
Xibalba of the Lamp's page

17 posts. Alias of Sancuris.

Full Name

Xibalba Noor, Ibnat Akeem




11 Wishcrafter Sorcerer Phoenix Bloodline


Female L Incorporeal| Init +6 | AC 20 Touch 19 FlatF 19 | HP | Fort +9 Ref +8, Will +9 | Perception-1 DarkV | Spells: 5- 5/5 4- 7/7, 3- 7/7 2- 7/7, 1- 8/8 0-8/8




30 lived, several millennia in the lamp






Origin: Medina Mudii’a, the City of Brass / Current: Infinite Staircase


Common, Ignan, Elven, Terran

Strength 0
Dexterity 14
Constitution 16
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 8
Charisma 22

About Xibalba of the Lamp


Xibalba of the Lamp
Wishcraft Sorcerer, Phoenix Bloodline
LN Large Incorporeal Humanoid (Outsider)
Incorporeal Ifrit/Djinn (custom)
Deity: Mahathallah
Init +2; Senses Perception -1, Dark Vision 60ft
AC 20 Touch 19, flat-footed 19 (+1 Mithril shield, +2 dexterity, +1 Natural, + 6 Cha Deflection - 1 Large, +1 bracers of armor)
hp ?? (11 HD, 11d8 +33)
Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +9;
Speed 30 ft. , 60 flight (Good)

Anchoring Masterwork Snag Net +7
Light Crossbow +7 (1d8)
Str 0, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 22
Base Atk +5; CMB +8; CMD 18
Class Abilities (Sorcerer)
Spells Concentration +17 (Class level +11, cha +6)
Spell DC: 6cha+1SF+2OB+1GSF
Spells/day (8)1, (8)2, (7)3, (7)4, (5)5
Spells Known:
(10)0: Message, Ghost Sound, Prestidigitations, Minor Illusion, Mind Sliver, Mage Hand, Mending, Read Magic, Arcane Mark, open/close
(6)1: Charm Person,silent Image, Reduce Person, Enlarge Person, Auditory Hallucination, Comprehend language, Color Spray, Detect Magic
(6)2: Invisibility, Mirror image, Haunting Mist, Euphoric Cloud, Spectral hand, See Invisibility, Minor Image
(5)3: Haste, shadow enchantment, Dispel Magic, audio Visual hallucinations, magic circle against evil, Major Image
(4)4: Shadow Conjuration, Shadowform, Minor Creation, Complex Hallucinations, wall of fire, create drug
(3)5: Shadow Evocation, Scripted hallucinations, Create Mindscape, Break Enchantment

Bloodline Powers: The Unseen world: At 1st level, you gain detect magic and read magic as spells known. At 5th level, the phoenix’s blood drives you to find and save lost knowledge and magical items. As a swift action, you can automatically identify the properties of a non-cursed magic item you hold; you must still identify a cursed item as normal to correctly identify it as cursed. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier per day.

Blood Intensity: Whenever you cast a bloodrager or sorcerer spell that deals damage, you can increase its maximum number of damage dice by an amount equal to your Strength or Charisma modifier, whichever is higher. This otherwise functions as —and does not stack with—the Intensified Spell feat. You can use this ability once per day at 3rd level and one additional time per day for every 4 caster levels you have beyond 3rd, up to five times per day at 19th level.
This ability replaces the sorcerer’s 3rd-level bloodline power or the bloodrager’s 8th-level bloodline power.

Vermilion Wings (Su) {Reflavored to be a golden Smoke trail}
At 9th level, you gain the ability to grow a pair of phoenix wings from your back as a standard action. The wings grant you a fly speed of 60 feet with good maneuverability. You can dismiss the wings as a free action.

Feats: Deification Obedience, Spell Focus Illusion, MetaMagic: Extend Spell, Real Shadows, Greater Spell Focus, Deific Diversity(Exalted)
Traits: Family Heirloom(Net),Guiding Spirit
Drawbacks: Psychic Allergies
Racial Traits: Mostly Human, Wildfire heart, Efretti Magic, Fire in the Blood
Custom Djinn Race: Seducer [RP 2] Shape Changer [RP 6] Prehensile Tail(smoke trail) [RP 2]

* Ability Score Modifiers: Ifrits are passionate and quick, but impetuous and destructive. They gain +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, and –2 Wisdom.
* Type: Ifrits are outsiders with the native subtype.
* Size: Ifrits are Medium creatures and thus receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
* Base Speed: Ifrits have a base speed of 30 feet.
* Languages: Ifrits begin play speaking Common and Ignan. Ifrits with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Aquan, Auran, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Halfling, and Terran.
* Darkvision: Ifrits can see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet.
*Spell-like Abilities: 1/per day Create Drug, Reduce/Enlarge Person 1/per day, Incorporeal

Adventuring Skills
-Arcana 4+2+3
-Planar 3+2
-Religion 5+2
-Nature 1+2
Diplomacy 9+6
Bluff 5+6+3
Intimidate 5+6+3
Sense Motive 7-1
Fly 4+2+3
UMD 1+6+3

Background Skills
Appraise 3+2+3
Perform (Sitar) 4+6
Sleight of hand 3+3
Lore (djinn) 6+2
Craft: Gardening: 2+2
-history 4+1

Genie Lamp 6k
Ghost Syrup(used) 6k
Permanency ( Enlarge Person) 2,500
Amulet of Grasping Souls 21k
Ring of sustenance 2.5k
Glammered Mithril Buckler 1005
Anchoring Snag Net(coins) 30
Worn Deck of Cards
-Opium 3 doses 75
-Pesh 3 doses 45
-Flayleaf 12 doses 120
-The Lion Of Dead Men (Self-Help Book)
-Dream Journal of the Pallid Seer 600gp
-The Mysteries of Salaur (Popular Mystery of Mahathallah in Qadira)
-The Prophecy of the Succesor (Smut/Romance Anthology)
-‘Mathangi, Ten Meti’ or Murder the Gods and Topple their Thrones(History of Genies/Wish Law)
- Blood Burns Brightly on Walls of Heaven(City of Brass, Tax Law)
Bracers of armor 1000
Masterwork Sitar 100
Small Corral Cactus


Factions: None currently but would be interested in the Society of Sensation
3 friends
-Ubab Ebrahim, Male Azer Smith apprentice in the City of Ten Thousand Temples. Had no use for lamp. Seemed to fear it. Has an ornate welders mask but never wears it right. Fixed the lamp Kintsugi-style after Maab broke it. Shaved head. Always grooming his flame beard. Plays a Majong type game with Xibalba, competitively. Neither of them are very good at it.
-Taaliah Baccus, Female Half-Giant Rickshaw runner in the Furnace District. Her last Warden. Used lamp only for neighborhood’s benefit. Accidentally(?) dropped her lamp into the portal under a bridge connecting to the Infinite stairway after a fierce argument. Muscular, red braided, and bushy eye brows. Hates offworlders.
-Penela Finduelis, Non-binary Elven Envoy of the Society of Sensation. One time paramour 200 years ago and then again 150 years later. Ended poorly the first time and the second time Xibalba was torn away and sealed. Not very tall, with a dark bob haircut. Skilled at the flute. Keeper of the five dread songs. Bad taste in books. Refused to use Xibalba’s wishes, even to free her, disliking that she was bound; a point of contention in their brief relationships.

3 contacts:
-Shakeeb Ghazi, Female Sunspot Ifrit Banker at the Hunger Ledger. 28th Warden of the lamp. Made a business deal with her to loan out her wishes to customers for profit. Harsh liquid cool demeanor melts when confronted with small cute animals. Eventually pulled out of contract after the law cracked down on it as a part of a sweeping new policy. Reluctant to help Xibalba after her lamp was seized ruining her side hustle.
-Idrisa Noor female Ifrit Ghost Market tradesmen. Xibalba’s only living descendant. Enormous horns with multicolored curtain beads. Sells smokable/bottled concepts like ennui, joy, or nostalgia. Is disappointed in Xibalba but tries to hide it. Neutral towards Xibalba.
-Yesin Male Human Head slave at the House of Cats, a popular drinking establishment amongst the City of Flowers, second most popular and ritzy tourist street in Spire District. Full body sleeve tattoo depicting sunflowers and lotus on fire. Overworked but too overpaid to slow down and pretends to hate it. Eager to help Xibalba.

3 rivals
-Salan Ameri, Female Oread Politician. Her 14th Warden of the lamp. Her ageless and ruthless political campaign to endear herself to one of the six great Pashas of the City of Brass was derailed over her obsession with acquiring the lamp to fullfill her last remaining wish. Has a big family. Wears rectangular reading glasses and has a replacement silver lower jaw.
-Maab Beshear, Male Salamander and Exiled Mercenary. Salamander who seeks to destroy her lamp along with all genie lamps. Purely on an unhinged ideology. Cracked her lamp. Uses double sided sledgehammer and is missing an eye. Fantastic cook.
-Rahahd : Male senile djinn. Granted her youthful wish to become a genie She had hoped to better serve the deity Mahathallah through her wish granting but now she holds a grudge against him for not properly warning her. Lamp is covered in moss and constantly leaking. He’s most similar to a faded Vegas star and is flamboyantly dressed. Obsessed with hats.

Fears: Surface Fear: Isolation or being forgotten. Never being freed from her role as a Djinn. Beneath the surface fear: Sunken cost fallacy, being freed too early before accomplishing her goals. Base Fear: Her djinn powers define her and she doesn’t know what she is without them.

Tangential fears: Never gaining the favor of Mathallah & Large bodies of water.

Love: Barely tempered hedonism: music, literature, food, sights, both good and bad. Granting wishes. Being snarky.
Goals: Wants to see as many planes as possible as she’s never left the Fire Plane. Seeks to correct the screwup wishes of other genies, especially Rahahd. Grant a God’s wish.


Xibalba bears many masks but her main form she received after being bound to the lamp: is a more extravagant version, bejeweled, bedazzled, and purple-blue skin.

Xibalba bears many masks but her true form is:

A steepled light purple head scarf/fez cages her umber brunette short locks. Large bangle gold earrings each bearing their own dangling precious stone with a single gold chain leading to a similar septum nose ring. Her sunpocked sepia skin bears cracks and flaked off in places favoring her left side, revealing unblemished rose gold skin. The cracks lead all the way up to her eyes , which are gold with darkened sclera , and across the bridge of her hooked nose. Matching neck hoops, wrist and legs hoops offer gold colored unity to the cracks that mar her from top to the bottom of her bare feet. Light seems to pass through her slightly distorting her otherwise sold form.

She wears billowy white robes tethered with light violet scarf covered in dangling chained coins. A rope holds a small satchel covered in a larger coin chain snag net holds her burlapbag of small belongings. When in flight, her legs dissapear in a trail of colorful brassy smoke emanating from a large multiport hookah made of blue and white metal and glass, covered in kintsugi cracks. It bears a partially readable inscription in Ignan etched into the silver base:

‘Within this shisha resides, Xibalba,
Bound for eternity as wish giver.
Beware (missing), for though it promises much,
Destruction follows the greedy and death will follow the unwise.'

Other side

'Xibalba, resides within (missing) for an eternity.
(Missing) to deliver the impossible,
Take heart, for though it promises much,
Prosperity follows the generous and peace follows the righteous.’