Scramsax |

Yes thats interesting, looks like it takes place after the Lost Mines adventure. 1500 DR from what I can tell.
I tried the XGE tables but wasn't happy. I don't really like stories about parents and family so I just wrote something, hope that's alright.
★Scram is a jewel thief, he came to Phandalin to take advantage of the miners. Lots of raw gems to steal, cut and sell.
★He has an alcohol problem...starting with just a sip it always ends bad. Waking up next to half-orc ladies, his clothes missing, and strange proclamations are a common thing.
★Scram is trying to legitimize his thievery by making enough money to start a jewel business. He estimates it might take around 5000 gp, so is trying to scrounge up money wherever he can.
★He has a distinctive mustache he sometimes claims is his source of power.
★Abnormally fit even for a halfling, challenging climbs and runs are no problem. Scramsax also can perform amazing feats of legerdemain when sober.
★Scram gives away loyalty like its nothing.

Ðusk |

So far a Sorcerer (? I assume Shadow?) A Paladin, and then a Cleric of Chauntea(Life?)
And a Hexlade Warlock!
Crunch is in this profile (it's my first 5e character ever so please excuse any mistakes, happy to hear of any corrections needed!)
Dusk recalls precious little of her early childhood, only her mother's scornful looks and the shame in her eyes. Eventually the daily reminder of her dalliance must have become too much, as Dusk was left on the steps of an orphanage. In hindsight this was perhaps a kindness, she quickly made friends and thrived under the care of her guardian, an elderly tiefling who had a different story to tell every night about his old adventuring days.
The tales that she loved most were those of the bladesingers, warriors of spell and sword whe fought with honour and flair.
When she came of age she sought out the elven court and the masters of bladesong that resided there, beseeching them to take her as an apprentice. Despite a true heart and pure intentions, and though much was made of her confidence and bravery to even ask, she was turned away at every corner.
She left the court with mind and spirit bowed heavy with her failure, even though it was no fault of her character, only her race.
The whispers began then, in the quiet moments, in the dark. Promises made of righteous battle to be found, of evil to vanquish with magic and might. That she could finally live her dream, on her own terms. She wrestled with her conscience, but service to a force whose vision aligned with her own seemed a small price to pay to finally become like the heroes she had always strived to be.
Bargain struck, newfound power harnessed, her patron's first request was to swear her fealty to the Knights of Myth Drannor. She has been questing and fighting for the greater good ever since.