Michael Johnson 66 |

Sounds like a fun time
It was pretty profound for me, and yes, I'd say that it was fun at times, too, but also challenging in some ways, particularly testing the participants' sincerity, because we slept in sleeping bags on a none-too-soft temple room floor, being strangers to one another at first (though we later came to consider each other "brothers and sisters in Dao cultivation"), ate a completely vegetarian diet for three days, and sat on less-than-comfortable folding chairs all day for three days, listening to talks given by various temple staff and Dao teachers, with only brief and occasional breaks for meals, etc.
But I feel that I've received some kind of insight and blessing that I hope to hold onto and cultivate, and I feel it has given me an opportunity to be a more enlightened, more compassionate human being. Back in June, I was invited by my Sifu (kung fu teacher) to receive a Dao blessing, which was profound for me, and this 3 day retreat was kind of a follow up for those who have received this rare blessing.
According to the Dao teachings, it is only recently that Dao is being more commonly spread through the world, and made available to ordinary human beings; in ancient times, it was only transmitted from one enlightened being (such as Jesus or Buddha) to another, and very rare. But because our world is suffering so greatly these days, Dao has been descended from Heaven by God, the buddhas, angels, and immortals, and made more available, and to regular people seeking some kind of spiritual blessing.
Oddly, they don't consider Dao a religion, even though it is transmitted in temples with altars that have all the trappings of eastern religions--ceremonial presentation of fruit and incense on altars with Buddha statues on them, with lots of kneeling and bowing, etc. The Dao ancestors are referred to as holy teachers, even though it is said that Dao (which means The Way in Chinese) is not a religion, but rather is the true essence of all religions--Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, etc. (*Shrug*)...
I don't fully understand, but I humbly seek to improve myself, and something about it seems sincere and true to me. It encourages respect for all life (hence the vegetarianism), filial piety (honoring and respecting one's parents), cultivating merit and paying off karma via acts of service to others, and other principles that seem right and virtuous to me. Anyway, sorry to go on and on about it, as I know you all are here to game, not hear about my strange spiritual beliefs! Lol! :)

Michael Johnson 66 |

It does indeed! Hope you're having a good time.
Thank you! I'm glad I attended, but I'm also glad to be back home with my family again, and I must say that the self reflection has led me to experience some shame regarding my past behaviors, ego, and arrogance. But self reflection and realizing how one can improve--becoming a better son to my parents, a better father to my daughters, a better friend to my friends, kinder and more compassionate to all living things--is the first step toward changing for the better. :)