
Geisha of Flower Palace's page

11 posts. Alias of Michael Johnson 66.


Ihrin Ardlean Dracul wrote:

"I understand that, and if he shall have you then I accept that. However, if he does I would still like you to be my personal attendant while I am in his house. I shall also train you to do more then just be a servant in his house. I shall make you capable to defend him and his house, to go out and root out those who wish him harm as well as administer to the day to day and his staff. I shall make you invaluable to him if he so chooses to keep you. if not I will make you have all this and more."She says smiling as she looks about.

Sighing and smiling, overwhelmed with gratitude, Autumn bows to Princess Ihrin and to Cardinal Lucius D'Borja.

Surely, my fortune has changed! My ancestors smile upon me! Thank you, both!

Ihrin Ardlean Dracul wrote:
"Autumn it is." Ihrin looks over the girl and smiles."Normally I do not care to have a personal attendant, but I would love to have you become a member of my court.Also I will make sure you are educated in the court,Europe and more. If you wish" She says with a smile

[ooc]Oh, yes, my lady! I would be honored to serve in your court, and excited to learn the ways of your native land![/b]

Her smile changes briefly to a frown of consternation.

Oh... but just a few moments ago, I offered to serve in Cardinal Lucius D'Borja's retinue... If he will kindly excuse me from that offer, I should be glad to serve you instead, kind mistress...

Japanese: Meiko... My name is Meiko... I was born in Kyoto twenty four years ago, in the autumn... You may call me Autumn in English, if you please! The liberated geisha smiles, excited about her newfound freedom and new lands and cultures to explore...

To Cardinal Lucius, in accented English: Cardinal Borjia Sensei, it would please me and honor me greatly to serve as part of your household servants, if it please you, master?

Bowing deeply to the elder Inquisitor, she adds: I will cook, clean, sew, massage your tired feet and temples, and sing songs of my homeland, if it please you, my lord...

Abe no Toshiro wrote:

Toshiro reaches into his robes and pulls out a small statuette of a man wearing robes similar to his own.

"Take Shiki with you. He is small, but will protect you from harm." he says with a smile that projects as much comfort as he is able.

"Please take care of her Shiki, she has been through a lot."

Handing off my Familiar, Shiki, to Meiko.

Her eyes widen in wonder as Toshiro places Skikigami in her arms... She cradles the little kami as if it were her baby, and smiles at Shiki, the horrors she has recently endured momentarily forgotten...

I shall keep Little Shiki safe, Abe no Toshiro Sensei! We shall eagerly await your return... Meiko gazes briefly at the handsome young shaman, blushing... Suddenly, momentarily emboldened by the first-hand knowledge that life in this brutal, beautiful world can be short, and the next moment could always be one's last, she leans toward Toshiro and kisses him on the lips! Blushing a deeper hue, she looks down at Shiki. Come, Little Shiki San. Let us await your master and Princess Ihrin at the inn...

She bows again to her rescuers before departing the castle and running straight to the Jade Dragon Inn...

Ihrin Ardlean Dracul wrote:
"Meiko I will come back here for you, Take this" She hands the woman a dagger."head to the inn, give them these coins tell them you are waiting for the gaijin to return. Can you do that?" She says handing her 5 gold for her to get food and drink, while they finish off those loyal to the Shogun and free Fox.

Meiko accepts the dagger from Ihrin, bows to her rescuer, and then impulsively embraces her tightly for a moment, sobbing, and then pulls herself together, wiping he tears from her eyes and cheeks with the sleeve of her borrowed robe...

I am forever indebted to you, Princess Ihrin... The Jade Dragon Inn, hai? I will do as you say, Princess...

Abe no Toshiro wrote:
Michael Johnson 66 wrote:
To clarify, Johann, Mwikali and PusInBoots have raced ahead upstairs (D) to the second floor, where they were ambushed by 2 baykoks (I), while Ihrin, Algoral, Lord Perpireen, Habiba and Toshiro remained downstairs to deal with ninja (F and G) and free the captive geisha (H). Ignoring the baykoks, Johann busts through ricepaper walls and doors (T) into an armory (M), and is about to bust on through into an antechamber (N), while Mwikali and PusInBoots deal with the baykoks, and the others begin to move up the stairs to the second level (D to I), to help finish off the remaining baykok...

Ah, that explains part of my confusion; I THOUGHT we were in the Baykok fight since the Geisha (who we are with) needed to save against their ability. If we are not directly in combat for those two turns:

Toshiro takes a moment to respectfully examine Meiko.

"Miss, is it okay if I perform a quick medical examination on you? To be sure it is safe for you to travel? If you are okay to walk, I can send a companion to lead you out of the palace and somewhere safe."

Bowing to Toshiro, Meiko stands unsteadily... Hai... I think I can walk, young sensei... Apparently, Meiko has heard of Abe no Toshiro...

Presumably, the people of Kyoto City and anyone from Toshiro's home town would know about the powerful young Shinto shaman...

Toshiro briefly but thoroughly examines her, taking her ki pulse, examining her tongue and irises, etc., and determines that her condition is well enough for travel. She could use a good meal and a good night's sleep, but she is otherwise healthy... Fatigued and shaken...

Baykok of Honshu Island wrote:

The baykok howls a dread howl!


Will save DC 19 or shaken for 1 round...

Will 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17 fails, she is shaken for 1 round...

Ooohhh... oooohhh... I do not like that frightening sound!

Ihrin Ardlean Dracul wrote:
"Yes, we did" She says grabbing a robe and placing it on the woman."This is all I have for you now"

Thank you, my lady...

The geisha dons the robe. My name is Meiko. She smiles at Ihrin.

Japanese: You killed Ashikaga Yoshinori Shogun!? GOOD!! GOOD!! May he burn in Yomi FOREVER!! He was an EVIL, EVIL MONSTER!! I am so grateful that you have slain him! After enduring the worst days of my life, at last, the best day I have ever lived is today. Thank you.

Ihrin Ardlean Dracul wrote:

Ihtin heads over to the giesha. And frees her, taking her tjne.

In Japanese "I will free you and stay close,Others in the castle may try to harm you.We will protect you"

The poor girl is obviously traumatized, in a state of shock, naked, cold, and afraid, but she reacts to being freed by weeping with relief...

From the right-hand end of the Hall of Masks comes a plaintive and piteous pleading in Japanese: HAAAALLLP!! HAAAALLP!! OH PLEASE, FREE ME!! HAAAALLP!!

From area H, where a poor, naked geisha is chained by wrists and ankles to the dead end wall...