GM Wolf |

She takes you into her room and has you sit back on the cushioned chair. There she asks, "I need to take some blood so I can do the tests. Will that be alright?" She holds up a needle and in her other hand is several vials. Assuming you agree, She pokes you once with near perfect accuracy and fills up the vials. Then she slowly pulls it out and after two small pinches the needle is gone. Then she turns on computers and equipment to begin the process. She absently asks, "Would you like something to drink? I have freshly squeezed orange juice, lemonade, or I could procure one of those sodas from the vending machine. This will take a few hours at least."

Titus "The Titan" Armstrong |

Titus follows mostly as Elize is extremely curious and wishes to follow.
"So you have made yourself into a plant? No longer human. How did the zombies come about?"

Azana |

"Uh, sure?" Azana held out her arm. She'd had enough blood drawn to open a blood bank since she was a child, and the sting of the needle didn't bother her in the slightest. When offered a drink, she said, "Oh, lemonade sounds good."

GM Wolf |

"Yes." she responds to.... Elize? "Zomboes, oh right. The infection, not my department. You would want to talk to Dr. Parsons." At the request she waves her hand and a vine comes in with a pitcher and a few cups. She takes them pouring the juice into a cup and handing it to Azana. Seeing some results she states, "early results say pig or boar..."

GM Wolf |

"Dr. Parsons is on the 8th floor. The bottom of the installation," she absently says, then far more interested in Azana states, "Well that is the quick identifier... I am sure we will learn more soon enough." Then she pours over the data.
A few hours pass and she shouts, "Eureka! It is done! Yes, boar genes, and human genes. It is so interesting that they would splice you with a boar... hmmmm, but these indicators say you aren't spliced but that the boar indicators are human like... interesting. But that is perposterous! I mean we have androids and robots, and there is me but... I don't know what this is saying. Large swaths on a canvas if anything, nothing definitive. Do any of your friends have different genes like you?! Maybe something for me to compare it to?"
Then you hear the elevator ding.

Matthew G. Smith |

The man gave the robot a high five, then walked out of the elevator to give a bow. Standing up he went to Alice who was still down. He shook his head and asked, "Would either of you be willing to carry her? We should get up to the next level or down and get her some help."

Thorn, Omen bringer |

Thorn nodded and went to pick her up. Then followed Hellfire to the elevator.

Jelissa M'Barra |

She stood up and followed joining them onto the elevator.

Matthew G. Smith |

He presses the down button and the doors close before the metal box descends. The doors open and Hellfire takes the lead. He makes sure the coast is clear and then waves them forward. He indicates the room and then continues to clear the level.

Thorn, Omen bringer |

He takes the woman into the indicated room and with REX'S help gets her all hooked up. Leaving the more technical stuff to the robot.

Jelissa M'Barra |

She checks in on Thorn and then follows Hellfire, scythe in hand...

Titus "The Titan" Armstrong |

"So she, um Alice is not ok? It could be beneficial if we can find this Dr. Parsons. If he is responsible for this or any of it perhaps he has ways to fight it?"

Azana |

"So I'm human pig mixed with human?" Azana wasn't sure how she felt about that, but she looked over as the others gathered. "Did we turn Alice on wrong? Wait, that sounds bad. Did we wake her up without doing things right?" That didn't sound much better.

Azana |

"Oh, she can have some of mine!" Azana looked at her arm. "Unless she happens to be kosher or halal, I guess?"

Azana |

"Are we safe and secure to rest here?" Azana asked. "And is there anything worth going and finding on some of the other floors?"

Matthew G. Smith |

If you are on the floor below Doctor Ivy's lab.
He would tell you, "It seems secure and safe. But if anyone ever says that to you, you should run. Just saying. Yes, you can rest here. There is plenty of rooms and I checked all of them. No one is here but us. Unless there is a secret lab or door or something. Though I didn't see it. Nothing obvious at least. I wouldn't go anywhere on your own. We are on floor 6. Floor 7 was the warehouse and Dr. Parson's lab, that is gone now. Floor 5 is the Hydroponics lab, with doctor Ivy. The other floors might reveal interesting finds but also possible threats."
"Then he points out what is on those floors:
Floor 7 - Armory, Warehouse, Dr. Parson
Floor 6 - Hydroponics lab, doctor ivy, water and plants
Floor 4 - Power station and ...
Floor 3 -
Floor 2 -
Floor 1 - Offices, front desk, and secret entrance." DM is drawing a blank right now and would appreciate some suggestions!

Matthew G. Smith |

Floor 4 - additional labs
Floor 3 - additional labs
Floor 2 - additional labs and store rooms

Azana |

"So, no zombies and no structual damage from getting rid of those zombies?" Azana considered for a moment. "I suppose we could see if there's anything left on floor 7, either 'on fire' or being useful."

Matthew G. Smith |

"We can at least go and see what we can find. Come along." He waves and heads towards the elevator.
The doors open up on the 7th floor and it appears pitch black. He lights up his hand which shines like a torch and you can see that there is a 20 by 30 by 45 foot section that is not covered in debris to the left. Pretty much everything else is covered in tons of debris.
You see a zombie moving in the debris but it quickly is scorched and melted by a cone of flame from Hellfire.

Thorn, Omen bringer |

He shrugs and takes his tower shield off his back and equips it, then he pulls his longsword free of its sheath. Ready to defend.

Jelissa M'Barra |

Jelissa follows the group staying in the back of the elevator.

Azana |

"Guess this floors done, huh. Can anyone work out if the roof's OK?" The whole facility falling into a hole would be bad, especially if Azana was still in it.

Titus "The Titan" Armstrong |

Sorry been away and quite busy. No end in sight for work right now. :(
"If Dr. Parson is no longer alive or can't be found I'm not sure it is worth the risk exploring. Do you wish to check this floor? I can take the lead."

Matthew G. Smith |

"Yes it looks like this floor is well, toast. Totally destroyed." After frying the undead he lights his hand again to be a torch and finishes circling what is left of the floor to quickly return and pass those who had followed. Then he went to the elevator. "So the 7th floor is gone. 6th floor is where Alice is, not much there. 5th Floor is Doctor Ivy's lab and the hydroponics. Do you want to go to the top then?" He states and then asks Azana.

Azana |

"We should double check floors 5 and 6 to make sure that the whole 'grrr, zombies' aren't lurking on any of the floors we've been to. You know how it is, someone goes to the bathroom and then it turns out there was a small group of zombies in the disabled loo and someone's been eaten." Azana shrugged. "After we're certain those floors are safe, and this one is charcoal so it's pretty safe, we can take a break without the whole 'argh, zombies' situation."

Matthew G. Smith |

"You are more than welcome to ask Dr. Ivy for a tour. I will be double checking floor 6. Anyone who wants to come is welcome!" He offers, showing his disdain for the doctor.

Jelissa M'Barra |

"I think I will go with Hellfire." She states and on the 6th floor gets off following him, scythe in hand.

Thorn, Omen bringer |

"I am with you Jelissa," he states and quickly takes point searching the sixth floor.

GM Wolf |

Those going on the sixth floor take their time searching the floor. Going from room to room, there appears to have no signs of life or undeath. No blood or signs of struggle.
Going to the fifth floor you could enter the hydroponics area with all the plants, go into the doctors medical lab or try one of the doors beyond that. You don't see the doctor. Azana or those from the more modern times would likely find the intercom system and she would come to you. Doctor Ivy then would give you a tour of the hydroponics gardens. There is plenty of water, plants growing, and light for anything she needs with her plants. There is only one door she does not take you through, stating that is her own room. She even takes you to many of the pipe centers that are secured behind grates that need to be opened by a drill of sorts. Overall her lab and level is clear.
After checking those two floors the group likely beds down on the sixth floor and gets some well needed rest.

Jelissa M'Barra |

"So should we go up and check the 4th floor and then the floors above that today?" She offers as the group collects.
Everyone take away one ration.

Azana |

Azana will cook either at a kitchen or break room if there is one, or somewhere unlikely to have the fire detectors notice on her camp gear if not.
Craft (food): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (12) + 11 = 23
Making a quick soup with some kind of bread from the rations she had, Azana headed back to where people were resting a pot to share. "I think that sounds good. If we're really going to use this place as a base we should make sure it's secure. We do still need to either take care of or, well, take care of those tweeker zombies."

Matthew G. Smith |

"There might be some walkie talkies but I haven't seen much usable tech or such on these levels. I would know where to go in the warehouse but that is no more. Well we just stick together and shall we go then?" He asks as he begins to walk to the elevator.

Azana |

"Sticking together is better, yeah. If a bunch of these things have turned into a giant mutant ball of zombie I really don't want to meet it all alone," the genre savvy Azana decided.

Thorn, Omen bringer |

"That sounds horrible! I have heard of graveyard contructs with a similar idea... ehhh." He offers as he looks up thinking about it and then obviously shivers at the thought.

GM Wolf |

With Thorn and Titus at the front of the elevator, it bings and the doors open on the 4th floor. You hear a voice shout out, "STOP! Come any closer and the explosives go off!" You don't see anyone one. It seems that the elevator opens into a room. There are sandbags setup as trip lines and after 20 feet there is a short 4 foot wall of sandbags that seems to make a C facing the elevator. The voice came from the right. Though you see several armored heads pop up with rifles aimed at you.

Azana |

"Uh...could we not blow up, please? We're not infected, if that helps?" Azana kept her hands up and didn't move forward, as exploding was probably bad for her health.

Matthew G. Smith |

He taps Titus on the shoulder and says, "switch me spots. Codename Hellfire, of the Special Weapons Division. Omega Code Delta Foxtrot 55. What is your status?"
"Understood, we will return once the mission is complete." he states and backs up to let Titus take point again, on the way he presses for the doors to close and the button for the 3rd floor.

GM Wolf |

The officer to the side walks around and salutes Hellfire, "Sorry sir we are currently under security lock down. If you will wait, I will get the captain." With a nod from Hellfire he briskly leaves. A minute or so passes and the captain returns with the original officer.
The captain apologically offers, "I can let you in but first if you would clear the upper floors that would be best, then we can pack up the defenses and deploy them upstairs on ground level."
The doors close and that gives you about a minute of privacy until the elevator gets to the 3rd floor. There the doors open and it looks like the recption floor. There are bloody marks along the walls, pools of blood, and corpses along the way. Nothing is moving... yet. The doors will remain open until someone presses a button.