DM Delmoth's Planescape

Game Master Delmoth

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Planewalker's Handbook

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Male CG Strix Alchemist (Chirurgeon, Internal Alchemist) 12 HP: 70/70 | AC: 24/15/19 | CMD: 24 | F: +12; R: +16; W: +7 | Immune: cold, nonlethal, paralysis, sleep | Init: +4 | Perception: +18; Low-Light Vision, Darkvision 60 ft | Conditions:

Spellcraft: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (3) + 20 = 23
Knowledge (Planes): 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (5) + 17 = 22

Khikril nods as the nervous woman describes the nature of the request - having the overall character judgement and interpersonal skills of an inebriated parrot, however, he simply follows along, not mentioning the strange nature of the request or the small amount of reward money. "Well, any jink is good jink - I think I might have heard something about the Infinite Staircase, in any case. Some barmy in the city of Xul Karanith, babbling about... something or other." He blinks again, his wings rustling as he shifts his weight. "You mentioned a Planewalker's Guild? That sounds interesting..."

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The Sod

What you know:
Jek knows that while she says the pay is low, it is actually over payment for such a simple delivery job. The portal leads almost directly to where you want to go, to an upper plane no less, and assuming the Planewalker's guild is relatively low on the Staircase he feels like he could do the job in an afternoon, depending on distance. Messenger jobs are 2 cp per mile. So she's over paying by a couple orders of magnitude.

Nik, Rinika, Skee know that the Infinite Staircase is a path found in Selune's realm, Gates of the Moon, specifically within a shining hall of silver called Argentil. It sits on a rocky island in the midst of an ocean of light and effervescence, and is guarded by gigantic sea serpents and kraken. It one of the calmer realms on the first layer of Ysgard.

The Staircase itself is a path of infinite branching stairs that rise up and stretches into myriad worlds. On stair landings there are doors which open to places where creativity and artistry reside. The doors are rarely noticed or used from the other side, so very few of these places know they connect to the Staircase.

Nik knows that the Staircase is only accessible on a full moon in Selune's realm.

Nik and Enoch know about the magical conditions of Ysgard:
Spells that enhance abilities in battle such as enlarge person, fly, haste work fine but spells that summon elements don't function without a spell key. Space warping spells such as teleport or dimension door don't work without a spell key and they are closely guarded secrets for those who know and many false keys exist. Sheltering spells like Tiny hut and Magnificent Mansion also require a key. Illusion magic works well until Loki decides they don't often to disastrous effects. Fogs and weather spells are barred by Thor and no one knows keys for such spells. Summoning spells only bring einheriar on the first layer. Necromancy is looked down and suppressed Such spells are cast at -1 CL. Also Enoch can have the Tiny Hut spell key, the crystal bead in the material component just needs to have the appropriate rune carved into it, which he's done.

Ghieena frowns at the barrage of questions, "I'm a Cager, born and raised. What's in the case remains dark, it's for Trascalia only. He resides on the Infinite Staircase, that's all I know. My master Fyn Longfingers bade me to deliver it, but I can't. I can offer 134 gold but that's everything I have."

Out to sea

The captain of the vessel grins in excitement at Enoch's glittering eyes and yells a warcry paying no head to the boat any longer, "TO ARMS! BY ODIN'S BEARD WE FIGHT!"

The three draw bows and begin firing ineffectually at the massive serpent fast approaching. Another sailor comments to Enoch, "Seidrmadr you will see battle today and die well!"

CN Male Peri-blooded Aasimar | Necromancer 12 | HP 86/86 | AC 18, TCH 15, FF 15; SR 17 | CMB 7, CMD 23 | Fort +9 Ref +11 Will +10 | Init +8, Perc +11; Darkvision 60' | Speed 30' | Spells etc | ammo 48/48(S/CI) | Conditions: Deathwatch (CL1)

The Sod

"Sounds good to me. You definitely can count on us to deliver the package." Nik replies.

"We have snacks, right? I'll be fine, but I don't want a repeat of our trip through the Ingress." Nik says to the others.

M Initiative+1 Perception+8 Conditions: delusion Sanity Score 34/39 Sanity Threshold 3 Sanity Edge 19 Aasimir Paladin ( Tortured Crusader ) 2 AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 CMD 19 hp 20/24 Fort +6 Ref +1, Will +6

Noticing the enthusiastic reaction being displayed by the 3 crew personnel, the Bard decides that Message may come in handy when they go overboard...

Round 2

Enoch's blue metallic eyes crinkle a bit as if the truism of the Captains statement made it's way easily through the storm driven waves.

Casually the Bard flourishes his voluminous white cloak .
You may yet speak the truth, Captain. Not seeing any good landing spots within 880'...

Enoch then casts Blur on himself.

Round 2 of 3...

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Male CG Strix Alchemist (Chirurgeon, Internal Alchemist) 12 HP: 70/70 | AC: 24/15/19 | CMD: 24 | F: +12; R: +16; W: +7 | Immune: cold, nonlethal, paralysis, sleep | Init: +4 | Perception: +18; Low-Light Vision, Darkvision 60 ft | Conditions:

After thinking for a moment about the madman's ravings, Khikril grins. "The Infinite Staircase, you say? I've heard of it - an endless maze, connecting infinite worlds in an intricate web of possibility. Krevaar, I'd pay you for a chance to plumb its depths!" He turns his head to face Nik, his ever-present smile still plastered across his face. "What do you say, old friend? Mysterious messages, keys to endless wonder, secretive guilds that walk through infinite worlds - sounds like quite the adventure!" He turns back to Ghieena, holding out his hand for the scroll. "I for one will do it. Pound of silver to the Guildhall Ward, you say? My old boss t'Kir'v'Kos keeps some in his shop for embroidery, and he's in the area - I'm sure he'd part with it for the right price."

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CG M Bariaur│Cav 11 Brwl 1│HP 92/111│AC 22 (+3 w/shield), FF 20 (+3 w/shield), Touch 13│CMD 35│F13 R11 W8│Init 2│Per 17 DV│Speed 80'│Conditions:
Fleet Standard:
Allies within 60' gain +10' land speed (enh) and +1 dodge bonus to AC during any round in which they moved at least 10'
Challenge 3/4; Tactician 3/3; Martial Flexibility 4/4
Nikrir Leldro wrote:
"We have snacks, right? I'll be fine, but I don't want a repeat of our trip through the Ingress."

"That's part of why we're here. Oh hey, careful Nik, your Skee's bubbling over." Jek takes out his large heavy wooden throwing shield and partitions Skee away from the client.

"Sorry, I just met the talkative Dusty and can't vouch for him. I will help you. Do you need a record of our deal? Also, the food and drink should be here any minute. You're welcome to stay for it." He looks around with tempered excitement.

Schrodinger's Catgirl Oracle 11 | Init +4 | AC 25 T16 FF21 | HP 74/80 | Fort +8 Ref +10, Will +11 (+2 disease, mind affecting) | Perception+14 DV, SiD | Spells: 5: 5/5 4: 6/7, 3: 5/7 2: 5/7, 1:8/8

Rinika shrugs lazily. "134 Gold is is then. If our portal is close, I hope it stays close."

She grins to herself at the thought of access to halls of silver, then hops off the booth divider and plops down next to Jek again in anticipation of a better lunch than that lying meat.

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The Sod

Ariel brings over Jek his food and says breathily, "Red clover. Straight from the Outlands near Tir'na'nog. A lovely Nic'epona who brought us a sample and Vorn has been busy." The air genasi also brings everyone's usual orders and stares expectantly at Ghieena.

Ghieena hands over all her jink, the scroll case, and says, "A receipt, thank you. And I'm sorry cutter I'm eating light for now."

The Staircase comes tomorrow.


The serpent at least 50ft long swims up to the tiny vessel. It rears its head and towers over Enoch. He can smell the salt spray mixed with the stench of death. The bard has precious few seconds left.

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The Base of the Stairs

The strange snake woman seizees the hookah and brings the fallen item gingerly from it's temporary resting place further downwards. Her and the hookah travel on a silver spiral staircase covered in green ivy that seems to have taken root from far above. The stairs themselves have no apparent support and seem to hang in the air in defiance of gravity.

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CG M Bariaur│Cav 11 Brwl 1│HP 92/111│AC 22 (+3 w/shield), FF 20 (+3 w/shield), Touch 13│CMD 35│F13 R11 W8│Init 2│Per 17 DV│Speed 80'│Conditions:
Fleet Standard:
Allies within 60' gain +10' land speed (enh) and +1 dodge bonus to AC during any round in which they moved at least 10'
Challenge 3/4; Tactician 3/3; Martial Flexibility 4/4

Jek thanks Ariel for the wonderful looking red clover and takes out some paper with Signer watermarks and various crudely-traced outlines of a posing fairy. "Let's see here... you're going to have to help with some spelling... and we'll need a copy for you, me, and someone we both trust... Vorn perhaps?"


"There we are. Look good enough?"

He puts his shield away, begins happily munching on the red clover, and offers some to the group.

CN Male Peri-blooded Aasimar | Necromancer 12 | HP 86/86 | AC 18, TCH 15, FF 15; SR 17 | CMB 7, CMD 23 | Fort +9 Ref +11 Will +10 | Init +8, Perc +11; Darkvision 60' | Speed 30' | Spells etc | ammo 48/48(S/CI) | Conditions: Deathwatch (CL1)

Nik hasn't eaten much since getting the Ring of Sustenance, but still occasionally munches on something tasty.

As usual for when they visit the Sod these days, Nik tries a spring or two of Jek's food to please him before very slowly enjoying a mystery-meat meatball.

M Initiative+1 Perception+8 Conditions: delusion Sanity Score 34/39 Sanity Threshold 3 Sanity Edge 19 Aasimir Paladin ( Tortured Crusader ) 2 AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 CMD 19 hp 20/24 Fort +6 Ref +1, Will +6

Enoch's blue metallic eyes follow the easy rise of the comfortable Sea Serpent. The torrent of sea water raining off of its snow colored scales would normally be a beautiful, majestic thing to behold. Unfortunately, the opening maw showing a wide variety of teeth that could easily Deadpool Meets The Juggernaut the Bard made this experience a bit problematic.

The Chronicler of Worlds then begins to Inspire Courage his mighty, valiant, fodder of 3 Crew members!

Enoch then attempts to Slow the Sea Serpent down just a bit....

Slow Will DC 19

Time to make the...excuse my slip. I had forgotten that I am the responsible one. Must be the immediate excitement of being eaten.

It's intermission!

Male CG Strix Alchemist (Chirurgeon, Internal Alchemist) 12 HP: 70/70 | AC: 24/15/19 | CMD: 24 | F: +12; R: +16; W: +7 | Immune: cold, nonlethal, paralysis, sleep | Init: +4 | Perception: +18; Low-Light Vision, Darkvision 60 ft | Conditions:

Khikril peers over the edge of the shield partition, still grinning at the client. "Don't worry, if we find anything interesting or ridiculously dangerous, we'll bring it back and show you." His grin falters as he sees the look on her face. "...You wouldn't like that second one, would you? Come to think of it, most cagers don't. No sense of adventure, I've always said."

When Jek offers him his clover, the bird alchemist tilts his head inquisitively at the bariaur. "...Why in kasa'rrwk would you eat this rock-lichen if you had a choice in the matter? There's so much better food here in Sigil, you know!" He shakes his head incredulously. "I swear, you mammals are so strange sometimes..."

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CG M Bariaur│Cav 11 Brwl 1│HP 92/111│AC 22 (+3 w/shield), FF 20 (+3 w/shield), Touch 13│CMD 35│F13 R11 W8│Init 2│Per 17 DV│Speed 80'│Conditions:
Fleet Standard:
Allies within 60' gain +10' land speed (enh) and +1 dodge bonus to AC during any round in which they moved at least 10'
Challenge 3/4; Tactician 3/3; Martial Flexibility 4/4
Skeessannak'khikril wrote:
"...Why in kasa'rrwk would you eat this rock-lichen if you had a choice in the matter? There's so much better food here in Sigil, you know!" He shakes his head incredulously. "I swear, you mammals are so strange sometimes..."

"Clover? It has a lovely flavor with a hint of sweetness, but the real joy are the second and third chews. A little time in the tum and that sweetness ripens nicely. I'll share if you're brave enough. Otherwise, don't you feathered folk eat small stones or something?"

Female L Incorporeal| Init +6 | AC 20 Touch 19 FlatF 19 | HP | Fort +10 Ref +9, Will +10 | Perception-1 DarkV | Spells: 5- 5/5 4- 7/7, 3- 7/7 2- 7/7, 1- 8/8 0-8/8 Ifrit/Djinn 12 Wishcrafter Sorcerer Phoenix Bloodline


The lamp rolls to a gentle stop and after what felt an aeon, Xibalba enjoys peace of stable footing. She takes a deep symbolic breath and concentrats on getting the dizziness to subside. She could tell that she was likely no longer in the plane of fire from the absence of heat and the long constant steps. She'd tumbled from a mountain once and it was an entirely different affair.

From within the lamp, her brass tinted smokey form can make out a large shape through the murky blue confines. She can't tell much from the outline but knows they were more than humanoid. Something on their back. Wings. Bat maybe? No, are those feathers? And some kind of lengthy coiling lower half. She'd had many, many, wishlords of all shapes and sizes (most were residents of the fire plane) but this was likely to be in the top ten oddest.

Relief floods her. Whether they end up being evil or righteous, at least she doesn't have to play the waiting game. For Xibalba, such a game was more a war of attrition, with her sanity on the line. She'd only lost the 'game' once in all her time bound by the hookah, and she'd barely managed to pull herself back from that heinous void.

This new potential wishmaster simply scoops up the hookah and began descending. Could they not read the inscription? Maybe they had but were too afraid. Surely off plane beings had heard of Djinn before. Maybe they were simply going to sell it at some otherworldly market. If she really was off plane then she needed to ready herself for an otherwordly sensory overload. She welcomed it at this point. Anything was better than this achingly boring purgatory.

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Will vs Slow: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16
CMD vs ship DC 25: 1d20 + 31 ⇒ (5) + 31 = 36 Not a 1
Enoch Acro (for expediency): 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (14) + 15 = 29 Not a 1

The gargantuan beast slows a little as Enoch’s magic takes hold, unfortunately the monstrous snake still is able to ram into the side of the ship causing it to careen to the port side and ultimately split into two. The sailors are plunged into the waves and eaten by the serpent one by one, each fighting to the last in a useless battle against the beast. At the last moment Enoch is able to dive into his tiny hut sheltered from the storm and waves. He drifs for hours aimlessly through the sea in his bubble. After meditating on his plight Enoch remembers that petitioners of Ysgard are reborn each day if they die in glorious battle.

When his spell is losing strength the storm clears and he’s able to see a glorious full moon in the night sky. In the distance is a rocky island and possibly salvation from the water. A woman seemingly made out of moonlight and flame swims close to Enoch’s bubble and regards it with a curious expression.


Following Ghieena’s directions to the portal you find yourself on Turtle Lane in the Guildhall Ward. Numerous bath’s and spas line the streets catering to a wide variety of clientele. You find the portal in front of Sundara’s Delight, an arch with ivy growing up and around the bounded space. Stringed instruments can be heard within the spa and you would be soothed if it weren’t for the constant drone of Sigil in the background.

After you pass through the portal to another reality your first sensation is the sound of crashing waves. You arrive from a cave mouth that looks out over a rocky shore, illuminated by the effulgent light of a full moon. A short distance away you see a shining hall of silver, Argentil, within lies the path which will lead you to the Planewalker’s guild and the blood Trascalia.

The Staircase

The Lillend continues to puzzle over the hookah as she travels ever downward, gliding down the stairs with ease despite her lack of legs. She regards the inscription with a confused expression and gently rubs at the missing words. How does one summon a Xibalba? lol

M Initiative+1 Perception+8 Conditions: delusion Sanity Score 34/39 Sanity Threshold 3 Sanity Edge 19 Aasimir Paladin ( Tortured Crusader ) 2 AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 CMD 19 hp 20/24 Fort +6 Ref +1, Will +6

Enoch's blue metallic eyes watch the 3 courageous Crew members Heroically battle the great Sea Serpent before ultimately succumbing to the vastly superior beast's sated appetite.
May your next incarnation be that of spandex. Farewell warriors of Ysgard. I've a feeling that you have traversed this path before.

Deciding that floating along the rough, wave and wind swept waters was much better than walking along the sea floor searching for his objective, the calm and serene Bard is delighted to see a glorious full moon in the night sky. In the distance is a rocky island and possibly salvation from the water. A woman seemingly made out of moonlight and flame swims close to Enoch’s bubble and regards it with a curious expression.

Quickly straightening his clothing and testing his breath, the Chronicler of Worlds smiles warmly at the mysterious lady. Bowing before her, Enoch presents
Greeting fair Lady. I am Enoch the Wanderer. My quest has my person attempting to locate the Infinite Staircase. Any suggestions? I do notice yonder land. Do you think it within 840' as related to my current position? Hate to get my socks wet.

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Schrodinger's Catgirl Oracle 11 | Init +4 | AC 25 T16 FF21 | HP 74/80 | Fort +8 Ref +10, Will +11 (+2 disease, mind affecting) | Perception+14 DV, SiD | Spells: 5: 5/5 4: 6/7, 3: 5/7 2: 5/7, 1:8/8

Rinika weaves shadows around to protect herself. Shadow Armor.

She prattles on with Jek during their journey and once they walk through the portal, she gazes wide-eyed across the moonlit shoreline. She shies away from the water, but stares out across it for a few moments. "It's beautiful!"

Then she catches sight of the silver hall and a greedy smile grabs her mouth. "And so is THAT!"

She heads off toward it, keeping an eye out for danger along the way.

Perception: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (6) + 14 = 20

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CG M Bariaur│Cav 11 Brwl 1│HP 92/111│AC 22 (+3 w/shield), FF 20 (+3 w/shield), Touch 13│CMD 35│F13 R11 W8│Init 2│Per 17 DV│Speed 80'│Conditions:
Fleet Standard:
Allies within 60' gain +10' land speed (enh) and +1 dodge bonus to AC during any round in which they moved at least 10'
Challenge 3/4; Tactician 3/3; Martial Flexibility 4/4

"You know, it's really great to have friends around for a delivery. It's always been such a quiet job." Jek steps through the portal and takes in the new atmosphere. "Oh... this is so much better than I was expecting. Why hire this one out?"

CN Male Peri-blooded Aasimar | Necromancer 12 | HP 86/86 | AC 18, TCH 15, FF 15; SR 17 | CMB 7, CMD 23 | Fort +9 Ref +11 Will +10 | Init +8, Perc +11; Darkvision 60' | Speed 30' | Spells etc | ammo 48/48(S/CI) | Conditions: Deathwatch (CL1)

Nik nods in appreciation for the new vista.

"The shy lady allegedly couldn't make the trip. I guess we'll see." he replies to Jek.

Nik rearranges some of his things now that his Handy Haversack is working again. He casts Appearance of Life (DC 20) to make his two shamblers look alive after he remembers that they're visiting a good aligned plane.

Spells etc:

Items with limited uses per day
. 3/3 Lesser Rod of Metamagic, Extend

Supernatural Abilities
. (1 at a time) Corpse Companion
. 11/11 rounds Life Sight (10' range blindsight (to detect and differentiate between living and undead creatures only))
. 10/10 Power Over Undead (30' burst; DC 19 will)

Spell-like Abilities
. 10/10 Bolster (Undead) (+3 profane on attacks and saves; 1 temp hp/HD; +2 turn resistance; 5 round duration)
. 1/1 Pyrotechnics (DC 14)

Spells Prepared:
. 6th (2+1/day) Curse, Major (DC 23) (S), Disintegrate (DC 23), Disintegrate (DC 23)
. 5th (3+1/day) Possession (S), Undead Anatomy II, Shadow Evocation, Wall of Force
. 4th (4+1/day) Enervation (S), Black Tentacles, Dimension Door, Flaming Sphere, Greater (DC 22; +1 CL), Summon Monster 4
. 3rd (6+1/day) Vampiric Touch (S), Appearance of Life (DC 20), Fireball (DC 20), Fly, Haste, Haste, Tiny Hut
. 2nd (6+1/day) Command Undead (DC 19) (S), Blur, Flaming Sphere (DC 20; +1 CL), Glitterdust (DC 19), Levitate, Mirror Image, Resist Energy (+1 CL)
. 1st (6+1/day) Ray of Enfeeblement (DC 18) (S), Feather Fall, Grease (DC 18), Infernal Healing, Infernal Healing, Infernal Healing, Warp Sense (+1 CL)
. cantrips (at will) Detect Magic (+1 CL), Ghost Sound (DC 15), Mending (+1 CL), Prestidigitation

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Male CG Strix Alchemist (Chirurgeon, Internal Alchemist) 12 HP: 70/70 | AC: 24/15/19 | CMD: 24 | F: +12; R: +16; W: +7 | Immune: cold, nonlethal, paralysis, sleep | Init: +4 | Perception: +18; Low-Light Vision, Darkvision 60 ft | Conditions:

As the group brings the pound of silver to the arch, Khikril chatters almost nonstop as he acquaints himself with the new group of adventurers he has fallen in with, telling various stories (especially about his previous mentor t'Kir'v'Kos) and asking questions about their lives. "...and naturally, with that big of an order, we were both under a lot of stress - but imagine my surprise when out of the blue, we both start molting! Now, feathers are easy enough to sweep up, but do you have any idea how hard it is to get rid of an extra exoskeleton?"

When the group activates the gate and steps through into a world of wonder, Khikril stops short, open-mouthed (and silent, which is another pleasant change from the walk down to the portal). After a moment, he speaks again, but unlike his customary excitable babble, his words are far slower - close to a normal speaking pace - and almost reverent. "This place is... beautiful. I don't have many years left in my life - not compared to you kotarra, at any rate - but I'd be glad to spend them all here. Just sitting, and thinking, and enjoying the beauty of this realm." After a moment, he turns his head back to face Nik, grinning again. "Just think about it! Across the planes, there must be an infinite number of spots like this, whether beautiful and peaceful or majestic and awe-inspiring, that make you just want to stop and appreciate it all. Someday, I'll settle down with Kiriaww in a place like this, I think." Following Nik's example, he begins to remove several pieces of alchemical equipment from the tottering monstrosity that is his golem, storing them in his own equipment bag for later use.

Breathing in deeply through slitted nostrils, he launches himself off from the ground, turning and wheeling in the sky on dark-feathered wings as he drinks in the beauty of Ysgard. In the dead of the night, his feathers and dark skin almost seem to disappear amid the inky blackness between the stars, but as he flies higher during one of his stunts, his outline is silhouetted against the moon as he flies in front of it. His solid black eyes seem to glow with reflected moonlight as his head cranes, searching for movement among the waves.

Perception: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (18) + 17 = 35
Fly (for aerobatics): 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (17) + 26 = 43
Should be a pretty distinct marker for the others, I'd think.

Noticing Rinika moving towards the silver hall, he swoops down lower, following her. "You know, it's really a shame you kotarra can't fly - you can see everything from up here!" He narrows his pupil-less eyes at the catfolk, tilting his head to one side as he estimates. "I might be able to carry you, if you'd like. We'd get to the hall quicker, and you'd see more."

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N Large Construct HP: 79/96 | AC: 23/13/19 | CMD: 35 | F: +4; R: +8; W: +4 | Immune: construct traits, magic | Init: +4 | Perception: +0; Low-Light Vision, Darkvision 60 ft | Conditions:

Behind its creator, X-302 maneuvers clumsily through the Guildhall Ward, not breaking its stride as shop signs Khikril brushed out of his way with his wings swing back to slam into the side of its domed head. As the motley group makes its way to Ysgard, X-302 stands stoically as the others bask in the glory of the paradise plane, the brain in its core bobbing slightly as an errant gust of wind rocks the machine gently. The golem's head turns to track Khikril as the half-mad strix takes to the air, then with an intangible air of resignation, it begins trundling along the coastline after its creator.

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Schrodinger's Catgirl Oracle 11 | Init +4 | AC 25 T16 FF21 | HP 74/80 | Fort +8 Ref +10, Will +11 (+2 disease, mind affecting) | Perception+14 DV, SiD | Spells: 5: 5/5 4: 6/7, 3: 5/7 2: 5/7, 1:8/8
Skeessannak'khikril wrote:
Noticing Rinika moving towards the silver hall, he swoops down lower, following her. "You know, it's really a shame you kotarra can't fly - you can see everything from up here!" He narrows his pupil-less eyes at the catfolk, tilting his head to one side as he estimates. "I might be able to carry you, if you'd like. We'd get to the hall quicker, and you'd see more."

Rinika raises an eyebrow at the new guy. "Good point. Meow why didn't I think of that?" In the blink of an eye, Rinika's long shadow, stark in the moonlight, flows larger and larger as inky black wings unfold from it. They quickly rise off the ground, pouring now from Rinika's own back at a point impossible to focus the eye on. She lifts off smoothly and disappears into the night sky, a perfect void in the stars populated only by two lambent green eyes.

Activating Wings of Shadow for the day, overland flight version

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Female L Incorporeal| Init +6 | AC 20 Touch 19 FlatF 19 | HP | Fort +10 Ref +9, Will +10 | Perception-1 DarkV | Spells: 5- 5/5 4- 7/7, 3- 7/7 2- 7/7, 1- 8/8 0-8/8 Ifrit/Djinn 12 Wishcrafter Sorcerer Phoenix Bloodline

A rattling overtook the hookah, and it began billowing forth amber mist smelling of fiercely of honey and rain. A voluminous sparkling fog begins to swirl around the Lillend, as the stairs shake from the magical effort. Bursts of light spark forth from the end of the hookah with brilliant sunglow flashes.

A large outline of a twelve foot robed female form takes shape from the sheets of smoke, with two burning golden eyes and darkened scelera. She stretches her full sinewy length covered in metallic yellow cracks, and wrenches her neck with a satisfied roar. Coins and chains hanging from her rattle and clink endlessly against her sepia skin as she floats effortlessly around and through the stairs in celebration. Her lower half pools continuously from the lamp in folds of brassy smog, which doesn't stop her from bowing respectfully.

"Thrice honored celestial! Tha have this one's sincerest gratitude. Oh, the rapturous joy of having angelkin for a wishmaster!"

"Freeing the immortal and cosmically powerful Xibalba earns tha a wish," she announces theatrically, holding forth a giant spectral hand with a cautionary finger up. "of course, conditions...apply."

Prestidigitation for effect

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Enoch the Wanderer wrote:

Quickly straightening his clothing and testing his breath, the Chronicler of Worlds smiles warmly at the mysterious lady. Bowing before her, Enoch presents

Greeting fair Lady. I am Enoch the Wanderer. My quest has my person attempting to locate the Infinite Staircase. Any suggestions? I do notice yonder land. Do you think it within 840' as related to my current position? Hate to get my socks wet.

The woman seemingly made of light give Enoch an effervescent smile, "Welcome to the Gates of the Moon traveler. What you seek is on the island, I will lead you to the gates of Argentil, it isn't far." She doesn't give her name.

If Enoch tries to cast dimension door:
Enoch casts the spell with practiced and perfect intonation, but once the incantation is complete nothing happens.

The woman pushes Enoch's bubble to the shore helpfully and it bursts right as he enters an inlet, causing his socks to become soaked in warm seawater. The woman giggles playfully and the pair reach the gate after a short hike.

Jek and company, plus Enoch

With a birds eye view the party easily finds the way to the gates of Argentil. There they find another soul seeking the staircase Enoch, I will leave descriptions to y'all, and a luminous woman that looks like fire and moonlight dances in her eyes, hair, and from the tips of her fingers.

The gates are guarded by a single golem made from whitish silver. It speaks to you in a tone reminiscent of chimes swaying in a breeze, "State your business in this Realm of the Moonmaiden."

The Staircase

The lillend smiles in delight and surprise as Xibalba pours forth from the hookah. She speaks in a way that Xibalba understands completely, the words are foreign but their meaning is absolute in the genie's mind, "Well met Xibalba. I am called Tunglsgeisli, I do not want for anything in Our Lady of Silver's realm. But if it is your custom to grant a wish on release, then I wish you tell me a story or sing a song."

The woman's lower half coils around itself in a restful pose.

CN Male Peri-blooded Aasimar | Necromancer 12 | HP 86/86 | AC 18, TCH 15, FF 15; SR 17 | CMB 7, CMD 23 | Fort +9 Ref +11 Will +10 | Init +8, Perc +11; Darkvision 60' | Speed 30' | Spells etc | ammo 48/48(S/CI) | Conditions: Deathwatch (CL1)

"We're making a delivery." Nik explains before looking at Enoch.

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Male CG Strix Alchemist (Chirurgeon, Internal Alchemist) 12 HP: 70/70 | AC: 24/15/19 | CMD: 24 | F: +12; R: +16; W: +7 | Immune: cold, nonlethal, paralysis, sleep | Init: +4 | Perception: +18; Low-Light Vision, Darkvision 60 ft | Conditions:

As Enoch and the glowing woman arrive at the gates of Argentil, a shadowy shape peels away from the dark tapestry between the stars, diving down to land in front of the two. Standing up to his impressive full height, the black-winged figure pulls his lips back from a mouth of small, pointed teeth...

"Hi there! My name's Skeessannak'khikril, but you can call me Khikril. Or Skee - everyone else is doing it, and I don't mind! Beautiful night here on Ysgard, isn't it? Is it like this every night? Does it ever stop being night here, or does this world have no sun? The air's nice and clear - perfect for flying. Who are you two? Can either of you fly? Are you from around here? Did you make that golem over there? Are you headed for the Infinite Staircase too? We've got a delivery to make - she said it was for the Planeswalker's Guild, but I don't know what's inside. Are you from the Guild? Do you think that lady put something dangerous in that scroll tube so the golem would kill us?" An endless torrent of questions seem to pour out of the strange figure as he walks around the two new arrivals, his head craning like a bird's as he examines the glowing woman and the metallic man.

N Large Construct HP: 79/96 | AC: 23/13/19 | CMD: 35 | F: +4; R: +8; W: +4 | Immune: construct traits, magic | Init: +4 | Perception: +0; Low-Light Vision, Darkvision 60 ft | Conditions:

Behind the insane alchemist, his golem finally manages to catch up with the rest of the group, stomping into the clearing alongside Nik. Noticing the new arrivals and the fellow construct, its domed head swivels, scanning the area, before fixing on the silver golem before the gate. For a few moments, its head rotates back and forth between the golem and its master, as though weighing the benefits and downsides of eternal vigil in such a secluded area versus remaining with its insane creator.

CG M Bariaur│Cav 11 Brwl 1│HP 92/111│AC 22 (+3 w/shield), FF 20 (+3 w/shield), Touch 13│CMD 35│F13 R11 W8│Init 2│Per 17 DV│Speed 80'│Conditions:
Fleet Standard:
Allies within 60' gain +10' land speed (enh) and +1 dodge bonus to AC during any round in which they moved at least 10'
Challenge 3/4; Tactician 3/3; Martial Flexibility 4/4
Whitish Silver Golem wrote:
"State your business in this Realm of the Moonmaiden."
Nikrir Leldro wrote:
"We're making a delivery."

"That's correct. Nice to meet you! I am a courier from Sigil with a package for someone somewhere up there on these stairs." Jek presents his scrawled documentation paper proudly. "These are my friends who decided to come along. Why do the stairs need guarding? If you're here all the time, perhaps you need something delivered as well?"

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M Initiative+1 Perception+8 Conditions: delusion Sanity Score 34/39 Sanity Threshold 3 Sanity Edge 19 Aasimir Paladin ( Tortured Crusader ) 2 AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 CMD 19 hp 20/24 Fort +6 Ref +1, Will +6

The Aphrorite grins.
Most gracious lady. My person thanks you for your timely assistance. I've seen to have misplaced my transportation.

Enoch's blue metallic eyes shine in merriment while the Lady easily supplied the necessary propulsion to his islet paradise.

Not even a bit perturbed at having wet socks, the Chronicler of Worlds bows low to the Lady, as she departs smiling.
Your Home is absolutely marvellous, Lady. Almost to the Gates of Argentil! Nothing can stop me now....

Reaching the Gate after a short hike, the Bard stares at a single golem made from whitish silver, apparently guarding the Entrance.
Friend of yours, Lady?

But before he can relish any introduction to it by her, Enoch is interrupted by the approach of a Brauier, an Amurun, a Dead Guy and Strix. Nonplussed by the impromptu makings of a Throng, the Chronicler of Worlds steps a bit in their direction, waving in a friendly manner.
Well greetings fellow travelers. Well met in such an auspicious locale, although the serenity and beauty does confirm invitation.

Standing at over 6' and having a firm white marble-like statuesque form, clothed in clean white leathers, satins and cottons all with gold trim and design, the Aphrorite presented a commanding visage. Golden gloved hands held away from his beautiful (probably highly functional) longsword, the Stranger wears a golden mask under his white hood.
I am Enoch the Wanderer. My quest has my person attempting to locate the Infinite Staircase. It has led me here, along with yonder fair Lady.

He gestures in an all encompassing way.
Who may you be, if you'll allow us the honor.

Recalling the Silver Surfer standing still awaiting an answer, Enoch turns again to face it.
Merely travelers wishing to walk the Stairs, my good Silver door person. What is the cover charge for this fine establishment?

The Aphrorite is seen counting silver one by one slowly, purposefully, a bit seductive-like even.....

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Female L Incorporeal| Init +6 | AC 20 Touch 19 FlatF 19 | HP | Fort +10 Ref +9, Will +10 | Perception-1 DarkV | Spells: 5- 5/5 4- 7/7, 3- 7/7 2- 7/7, 1- 8/8 0-8/8 Ifrit/Djinn 12 Wishcrafter Sorcerer Phoenix Bloodline

At the words of Tunglsgeisli, Xibalba gave a hearty laugh sending the coin chains sewn to her robe into a jangling ferver.

Fame. Fortune. Power. Most wishes fell under the these categories. She never begrudged the wisher any of them, but that didn't stop her from treasuring the simplicity of desiring only art.

"Lucky for the, this one is made of stories. Our honored angel-kin will find them far from yawnsome."

The giant figure pulls an ornate polished sitar from her back with an errant smoke trail and tunes it briefly before regaling the audience of one with the tale of her 648th wish granted. A half hour comedy of errors myth containing tyrants, mistaken identity and lost love. Her long cracked legs form beneath her to better sit upon the steps.

Lore: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11
Lore(Guiding Spirit reroll): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16
Perform Spoken Word Sitar: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17
Use auditory hallucinations and silent image to add effects for the story.

She weaves her spells and plucks her instrument, lost in the moment. "Thum of old learned a golden lesson, a pebble casten today is the beginning of a thousand-year causeway." Her chorus like voice finally finishes with a morale and a grin greedy for applause, " AND to always about-face from hometown wencheries!"

Wrath Maps Wrath Loot PS Loot PS Maps

The moonlight woman grows a pair of luminous wings and flies off into the night sky before returning. A mischievous grin crosses her face as she patiently answers Skee, ”I am but a humble shard of Selune and have served her for as long as my memory can stretch. She is only this welcoming when she is full, it is fortunate you decided to visit when you did. No sun shines here, except if Lathander decides to visit. I don’t know who made the guardian.”

The silver golem sings to the party, "Be welcome as a guest of Selune. With all the rights and responsibilities that entails." The golem does not enumerate any said rights or responsibilities but it does step aside and open the gate for you. The golem dumbly ignores any extraneous questions or offer of delivery.

The shard says, ”Let me lead you to the Stairs. From there you can ascend and reach the Planeswalker’s Guild.”

Argentil’s surface inside and out is made of gleaming polished silver, seemingly endless echoing halls stretch before you. As you wander you find the halls empty of life, and yet you still get the feeling that you are being watched by unseen and curious eyes. Finally you are brought to a huge set of intimidating doors, on the silver surface is carved the symbol for infinity. The shard says, ”Behind those doors you will behold the Infinite Staircase. Farewell and may you find your fondest desire.”

Xibalba and Tunglsgeisli

Tunglsgeisli is clearly delighted by the tale and claps at the end. The lillend’s words form meaning in Xibalba’s mind again, ”Wonderful. Simply wonderful. But I cannot abide you being bound to me, such slavery runs counter every fiber of my being. But I fear that whomever possesses your vessel is who you must serve. Perhaps I can find you a fitting mistress, one who will not abuse you nor cause you to be an abuser.” The Lillend begins descending the stairs once again.

Ok maybe a few more posts before everyone’s together.

M Initiative+1 Perception+8 Conditions: delusion Sanity Score 34/39 Sanity Threshold 3 Sanity Edge 19 Aasimir Paladin ( Tortured Crusader ) 2 AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 CMD 19 hp 20/24 Fort +6 Ref +1, Will +6

Enoch's blue metallic eyes follow the enthusiastic movements of Skeessannak'khikril with a amused glint.
Skeessannak'khikril. It is finally pleasantly pleasing to have fate produce a perfectly prepared person of quality questions.

The Aphrorite seems serious.

The Chronicler of Worlds begins reciting his answers.
Most certainly is. I have yet to have the fortune of beiyhere much longer than today. This is called The Gates of the Moon. Probably not great for Sun type things. I am Enoch the Wanderer and the Lady is of here. I have zero ability to fly. I have zero ability to construct golems. I am most certainly am heading to the Infinite Staircase. I no not of which of what Scroll tube that you are referring.

Enoch seems to enjoy the sensation of being checked out....

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Male CG Strix Alchemist (Chirurgeon, Internal Alchemist) 12 HP: 70/70 | AC: 24/15/19 | CMD: 24 | F: +12; R: +16; W: +7 | Immune: cold, nonlethal, paralysis, sleep | Init: +4 | Perception: +18; Low-Light Vision, Darkvision 60 ft | Conditions:

Quickly growing bored with the two once it becomes apparent they are not, in point of fact, from the Planeswalker's Guild, Khikril moves over to the golem, peering closer at one of its metallic fists. "Fascinating work - this filigree is quite distinctive. A tiefling in the Guildhall Ward tried to sell me something like this - claimed it was salvage from some fancy Prime longship that had somehow managed to beach itself miles from any water." He prods the golem in the chest with the end of his pen, glaring up at the massive creature as though he blames it personally for its nonresponsiveness (and simply ignoring that one of those fists could likely kill him). "So what about it? Selune? Or at the very least, her followers' work, right?"

Knowledge (Religion): 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (9) + 17 = 26

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CG M Bariaur│Cav 11 Brwl 1│HP 92/111│AC 22 (+3 w/shield), FF 20 (+3 w/shield), Touch 13│CMD 35│F13 R11 W8│Init 2│Per 17 DV│Speed 80'│Conditions:
Fleet Standard:
Allies within 60' gain +10' land speed (enh) and +1 dodge bonus to AC during any round in which they moved at least 10'
Challenge 3/4; Tactician 3/3; Martial Flexibility 4/4
The not-at-all-foreboding Shard wrote:
"Farewell and may you find your fondest desire.”

"Thanks, but I've just eaten. May you find your fondest desire as well!" Pleased at the reminder, he ruminates some delightful red clover.

Jek approaches Enoch. "Greetings. I'm Jek, and we're a bunch of Cagers. Feel free to wander up the stairs with us. It seems like a good place to have company."

M Initiative+1 Perception+8 Conditions: delusion Sanity Score 34/39 Sanity Threshold 3 Sanity Edge 19 Aasimir Paladin ( Tortured Crusader ) 2 AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 CMD 19 hp 20/24 Fort +6 Ref +1, Will +6

Enoch only smiles as the Strix flies about visiting and such.
A lot of energy in that one. Better make a note of it just in case we need to power a yacht.

The Aphrorite peers at the rolling waves of the Vale's beautiful waters. Remember this place.

Smiling at the approach of the bauier, Enoch offers him a bow.
Greetings Jek. Cagers? Ah, yes, you're from Sigil. So, actually Plane Walkers then. Splendid. I would indeed enjoy the company. The Infinite Staircase should be quite informative.

Female L Incorporeal| Init +6 | AC 20 Touch 19 FlatF 19 | HP | Fort +10 Ref +9, Will +10 | Perception-1 DarkV | Spells: 5- 5/5 4- 7/7, 3- 7/7 2- 7/7, 1- 8/8 0-8/8 Ifrit/Djinn 12 Wishcrafter Sorcerer Phoenix Bloodline

Xibalba mulls over the Lillend's word-thoughts and stretches her long arms.

"Ah, well-versed, angel-kin! Tha embraces a kingly philosophy. Contrarywise, this one has found that us and others are ALL slaves of a kind. Bound to...dogma or the wheel of fate or nature most grand. For thee, righteous goodness is a cloak that can't unclasp. For a Djinn, a cosmic net of dreams and whim. But, a Djinn owns this. Owns their purpose."

She resumes floating and stows her sitar and breathes deeply of the fresh(er) air. She scratches her forehead and gives a toothy grin with a shrug chaser.

"Fie! What does a genie know of truth? Forgive these wearysome thoughts from the bottle, they leaken from time to time to time. If tha can not be a wishwarden, then this one would be honored by an escort to another of favorable make. "

Xibalba smokes a pipe and gets lost in their chat as they travel, oblivious to most sights along the way.

Wrath Maps Wrath Loot PS Loot PS Maps

As the party mingles in front of the infinity symbol and the final door before the Staircase. The doors suddenly open revealing Xibalba, again letting PCs describe themselves or y'all can look at each others profiles, and a creature with the torso of a woman from the waist up with red hair and long coiling snake tail from the waist down. Her crimson scales sit in contrast to the pure white wings sprouting from her back.

A mechanical gold spider with rubies, emeralds, and sapphires set for the eyes, takes this opportunity to crawl from Rinika's petty coat and onto her head. The spider wave some of its legs at Enoch provocatively. Enoch recognizes the spider immediately, a gear spirit possessing a clockwork device. He knows that gear spirit's purpose is to tend the mechanical cogs, springs, and rotors of Mechanus, and that if they are encountered outside of that plane they have abandoned their purpose causing Mechanus to become less perfect.

The Snake-woman regards the party expectantly, but then frowns at Enoch and Nansi. With a hard edge to her voice, "What business do the scions of ultimate Law and Order have to with the Infinite Staircase, a place which fosters and protects artistry and free expression?"

Nansi for its part doesn't face the Lillend and keeps its jeweled eyes on Enoch.

M Initiative+1 Perception+8 Conditions: delusion Sanity Score 34/39 Sanity Threshold 3 Sanity Edge 19 Aasimir Paladin ( Tortured Crusader ) 2 AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 CMD 19 hp 20/24 Fort +6 Ref +1, Will +6

Enoch's blue metallic eyes follow the opening of the door. At the sight of a djinn and a lillend, the Aphrorite both blushes and branches.
Madames. I am Enoch the Wanderer sent by my supervisor to catalog the Infinite Staircase. I am in no way registered to facilitate any protocols concerning artistry and free expression.

CN Male Peri-blooded Aasimar | Necromancer 12 | HP 86/86 | AC 18, TCH 15, FF 15; SR 17 | CMB 7, CMD 23 | Fort +9 Ref +11 Will +10 | Init +8, Perc +11; Darkvision 60' | Speed 30' | Spells etc | ammo 48/48(S/CI) | Conditions: Deathwatch (CL1)

"Nancy, at least, left mechanus behind." Nik explains.

"You might've missed her master's swooping around, but she's Rinika's servant now. Doesn't get much more free expression than that." he adds.

Nik doesn't remember to mention the package this time.

Schrodinger's Catgirl Oracle 11 | Init +4 | AC 25 T16 FF21 | HP 74/80 | Fort +8 Ref +10, Will +11 (+2 disease, mind affecting) | Perception+14 DV, SiD | Spells: 5: 5/5 4: 6/7, 3: 5/7 2: 5/7, 1:8/8

It's hard to tell if Rinika showed up later than the rest or if she's been sitting on a higher silver sconce this whole time, regarding all of the newcomers with eyes huge in the sparkling moonlight. She speaks up when the Lillend challenges Nansi.

Rinika is a small, slender, dark-furred catfolk with a huge mane of curly hair and a long tail hanging down below her and flicking every now and then with interest. She swims within her oversized coat with far too many pockets, and much of the intervening space is taken up by a colorful assortment of scarves, 3 or 4 of different styles piled around her neck with several eclectic necklaces peeking out from around them. Underneath those, a silk floral kimono is tied lazily around a green chainmail shirt composed of links that would rival mithril in their delicacy. A pair of swords in lacquered scabbards stick up over one shoulder.

"Nansi's self expression is to valiantly slow the inexorable grind of entropy. I think there's a tragic beauty in the struggle, don't you? Surely you wouldn't deny him that right to act as he pleases?" Rinika smiles sweetly and pats the miniscule automaton with gentle fondness. As she speaks, a ripple passes through the fur on her tail, the hairs suddenly thinning out and the flesh underneath pales and tightens against bone. The dead spot creeps from under her coat and down her tail, small as a coin for a moment, then stretching out as it crawls down the tail with no pattern or reason to its path. As quickly as it appeared, the dead spot travels back up her tail and disappears back underneath her many layers of clothing.

Rinika contorts herself with a satisfying stretch and hops off the sconce, running a paw down a silver column as she drifts down to the floor near the Shard of Selune on penumbral wings."No sun here, ever? A girl could get used to that kind of luxury. What do you do for fun?"

Male CG Strix Alchemist (Chirurgeon, Internal Alchemist) 12 HP: 70/70 | AC: 24/15/19 | CMD: 24 | F: +12; R: +16; W: +7 | Immune: cold, nonlethal, paralysis, sleep | Init: +4 | Perception: +18; Low-Light Vision, Darkvision 60 ft | Conditions:

As the newcomers arrive, throwing wide the gates of the Infinite Staircase, Khikril rushes forward, seizing and eagerly shaking their hands. "Welcome, welcome! Are you finally from the Planeswalker's Guild, then? A great pleasure to meet you! I am Skeessannak'khikril, of the Dustman Maintenance Division. So tell me, what is the Staircase like? I have heard it described as an endless maze of stairs and landings, stretching ever upward and onward into infinite possibilities. Oh, to walk those pathways, to experience unending wonder... Truly, I'd give my wings for such a chance!" Stopping short, he glances suspiciously at Xibalba and the lillend. "...I don't actually have to give up my wings, do I? It's a figure of speech - mammals use it all the time, you know. Not with wings, obviously, but still..."

Rinika wrote:
"No sun here, ever? A girl could get used to that kind of luxury."

Khikril's head snaps around to glare at the catfolk, and he scowls. "Krevaar, why would you even say such a thing? I left my world because of its eternal darkness - it is anything but pleasant. Food, light, heat - those are the true luxuries in such a land!" He shakes his head, crossing his arms. "I'm fortunate to have found my way to a paradise world like Sigil, and so are you. It's bad luck to wish for worse than you already have - the ancestor spirits might just give you what you want." He glances up at the sky nervously, making an intricate hand gesture from his tribe meant to ward off evil.

CN Male Peri-blooded Aasimar | Necromancer 12 | HP 86/86 | AC 18, TCH 15, FF 15; SR 17 | CMB 7, CMD 23 | Fort +9 Ref +11 Will +10 | Init +8, Perc +11; Darkvision 60' | Speed 30' | Spells etc | ammo 48/48(S/CI) | Conditions: Deathwatch (CL1)

"Can't say that the cold or dark ever bothered me." Nik shrugs.

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Schrodinger's Catgirl Oracle 11 | Init +4 | AC 25 T16 FF21 | HP 74/80 | Fort +8 Ref +10, Will +11 (+2 disease, mind affecting) | Perception+14 DV, SiD | Spells: 5: 5/5 4: 6/7, 3: 5/7 2: 5/7, 1:8/8
Skeessannak'khikril wrote:
"Krevaar, why would you even say such a thing? I left my world because of its eternal darkness - it is anything but pleasant. Food, light, heat - those are the true luxuries in such a land!" He shakes his head, crossing his arms. "I'm fortunate to have found my way to a paradise world like Sigil, and so are you. It's bad luck to wish for worse than you already have - the ancestor spirits might just give you what you want." He glances up at the sky nervously, making an intricate hand gesture from his tribe meant to ward off evil.

Rinika flashes a toothy amused grin. "What, scared of a little bad luck?" She very deliberately cuts huk off, walking right across his path. "Sigil's fun! And I'll take anywhere over where I came from. Give me the food and heat, sure. Heat is inescapable. But no light to burn my eyes and wide open spaces to get lost in? Sounds a lot like paradise to me. do understand that I'm not you, right?"

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CG M Bariaur│Cav 11 Brwl 1│HP 92/111│AC 22 (+3 w/shield), FF 20 (+3 w/shield), Touch 13│CMD 35│F13 R11 W8│Init 2│Per 17 DV│Speed 80'│Conditions:
Fleet Standard:
Allies within 60' gain +10' land speed (enh) and +1 dodge bonus to AC during any round in which they moved at least 10'
Challenge 3/4; Tactician 3/3; Martial Flexibility 4/4
Enoch the Wanderer wrote:
I am in no way registered to facilitate any protocols concerning artistry and free expression.

"I believe the nice winged woman would rather you not bring up any of that... barmy stuff. I feel her pain. But I'd like to point out that you smile, and that's a big step for a box or whatever you are." Jek turns to the winged half-snake woman. "He'll be traveling with us for a bit... if I get the sense that the smiles aren't honest, I'll see how far I can fling him off the stairs, deal?"

Female L Incorporeal| Init +6 | AC 20 Touch 19 FlatF 19 | HP | Fort +10 Ref +9, Will +10 | Perception-1 DarkV | Spells: 5- 5/5 4- 7/7, 3- 7/7 2- 7/7, 1- 8/8 0-8/8 Ifrit/Djinn 12 Wishcrafter Sorcerer Phoenix Bloodline

Character Description:
At over three and a half meters tall, Xibalba’s presence is hard to ignore. With a steepled light violet head scarf caging her umber brunette locks and highlighting her maang tikka(head jewelry). Ears covered im large bangle gold earrings each bearing their own dangling precious stone,one with a single gold chain leading to a flat septum nose ring. Her sunpocked sepia skin bears cracks and is flaked off in places favoring her left side, revealing sandy rose gold skin beneath. The cracks lead all the way up to her honey eyes with darkened sclera, and across the bridge of her hooked nose. Matching neck hoops, wrist and legs hoops offer medallion colored unity to the cracks that mar her from head to the bottom of her bare feet. Light seems to pass through her, slightly distorting an otherwise solid form.

She wears billowy white robes tethered with light violet scarf covered in dangling chained coins. A chain holds a small satchel covered in a larger snag net made of coins holds her burlap bag of small belongings. A worn and ordinary but beautifully crafted Sitar hangs from a leather sling on her back. When in flight, her legs disappear in a trail of colorful brassy smoke emanating from a large multiport hookah made of blue and white metal and glass, covered in kintsugi cracks, similar to her own. It bears a partially readable inscription in Ignan etched into the silver base.

Skeessannak'khikril wrote:
So tell me, what is the Staircase like? I have heard it described as an endless maze of stairs and landings, stretching ever upward and onward into infinite possibilities.

The sight of so many colorful and strange beings turns Xibalba's posture rigid.  After shaking the small but energetic  hand of the one called Skeessannak'khikril, she quietly forms her smoke trail into legs and lands gingerly barefoot on the smooth floor.

“Tha speaks true. Stairs upon stairs upon stairs. This one is no architect, but promises it is a sight to behold. Much like this gathering…”

First Impressions:
Xibalba can barely hide her awe at the menagrie of people's and their wild conversations. The bazaars of the fire plane are often filled with travelers from realms beyond but even still, the group before her is highly overstimulating.  Choosing silence as a shield, instead the Djinn listens: intently at first to the curious shadowy feline and Khiril debate the merits of sunlight as a golem looms nearby. She holds back a smirk at the casual threat of violence proposed by the one called Jek. Squinting at Nansi, she first thought it was just a bejeweled toy (bad perception). Tunglsgeisli’s tone makes her instantly wary of Enoch but his cool polite reply assures her it’s likely just a personal grudge. Xibalba can’t make out the origin of the last, the stench of death draping about him confused her usually dull senses. But his admission regarding heat ignites a subtle familiarity in her. Perhaps he is flame-touched? Or was at one time.

All these wondrous beings...surely one of them would make a suitable warden...

Towering over the group, Xibalba kneels down roughly eye level with the tallest of them and then prostrates further with a quick bow. In a polyphonic voice as if three are speaking at once she quietly but confidently announces herself to the party. “Salutations to all! This one is humbled to be in the presence of such accomplished travelers. A Djinn’s name is Xibalba, the immortal gift bearer.”

Straightening back to kneeling, she turns to her lillend companion, waving a ring laden hand toward the precious Shisha. “Seemingly, tha has a prompt choice to make.”

M Initiative+1 Perception+8 Conditions: delusion Sanity Score 34/39 Sanity Threshold 3 Sanity Edge 19 Aasimir Paladin ( Tortured Crusader ) 2 AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 CMD 19 hp 20/24 Fort +6 Ref +1, Will +6

Enoch's blue metallic eyes follow the voice of Jek to look the bauier in his eyes. The White mask only silently nods to him.

At the ...that's a big step for a box or whatever you are." comment, the Aphrorite sighs.
You may be confusing Modrons and Aphrorites. Not certain how but to be fair both are from Mechanus. Centaurs are cousins of bauier in a fashion so cheers.

Enoch the Wanderer definitely is smiling....

Wrath Maps Wrath Loot PS Loot PS Maps

The lillend coils her body underneath her making her stand a foot over Xibalba’s massive frame and asks Enoch, ”I will let you pass if you can tell me a joke.” She turns to Rinika, ”The gear spirit may pass with such vociferous assent, how can I deny you?”

Sense motive vs Jek: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (20) + 16 = 36

She turns to Jek and asks while holding a hookah, ”Would you kindly take this burden from me?”

Then she goes into a speech that sounds practiced, ”The Stairs are a pathway that is drawn to great concentrations of creativity. And so mystically joins with any plane where intelligent beings have expressed some sort of creative spirit. The Stair winds and twists to reach each of these places, accessed through doorways found on numerous landings. If you’re canny, you can see nature on the other side.”

”The Stairs can also sense your heart's desire, though only if you travel alone. You will know the path when you see it and the Stairs will only offer this path once. Take it and you will be happy for the rest of your lives.”

”Do not fly, jump, or attempt to teleport off the Stairs. If you do, you may find yourself somewhere you didn’t intend.”

Finally she instructs you how to reach the Pathfinder Guild.

CN Male Peri-blooded Aasimar | Necromancer 12 | HP 86/86 | AC 18, TCH 15, FF 15; SR 17 | CMB 7, CMD 23 | Fort +9 Ref +11 Will +10 | Init +8, Perc +11; Darkvision 60' | Speed 30' | Spells etc | ammo 48/48(S/CI) | Conditions: Deathwatch (CL1)

Heart's desire, huh? I wonder what the catch is...

Nik decides against asking and possibly antagonizing the scary lady who doesn't like Enoch.

"Walking only, got it. Thanks." Nik says.

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M Initiative+1 Perception+8 Conditions: delusion Sanity Score 34/39 Sanity Threshold 3 Sanity Edge 19 Aasimir Paladin ( Tortured Crusader ) 2 AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 CMD 19 hp 20/24 Fort +6 Ref +1, Will +6

Enoch the Wanderer is seen studiously transcribing her instructions.
...mystically joins with any plane where intelligent beings have expressed some sort of creative spirit...

The Aphrorite turns his blue metallic eyes to Nansi.
Guess no stopping by Home then.

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