Tamesis Kieran |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Darth Maximus |

[dice=Fort Save, Stung?]1d20+2
Kehlysch slaps at the bite of an insect against his skin.
[dice=Second Save, Infected?]1d20+2
(Of course....the capricious dice-roller strikes again!)
As he sleeps, the Bulge sends thoughts of warning into his mind.
The illness comes. It permeates us. We will change. We will die. We will return. We will HUNGER.
Kehlysch awakens with a fever and chills, his oily skin is cooler to the touch than normal.
"I think...I have the sickness," he says to the others.
Ghoul Fever has an onset of 1 day. You won't start suffering I'll effects until the next night.
Anyone who fails both saves will have no idea they have the disease until they wake up the day after.

Buhayra Sarraf |

It is a bit of a way out yet, but to let you guys know, I will be on a cruise with no internet access from the 2nd - the 9th of January.
Feel free to bot me...blast stuff until it is dead, heal allies that need it...mechanically Buhayra is not very complicated.

Buhayra Sarraf |

Not looking for anything in particular in the field. A general scan. If there is anything that catches my interest (shiny bits, signs of treasure or intrigue) then I might encourage us to go investigate more closely before we head to Grindy-cove.
Editing to add: When my dad and I would go camping we would do tick checks because of the risk of lime disease. Is there something similar our characters could do? We can't detect symptoms until the incubation period is over, but can we do not checks to look for bug bites? That will let us know who to keep an eye on so we don't miss the symptoms when they start coming up.

Buhayra Sarraf |

Tamesis' latest post made me curious about something, so I did a thing and compiled everyone's skills into one sheet on the Party Inventory Spreadsheet. Last tab is now Party Skills (I resisted the urge to make it Skillz with a z. You are welcome).
I did not do this for us to meta game, in character we probably don't know this about eachother unless we have observed it, but in some cases (like the whole survival/geography thing) Tamesis might know who to ask being our captain.
I don't think she has watched Sven or Madiya do anything survival-ey, but it is reasonable to think that Kehlysch has some knowledge about geography with those maps he has and being our navigator and what not.
Anyways, hope the skill listing is helpful. If it is I will update it when we level.

Tamesis Kieran |

Oooh. Purely from an analytical standpoint, that is very interesting data. It's amusing to me that Tamesis, with a Cha of 9, has our highest score in 2/3 of the social skills. Similarly, that she has the highest Swim score in a party where most have swim speeds (apparently I'm the only one to have a swim speed AND put ranks into it...). Buhayra is our most acrobatic and the sneakiest, ahead of Baolus. He's a Str Rogue, sure, but still interesting. And Madiya is our finest sailor.
Lots of interesting data, here.
Edit: On the social skills front, I didn't realize that three of us have -1 Cha modifiers. Kinda antisocial, aren't we?

Tamesis Kieran |

No mention of how Sven is the only party member with any diplomacy?
Well, Mr First Mate, I guess that makes you our negotiator, now doesn't it?

Buhayra Sarraf |

Part of what might be making the difference on swim is whether or not you have added in the racial bonus...I don't have mine in because it is conditional...only applying to "a special action or avoid a hazard". If I added in the plus 8 I would be at 11 instead of 3.

Tamesis Kieran |

Part of what might be making the difference on swim is whether or not you have added in the racial bonus...I don't have mine in because it is conditional...only applying to "a special action or avoid a hazard". If I added in the plus 8 I would be at 11 instead of 3.
I do have mine added, yeah. 3 ranks + 3 class skill +8 racial = 14. No Str mod.

Darth Maximus |

Not looking for anything in particular in the field. A general scan. If there is anything that catches my interest (shiny bits, signs of treasure or intrigue) then I might encourage us to go investigate more closely before we head to Grindy-cove.
Editing to add: When my dad and I would go camping we would do tick checks because of the risk of lime disease. Is there something similar our characters could do? We can't detect symptoms until the incubation period is over, but can we do not checks to look for bug bites? That will let us know who to keep an eye on so we don't miss the symptoms when they start coming up.
Heal check.

Buhayra Sarraf |

A note to all: Kinetic healing is a great bandaid box to use at the end of the day before a long rest. You heal off all of the nonlethal damage while we sleep.
Asking for healing at the start of the day is less optimal. I can heal you, but it means you will be carrying around Nonlethal damage equal to your character level through the full day.
Long story short: When we bed down each night if you aren't at full come talk to me. :)

Buhayra Sarraf |

Based on the conversation I think we are heading to the burned fields and then trying to find a land based path from there.

Buhayra Sarraf |

I have no issues with the marching order that you currently have us in. It will all go to heck anyways when all of these bones turn into skeletons or 90 swarms of ghoul-flies come attack us or whatever is coming next.
Not that anything is coming next. Obvious battle map is just to give us a reference point for the heavy RP scene we are about to have...right? *wink wink*

Tamesis Kieran |

I'm fine with that marching order.

Madiya |

Also, we have nobody with UMD...
I'm good to go. Got sick immediately after getting home, so I'll probably be out of commission for a bit longer. Feel free to bot Madiya as much as necessary until I'm back (or until I turn into a ghoul or something...)

Madiya |

The hungry hungry forum monster, much scarier than a burrowing bug thing.

Darth Maximus |

This frickin' dice roller. 3 attacks, with an attack bonus high enough to hit ALL of you 55% (or more) of the time, and it can't land a single blow. This dice generator is making this game far easier on you than statistics would like.
Fun fact: When upgrading this encounter, I had the option of making the ankheg Giant or Advanced. Choon helped me with the final decision, but I was leaning towards Giant because it did more damage. I knew this thing wouldn't land that many hits, so I wanted to make sure that it did as much damage as possible when if it landed a hit. Couldn't even do that!

Buhayra Sarraf |

It’s an interesting problem. At a normal table scaling up for a larger group means more bodies, you have to offset that action economy. In pbp with block initiative making a larger group is playing with dangerous fire.

Kehlysch |

You know what that means, right? The next grasshopper to hop along is going to crit and instantly kill someone. That's just how things work.
Already may have happened, only it was a mosquito (or biting fly), and it won't be instant.

Tamesis Kieran |

Hi, remember when I almost died? Dicegen wasn't being too lenient, there, was it?

Darth Maximus |

You had 1 HP left. You were fine.
There's not always a way to add more bodies to a fight, especially without bogging it down. Sometimes, there's going to be a big bad boss monster. Now, I do tend to build with the multiple attacks in mind, usually by adding HD (in a way that doesn't mess with the CR) and increasing defenses. At the table, I can always add a second initiative pass to a boss monster, but that doesn't work in block initiative.
One of the ways I could have improved that fight would have been to add Spring Attack. Would have made it a lot more dangerous, and would have fit it's hunting style. I honestly thought it already had that feat, or I would have. And to be fair, you guys did take away it's advantage when you burned the fields. The original encounter called for it picking off targets quietly and hiding in the corn.

Buhayra Sarraf |

On the road to Galveston to get on a cruise ship. You all have license to bot me until January 10th.
Have s nice week.

Tamesis Kieran |

Be safe! Let us know how it goes!

Tamesis Kieran |

Everyone up and disappeared!

Tamesis Kieran |

I'm sorry for being so quiet. Work and family have been keeping me busy. I'll do my best to pick up the pace again.

Madiya |

Still recovering from being sick, I just can't seem to make my fort save... :D

Tamesis Kieran |

Question for the GMs: Are the squiddies on the surface or below it? Gotta calculate my penalties...