
Ingrid Valdasson's page

5 posts. Alias of DSXMachina.

Strength 10
Dexterity 12
Constitution 12
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 18
Charisma 16

About Ingrid Valdasson

Ancestry: Human (Ulfen) Size: Medium Background: Family Friend
Class: Cleric (Calistria) Level: 1
Alignment: CG
Deity: Calistria
Gender: Female
Languages: Common,
Speed: 25 ft (25 with armour) Class DC: 14 Hero Points:
Max HP: 16

Perception: 5, trained

Saving throws
Fortitude: 3, expert
Reflex: 2, trained
Will: 6, expert

AC: 14, trained
TAC: 11, trained

Strength 10
Dexterity 12 (+1)
Constitution 10
Intelligence 12 (+1)
Wisdom 18 (+4)
Charisma 16 (+3)

Dagger +1, 1d4
Whip +2, 1d4
Crossbow +2, 1d8


Ancestry Feats
Natural Ambition (+1 Class Feat)

Hobnobber (Gather Info twice as many times in downtime)

Skill Feats

General Feats

Class Feats
Healing Hands (+1d8 to Heal Spell)

Bonus Feats


Acrobatics: 0 untrained
Arcana: 0, untrained
Athletics: -1 untrained
Crafting: 0, untrained
Deception: 4*, (sig) trained
Diplomacy: 4*, (sig) trained
Intimidation: +2 untrained
Lore(Nobility): +2, trained
Lore(other): 0, untrained
Medicine: +5*, (sig) trained
Nature: +3, untrained
Occultism: 0, untrained
Performance: +4*, (sig) trained
Religion: +4*, (sig) trained
Society: 0, untrained
Stealth: 0, untrained
Survival: +3, untrained
Thievery: 0, untrained


Hide Armour 2
Light Wooden Shield L
Dagger L
Whip 1
Crossbow 1
Backpack -
Bedroll L
Religious Symbol (Silver) L
Religious Text L
Mirror -
Hooded lantern L
oil 5 pints -
clothing ordinary -
clothing winter -
Water Skin L
Writing Set L
flint and steel -
pup tent L
rations (5) L
Total bulk 5 (L 14/10)
Bulk capacity 5 unencumbered, 10 max
Silver 10. Copper 4