The Harrow GM |

Yet Another Roster.
Let me know if I've forgotten something.
Archmage: Ishana Tamanna (half-elf brown-fur transmuter), Nikola Tesla (human (Hermean) wizard (primalist evoker))
Champion: Juventis Axilla-Cailean (human (Chelish) mighty godling), Krulg (human (Kellid) barbarian 3/gunslinger (gun scavenger) 1)
Guardian: Setan, Maker of the New (human (Shoanti) druid), Marcus Cowl (human (Nidalese) antipaladin/VMC oracle)
Heirophant: Lorien Lightbringer (human (Brevic) cleric (herald caller)), Nilehtah (gathlain druid)
Marshal: Trace Maru (human (Hermean) oracle of battle), Yuki (kitsune rogue (kitsune trickster))
Trickster: Aitha (android bard (chronicler of worlds)/aegis (trailblazer))

Almonihah |

Hmmm, seems like whatever slot I go for I'll be up against some stiff competition. At present I'm working towards either Champion or Guardian, and honestly I may go for Champion because I like the idea of Marcus too much to compete against. XD
I have a background and a build sketched out in my head, I just need the time when I'm somewhere I can write it down to actually write it down. The *very* basic life summary is that my character, Kaussek, was in a tribe when a mysterious illness swept through it. When nothing they did worked, he and a few other warriors took the desperate step of seeking out civilization for help, in spite of having only the vaguest idea of where to look (they were all pretty sick and feeling like they were likely to die--it was kind of a desperate suicide mission to relieve their tribe of taking care of them). He was the only one who lived, but with permanent nerve damage (I put his 6 in Dex--still thinking on an excuse for why that won't be fixed the first time someone casts heal on him).
Feeling like a cripple thanks to said nerve damage, he never went home. Also he wasn't quite sure where home was thanks to having been wandering feverishly without really paying attention to landmarks. He took odd jobs until he learned his way around civilization, saved up enough for simple weapons and armor, practiced until he could use them in spite of his trembling hands, got mercenary work, a lot of steps I still need to sketch out, became a successful mercenary guard, heard about the movement to colonize the Stolen Lands, decided it was his chance to get involved and maybe save his people by getting them respectfully integrated into society instead of wiped out as pests.
...I have a lot of writing to do, I think this is heading towards being one of those short-story length backgrounds. XD
Mechanically, I'm thinking of Magus (Eldritch Scion) with a Draconic bloodline, possibly leading into Dragon Disciple, because I like turning my characters into half-dragons too much and also it would be nice to try it with an actually martially capable character. It also seems like an Eldritch Scion magus would fit a lizardfolk warrior who discovered sorcerous talent later in life.

BloodPaw |

1. I will edit her known languages to include Osirian or Osiriani, not sure how its spelled
2. Her fondness for making people laugh and smile, lightening the mood of wary travellers, or those who visit the caravan for trade (see next answer) made her gravitate toward a deity that encourages this, that appreciates a good laugh.
3. She became part of one of the frequent caravans that she had met during her time growing up, growing a good rapport with them and eventually being asked to join them in their travels. Eventually she grew bored of the repetitive routes, as they never deviated from their plans. Somehow news of said expedition and stories of new lands reached her, and being able to join, she thanked her employer and set off to these new lands and new people to meet

Mahorfeus |

Hi GM! Seeing as this game takes place years after every established AP, would you opposed to a character who worships Cassandalee? The only issue is that she has no official deity statblock (it is technically determinant), so a little bit of homebrew would be required. I imagine that some reverse engineering could be done from Starfinder's Triune.
In brief, the character in question would be an android pilgrim (probably a cleric) from Numeria, seeking to spread their goddess's faith and to establish a new place where androids can live freely. (I am assuming that at this point, the Technic League as it was once known is history.)

Hotaru of the Society |

Is she a formal member of the Pathfinder Society? Does she have any aspirations regarding the guild itself, or is it just a means to an end for her?
She is a formal member, with a shiny wayfinder of her own, and a shiny rock from one of their vaults! She is not nearly as dedicated to them as her previous incarnation, though she is open with her own services, and sees them as a reliable commision for her work. She mostly views them as one would a wealthy patron - their ideas are grand and for the betterment of the world, but as of current, she has no desire to transform the Society itself, though she would be remiss in not building a lodge or two in the kingdom. Later, the Pathfinder Society may actually wind up playing key parts in her kingdom role, should she wind up as a Spymaster or Warden, though? I'm uncertain of the full implications, really!
As long as the Pathfinder Society continues to disseminate information that she passes on, she's definitely happy to be a part of it.

O. N. Tesla |

Names: I don't know if 'anachronistic' is the right word, but I know what you mean. Hmmmm.... I'll change the first name to something, we'll see what.
Personality: I see what you mean. I did play up the 'mad' part of mad scientist a lot in his write up, didn't I? The way I see him is that he is still a scientist (or what we would recognize as one) at heart. He just may underestimate the danger of his 'experiments' a bit, but he's still very methodical and notes down exactly what went wrong to prevent making the same mistake again.
Age: He is 20. Sorry, meant to mention that somewhere.
Future: I imagine he'll mellow out some in time, once he learns to control primal magic more and is no longer thrilled by every little development, and turn into a more 'respectable' man of science/magic, and try to codify the underlying aspects of magic more, making it more of a widely-available tool rather than something only accessible after years of studying.
Statblock: Will do. How long will recruitment be open, have you decided?

The Harrow GM |

@Bloodpaw - Ok! Throw all that onto one post/backstory, and you've got a finished character!
@Almoninah - A lizardfolk character who abandoned their tribe to plague has got some lovely sidequest implications. And I agree, I like draconic characters. I look forward to seeing what you've got when you're all finished!
@Mahorfeus - Sure, I think that works. Looking at Starfinder, Casalandee has a portfolio of "artificial consciousness, emotion, reincarnation, and renewal". She would be a new deity, less than 20 years old, which means your character could well be her head priest.
Her alignment is Neutral. Her favored weapon is the quarterstaff. Her domains are: Artifice (sub Construct), Healing (sub Resurrection), Knowledge (sub Memory and Thought), and Void (sub Stars).
Do you need anything else to worship her?
@Hotaru of the Society - Ok! That's great, and provides me something to work with. You're finished, if I'm not mistaken.
@Tesla - Yes, I mentioned way back on page 1 that I will be closing recruitment on the 18th. So, a week from today.

Trace Maru |

Because this is a Kingmaker campaign, how accomodating are our characters expected to be in regards to other races? Also, will there be room for hard headed arguments between players or is that expected to be resolved in an amicable way.
For instance, because of his background, Trace is all about the advancement of humans and not so much of other races and is therefore not necessarily about equality for all. He might commission a city for Halflings or Dwarves to be built but he would probably make the capital city just for humans.

The Harrow GM |

@Trace Maru - I would be disappointed without a bit of political internecine party conflict! Truly, there is no "supposed to". There is lots of room for many different breeds of Kingdom. And lots of room for different players to carve their own little slice out of the whole kingdom. I'm flexible, and I hope whichever PCs I choose will be too.

Marcus Cowl |

Whew, finally all done.
Marcus underwent a minor rebuild. I dropped VMC Oracle and just picked up a level of Oracle instead. All I really wanted from Oracle was Life Link, which just wasn't worth half my feats.
Marcus is now starting slightly less powerful numbers-wise, but I think it will pay off in the long run.

BloodPaw |

Fluff Requirements
1. I want to see a description of your character's appearance. How do they dress? What facial expression are you likely to see if you glance at them? How do they carry themselves? How do they want to be perceived?
Yuki is a kitsune. A desert kitsune to be precise. Light brown, desert colour fur. One of her more distinct features is her eyes. One blue, one green. Even in her fox shape, this is evident. So those who know her well will often be able to discern that it is her fox shape they are observing, over a normal fox. She is lithe and agile. She lacks the physical strength most people has, but she makes up for that with charm, wits and fluidness. Her main human form has the same colour hair as her fur, and her Heterochromia eyes. Her skin is light and very few blemishes.
2. I want to see a description of your character's personality. What are their core motivations? What are their most important moral beliefs? What are their flaws, their quirks? Do they have any important favourite things or hobbies?
She sees herself as a kind and good hearted person, though she has the mischievous streak of her race. Making people laugh is something she likes to do. Be it with jokes or pranks. Laughing she finds is a good way to combat the terrible things one can experience in the world. She believes that laughter is the best medicine, and one should strive to spread it around. Through acts of kindness, silkiness or compassion. Her fondness for making people laugh and smile, lightening the mood of wary travellers, or those who visit the caravan for trade made her gravitate toward a deity that encourages this, that appreciates a good laugh
3. I want to see a narrative backstory which answers the following: Where was your character raised? What was their upbringing like? Where did they learn their class' skills? Is your character religious? How did that come about? If your character is not from Brevoy or the Stolen Lands, why did they travel there?
She grew up in a very nomadic life, travelling around the desert spaces, visiting towns and trade caravans with her family. Her racial gifts took some time to develop, so often she had to move around in her kitsune form, and that caused a lot of trouble for her. Children, and even adults feared what they did not understand, so she was the target of a lot of disdain and bullying from not only adults, but from her piers as well. This lead her to try and avoid those chasing her, hiding, telling stories to confuse those that were looking for her. As her gifts manifested, she began to use them for better things. A kind word, a random act of kindness, all while not revealing who she was. A stranger helping someone for the sake of helping, often changed the world for someone, and that, that made her smile.
4. What is your character's position in society? By nature, most adventurers are outcasts in one way or another. However, these characters will be at the forefront of their society. As such, they must begin by being part of it. Is your character a farmer? A local priest? An itinerant minster?
With each passing day she began to work her way into society as someone who is there to help. Kindness was its own reward, as happiness was in a way a drug to her. As such, she became someone people adored and often looked at to help quell arguments and misunderstanding without resorting to violence. She became part of one of the frequent caravans that she had met during her time growing up, growing a good rapport with them and eventually being asked to join them in their travels. Eventually she grew bored of the repetitive routes, as they never deviated from their plans. Somehow news of said expedition and stories of new lands reached her, and being able to join, she thanked her employer and set off to these new lands and new people to meet
5. If they survive, your character will realise their destiny and ascend to something greater than a mortal hero. What is it that gives them that destiny? Perhaps they perfectly embody a leadership-related concept. Perhaps they're the child of a deity. Perhaps they're a mad science experiment. Perhaps they were trained by one of the heroes who saved the world. Perhaps you, the player, don't know! That's okay too.
As to her destiny, she has no idea what the Fates have in store for her.

Almonihah |

If you click on "My Account" up on the top right of the page, you should be asked to confirm your username and password, after which you'll be brought to https://paizo.com/paizo/account. On the left side there's a section marked "Messageboard Aliases". You're looking for the "Create New Alias" button at the bottom of that section.

Doomed Hero |

Thanks a bunch! Hope to use this more in the future =^^=
Bloodpaw, if you haven't seen it yet, here's a little guide I wrote a while ago about the basics of PbP on these forums. It might help you get used to all the different nuts and bolts.
There's a few other guides sticky-d on the same sub-forum that do a great job talking about how to get the most out of writing and roleplaying in PbP games. Those might be worth reading for you also.

Kaussek |

As I expected, my lizardfolk's backstory ended up being something of a beast, about two pages in a Google Doc. XD It doesn't help that I decided, since Kaussek comes from a culture with a strong oral tradition and he's a proficient storyteller himself, that he should tell his story in first person.
“I was raised in the ways of my people, a warrior and hunter both. In my youth I was known for both my strength and my curiosity. My strength was a boon to my tribe, my curiosity more often a trouble. By the time I came of age I was already seen as a great warrior, needing only experience to match the tales of old.”
“The expectations of my tribe grew yet greater when I discovered I had the Fire-Blood. In the Time Before, the Ancestors sought through their magic to overcome our race’s weakness to cold by infusing within them the power of the red-scaled dragons. Even in our times, the power of this act sometimes shows itself in the Fire-Blood, giving gifts of magic and strength to my people.”
“So it was with me, though later in life than the old tales say. Perhaps in time I would have learned to wield it well, but the sickness came before I had mastered more than the simplest of spells.”
“We had no name for the disease that swept through our village. It took old and young, strong and infirm. Those in its grip slowly withered away, spasming and coughing, until death took them. While at first spared, soon enough I began to feel the spasms taking me. It was a desperate time. It seemed the end of our tribe.”
“With each that fell sick, the healthy had more to care for, and fewer to do it with. And so I and three of my companions decided we must go for help. We had already proven the sickness beyond our shaman’s power to heal, and so we decided there was only one place we could go for aid--to the warm-bloods, to your people.”
“We knew we had little chance of success. Already we were weakening, and we knew nothing of the world beyond our homeland, save for rumors. But even if we failed, we would at least relieve the village of the burden of caring for us as we died. We departed our home and went west, beyond our territory, into the unknown.”
“My companions fell--to the dangers of the land, to beasts, to the sickness. I alone stumbled, feverish and weak, out of the ‘wilderness’ and onto a road, where I collapsed. I know this from those who found me, for I have no memories of this time, only scattered, fragmented images. I was fortunate in that they who found me were not those of you who think my kind monsters, and so they went to great efforts to take me to a healer.”
“I awoke in an unfamiliar place, with walls of fitted stones. A man in the room told me it was a shrine to Sarenrae, and he the priest who had healed me. He told me of those who had found me, and I told him of my village. He asked where my village was… and I could not tell him. What memories I had of the journey were too confused for me to even be certain which direction I had traveled to reach the road, and when he showed me a map it was simply a confusing jumble of lines and strange names with none of the landmarks I recognized.”
“More, I found I was not completely healed. While the fever was gone, my hands and legs trembled with every movement, making even the simplest of tasks nearly impossible for me. The priest was sympathetic to my plight, but there was little more he could do for me, and without a way to find my village, nothing he could do for my people.”
“I was despondent for a time. I had survived, even found one who might have been capable of helping… but I had no way to return with him. I wrestled with this for days, but there was nothing to be done. I would have to learn to live among the warm-bloods.”
“It was hard, for your ways are strange. I learned quickly that so much of your lives involve money, and so had to learn how to get coin. There was much more for me to learn, as well--I spoke only a little of your Common, I had no understanding of how your towns differed from my tribe’s village… in some ways, it would be easier to name the things that were not different.”
“I did learn that there were three ways your people saw me: as a monster, as a pitiable, backwards being, and as a potential for profit. It was to one of these last that I hired on, a dwarven merchant who needed large and heavy items loaded and unloaded without a need for great manual dexterity. While the coin I gained from this was small, it gave me a place to live, a purpose, and time to learn to deal with my damaged body and with warm-blood society.”
“In time I became more confident in my ability to move my body as I wished, even if the trembling never went away. Perhaps seeing this, my employer began to use me as a guard as well as a laborer. From this time I began to learn to use your sorts of weapons, and to wear armor. During this time I also learned of reading, and through effort became able to read, though writing remains difficult with my damaged body.”
“Time passed, and I left his employment to become a mercenary. I found I still had much to learn from your kind about battle--particularly in using the power of my Fire-Blood in combination with my strength. I slowly grew in proficiency, until I developed something of a reputation among mercenaries for my abilities.”
“This leads me to today. While traveling and fighting, I heard of the efforts to begin colonizing the ‘Stolen Lands’, within which likely lie my home village and those of the other tribes I knew in my youth. I know they could offer little opposition were the forces of your Civilization to truly focus upon them, and so I go in hopes of finding another way--a way of peace between our peoples, where my people may partake somewhat in what you have learned, perhaps be a part of this nation to be… without losing their pasts.”
I may still tweak it around some--add some names and places, that sort of thing--but I think that's enough effort spent on a character I don't know I'll get to play.
I'll get to your questions not answered by his story in another post, because I'm not sure if there's a character limit on posts...

Kaussek |

Kaussek is a large, imposing figure, standing over six and a half feet tall and powerfully muscled, with thick scales of mottled greens and browns. He dresses for pure practicality, typically in his armor, and when out of his armor in simple, hard-wearing clothing. His expression can be hard for a mammalian person to read, usually looking neutral even when agitated. He carries himself with the calm, self-assured air of one who has suffered but survived.
Kaussek usually embodies his race's "cold-blooded" reputation--calm and relentlessly practical. On the rare occasions he is truly angered, however, his wrath burns hot. He also shows a degree of carefully-managed curiosity, particularly about history.
He cares little for warm-blooded ways but sees them as a necessary evil for his people to survive. Now that his own survival and place is assured, it is the survival of his people that most occupies his mind, and towards which his efforts are increasingly dedicated. In spite of his time among other races, his values still remain the simple virtues of lizardfolk society: contributing to the well-being of his community is paramount.
He is quiet on the subject of religion, knowing that the ancestor-worship and animism his people still follow is viewed as backwards by those around him.
Mythic Destiny
I'm still debating on this part. I think at least part of his destiny is the combination of his draconic blood with the fact that he's *also* on his way to becoming one of the legendary Lizard Scions/Lizard Kings. But I'm open to it being something more than that. I am planning on going Champion with him.

The Harrow GM |

Thanks for the submission, Kaussek! Good job keeping the narrative both first-person and fairly coherent. I'll give you an audit sometime today.
I just wanted to check in with everyone who hasn't finished yet. There are some of you that we haven't heard from in awhile, and there's only five days left to finish your characters.
For those of you that are finished, if you'd like something to do you can read some of the other submissions that are in slots which are not your own. If you think you and another submission would have a relevantly interesting relationship or dynamic, write about it here!

ginganinja |

I'm a little short on time, so I took a brief run through through the list.
Just quickly, Ishana probably can make easy connections with Lorien Lightbringer or Setan, Maker of the New. There are both strong elements on her past that she cares about (eg in Lorien's case Ishana feels the similarity of being an orphan, whereas in Setan's case, she finds a kindred spirit in wanting to spread new ideas and change, but not having the agreement or support of some peers, teachers, or elders) that make it relatively simple to find common ground. Kaussek and Ishana have an interesting dynamic in that Ishana would absolutely like to find a way to ensure the lizardfolk are supported and protected, but might have somewhat minor philosophical differences of opinion about tradition vs progress
Probably the most interesting dynamic would be between Ishana and Juventis Axilla-Cailean. They both have similar circumstances of birth (although to be fair, Ishana doesn't know the details of hers), and Juventis has fully embraced his. If Ishana ever learns her birthright, he is probably the sort of individual Ishana might look towards for guidance and whether she embraces her birthright, or discards it entirely to forge her own path.
I should note that Ishana's backstory is effectively blank once she leaves Kyonin, meaning that there is room for her to meet or otherwise have connections with other party members, should anyone wish to create something.
Just my 2cents, I may have missed other connections but some of the above are the ones that stand out

Trace Maru |

Looking at connections here, due to Trace's background as a seeker of exceptional Human individuals, he has the potential to have met a decent amount of the other members of this group at one point or another on their life path. While not impossible, it does largely negate the possibility of knowing non-human members before hand.
The most obvious one would be with Nikola Tesla. It's entirely possible that with Trace having been part of the recruiters for a time he could have been one of the one's to bring Tesla to Hermea initially. After that, Trace would have been interested in Tesla's more scientific work and challenging him to war games. The two could have even become friends. Upon learning that he had gotten on the bad side of the Council of Enlightenment and went into exile Trace would have likely tried to keep tabs on him, whether he was successful or not is up in the air.
Other connections, while traveling to distant lands on a hunt for exceptional individuals, Trace could have come across Setan and his fellow tribesman. As the speaker and one who was looking for change with his people in the new age, Trace certainly would have offered him a chance to come to the island. At the almost certain rejection of the offer and the talk about needing to advance with the times but wanting to also maintain his peoples culture, Trace would have come to respect or possibly resent the man. However, that meeting could have triggered Trace's idea about leaving the life he currently was leading as merely a seeker for Hermea into a potential leader of a new nation.
Trace tended to head to sites of battles to search for those who were strong and therefore travel to more dangerous or war torn countries. He may well have come across Marcus at one point and sensed that the man was more than he seemed. It seems unlikely he would have been able to convince him to return to the island given his mission, or maybe he did only to have the redeemed villain turn it down in order to return to his mission.
Least likely of the Human possibilities would have been Lorien given her sheltered upbringing. Krulg also seems fairly unlikely.

The Harrow GM |

@Kaussek - I'll ask this of everyone, but can I get you to add a "ranks" portion to your skills? My brain might just not be working but I'm having trouble reverse-engineering how many skill ranks he has.
Like this:
Climb [1] +8
Does Kaussek have any significant relationships among the "warm-blooded" races, or does he mostly stick by himself? Whichever answer it is, how does he feel about it?
How long has it been since Kaussek left his tribe?
What color of dragon is Kaussek descended from?

BloodPaw |

I'll post my build again soon. And add the ranks then
Female kitsune unchained rogue (kitsune trickster) 4 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Race Guide 193, Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 4 175, Pathfinder Unchained 20)
CG Medium humanoid (kitsune, shapechanger)
Init +5; Senses low-light vision; Perception +5
AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 40 (4d8+8)
Fort +3, Ref +8, Will +0
Defensive Abilities evasion, uncanny dodge
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +1 rapier +7 (1d6+4/18-20) or
. . dagger +6 (1d4-1/19-20) or
. . sap +6 (1d6-1 nonlethal) or
. . bite +6 (1d4-1)
Ranged shortbow +6 (1d6-1/×3)
Special Attacks sneak attack (unchained) +2d6
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 4th; concentration +8)
. . 3/day—dancing lights
Rogue (Unchained) Spell-Like Abilities (CL 4th; concentration +8)
. . At will—minor magic
. . 2/day—major magic
. . 1/day—charm person (DC 15)
Str 9, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 16, Wis 6, Cha 18
Base Atk +3; CMB +2; CMD 15
Feats Fox Shape, Persuasive, Realistic Likeness[ARG], Weapon Finesse
Traits charming, reactionary
Skills Acrobatics [4] +10, Bluff [4] +14 (+15 vs. characters who could be attracted to you), Diplomacy [4] +16 (+17 vs. characters who could be attracted to you), Disable Device [4] +12, Disguise [4] +14 (+24 circumstance to fool others with impersonation), Escape Artist [4] +10, Intimidate [4] +13, Knowledge (local) [4] +10, Linguistics [4] +10, Perception [4] +5, Sense Motive +1, Sleight of Hand [4] +10 (+16 to hide objects on your body (doesn't stack with heavy clothing but does with bonuses for attempting to hide small objects, +16 to hide small objects on your person), Stealth [4] +10, Use Magic Device [4] +11
Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Halfling, Osiriani, Sylvan, Undercommon
SQ change shape, debilitating injury: bewildered, debilitating injury: disoriented, debilitating injury: hampered, gregarious[ARG], rogue talents (major magic, minor magic)
Other Gear mwk mithral chain shirt, mwk rapier, arrows (20), dagger, sap, shortbow, whistling arrow[UC] (20), headband of social competence, belt pouch, canteen[UE], concealable thieves' tools[UI], fishhook (2), flint and steel, masterwork backpack[APG], pickpocket's outfit[UE], pocketed scarf[UE], sewing needle, signal whistle, string or twine[APG], thread (50 ft.), 277 gp, 6 sp, 4 cp
Special Abilities
Change Shape (Su) Assume a single human form.
Debilitating Injury: Bewildered -2/-4 (Ex) Foe who takes sneak attack damage takes AC pen (more vs. striker) for 1 rd.
Debilitating Injury: Disoriented -2/-4 (Ex) Foe who takes sneak attack damage takes attack pen (more vs. striker) for 1 rd.
Debilitating Injury: Hampered (Ex) Foe who takes sneak attack damage has speed halved (and can't 5 ft step) for 1 rd.
Evasion (Ex) If succeed on Reflex save for half dam, take none instead.
Fox Shape You can take the form of a specific fox, as beast shape II.
Gregarious (Ex) Successful Diplomacy check causes target to take a –2 penalty vs. further CHA skills for 24 hr.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Major Magic (Vanish, 2/day) (Sp) Gain the chosen 1st-level spell as a spell-like ability.
Minor Magic (Message, At will) (Sp) Gain the chosen cantrip as a spell-like ability.
Realistic Likeness Change shape can mimic individuals you've met, gain a +10 bonus to Disguise to impersonate.
Sneak Attack (Unchained) +2d6 Attacks deal extra dam if flank foe or if foe is flat-footed.
Uncanny Dodge (Ex) Retain DEX bonus to AC when flat-footed.

The Harrow GM |

@Kaussek - Another question occurred to me. What is it that makes him angry? You wrote that he's cold-blooded but also can have a temper.
@Bloodpaw - What spells are you gonna choose for your magic rogue talents?
Even though they're on the roster, Lorien Lightbringer, Nilehtah, and Nikola Tesla are still not complete and thus not up for consideration.
Lorien is missing a mythic destiny, and need a minor backstory edit.
Nilehtah needs to answer my clarifying questions and finish her character sheet.
Nikola Tesla needs to finish his character sheet.
@Ishana Tamanna - You wrote that you're unsure of Ishana's bloodline, but that you'd like it to be the source of her mythic power.
Would you be okay if I wrote her bloodline, and if it was a surprise?

BloodPaw |

I have them in the lower section of the profile. Vanish and message. I like the idea that ill be able to at least talk to my allies even if no one can prob spot me, or guide them from across a field without trying to shout at them. Shouting is very uncouth. And vanish to get out of dodge real quick. having a low wisdom fits with a kitsune i think. i think her smart mouth may get her into trouble more than she would admit to

ginganinja |

Of course GM, if you had an idea for Ishana’s bloodline and/or parentage that’s fine with me, feel free to write it as you wish. I also don’t mind it being a surprise either, some of the best backstory hooks often are. I’d probably ask for you to let me know if you want me to rewrite something in my backstory (if things don’t line up) but I don’t mind it being in the dark on her bloodline matters.

Lorien Lightbringer |

A first outlook on the others:
Lorien can easely relate to Ishana, as booth have a void in the past and seek a greater future to fill this void.
She can also easely relate to Setan as he is a protector of his community, something she can easely respect.
There is also a lot of roleplaying potential with Marcus Cole, she would just feel better with Setan at her side.
Mythic legacy.
Lorien was given a divine spark, a seed so to speak, the moment a divine emissary gave her the gift of live. She will also follow the Exalted path as soon as she has the chance.

Simeon |

I think that Krulg and Setan could get along quite well. Both are from tribal cultures which place a great emphasis on honor and martial skill. Personality-wise, both like to drink with good friends and are determined to do whatever they set their minds to, though Setan likely has more complex motivations than Krulg. I think that Krulg would also like Setan's pet, the "little lion thing" as Krulg would probably call it.
The arcane casters would confuse and mildly disturb Krulg. While he carries less of the Shanoti's extreme mistrust of arcane magic, he still finds magic to be somewhat unpredictable and scary. That said, in his coming to terms with modern society, he would likely come to appreciate the good that magic can do.
Krulg would find Nehletah and Yuki to be curiosities, though not unworthy of friendship. He'd find the "little she-plant" pretty funny, and be consistently entertained by her stories. Once he got over the shock of the "fox person that also person" shapeshifting, he'd come to appreciate her mischeviousness and sense of humor.

Hotaru of the Society |

Have some more Aisha!
The first face is sleek lines and sharp edges, whirling curves, the psychoactive skin formed by her nanites covering her modest frame with armor, to warn the world of danger. Her movements are fluid and perfectly timed, her suit punctuating her movement with impossible grace. While the layer of nanites shift and harden into a solid second skin that shields her body and face from the outside world, the suit itself is too soft and malleable to really make a difference in her speed. Touching the suit is like touching a normal person's skin. Despite the hard outer shell and angles, the suit is soft and warm. The colors change almost as Aisha wills them, and the scent that the suit gives off tends to be clean, or punctuated by the scents of local flora.
Her suit is quiet, though not silent, her movements punctuated by some hidden metronome housed deep within. The bits don't creak or groan as a suit of leather might, nor does it bear her forward with the clacks and clanks associated with ill-fitted full plate, it simply is, and only the being housed inside is truly responsible for those sounds that are born from within. Her nanites almost always have an acrid taste, like that of a copper coin, though the taste is unlikely to deter any beasts that actually do gain purchase with their fangs.
The second has one thing in common with the first. The voice from inside is placid, almost to a fault, and as soft and delicate as an unspoken new idea. Aisha's outer voice is unable to bear the internal nuance and fluidity of her inner one. She is quick to speak when she has information to share, or when she finds a perspective to be faulty, but much slower to speak simply to voice her own opinions on things. Even when her armor is down, Aisha subconsciously places a layer between herself and the world by wearing a pair of thick black glasses and allowing her straight hair to fall around her face, framing it in a shifting spectrum of color that adjusts by her whims. Her chocolate brown irises float in a pool of black and silver, further accentuated by glowing burnt sienna tattoos that run all across her face and skin.
Her clothing is always made to smell as something soft, delicate and sweet - vanilla, honeysuckle, rose petals - because she finds the scents to be appealing. Her pale skin is much more firm than her astral suit, like the weathered skin of a beast of burden, not hard, but not easily pliable. Like her face, the rest of her modest frame is covered in the glowing burnt sienna lines, broad swaths running up her arms, along her back, and down her legs in an interweaving pattern. The majority of these lines are covered by carefully chosen clothing with adventuring aesthetics.
She has several prized possessions:
A suit of mithral chain, elven-made and as delicate as a whisper, yet sturdy as untested faith, which hangs easily over her body. She has worn it since her early adventuring days, and as a result even sleeps in the armor, regardless of where she is.
Her backpack is well-traveled, having been used by someone long before she gained purchase of it. The black leather pack has several buckles and straps to help her carry her burdens.
Her Wayfinder, a tiny magical compass, has a small magenta gemstone housed within. Though fractured, she still views the pairing as one of her most valued possessions, the first as a sign of her connection to something greater than herself, and the second as a lifesaving instrument that helps her to adjust to suit her own needs. The compass itself is primarily formed of dark woods and brass fittings, suiting her typical attire.
Her eyeglasses are far from necessary in her everyday wear, simply being aesthetically pleasing to her. The circular black frames are small, but thick.
Her scarf changes colors as rapidly as her hair and armor, typically matching it precisely. She values the aesthetic that it provides, leaving a small trail behind her, flowing and delicate. She enjoys the fact that it keeps her face and neck a little bit warmer, and she enjoys the myriad pockets that it provides her to house objects that she readily needs access to.
Finally, her journals are guarded from the elements as a parent guards their child from the predations of the world, rarely letting the full books out of their sight until they're fully formed enough to be handled by other adults. She isn't contrary to sharing them, and in fact, if asked will readily do so... but she will stay close for as long as you have her current work, and keep tabs on any of her older works, allowing the juvenile collections a bit more freedom. Completed works are typically set free into the wilds to make their own place in society.
And... have some Aisha interactions!
Ishana - Libraries are cool. We can both fully agree to the fact that the stolen lands should be stocked with some libraries. I really dig the attempt at being something she couldn't be and finding another way to do so. Your character seems to be lacking in the form of actually supportive people! Aisha is quite supportive of basically anyone around herself so long as their goals aren't inherently deception. I think the inherent dynamic that will appear between our two characters is Aisha attempting to support you being yourself a little more often. :)
Tesla - Like Ishana, we share the pursuit of knowledge. Perhaps more strongly, we also share the pursuit of passing that knowledge to others. I feel that your magic might result in my character taking a more... tempered... outlook on things. Your character repeatedly tapping into unbridled chaos could spell the death of anyone near him, not just enemies. The way my character grows as a result of being consistently around someone who views such risks as worthwhile may well change my character's perspective in spreading knowledge openly to all. D:
Juventis - Aisha would be curious about precisely why your character believes himself to be the son of a god. Such claims are going to be met dubiously by the logical android... and though ultimately true, her pursuit of understanding that knowledge may play into a bit of angry conversation for your character... in particular questions regarding the veracity of your mother's tales, if it is your tales that result in your character believing himself to be the son of the Drunken God. She's also likely to encourage you to better understand that all religions tend to have inherent flaws, not just Iomedae's. ;)
Krulg - Aisha is going to murder you... in a good way, for everyone involved. Words mean a great deal to her, and while she isn't good at forming them aloud, hearing them repeatedly misused in such a way as your character does is just as likely to bring her out of her shell as anything else I've read thus far. :) The interplay of the dumb but affable and the grammatically obsessed but logical will either be infuriating or fun, and there's really no way to know until such time that it happens.
Kaussek - Aisha doesn’t put much stock into racial prejudices - it isn’t as though you’re a planar being - and as such, likely will not judge you based on your appearance. I don’t feel there’s much for me to react to, personality-wise, though.
Setan - I don’t feel that our characters would easily connect, based on your write-up. Attempts to keep Aisha at arms length will result in her all but ignoring your existence, I’m afraid. She would also likely be concerned with your character’s attachment to keeping your people separate from other people and giving them land of their own. Traditionally, this has lead to significantly disadvantaged populations in the real world, and Aisha is likely to recognize that doing so once more, may simply repeat the evils that were placed upon your people by the Chelish and Varisian populations, and even before… if she knows about such things. :(
Marcus - I see what you did. Conversations in which neither ever sees the other will be interesting… if the two characters would have reason to speak to each other at all. Ultimately, she’d respect you for your tireless work ethic, but unless she was moved by events outside of my control, I don’t foresee her delving deeper of her own accord.
Lorien - We both have a passion for stories, and a cloistered life spent separated from the world from birth, and both went on travels across our prospective countries… but that’s really where similarities end. I’m not really sure at all what my character would think of yours.
Nilehtah - I don’t actually know much of anything about your character to build off of. I think an ADD chipmunk on caffeine would just annoy Aitha into reticence.
Trace - Trace’s views on human supremacy would be relentlessly mocked by Aisha - not due to any malicious intent, but because ignorance must be replaced with knowledge and understanding. If he continued down the path of things such as ‘human only’ capital cities, she would likely seek to stop aiding him at all in his endeavors, as a tyrant in power is a terrible thing. :|
Yuki - A lie told for the betterment of another is still a lie, but a painful truth is still needlessly said. I could see Aisha growing a bit alongside your character as long as your lies continued to be to make life better for others. As it stands, Aisha despises lying, and that’s probably where she would begin in regards to your characters trickery.
Aisha - 5/7. Best Trickster Concept. :>

A. Drallidur |

Presenting Faluhann 'Lu' Windborne, heir to the blood of Gorum and leader both spiritually and in practice of the Windborne Kellid tribe.
He's a Brawler 1/Shaman 3/VMC Barbarian working down the Hierophant path, possibly with a dual path in Guardian.
He's mostly done, but I need to go through and double-check everything crunch-wise, buy some additional minor gear/supplies, and fill out the actual maths for stats/skills/gear purchases.

Vissiall Aedaed |

Aipaca here with my submission! I believe Vissiall is mostly done except for equipment, and will tighten up his backstory/clarify anything that is missing.
Thanks for the very interesting prompts @The Harrow GM.
I grew up just outside the borders of Razmiran. At least it was just outside the borders, but we'll get to that later. Growing up, I just seemed to get people. It wasn't that I was trying to make my friends follw me, it always just seemed to work out that way. I probably would have gone on to be a mayor or magistrate in a normal town, but Flathmere wasn't a normal town, for two reasons.
The first was the hermit. Karuna Suhrawardy was her name, from some island to the south. One day my gang and I were playing up near her cave, where she seemed to be watching me direct the other kids in whatever we were doing. We scarpered, being downright scared of the strange old witch. The next thing I knew she was in my house, talking to Ma and Pa about me. They agreed that she could teach me. I didn't know it then, but she had recognised something in me. A greatness that I would go on to recognise in myself.
She trained me in the ways of her people, both combat and magics foreign to this land. Each morning would start with the kata, going through forms as if dancing, but with a hard edge of violence to it. I never was amazing at those, and I doubt I ever will be.
What I did master though was the magic. She taught me how to shape the veils and bind the chakras, granting powers unseen in the River Kingdoms. The Ephemeral, the Primordial, the Stormbringer. Each granting different strengths, different powers to those who they were bestowed upon. And each bringing its own wisdom.
The final, and she would say most important, part of my training was the ethics. Moral philosophy. A big pile of books. It was definitely not my favourite part of the training, but I learnt it. I can safely say that I know how to be a good person, at least in theory.
The second abnormality of Flathmere was an event. An event that shook my whole world.
The expansion of Razmiran, damned be their God-King.
The day the gold-masked priests and their soldiers rolled into town I was on a rare day off from my training, leading my gang of youths on an adventure across the barren rocks out to the east of the town borders. We saw the smoke rising from the town and rushed back.
When they dragged Karuna down the street to the main square and burned her alive, it was all I could do to hold myself back. There was nothing to be done against that many soldiers. I don't know how or why, but everyone managed to keep quiet about my training with her. I'm sure that I would have been up there next to her if they hadn't. After that there was no resistance. Everyone swore fealty and obediance to the God-King, and went back to their lives. That was it. My parents had appreciated Karuna teaching me to be more than a farmer, but they hadn't known her as I had.
I lasted 2 months before I fled the town. I couldn't stay there with those memories, those people who had saved me through inaction.
Those first years after leaving were hard. I eventually made it through to Daggermark, and spend a hard couple of years scrounging before managing to convince one of the mercenary companies, The Rose Regiment, to take me on. My social skills and unusual fighting style helped elevate me through the ranks, and I eventually made lieutenant. That was enough to get a proper bit of coin behind me, and allow me to look for more... elevating opportunities. That was when I heard of the Brevoy expedition, and knew that this was the opportunity that I had been looking for.
Appearance: A stout halfling, Vissiall has dark hair and a well groomed moustache and goatee. He dresses himself finely, carrying a well maintained rapier on one hip and a pistol on the other. A scar on his right cheek only seems to add to his good looks, somehow.
Personality: Vissiall is very assured of his command of any situation. Used to people doing what he says, you would probably consider him arrogant if he wasn't so damn likeable. This still manages to rub some people the wrong way but overall he always seems to ingratiate himself with the right people.
Societal Position: While he sees himself as a Lord, his current reality is less grand. He has made a fair bit of coin working as a mercenary lieutenant since the unfortunate events of his childhood, but now that he has a bit of coin behind him he is looking for ways to increase that social standing significantly. Luckily, such an opportunity has just presented itself...
Mythic Path: Vissiall will undoubtedly follow the path of the Marshall as a leader of heroes and common folk alike.

The Harrow GM |

@Vissall - Looks to be about 90% ok. Mechanically, you forgot about Automatic Bonus Progression and max hit points, but that's not a big deal.
However, your backstory left out a couple of important things. Its good narratively, but I don't have a sense of Vissall's base, core motivation. What drives him?
You also left out your idea for his mythic destiny. What makes him so special that he's destined to defend mankind from reality-altering threats?
@Faluhann - My worry with your character is: how would he get along with non-Kellids, considering his motivation is to shepherd merely his own people?
Otherwise, it seems to be just fine. You've included everything I asked for, so thank you.

BloodPaw |

I think it will make for a good dynamic when these two will meet. the bubbly little "human" and her very excited words, even if some of them may be very tall tales. But who doesnt like a story of heroes and the like. Oh, and careful, i think there may be something in your shoe... im not sure about the other one though, havnt seen it

Kaussek |

I've added skill ranks to Kaussek's character sheet. It made me realize I'd forgotten to pick up traits. I wanted to pick one that made Survival a class skill for him, but there wasn't one with appropriate fluff, so oh well.
Does Kaussek have any significant relationships among the "warm-blooded" races, or does he mostly stick by himself? Whichever answer it is, how does he feel about it?
I've been debating about that one. He's definitely kind of wary of developing deep relationships with the warm-bloods, as he still thinks there's an impossible-to-bridge divide between his people and warm-bloods. On the other hand, I can see him being surprised by having formed an unexpected friendship. I'll keep thinking on it--maybe one of the other PC's could be said unexpected friend. (I need to catch up on everyone's submissions and suggest who it could be.)
How long has it been since Kaussek left his tribe?
About twenty years. He's spent almost as long away from his tribe as in it. The fact that he's in his late 40's and isn't slowing down at all is the only hint he has thus far to his destiny as a Lizard King. The fact that he's lived so long among warm-bloods also means that he's starting to feel that his attitude from the last question about not getting close to warm-bloods might just be stupid, but he hasn't conciously admitted that to himself yet. He can be stubborn like that.
What color of dragon is Kaussek descended from?
Red. His ancestors wanted fire in their blood, after all.
Another question occurred to me. What is it that makes him angry? You wrote that he's cold-blooded but also can have a temper.
Blatant selfishness, mainly. He comes from a society where the survival of the community is everything, so someone acting in their own self-interest to the degree they seriously damage the communal good gets him angry.
If he's developed any friendships, harming his friends without a reason he can make sense of.

A. Drallidur |

My worry with your character is: how would he get along with non-Kellids, considering his motivation is to shepherd merely his own people?
Like his father, he knows that there are limits to what any man or tribe can do on their own. That means building trust and rapport with others. While it failed for his Father, Lu has little choice but to try himself. Were his tribe whole, he might have had significant negotiating power moving into the Stolen Lands, but he is guiding refugees, not a fully functioning tribe. That means he will have to place some faith in people outside his tribe and work together with them to ensure a place for his people. Likely, this means that many of their traditions will go by the wayside, and the lives of his people fundamentally altered.

Aipaca |

@ The Harrow GM
What is Vissiall's main motivation?: He knows he was destined for greatness, and he wants to realise that greatness. He has a great ambition for power, tempered by his ethical knowledge and a desire to be not an entirely altruistic person, but at least a good person.
What is Vissiall's mythic destiny?: Tied into his motivation, Vissiall has been destined to rule since birth. His natural flair for leadership caught the attention of the ephemeral force which raises gods and deities, and it will give him a chance to prove himself, and should he live he will be elevated above simple mortal status. It also sets up a contrast to the one being Vissiall deems worthy of his hatred - the God-King Razmir. Vissiall, the god who denies it, against Razmir, the mortal who claims godhood.

The Harrow GM |

@Kaussek - My gosh, I can't believe I totally missed out on traits! Thanks for adding the skill ranks, it let me see that your favored class went that way.
@A. Drallidur - I see, that makes sense. I'd be interested to see how well that plays out in-game. It'd definitely depend on the party makeup, for sure!
@Aipaca - For thoroughness' sake: If Vissiall is destined to become a god a la Norgorber, Iomedae, Irori, Aroden, and other mortals who ascended... What is his portfolio? What is he a god of?
Adding our latest submissions to the roster.
Archmage: Ishana Tamanna (half-elf brown-fur transmuter), Nikola Tesla (human (Hermean) wizard (primalist evoker))
Champion: Juventis Axilla-Cailean (human (Chelish) mighty godling), Krulg (human (Kellid) barbarian 3/gunslinger (gun scavenger) 1), Kaussek (lizardfolk magus (eldritch scion))
Guardian: Setan, Maker of the New (human (Shoanti) druid), Marcus Cowl (human (Nidalese) antipaladin/VMC oracle)
Heirophant: Lorien Lightbringer (human (Brevic) cleric (herald caller)), Nilehtah (gathlain druid), Lu Windborne (human (Kellid) brawler/shaman/VMC barbarian)
Marshal: Trace Maru (human (Hermean) oracle of battle), Yuki (kitsune rogue (kitsune trickster)), Vissial Aedaed (halfling rajah)
Trickster: Aitha (android bard (chronicler of worlds)/aegis (trailblazer))

Marcus Cowl |

Connections with other PCs are tricky for Marcus. On one hand, it's feasible that anyone would know who he is, and might have needed his help and some point. He's not someone anyone knows well (for obvious reasons).
He occasionally hires people to find rare alchemical and herbal reagents for various cures and antidotes, so anyone with a woodsy or exploration background (high ranks in knowledge nature and/or survival) could have a working relationship with the Stolen Land's resident plague doctor. Setan, Nilehtah or Lu are the obvious choices here, but Ishana, Krug, or Aitha might also fit. In theory, Marcus could have hired any of them at different points, or even together as a party.
I can see Kaussek coming to Marcus for help with some kind of affliction that only effects reptiles. Lizard Men away from their people likely don't have many options for medical services. Likewise for Aitha. Androids don't need much in the way of medical care, but when they do they need someone skilled and discrete.

Vissiall Aedaed |

As far as character connections go I can't really see Vissiall coming into contact with any of the other submitted characters except for Kaussek, whom he could very well have worked with as a merc.
I can see an interesting dynamic between Vissiall and Marcus, with one ascending into power and the other being a mentor and example of the dark side of leadership and dominance.

TheWaskally |

Well, time to put my best foot forward.
PC Connections
Archmage Easy. Ishana would draw Juventis's interest right away, for not only being a beautiful half-elf, but her connections to the Calistrian faith, which would interest a budding caydenite immensely.
Guardian Juventis would find the shoanti Setan very exotic from the oppressive life of Cheliax, seeing a like-minded brother-in-arms under the tattoos and scarves. Having had his full of antipaladins, it would take some time for the godling to get used to Marcus Cowl.
Heirophant A strong personal connection with the Divine would be something both Lorien and Juventis could bond over. Although at first, Lu and Juventis might see each other as rivals, after a while, they might see the similarities in each other, and forge a brotherhood.
Marshal I see Trace and Juventis butting heads more often than not, yet that could make for great role-playing. Yuki might find a sympathic ear for a fellow outsider in Juventis, while the godling might be impressed with the exotic halfling blade tornado that would be Vissial.
Trickster Juventis would be fascinated with the construct-like Aitha.

The Harrow GM |

@Everyone - I don't know if it's necessary to correct, but my intent when asking for "connections" was less "who does your character already know?" and more "how does your character get along with others?" Aisha's post was spot-on when it was about ways that she could relate to other characters.
@Lyon - A very evocative and well-written backstory, thanks. Plus! It's the only character with any ranged ability so far. Thanks for the submission, it's very good, and leaves some very nice plot hooks for me to pick up on.