Master

"Well XXXerosss, I cccertainly hope you won't be in front of me in battle. That would either mean we are fighting or you are ssstealing all of the fun. Both of thossse don't ssseem very good."

Once Xeros has wiped all of the tomato off of his face "Well, that looksss a lot better"

I turn to Fealix and say "Are you okay? I didn't mean to make any noissse while you were talking. Ssso hopefully no interruptionsss from me." As I say this I seem to be gripping my polishing cloth very tightly.

Sense Motive for anyone = 10:
I appear to be angry for being told to shut up, when I didn't think I was making much noise. But also seem to be trying to control my anger.

Male Human Cleric/1

"Xeros, of course I recognize you! A bartender never forgets his loyal patrons." Conrad says.

Taking the four pieces of parchment, he examines the images on each. Kneeling, he lays the parchment on the ground, shifting and adjusting the pieces until a logical picture is created. Pointing at the map, he "Now - it looks as if this our destination. Does it look familiar to anyone?"

I'll attempt a Knowledge: Local check to see if I recognize the location and roughly how far away it is.
Knowledge Local - 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20

Game Master

"Sssorry, jussst looksss like a load of linesss and sssquiggless to me. Do you recognissse it?"

I'll post the constructed map soon...need to calm down after this morning...apparently they didn't mean to call me in for an interview...I wasted 30 dollars and about 6 hours of my life...

The map.

Thanks everyone for your patience

Male Human Cleric/1

No worries. Sorry the interview was a bust.

Conrad looks at the formed map. "Ah, of course. It looks as if we're headed to the Serpent Hills, due south of here. I think we should be off. It's not far, but we won't be able to get there tonight. (I'm assuming - if that's wrong, we can retcon that statement.) Is everyone ready to go?" He folds up the pieces of map and places them in his pack. Looking at the others, he says, "I assume it's ok if I hold onto them?"

Game Master

"I am ready to leave, of courssse you can hold on to them. I can't make teeth nor ssscalesss of them. Jussst glad sssomeone can read them."
With that I put my polishing cloth and whetstone away, re-sheath my blade and put my back pack on. "Ready when you guysss are"

Conrad you also find the fantasy equivalent to tape in your pack so you can keep the pieces together. And you are correct it will be a 2 day journey. Basically you will start out going southwest to the Broken Glade and then head south to the lake...basically follow the red dotted line and you guys will be fine. *goes back to work on setting up more maps*...not that your having a combat soon or anything...*shifty eyes*

Male Tiefling Ranger(Trapper)-1/Cleric-1

"Didn't want to say anything but I'm glad you remember me from the bar. Let us hurry then and make it to a good camping spot before it gets to late."

Xeros then looks to Amgir, "He's not telling you to shut up, he's talking to someone else. It's hard to explain ,but trust me you want a good man like Fealix on your side."

As they leave or while they are waiting to move, Xeros stares at the sky and going to try and predict the weather for the day.

Survival:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19
Sense Motive:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14
And Sorry to hear about your interview Math.

Whats the sense motive for?

Its not going to rain/snow but its going to be moderately cool(40's)

Male Tiefling Ranger(Trapper)-1/Cleric-1

To sense Agmir's anger from Fealixes comment a little earlier

Game Master

"Ah right, sssoundsss confusssing. But if you sssay ssso. I shall trussst you on thisss. Hopefully we can all get along, ssso we can complete thisss mission, prove to everybody we are not cursssed and get sssome niccce fightsss while getting the everflame."

Male Aasimar Oracle(Planar and Possessed) lvl 1 Barbarian(Urban) lvl 1 Total lvl 2

Fealix just looks at the lizard and reveals a malicious smile.


I know what your thinking, an easily angered lizard creature. Oh the possibilities.
Fealix just continued to smile for a moment and then straightened up. "Well sir Cleric, we should be on our way. I will follow your lead."
For now.

"Indeed." Fealix will then begin to follow.

Male Human Cleric/1

Seeing that everyone appears to be ready to go, Conrad begins walking south, following the path laid out on their map. Trying to make conversation, he asks the others, "So, why do you suppose you were chosen for this task?"

Let me know if I (or someone else) need to roll a survival check to find our way. I'll assume the map is pretty clear unless I'm told otherwise.

Game Master

"I'm not sure, all I know isss that Braggar tried really hard to get me on thisss quessst and I am not going to let him down. Maybe he thinksss the ressst of the villagersss will ssstart to trussst me if I help complete thisss tasssk and I have the ssstrength to be of help? No matter the reassson, he hasss done ssso much for me, the lassst thing I want to do isss disssappoint him. Any idea'sss why you were picked?"

Male Aasimar Oracle(Planar and Possessed) lvl 1 Barbarian(Urban) lvl 1 Total lvl 2

Fealix looks at Conrad and simply says. "I was chosen because I'm a nice guy and help children."



Male Tiefling Ranger(Trapper)-1/Cleric-1

"I believe my teacher choose me to help the town see that I am on there side. I know its a funny thing to say ,but it seems people are still jumpy about the whole demon blood thing." He finishes with a chuckle Then looks to his friend.

"And a truly worhty choice it was my friend. I sometimes think you did that cause you knew I was going on this quest and wanted to watch over me. Either way I am grateful your here."

Finally he turns back to Conrad "Why were you choosen, or is it just a promotional stunt for your bar? Which I am all for, since the ale is very good there." Xeros says in good spirits.

Male Human Cleric/1

"It was a stunt of the temple, actually," he says, smiling. "I have studied with Father Prasst for many years. And though he and I don't see eye-to-eye on matters of faith, he has tolerated my presence there - even setting up a small shrine to The Lucky Drunk for me. I suppose he grew tired of my bothering the other parishioners with my loud, drunken...well...I suppose you'd call them 'prayers,' and wanted me out of his hair for a while."

Game Master

"Ha, ha, ha! Ssso isss thisss like a punishment for you then? For causssing ssso much unressst in the temple? The Lucky Drunk, eh? That makesss a lot more sssense asss to why you work in the bar! Maybe when we return, I will be able to try sssome of this "Ale", what isss it like, doesss it tassste niccce?"

Male Human Cleric/1

Conrad look aghast when Amgir wonders if ale "tastes nice." He says, "My dear friend, we will educate you in the subtle flavors and notes of the local and exotic ales we have in our fine town. And, to be clear, the bar is my chapel, its patrons my congregation and ale my sacrament. The local cathedral is where I go to relax."

Game Master

I look confused "Alesss? You mean there isss more than one of them? Different flavoursss? That is one religousss lesssssson I would willingly go to. Ssso you get to have thisss ale in a chapel?" I seem to be looking excited at the thought of trying this new thing called Ale.

Male Aasimar Oracle(Planar and Possessed) lvl 1 Barbarian(Urban) lvl 1 Total lvl 2

As Fealix listens to the conversation he begins to talk in a rather dark and serious tone. "Ale is good for one thing and that is bringing the worst out of people. While it can be amusing to watch, it just goes to show what is underneath everyone's facade. In the end, people are all simply hiding their darker nature. They get a little loose in the head and it comes out for all to see. Then just like the vulters they are, they attack. Good high standing people have been torn apart by one night at a bar or with a calmly lass. Those who indulge in these practices regularly are nothing more than trash, a simple waste of space that does no good for anyone. The world would be better off without them." Fealix begins to muse now to himself lost in thought, almost as though he is listening to someone.


Indeed it is true, even the best of the mortal race have something to hide. It's like a fine clean rug, if you pound it hard enough it is bound to show a little dirt. It is true of any being.

"Demons are clear in their intent, mortals and other higher beings wont be so honest."
Fealix will continue to walk with the group pondering.

Game Master

After hearing what Fealix says about Ale, I come out with "Bringsss out the worssst?! In that cassse I won't be trying any of that. Lassst thing I want isss to lossse control of my anger again. I have tried ssso hard to keep it under control. Sssorry Conrad, but after hearing that about the ssstuff, I don't know if I will ever be able to try it. Thanksss for the warning Fealixxx, lucky I am not a high ssstanding perssson asss well. You ssseem to really hate thisss Ale."
As I am walking along, I will be pondering the last thing Fealix said and shamefully realise that he is right and that I am no better than anyone else. Which makes me angry, although I seem to control the anger ... for now.

Excellent work everyone. I should have had you guys roll a survival check but I'm going to hand wave it for now. I'll advance this now.

You guys travel south east for two hours until the narrow path winds through the raking claws of the trees, now bare of their leaves, which crunch loudly underfoot. Up ahead, a fallen tree trunk blocks the path. Suddenly a trio of snarling humanoids leaps up from behind the log, all greenish skin and fearsome tusks, bellowing vulgar challenges.


DM Rolls:

1d20 ⇒ 14
1d20 ⇒ 16
1d20 ⇒ 15

Combat Rules:

Okay so combat will work this way:

1. Everyone rolls init, but you will NOT need to post in init order.
2. When you post your actions in combat please list 2 actions(just in case one of them isn't possible).
3. When everyone has posted I'll resolve actions in init order.
4. Xp will be split amongst the party and we're using the fast xp progression for this book(might change if we do later books...they shorted us out of like 3k xp for medium track).

Does anyone have the patience to make maps...I DON'T but I don't want to hand wave them so if anyone else can do it I'll give out 1 hero point/combat for making the map. I do have CC3 but I'm not sure how to use it...and I don't have time tonight to learn it. For now go ahead and roll your init and post your actions. If no one can make a map I'll hand wave it for now(not really a hard combat).

Male Human Cleric/1

Initative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7

Action 1:
Conrad draws his rapier and takes a quick drink from his flask. More for character flavor than mechanics, but this does get me a +2 bonus on saves against fear and mind-altering effects. He then stands his ground and prepares for the attack.

Do I need a second action?

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