randall793's Three Days to Kill

Game Master randall793

A remake of Penumbra's Three Days to Kill

I've been meaning to start a pbp adventure. Right now I'm gauging interest. Still some ways out from actually starting the adventure. No need for character pitching yet. The module chosen will probably be based on Atlas's "Three Days to Kill". Players needed 5-6. Team alignment is non-evil, non-LG, non-CN.

Interest shouldn't be lacking. I gave recruiting almost a week when I started mine, and already had almost a dozen proposed characters after only 3 days. Almost all recruitment threads that I have seen experience similar things. There are far more players here than DMs.

Dark Archive

I am not familiar with the module, however; I am interested in a new pbp. Please keep us updated on your progress and when you would like to see character submissions.

May be interested. Not familiar with the module, either, but I have a Chaotic Good, Two-Handed Weapon, Elven Ranger in mind. Let me know when submission would be due.

I am interested as well.

The Exchange

I would be interested. I have a Varisian gypsy fortune teller who uses a Harrow deck that I've been interested in trying.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I would be interested in pitching a concept when the time comes.

Interested :)

Also interested - read the adventure synopsis... sounds nice and grim lol - I'd be interested in pitching a Ulfen fighter or Savage Skald...

Thanks for your interest. I will be taking the early responders to this post, that includes drayen, Filios, doctor_wu, Shieldknight, Meowzebub, Yucale and Black Dow.

@sunshadow21, I noticed that too, the pbps I've managed to join were the first come first serve basis types. So I'm passing on the favor to the other forummers who'd like to take part but don't have the inclement to aggressively lobby their characters which can be irritating sometimes.

For the time being this recruitment is suspended.

randall793 wrote:

Thanks for your interest. I will be taking the early responders to this post, that includes drayen, Filios, doctor_wu, Shieldknight, Meowzebub, Yucale and Black Dow.

@sunshadow21, I noticed that too, the pbps I've managed to join were the first come first serve basis types. So I'm passing on the favor to the other forummers who'd like to take part but don't have the inclement to aggressively lobby their characters which can be irritating sometimes.

For the time being this recruitment is suspended.

wow, apparently I need an alarm for the new PbP posts... ~3 hours from posted to closed recruitment. Ouch!

If you end up having open spots I would also be interested in this adventure.

randall793 wrote:

Thanks for your interest. I will be taking the early responders to this post, that includes drayen, Filios, doctor_wu, Shieldknight, Meowzebub, Yucale and Black Dow.

@sunshadow21, I noticed that too, the pbps I've managed to join were the first come first serve basis types. So I'm passing on the favor to the other forummers who'd like to take part but don't have the inclement to aggressively lobby their characters which can be irritating sometimes.

For the time being this recruitment is suspended.

@randall793: Thanks for the selection! Would you like us to post the character development stats and backgrounds here or elsewhere? What is the build - roll, point-buy, etc.? I can have something finalized by 8:00pm tonight if I get the parameters. Thanks!

Thanks for your interest vip00. I still will keep stand-ins based on post and you're on it.

The discussion thread is here.

i'd like to propose a female tiefling rogue.

but if Randal wishes to deny me access to this game for posts i put in his OOC thread in an attempt to (incoherently) prove how abusable even something as minor as 2d3 per rarely used detail could be.


Our game needs new players to be introduced, due a withdrawal. There is 2 open posts needed to be filled.

The current party consists of
female gnome cavalier
male ulfen fighter
female varisian bard
human male cleric of desna
male elf ranger

Preferably we need a 1/2 BAB class character and one skills orientated character.
Starting level is 2 with wealth based per level.
A short background is needed, which should answer the question "why is my character currently looking out for an adventuring group to join".
Starting xp is 1300.
Current party is strongly CG, no evil alignments please.

Please check the current game play thread for GM style and see if it is agreeable.
My rate of posting is usually once per day. The recruitment would be open till 14/10/11. The team is currently somewhere off in the woods and in game forming up would take when they've returned to town.

Source material is anything from paizo publishing.

Grand Lodge

Looks like a well rounded party to me. A little light in the skill department. If the seconded person interested would want the skill monkey slot I would like to fill your second slot with Jerrand here.

I could upgrade him to second level and get the background in tonight.

Shadow Lodge

I'll play a skillmonkey, sure! Character forthcoming.

Hello! Here's the promised skillmonkey.

Rosslyn never could fit in back in her home village. She was always just too headstrong and free-thinking, never willing to simply join with everyone else, settle down, get married, blah blah blah. She eventually was essentially pushed out to the outskirts of town, where she discovered that she didn't really mesh with the criminal element, either. Too prideful for the bordello, not enough stomach to be a bandit, she eventually found her way out into the forest, where finally she could get some peace of mind.

A little too much peace, it turns out. She started finding herself going a little crazy being so lonely all the time. If only she could find some people to hang around with! Folks who wouldn't be telling her to conform, folks who wouldn't require her to attack innocent people, folks who would love to travel and explore as much as she does.

So it's time to try out adventuring for a while.

Rosslyn the Black is a Level 2 CG Human Rogue(Scout).

I haven't chosen traits or equipment yet. If you like her, let me know!

Like em both, can see loads of rp potential in either and both, regards the current group.

Jerrand provides some more mettle and some interesting buff potential, while Rosslyn is also a great fit and much needed skillsmistress - the Scout archtype really compliments the group well.

My 2 runes worth Randall...

Thanks for showing interest. Submissions are still open though. The group's also out looking for an arcane magic user as support role.

Here's Silar, N Half Elf Illusionist 2. He's a stage magician, expert in illusions and shadows, that travels from town to town looking for a good place to perform his tricks or, even better, a noble or rich merchant willing to take him in his court. He was born in a circus and was always in contact with wierd individuals, creatures and other magicians, from which he learned magic. He's not a coward, but avoid conflicts if he can. He's sometimes a bit of a smug, and his smugness caused him to inadvertedly offend the major of a big town during a performance. His reputation in ruins, Silar figured out that working with a group of adventurers for a while might make him famous and respected again, but he didn't have a chance to join a group yet. He's now travelling to Deeptown hoping to find some work to do there.

I forgot to mention that stats is a 20 point buy, with one trait barring Initiative raising ones. Please look at campaign front page if more details are required.

I'm done!

I chose my equipment and took Poverty-Stricken as my trait.

Rosslyn's stats look okay. The group will be waiting for her at the ooc. Welcome!

Silar's point buy is 22. The campaign is a 20 point buy.

Jerard's still at level one. Since the skill based member slot is chosen, there's still an arcane slot left.

DM randall793 wrote:

Silar's point buy is 22. The campaign is a 20 point buy.

Stats adjusted.

Grand Lodge

Silar can have the spot as the group already has a healer and the illusionist would add to the group.

Good luck with the game everyone.

Thanks for your interest Jerrand. Welcome Silar! The main group's still at the woods. I'll ease your character in once they've returned.

DM randall793 wrote:
Thanks for your interest Jerrand. Welcome Silar! The main group's still at the woods. I'll ease your character in once they've returned.


DM randall793 wrote:
Thanks for your interest Jerrand. Welcome Silar! The main group's still at the woods. I'll ease your character in once they've returned.

hey can i join?

DM randall793 wrote:

Rosslyn's stats look okay. The group will be waiting for her at the ooc. Welcome!

Thank you! Making my hello post.

@TheDarkKing - Just missed it. Sorry. Closed the recruitment earlier as it looked response was a bit slow.

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