
Skeessannak'khikril's page

28 posts. Alias of Mokmurian the Great.

Full Name



CG Strix Alchemist (Chirurgeon, Internal Alchemist) 11


HP: 61/64 | AC: 23/14/19 | CMD: 23 | F: +11; R: +14; W: +6 | Immune: cold, nonlethal, paralysis, sleep | Init: +4 | Perception: +17; Low-Light Vision, Darkvision 60 ft | Conditions:








Sigil Mortuary, Hive District


Strix, Common, Auran, Draconic, Giant, Gnome, Infernal


Coroner, Mad Scientist

Strength 13
Dexterity 18
Constitution 12
Intelligence 22
Wisdom 10
Charisma 8

About Skeessannak'khikril

Male Strix Alchemist (Chirurgeon, Internal Alchemist) 11
CG Medium Humanoid (Strix)
Init: +4; Senses: Perception +17; darkvision 60 ft, low-light vision
AC: 23, touch 14, flat-footed 19 (+6 armor, +4 Dex, +2 deflection, +1 natural)
HP: 64
Fort: +11, Ref: +14, Will: +6
Immune: Cold, nonlethal, paralysis, sleep
Speed: 30 ft, fly 65 ft (good)
Melee: 2 Wings +4 (1d6+1 B)
Ranged: Bomb +13 (6d6+6 F) or Light Crossbow +14/+9 (1d8+2 P)
STATISTICS (20 point)
Str: 13, Dex: 18, Con: 12, Int: 22, Wis: 10, Cha: 8
Base Atk: +8/+3; CMB: +9; CMD: 23
Traits: Aerial Harrier, Precise Treatment, Dustman
Feats: Brew Potion, Throw Anything, Skill Focus (Heal), Signature Skill (Heal), Flyby Attack, Skill Focus (Fly), Craft Construct, Graceful Flier, Powerful Wings
Craft (Alchemy) - 11 ranks (+27, +11 to craft alchemical items)
Craft (Clothes) [Background] - 11 ranks (+20)
Disable Device - 11 ranks (+20)
Fly - 11 ranks (+26)
Heal - 11 ranks (+27)
Knowledge (Arcana) - 11 ranks (+20)
Knowledge (Nature) - 11 ranks (+20)
Knowledge (Planes) - 11 ranks (+17)
Knowledge (Religion) - 11 ranks (+17)
Perception - 11 ranks (+17)
Sleight of Hand [Background] - 11 ranks (+18)
Spellcraft - 11 ranks (+20)
Languages: Strix, Common, Auran, Draconic, Giant, Gnome, Infernal
6th (36 pages) — elemental body III, form of the dragon I, heal, shadow walk, transformation, twin form
5th (35 pages) — delayed consumption, dream, elude time, nightmare, overland flight, resurgent transformation, spell resistance
4th (44 pages) — breath of life, cure critical wounds, detonate, dragon’s breath, fire shield, fluid form, greater false life, greater invisibility, neutralize poison, stoneskin, universal formula
3rd (36 pages) — absorbing touch, amplify elixir, bloodhound, cure serious wounds, displacement, draconic reservoir, gaseous form, haste, heroism, seek thoughts, thorn body, tongues
2nd (26 pages) — ablative barrier, alchemical allocation, barkskin, blur, bull’s strength, cat’s grace, cure moderate wounds, elemental touch, fire breath, invisibility, perceive cues, see invisibility, transmute potion to poison, vomit swarm
1st (17 pages) — adhesive spittle, bomber’s eye, comprehend languages, crafter’s fortune, cure light wounds, disguise self, endure elements, keen senses, locksight, negate aroma, shield, skim, speechreader's sight, stone fist, targeted bomb admixture, touch of the sea, true skill
1st (7/day) — bomber's eye, comprehend languages, cure light wounds x3, shield, targeted bomb admixture
2nd (6/day) — ablative barrier, barkskin, cure moderate wounds x4
3rd (5/day) — cure serious wounds, displacement, haste, heroism, tongues
4th (3/day) — breath of life, cure critical wounds, greater invisibility
Cautious Brawler, Dayguard, Alchemy, Bomb (6d6, 17/day), Brew Potion, Mutagen, Throw Anything, Discoveries (Spontaneous Healing, Preserve Organs, Healing Touch, Mummification, Promethean Disciple), Infused Curative, Poison Resistance +6, Disease Resistance +6, Anaesthetic, Uncanny Dodge, Power Over Death
Carrying Capacity
Light: 50 lbs or less; Medium: 51-100 lbs; Heavy: 101-150 lbs
Current Load Carried: 40.5 lbs
Money: 1635 GP
Mithral Chain Shirt (10 lbs)
Light Crossbow (4 lbs)
Specialized Healer's Satchel (Treatment) (1 lb)
Type III Bag of Holding (35 lbs, holds 1000 lbs)
Alchemist's Lab (40 lbs)
Cauldron of Brewing (5 lbs)
Hybridization Funnel (2 lbs)
Traveler's Any-Tool (2 lbs)
The Formulae of Master Gebr (12 lbs)
Alchemist's Kit (sans torches) (14 lbs)
Concealable Thieves' Tools (0.5 lbs)

A tall, dark-winged figure with the white hair and black eyes typical of the elusive strix, Khikril would ordinarily be an intimidating sight for many humans unused to his species, though in Sigil, nobody bats an eye at his strange appearance. His clothes are Dustmen's robes of good quality, with modifications for his massive wings, and he invented most of the bizarre tools in his bulky alchemist's kit himself. Since his eyes cannot move independently of his head, his neck cranes like that of a bird almost constantly, observing his surroundings.

According to many in the Mortuary, Skeessannak'khikril is perhaps the single worst Dustman to ever live. His skill and the quality of his work are undeniable, but after an upbringing in a land as bleak as the Verces Darkside, he maintains a relentlessly cheerful, positive outlook on life at all times, insisting that no matter how dire the circumstances, the situation could always be worse. When dealing with corpses, he often talks to them, even if they are completely nonsentient, such as zombies and their ilk, or even inanimate. Likewise, though his skill set is undeniably suited to a Dustman's role, he takes an uncharacteristic interest in the living as well, plying his medical trade on those not already dead and taking care to minimize the pain he causes. Though technically a prime, his speech and mannerisms are that of a lifelong upper-class cager. He is wholeheartedly devoted to the Dustmen's cause, believing that by rescuing people from the brink of death, he can get them to understand the purity of the Dustmen's cause and move a step closer to True Death - in his mind, the death of a nonbeliever is a waste, so by rescuing and converting them, he can help them achieve enlightenment.

All his life, Skeessannak'khikril has lived among the dead. Hatched into a doomed strix community deep in the ice wastes of the Verces Darkside, Khikril was one of only three eggs from his nest to hatch, and the only hatchling to survive long enough to receive a name. His brood-mother, Ainnirrawk'skrisiww, had lost her mate to a wasting illness shortly before her eggs hatched, and the tribe as a whole was slowly dying, the relentless ice storms that swept the area killing as many as the ferocious niaqs carried off. The two eked out a simple existence for a handful of years, but when an ice storm gouged a hole deep into the glacier the tribe's simple roosts were built atop and scoured their farming caves of most of the lichens and giant insects on which they subsisted, Ainnirrawk'skrisiww sacrificed herself for her son, giving him what little food she had even as she slowly starved to death.

With his mother dead and his tribe dying, Skeessannak'khikril left his clan, hoping to find a place beyond the reach of the eternal cold. After days of futile travel through the harshest extremities of the Klebani Deathlands, the young strix took refuge from another storm in a small cavern carved into the side of a mountain by the heavy winds. In the frontmost section of the cavern, he found the frozen remains of a strange creature, wingless and wearing thin clothes useless against the deathly cold of the Verces Darkside. Around the neck of the frozen man, Khikril found a heavy cloak with an ornate clasp - not enough to protect against the coming icestorms, but more than nothing. Wrapping himself in the strange garment, he moved deeper into the cave, seeking shelter... only to find himself transported to a bizarre land, filled with crowds going about their business and the noises, sights, and smells of a bustling city. Bewildered by the strange environs in which he found himself and half-blinded by the light (for even the weak light of Sigil's sky was far more than he had ever encountered), he fled, seeking refuge in a dark corner of the Hive.

As the weeks passed, Skeessannak'khikril began to understand the situation he found himself in - though almost everything about the city was alien to him, he was blessed with a keen mind, and he quickly picked up a rudimentary understanding of how the great city worked, as well as a handful of the local languages. Within a year, he was living much as any other Hive street urchin might. As soon as he found out about keys and the nature of the door which had taken him to Sigil, he pulled from his meager belongings the frostbitten cloak that had saved his life, taking off the cloak pin, the key to the Verces portal, and smashing it with a rock, and in so doing forever freeing himself of the desolate wastes of his home plane. Eventually, he found a position in a local tailor's shop as an apprentice, quickly discovering that his nimble fingers suited him well for crafting the clothes that the residents of Sigil wore while about their tasks.

Eventually, he moved on from clothes to funeral shrouds, and a canny Dustman named Thanaton Marek, recognizing the quality of his work, offered the young strix a position in the Maintainers, those who keep the undead laborers of Sigil operating smoothly. He took to this new role with ease - as it turned out, decaying skin had much the same consistency as many of the fabrics he worked with. Over the years, he did good work in his quiet corner of the Dustmen's sanctuary, advancing his knowledge of alchemy and anatomy, every year becoming more like the undead he worked with.

3 by 3:
1. Nik, a fellow Dustman (at least the last he checked) and a friend of Khikril's. Several times, Khikril has sewn the wounds of the many animate corpses Nik has collected, and the two would occasionally talk when they met in the halls of the Mortuary.
2. t'Kir'v'Kos, the wealthy tailor in the Guildhall District who first employed him. Khikril did good work for the insectile artisan for many years, and the two parted on good terms - he still occasionally visits his old employer to see how he is doing and trade rumors.
3. Veltak, a smuggler who sought refuge in the hidden corners of the Hive after receiving a deadly wound from a tanar'ri. Khikril healed him, saving his life, and in the process, he managed to convince the smuggler of the truth of the Dustmen's cause - Veltak later became a collector, delivering bodies to the Mortuary, but he still keeps an ear on the Hive District's underworld to avoid the gangsters with prices on his head.

1. Fenwick Stidlefaw, a messenger who uses a combination of alchemy and magic to improve his abilities. He has sought Khikril's advice a few times on alchemical matters, but the two don't know each other well.
2. Ei-Vene, a fellow maintenance worker among the Dustmen. Deaf and half-blind, she rarely interacts with the other Dustmen, and she's little more than an acquaintance of Khikril's, but she comes into contact with most corpses that pass through the Mortuary, and she has a good memory.
3. Sir Davik of Feynard, a prime from some backwater world inhabited almost entirely by humans. Khikril helped him get on his feet when he reached Sigil, but the knight has remained somewhat distant from the bizarre winged man, unused to such strange species as inhabit Sigil.

1. Thanaton Marek, a fellow Dustman of higher rank, a somber, unambitious man who oversees the faction's record-keeping. Initially, he and Khikril were very good friends - he sponsored the former tailor's admittance into the Dustmen and helped him get accustomed to life in the strange faction. However, as the years went on, he grew to loathe Khikril's cheerful attitude, though until recently, the two still respected each other professionally. Over the past few months, however, Thanaton has gotten fed up with his colleague's eccentricities, and he has several times attempted to have Khikril expelled from the Dustmen.
2. Vreekanak'Oorinaww, a strix and the last survivor of Khikril's tribe - largely due to his own actions. When the storms finally took the doomed strix tribe, he fled from the barren glaciers much as Khikril did, but while Khikril stumbled into Sigil by accident, Oorinaww embraced the hostile conditions deep in the Klebani Deathlands, gaining a fanatical devotion to the icestorms that ravaged Verces, convinced that there was some all-powerful entity behind their destruction, which he calls the Heart of the Storm. In the service of this strange creature, he sought out and killed every other survivor of his tribe, save Khikril, who had long ago fled to the city of Sigil. Eventually, following his final target, he made his way to the city, seeking to kill the last survivor of his doomed tribe. Khikril is not yet aware of his foe, though he has several times been mistaken for another winged man around the Hive Ward.
3. The Garkk Brood, a sprawling gnoll family of mercenaries Khikril has run afoul of in the past. They have a tendency to do work for less-than-honorable patrons and use dishonorable methods - during one of their hunts, they captured Khikril alongside their target, a patient he was treating, but the strix was able to free both himself and his patient, foiling the Garkk Brood in the process. Their patron paid little mind to the incident, but the Brood's leader, a massive gnoll named - appropriately - Garkk, took offense at the winged doctor's defiance of her, swearing that her brood would kill and roast the bird-man if and when they found him. The Brood is not actively seeking him, but if he comes across them, they will take advantage of the opportunity.