mafia The Lost Star, Doomsday Dawn Part 1 (Inactive)

Game Master pinvendor

Playtest fail...

Ephemeral GameMaster

Keleri Deverin, an aristocrat and scholar living in Magnimar, has a problem. Just a week ago, she received an invitation from her cousin Kendra, mayor of the nearby town of Sandpoint, to attend that town’s upcoming Swallowtail Festival. With the festival’s focus on the consecration of Sandpoint’s new cathedral, Keleri hoped to bring a family heirloom, the Star of Desna, to receive a blessing, but as she prepared for her trip, an unexpected complication arose.

When Keleri entered the old vault beneath the family estate to retrieve the star from storage, she found the chamber in total disarray. Chests lay smashed about the room, shelves were knocked over, and worst of all, the steel lockbox containing the Star of Desna was missing. The source of the robbery was made evident by a gaping hole in the center of the floor, leading down into the sewers, and sewage stains in the shape of goblin footprints leading out of it...

Her invitation to tea turns out to be more than just a simple afternoon gathering, especially when her party includes those who do not normally associate. After some brief pleasantries, she recounts the discovery that the Star of Desna has gone missing. Those who would not count themselves among the scholar's usual company find their presence now makes much more sense as clearly their expertise in adventuring (or desire to do so) is now to be utilized to its fullest advantage.

Feel free to introduce yourselves as you are served tea and Keleri makes her initial small talk before she gets down to brass tacks about her purpose for the gathering.

Carefully placing her fur-trimmed cloak over the back of the Vudrian Rosewood chair, Ingrid moves over to the teapot and carefully pours herself cup. Adding just a dash of milk to the brew before lifting the porcelain cup to her painted lips with exquisite care.

"Would anyone else care for a cup?" she asks looking around the room, comfortable in the richly furnished surroundings. Ingrid's civilised demeanour is in contrast to the rustic-styled Ulfen clothes of her homeland.

F Goblin Barbarian 1

"Well I think this is the place." A small voice comes from outside the room it seems to be talking to someone, though no audible reply can be heard. "They were your directions... Oh how would you know, you've never been here."

A small green face peeks into the room and seeing the group sitting around the little eyes widen slightly quickly scanning the room then she mutters very quietly "Ok we're definitely in the wrong place." Despite this determination when Ingrid offers tea the green face breaks into a grin, and a short goblin girl makes her way into the room and hops up onto a chair next to Ingrid "May I have some?" She did say anyone didn't she? "Is there anything to eat?"

"Of course, would you like a bit of honey in it?" Ingrid says softly to the rather short newcomer, feeling everyone is here for a reason and thus only noting the questioner is a goblin.

"Now, I think there may be a biscuit around here, or those fondant cakes. Has anyone seen them?" She asks looking around the room.

F Goblin Barbarian 1

"Oh yeah! That sounds good, thanks lady." The goblin woman eagerly accepts the tea from Ingrid, and little hopeful eyes follow as the taller woman searches for fondant cakes "I've never had fondant cakes, are they good?"

"Oh yes. Chelish fondants are very good, sweet cakes with a sweet icing over it - usually in pastel colours." she smiles to the goblin; "I'm Ingrid, what's your name?"

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