GM Monster |

Piedmontina: I like the clever build and how useful it will be in a variety of circumstances. It does look like some very powerful combos going on there so we might have to dial it back if it becomes a problem (which I'm expecting is somewhat likely). Question, are you accounting for the drunk template in all your calculated skills, saves, init, etc? It looks like you aren't in your initiative, for example, as it should be +7 dex +4 feat -2 drunk = +9 but you have +11 listed.

The Dragon's Demand |

I was just looking at the spreadsheet. I misread part of it initially, I thought the last column was "Declared Complete" but it actually reads "Declared Complete by GM"
I was the one who put the 'Y' there. I'm not sure if you've screened Cindy and concur or not. Should I remove the 'Y'?
I actually did the same thing, my bad. Though I do think it is complete.

GM Monster |

Fang and Cindy: It used to say "declared complete" but I realized people thought that meant that they themselves thought they were complete. So I changed the wording to clarify. I did also check your profiles though and agreed they are complete so all was well.
He'sDeadJim: Sure homunculus is fine but I'm not sure what you mean by evolved.

He'sDeadJim |

OK, Homunculi cannot speak...although a master can add such to make an "Improved Homunculi".
See HERE for details on add-on abilities at the bottom of the page.
I was thinking...with permission...that he was improved by his master: Given an actual voice and maybe acid spit or a spell-like ability (or two) to make him a +1 CR.(An added spell-like ability must be from a potion so I was thinking Cure Moderate Wounds and/or Invisibility)
While it would be interesting to try and role-play a non-speaking character, I'm not sure I'm up to the task! And only the creator can add these abilities so...if the Wizard is dead (I would know with a telepathic link) then he can't be modified later technically.
I was thinking of simply taking sorcerer or oracle levels later if we get to that...but I need to be able to speak to cast most spells.
But taking a look at Doll #23...I may be underselling my +1CR abilities!

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Dotting for interest. Am working up a dweomercat cub named Karkala. I've got the crunch mainly done, just need to figure out the mechanical CR/level advancements, mainly. Here's what I have for the character questions:
How did you come to be in the employ of an evil wizard guarding her lair?
Hunters came to the First World and killed Karkala's mother, taking Karkala and her two littermates into captivity. She was sold to a man who kept her in a cage and fed her and just left her there. This man gave her to Lucian Aldor as part of a payment for a debt.
What are your character's motivations?
Ultimately, Karkala wants to return to the First World so she can mature into an adult.
What are your character's personality, quirks, habits, etc.?
Karkala is naturally curious and likes to explore, but her time on the Material Plane has squelched that a bit. She is also playful and likes to play (usually) harmless pranks on others, though she would not anger Lucian Aldor with such.
She will help others if she thinks it will lead to her freedom or will help her get back to the Last World, but she would also break her word to another if she thought it meant the same.
What does your character look like?
Karkala resembles a tiger in coat length and face/ear shape, but her base color is chocolate brown. She has a white chest and white splotches on her back and right rear flank. Near her rear, her coloring becomes more red, and her tail is sorrel red. When she becomes an adult, her tail will have a tuft of longer dark brown hair at the end like a male lion's. Her eyes are yellow. She is 1' tall and weighs 13 lbs. Note that on the Material Plane, Karkala's development is stunted unless she comes into direct contact with fey magic.
How might your character develop over the course of the game?
At first, she will be totally focused on getting back to the Last World, but over time, she will become open to bonding with the party. She will also evolve from a somewhat timid and fearful at first into a brave warrior.

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Would you allow use of the Weapon Finesse Mythic feat? Karkala has average STR (10), and I'm wanting to play her as a fighter. I figure she can specialize in her natural weapons, given that she has 4 attacks. Her DEX isn't great - only 15, but it definitely beats her STR.
Then for her CR templates, I want to give her some fey options, since she's from the Last World (Plane of Fey).

vmaaxt |

@bob, you should try it anyway. what's the worst that can happen? :)
@GM, it makes more sense for Piedmontina to start at Half-Fiend, rather than Half-Celestial. They're pretty interchangeable, the only notable differences are that I pick up a bite attack that does a whopping 1 damage, and I switch out some SLAs.

Doll #23, also known as Cindy |

But taking a look at Doll #23...I may be underselling my +1CR abilities!
Yeah...Unfortunately there's lots of fun RP and growth potential in a Soulbound Doll but they are kinda weak as a base creature. Until we get our first level she'll mostly be providing utility support and doing a lot of cheerleading. That whole 1 damage dagger and mostly non-combat SLAs kind of gimp her on the combat front.
Perhaps I should throw a -1 template on her and then take my first class level now?

GM Monster |

Yes selections will be hard. I'm going to try to make sure we get a sufficient mix of utility/support characters and beat-sticks so the party will have fun in the various situations I'll throw at you.
Karkala: Looks interesting so far. Sorry, no mythic feats. That way lies sheer madness.
vmaaxt/Piedmontina: Thanks for being open to that suggestion. It just seemed really odd to me to have a half-celestial lich. And while the bestiary templates rules don't seem to outlaw having incompatible alignments, those rules are designed for GMs to use, not players. So they don't take time to rule out much, making a little more work for me to be vigilant about what makes sense and what doesn't.

GM Monster |

We could have other locations added later but I wouldn't assume too much. Lucian doesn't actually use a normal horse since she's a level 11 wizard. She teleports or casts mount to get where she's going. And few of her employees could even use a horse. In general, if you really need to assume something small and reasonable in order for your character concept to work, go for it. I'm not terribly up-tight about such things. Eventually, you guys will be managing the dungeon and making your own decisions about what chambers exist and how they are used.

Xeria |
He'sDeadJim wrote:But taking a look at Doll #23...I may be underselling my +1CR abilities!Yeah...Unfortunately there's lots of fun RP and growth potential in a Soulbound Doll but they are kinda weak as a base creature. Until we get our first level she'll mostly be providing utility support and doing a lot of cheerleading. That whole 1 damage dagger and mostly non-combat SLAs kind of gimp her on the combat front.
Perhaps I should throw a -1 template on her and then take my first class level now?
I took a class level for flexibility. Its one thing for a PC party to encounter an atomie and plaster it because it can only do 1d2-2 damage :D But I want to survive the party.
It also opened up the possibility for me to be more than just a tiny cheerleader with some stealth and now I have melee and face capabilities.

Doll #23, also known as Cindy |

Just did some experimenting. The only way to drop a CR and take a level right now is young, which drops my STR to 2...which seems not to hot even for an alchemist.
I think if selected I'll just have to be extra careful for now. Just built forward to 1 class level (so 1 "level" into the game) and it helps a lot, then added advanced (so 2 "levels") and she looks really good. Patience is the name of the game lol.

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If Weapon Finesse Mythic is off the table, that leaves some sort of spontaneous caster like a sorcerer with fey bloodline, or a mesmerist or medium as the best fit for Karkala’s stats. No one has applied to be a blaster yet (and I assume blaster means someone who casts a lot of offensive spells), so I could go that route, but I am curious if Spells with gestures are forbidden a creature who walks on 4 legs. That would obviously be a pretty big handicap.
Dumb question here. I’m not familiar with all of the acronyms being used here. What do SLA and VMC mean? I have a background in IT, and SLA means service level agreement in that world. Pretty sure that’s not what’s meant here, hehe.

Goldslip |

Dumb question here. I’m not familiar with all of the acronyms being used here. What do SLA and VMC mean? I have a background in IT, and SLA means service level agreement in that world. Pretty sure that’s not what’s meant here, hehe.
Haha I'm not IT, but I also know SLA as service level agreement at work.
Here, SLA means Spell-Like Ability. And VMC is Variant Multiclassing (link to ruleset).

GM Monster |

Yes on acronyms. Sorry to make that opaque. Thanks for asking.
Goldslip: Your submission is complete but I'd love a little bit more description of Goldslip's personality and maybe one more way in which she could hypothetically develop, depending on the course of the campaign. What does she like to eat? How does she play? etc. How might she deal with being one of the monsters in charge? Those are just some example ideas for more detail.

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GM Monster: I still need my question about whether spells with a somatic (gestural) component are forbidden a creature who walks on 4 legs. Thanks. :)
That said, I’m looking pretty hard at mesmerist because at least some spells can be cast without words or gestures. However, there seem to be two different spell lists, and I’m a little confused about which ones don’t take gestures. Before I go haring down the path of researching that, though, would you even allow a mesmerist? I’ve never played any of the Occult Adventures classes, am happy to research it, just want to make sure you’re okay with that choice.

Xeria |
GM Monster: I still need my question about whether spells with a somatic (gestural) component are forbidden a creature who walks on 4 legs. Thanks. :)
That said, I’m looking pretty hard at mesmerist because at least some spells can be cast without words or gestures. However, there seem to be two different spell lists, and I’m a little confused about which ones don’t take gestures. Before I go haring down the path of researching that, though, would you even allow a mesmerist? I’ve never played any of the Occult Adventures classes, am happy to research it, just want to make sure you’re okay with that choice.
Too bad you couldn't be a druid and use natural spell :D
An oracle with the 'deaf' curse gives you all spells cast as 'silent spell'.I don't know of anything that gives a flat 'still spell' to everything.

Doll #23, also known as Cindy |

Occult classes are probably where you want to go. They use emotional and mental components instead of verbal and somatic. No need to use hands or language. I play a Kitsune mesmerist who still casts all of his spells in fox shape. It all works as per RAW.
The only issue you run into is any kind of emotional effect on you (like fear) makes you unable to cast.

Doll #23, also known as Cindy |

If you want to debuff, mesmerist is the way to go. Their class ability (the stare) debuffs targets' will saves which then lets them land other debuff, illusion, and charm spells really well. They aren't the best blasters though, that's more of a kineticist or psychic's area.
Also you can just call me Cindy. Doll#23 was just what the wizard called me since she was kind of an impersonal parent.

ScegfOd |

If Weapon Finesse Mythic is off the table, that leaves some sort of spontaneous caster like a sorcerer with fey bloodline, or a mesmerist or medium as the best fit for Karkala’s stats. No one has applied to be a blaster yet (and I assume blaster means someone who casts a lot of offensive spells), so I could go that route...
I think blaster means AoE attack capable, but now that you mention it, maybe we should ask :3
@GM Monster: Whats aAlso, we actually do have a blaster, ready with a cone attack every d4 rounds :P

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OK, then, Brookside GM. I think I'll go with Fey Bloodline sorcerer with the Wildblooded Sylvan archetype, which means she gets an animal companion at first level, and I'll take Boon Companion as my first level feat so as not to have a negative level companion.
I was thinking she would encounter this animal while working for the wizard. Maybe their handler died trying to kill invaders or something and the animal has been in a cage while waiting for someone else who can work it to show up. I'm thinking some kind of small dinosaur like a velociraptor or deinonychus would fit with the monster theme and would be of a size Karkala could ride if she really wanted to. (A tiny sized creature can ride a small one, right?) Would you be cool with that?

ScegfOd |

OK, I'm now reasonably (though not 100%) sure that Snowball's alias is ready for show time. I might change my mind about not including all mutations from the mutant template (I didn't add Fast Healing (Ex), for example; I simply put fast healing 5 next to the HP like in an imp's statblock)
Snowball has 1 point in linguistics for any language we want our monsters to speak. I think we should coordinate and have a different language maybe (except our team face definitely needs to speak taldane/common...)
If we want Draconic for our team language, I'll move that point from linguistics back to craft (bone carving) ^_^
Also, the 'drunk' template gives Snowball the sickened condition, which represents the side effects of her experimentation mechanically (that, -2 to int/wise, and Fractured Mind to be precise).
For now, in large part because of the -2 atk/dmg from being sickened, Snowball's only good combat ability is her breath weapon. The bonus Con from being a mutant and the lack of a penalty from 'drunk' actually makes it above average for a white wyrmling, having DC 14 instead of 12 to halve 2d4 cold damage ^^
As for her preferred part of the dungeon, she has a swim speed and will like to spend time in the watery areas. Occasionally turning parts of them in to skating rinks for short periods. She can also burrow, apparently, and might prefer that to traversing some of the rooms (in particular, any hotter areas)

GM Monster |

Looks pretty good, ScegfOd, but I'd love just a little more about motivations Snowball might develop. Sure dragons might seem 1D to you and you don't know how the game will go. But feel free to speculate wildly. If Snowball ended up having a pile of treasure but no friends/family, what might happen? What about the reverse?

ScegfOd |

If she had treasure but not friends/family, I think she'd find a way to be some poor animal's or magical beast's mommy and then be a good mom conduct an endless series of horrible thaumaturgical experiments. Probably replacing each of her unfortunate captives as they expire, possibly eating them, and proooobably feeling bad about it yet repeating the cycle.
Snowball is just a bit messed up xD
I'm not sure that she could end up with friends/family but no treasure. I'm not sure if she'd want to experiment on any of her combat buddies, but she might try to adopt someone, hehehehe
Hmmm, maybe I'll add some variation on that into the backstory section xD
...also, after thinking about it, maybe she should be chaotic evil after all. She's crazy enough for it xD

Goldslip |

Goldslip: Your submission is complete but I'd love a little bit more description of Goldslip's personality and maybe one more way in which she could hypothetically develop, depending on the course of the campaign. What does she like to eat? How does she play? etc. How might she deal with being one of the monsters in charge? Those are just some example ideas for more detail.
I have now added some more under the Personality and Motivations and Character Development spoilers.

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Since Tiessa's character Xeria is also a Sorcerer of Fey Bloodline, Wildblooded Sylvan archetype and even has a similar dinosaur companion (Hey, great minds think alike, hehe), I think I'll change Karkala to a Mesmerist instead, just so as to be a more differentiated character. When I first chose sorcerer, I had no idea there was already a very similar character, though we did choose different roles.
I've got the redo nearly done, but I'm confused about computing BAB, CMD, and CMB.
As a monster, a dweomercat cub has BAB 3, CMB 3, and CMD 13 (17 vs trips.)
As a 1st level mesmerist, she would have a BAB 0, CMB 1, and CMD 13.
But at BAB 3, she would have CMB 4 and CMD 12 based on her other stats.
So I'm confused. How should these numbers be calculated?