
"Pierce"'s page

71 posts. Alias of eriktd.


ISA 1/1 MF 3/3 | spells 1st-6/6 2nd-4/4 | effects/conditions[/ooc] none


[ooc]M human sorcerer 1 / Arcane Trickster 3 | HP 23/23 | AC 14 T 14 FF 11 | CMB -1 CMD 12 | F +3 R +6 W +3 | Init +3 Per +7* (+1 vs traps) SM +4 |

About "Pierce"

A scrappy orphan kid on a dark path must learn how to interact with other children who come from a more idyllic place, and grow up together on a strange seafaring adventure as they experience everything that life has to offer.

Pierce is very weathered and swarthy for a ten-year-old, with dark brown hair and light black skin. He is typically dressed like a sailor, with long breeches and a white shirt. He carries what looks like a long, thin dagger in a loop of his belt at his hip. His voice is sharp and sarcastic, and he possesses a slight air of menace about him-- he's a bit of a bully.

Although he has no idea what happened to his parents, the boy called Pierce has lived on ships all of his life. His origins are probably Bonuwati and Cheliaxan, but having served as a cabin boy to a series of Rahadoumi officers for most of his ten years he generally thinks of himself as one of them. But he has decided his origins must be very special, because he has discovered that he has magic in his blood.

One night while lounging on the deck he felt the hairs on his skin stand up straight, and a chill came over him. He had heard ghost stories before, and how they would possess the bodies and minds of those seafarers who disturbed their rest. It felt, he imagined, like a spirit had taken control of him. He watched his reflection in the surprisingly still moonlit water of the sea, and saw himself seem to turn transparent before shrinking to almost nothing and then disappearing completely.

Pierce was embarrassed, and knew instinctively that this was something he would need to keep secret from the superstitious crew members. At night, when he was sure he was alone, he practiced this dark sorcery, and found he could shape the forces to his own purposes. Fortunately, no one on The Man's Promise has yet caught him performing magic, and Pierce has begun to get a little cocky. He enjoys creeping around the ship after dark and going through other peoples' things, or filching an extra biscuit in the mess line, and his newly-found powers only add to his developing talents as a thief and a rascal.

The ship's quartermaster is a soft touch, with a weakness for kids, and Pierce is always very nice to her: bringing her alcohol he sneaks from the other officers' flasks and small valuables like coins and gemstones. She recently gave him a present: a well-crafted child-sized rapier, possibly made for a halfling or a gnome. No one else was going to use it, but to Pierce it seemed like it was made just for him. He is very proud of this weapon, and wears it everywhere. Some of the crew members have been teaching him the basics of fencing with it, and they have found him to be a very quick study. He picks up new combat moves with an almost supernatural speed!

On their latest voyage, the ship was attacked by pirates. A thick fog rolled in, and though the captain had instructed him to remain belowdecks, he couldn't help feeling curious. He caused himself to become invisible and sneaked out to watch as women and men ran across gangplanks and began fighting. He was so fascinated by the extreme violence that he didn't realize when his spell had worn off, and when another sailor spotted him and tried to take him captive, he stabbed the man through the leg. A lucky shot, and his opponent fell writhing and bleeding. Pierce fled; he rushed back below and hid under one of the officers' beds.

He's a little shell-shocked.

Name: "Pierce"
Race: Human
Age: 9 or 10
Alignment: N
Class: Sorcerer (Eldritch Scrapper / Seeker) 1 / Arcane Trickster 3

Str 8-2[age] (-2), Dex 13+2[age]+1[level 4] (+3), Con 14-2[age] (+1), Int 12 (+1), Wis 12-2[age] (+0), Cha 14+2[racial] (+3)

Size Small

HP 23 (4d6[6+4+4+4]+4[CON]+1[FCB])

AC 14 (10+3[DEX]+1[size])
AC, touch 14 (10+3[DEX]+1[size])
AC, flatfooted 11 (10+1[size])

Initiative +3 (+3[DEX])

Speed 20' (child, no armor)

Fortitude +3 (+1[base]+1[CON]+1[trait])
Reflex +6 (+3[base]+3[DEX])
Will +3 (+3[base]+0[WIS])

BAB +2
CMB -1 (+2[BAB]-2[STR]-1[size])
CMD 12 (10+2[BAB]-2[STR]+3[DEX]-1[size])
CMD, flatfooted 9 (10+2[BAB]-2[STR]-1[size])

Weapons and armor
masterwork rapier ("Blood-drinker"): +8 attack (+2[BAB]+3[DEX]+1[enhancement]+1[size]+1[Weapon Focus]), 1d4+3* piercing damage (1d4+3[DEX], +1d6[*sneak attack]), 18-20/x2 critical

Human Bonus Feat, Heart of the Sea (+2 Profession: sailor/Swim, class skills, hold breath twice as long, +4 concentration casting spells underwater)

Favored class bonus (Sorcerer) +1 hp

Traits Heirloom Weapon (rapier) (Equipment, gain proficiency in a martial weapon), Resilient (Combat, +1 Fort saves)

Feats Weapon Finesse*, Weapon Focus (rapier); Fencing Grace

Skills Acrobatics +7 (1[ranks]+3[DEX]+3[class]), Appraise +5 (1[ranks]+1[INT]+3[class]), Disable Device +11* (4[ranks]+3[DEX]+3[class]+1[tinkering], +2[*tools]), Escape Artist +7 (1[ranks]+3[DEX]+3[class]), Intimidate +10 (4[ranks]+3[CHA]+3[class]), Lore (ghost stories) +5 (1[ranks]+1[INT]+3[class]), Perception +7* (4[ranks]+0[WIS]+3[class], +1[*tinkering]), Profession (sailor) +7 (2[ranks]+0[WIS]+3[class]+2[race]), Sense Motive +4 (1[ranks]+0[WIS]+3[class]), Sleight of Hand +10 (4[ranks]+3[DEX]+3[class]), Stealth +11 (1[ranks]+3[DEX]+3[class]+4[size]), Swim +5 (2[ranks]-2[STR]+3[class]+2[race]), Use Magic Device +10 (4[ranks]+3[CHA]+3[class])

Languages Common, Polyglot

Sorcerer (Eldritch Scrapper / Seeker) 1 bloodline (Psychic), bloodline arcana (spells are psychic, thought/emotion components instead of verbal/somatic), martial flexibility (move action to gain combat feat for 1m, 3+half level/day), spells (CL 4), tinkering (half level on Perception to spot traps/Disable Device, can disable magical traps)

Arcane Trickster 3 ranged legerdemain (can increase DC by 5 to use Disable Device and Sleight of Hand at 30'); sneak attack +1d6; impromptu sneak attack 1/day

Sorcerer Spells
cantrips: dancing lights, ghost sound, mage hand, prestidigitation, ray of frost, read magic
1st (x6): mage armor, reduce person, vanish
2nd (x4): invisibility

Equipment concealable thieves' tools (190 gp), masterwork rapier (heirloom, 320 gp), sailor's outfit (free)