Clara Johnson |

Wallking up behind Pierce Clara takes a sniff, and decides, besides him being due for a bath, he doesn't smell too bad.
"What are your thoughts on marriage?" she inquires, as she speeds up to walk besides Pierce.

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"Eating cabbage for weeks? How would you know what that is like? Sometimes I wonder if you are four, or twenty, rather than your actual.... well, I'm fairly certain that you are eleven. Time passes and we grow up, eventually."
Tarjun shrugs. "That, or I checked what those pirates brought on the ship to eat. I thought there'd be more ribs!"
""What are your thoughts on marriage?"
"Don't answer that," the eleven-year-old warns Pierce in his usual unsubtle way. "It's a trick question."

Jewel Branston |

Jewel shrugs but keeps walking with Mrs. Johnson's comment. "There were a lot more potatoes and rice than cabbage. But they didn't really have much meat. I think the captain or first mate was just being cheap. They told me the meat was for the captain and first mate, and the flavor in the stew was for the crew...."
She snickers at Tarjun's "warning" to Pierce....

"Pierce" |

Pierce appears confused. "Huh?" he asks. "How is it a trick? I dunno. Do people get presents when they get married? I'd like that. One of the sailors on the ship was married, an' he said it made goin' away much better." He shrugs.

Clara Johnson |

"There is a big celebration with the whole neighborhood and presents. I think mom once said, every family settling in Oakstead gets all the wood for a house. And for presents you get a goat or a chicken or something like that." Clara tells.
"But then you have your own house and everything and you have to do all the work yourself." she adds pensively.

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"They're all presents to make you work more," Tarjun summarizes wretchedly. "Marriage sucks!"

Jewel Branston |

Jewel has trouble repeating Clara's words because she is laughing so hard.... "'and you have to do all the work yourself'!?! But then you have kids and once they've grown up some you can trick them into doing all the work!!!"
She keeps laughing and walking along. "Gotta get this discussion done before we get home. I'm sure our parents would have a lot comments to add!"

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"Who says I'm gonna stay at Oakstead?" Tarjun retorts. "I wanna see more of the world! Not on a boat though."

Jewel Branston |

Jewel glances at Clara with a smirk. "If you have the skill and demeanor to be a Captain. But I'm sure not all ships are sailed by pirates. A regular merchant ship might be better."
She turns to Pierce and adds, "There are dangers on land too, but at least if you're on land it can't sink and drown everyone."

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"What's wrong with boats?" says Pierce, a tad defensively.
"Boats suck," Tarjun answers helpfully. Apparently, it's enough of a universal truth that he doesn't have to elaborate.

"Pierce" |

Pierce watches Clara and Tarjun warily, unsure if he wants to get between them and their squabble. "Isn't it weird how th' ground rolls around? Walking on land is much harder than walking on th' deck."

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"But you don't get seasick walking on land," Tarjun highlights.

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"Are we there yet?" Tarjun pipes up.
For all the walking he's been doing, he doesn't seem that tired.

Jewel Branston |

Jewel is tired and foot-sore when they finally spot the sawmill. The site revives her somewhat. "Home! Mom and Dad! How many days were we gone?"
"How much did the lumberjacks mess up while we were gone?" She speeds up her stride, possibly wanting to be home, possibly angry anticipating damage to the trees.

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Tarjun squints, and finally spots the sawmill. "See? It's the weeks at sea! Can't even recognize my own home!" He watches Jewel quicken her pace helplessly, but doesn't try to hold her back. At least she can reach their parents first.

Jewel Branston |

Jewel is surprised, and delighted for a moment to see Dwayne.... Then when he starts yelling at her she spins through all the possible emotions, fear, anger, sorrow. How was she supposed to know what anything costs? She'd never even thought about money before this nightmare of an "adventure"!
She is barely able to stay standing as the yelled words strike with a perceived force. She bursts into tears and tries to reply.... "No. I don't known about money. How many days? We've been trying so hard to get back that I lost all track of time. I wasn't sure even where we were. It's not like we ran away...."
Feeling Jewel's distress Chirp flies at Dwayne, screaming in her own voice words that a bird should never have learned! "#$%%&*$ @$#%^$&$* !#@%$ $%^&$^&**!"

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" Hi Dwayne! We can always count on you for a warm welcome, right?" Tarjun shouts back.
"You realize we didn't leave of our own free will, right? Clara's grandma had to walk us back!"
"Where are our parents? We need to talk to 'em!"

Mrs. Jonson Sr. |

"Still the old charmer, and helpful as always." Mrs. Johnson replies with a look that would make a lake freeze over.
"Move on kid, we're here to meet someone else." She puts a hand on Jewels back partly for consiling, partly to move her along.
Those who can connect the dots find, that the free spirited, "let every man find heaven in their own fashion" attitude of Desna can have a hard, stone cold side if someone tries to take that freedom by bullying.
She doesn't stop, but simply moves on to the Johnson house.

Foxy Quickpaw |

Dwayne shouting turns some heads, but the lumberjacks keep on working once they see that it's not about them.
The woods look ok. Not as good as when Jewel would have marked the trees, but also not cut down completely. The job of planting new ones isn't done though.
Dwayne suddenly doesn't seem in the mood for argueing anymore for some reason and moves back into his office.

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"Right-o," Tarjun heads off to the Branstons' house, at his usual, slow pace.
He calls out for his parents as soon as he gets within sight of his home. "[bigger]HEY MA! PA! JEWIE AND I ARE BACK![bigger]"

"Pierce" |

Pierce instinctively tries to make himself small and unnoticeable. He fidgets and looks around nervously, not really sure what happens next.

Jewel Branston |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Seeing her Father Jewel practically flies into his arms.... Who says you need magic to fly!?! "Mom! Dad! I missed you so much. It was so terrible!"
It takes a bit before she can release her grip, but eventually she does. "Mrs. Jonson. I mean, Mrs. Johnson's mother, brought us home. She wants us all over there. It's a long story."

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The air is knocked out of Tarjun's lungs as he finds himself trapped in the tightest hug his father has ever given him. Although he wriggles to loosen the squeeze, he's rather pleasantly surprised by such a rare display of affection, and returns the embrace.
"How long were we gone?" he eventually asks when the overwhelming emotions have subsided a little.

Gertrud Johnson |

A lot of hugs and tears later all sit together at the large dining table in the Johnson house. Mrs. Johnson Sr., Gertrud Randolph, Will, Shelly and the kids. Also Paddington and Wookie are around and very excited.
"So tell, what happened." Gertrud demands from no one specific.

Jewel Branston |

Jewel waits for Clara to add anything, but she seems content to have barely started the story. "We didn't understand what happened exactly. But we were somewhere underground. There was a long tunnel with a terrible, big creature made of jelly that burned if you touched it. Acid like, not fire. And the tunnel led to a big room with a short guy, dwarf, and a pile of treasure. It was his treasure, and he had paid a wizard to put him there to keep his money safe. He wasn't very nice, telling us that we had to leave. There was another door so we left, but it just led back to the jelly creature."
"The jelly cube didn't move fast so we were able to kill it while staying just enough ahead of it. But, there still wasn't an exit. We wished to get out of the trap, and the short man went with us, to a castle. I think the man in charge of the castle was a baron? and maybe a wizard? He was mean. He asked how we got there, and we told him but he didn't believe us. He put us in prison cells down below the castle, saying that we'd better tell the truth. We talked with the servant that he left there, and tricked him into letting us out. Then we escaped and ran away."
"We still didn't know where we were, but I called on magic from Erastil to help. I got a direction, but not distance, so we walked that way. That got us to a town. The people there weren't very nice. We were hungry, and tired. Tarjun tried making some music in the streets and some people gave him money. That helped. But then we were looking and asking for directions, trying to find out where we were and how we might get home. We tried asking if we could earn our way on a ship. The mate on one ship let us board saying that we could work for our passage. But once we left the port they showed us that they were a pirate ship, and we had to work as part of their evil crew or they'd flog us and throw us in cages below deck. Or if we really resisted, or broke their rules, they would tie a rope to our arms and legs and drag us under the ship. One of the crew was caught stealing and they did that.... My healing magic couldn't help with him once they pulled him back up...." She stops her part of the story here, tears streaming down her face and silent sobs taking her breath.

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Tarjun discreetly gives his sister a light kick under the table when she mentions the baron locking them in his basement. He doesn't want to get his parents too worried. His face crumples when she begins to sob, and rubs her back to comfort her.
"Anyhoo," he takes over. "That's how we met this guy! His name is Pierce," he gestures at the kid for emphasis. "And he was on the ship with us! Well, he's been there for longer than us, actually. How many years?... Maybe that's not relevant."
"Long story short: meanie captain got kicked out from his own ship, and Sandara took over -I think she had magic powers or something, and also she was the only one who was nice to us. And then we convinced all the pirates to sail to Annesley, 'cause we knew Clara's grandma would be there, and we knocked on her door and said we wanted to go home. Also, Pierce didn't want to stay on the pirate ship, so there you are! Walked all the way back to Oakstead."
"Did you know that ships can make you sick? I thought being a pirate would be more fun. But Pierce did bring something from the ship," he winks conspiratorially at his new friend.
"And I got this rabbit!" he proudly sets down the rabbit's cage on the table. "I haven't picked a name yet. Maybe Thumpy? Or Fluffles."

Clara Johnson |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

"Pierce was on a merchant ship that the pirates entered. And then the crew was divided and we ended up on the merchant ship with Pierce. He is no pirate. At least not for long. And I took over the ship! I set the mean pirate captain on fire and then I became captain! I just let Sandara handle the details of everyday work."

Jewel Branston |

Between sobs Jewel adds, "He was the mate on the pirate ship. But on the captured ship he was the captain. And he was meaner than the actual captain. Even when he got on fire he just fought. Burning to death and he didn't even try to put the fire out. He just fought... He was so mean!"

"Pierce" |

Pierce looks disgusted at Jewel's description of the keelhauling. Obviously, he's never heard this story before. He seems reluctant to talk, cowed by all the adults. He gives Tarjun urgent looks when he brings up that he took something from the ship, not exactly subtle.
"I'm Pierce," he says lamely.