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Shadow magic rituals? That does sound dangerous. Kramac has encountered shamans who deal in shadow magic in the Mwangi. Dangerous magic. Good for us to go check on this man working with shadows.

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"I'm not sure," Eando replies to the first two questions. "I suppose any ritual could set off the fireworks if it went wrong." He smiles faintly at Lindevaile Tindome's question. "In my experience, all of those shadows are strongly connected. When tampering with eroteric knowledge, the energy from the Plane of Shadow could very well coalesce in physical form. But I'll leave all of that for you to discover."
Eando suddenly spots something farther off in the room, over the shoulder of Kramac. His brow furrows in thought and he cuts short his answer. "You know Ms. Durant, don't you? I see her coming over here, no doubt to have a word with me. I'd like to deal with that in the morning, not now. I'd like you to go and talk with her for a bit, so that I have the time to prepare properly. All right?" He immediately turns away and starts a conversation with Ambrus Valsin, who was stood nearby.
You are left on the path of Valais Durant, recently returned to the Grand Lodge in a new celestial form and with grand plans to spread compassion and mercy, while bringing aid to those who suffer under the influence of evil forces.
See slide 5 for a picture of Valais. If you would like to engage her in conversation and delay or distract her, please roll Crafting, Medicine, or any Lore skill that you could use in relation to her goals. Diplomacy and Deception would also work.

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"Valais Durant?" Lindevaile Tindome jumps at the mention of the name. She quickly turn to face her and starts talking with unhindered excitement: "I so agree with you! The society should help people, what is the use of all the knowledge if it isn't used for good. I mean, I wouldn't be here if a pathfinder hadn't helped me. I agree, we travel and find out things, but if the things are wrong we should correct them".
She stops for a moment to draw breath, then continues a bit more calmly: "Oh, and I am Lindevaile Tindome, with the wind. Did you get my signup, it was just a while ago?"
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17

Sylvia Dyspell |

Sylvia nods and adjusts her glasses. "Did you help write the chronicle about the monuments being erected in Sarkoris. I have some questions about the materials uses, I hear some of it is reclaimed wardstones..."
crafting: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18

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Kramac will stand back while the others discuss Sarkoris, then as that conversation chime in.
Kn religion: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
Valais! I am Kramac. I have recently joined on a field comission and pledged myself to your faction. Kurgess demands that his followers do good and attempt to help others improve themselves! Your goals seem the most noble of all the leaders in the Pathfinders - too much self interest in the others. What is it that drives you to help protect others?

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"And my name is Prillett, a simple halfling who," he looks around at all the important Pathfinders gathered about, "has never felt quite so small. But I do know a thing or two about bringing aid, magical and otherwise, to the suffering."
Medicine: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20

GM Iff |

The group and Valais have a very interesting and spirited conversation that lasts well into the night. They talk at length about Sarkoris, the wardstones, one's drive to do good and the ability someone has to make an impact on the world regardless of their heritage or stature. She welcomes the Pathfinders new to her cause, but holds equal interest to those who have chosen a different focus in their exploits.
During their conversation, the celebration seems to gradually wind down. People depart in ones and twos, and at one point the group watches Eando Kline leave, acknowledging their effort with a small nod of his head. When Valais Durant finally says her goodbye as well, Janira swoops in like a hawk. "Come on," she says as she herds the group to the refreshments table. "Just one last drink before we're done. I have it on good authority that Calisro has a good story to share!"
Caliso Benarry, the faction leader with the dubious honor to be most likely mistaken for a pirate, has never left her position at the refreshments table, with her audience coming and going. It's just Kreighton Shane with her at this point. "There you are!" she greets you. "I was wondering when I'd get some time to get to know you." She hands out punch to whoever still wants a drink. "If anyone wants a little 'extra', let me know." She gives a sly smile and points to her hip flask with a detailed engraving of a three-master.
"Gather round, gather round," she says when everyone has gotten something to drink. She lowers her voice to draw her audience in, aided by the ambiance of the mostly deserted ball room. "I have a tale to tell about a haunted house. 'twas a grand manor in its day, in Absalom fine district of Beldrin's bluff." At this point, Kreighton pipes in, his voice slightly unbalanced from the wine. "Beldrins Bluff, you say?! That reminds me of the Grreat Earthquake. Did you know that the earthquake caused aaaall manner of commotion in the basements and archives beneath Skyreach?"
The interruption immediately kills the mood that Calisro was trying to set. She grinds her teeth and rolls her eyes at the Master of Scrolls. If you want to hear the full story, you might have to deal with Kreighton in some way...
Last one, same recipe as before. Figure out any plausible way to ditract or get rid of Kreigthon Shane. There's a couple of suggested skills such as Diplomacy, Deception, Occultism, Society, any Lore not specifically mentioned in the Core rulebook. But, I'm willing to reward creativity on this one, so if you have a nice idea with another skill, go for it. Nicest/wildest/best plan will get rewarded with an extra hero point. :)

Sylvia Dyspell |

Sylvia adjusts her glasses, already feeling more confidant than she did at the beginning of the party, before taking a deep breath and talking to Kreighton Shane.
"Ahh, Master of Scrolls, I've been working on a new scheme for sorting the necromancy wing of the research library. Alphabetical is so last century. A holistic approach based on the theory of magic used..."
lore: libraries: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16

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"Do we have to?" Lindevaile Tindome asks uncomfortably, and follows last in the group reluctantly. She snaps open her fan and hides behind it, sitting on the table and trying the different drinks. She grimaces on many of the stronger drinks, but still downs them, seemingly using them to hide her discomfort.
When the opportunity comes to switch focus to Kreighton Shane, she happily takes it. "And what if there aren't letters of the alphabet in them? Will you put it under dread, or fear, or terror? Best is to put it where it feels right", she starts by following Sylvia's idea. "Of course, my collection", she says and taps the two scrolls in her belt, "doesn't need much ordering. But that is what I'd like some help with! I took these two, because people often get hurt, but are there better choices? What have been the most useful scrolls for pathfinders?"
She tries to slowly inch away from the table and pull Kreighton Shane with her by keeping him interested in the conversation.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21
So, Lindevaile Tindome took a bunch of drinks she's not accustomed to, and Shane has taken a bit of wine. She is trying to get outside (a balcony or something) and to discuss scrolls, but it probably will just end as drunken giggling.

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The conversation couldn't be shifting further from the goblin's area of expertise or interest, so the best Lleylo could offer was what he hoped to be some encouraging smile or nod at just the right moment...
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15

GM Iff |

Kreigthon is quite intrigued by Sylvia's proposal. "Maybe-maybe you're right. It would put people into the right mood for whatever they were reading up on. Or maybe the library would rearrange itself based on the mental state of the reader." He's easily led aside by Lindevaile Tindome to catch some fresh air. "Useful scrolls? Well. Did you know that I'm called the Master of Scrolls, but I rarely hand out scrolls to my students? Mostly knickknacks: feather tokens, talismans, that kind of stuff. But The Master of Spells, she hands out scrolls like candy. We'd best call Sorrina the Master of Scrolls these days. Get it?" He starts giggling.
Meanwhile, Calisro is very grateful to Lindevaile Tindome for leading Kreighton away. "So, where was I..." She leans in to the others and lowers her voice again, speaking slowly for dramatic effect. "A grand manor in Beldrin's Bluff, the Mavedarus estate. A Chelaxian couple, well-off and well-like in their community. But something wasn't right about the house... Screams were occasionally heard, and more than one neighbor could have sworn he saw people entering the house who never left..." Calisro drops a meaningful silence. "Nothing could ever be proven, but rumors there were aplenty. And then the fateful earthquake hit. The owners were never heard from again, but no one in their right mind would go near the house. The screams could still be heard, they said, even though the house was now deserted. Haunted by the unspeakable events that transpired within? Who shall know..." She casts a meaningful glance around the circle.
In a more energetic tone, she continues. "The manor has stood like this for decades, untouched and crumbling under the weight of time. It is slated for demolition in the next few days. Wouldn't that be a grand opportunity for a new group of Pathfinders out to show their mettle? To rest the night in a haunted house, perhaps even to discover the truth to any of those rumors?" She gives the group of new Pathfinders a sly grin. "Unless the thought of sleeping in a haunted house scares you off...? In that case, you can forget I ever told the story." She leans back and crosses her arms, waiting to see if you'll accept the dare.

GM Iff |

Caliso laughs at Kramac. "I thought you might." She finishes her drink and reaches in her pocket. "Let me know how it went. And please thank Lindevaile for me. I love telling a good story - without interruption. Here's a little pick-me-up for when you really need to get back on your feet." She hands you a small crystal flask with red fluid, says her goodbyes and leaves. With that, the party is truly over.
In the morning, you find a note from Eando Cline. He thanks you for a job well done. Included with the note is a list of some of his contact in the city. You'll be able to get the lasest scoop if you drop Eando's name. This provides a +2 circumstance bonus on a single Diplomacy check to gather information, during the scenario.
With that, the first part of the scenario comes to a close. Please decide how you want to proceed. If you're going to roll try Gather Information, feel free to make the roll yourself. The first course of action that gets two 'votes' is the one the group will go with.

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"Ow, my head hurts", Lindevaile Tindome complains as she comes for breakfast. "What happened, why is my memory all fuzzy? We were at the party, and there was an orc and Kreighton Shane, and I chatted with him about, something?" She gets some fruits and starts eating them very slowly.
"The ship sounds good enough, at least there's lots of fresh air", she agrees with Sylvia.
"Is this why they always told me to stop after two or three? How many did I actually take?" she asks.
On the way to the ship, Lindevaile Tindome chatters with people. She seems to have an uncanny knack of finding shady people hiding in dark corners of the city.
I'm not sure if the Experienced Smuggler or Underworld Lore help in gathering information? Using the +2 if nobody wants to save it for later.
Diplomacy (gather information): 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 7 + 2 = 21

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Prillett wakes and stretches. The soft inn bed felt good but left his back sore. Reminder to self: perhaps the floor next time. He dressed, cast a few prestidigitation spells on his clothes and hair to make himself more presentable, took up his pack and staff, and joined his new allies.
No Diplomacy here either.

GM Iff |

Gather information can be done untrained. But Lindevaile Tindome's roll gets you where you need to go.
Despite her hangover, Lindevaile Tindome is quickly succesful at getting directions to Captain Balogog, your ferry to the ship. On the way, you overhear some rumours as well. "Goin' out to da Flotsam? Rather you than me these days... Friend of mine passed by there couple-a-days ago, claimed he saw a firebreathing monster scuttling along one of the ships. Firebreathing!, he claimed. Hadn't even been drinkin' too much either, 'twas the end of the week..."
Before long, the group meets of with Captain Semiri Balogo, a rainkin half-orc with heavily tanned skin and her black hair in a multitude of thick braids. "Aye, Pathinders? Sure, I'll take you." She pats a fist to her chest. "I've been a ferry to you fellows for over a decade now, would never pass up a good job. And if you have a good story to tell to pass the time, even better!" When told the goal of your little expedition, Semiri nods and swiftly ferries you to where you need to be. "That's her." She points at the ship nearby.
The weathered boards of the ship’s main deck are cracked, warped, and thoroughly covered in a thick, stinking carpet of algae, seaweed, and barnacles. The sodden mess squashes and scrapes underfoot, while squawking gulls circle overhead. The ship once boasted three masts, but they are now broken off only a few feet above the jagged railings. Whatever other distinguishing features might have once existed on this vessel are either long lost or utterly obscured. Empty doorways lead into cabins to the fore and aft, and a dark opening descends into the lower level.
See slide 2 for a map of the boat. The entire deck is difficult terrain due to the mats of vegetation and layers of barnacle growth.
We're in exploration mode. Please indicate what you'd like to do and where you want to go. If you'd like to make a secret roll, please state so along with your modifier for the relevant ability.

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Lindevaile Tindome again hides nervously behind her fan as much as she can when the team interacts with the half-orc. "Tell the story you hear yesterday" she whispers to Sylvia on the ferry trip.
Happy to get off the ferry and away from the half-orc, she jumps on the boat, not minding her fine dress getting wet and dirty from the vegetation. She joins Prillett in the examination of the vegetation. "Nature takes back what was once hers", she comments.
Nature: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22

GM Iff |

Sylvia Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13
Lleylo: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11
Neither Sylvia nor Lleylo spots anything on the deck that catches their attention. Prillett and Lindevaile Tindome can infer from the vegetation and barnacle growth on deck that the ship must have been sunken below the waves near the Isle of Kortos for several centuries at least, recently washed up on the Flotsam Graveyard by the pull of the tides.

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Lindevaile Tindome overhears Sylvia talking, and shouts to her: "We should go there! It's always better to see and feel the place yourself!"
She walks to the opening and tries to peek into the lower level. "Maybe our next mission will be there? But let's first see what is here.
Perception +4, darkvision, low-light vision

GM Iff |

Kramac: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13
Lindevaile Tindome: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10
Like his companions, Kramac doesn't spot anything of interest on the deck. When Lindevaile Tindome peers down the stairs, she notes that it isn't really dark below deck. Sharp beams of sunlight light filter down through cracks in the main deck to cast this cargo hold in a dim light.
Though the ship’s original armaments are now little more than rotted ballista mounts, this area shows signs of recent activity, including intact shipping crates, a recently broken crate, a few boxes, and faint trails worn through the slippery vegetation growing over the deck. At the far end of the cargo hold there's a wooden doors in finer condition that the rest of the boat.
Map updated.

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Lindevaile Tindome beckons the others to join her. "Look, they have been here! They even made new doors", she points to them.

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"I agree. And I may be uniquely able to help here. This is a trick I've found useful for tending chickens." Prillett's form twists and shrinks rapidly, sprouting fur and a tail. His gear melts into his shrinking form like wax. In a few seconds, the halfling has turned into an alley cat. He pads quietly down the steps into the cargo hold, sniffing the air.
Spending 1 Focus point on Wild Shape (pest form). I now have a Stealth modifier of +10. Is that a secret roll? I also have imprecise scent 30 ft.

GM Iff |

It's not explicit in the 'Avoid Notice' exploration activity that this is a secret check, but all other Stealth checks are. I'll make the roll for you.
Prillett Stealth: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14
Prillett deftly moves down the stairs, moving carefully between the slippery algae on the stairs and the lower deck. He notices various pieces of furniture in the shipping crates, and one larger crate lies smashed in pieces.
His cat form allows him to smell something odd: various person odors that are difficult to place. As soon as he's down, he spots its source below the stairs. A huddled form, nearly naked and apparently stitched together from various body parts. The creature looks up and swivels its head toward Prillett, indicating that he wasn't as stealthy as he'd hoped. The creature has one hand clenched in a fist. The other isn't a hand at all, but more akin to a tentacle. The creature grunts and stares at the cat intently, making a slow move to stand up.
Those who are downstairs and are willing to make a Perception roll.
The stairs and lower deck are difficult terain as well. See slide 2 for a picture of the creature under the stairs. It is not aggressive (yet), so we're still in exploration mode.

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Lleylo moves downstairs to stand behind Prillett. He is fascinated by the stitched creature and gives it a friendly wave, hoping to catch its attention.
Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22
Noticing the various shiny objects the creature is holding, Lleylo fishes in his backpack for a small trinket or coin to try and give it to him. He settles on a silver piece, tries to give it a bit of a shine with his sleeve, and then offers it up, all the time smiling encouragingly.

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Do the vegetation and barnacles count as "foliage" or "undergrowth"? If so, as a wildwood halfling I can ignore the difficult terrain in here (and I don't see anything in pest form or the polymorph rules that overrides such abilities).
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24
Prillett notices a few interesting things about the creature, but is unable to communicate any of it to his allies.

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Kramac would be happy to tell you about the Mwangi! It is a dangerous place for those new to the area - demons, slavers, hostile animals and plants - threats abound! But tlaking does not do it justice. Perhaps we will take a trip together and Kramac will introduce to his home himself!
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24
Kramac also stays back, attempting to appear non-threatening while Lleylo attempts to interact with the creature.

GM Iff |

Lleylo's wave draws the creature's attention away from the alley cat. It grunts again and leans forward towards Lleylo. When the goblin produces a silver piece, the creature shifts his head sideways. It then stomps forward and stretches out its tentacle to grab the silver piece. With this new object, the creature retreats back to its position under the stairs. It holds up the silver piece to the light beams coming through the cracks of the deck above, studying how the light reflects. It ignores the rest of you for the time being.

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Lindevaile Tindome nods to Lleylo. "Well, if it is what is likes".
She climbs down to the second floor and starts looking through the crates and boxes. "Let's check what they are smuggling."
Perception +4

GM Iff |

Lindevaile Tindome: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11
Lindevaile Tindome searches through the debris, and just finds furniture. It seems to be a questionable quality as well. This couldn't have been worth smuggling? Maybe it'll help to think like a smuggler...
A Deception or Thieving check could be useful here. Feel free to roll those yourself.

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"These are not the things they smuggle. They hide it behind these", Lindevaile Tindome says. She starts to look more closely, trying to find cunning hiding places. "Now, how did mom hide all those things..., she mutters as she goes through all the things around.
I hope we can roll these untrained? Does the Experienced Smuggler help me now?
Deception (untrained): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16

GM Iff |

Absolutely. :)
Lindevaile Tindome is very efficient in finding the hidden role of the furniture. In no time she has found several subtle compartments within the furniture roughly the size of a book: drawers with false bottoms, hidden pockets within seat cushions, and the like. These details should be of interest to Gorm Greathammer.

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Deception aid: 1d20 ⇒ 12
Kramac will join Lindevaile in searching for hidden compartments, while continuing to regale her with tales of the Mwangi expanse.
Have you ever heard of the great demon apes of the Mwangi? Evil fearsome creatures who will eat the skin of your bones as easily as you'd greet a passing friend.

GM Iff |

Kramac: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14
Kramac tries to help, but ultimately doesn't add much to Lindevaile Tindome's expertise in this matter.
Please note that aiding is not risk-free. If you critically fail the DC of 20, you will give a -1 to the primary person's role rather than adding a +1 bonus. Especially on untrained aid checks, this is a real chance.

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"These are normal tricks, mom had one like that" Lindevaile Tindome says and points at a secret compartment she has opened.
She walks to the door at the end of the hold. "Is this new or just better preserved?" she asks and tries to open the door.

GM Iff |

The door is indeed new and opens easily into what must have been the captain's room long ago. This cabin’s floor has been cleared of the algae present everywhere else on the ship, and a simple table has been set up in the center of the room, with a few chairs pulled up around it. The aft wall bears a large carving of a coat of arms, visible even despite the wear of the elements. An antique lantern hangs above the carving, casting a faint light over papers strewn over the table.

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Clearly, someone has been here recently. Prillett the cat paws at the (relatively) clean floor, trying to point out to the others the lack of algae here.
Is Perception always a secret roll? Also, my Wild Shape lasts for 10 minutes so youll have to let me know when that time is up.