A disheveled and dirty, yet duly chastised, GM, forgot about Hygiene Kits!
On another note, you should make a double list of gear, for the stuff you carry with you, and the stuff you either put in vehicles, or (politely?) ask big lugs like Korl to tote around for you.
Because you are way over your limit, and are thus Encumbered
And this is something people should check in general.
I have a soldier who has only the minimum he needs (which includes a heavy machine gun & its harness that are... heavy) and he even has to ask people to carry his 6 pack of beer serum of healings for him otherwise he'd be overburdened (and that's w. 10 Str so 5 Bulk).
Make the restrictions fun!
1 Bulk - hygiene kit
1 Bulk - mass-produced tent
1 Bulk - basic medkit
Then all the things @ L
Survival Knife
Tactical Semi-Auto Pistol
Flare Gun
Second Skin armor
Personal comm unit
fire extinguisher
tool kits (engineering
serum of healing mk 1
starstone compass
everyday clothing
professional clothing
34 small arms rounds
27 sniper rounds
7 x R2E’s
= 21 L
5.21 = 7 Bulk
FREE !!!!! YAY
1 Flare
For this scenario, no problem at all.
We just keep on as it is.
(if we say you leave the hygiene kit, the tent, the R2E, your spare clothes on the bike or in the buggy, you are at 4 Bulk which is your limit)
Remember: if you have 19 X L that counts as 1 Bulk
(I abuse that! My low STR characters all have 9 L "extra")
And the Backpacks add 2 STR to your limits (but @ 9 STR you only need a Basic one that adds 1)
Pyksi Syfer |
…………Y'know, I thought this whole time you could carry up to your Strength score in Bulk
but now I see that you can carry half your Strength score in bulk.
I wasn't really pushing it until I bought that sniper rifle and ammo tbh.
I'll sort that out later, but in the meantime, we can safely say the MP Tent, Hygiene Kit, and changes of clothes are kept in the enercycle's saddlebags.
No problem at all.
It's just stuff to learn and fix as you go along.
Yes, it's perfectly fine for this scenario.
Cashara A3ion |
@Cashara: no problem at all. I just hope the things that came up are time consuming, and not hurtful.
Supposed to be time consuming, maybe not at this point, things may end up changing a little on me. Thanks for your concern though.
I've given up on PFS, but 6 STR is pretty usual for me!
Shadow-bait is what I see my characters as (one nice hit from a Shadow and they are dead).
Gogglez |
I eventually want to upgrade my drone's weapons to longarms then heavy, but its only got 6 STR, so that bulk limit will be tight.
Baròleg Konstantu |
Be careful Gogglez, Heavy Weapons have Strength requirements at different levels. I don't think your drone Str will be high enough, so it would have To Hit penalties.
Stole from Archives of Nethys:
Minimum Strength: The minimum Strength score is 12 for 1st- through 10th-level heavy weapons and 14 for 11th-level and higher heavy weapons. A character using a heavy weapon without the appropriate minimum Strength takes a –2 penalty to attack rolls with that weapon.
Cashara A3ion |
Hey guys
Not going to be able to post for the next week do to some plans
They might change, but the current plan is this.
Knife when reasonable
But stay at range with the sniper.
And abuse the ctap out of stealth, acrobatics, and trick attacks.
But for RP voting purposes, I am an emotional android. An android who ends up showing a lot of emotion for an android.
Thanks for rolling!
(best it not be me if it fails!)
That is a PERFECT blow!
No need to roll to attack.
So you do 10 damage, and 10 damage minus hardness of 5 = 5 Hit Points, which is the exact HP of the trap!
So you break Cashara free w/o damaging her!
Spike 'Croaker' |
I know that we are playing an imaginary game where I am a ratperson, but the idea of crawling into a living being to use scanning devices on its brain sounds absurd ;) And I am not referring to if it can be done, but rather what could be the potential ramification of such action.
However, given that probably this is the scenario of this story I will not go into further discussions.
If I were a scientist, I would send some unmanned probes first to get more data. If that would be safe maybe I would send some living alien, but I would make sure that scanning devices don't make annoying sounds that creatures big as a country could be annoyed by.
Sorry for the above, apparently today is the day when I am looking for logical solutions while playing science fiction games ;)
Unmanned probes... are too expensive and valuable!
More seriously, you are right, this is the scenario, and since it is SFS vs. home game, not much leeway.
But it’ll be fun... I hope!
Hello all!
Tomorrow I am flying to Warsaw (Poland) so leaving at 5 am...
I probably will get Internet in airports etc., but might not post till the evening.
Hello all.
A new rule just game out for PbP, meaning they want us to report games a.s.a.p. and not when they are done.
This is only until August 1st, and aims at making sure people get more PFS1 replay thingamajings.
Anyhow, ours not to reason why, ours but to do and dice, so I will be reporting this game now.
(if people die, or some such stuff, we just apply that retroactively)
To do so I need all of you to roll a d20, and, if you obtain a 1 or a 20 you win a boon.
1 or 20 is boon time: 1d20 ⇒ 17
So... roll high, or roll low!
But with Hole Puncher factored in, is that not 20 divided by 2 = 10?
Okay, I will try to report tonight or tomorrow morning, and will roll for Cashara's boon before doing so if she is not back by then.
@Gogglez: can you PM me, or write here if you do not mind, your email, so you can receive the Boon (I imagine the email you use for this Paizo account is the best).
For Cashara:
Boon Boon BOON: 1d20 ⇒ 20
Ain't I the nicest GM?
Oh, she's not here this week, hush, don't tell her! xD
@Gogglez & Cashara: can you PM me, or write here if you do not mind, your email, so you can receive the Boon (I imagine it should be the email you use for this Paizo account is the best).
I have sent the game info' for it to be reported via the Online Support Program.
I will post any changes (if people die - not an option ; or if you get other game completion conditions etc.) after the game is ended.
Cashara A3ion |
All posts just died
What posts?
Diplomacy takes at least a minute to be effective, so not that useful in combat (since you need to act for 10 rounds for pay off).
In this case, to "diplomacy" these cavern cleaners, since they are animals, you could have tried to avoid the fight by using the handle animal function of Survival.
Cashara A3ion |
Great, but I meant more the lack of activity that you guys normal have a post in.
And I was not here at the time, I was at NYLT the whole of last week, why I gave some boting instructions.
But hey, thanks for the heads up and advise
Ah, yes!
Less posts right now, true...
Cashara A3ion |
While I'm at it.
I did make a sub-community on discord and I am looking for a DM and players to see if gameplay there is viable.
A playtest if you will.
Just thought I'd mention it.
Also made a new forum I called
Wasteland outpost
Which I made as a recruitment for all, organized or casual.
There are several Discord groups.
A couple big ones do SFS.
Gogglez |
I think this particular group posts a lot out of combat roleplay dialogue so we are posting less currently because we are in combat and only post once on our turn.
Disrupting intestinal cleaning is not combat!
Just realized I can't install that gun because tiny weapons are actually different than medium sized weapons in starfinder (cost double). I'm pretty sure I can still buy it off the chronicle as a tiny weapon for double though if I needed to
Which gun is that?
Cashara A3ion |
This is a newly formed, and it may have a different structure to it.
And I didn't know about others until now.
This one can do organized and casual, even homebrew
I am attending a lecture and then cocktail party and dinner thing
So will only post answers and such in several hours
Re. Discord: I can give the link to some Path/Starfinder one if you wish to check them out
Re. The Gun: I will check but did not think you need to install tiny