DM Delmoth's Planescape

Game Master Delmoth

Treasure Tracking


NPCs and other fluff

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Planewalker's Handbook

To do
NPC clean up
Some images are PNG and not loading properly
Some NPCs are no longer needed

Build rules:

11st level
20 point buy
2 traits
41,000 start gold
Automatic Bonus Progression
Background skills
Any race with RP 15 or less plus Planescape races
Custom races allowable with approval, 15 RP or less
All Paizo published options are fair game

Faction Traits:

Members automatically get their respective trait

Athar: When a divine caster who worships a specific deity casts a divine spell targeting a Defiler, the Defiler rolls two saving throws and takes the higher result. If the spell doesn't allow a save the Defiler may make a Will save, rolling once, to negate the effect. A Defiler must always attempt to save vs a divine spell from a divine caster from a specific deity. If she chooses to not save even against a harmless effect she loses access to any Athar traits, feats, or abilities until an atonement spell is cast on her. From an Athar cleric who gets their power from the Great Unknown ;)

Believer’s of the Source: Because they believe that all things have potential Godsmen are generally well received throughout the planes. They gain a +2 trait bonus to all charisma based skill checks. However because of the belief in their own potential divinity characters who receive divine spells from a specific power suffer a -1 penalty to caster level, minimum 1. In addition a Godsmen cannot be raised or resurrected, but they may still be reincarnated.

Bleak Cabal: When targeted by a compulsion spell or effect, or a madness inducing effect the Bleaker may roll two saving throws and choose to take either the highest or lowest roll. If the effect doesn’t allow a save the Bleaker may choose to roll a Will save to negate the effect. Once everyday at the same time the Bleaker must roll a d20, on a 1 she is overcome with melancholia for the next day. She can only be motivated to act normally if convinced with a diplomacy, intimidate, or bluff of DC 25 plus the Bleaker’s Cha modifier.

Doomguard - Sinkers can choose any one weapon from the following list and gain the appropriate Martial Weapon Proficiency feat: bastard sword, falchion, greatsword, longsword, rapier, scimitar, short sword. If the Sinker is already proficient in the chosen weapon, they instead gain the Weapon Focus feat for the weapon. In either case, the Sinker gains a +1 competence bonus to hit with the chosen weapon. Sinkers gain spell resistance equal to 10 + 1/2 their character level + their Wisdom modifier against any kind of healing magic. They cannot voluntarily lower this resistance. Sinkers have a +2 competence bonus on Knowledge (engineering) checks and may always make Knowledge (engineering) checks untrained. A Sinker always treats Knowledge (engineering) as class skills.

Dustmen: All Dustmen benefit from the Dead Truce. An ancient pact with death, no undead creature will act to harm a Dustie unless the Dustie harms the undead first. Unintelligent undead will simply ignore Dustmen. If a Dustman is targeted by a spell that would bring them back from death they must fail a Will save to return even if they are willing.

Fated: The Heartless chooses 1 skill, she gains skill ranks equal to her character level. This does not stack with any ranks she would otherwise possess for that skill. The Heartless cannot accept or perform charity, if they give out or receive merchandise or services free they lose access to any Fated traits, feats, or abilities until an atonement spell is cast on them.

Fraternity of Order: 1/day cast comprehend languages as a spell-like ability with caster level equal to the character’s level. The Guvner cannot knowingly break any laws, if they do they lose access to any Fraternity of Order traits, feats, or abilities until an atonement spell is cast on them.

Free League Trait: The Indep gains a +2 trait bonus to saves vs charm and compulsion effects. She may roll a will save vs effects that don't allow a save with no trait bonus. Since Indeps are not an 'official' faction they are not afforded any special rights or privileges given official faction members, though they can usually count on their Indep friends to help them out.

The Harmonium: Heardheads benefit from their firm belief and fierce dedication that they are right. All members are able to project this confidence outward, once per day they can as a spell-like ability cast command with their caster level equal to their character level.

Mercykiller: Because of their passion for punishment a Mercykiller can once per day cast zone of truth as a spell like ability with caster level equal to the character’s level. The DC for this spell is based off the Mercykiller’s Wisdom or Charisma and targets only one creature. The Mercykiller cannot willingly release a prisoner until they’ve been properly punished, if they do they lose access to any Mercykiller traits, feats, or abilities until an atonement spell is cast on them. While carrying out a punishment Mercykillers consider themselves innocent of all crimes. If they commit a crime for any other reason they lose access to any Mercykiller traits, feats, or abilities until an atonement spell is cast on them.

The Revolutionary League: An Anarchist can pose as a member of any other faction automatically, without being detected. While they don’t receive the special abilities of the assumed faction, they gain acceptance, access to their headquarters, and can call on members of other factions for aid. Fact is, Anarchists can get help from a member of another faction sooner than from their own.

Sign of One: A signer automatically gets a saving throw vs any illusion she encounters without having to interact with it. This roll is made in secret by the GM and if this saving throw fails the Signer may get another saving throw as normal if they interact with the illusion. Signers suffer a -1 penalty to Diplomacy and Bluff checks.

The Society of Sensation: All Sensates have highly attuned senses, each member gains a +2 trait bonus to perception. Because they often imbibe questionable substances they each receive a +1 trait bonus to saves vs poison. A Sensate cannot refuse a new experience unless it would obviously put them in deadly peril. Should a Sensate refuse a new experience they will lose access to all Sensate traits, feats, or abilities until an atonement spell is cast on them.

The Transcendent Order: Because the training of a Cipher stresses quick and unhesitating action they receive a +4 trait bonus to initiative checks. A Cipher cannot delay action in combat.

Xaositects: 1/day when someone asks the Chaosmen where they’ve lost something the Chaosmen may make a wisdom check DC 10 or higher as determined by the GM, if the check succeeds she knows the location of the object. The item must be truly lost, if it was stolen or moved by some outside agency this ability fails. What the Chaosmen knows may be as vague or specific as the GM wants.


Xaositects: 1/day cast Lesser Confusion as a spell-like ability with caster level equal to the Choasmen’s character level. The spell’s DC is charisma based.


Ring-Giver: A Bargainer gains a +1 to +4 trait bonus to bluff, diplomacy, intimidate, and sense motive checks vs any creature that has accepted a gift from the Bargainer. The exact value of the bonus depends on how much the creature values the gift as determined by the DM.

A Ring-Giver may attempt to request a favor from a non-hostile NPC no more than twice their character level. The DM determines the success based on how much the Bargainer has given away compared to how much they've received. I have a karma system in mind but it will be obscured from Auntie and the other PCs.

A Beggar never owns anything, they can never sell or buy anything. If a Beggar buys or sells an item they loose access to this trait's ability. They may seek an atonement spell from another Beggar to regain access.

The steel forged from a special green ore on Avernus on Baator is able to hold an edge much sharper than normal steel and is half the weight. The damage from a piercing or slashing weapon primarily made from greensteel is one size category larger than normal.

Greensteel armors are one category lighter than normal for purposes of movement and other limitations. Heavy armors are treated as medium, and medium armors are treated as light, but light armors are still treated as light. This decrease does not apply to proficiency in wearing the armor. Spell failure chances for armors and shields made from greensteel are decreased by 5%, maximum Dexterity bonuses are increased by 1, and armor check penalties are decreased by 2 (to a minimum of 0).

Weapons or armors fashioned from greensteel are always masterwork items as well; the masterwork cost is included in the prices given below.
Greensteel has 35 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 20.

Ammunition +40 gp per missile
Light armor +1,000 gp
Medium armor +4,000 gp
Heavy armor +9,000 gp
Shield +1,000 gp
Weapon +2,000 gp
Other items 500 per lbs of base item

New Spells:

Warp Sense
School Divination;
Level bard 1, cleric/oracle 1, druid 1, inquisitor 1, magus 1, psychic 1, shaman 1, sorcerer/wizard 1, witch 1, summoner 1
Casting Time Full round
Components V, S
Range 60ft
Area cone-shaped emanation
Duration concentration, up to 1 min/level (D)
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
You detect portals. The amount of information revealed depends on how long you study an area.
1st Round: Presence or absence of a portal.
2nd Round: Number of portals and what type.
3rd Round: The caster can attempt a knowledge planes check DC 25 to determine what plane the other side of the portal is located. If failed she may attempt this check again in one day.
4th Round: If the caster determines the location of the other side of the portal she may attempt another knowledge planes check DC 25 to determine the key to activate the portal. If failed, the caster may attempt this check again in one day.
At the GM’s discretion the DCs for the knowledge planes check may be harder or easier.

Feign Death
School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range touch
Target one willing or helpless living creature whose level or Hit Dice do not exceed the caster’s
Duration 1 hour/level (D)
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance yes (harmless)
You put the recipient into a deathlike condition. At your option, this can be a cataleptic state that is impossible to distinguish from death, or the subject can appear to be in a coma or deep sleep. Although able to smell, hear, and know what is going on, the subject is blind and has no sense of touch or pain. The subject does not need to eat, drink, or breathe.
While the spell is in effect, the subject is immune to nonlethal damage, and any normal or ability damage inflicted is reduced by half. In addition, the subject is immune to mind-affecting attacks, paralysis, poison, disease, and energy drain. The effects of any poison or disease already affecting the subject when the spell takes effect are halted until the spell ends. If the subject has any negative levels when the spell takes effect, the saving throw to remove it is delayed until the spell ends.

House Rules:

Auto identify magic items if a character has max spellcraft ranks and has detect magic. Cursed items may not be automatically identified.

Treasures will appraise at full value if a character has max appraise ranks for level. Otherwise they will appraise for some lower amount.

Drawing and Sheathing weapons and weapon-like objects: can be done as a part of any move action so long as character has +1 BAB

Abilities like Time Flicker: continuing these abilities once active is a free action so long as the current duration increment has not already expired.

Paralyzed: If it's not clear from context which way the victim is facing roll a 1d8 to determine the facing like a missed splash weapon. The target can then target squares in a cone for line of sight.

Grappling and Threatened squares: Grappled condition does not prevent you from threatening, just from making AoOs.

If a spell applies the grappled condition but doesn't specify CMB, it is caster level plus casting stat modifier for situations not specifically covered in the spell.

Making Drunken master work with Unchained Monk
Drunken Ki and Drunken Strength are unchanged. Drunken Courage, Drunken Resilience, and Firewater breath all have similar abilities that are selectable in ki powers and so are removed from the drunken master archetype. These abilities are, Diamond Mind, Diamond Resilience, and Elemental Burst respectively. I will convert other archetypes on request.

Purchase Limit: Planescape is a high magic world. Purchase limit in a town is the largest gold piece value item a PC can buy or sell. The roll to see if an item is available is waived.

Ability score modifiers: -2 str, +2 dex, +2 to either int or cha
No light sensitivity
Alignment: any

Chant and cackle can only be used to extend a hex for up to 1 minute per level.

Continual flame is replaced with the following:

Continual Light
School evocation [light];
Level cleric 3, sorcerer/wizard 2
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (ruby dust worth 50 gp)
Range touch
Target object touched
Effect magical light
Duration permanent
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
A light, equivalent in brightness to a torch, shines from an object that you touch. A continual light can be covered and hidden.

Light spells counter and dispel darkness spells of an equal or lower level.

DM_Delmoth wrote:
How does not needing to breathe affect casting spells underwater?

You gain a +4 circumstance bonus to the concentration check to cast the spell. You're still required to make the concentration check but it should be easier if you don't need to worry about drowning.

DM_Delmoth wrote:
Does the silent spell feat affect casting spells underwater?

Yes. You do not need to make a concentration check to cast a spell underwater if you are casting a silent spell and cannot breathe water.

Spells or spell-like abilities with no components or apparent physical manifestation cannot be identified with spellcraft. Example: A silent still charm person has no components and the spell's description indicates no outward effects and so spellcraft could not be used to ID the spell unless another spell revealed the effect, such as detect magic.

Kat Brewer wrote:
If a large or larger size creature is adjacent to me can I attack it with a reach weapon?

RAW answer to this is a flat no. This leads us to absurd or contradictory results when Kat is blind or the target is invisible as those conditions allow Kat to choose a square to attack and if the square contains the creature it can be hit with a miss chance. So you can target a creature with a reach weapon that is adjacent to you if you threaten any square of its space. However when attacking in this way the creature has soft cover against the attack just as if there was an intervening creature. Alternatively Kat can avoid giving the above creature cover or attack an adjacent medium sized creature by attacking with the reach weapon as an improvised weapon, following the normal rules for improvised weapons.

Adding description line back into teleport: On target: 1-52, Off Target: 53-76, Similar Area: 77-92, Mishap: 93-100

Saiya Atarangi wrote:
For pure amusement value, I request the GM house rule this (Stunning Irruption) to not stun the Vixen herself as long as she screams "OH YEAH!" while doing it :)


Rinika, paraphrasing wrote:
It's dumb that a gunslinger can snipe but a spellslinger can't.

You're right. You may use the snipe rules replacing one standard action for one ranged attack in the stealth rules. Note that creatures will notice the obvious effects, such as spell casting's verbal components and their general direction, but not specific squares where they originated from should they fail their perception check.

DM Delmoth wrote:
If you are prone is your movement hampered?

Yes. If you have some combination of abilities that eliminate the movement penalty you are no longer hampered.

Lunk, paraphrasing wrote:
"Is rope weapon-like?"

RAW, no. But a lasso is a weapon so I find it hard to reconcile that putting a honda knot on one end of a rope suddenly makes it easier significantly easier to pull out. So ropes are weapon-like objects.

Delmoth's FAQ:

Dervak wrote:
Can Mara, while blinded, use Status to target us with her other hexes like Fortune and Heaven's Leap?

Status lets her know your square but she still lacks line of sight, so any ability that requires line of sight will still fail. If there is a touch effect she can still try to touch you with a 50% miss chance, but will automatically know which square to target. However I feel it's in keeping with the item (Phylactery of the Shepherd) to waive line of sight when she chooses to end the status effect. So ending the status effect to use healing hex as a swift action does not require her to see her target.

Mara bint al-Katheeri wrote:
Related to the situation above. Could Theo spend a move action to touch Mara and eliminate her miss chance if she tries to use her Healing Hex on him?

Yes. Mara can even roll her miss chance to see if she hits him before Theo commits the move action.

Delmoth wrote:
How much time does it take to attune under ABP?

1 minute

Mara wrote:
How long can chant and cackle be used to extend hexes?

RAW there is no limit so long as the character can still make the required action. However this seems ridiculous, so a character can use these abilities to extend hexes for 1 minute per level. Long enough to last any combat but not long enough that it can be used in every combat in a dungeon exploration.

Nikrir Leldro's implied question wrote:
Does the pyrotechnics spell extinguish a flaming sphere?

No even though a flaming sphere can be extinguished by means that would extinguish a normal flame it is still a magic flame which pyrotechnics can't extinguish.

Answer to a question Nikrir Leldro didn't ask wrote:
Can a magical flame be used as the source for the additional effect from pyrotechnic even though pyrotechnics can't extinguish the magical flame?

Yes. The fire wouldn't change at all but the additional effects will still happen as described.

Mara wrote:
How does not needing to breathe interact with inhaled poisons and spells that create clouds, such as stinking cloud?

You are immune to inhaled poisons even if you cast a spell or speak. Stinking cloud affects non-breathing creatures the same way it affects breathing creatures.

Jek Tal'dor wrote:
Does a large or larger creature count it's current space as non-threatened squares for the purpose of withdrawing?


Nik wrote:
Does the plague zombie or fast zombie template cost twice as much onyx like the bloody skeleton template does? How about in relation to corpse companion?

Any template that increases the CR of the undead costs more onyx, so fast zombies and plague zombies are normal cost but other types might not be. Any variant template can be applied to a corpse companion from the undead lord special ability but the HD of the undead still cannot exceed half the cleric's level.

Nik wrote:
How does a zombie determine if something is alive?

Zombies and other undead without intelligence scores don’t perceive much and normally have no special ability that allows them to differentiate between something that is alive or not. A command to a zombie to “attack all living creatures” would result in them attacking anything that moves including other undead (and probably the zombie controller) or attacking nothing at all depending on the whims of the DM at the time.

A question Nik didn’t ask but probably should have wrote:
What happens to an undead I release from control?

Zombies that have been released from control will either do nothing, or mindlessly follow a command they received in the past (DM will determine what they do exactly). Only the clueless believe that mindless undead that have been released from control attack anything that moves, this is a myth that (mostly) prime adventurers perpetuate after invading a room that an undead was commanded to guard.

A question Nik implied wrote:
If I don’t know the HD of a creature, out of character information, how do I determine what value onyx to raise a minion?

If you identify a creature with the appropriate knowledge check you will know which sized onyx gem to use. If the knowledge check fails and the caster still wishes to cast animate dead they must guess. If the gem used is less value than required then the spell is cast with no effect but the onyx gem is not used. If the gem used is more than the value required then the gem is still used up. Only a single gem is used per casting so it's recommended that aspiring horde commanders keep a variety of gem values on hand.

DM_Delmoth wrote:
When is a body too damaged to be effectively used for animate dead?

When it is at negative HP equal to its hit point total plus its constitution score. An application of the heal skill to treat wounds can be used to repair some damage to make a corpse salvageable again.

Mara bint al-Katheeri, paraphrasing wrote:
Can Mara cast see invisibility from a scroll and then make it permanent with a permanency spell?

Yes, but the caster level to dispel is the caster level of the scroll not the permanency spell.