Adventures in Oakstead

Game Master Foxy Quickpaw

Oakstead Village Map

Oakstead is a small village in the middle of nowhere. It exest mainly because of the sawmill and the large forrest. There are a dozen men or so, that work as woodcutters while they are there. And some families have settled here that provide everything that is needed for those workers.

But the story is about the children of two of those families and the adventures they are drawn into.

Oakstead buildings and residents.

1. The Sawmill - a large and noisy building that has the big saw, a large storage and some office rooms and the private rooms of Dwayne Smith.
2.+ 3. The two houses for the lumberjacks provide sleeping places and a common room with a simple kitchen. Not all of the sleeping places are used, at the moment.
4. Jane Wolfson and Sarah Morgan built their own house, downriver from the sawmill.
5. Evelin Porter and Peter Hatwell also decided to stay in Oakstead all of the year and have built a house of their own in the meantime.
6. The General Store of James Gordon, that is also placed at the creek.

Behind those houses runs the only road that connects those buildings. On the other side of the road stands
7. Gertrud "Butch" Johnson and Randolf Jonhson's house. With the shop front for her butchery and the many rooms for her family it's the 3rd largest building.
8. The farm house and barn of Will and Shelly Branston.