Darth Maximus |

The bottom line here is that these things are not meant to be carried around.
The reason there are no rules for the weight, and that is because they are meant to be stationary, or pulled around by pack animals. Mostly, they would be transported while disassembled and built on-site when needed.
Looking into historical ballistae, there doesn't seem to be much on the weight of the siege engine itself, most of them were simply rated by how heavy a talent they could fire (similar to cannons, actually). Looking at the rules I have for them, I'm going to say it's somewhere between 130-230 pounds, and probably on the heavier end of that.
I got this from the Ultimate Combat rules. A light ballista has a speed of 10 feet, which is the distance a crew of 2 humans can carry it with a single move action. This tells me that the ballista is enough to be a heavy load for 2 average humans. A heavy load for 10-11 Str is 67-115, so multiplied by 2 gives the above.
On a more practical note, especially with this AP, you're not likely to get much use out of a mobile platform, even if you pulled it around on a cart behind you. Most of the AP is focused on the ship itself, and there will be PLENTY of opportunities to use shipboard siege engines. Any land adventures are going to be similar to Bonewrack, jungle locales where it'll be hard to navigate with a cart, or underwater dungeons.
On the topic of paying for ammunition, I'm fine with handwaving mundane ammunition. We can presume that so long as you're raiding ships that have ballista onboard, you can recover any ammo spent, and arrows and bolts for your personal weapons are so cheap as to be unnecessary busywork to track.

Darth Maximus |

You guys can take 1 more day worth of actions before we advance the plot a little bit. You didn't think your time at Rickety's would be boring, did you?
Once we get through what everyone wants to do, or tomorrow morning, whichever comes first, I'll post an update. Or Choon will. One of us. Hopefully not both. That would be awkward.

Baolus Yeralzery |

Got swamped this weekend, but I'll post until the end of the day.
Regarding the loot, I'd like to include Baolus's boarding pike of repealing instead of the ring of swimming. As mentioned by others, I believe in this AP the ring is quite useful.

Buhayra Sarraf |

We can do that if you like. I know the BP is not really in line with the flavor of the character you built, but I feel like that 20' reach has been great for us.
I'll let everyone else weigh in before we decide...Trading out the Boarding pike for the ring actually increases our gold on the sell, so totally doable.

Tamesis Kieran |

He's the only one using it. So if he wants to get rid of it, it's his decision.

Tamesis Kieran |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

It's official. Sven is the best hype man ever.

Tamesis Kieran |

Oooh. Now there's a movie I haven't seen in a while. Wonder if it's on Netflix.

Buhayra Sarraf |

Is there any way to transfer enchantments in pathfinder? If so Sven would glady pay to have that done. A 20ft reach is just so useful.
Nothing official to my mind. There was a homebrew a few years back that I ran across while doing a quick google. It sweems pretty cool.
I could see putting in a high level quest to find the temple where this artifact is installed. PCs could then travel there to take the time to transfer their enchantments...but of course time is always moving forward, so maybe there is something going on elsewhere in the world that they will miss while they are taking the time to build their perfect eq.

Darth Maximus |

So, we discussed it, and came to the following:
Someone with the proper feat, and of the appropriate level, can transfer an enchantment. Enhancement bonuses do not stack, and if the resulting item would be more expensive than it's component parts, you will need to pay the difference.
For example, if you have a +3 cutlass and a +1 Keen rapier, transferring one into the other would result in a +3 Keen weapon. You would need to pay 8000gp to make the transfer. Keen, in this case, costs 6000 on the +1 weapon, but 14000 on a +3 weapon. The difference, 8000, is due.
For unique effects, we will need to calculate if there will be any overage.
Any questions?
Edit: Added above, person doing the transfer must have the requisite feat AND be of appropriate level.

Buhayra Sarraf |

Just for clarity on my part, when you say proper feat, you mean with the existing feats, not any new ones...
So in your above example, the person performing the transfer would need to have the Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat...correct?
In your pricing example you are using the base price for the items...so that is if we have an NPC perform the transfer for us. I assume that if someone in our party took the feat then they would be able to do it for the difference in crafting price (in this example, 4k - difference between 3k and 7k)?
Otherwise they could sell both for 13k total and make the new one for 16k (plus a bit more for the MW versions of the weaponry obvs).

Madiya |

Ok no ballista off the ship for me then. I'll figure out where to spend my money soon.

Buhayra Sarraf |

Way to go Max, way to go! *clap clap*

Madiya |

\o/ yay!

Baolus Yeralzery |

So, are we selling the pike or not? Doing it or not, I'd like to keep the ring of swimming.
Aside from that, here is what I'm looking for:
MW Chain Shirt: 1d100 ⇒ 86
Pack of 6 Javelins: 1d100 ⇒ 12 Are we supposed to roll for such simple stuff?
Masterwork Tool (cooking): 1d100 ⇒ 1 No better food for you :(
3 Cats: 1d100 ⇒ 57 For all the rats...
Commission a Tattoo of the bloated gryndylow! (20 gp)

Kehlysch |

Kehlysch wrote:Can one of the Strix be called "Kilroy" or if female, "Lorelei"?If that's a reference, I don't get it.
There was a band from the 70's and 80's called Styx that had an album called "Kilroy Was Here". They also had a song called "Lorelei".
Sorry, poor attempt at wordplay, I guess.

Buhayra Sarraf |

Let’s just sell it. It’s cool, but nobody is built to really take advantage of it
Okay, so we are definitive then, boarding pike gets sold, ring gets kept.
That means everyone gets to add another 176 gold, 3 silver, and 3 copper on top of the total I had previously posted...and the ring is still in the party loot.
I am updating the loot sheet today and removing the items that we sold.

Madiya |

Darth, I admire your dedication, but please don't endanger your health just for this game... :)

Buhayra Sarraf |

Buhayra's attack focuses on the Water Naga for now. Her main concern currently is to attempt to save the worker.

Tamesis Kieran |

Question: Can Tamesis see the drake from the shore?

Sven Olaffson |

Rules question!
http://www.aonprd.com/Rules.aspx?Name=Underwater%20Combat&Category=Aqua tic%20Terrain
“Land-based creatures can have considerable difficulty when fighting in water. Water affects a creature’s attack rolls, damage, and movement.”
Bludgeoning weapons are -2 Hit and 1/2 damage
https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/outsiders/elemental/elem ental-water/small-water-elemental/
Water elementals only have a bludgeoning attack. It doesn’t seem to be penalized for fighting underwater. As the penalty seems to only be for land based creatures.
So when Sven is Wildshape, can he use his hammer underwater? He’d no longer be a land based creature, so the penalty wouldn’t apply to him...right?

Darth Maximus |

Tamesis: I'll allow a Perception check for it. DC 10, it's not too difficult, but there is a chance to fail.
Sven: When you use a Polymorph effect, all of your gear melds into your body and is unusable. So your trident and hammer are unavailable when you use Wild Shape.
Wild Shape acts as Elemental Body, which is a Transumtation (Polymorph) spell.
Aquatic creatures are not affected by the combat adjustments table. Those are for land-based creatures. So water elementals, and any creature with the Aquatic subtype, are not affected.

Buhayra Sarraf |

A water elemental can wield weapons though right? Is there anything preventing him from dropping his weapon, changing shape, and picking it back up?
The extra time it takes to do that might be worth while if his weaponry is so superior to his natural attacks.

Sven Olaffson |

In that case...Sven loses his armor. But gains +4 AC from polymorph, so it becomes AC 10 +2 (Dex) +2 (Wis) +1 (Class) +4 (Polymoph), for a total of 19. Which at the moment is the same as his armored AC.
And yeah...can he drop the hammer, and pick it up? Though for this combat to keep things simple he’ll just use his slam.
To Hit: +8 Damage: 1d6+2d6+10
That’s pretty good right now. But with the hammer...
To Hit: +9 Damage: 2d6+2d6+14
And in the future when he gets enchantments, the difference will just widen.

Darth Maximus |

I will also note that your Oracle Curse is still in effect when using Wild Shape. So your land speed is reduced by 5 feet, but your swim speed gets a 10 foot boost. So it is also useful for quick underwater movement.
Edit: Also, 40 feet will put you in attacking range (actually, going the full 40 will invoke an AoO). Would you just like to charge?

Tamesis Kieran |

Hey Madiya, you can attack with your crossbow. The GMs changed the rules, so it's just a Miss chance, now.

Darth Maximus |

[dice=Reflex Save]1d20+3
Kehlysch's body seizes as the powerful current runs through him.
Everything is trying to kill me... he thinks as everything goes dark.
Pain. Exquisite pain. replies the Bulge.
(Condition: STABLE at -6)
You passed the Reflex save. The DC was 13, you rolled a 16. You only took 14 damage.

Buhayra Sarraf |

Crud...I still probably need to swim back over to be ready to heal you...didn't think about the fact that you getting hit was going to be bad news.
Oh well, next round I guess. I imagine he can't do that breath weapon every round. Most dragons have a recharge timer or something right (I can't remember and am resisting the urge to look it up.).