Gameday VIII - GM Iff - PF2 #1-01 The Absalom initiation (Inactive)

Game Master Iff

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Maps: Absalom Initiation

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Maps: Absalom Initiation

Many things have changed in the Pathfinder Society in recent months, but some things stay the same: A new batch of initiates is eager to make their mark in the Society. Janira Gavix, newly appointed Head Initate, has requested six of them to gather in one of the Grand Lodge common rooms to await instructions.

Please take the time until September 9th to introduce your characters and make some introductions. On Monday I'll kick off the scenario proper.

Sylvia F Human Wizard 9 HP (106/107)| AC 25 | F +18, R +16, W +17 (Includes MA) | Perception +17 (E) <LN 17>

Sylvia is a middle aged human woman with long dark hair and somewhat thick spectacles, she's a little awkward and she straightens her glasses once again.

Shyly she speaks up "Hi, fellow Pathfinders. I... I can't believe I've finally been promoted to Field Agent. After helping defend the library during that horrible attack on the Grand Lodge during the Siege of Gallowspire... They finally cleared me to go on missions. May.. maybe we'll get too go somewhere exciting, hopefully not somewhere too dangerous though..."

Horizon Hunters

Male | HP: 12/15 | AC 17 | F:+6 R:+8 W:+6 | Perc +3 | | Speed 25 ft | Alchemist 1 | Reagents 1/5

The door bursts open, and an energetic goblin comes rushing through. His flashes a broad smile, revealing crooked yellow teeth. He makes a failed attempt at a bow with a flourish and yells out "Hi there big ones! So excited to put my skills to use! Hopefully I'll be able to create some mighty few explosions! Yippee!"

Maps: Absalom Initiation

As the newly Confirmed Pathfinders gather, a messenger arrives with a letter addressed to all of them. The letter reads as follows:



I do hope you’ll join us at the Grand Lodge for the celebration to congratulate the most recent group of initiates—yourselves included! A good time is certain to be had by all, but it’s more than just a party. Gatherings like this are an excellent opportunity to rub elbows with the Society’s leadership and get to know them. That means you’ll always be quick to know about the best opportunities as soon as they arise. I hope you’ll take advantage of the event to put your best foot forward. I’m looking forward to seeing you there!

—Janira Gavix, Pathfinder Society Head Initiate”

Enclosed with the letter is an invitation for each of you to attend the celebration in Skyreach, two days from now.


At the evening of the event, it seems as though the entire Grand Lodge has the air of a celebration. The great gates are flung wide, and the phoenix trees lining the entryway are in full flame. The halls of the main tower of Skyreach, normally somber and reserved, echo with the sound of voices and music. The great ballroom is decked for a celebration, with colorful banners and bunting along the walls, tables replete with food and drink, and a jovial cacophony of conversation rising from Pathfinders of all ancestries, nations, and backgrounds.

After a quick scan of the room, it’s obvious that many of the attendees have gathered in small groups here and there. A half-orc woman in an iconic ship captain’s hat stands near the punch bowl, handing cups to anyone who passes within reach, and a dark-skinned half-elf leads a small group of new agents around the room, introducing them to other attendees. Several senior agents stand in quiet conferral with a dark-haired Taldan man with a distinctive chin strap beard, while a scholarly dwarf tells a rousing tale to a growing audience.

A familiar blond halfling woman bounces over, bubbling with excitement. Janira Gavix, Head Initiate of the Pathfinder Society, grins, ”Oh, I’m so glad you made it! After all, the celebration is for you. Have you gotten drinks? Snacks? Be sure to spend some time getting to know everyone—it’s best to be on good terms with the movers and shakers in the Society, that’s how you learn about the latest opportunities. I’ll be here if you need me to help you with anyone’s names or to make an introduction. Just let me know how I can help!” She’s going to leave it at that, but cannot help herself in passing along one final bit of advice. ”You’d best stick together. After all, the Pathfinders are all about teamwork, right?” Janira gestures everyone forward into the room, beaming all the while.

See the title sheet of our ‘Maps’ document (linked below my alias) for a picture of Janira, as well as of a few prominent guests at the celebration. If you haven’t introduced your character yet, please do so. If you want to do any last-minute shopping that would have happened before the event, feel free. Additionally, each of you can make a (secret) Society or Pathfinder Society Lore skill check, to recognize and recall some information about one of the guests. If you want to attempt the check, indicate so in your post. In the next update, I will roll the dice and describe the information you recall.

Sylvia F Human Wizard 9 HP (106/107)| AC 25 | F +18, R +16, W +17 (Includes MA) | Perception +17 (E) <LN 17>

Society +7 please.

Sylvia nervously straightens her glasses as she talk to Janira. "Oh yes, I've spent almost a decade here in the Grandlodge, I don't think I need any further introductions. You do think Eando Kline remembers me, right?"

Horizon Hunters

Male | HP: 12/15 | AC 17 | F:+6 R:+8 W:+6 | Perc +3 | | Speed 25 ft | Alchemist 1 | Reagents 1/5

Lleylo's gaze drifts towards the the ship's captain and more specifically her punch bowl.

"Hmm, interesting. I wonder what kind of ingredients she mixed in there!"

Some saliva drips from his mouth, and it's quite clear that he wants to go over there as soon as possible. However, he still manages to restrain himself while he's waiting for the group to make up their mind as a whole.

PFS lore +7

Radiant Oath

Female Elf Sorcerer 6 | Speed 35 ft. | AC 22 (23 with shield)| hp 54/54 | Fort +12, Ref +11 Will +11 | Percep +9 Focus 1/2 | Spells, 1st: 4/4, 2nd: 4/4, 3rd: 3/4 Hero: 2 | Conditions: none | Exploration: SHORTCUT THROUGH THE WASTES

"Are these celebrations always so noisy and crowded?" asks a female elf in the party. Her hair is sky-blue and skin sun-bronzed, but her eyes are dark and deep. She is wearing fine clothes and jewelry that don't quite follow the rules of fashion and customs, still arranged pleasingly. She is as tall as an adult, but her face is too young, younger than other elves when they start their training. In her hand she carries a closed fan.

"Sorry, have we met? Maybe in the classes, though I didn't actually spend much time inside the Lodge", she asks the others, momentarily glancing out of the window. "My name is Lindevaile Tindome" she presents herself, using her long, elven name as a single entity. She snaps open her fan, revealing it to be the butterfly of Desna, and waves a breeze at her face.

"Shakers? Opportunities? Don't the leaders decide such things, then ask the suitable field agents?" she asks Janira, scorning a bit at the idea of opportunism inside the society.

Radiant Oath

NG Human Fighter 1 HP 21/21 | AC 16 | F +8 R +5 W +6 | Perc +7 | Stealth +0 | Speed 20| Active Conditions: ---

Pleasure to meet you all! Kramac is new to the society. I helped rescue a party of your agents from a vile Aspis ambush in the Mwangi a few months back. They gave me a field commission after I led them to safety. So Kramac got things in order and traveled here to join up as fast as he could! Janira!

Maps: Absalom Initiation

GM rolls:

Sylvia, DC 10: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12
Lleylo, DC 10: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21


You are indeed familiar with many of the figures present, although you might know many of them only passingly. In conversation with Eando Kline you notice the Steward of the Grand Lodge, Ambrus Valsin. You recognize the scholarly dwarf a bit further away as Gorm Greathammer, who's recently gathered quite of bit of following in the 'Grand Archive' faction. You also recognize the dark-skinned figure of Sorrina Westyr, the current Master of Spells. And of course, in a far corner of the room, you spot Zarta Dralneen.
Sylvia probably has a previously established relation with Zarta. How do you see that?


The person you're most familiar with is Kreighton Shayne, the elf who is currently the Master of Scrolls. You know him as a bit of an eccentric who's in love with puzzles and games, as well as any obscure knowledge. You get the impression that you can find some things that interest him in particular. (You get a circumstance bonus on checks against him for this scenario.)


Sylvia Dyspell wrote:
"You do think Eando Kline remembers me, right?"

Janira has to blink twice, she’s only met Eando once herself and finds herself a bit intimidated by his legend. That doesn’t faze her for long and she recovers quickly. ”Well, there’s only one way to find out. Go on and make yourself seen.”

Her gaze then follows Lleylo’s to the bar and she laughs. She’s been impressed with the way the Goblin has soaked in so much information about the Society during his training. ”That’s Calisro Benarry, she’ll be very interested to speak with you.” She takes a look up, admiring Kramac’s figure. ”You as well, I have a feeling the two of you will hit it off in no time!”

She takes a bit more time to speak to Lindevaile Tindome, hoping to quell any fears the woman may have. ”Well, yes. Opportunities! You don’t have to worry too much about dirty political games. I won’t argue that that’s never happened, but it’s hopefully a thing of the past. As you said, the Venture-Captains and faction leaders try to select the most suitable field agents. But to know who’s the most suitable, they have to know you. Right?” She looks hopeful. ”The better they know who you are, what you can do, and what really gets your fire going - or winds blowing, I should say - the better they can send you on missions that suit you.”

Verdant Wheel

M Halfling Druid 1 | AC: 16 | HP: 15/15 | Fort +4 T, Ref +6 T, Will +8 E | Speed: 25 ft | Perception +6 | Focus: 1/1
Lindevaile Tindome wrote:

"Are these celebrations always so noisy and crowded?"

"Wouldn't know, miss," Prillet says. The halfling's garb is simple but clean, his tools plain and functional-- giving a distinct impression of someone with little means who wants to make a good impression. "The fancy life was never mine."

(peeks at her field training)
"Don't believe we have, but it's a pleasure anyway. My name's Prillett, and I'm a farmer by trade. Now, who might I talk to about..."

I will look for Verdant Wheel representatives, if there are any.

Radiant Oath

Female Elf Sorcerer 6 | Speed 35 ft. | AC 22 (23 with shield)| hp 54/54 | Fort +12, Ref +11 Will +11 | Percep +9 Focus 1/2 | Spells, 1st: 4/4, 2nd: 4/4, 3rd: 3/4 Hero: 2 | Conditions: none | Exploration: SHORTCUT THROUGH THE WASTES

"I just thought that everyone likes to celebrate in quiet, with their closest ones", Lindevaile Tindome says. "And my trade is, well, nothing. They say I dance quite well, and some people would pay to see it. I will try that."

"So this is how they will know what kind of people we have? What should I say?" she asks Janira as she looks around the hall. Her gaze stops at a couple of people with Horizon hunter mark on their clothes. "I think I'll start..." she starts but abruptly stops as the half-orc leader comes in sight behind the others. She quickly switches her gaze to Fola Barun. "With the flower lady."

After Janira's last hints she walks over to Fola. "Hi, I'm Lindevaile Tindome. I can feel the wind," she tries her first steps at professional introductions.

Maps: Absalom Initiation

Prillett doesn't spot any of his known associates of the Verdant Wheel for the moment. The dark-skinned elven woman might be one, but he's not sure. Urwal, the enigmatic lizardfolk leader who Prillett would surely recognize, doesn't seem to be in attendance (yet?).

The dark-skinned elven woman, dressed in a tastefully decorated red dress with flower motifs, seems to have waited for the moment any of the new Pathfinders would approach her. She says a hasty goodbye to the well-dressed Qadiran man she was speaking with and meets Lindevaile Tindome halfway, spreading her arms wide in a gesture of welcome, explicitly including the five others that arrived with the elven sorcerer. "Welcome, welcome. I am Fola Barun," she says to the entire group in a somewhat formal greeting, with a few additional words for Lindevaile Tindome. "May the wind carry you to where you need to go." She continues for the entire group. "It is a great pleasure to see you here tonight, as official Pathfinder Agents." She puts a hand to her chest. "It is my sincerest wish that we have given you all that is needed to be successful on your missions, and that you may continue to learn from and trust upon each other." With that bit of (sincere) formality out of the way, she relaxes a bit more, and steps in closer to the group. "Tell me, tell me, what have you been up to so far? And what are you excited about doing within the Society?"

As you may have guessed, I'm trying to keep the group together during these conversations. We have a bit of time to explore the event and speak with a variety of NPC's as the group mingles, so just pick and choose how actively you want to engage with each one you meet. If you take a backseat during one of the conversations because you don't have much to add, that's fine. You'll undoubtedly have a chance to compensate later.

Radiant Oath

Female Elf Sorcerer 6 | Speed 35 ft. | AC 22 (23 with shield)| hp 54/54 | Fort +12, Ref +11 Will +11 | Percep +9 Focus 1/2 | Spells, 1st: 4/4, 2nd: 4/4, 3rd: 3/4 Hero: 2 | Conditions: none | Exploration: SHORTCUT THROUGH THE WASTES

"Up to? After I joined the training, I have learnt to control the winds. More precise, not just big blasts. I've been trying to learn about the nature, and work with people, but there's just so much of all," Lindevaile Tindome answers. Then, she pauses, shrugs, and continues: "I, I guess we should find people who need help, and do what we can. Travel around finding. I would like to learn what the world is like."

Maps: Absalom Initiation

Fola nods encouragement while Lindevaile Tindome speaks. There's a glimmer in her eyes at the elven woman's last words. "People who need help? That's perfect. I couldn't agree more. I'm always on the lookout for ways in which we can help, our fellow Pathfinders in particular. And it just happens that I know of a perfect way in which you could assist me."

She makes sure she has everyone's attention before she continues. "Have you heard about the Charge of the Gorgon? Distasteful practice, I'm glad it's been outlawed now. It was meant to reduce the strain on Absalom's prisons. Those incarcerated on lesser charges could choose to participate in the Charge: running ahead of the Gorgon through the streets of Westgate. Those who made it were free to go, those who failed were petrified." She looks like she's eaten something rotten.

"A colleague of ours suffered this fate, unfortunately. He recovered a relic from an Azlanti ruin. It was confiscated by the city and returned to the Gillmen watching over the site. Ribonal thought he could outrun the Gorgon, and opted to run the Charge. Alas, he failed... With great effort, I have finally been able to secure permission to restore him. And I'd like you to carry out this task."

Sylvia F Human Wizard 9 HP (106/107)| AC 25 | F +18, R +16, W +17 (Includes MA) | Perception +17 (E) <LN 17>

Sylvia breaks a nervous smile. "How horrifying, of course we'll go."

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Orc M Half-Orc Normal AC: 36 Current AC: 36 T 14 FF 33 | HP 121/121| F +22 R +16 W +16 / +2 Heroism | CMD 28 | Init +5 | Perc +18(+4 On Beak)| Spells: Level 1 4/6 Level 2 5/5 Level 3 3/4 Level 4 0/1 | Bane 10/10 | Animal Focus 8/10 | Hunter Trick 4/7

To Fola Barun,

Kramac just joined the society! Based on what Kramac has seen in the field, your agents are work well together. Kramac is happy to have joined you all. Anybody so at odds with the Aspis must be good people!

After hearing about the Charge of the Gorgon, Kramac chimes in,

There are the beginnings of a worthwhile practice there. Kurgess teaches us that we should always be improving ourselves. The crucible of competition is one of the best ways to test and improve onesself. Those guilty of petty offences could surely benefit from the discipline training one's body brings. Surely, using a Gorgon for the test is cruel. Perhaps Kramac will talk to the Mayor of Westgate. Kramac would be happy to chase down some criminals to see if they had bettered themselves enough to earn a reduced sentence. Kramac is much fiercer than a gorgon, if less lethal.

Verdant Wheel

M Halfling Druid 1 | AC: 16 | HP: 15/15 | Fort +4 T, Ref +6 T, Will +8 E | Speed: 25 ft | Perception +6 | Focus: 1/1

"I'd be happy to help you, dear," the halfling offers, "but I don't want to give you the wrong idea. I know a bit of magic, but not nearly enough to turn someone from stone to flesh. Mostly just enough to make life a little easier."

Kramac's bringing a 9th-level 1e character! We're saved!

Radiant Oath

Male LG Human Monk 2 | HP 32/32 | AC 19 | F: +8, R: +10, W: +7 | Perc: +5 | | Speed 25ft | Active conditions: None. | Focus Pool 2/2

Quickly running up the steps to the hall, Travin curses again under his breath. Of all the nights to get held up in the itinerant wing, dammit I have to make a decent impression for my new found career or it'll be more late nights scrubbing wounds. Dressed in Taldoran Soldier's garb and freshly washed, Travin was a young human man that moved with a quick step. Neatly dressed and clean shaven, including his scalp, Travin had the appearance of a serious and focused individual. Careful examination would have revealed some flecks of blood that escaped his quick rinse and retreat from the hospital. Years serving as a field medic in Taldor's service had taught him to be presentable on short notice.

Checking in and moving past the entrance, Travin is directed to his group and manages to grab a glass of wine and fade into the back of the entourage. Catching the end of the story of the Gorgon made Travin wince and he jumps into the conversation, "Seems a bit harsh for some relic lifting, but I guess some folks might take that more seriously than others. So "permission to restore him" sounds like there may be a few more steps involved than waving a wand?"

Realizing he simply jumped in, he turns to his new companions. Bowing formally, he quietly addresses them in turn. "Sorry, too quick on the draw here. Travin, newly commissioned field agent and medic. Here to ensure we all make it back together."

Society +2

Radiant Oath

Female Elf Sorcerer 6 | Speed 35 ft. | AC 22 (23 with shield)| hp 54/54 | Fort +12, Ref +11 Will +11 | Percep +9 Focus 1/2 | Spells, 1st: 4/4, 2nd: 4/4, 3rd: 3/4 Hero: 2 | Conditions: none | Exploration: SHORTCUT THROUGH THE WASTES

Lindevaile Tindome shudders a bit when Fola mentions prisons, and is clearly appalled when she explains the practice. "That is awful, just torturing people", she says.

"I will free him, just tell me what to do", she agrees. Then, she she realizes something, looks at the team and smiles. "We will", she says.

Maps: Absalom Initiation

GM rolls:

Society, Travin: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4

It might be your late entry or the fact that you didn't have a lot of training at the Grand Lodge. You recognize some of the faces at the celebration, but can't recall anything that might help you at this moment.

Travin notes Janira posted at the entrance. She gives him a quick thumbs-up as she points the way to the rest of his group. She seems just the slightest bit relieved to have all of them accounted for.


Fola laughs at Kramac's proposal. "You know, you might just be on to something," she says, not entirely serious. She puts Prillett at ease. "Don't worry, you won't have to supply the magic yourselves. I've secured a greater salve of antiparalysis. That should do the trick." She's about to say more when the circle of people is joined by a woman, Taldan by her dark hair and aquiline nose, and a noble by her bearing and trappings. Still, her clothing and accessories are more reserved than normally associated with Taldan nobility.

The Taldan woman gently taps Fola on the shoulder. "Apologies, I don't mean to intrude. However, I have to leave shortly and didn't want to miss the opportunity to meet the newest generation of Pathfinders." Fola motions that she doesn't mind at all and takes a step back. "May I introduce you to Lady Gloriana Morilla of Taldor," she introduces the new arrival. "A longstanding ally of the Pathfinder Society and - as I've heard it whispered - quite instrumental in the changes that have come to her homeland."

Lady Gloriana Morilla inclines her head in gratitude for the introduction, but subtly waves away the mention in her part of Grand Princess Eutropia’s rise to power in Taldor. "It was nothing, really. My influence is not that great, but I did what I could." She addresses the group. "I think my time here at the Grand Lodge will be limited, since Taldor needs me more now. But I just wanted to wish you all the best of your voyages." Fola has taken a half-step away from the group, but she's seen clearly paying attention to how the conversation unfolds.

You have the opportunity to make an impression on Lady Gloriana. It quickly becomes apparent in the conversation that she's most inclined to topics related to Performance, Society, or any Lore skill related to a specific city. Diplomacy or Deception would also work.
Please make the roll for if you want to attempt the check. (As normal, the check can be attempted untrained, and critical successes and critical failures might apply.) Aiding one of the other PC's is also possible, but you can only aid or make your own roll. Also be aware that aiding is not risk-free; it can hinder if you roll a critical failure.
Since the point of the celebration is to make yourself seen and known, you can guess that there will be benefits to doing well as a group.

Sylvia F Human Wizard 9 HP (106/107)| AC 25 | F +18, R +16, W +17 (Includes MA) | Perception +17 (E) <LN 17>

Sylvia adjusts her glasses and does her best to make a good impression with Lady Morilla, perhaps distracting her further from Fola.

"Lady Morilla, although I was just a researching in the Grand Lodge at the time I was impressed with your Army of Exploration you put together to march on Sarkoris and the World Wound. I've only read stories, diaries from some of those who fought and even some who died. Please what can you tell me. Oral history can be so hard to come by."
Society: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16

Horizon Hunters

Male | HP: 12/15 | AC 17 | F:+6 R:+8 W:+6 | Perc +3 | | Speed 25 ft | Alchemist 1 | Reagents 1/5

Lleylo tries to straighten his clothes, slightly nervous to be in the company of such illustrious people, and very aware of the prejudices the other races have against goblins.

Clearing his throat, he begins: "O great lady, as you know our race isn't much for reading, but I'm happy to have a very good memory for the things I hear, yes. And I must say, I did hear a lot about how important you were in helping Princess Eutropia take the throne. I'd be happy to hear you tell more about it, yes!"

Lleylo's eyes twinkle with excitement at the prospect of being able to add another tale to his collection.

Society: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16

Verdant Wheel

M Halfling Druid 1 | AC: 16 | HP: 15/15 | Fort +4 T, Ref +6 T, Will +8 E | Speed: 25 ft | Perception +6 | Focus: 1/1

I don't know any of this stuff, Prillett thinks, looking at the others. Perhaps I was a fool to get mixed up in all this. What does the Society want with a simple farmer, anyway?

I'll keep my mouth shut for now.

Maps: Absalom Initiation

Lady Gloriana's eyes temporarily glaze over when she recalls the Army of Exploration and the march on the Worldwound. "Ah yes, 'my' Army of Exploration. Has it been five years already? We Taldans played only a modest role in the Army of the Open Road, and it was with help from many others that the Warlord Brae-Hagen was defeated." She skips over the most sensitive parts related to the Pathfinder's mission in the Library of the Lion, but vividly describes the mission in which Pathfinders retrieved the Horn of Aroden from Lady Sarrona Lebada, and how its presence bolstered the proud army of exotic Taldan duelists, knights, nobility, standard bearers, and retainers.

She gives the goblin a coy smile as he mentions her work in helping Princess Eutropia to the throne. "I am sure you have heard a lot about that already, and I am equally sure that most of it was embellishments, rumours or straight-up fancy." She gives him a knowing look. "Really, most of that work is most effective when done outside of the spotlight. You might prefer a more flashy and visible approach, but I think you understand what I mean." She doesn't judge, and Lleylo gets the impression that he hit the right tone with her despite her refusal to elaborate.

Maps: Absalom Initiation

From where he's standing, Prillett can see the entrance of the room and he spots Urwal joining the party. The Iruxi apparently isn't for mingling. The lizardfolk makes a beeline for Gorm Greathammer to engage the dwarf in conversation.

Over near the punch bown, Calisro Benarry is talking to Kreighton Shane, seemingly not too enthousiastic about the company.

Eando Kline seems alone for the moment, taking the respite from social activities to make some notes in a small journal.

Sorry for the GM double-post. I have a busy day tomorrow, but hope to make one or two short updates. I want to give the other players the opportunity to attempt a skill check with Lady Gloriana, if they desire. Then I'll move forward to the next meeting. (Feel free to post preference, otherwise I'll choose). If I get the feeling that these meetings start to drag, I'll condense them down a bit to keep a good pace in the scenario.

Radiant Oath

NG Human Fighter 1 HP 21/21 | AC 16 | F +8 R +5 W +6 | Perc +7 | Stealth +0 | Speed 20| Active Conditions: ---

Kramac is new to the Pathfinders - I have much to learn about the history. I grew up outside of Bloodcove - a rough city, infested by snakes. Kramac would not recommend visiting.

Lore (Bloodcove) assist for Sylvia: 1d20 ⇒ 18

Radiant Oath

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male LG Human Monk 2 | HP 32/32 | AC 19 | F: +8, R: +10, W: +7 | Perc: +5 | | Speed 25ft | Active conditions: None. | Focus Pool 2/2

Travin stirs noticeably at the arrival of Lady Morilla. Bowing slightly Travin inclines his head and performs a ceremonial salute of his Taldoran Unit. ”Blessings to House Morilla, guidepost to the Sovereign Court and protectors of the Queen. May her reign be long and wise. Grace favor your presence tonight.”

Shifting to a more relaxed stance, Travin nods to Sylvia and continues. ”Thank you for recognizing Taldor’s contribution to the closure of the Worldwound. While I did not campaign there as I was too young, I have served with many that did and they praise the decisive leadership and skill that Taldor’s nobility provided to that worth cause.”

Society Assist: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17

Maps: Absalom Initiation

Lady Morilla momentarily takes a more formal posture to accept the salute. "Your wishes and contribution are recognized, bold son of Taldor," she replies with the necessary ceremony. "At ease." She deftly includes Travin in the conversation, inquiring about the people he served with and about his own history campaigning.

She takes a few moments separately to ask follow-up questions on Bloodcover to Kramac. "I doubt I will ever find myself there, but still find it invaluable to know about places as varied as can be."

After a few minutes of animated conversation, Lady Gloriana Morilla repeats her wishes for the new Pathfinders and says her goodbye, at which point Fola steps back in. She is visibly impressed. "It pleases me to see how well you handled yourself. I firmly believe that most situations can be resolved with the spoken word. Even strong or deceptive words are far better than physical blows." She retrieves two vials from her purse, a small glass one and a large ceramic. "If you are ever in doubt, please try using this, it is a lesser silvertongue mutagen. The other vial contains the salve to aid Ribonal. You can recognize him by a bucket hat and wayfinder on his belt. Please make sure that you use it only on the intended target!"

With her business concluded, she takes her leave and joins another group of celebrants.

Please pick a new conversation to join. Everyone is mingling, so you don't have to worry about 'butting' in. See my previous post for the persons of interest to engage. First person to post gets to pick, the others please follow their lead.

Verdant Wheel

M Halfling Druid 1 | AC: 16 | HP: 15/15 | Fort +4 T, Ref +6 T, Will +8 E | Speed: 25 ft | Perception +6 | Focus: 1/1

All too eager to find more familiar territory, Prillett seeks out Urwal, his faction leader. "Well met, sir. Not sure if you remember me, but I'm a recent addition to your faction. I'm eager to give a voice to the wilder places of the world, keeping the more-- destructive-- tendencies of the Society in check."

Maps: Absalom Initiation

Gorm and Urwal take a break from their conversation to acknowledge Prillett and the rest of the group. ”Ah, yes. Pril-lett,” the Iruxi recalls. ”Nice to ssee you. And you ass well.” For the benefit of the others, he explains. ”I take great pride in feeling one with nature. Everything, large and ssmall. I write down, and document. Many misstakes, I ssee.” He shakes his head. Gorm nods his agreement. ”I don’t have the connection to nature that Arwal here has, but at least we can agree on the benefits of experiencing what the world has to offer, and on documenting it. As I see it, knowledge doesn’t do anyone any good if it’s just learned from books, and kept in an archive. Nothing beats first-hand experience.” He spares Sylvia a glance. ”I’m sure you would agree?”

Radiant Oath

NG Human Fighter 1 HP 21/21 | AC 16 | F +8 R +5 W +6 | Perc +7 | Stealth +0 | Speed 20| Active Conditions: ---

Very wise - Kramac has always found that one learns more from doing than reading anyways. Books can sometimes be a useful starting point, but they always seem to miss something important about whatever it is they are talking about - be it a combat technique, a culture, or a describing a creature.

Sylvia F Human Wizard 9 HP (106/107)| AC 25 | F +18, R +16, W +17 (Includes MA) | Perception +17 (E) <LN 17>

Syvlia nods nervously.

I can't believe he remembers me

Sylvia responds "I'm very much looking forward to getting out and about, to see more of the world and not just read the reports."

Radiant Oath

Female Elf Sorcerer 6 | Speed 35 ft. | AC 22 (23 with shield)| hp 54/54 | Fort +12, Ref +11 Will +11 | Percep +9 Focus 1/2 | Spells, 1st: 4/4, 2nd: 4/4, 3rd: 3/4 Hero: 2 | Conditions: none | Exploration: SHORTCUT THROUGH THE WASTES

"You should! It is so wonderful outside. And nature is so interesting and beautiful," Lindevaile Tindome says to Sylvia.

"I didn't actually read any books. All I know have been taught in the nature", she says to Urwal.

Horizon Hunters

Male | HP: 12/15 | AC 17 | F:+6 R:+8 W:+6 | Perc +3 | | Speed 25 ft | Alchemist 1 | Reagents 1/5

Lleylo jumps up and down excitedly, grinning from ear to ear.

"Yes! Yes! We don't need books! I don't understand why the big folk want to write everything down. We should go out and learn, and listen and live!

Maps: Absalom Initiation

Urwal gives the goblin a critical look, while Gorm booms a heavy laugh. "That's the spirit, although I still believe there's merit in writing things down for posterity. But if you feel that way, I believe I have a perfect opportunity. What would you say about exploring a recently washed-up ship in the Flotsam Graveyard that's been used a smuggler waypoint? I'd like to learn about their methods, and..."

At this point, Gorm is interrupted by Urwal. "Greathammer, I think we are ssetting the wrong example. If Pathfinderss like thesse write nothing down, the otherss will have to rely on word of mouss. And that brings misstakess!"

Gorm holds up his hand, trying to forestall the argument. "Yes, that is true, but I was just trying to explain..." But Urwal will have nothing of it. "No, no. Experienccing the world is very important, and perssonal. But we Pathfinderss have another goal. To document!"

If you want to get the full story on what kind of opportunity Gorm has for you, you'll have to work for it by giving him some time to explain it to you. The most obvious methods of distracting Urawl are Nature, Survival, or any Lore skill about a specific terrain. Diplomacy and Deception would likewise work. As before, you can make your own skill check or aid someone else.

Sylvia F Human Wizard 9 HP (106/107)| AC 25 | F +18, R +16, W +17 (Includes MA) | Perception +17 (E) <LN 17>

Sylvia takes the opportunity to talk to Urawl at length

"Ahh Urwal, let me assure you I know much about the wonder of documentation provided by Pathfinders. I mean just last week I read a wondrous report on graveyards in Absalom compiled by a team of Pathfinders. To me the most fascinating one had it's stones arranged in concentric circles..."

lore absalom: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26

Verdant Wheel

M Halfling Druid 1 | AC: 16 | HP: 15/15 | Fort +4 T, Ref +6 T, Will +8 E | Speed: 25 ft | Perception +6 | Focus: 1/1

Can't beat that! (Literally, I can't.)

"Many goals," Prillett assures Urwal, hoping to warm him to Lleylo regardless. "We have no shortage of documenters, I'm sure. What we need more of are people who know what to experience. How to tell a springvine from a gnarlsbane, or a moon lily from a poison pill flower."

Nature: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15

Maps: Absalom Initiation

The check needs multiple successes, Prillett, so it's not just about the highest check. Sylvia scored a critical success and with Prillett's success that's enough to pass the check.

Sylvia hits precisely the right topic to draw in Urwal. "Really, conccentric ccircles in a graveyard? Right here in Abssalom. Where iss that? I musst vissit, to exxperiencce the energy that createss." He asks some followup question, then Prillett has the chance to add his viewpoint. This causes the Iruxi to reflect for a moment. "Yess, maybe you are right. Many Pathfinderss with many goalss, with different tasskss and all working in unisson. Harmony, like an ecossysstem."

Meanwhile, Gorm Greathammer gladly makes use of the opportunity to finish his story to the others. "Ahum, as I was saying. Do you know about Absalom's Flotsam Graveyard? Out beyond that harbor? The shipwrecks there are always in motion; that's why it takes a trained helmsman to bring ships in safely. I could tell you a story about how -" The dwarf catches himself. "Ah, that'll have ta wait. Anyway, a couple of weeks ago an ancient ship resurfaced, partially. It's centuries-old, I've been told. It's not so much the ship I'm interested in, but what it's currently used for. My contact have told me it's been used as a safe haven and stopover for smugglers, carrying goods from Nex! Valuable books, maybe even living beings? The smugglers haven't been seen there for a couple of days, but I'm really interested in anything they may have left behind, clues about their smuggling practices for instance." He looks around the group. "Are you game? If you are, ask around in the harbor for Captain Balogog, a reliable ferry that has worked with the Society for years." He digs around in his pocked and produces a trio of scrolls. "I'm not sure what you'll encounter on the shipwreck, but it never hurts to have an extra spell or two in your backpocket. Take you pick," he says as he points at each scroll in turn. "disrupting weapons, heal, or magic missile?"

The group can choose one of the scrolls. That about wraps up our encounter with Gorm and Urwal, but feel free to add some additional roleplay. I suspect we'll slow down slightly over the weekend, we'll move on when I get the impression that everyone has had enough time to weigh in.

Sylvia F Human Wizard 9 HP (106/107)| AC 25 | F +18, R +16, W +17 (Includes MA) | Perception +17 (E) <LN 17>

Sylvia greatly enjoys getting to nerd out with Urwal over Absalom graveyards.

Radiant Oath

Female Elf Sorcerer 6 | Speed 35 ft. | AC 22 (23 with shield)| hp 54/54 | Fort +12, Ref +11 Will +11 | Percep +9 Focus 1/2 | Spells, 1st: 4/4, 2nd: 4/4, 3rd: 3/4 Hero: 2 | Conditions: none | Exploration: SHORTCUT THROUGH THE WASTES

"I have rarely been on a ship, ancient or new. Of course when I first came here, but that's about it," Lindevaile Tindome says hesitantly.

When Gorm gets out the scrolls, she touches them in turn. "This one," she says when she touches the heal scroll, "is the only one I can feel. I got two already from the spell school this morning, so maybe one of the others? Can anyone feel those?"

Maps: Absalom Initiation

As soon as someone seconds the choice of scrolls and suggests a new conversation partner (Eando Kline, or Caliso and Kreighton) I'll move forward.

Sylvia F Human Wizard 9 HP (106/107)| AC 25 | F +18, R +16, W +17 (Includes MA) | Perception +17 (E) <LN 17>

Lets take the magic missile then.

Sylvia looks to her companions, "Maybe we should talk to Kline. He's still knows lots about the field that hasn't been recorded. It could be our chance to take some notes!"

Radiant Oath

Female Elf Sorcerer 6 | Speed 35 ft. | AC 22 (23 with shield)| hp 54/54 | Fort +12, Ref +11 Will +11 | Percep +9 Focus 1/2 | Spells, 1st: 4/4, 2nd: 4/4, 3rd: 3/4 Hero: 2 | Conditions: none | Exploration: SHORTCUT THROUGH THE WASTES

"Some girls in a class I was in seemed to like him. They sighed a lot. Let's go and find out what all that is about", Lindevaile Tindome says, smiling.

Horizon Hunters

Male | HP: 12/15 | AC 17 | F:+6 R:+8 W:+6 | Perc +3 | | Speed 25 ft | Alchemist 1 | Reagents 1/5

"Yes, let's go, but don't mind me if I don't take any notes!" Lleylo taps the side of his temple knowingly.

Maps: Absalom Initiation

Magic missile it is, then?

Gorm and Urwal both wish the new Pathfinders the best of luck in their assignment, with Gorm adding that he's eager to learn about what they're going to find out.

The group then meets up with Eando Kline, who has just finished with his notebook. He looks up and gives each of you a casual once-over. He's stern Taldan with a tanned skin to evidence his years of field work and a rugged sort of handsomeness. His reputation as a prolific Pathfinder of a decade ago is known to everyone, as well as the rumours of his falling-out with the Society. He doesn't seem to look at Sylvia any different from the others, and he doesn't waste time on introductions. "You're one of the new groups of Pathfinders, right? Good, I have just the sort of thing for you." He strokes his beard with the back of his hand, then resumes talking. "You surely know that I've been away for quite some years. There's two reasons that brought me back. One, to make sure that we don't cause more damage than we fix. And two, to give our agents in the field a bigger mandate for what they do. Because I feel that you've earned that, and only you can make the right call when it counts. Which ties in to point number one." He pauses for a moment to make sure his words sink in, then he continues.

"My contacts here in the city have told me of a researcher in the College of Mysteries who's unearthed some esoteric lore, and she's reportedly started experimenting with the rituals she found within. That sounds dangerous, but I'm not sure. It's reason for concern, though. I want you to track down this researcher - Tavvar Hamavsi, she's called - and determine whether her work poses a threat. If it is, deal with it as you see fit." He looks around the group once more. "Understood? Any questions?"

Sylvia F Human Wizard 9 HP (106/107)| AC 25 | F +18, R +16, W +17 (Includes MA) | Perception +17 (E) <LN 17>

Sylvia nods and then asks nervously. "Do we, we uhh, know anything about the type of ritual?"

Maps: Absalom Initiation

"It's something related to shadows," Eando replies to Sylvia's question. "Don't worry. You'll do fine."

Horizon Hunters

Male | HP: 12/15 | AC 17 | F:+6 R:+8 W:+6 | Perc +3 | | Speed 25 ft | Alchemist 1 | Reagents 1/5

"Does the ritual involve any cool concoctions with interesting new reagents? Things that explode perhaps?" Lleylo inquires hopefully.

Radiant Oath

Female Elf Sorcerer 6 | Speed 35 ft. | AC 22 (23 with shield)| hp 54/54 | Fort +12, Ref +11 Will +11 | Percep +9 Focus 1/2 | Spells, 1st: 4/4, 2nd: 4/4, 3rd: 3/4 Hero: 2 | Conditions: none | Exploration: SHORTCUT THROUGH THE WASTES

"Of course we should be able to make decisions! It would be stupid to send a letter to Absalom for permission if a village is burning", Lindevaile Tindome agrees.

"Emm. What kind of shadows? These that sun makes, or figurative ones like people who live in the shadows? Or the plane of shadows, or wasn't there a creature called a shadow?" she asks insecurely.

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