#10-16: What the Helms Hide

Game Master Baerlie

High Tier



[dice=Ini Arin]1d20+2[/dice]
[dice=Ini Mhazruk]1d20+6[/dice]
[dice=Ini Mykel]1d20+6[/dice]
[dice=Ini Pai]1d20+5[/dice]
[dice=Ini Sirius]1d20+5[/dice]
[dice=Ini Tenibri]1d20+2[/dice]
[dice=Ini Erhun]1d20+1[/dice]

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Liberty's Edge

Female CG Gnome Kineticist 9 | HP 120/120 | NL dmg: 0 | AC 22*, T 16*, FF 17 | CMB +5, CMD 18 | Fort +15, Ref +13, Will +6* | Init +7 | Perception +15, Sense Motive +2 | Speed 20ft | Burn: 0/9 | | IB: 1/1 | Active conditions: none

Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21
Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26

Pai's sharp eyes pierced the gloom to spot all there was to spot in the area. Yeah, she saw the plants moving, but her eyes were drawn back to the robed figure sticking out of the tree over there. It seemed like a greater potential threat than those pumpkins.

After staring intently at him/her/it for a while, she glances around at the remnants of the battlefield. "Huh? What? Gosh, did I miss it? Dang! That must've been fun! But what a mess! So, guys, let's go check out that robed figure by that tree. I am dying to see what's up with that. It looks so weird from here!"

Liberty's Edge

Male Gnome Oracle 10 | HP 73/73 | AC26 T15 FF24 | CMB +5, CMD 19 | F+4 R+5 W+8; +2 v fear/despair; +2 v lang effects/spells | Init+6 | Low-light vision | Perc+13, SM+1 | Speed 20ft | Spells: 1st 8/8; 2nd 7/7; 3rd 7/7; 4th 6/6; 5th 4/4 | arcane bond [_] | mnemonic vestment [_] | arcane mark [_], comprehend languages [_], message [_], read magic [_] | Channel Positive Energy 6/6 | Energy Body (rounds) 10/10 | Combat Healer [_] | Delay Affliction 2/2 | Eternal Hope [_] | Active conditions: None

Arin slowly approaches the robe figure, and asks in common and sylvan...

Hello there. Did you send those plants at us?

If it replies in a different language he will use his Comprehend Languages spell-like ability.

Grand Lodge

Actions: ◇ ◆ ◆◆ ◆◆◆ ↺

Only three attempts are necessary to defeat the moving plants. Erhun and Mykel stand too close and see the pumpkins explode before they feel the burning heat of the pieces.

Explosion damage Erhun: 2d6 ⇒ (6, 3) = 9 half damage
Explosion damage Mykel: 2d6 ⇒ (5, 4) = 9 half damage

When Arin approaches the figure he sees that it's just wood shaped like a robed figure as if somebody used a wood shape spell on it.

Kn. religion DC15:

You identify the portrayal of Ng. The mysterious hooded Eldest watches over the seasons, secrets, and roads.

When you move closer to the mill:

A crumbling lumber mill, unremarkable except for the large wooden statue protruding from the front, stands to the north.

A pile containing six berries and three jack-o’-lanterns have been left as offerings at the statue’s base. Carved alongside the statue is an inscription that reads “Like the Lord of Seasons, our hoods illuminate truth, while their masks shelter deceit. Let this be the sign of our covenant. -E”

Dark Archive

Male Half - Elf Occultist 4
hp 31/31AC 16|T 10 |FF 16, F +6|R +1|W +7, Init +0, Per +12

Take 10 for knowledge Nature
Moving closer to the mill Sirius shrugs and explains that this is for the eldest NG, a guardian or god of seasons, secrets and roads.

Scarab Sages

Male Human Bloodrager 3 Init +1 HP 9 /37 (With Rage: 15/43) AC 16 T11 FF15 Fort +6 Ref+2 Will +3 Per+5 CMB +5 CMD 16

Ng? Not really easy to call his name..At least he isn't closely associated with Undeath

Know Religion: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22

Dark Archive

Male Half - Elf Occultist 4
hp 31/31AC 16|T 10 |FF 16, F +6|R +1|W +7, Init +0, Per +12

I meant Knowledge Religion

Liberty's Edge

Female CG Gnome Kineticist 9 | HP 120/120 | NL dmg: 0 | AC 22*, T 16*, FF 17 | CMB +5, CMD 18 | Fort +15, Ref +13, Will +6* | Init +7 | Perception +15, Sense Motive +2 | Speed 20ft | Burn: 0/9 | | IB: 1/1 | Active conditions: none

Pai stands right under the robed figure, staring up at it and committing its features to memory. Fascinating

She then turns briskly and, glancing around for a direction, spots the mill and walks with a springing step toward it. "Come on, guys! We should check this out!"

When she arrives, she spends some time being a tourist, gazing at the notable statue and inscription. She muses: "Huh. So the folks in charge of this place like hoods. Not masks. So maybe we watch out for masks or something."

The Exchange

CN Half-Orc Alchemist 4 | HP: 23/23 | AC: 24 T: 13 FF: 21 | CMB: +3, CMD: 18 | F: +4 R: +9 W: 0 | Init: +5 | Perception: +8 (Darkvision) | Speed: 30 ft | Active conditions: Mutagen + Shield
| Bombs: 10/10 | Extracts (1st): 5/5 | Extracts (2nd): 3/3 | Wand of CLW: 50/50 | Showmanship: 1/1

Rook is unsure the specifics to the riddle he activates his way and takes a closer look at the statue especially the hood.

"We haven't seen any masks yet but we do have Wayfinders that can light a path. This is troublesome...I should start putting riddles into contracts." he sighs.

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11

Grand Lodge

male human swashbuckler(rondelero)8/brawler 1, HP 93/93, F +8(+1 vs poison/disease), R +16, W +8, AC 28, T 20, FF 23 Init +7(+9), Per +14 Panache 6/6

Anyone else think this "E" is Elysia? Maybe it's just me.. Mykel says, looking around.


RNG is screwed up for me...

Liberty's Edge

Male NG Wayang Arcanist 7 | HP: 44/44 | AC: 18 14 (14 Tch, 16 12 Fl) | CMD: 13 (11 Fl) | F: +4, R: +5, W: +6 | Init: +2 | Perc: +13, SM +0 | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: mage armor

"I think you're right, Mykel; 'E' must be Eylysia. But why this distinction between hoods and masks? What does it matter how one obscures their face?" He stands for a moment befuddled by the mysterious riddle, then joins Pai examining the mill more.

Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23

Grand Lodge

Actions: ◇ ◆ ◆◆ ◆◆◆ ↺

Sense Motive DC10:

Eylysia was telling you that raising your hood would stand as a signal of support or alliance.

Detect Magic & Spellcraft DC15:

The berries are goodberries.

Craft Alchemy:

The three jack-o’-lanterns can be used as alchemist’s fire.

While you study the statue you hear a voice that calls out to you from the mill’s doorway.

"Take ye not a step further into Ng’s sacred realm. I am the Crocus Knight, sworn protector of the Thicket of Endless Fall and rightful successor to Ng’s chosen, Zaul Blystone. Are you here to join in the grove’s protection, or defile its splendor? Speak now, lest I add you to the great harvest."

The voice's owner is a striking figure: a handsome woman with a fox tail wearing a cowl and crocus-emblazoned armor while wielding a silver lance. Her cascade of red hair catches the light, but her face is hidden deep within the cowl.

Grand Lodge

male human swashbuckler(rondelero)8/brawler 1, HP 93/93, F +8(+1 vs poison/disease), R +16, W +8, AC 28, T 20, FF 23 Init +7(+9), Per +14 Panache 6/6

sense motive: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22 Mykel shares his thoughts with the rest.
He puts his hood from his travelling cloak up

Liberty's Edge

Male NG Wayang Arcanist 7 | HP: 44/44 | AC: 18 14 (14 Tch, 16 12 Fl) | CMD: 13 (11 Fl) | F: +4, R: +5, W: +6 | Init: +2 | Perc: +13, SM +0 | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: mage armor

Sense Motive DC 10: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (20) + 0 = 20

Tenibri always travels with the cowl of his cloak up, so makes no change as he stands there studying the woman, though his eyes alight at remembering this detail. He quietly invokes the words and patterns that allow him to see magic, and studies the scene.

Spellcraft DC 15, detect magic: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (4) + 13 = 17
Craft (alchemy), unknown DC: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (3) + 13 = 16

Recognizing some details about the berries and jackolanterns, he files this information away to fill the party in on later. Might as well read the spoilers; Tenibri will let the party know this stuff once this immediate threat is over (but I--the player--might not remember to!)

"We definitely mean no harm to the grove; we are not a threat! We are here on an investigation and mean neither you nor the grove any harm."

The Exchange

CN Half-Orc Alchemist 4 | HP: 23/23 | AC: 24 T: 13 FF: 21 | CMB: +3, CMD: 18 | F: +4 R: +9 W: 0 | Init: +5 | Perception: +8 (Darkvision) | Speed: 30 ft | Active conditions: Mutagen + Shield
| Bombs: 10/10 | Extracts (1st): 5/5 | Extracts (2nd): 3/3 | Wand of CLW: 50/50 | Showmanship: 1/1

Rook noticing the alchemical properties of the jack'o'lanterns picks them up and carefully stows them away with his other reagents.

However he looks unprepared as Mykel shares his thoughts...but he has no hood to raise. Instead he let's the other hooded members take the lead.

Liberty's Edge

Male Gnome Oracle 10 | HP 73/73 | AC26 T15 FF24 | CMB +5, CMD 19 | F+4 R+5 W+8; +2 v fear/despair; +2 v lang effects/spells | Init+6 | Low-light vision | Perc+13, SM+1 | Speed 20ft | Spells: 1st 8/8; 2nd 7/7; 3rd 7/7; 4th 6/6; 5th 4/4 | arcane bond [_] | mnemonic vestment [_] | arcane mark [_], comprehend languages [_], message [_], read magic [_] | Channel Positive Energy 6/6 | Energy Body (rounds) 10/10 | Combat Healer [_] | Delay Affliction 2/2 | Eternal Hope [_] | Active conditions: None

Arin flips his hood up and walks up alongside Tenibri, quietly mumbling an incantation for his divine tormentors' aid. Cast guidance

Indeed. It is as my shadowy friend explains. We're here to neither defile nor join eternal protection. Will you take but a few moments to speak with us?

Diplomacy, guidance: 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 5 + 1 = 15

Dark Archive

Male Half - Elf Occultist 4
hp 31/31AC 16|T 10 |FF 16, F +6|R +1|W +7, Init +0, Per +12

Flipping his cowl up Sirius bows and introduces himself.
"My name is Sirius. We come in peace!"
DIplo: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (8) + 11 = 19

Grand Lodge

Actions: ◇ ◆ ◆◆ ◆◆◆ ↺

Making the woman friendly:

The PCs must attempt a series of five skill checks. The PCs
can choose from Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Knowledge
(arcana, nature, or religion), or Sense Motive. Anyone can
attempt one of the skill checks, but each skill check can be
attempted only once. Allies may use the aid another action on
these checks. Sirius already did one (successfully).

"I'm waiting here since centuries for a replacement. Of course I have time to speak. Tell me, what are you looking for? I see some of you with a hood. Are you followers of Ng?"

The Exchange

CN Half-Orc Alchemist 4 | HP: 23/23 | AC: 24 T: 13 FF: 21 | CMB: +3, CMD: 18 | F: +4 R: +9 W: 0 | Init: +5 | Perception: +8 (Darkvision) | Speed: 30 ft | Active conditions: Mutagen + Shield
| Bombs: 10/10 | Extracts (1st): 5/5 | Extracts (2nd): 3/3 | Wand of CLW: 50/50 | Showmanship: 1/1

"Personally, no, but certainly not an enemy for I find too much use for the bounty of nature. I don't tolerate fools that destroy it whether it belongs to Ng or not. We seek knowledge about the artifact Autumn's Cowl."

Knowledge (Nature): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (19) + 11 = 30

Grand Lodge

male human swashbuckler(rondelero)8/brawler 1, HP 93/93, F +8(+1 vs poison/disease), R +16, W +8, AC 28, T 20, FF 23 Init +7(+9), Per +14 Panache 6/6

Alas, I am not a follower of Ng, Protector. But I do respect the path of Nature. As my colleague stated, we are seeking knowledge.

diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19

Liberty's Edge

Male NG Wayang Arcanist 7 | HP: 44/44 | AC: 18 14 (14 Tch, 16 12 Fl) | CMD: 13 (11 Fl) | F: +4, R: +5, W: +6 | Init: +2 | Perc: +13, SM +0 | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: mage armor

"Nor am I a follower of Ng; Nethys is the one who powers all magic on Golarion, so Nethys earns my attention that way. But I respect Ng and Ng's realm. There is no conflict nor disdain between us."

Knowledge (arcana): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (16) + 11 = 27

Liberty's Edge

Female CG Gnome Kineticist 9 | HP 120/120 | NL dmg: 0 | AC 22*, T 16*, FF 17 | CMB +5, CMD 18 | Fort +15, Ref +13, Will +6* | Init +7 | Perception +15, Sense Motive +2 | Speed 20ft | Burn: 0/9 | | IB: 1/1 | Active conditions: none

Crud! Of COURSE I don't have a hood! Dang it! How am I going to fix this? Ummm... After a moment of frantic thought, Pai drops her haversack and pulls out a beautiful deep violet gown. She reverently drapes it over her head. "My deepest apologies for failing to come properly prepared. I hope this humble offering will suffice for a hood. I have not had the opportunity to learn of Ng before today, and am curious to learn more." She bows her head in deference to the figure before her, then tosses her haversack back over her shoulders. I'd better not ruin this gorgeous dress! This had better be worth it!

Aid Diplomacy: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10

Liberty's Edge

Male Gnome Oracle 10 | HP 73/73 | AC26 T15 FF24 | CMB +5, CMD 19 | F+4 R+5 W+8; +2 v fear/despair; +2 v lang effects/spells | Init+6 | Low-light vision | Perc+13, SM+1 | Speed 20ft | Spells: 1st 8/8; 2nd 7/7; 3rd 7/7; 4th 6/6; 5th 4/4 | arcane bond [_] | mnemonic vestment [_] | arcane mark [_], comprehend languages [_], message [_], read magic [_] | Channel Positive Energy 6/6 | Energy Body (rounds) 10/10 | Combat Healer [_] | Delay Affliction 2/2 | Eternal Hope [_] | Active conditions: None

Arin pauses at the question, unsure how to answer.

I... I'm not sure. What I mean to say is that I'm not a deliberate follower and I'm not very knowledgeable about Ng. I've been granted divine powers by a benefactor who has not yet revealed themselves to me. Are you aware of Ng selecting unknowing vessels, and how that generally works?

Sense motive: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12

Scarab Sages

Male Human Bloodrager 3 Init +1 HP 9 /37 (With Rage: 15/43) AC 16 T11 FF15 Fort +6 Ref+2 Will +3 Per+5 CMB +5 CMD 16

Know religion: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26

I worship Anubis. My main mission is to fight and destroy, if possible, undead and those who created them. My mission is similar from yours: I protect the dead from defilement, as you protect this place. I do wish you no harm, but assistance if needed. I do have a blanket in my backpack I'm ready to use as a hood, if you prefer.

Grand Lodge

Actions: ◇ ◆ ◆◆ ◆◆◆ ↺

"No, no! Please do as you prefer! I saw some of you wearing a hood so I really was hoping to be replaced. Well, it seems Zaul Blystone is still looking for somebody else. Since more than 200 years I'm protecting this part of the wood. Zaul, blessed by Ng himself, came to me and asked me to stay here until he returns. The only visitor I had since then was a gnome. I can't remember her name, something with E. She left a inscription over there, but I have no idea what it means. She said that it be helpful to allies of the grove at a future time." the Crocus Knight answers while pointing at the statue.

Detect Magic & Spellcraft DC12:

The cowl the woman's wearing is magic. It is the Autum's Cowl. You are sure that the cowl is causing the changes on the environment, not the influence of Ng or anything else.

Dark Archive

Male Half - Elf Occultist 4
hp 31/31AC 16|T 10 |FF 16, F +6|R +1|W +7, Init +0, Per +12

Looking closer Sirius puts his hand close to the cowl.
"This is the Autum's Cowl. No wonder the weather is so stange!"
Diplo: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (7) + 11 = 18

Liberty's Edge

Male NG Wayang Arcanist 7 | HP: 44/44 | AC: 18 14 (14 Tch, 16 12 Fl) | CMD: 13 (11 Fl) | F: +4, R: +5, W: +6 | Init: +2 | Perc: +13, SM +0 | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: mage armor

"Hmmm, it appears that future time might be now. We are--in fact--on that very gnome's trail at present."

Liberty's Edge

Female CG Gnome Kineticist 9 | HP 120/120 | NL dmg: 0 | AC 22*, T 16*, FF 17 | CMB +5, CMD 18 | Fort +15, Ref +13, Will +6* | Init +7 | Perception +15, Sense Motive +2 | Speed 20ft | Burn: 0/9 | | IB: 1/1 | Active conditions: none

Oh, whew! Well, that was overkill. Pai's bright peach skin flushes pinkish as she shrugs off her haversack and carefully stows the elegant gown back in its proper place. She quickly smooths her short shock of flaming orange hair back into place, then pauses as if she remembered something. Suddenly, tiny arcs of electricity begin zapping around her, as if she was overflowing with static electricity. Nonchalantly tossing her haversack back onto her shoulders, she brightly perks up at Sirius's observation. "What's the Autumn's Cowl?"

Activating Enveloping Winds & accepting 1 point of burn to increase the miss chance for projectile weapons to 25% and activate Elemental Overflow, just in case

Liberty's Edge

Male Gnome Oracle 10 | HP 73/73 | AC26 T15 FF24 | CMB +5, CMD 19 | F+4 R+5 W+8; +2 v fear/despair; +2 v lang effects/spells | Init+6 | Low-light vision | Perc+13, SM+1 | Speed 20ft | Spells: 1st 8/8; 2nd 7/7; 3rd 7/7; 4th 6/6; 5th 4/4 | arcane bond [_] | mnemonic vestment [_] | arcane mark [_], comprehend languages [_], message [_], read magic [_] | Channel Positive Energy 6/6 | Energy Body (rounds) 10/10 | Combat Healer [_] | Delay Affliction 2/2 | Eternal Hope [_] | Active conditions: None

Spellcraft: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19

Arin senses the effect of the cowl and clarifies.

Your cowl is causing environmental changes. It is not by the influence of Ng. If you wish to remove influences other than Ng on this place, then the cowl should be removed immediately.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12 hmm...

Grand Lodge

Actions: ◇ ◆ ◆◆ ◆◆◆ ↺

"The Autumn's Cowl? I guess you mean this item." the woman says and removes the cowl from her head to hand it to Pai.

"I know it's magical, but Zaul did not tell me what it does. You think this piece of cloths causes all this? Zaul lied to me? He told me that Ng the Hooded wants me to protect this sacred area from lodgers wo wanted to cut the trees down. That Ng the Hooded, one of the Eldest, enchanted this part of the forest to keep them outside. All the centuries I spent at this place for nothing? And what does the gnome woman have to do with this? I'm confused."

Liberty's Edge

Female CG Gnome Kineticist 9 | HP 120/120 | NL dmg: 0 | AC 22*, T 16*, FF 17 | CMB +5, CMD 18 | Fort +15, Ref +13, Will +6* | Init +7 | Perception +15, Sense Motive +2 | Speed 20ft | Burn: 0/9 | | IB: 1/1 | Active conditions: none

Pai accepts the cowl, rather surprised that it was handed to her, as she was totally clueless as to what it is and does. She looks around to see if the wood has magically changed now that the cowl has been removed, but otherwise just stands there, holding it and waiting for the situation to resolve itself.

If a perception check is required to notice any changes in the environment due to removing the cowl:
Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10

Grand Lodge

male human swashbuckler(rondelero)8/brawler 1, HP 93/93, F +8(+1 vs poison/disease), R +16, W +8, AC 28, T 20, FF 23 Init +7(+9), Per +14 Panache 6/6

Don't be down on yourself...many were deceived we have found in our investigation. We will get a resolution to this...I know it.

Liberty's Edge

Male Gnome Oracle 10 | HP 73/73 | AC26 T15 FF24 | CMB +5, CMD 19 | F+4 R+5 W+8; +2 v fear/despair; +2 v lang effects/spells | Init+6 | Low-light vision | Perc+13, SM+1 | Speed 20ft | Spells: 1st 8/8; 2nd 7/7; 3rd 7/7; 4th 6/6; 5th 4/4 | arcane bond [_] | mnemonic vestment [_] | arcane mark [_], comprehend languages [_], message [_], read magic [_] | Channel Positive Energy 6/6 | Energy Body (rounds) 10/10 | Combat Healer [_] | Delay Affliction 2/2 | Eternal Hope [_] | Active conditions: None

Well, Arin explained above what it does :) He made the spellcraft check.

GM: Now that the cowl is off, is there anything interesting about her? Is she human, elf, undead?

Yes, and now you're free to venerate Ng more directly, as you wish, wherever it is most appropriate to do so.

Grand Lodge

Actions: ◇ ◆ ◆◆ ◆◆◆ ↺

You would say she's a huldra. A fey creature.

"Well, the cowl now is yours. There's no need for me to stay here. Please take care and I hope the cowl and the inscription will help you on your further investigation. It was really a pleasure to talk to somebody after so many years." the Crocus Knight says before she leaves you alone.

With the cowl removed the environment does not change.

Liberty's Edge

Male Gnome Oracle 10 | HP 73/73 | AC26 T15 FF24 | CMB +5, CMD 19 | F+4 R+5 W+8; +2 v fear/despair; +2 v lang effects/spells | Init+6 | Low-light vision | Perc+13, SM+1 | Speed 20ft | Spells: 1st 8/8; 2nd 7/7; 3rd 7/7; 4th 6/6; 5th 4/4 | arcane bond [_] | mnemonic vestment [_] | arcane mark [_], comprehend languages [_], message [_], read magic [_] | Channel Positive Energy 6/6 | Energy Body (rounds) 10/10 | Combat Healer [_] | Delay Affliction 2/2 | Eternal Hope [_] | Active conditions: None

Okay team, onto Highhelm and then back to report to Kreighton?

Ready to move on.

Liberty's Edge

Female CG Gnome Kineticist 9 | HP 120/120 | NL dmg: 0 | AC 22*, T 16*, FF 17 | CMB +5, CMD 18 | Fort +15, Ref +13, Will +6* | Init +7 | Perception +15, Sense Motive +2 | Speed 20ft | Burn: 0/9 | | IB: 1/1 | Active conditions: none

"...That was weird. She just left, just like that. After all those years. Zip! Gone. Weird." Pai shrugs, then nods at Arin's proposal.

The Exchange

CN Half-Orc Alchemist 4 | HP: 23/23 | AC: 24 T: 13 FF: 21 | CMB: +3, CMD: 18 | F: +4 R: +9 W: 0 | Init: +5 | Perception: +8 (Darkvision) | Speed: 30 ft | Active conditions: Mutagen + Shield
| Bombs: 10/10 | Extracts (1st): 5/5 | Extracts (2nd): 3/3 | Wand of CLW: 50/50 | Showmanship: 1/1

"Indeed it was. The way they talked it seemed like a devotion you couldn't easily break...I thought we might get into a scuffle. I won't complain about an easy job though." he adds in.

Scarab Sages

Male Human Bloodrager 3 Init +1 HP 9 /37 (With Rage: 15/43) AC 16 T11 FF15 Fort +6 Ref+2 Will +3 Per+5 CMB +5 CMD 16

I'm glad she wasn't an undead. I would have had to try to kill her

Grand Lodge

male human swashbuckler(rondelero)8/brawler 1, HP 93/93, F +8(+1 vs poison/disease), R +16, W +8, AC 28, T 20, FF 23 Init +7(+9), Per +14 Panache 6/6

Aye...that might have been a challenge and a half...back to Kreighton and the next one...

Grand Lodge

Actions: ◇ ◆ ◆◆ ◆◆◆ ↺

For a reminder


From what I can gather, your next clue lies within an old cavern, not terribly far from a dwarven
outpost called the Rising Spire, which lies near the ancient settlement of Highhelm. I have little to go
on as Eylysia’s notes provide hardly anything more than a location and an odd reference to ‘an old noble’s
tale’. I have already made arrangements for your travel to the Spire and for an escort to the cavern. This
should be a relatively simple and straightforward task if you can solve this riddle Eylysia has left us with.
Kreighton Shaine

The journey to Highhelm is uneventful. You enter the tunnels which lead you to the Rising Spire. These claustrophobic tunnels outside of Rising Spire are carved with smoothed stone walls adorned with periodic arrow slits, twisting and turning until they converge at an open cavern about one hundred feet wide and at least twice as tall. At its center stands a tower carved from natural stone, rising up into the darkness.

A young dwarven woman with rock dust in her hair and stonemason’s tools hanging from her belt steps out of the tower. "Beautiful, isn’t it?" she says as she brushes the dust away with a gloved hand before extending it in greeting. "I’m Helga Silverbrew, head architect around here. Welcome to the Spire!"

A middle-aged dwarven man in leather armor steps out after her. "I’m Urgrin. Most call me Urgrin the Everyman. I haul rocks, patch up armor, feed the cat, whatever needs to be done around here. And you lot must be the Pathfinders we were expecting!"

Liberty's Edge

Female CG Gnome Kineticist 9 | HP 120/120 | NL dmg: 0 | AC 22*, T 16*, FF 17 | CMB +5, CMD 18 | Fort +15, Ref +13, Will +6* | Init +7 | Perception +15, Sense Motive +2 | Speed 20ft | Burn: 0/9 | | IB: 1/1 | Active conditions: none

Pai enthusiastically takes the proffered hand and firmly shakes it vigorously. "Yup! Here we are! Wow! This place is amazing! The craftsmanship is incredible, and the darkness adds so much drama! Wooow..." She steps back, craning her neck to further appreciate the view.

Liberty's Edge

Male Gnome Oracle 10 | HP 73/73 | AC26 T15 FF24 | CMB +5, CMD 19 | F+4 R+5 W+8; +2 v fear/despair; +2 v lang effects/spells | Init+6 | Low-light vision | Perc+13, SM+1 | Speed 20ft | Spells: 1st 8/8; 2nd 7/7; 3rd 7/7; 4th 6/6; 5th 4/4 | arcane bond [_] | mnemonic vestment [_] | arcane mark [_], comprehend languages [_], message [_], read magic [_] | Channel Positive Energy 6/6 | Energy Body (rounds) 10/10 | Combat Healer [_] | Delay Affliction 2/2 | Eternal Hope [_] | Active conditions: None

Arin watches calmly as Pai's reaction comes gushing out.

Yes, this is something. If you're head architect, I assume there is a crew hanging around somewhere? This looks like a lot of work!

After they respond and there is some more banter about the structures here, Arin dives into the purpose of their visit.

So, we are the Pathfinders you expected from Kreighton, but interestingly we're not entirely sure what we expect to find here. We were only left the clue "an old noble’s tale" as relevant to this location. It seems to be a riddle, or otherwise vague message. Does that mean anything to you?

Grand Lodge

male human swashbuckler(rondelero)8/brawler 1, HP 93/93, F +8(+1 vs poison/disease), R +16, W +8, AC 28, T 20, FF 23 Init +7(+9), Per +14 Panache 6/6

Mykel lets out a low whistle as he sees the impressive stonework. He shakes the dwarf's hand heartily.

Silverbrew, eh? Don't suppose you make ale on the side? A good dwarven beer is always welcome in my hands. he asks, halfways serious...

Scarab Sages

Male Human Bloodrager 3 Init +1 HP 9 /37 (With Rage: 15/43) AC 16 T11 FF15 Fort +6 Ref+2 Will +3 Per+5 CMB +5 CMD 16

We are, indeed, Pathfinders. My name is Erhun Gabarris.

Erhun bows slightly

Liberty's Edge

Male NG Wayang Arcanist 7 | HP: 44/44 | AC: 18 14 (14 Tch, 16 12 Fl) | CMD: 13 (11 Fl) | F: +4, R: +5, W: +6 | Init: +2 | Perc: +13, SM +0 | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: mage armor

"And I, Tenibri. Well met." Tenibri admires the craftsmanship, a level of engineering and detail that seemingly only dwarves can accomplish.

"Any thoughts you have on this 'clue' would be tremendously helpful."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 13

Grand Lodge

Actions: ◇ ◆ ◆◆ ◆◆◆ ↺

"Yes, they are working inside." Helga answers to Arin's question. "The riddle does not mean anything to me and I can't give you more clues." she says and shrugs. "We have only imported beer, sorry. Come with us, we will lead you to the cavern's entrance. It's about a half day's walk. On the way there I'd love to hear your adventure stories. Stories make the time go by faster."

Asking about the cavern & Diplomacy DC16:

Helga and Urgin believe that the cavern is haunted, having heard unnatural screams coming from deep within. Their fellow soldiers never believed them, dismissing it as superstition. Since it was just on the edge of their patrol route, the two had all the excuses they needed to avoid investigating the source prior to this moment.

Dark Archive

Male Half - Elf Occultist 4
hp 31/31AC 16|T 10 |FF 16, F +6|R +1|W +7, Init +0, Per +12

"Well what can you tell me about the cavern?"
Diplo: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 11 = 15

Grand Lodge

male human swashbuckler(rondelero)8/brawler 1, HP 93/93, F +8(+1 vs poison/disease), R +16, W +8, AC 28, T 20, FF 23 Init +7(+9), Per +14 Panache 6/6

Aye they do. After my initial mission for the Society, I have been sent all over the realms. Varisia, the Mwangi expanse. the Linnorm Kigdoms and Minkai...wherever my blade and other skills are required, I go as needed. It would be nice to have a bit of a break from it all. I could go back and catch up with my brothers and sister. They are all agents too. Our father trained us in the art of this blade... he says tapping the hilt of his wickedly curved sword. The style lends itself to the quicker type...a trait bred in us from our mother. She was nimble as an elf...always getting the better of our dad in sparring. She got badly hurt in an accident at sea working for our family's shipping company. A beam clipped her knee and there was no priest around. It healed wrong and she had to retire. But, she had us after that...had to settle down. But enough about me...what can you tell me about this cavern? It must have taken years upon years to do this...even with dwarves doing the work...[

diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18

The Exchange

CN Half-Orc Alchemist 4 | HP: 23/23 | AC: 24 T: 13 FF: 21 | CMB: +3, CMD: 18 | F: +4 R: +9 W: 0 | Init: +5 | Perception: +8 (Darkvision) | Speed: 30 ft | Active conditions: Mutagen + Shield
| Bombs: 10/10 | Extracts (1st): 5/5 | Extracts (2nd): 3/3 | Wand of CLW: 50/50 | Showmanship: 1/1

"Well, I was part of a team that was handling missions that also took us to a great many places...made some great trade connections. Katapesh, Mwangi, even Jalmeray. Protecting elixirs of immortality, helping the foolish venture captains more than once, and even dealing with ghosts. Arin here has been with me on a few of these missions." Rook adds not wanting to go into any heavy detail.

Liberty's Edge

Female CG Gnome Kineticist 9 | HP 120/120 | NL dmg: 0 | AC 22*, T 16*, FF 17 | CMB +5, CMD 18 | Fort +15, Ref +13, Will +6* | Init +7 | Perception +15, Sense Motive +2 | Speed 20ft | Burn: 0/9 | | IB: 1/1 | Active conditions: none

"And I've been on other missions with Arin, but not with Mhazruk. We went inside a tapestry once. That was weird. There was this whole group of people who were tricked into worshiping a demon. Their magical food was naastyy!"

Scarab Sages

Male Human Bloodrager 3 Init +1 HP 9 /37 (With Rage: 15/43) AC 16 T11 FF15 Fort +6 Ref+2 Will +3 Per+5 CMB +5 CMD 16

I mainly hunt undead, and do whatever I can to destroy them. Unintelligent undead like zombies and skeletons, I try to bring them the peace of the grave they were deprieved of. Sentient and evil undead... They corrupt the soil they walk on. I know there are incorporeal undead, but I have yet to face one, and I guess I'm not ready for that.

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