Seas of Blood: Skull & Shackles

Game Master Darth Maximus

XP Tracker: 18000

Party Loot Sheet

Maps: Sunset Challenger | Roll20 | Google | Tidewater Rock

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F Human (Bonuwat) [ HP: 33/33 | AC: 20 (13 TAC, 17 FFAC) | CMB: +3, CMD: 16, FFCMD: 13 | Fort: +5, Ref: +4, Will: +7 | Init: +3 | Perception +3 ] Warpriest 4 [ Speed 30 ft | Spells: 1st 5/5 2nd: 3/3 | Blessings: 5/5 | Fervor 2d6: 5/5 | Sacred Weapon: 2/5 | Rapier +8/1d8+3 P; Dagger +7/1d8+3 P or 1d8 S; ULXbow +8/1d8 P | Active conditions: none ]

Available on both mobile and desktop.

| HP: 54/57 NL: 10| AC: 20; T: 13; FF: 17; CMD: 15 | Fort: +10; Ref: +8; Will: +3 | Init: +3 ; Perc: +9| Senses: Darkvision 60' Watersense 30' |
Daily Abilities:
Current Burn: 2/8 | Obscuring Mist 0/1|
Current Burn Effects:
CBE: +1 Shield (Shroud of Water) ; Elemental Overflow +1/+2
Mistsoul Undine Hydrokineticist 5

Have mine on mobile...I get notifications when there are new messages, so I can hop on pretty much whenever.

HP: 33/33 | AC: 21; T: 21; FF: 10; CMD: 23 | Fort: +5; Ref: +5; Will: +4 | Init: +4; Perc: +7 | Effects: None
Daily Abilities:
Arcane Pool 7/7
Prepared Spells:
Lv.2 Cat's Grace 1/1 | Molten Orb 1/1 Lv.1 Snowball 4/4 | True Strike 1/1 | Lv.0 Prestidigitation | Detect Magic | Jolt
Tiefllng Eldritch Archer Kensai Magus

It's like skype, but made by/for gamers. It's a lot better.

| HP: 54/57 NL: 10| AC: 20; T: 13; FF: 17; CMD: 15 | Fort: +10; Ref: +8; Will: +3 | Init: +3 ; Perc: +9| Senses: Darkvision 60' Watersense 30' |
Daily Abilities:
Current Burn: 2/8 | Obscuring Mist 0/1|
Current Burn Effects:
CBE: +1 Shield (Shroud of Water) ; Elemental Overflow +1/+2
Mistsoul Undine Hydrokineticist 5

I discussed my action with Maximus on Discord. Kehl, this information might help you in deciding what to do...

Discord discussion wrote:

Buhayra ::Today at 9:41 AM::
Hey Maximus, can Sandara and Jack be added to the map? Not sure where I am swimming to to try to pull one of them back to the surface.
The dude just below the low water line, is he one of the “wan corpses”?

Darth Maximus ::Today at 9:43 AM::
No, that's meant to represent them sinking.

Buhayra ::Today at 9:44 AM::
Ah. Okay, that makes sense then.

Darth Maximus ::Today at 9:44 AM::
I didn't want to add them to the surface map, since they aren't on the surface. The depth map does give a good idea of where they're located, in reference to the entrance to the cavern.
...maybe not....

Buhayra ::Today at 9:46 AM::
Working on my action now, not sure how the economy works out. It looks like I can make it to Jack in a single move, maybe. Would my action be initiating a “grapple” with him to stop him sinking?

Darth Maximus ::Today at 9:46 AM::
Ok, the map creator did not balance this properly.

Buhayra ::Today at 9:47 AM::
I noticed that. Cavern is different in the two perspectives.

Darth Maximus ::Today at 9:47 AM::
And two different sizes....

Buhayra ::Today at 9:47 AM::

Darth Maximus ::Today at 9:47 AM::
It's basically a free action to grab him. He's bound, so he can't resist (not that he would, anyway)
Kinda like how Tamesis was able to pull you up to the surface in the trap room.

Buhayra ::Today at 9:49 AM::
Okay. So free to grab. Use my action for another move. With him on my back I am probably at heavy, so half speed swim?

Darth Maximus ::Today at 9:50 AM::
Weight is weird in the water, thanks to buoyancy.
But Buhayra is a wimp.
So, yeah, half speed.,

Buhayra ::Today at 9:52 AM::
cool. I will copy pasta this to discussion for kehl’s benefit since he doesn’t exist here yet.

Darth Maximus ::Today at 9:52 AM::

Male Chelish Human Investigator (Ruthless Agent) 1 l AC 16 T 13 FF 16 l HP 12/12 l F +1 R +5 W +2/+4* l Init +3 l Perc +4

I'm down with the rescue. Going for Sandara.

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

Way to murder the priestess, guys. That was... efficient.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
HP: 33/33 | AC: 21; T: 21; FF: 10; CMD: 23 | Fort: +5; Ref: +5; Will: +4 | Init: +4; Perc: +7 | Effects: None
Daily Abilities:
Arcane Pool 7/7
Prepared Spells:
Lv.2 Cat's Grace 1/1 | Molten Orb 1/1 Lv.1 Snowball 4/4 | True Strike 1/1 | Lv.0 Prestidigitation | Detect Magic | Jolt
Tiefllng Eldritch Archer Kensai Magus

Archer crits are nasty. And Sven is...well....Sven.

Fun facts: Tamesis's attack was enough to drop the target all on it's own, even if Sven hadn't hit. By extension, Sven did over half her HP in one blow.

Part of me feels like I need to step up my rebuilds. But then I realize that when Choon ran the last encounter, he nearly killed you with a creature I hadn't rebuilt...

| HP: 54/57 NL: 10| AC: 20; T: 13; FF: 17; CMD: 15 | Fort: +10; Ref: +8; Will: +3 | Init: +3 ; Perc: +9| Senses: Darkvision 60' Watersense 30' |
Daily Abilities:
Current Burn: 2/8 | Obscuring Mist 0/1|
Current Burn Effects:
CBE: +1 Shield (Shroud of Water) ; Elemental Overflow +1/+2
Mistsoul Undine Hydrokineticist 5

Right now I feel like a lot of the volatility is coming from the dice roller. Although to be fair, that devil fish or whatever it was was a beast. 3d6 and grab. Yuck.

But Tammy’s 33 damage? That would have taken any of us from full to zero as well.

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

Ya. At these early levels the dice roller really decides more than the build sometimes. Or it feels that way sometimes.

Quick update before bed. I'll see you all tomorrow!

| HP: 54/57 NL: 10| AC: 20; T: 13; FF: 17; CMD: 15 | Fort: +10; Ref: +8; Will: +3 | Init: +3 ; Perc: +9| Senses: Darkvision 60' Watersense 30' |
Daily Abilities:
Current Burn: 2/8 | Obscuring Mist 0/1|
Current Burn Effects:
CBE: +1 Shield (Shroud of Water) ; Elemental Overflow +1/+2
Mistsoul Undine Hydrokineticist 5

Jeez Tams...38 damage if those both hit? You are kind of beast mode.

HP: 33/33 | AC: 21; T: 21; FF: 10; CMD: 23 | Fort: +5; Ref: +5; Will: +4 | Init: +4; Perc: +7 | Effects: None
Daily Abilities:
Arcane Pool 7/7
Prepared Spells:
Lv.2 Cat's Grace 1/1 | Molten Orb 1/1 Lv.1 Snowball 4/4 | True Strike 1/1 | Lv.0 Prestidigitation | Detect Magic | Jolt
Tiefllng Eldritch Archer Kensai Magus

Yeah, I can dish out some serious damage if I can land blows. It helps that I had Magic Weapon up. I need to get my bow enchanted pronto, so I can keep up that kind of damage at all times....

Also, I want those bracers. I'm going to put the Bracers of Armor +2 back into the party loot for whoever wants them.

Oh, and we hit level 4!

+6 HP
+1 AC
+1 Arcane Pool
+1 to Fort and Will
+7 skills
+2 background skills
Perfect Strike
And finally, 2nd level spells! I can only cast 1 per day, but I added Cat's Grace and Scorching Ray to my spellbook. I might trascribe some of those scrolls into my spellbook, as well, when we figure out finances.

Edit: Urgh. The Bracers of Armor are probably strictly better. The Bracers of Archery only give +1 to attacks. Madiya can definitely make use of the Archery, but only Kel can make use of the Armor. Unless we want to sell the Armor...

I don't know. Now I'm torn.

Lvl 4!!!

Elementalist Shifter 4
* Cold Damage 1d6->2d6! (Now 2d6+2d6+15 damage)
* AC Bonus +1!
* Wildshape Water Elemental for lvl/hours each day!
* HP 31->39
* BaB +1
* Str +1 (18)
* Skills +3+2
* Saves +1 Fort +1 Ref

A huge Level for me


Also, could I hold onto the vindictive harpoon? Two handed fighting underwater without penalty will be a big boon for me. Sven would still use his hammer on land though.

F Human (Bonuwat) [ HP: 33/33 | AC: 20 (13 TAC, 17 FFAC) | CMB: +3, CMD: 16, FFCMD: 13 | Fort: +5, Ref: +4, Will: +7 | Init: +3 | Perception +3 ] Warpriest 4 [ Speed 30 ft | Spells: 1st 5/5 2nd: 3/3 | Blessings: 5/5 | Fervor 2d6: 5/5 | Sacred Weapon: 2/5 | Rapier +8/1d8+3 P; Dagger +7/1d8+3 P or 1d8 S; ULXbow +8/1d8 P | Active conditions: none ]

So is that one "optional encounter" the climactic boss fight with Plugg and Scourge? (remember those guys?) :D

Internet is still messy, AT&T is sending us a new modem tomorrow. Hopefully it works...

HP: 33/33 | AC: 21; T: 21; FF: 10; CMD: 23 | Fort: +5; Ref: +5; Will: +4 | Init: +4; Perc: +7 | Effects: None
Daily Abilities:
Arcane Pool 7/7
Prepared Spells:
Lv.2 Cat's Grace 1/1 | Molten Orb 1/1 Lv.1 Snowball 4/4 | True Strike 1/1 | Lv.0 Prestidigitation | Detect Magic | Jolt
Tiefllng Eldritch Archer Kensai Magus
Sven Olaffson wrote:

Lvl 4!!!

Elementalist Shifter 4
* Cold Damage 1d6->2d6!
* AC Bonus +1!
* Wildshape Water Elemental for lvl/hours each day!
* HP 31->39
* BaB +1
* Str +1 (18)
* Skills +4
* Saves +1 Fort +1 Ref

A huge Level for me


Also, could I hold onto the vindictive harpoon? Two handed fighting underwater without penalty will be a big boon for me. Sven would still use his hammer on land though.

Oh snap! We get a bonus to a stat, don't we?

I'm fine with you taking the harpoon...

F Human (Bonuwat) [ HP: 33/33 | AC: 20 (13 TAC, 17 FFAC) | CMB: +3, CMD: 16, FFCMD: 13 | Fort: +5, Ref: +4, Will: +7 | Init: +3 | Perception +3 ] Warpriest 4 [ Speed 30 ft | Spells: 1st 5/5 2nd: 3/3 | Blessings: 5/5 | Fervor 2d6: 5/5 | Sacred Weapon: 2/5 | Rapier +8/1d8+3 P; Dagger +7/1d8+3 P or 1d8 S; ULXbow +8/1d8 P | Active conditions: none ]

Also, did we collect fresh water yet, or do we still need to do that?

And once bring it back, I'd guess we should purify it...don't want the entire ship turning into ghouls.

The water is fresh and safe for drinking. You can still purify it if you feel like, of course.

You know what? Nevermind on the harpoon.

Sven can now turn into a water elemental. If fighting underwater he’s covered. And the harpoon is worth over 10k gold. We’d be much better off selling it

| HP: 54/57 NL: 10| AC: 20; T: 13; FF: 17; CMD: 15 | Fort: +10; Ref: +8; Will: +3 | Init: +3 ; Perc: +9| Senses: Darkvision 60' Watersense 30' |
Daily Abilities:
Current Burn: 2/8 | Obscuring Mist 0/1|
Current Burn Effects:
CBE: +1 Shield (Shroud of Water) ; Elemental Overflow +1/+2
Mistsoul Undine Hydrokineticist 5

Point of order, bracers of archery don't help out Madiya since she is using a crossbow.

PFSRD wrote:
They empower the wearer to use any bow (not including crossbows) as if she were proficient in its use.

BoA do not help with crossbow use, which is a bummer.

Not sure if that helps you with your decision or not Tamesis.

| HP: 54/57 NL: 10| AC: 20; T: 13; FF: 17; CMD: 15 | Fort: +10; Ref: +8; Will: +3 | Init: +3 ; Perc: +9| Senses: Darkvision 60' Watersense 30' |
Daily Abilities:
Current Burn: 2/8 | Obscuring Mist 0/1|
Current Burn Effects:
CBE: +1 Shield (Shroud of Water) ; Elemental Overflow +1/+2
Mistsoul Undine Hydrokineticist 5

All loot has been added to the party sheet except for the bracers...holding off until a decision is made one way or the other.

As usual for a fairly self-sufficient class, there is not anything in the loot that I would want.

I did add the perilous gloves, although I imagine Balous will be slipping those bad boys on real soon. Kinda custom made for the Monk or Brawler in the party.

Wasn't sure how to value to Rusty MW Cold Iron Sickle on a few fronts. You guys can maybe help me on the value of this...

Base value of a sickle is 6 gp. Master work is a +300 modifier. Cold iron is a 2x price modifier. And I have no idea how 'rusty' effects the value.

Order of operations matters here...Does the 2x modifier just apply to the base sickle price, or the masterwork sickle price (is it 312 or 612?). Then, what does rusty do to it all.


Unrelated, I am kind of curious about the ship that brought what's his face dead ghoul with the ghoul dogs to the island. I can see its ship wreck out in the water on the south end. We have 2 potions of water breathing left, and probably a few hours left on the one I was given as a we have any interest in seeing if there is more loot down there?

Level up change log will be coming soon.

Rusty shouldn't affect the price. It just needs to be cleaned. It's 612.

There is a shipwreck you can go and explore, if you want. There's not much there, though.

HP: 33/33 | AC: 21; T: 21; FF: 10; CMD: 23 | Fort: +5; Ref: +5; Will: +4 | Init: +4; Perc: +7 | Effects: None
Daily Abilities:
Arcane Pool 7/7
Prepared Spells:
Lv.2 Cat's Grace 1/1 | Molten Orb 1/1 Lv.1 Snowball 4/4 | True Strike 1/1 | Lv.0 Prestidigitation | Detect Magic | Jolt
Tiefllng Eldritch Archer Kensai Magus

I guess I'll take them, then, yeah. Kel can have the +2 bracers of armor, since he's the only other one that can use them.

| HP: 54/57 NL: 10| AC: 20; T: 13; FF: 17; CMD: 15 | Fort: +10; Ref: +8; Will: +3 | Init: +3 ; Perc: +9| Senses: Darkvision 60' Watersense 30' |
Daily Abilities:
Current Burn: 2/8 | Obscuring Mist 0/1|
Current Burn Effects:
CBE: +1 Shield (Shroud of Water) ; Elemental Overflow +1/+2
Mistsoul Undine Hydrokineticist 5

Change Log!

New Level - 4
HP +8 33 - 41
FCB HP 41 - 42
HP +4 42 - 46
Craft (Carpentry)+
Escape Artist+
Profession (Sailor)+
Ability Unlock! : New Utility Wild Talent

Veil of Mists:

Element(s) water; Type utility (Su); Level 2; Burn 0

You create a misty veil over your features, disguising yourself as disguise self for a number of minutes equal to your Constitution modifier. If you accept 1 point of burn, until the next time your burn is removed, each use of this wild talent lasts until you dismiss it.

A pretty low key level up for me...but laying some important ground work for the future.

Plus, now I am officially Morph, my favorite character from my favorite 90s cartoon.

| HP: 54/57 NL: 10| AC: 20; T: 13; FF: 17; CMD: 15 | Fort: +10; Ref: +8; Will: +3 | Init: +3 ; Perc: +9| Senses: Darkvision 60' Watersense 30' |
Daily Abilities:
Current Burn: 2/8 | Obscuring Mist 0/1|
Current Burn Effects:
CBE: +1 Shield (Shroud of Water) ; Elemental Overflow +1/+2
Mistsoul Undine Hydrokineticist 5

So hopefully at some point soon we will be hitting a port so we can sell some of this stuff and level up our gear. I am in desperate need of better AC.

I worry a little bit about how successful we will be in converting our unwanted goods into coin. If I take the market price of everything currently on our party loot sheet (not including coins), it is 43,583 gp. Standard sell back price of 50% is 21,791.5 ...

Are we going to be able to find a merchant with that kind of change just on him?

That doesn't include the vicious gloves btw...Like I said before, I don't expect that to stay in the party loot pile for long.

S&S actually has a reputation for letting groups go way over WBL, actually. It may take visiting a couple of ports, but you'll be able to sell off your gear. Also, look at the Plunder rules in the campaign info tab. That's the other way you'll be getting coin.

Male Chelish Human Investigator (Ruthless Agent) 1 l AC 16 T 13 FF 16 l HP 12/12 l F +1 R +5 W +2/+4* l Init +3 l Perc +4

Thanks, Tamesis! I’ll take the bracers of armor, if you’re not going to keep them. They’re not as protective as casting mage armor, but I won’t have to waste a round and a daily casting to get protection beyond my Dex bonus.

HP: 33/33 | AC: 21; T: 21; FF: 10; CMD: 23 | Fort: +5; Ref: +5; Will: +4 | Init: +4; Perc: +7 | Effects: None
Daily Abilities:
Arcane Pool 7/7
Prepared Spells:
Lv.2 Cat's Grace 1/1 | Molten Orb 1/1 Lv.1 Snowball 4/4 | True Strike 1/1 | Lv.0 Prestidigitation | Detect Magic | Jolt
Tiefllng Eldritch Archer Kensai Magus

You got it, dude.

F Human (Bonuwat) [ HP: 33/33 | AC: 20 (13 TAC, 17 FFAC) | CMB: +3, CMD: 16, FFCMD: 13 | Fort: +5, Ref: +4, Will: +7 | Init: +3 | Perception +3 ] Warpriest 4 [ Speed 30 ft | Spells: 1st 5/5 2nd: 3/3 | Blessings: 5/5 | Fervor 2d6: 5/5 | Sacred Weapon: 2/5 | Rapier +8/1d8+3 P; Dagger +7/1d8+3 P or 1d8 S; ULXbow +8/1d8 P | Active conditions: none ]

level up!:
dex +1 (total 16/+3)
hp +5 (total 26)
bab +1 (total +3)
base fort/will save +1 (total +4/+4)
channel energy via fervor
the other half of sacred weapon (+1 bonus)
2nd level spells +1/day anyone got any suggestions?
-+2 craft (siege engines) (4 ranks total)
-+1 know (engineering) (4 ranks total)
-+1 prof (sailor) (4 ranks total)
-+2 prof (siege engineer) (4 ranks total)
-+1 swim (4 ranks total)

Ok! We get to buy some stuff soon. And Sven wants heavy armor. a Shifter he can’t wear metal armor.

My options...

AC +9 Dex +1 ACP -7 Weight 75lbs! Cost 1800

The most effective.’s stone. And Sven has a swim speed.

Dragon hide plate
AC +9 Dex +1 ACP -5 Weight 50lbs Cost 3300

Much much more expensive. But much cooler.

Nimble Lammelar Stone Coat
AC +7 Dex +2 ACP -5 Weight 50lbs Cost 1650

The cheapest, but offers least protection. And still stone.


Those are the only options I’ve found so far. Anyone else know any?

Right now I’m leaning towards blowing everything on the dragonhide and just looking like a boss. Even though it’s pouring 1650 gold down the drain...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
HP: 33/33 | AC: 21; T: 21; FF: 10; CMD: 23 | Fort: +5; Ref: +5; Will: +4 | Init: +4; Perc: +7 | Effects: None
Daily Abilities:
Arcane Pool 7/7
Prepared Spells:
Lv.2 Cat's Grace 1/1 | Molten Orb 1/1 Lv.1 Snowball 4/4 | True Strike 1/1 | Lv.0 Prestidigitation | Detect Magic | Jolt
Tiefllng Eldritch Archer Kensai Magus

Dragonhide is pretty cool, and you talked about wanting it a while back. Plus, there IS something to be said for aesthetics. If that's what you want, go for it.

Personally, I want a darkwood bow. It's expensive and unnecessary, but I'll still do it. We're pirates! We should indulge!

And Madiya, you're not a spontaneous caster. Experiment! Of course, you DO get access to one of the best save or die spells, Hold Person. Since we'll probably be facing humanoids during our piracy, it's a good bet it'll be useful.

F Human (Bonuwat) [ HP: 33/33 | AC: 20 (13 TAC, 17 FFAC) | CMB: +3, CMD: 16, FFCMD: 13 | Fort: +5, Ref: +4, Will: +7 | Init: +3 | Perception +3 ] Warpriest 4 [ Speed 30 ft | Spells: 1st 5/5 2nd: 3/3 | Blessings: 5/5 | Fervor 2d6: 5/5 | Sacred Weapon: 2/5 | Rapier +8/1d8+3 P; Dagger +7/1d8+3 P or 1d8 S; ULXbow +8/1d8 P | Active conditions: none ]

That's precisely why I want suggestions. Any unusual or fun spells (that aren't a waste of slots) would be welcome :)

| HP: 54/57 NL: 10| AC: 20; T: 13; FF: 17; CMD: 15 | Fort: +10; Ref: +8; Will: +3 | Init: +3 ; Perc: +9| Senses: Darkvision 60' Watersense 30' |
Daily Abilities:
Current Burn: 2/8 | Obscuring Mist 0/1|
Current Burn Effects:
CBE: +1 Shield (Shroud of Water) ; Elemental Overflow +1/+2
Mistsoul Undine Hydrokineticist 5

Aboleths lung is a nice double duty spell. It can let us do underwater adventuring, or it can be a save or suck (literally) to our enemies.

Male N human (bonuwat) uc rogue (makeshift scrapper) 5 | HP: 43/43 | AC: 22 (14 Tch, 19 Fl) | CMB: +6*, CMD: 20* | F: +4, R: +8, W: +4 | Init: +3 | Perc: +10, SM +9 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none.

Level up!

+8 hp
+1 BAB
+1 Ref
+1 DEX

+ Debilitating Injury
+ Rogue talent (Combat Trick - Hook Fighter)
+ uncanny dodge

+8 skill points; +2 background skills
.+1 Acrobatics
.+1 Appraise
.+1 Bluff
.+1 Disable Device
.+1 Escape Artist
.+1 Perception
.+2 Sense Motive
.+1 Sleight of Hand
.+1 Stealth

About the perilous gloves, I'll be holding it until we get the opportunity to sell it. Despite nice, I believe we will be better served by the gold into more important items at the moment.

Male Chelish Human Investigator (Ruthless Agent) 1 l AC 16 T 13 FF 16 l HP 12/12 l F +1 R +5 W +2/+4* l Init +3 l Perc +4
Buhayra Sarraf wrote:
Aboleths lung is a nice double duty spell. It can let us do underwater adventuring, or it can be a save or suck (literally) to our enemies.

That's on my short-list to take, but first I'm going to grab touch of idiocy, which has no saving throw and makes life hell for casters.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'll give you guys a chance to tie up any loose ends (like Kel's impending ghouldom) before moving on to the start of Book 2.

Though, I supposed being a Gillman, Kel would turn into a Lacedon, instead of a regular ghoul...

So, would he change his bloodline to being ghoul at that point as well?

Also Tricone Hat! It sounds useful. Bonus to swim tests and turns into a boat. A good captain’s hat, or for someone without swim speed

HP: 33/33 | AC: 21; T: 21; FF: 10; CMD: 23 | Fort: +5; Ref: +5; Will: +4 | Init: +4; Perc: +7 | Effects: None
Daily Abilities:
Arcane Pool 7/7
Prepared Spells:
Lv.2 Cat's Grace 1/1 | Molten Orb 1/1 Lv.1 Snowball 4/4 | True Strike 1/1 | Lv.0 Prestidigitation | Detect Magic | Jolt
Tiefllng Eldritch Archer Kensai Magus

The boat funtion only works if you're a follower of Besmara, which none of us are. Unless someone feels like converting, it might be better to give it back to her.

Hey! Sven is a follower of any deity that will listen. Want him to pray to Aroden? Sure! But you better believe he’ll pray to Gorum before a battle and Gozeh before a voyage and Besmara when attacking a merchant vessel.

That nobody here a devotee or the pirate goddess?

Not gonna work, Sven. Besmara has to be your patron deity.

And no, none of you has Besmara as a patron. You and Kel don't have patrons, and the rest have patrons other than Besmara.

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

It's shameful, really. :P

HP: 33/33 | AC: 21; T: 21; FF: 10; CMD: 23 | Fort: +5; Ref: +5; Will: +4 | Init: +4; Perc: +7 | Effects: None
Daily Abilities:
Arcane Pool 7/7
Prepared Spells:
Lv.2 Cat's Grace 1/1 | Molten Orb 1/1 Lv.1 Snowball 4/4 | True Strike 1/1 | Lv.0 Prestidigitation | Detect Magic | Jolt
Tiefllng Eldritch Archer Kensai Magus

On the subject of spells, if Kel can't make the save, Madiya can prepare Delay Disease, so he doesn't suffer until we can get him to someone who can cast Remove Disease.

Male Chelish Human Investigator (Ruthless Agent) 1 l AC 16 T 13 FF 16 l HP 12/12 l F +1 R +5 W +2/+4* l Init +3 l Perc +4

If the dice-roller keeps abusing me like it did this last combat, y'all will need to positive-energy blast my slimy undead ass of the ship a less than a week.

I guess if I can make it to the Squibs, there might be someone willing to cast remove disease for a price we can afford.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Well, unless someone is going to help you out, you might as well start rolling Fort saves.

Also, I'm pretty sure Choon is questioning my sanity. Over the course of a single day, I rebuilt every encounter in Book 2. Still need to do loot for most of them, but that can wait for another day. I am exhausted and need rest. Goodnight!

I’m questioning your sanity but also loving you for your insanity

HP: 33/33 | AC: 21; T: 21; FF: 10; CMD: 23 | Fort: +5; Ref: +5; Will: +4 | Init: +4; Perc: +7 | Effects: None
Daily Abilities:
Arcane Pool 7/7
Prepared Spells:
Lv.2 Cat's Grace 1/1 | Molten Orb 1/1 Lv.1 Snowball 4/4 | True Strike 1/1 | Lv.0 Prestidigitation | Detect Magic | Jolt
Tiefllng Eldritch Archer Kensai Magus

Admittedly, I don't know how many encounters are in book 2, but based on what I know about other APs, that is definitely impressive.

| HP: 54/57 NL: 10| AC: 20; T: 13; FF: 17; CMD: 15 | Fort: +10; Ref: +8; Will: +3 | Init: +3 ; Perc: +9| Senses: Darkvision 60' Watersense 30' |
Daily Abilities:
Current Burn: 2/8 | Obscuring Mist 0/1|
Current Burn Effects:
CBE: +1 Shield (Shroud of Water) ; Elemental Overflow +1/+2
Mistsoul Undine Hydrokineticist 5

Re fort saves v disease Buhayra can heal check you for a bonus. Will get an ic post to that effect tonight or tomorrow.

| HP: 54/57 NL: 10| AC: 20; T: 13; FF: 17; CMD: 15 | Fort: +10; Ref: +8; Will: +3 | Init: +3 ; Perc: +9| Senses: Darkvision 60' Watersense 30' |
Daily Abilities:
Current Burn: 2/8 | Obscuring Mist 0/1|
Current Burn Effects:
CBE: +1 Shield (Shroud of Water) ; Elemental Overflow +1/+2
Mistsoul Undine Hydrokineticist 5

Okay, since this is apparently going to be a thing, if someone casts delay disease on him does he still get saving throws to overcome the disease or are those delayed too?

This can turn bad real quick. Since it is a disease that causes fort damage it can turn into a death spiral, failed saves make future saves harder to pass.

F Human (Bonuwat) [ HP: 33/33 | AC: 20 (13 TAC, 17 FFAC) | CMB: +3, CMD: 16, FFCMD: 13 | Fort: +5, Ref: +4, Will: +7 | Init: +3 | Perception +3 ] Warpriest 4 [ Speed 30 ft | Spells: 1st 5/5 2nd: 3/3 | Blessings: 5/5 | Fervor 2d6: 5/5 | Sacred Weapon: 2/5 | Rapier +8/1d8+3 P; Dagger +7/1d8+3 P or 1d8 S; ULXbow +8/1d8 P | Active conditions: none ]

Delay Disease gives a saving throw to prevent any and all effects of the disease. No fort damage, no saves to roll, nothing. Of course, the disease can still be healed while in stasis from the spell.

Kehlysch: Don't roll any more saves for now. You're going to reach Rickety's Squibs this day.

I'll make a big update post later tonight before bed. If there's anything else anyone wants to do before then, how's the time to do it.

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