Plight of Northlight

Game Master Matt Adams 259 l8_b8G5M/edit?usp=sharing

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Here is a list of the finished characters I've seen so far.

Grumbaki-Ingrid Foedottir-Half Orc Guide/Trapper Ranger (possible progression to Horizon Walker)
Neirikr-Bragi Ragnarsson-Ulfen Skald
Mat_H-Livana Henriksdottir-Winter Changeling-Season/Winter Witch (Winter Witch PRC)
AGM Lemming-Scarred Klaus Stennes-Ulfen Druid
Ouachitonian-Thorfinn Wyrmblod-Ulfen Rageshaper Bloodrager.

If I missed anyone let me know. Also, if I don't get too many more submissions, I may just run the game with everyone who has put in a submission. Since pbps usually lose a player or two early on, it's probably a safe bet to let more people in than I plan on running with.

I'll take the weekend to get the initial gameplay and discussion threads up. The game should officially start sometime on Monday.

Thorfinn will he going into Dragon Disciple as soon as he can. (Which should be at level 6, unless I’m misremembering) It’s a PrC I’ve long wanted to play but never gotten to.

Matt Adams 259 wrote:
If I missed anyone let me know.

I believe you missed Kinnith Itginsson, the Wild Stalker Ranger. He doesn't seem to have a profile yet, but both the fluff and crunch are done.

Also missed Dyrm

* Ingrid: H-Orc Trapper Guide Ranger -> Horizon Walker
* Thorfinn: Human Rageshaper Bloodrager -> Dragon Disciple
* Kinnith: Human Ranger (Might Focus Ranged)

Melee Casters
* Dyrm: Dwarven Inquisitor
* Bragi: Human Skald

* Livana: Changeling Season/Winter Witch -> Winter Witch PRC
* Klaus: Human Druid

Total: 7

All in all a very balanced group. Plenty of healing to spread around. Arcane and divine magic. A VERY solid front line. But at least that means a lot of use for a Skald.

Ingrid Foedottir wrote:

Also missed Dyrm

So 7pcs.

While gameplay isn’t starting could we get discussion up?

Yes! Thank you

Bragi Ragnarsson wrote:
Matt Adams 259 wrote:
If I missed anyone let me know.
I believe you missed Kinnith Itginsson, the Wild Stalker Ranger. He doesn't seem to have a profile yet, but both the fluff and crunch are done.

Correct. I don't create a profile for a game unless accepted (or required by the GM).

Hmmm... 4 Ulfen, 2 half-ulfen, and a dwarf. Poor little guy surrounded by all these giants.

What dwarves lack in height, they make up in width!

Livana Henriksdottir wrote:
Hmmm... 4 Ulfen, 2 half-ulfen, and a dwarf. Poor little guy surrounded by all these giants.

Defensive Training +4 Gain a dodge bonus to AC vs. monsters of the Giant subtype.

Ha! I win at Tag!

Dyrm-I'm sorry I missed. I actually did have you counted in the first list that the forum goblins ate.

Caps-Sorry I missed your character, but consider yourself accepted.

Discussion forum is up.

Are you still willing to take applicants? I waffled a bunch, but I've got a Ulfen Oracle almost done. Should have it finalized by tomorrow if you are willing to wait.

Short version of his background: He's a younger son of the Hroskelson family who is physically weak and deaf from birth but has trained in history and diplomacy to support his older brother. He is intensely loyal to his family/town and is charismatic in the "gets along with everyone well" way. He has an supernatural connection to winter and uses that to protect his family and hurt their enemies.

I am still willing to take applicants. An oracle looks like a good addition to the party.

Are you still planning on running for all the applicants so far? I hate to be a party pooper, but more than seven players sounds like a bad time, even if you're counting on one or two players dropping out. Honestly, six is kind of pushing it, in my opinion.

Silver Crusade

I could throw in with an oracle. Give me a bit to roll something up.

4d6 ⇒ (2, 4, 2, 6) = 14 12
4d6 ⇒ (2, 2, 3, 3) = 10 8
4d6 ⇒ (3, 6, 2, 3) = 14 12
4d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 1, 4) = 14 13
4d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 6, 4) = 18 14
4d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 4, 2) = 8 7

Woo, 6 points!

I’m willing to duck out if things are getting too crowded. I’m pretty much done with my guy, but you guys seem to have a good dynamic going on.

With three more submissions coming in, I can't promise a spot to everyone. I think that I'm just going to run the game with the seven who I said to all ready. I'll keep the names of everyone else who showed interest handy just in case the number of players ends up dropping to low.

Matt Adams 259 wrote:

Dyrm-I'm sorry I missed. I actually did have you counted in the first list that the forum goblins ate.

Caps-Sorry I missed your character, but consider yourself accepted.

WHew. Thank you.

That sounds fair. Enjoy all!

Sounds good. Do PM me is a slot opens up though! And have fun!


A shame, it seems it took me too long to recover from my fever and to start coming up with something. Oh well.

Hate that I missed my chance, especially since I could have posted something when I said I was done with the mechanics!

Oh, well.

Have fun, guys! That's the whole point.

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Think I'll withdraw as well. Have fun kids!

Silver Crusade

Sorry I didn’t get my submission ready in time, I got busy with work.
If you still need the oracle at some point, I have her built. She’s an Oracle of Flame(yeah, I’m playing counter to theme), offspring of a reclusive witch that passed away recently. She may have been sold to Hell before she was born. I can post stats if you want.

Have fun y’all!

I didn't have time for a concept, I'm bowing out.
Have fun guys, I'm sure the game will be a blast.

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