TheDarkKing's page

Organized Play Member. 9 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Krisam wrote:
Krisam wrote:
Everyone is lvl.2, core classes and races only.
We'll be sticking to this for now, as I'm not too familiar with the new classes.

then ill just take the dwarf ranger.

Krisam wrote:
Krisam wrote:
Everyone is lvl.2, core classes and races only.
We'll be sticking to this for now, as I'm not too familiar with the new classes.


Krisam wrote:
TheDarkKing wrote:
i can take over the dwarf. also could i make a new character? in addition to the dwarf?
I guess it might be best if you just made a new character. What kind did you have in mind, considering what we've already got?

gunslinger work?

i can take over the dwarf. also could i make a new character? in addition to the dwarf?

lynora wrote:
TheDarkKing wrote:
can i join?
Sure, it's open enrollment. Do you want to play a teacher or a student? What sort of concept(s) do you have in mind?

um student or teacher doesn't matter.

i was thinking a expert and powerful gunslinger i was thinking he has a troubled past as he accidentally destroyed a settlement when he was battling his evil younger brother. that it for a concept

can i join?

DM randall793 wrote:
Thanks for your interest Jerrand. Welcome Silar! The main group's still at the woods. I'll ease your character in once they've returned.

hey can i join?

Krisam wrote:
bump de bump

i can.

hey can i join?