Your Benevolent Dictator |
@JonGarrett: As a matter of fact, it is. I enjoyed the premise and liked the sandboxy nature. :-)
@ThePaleKing: SoP is well worth the buy. Overall it's a buff to casters at low levels but makes up for it by locking away the game-breaking abilities behind an optional system. In general, they're solid Tier 3 classes, and building a spherecaster is very intuitive.
Rednal |
Spheres has its own version of Prepared, as an optional drawback - you allot your Spell Points (daily resource pool) to Spheres at the start of the day. The system's pretty straightforward that way - weak powers are all-day, strong powers require you to expend points. XD So you're never really out of magic, but you can only do your best stuff so many times.
JonGarrett |
It's a shame After Death never got to be what I hoped it would be...the published version is basically a first draft with about a thousand words edited out. There were some communication hiccups, so I never got a chance to do any editing after the initial copy was sent in, and I wasn't entirely happy with the final product.
Still, it's not bad for a week's effort.
Class - Machinesmith, if it becomes available, otherwise a Trap Breaker Alchemist.
Race - Tiefling, I think. It fits with the background and I have a fondness for them. However, I'll most likely take the trait that makes them look mostly human.
Theme Feat - Technologist and the Disposable Simulacrum feat. I like powered armour, so I'm definitely heading for the Steamsuit Pilot Prestige class. If allowed, I intend to enhance it with the Mobius Armour Greatwork.
Quick Background - Mimselle Fitelle was the daughter of a minor Dranor house, one caught in the games of politics and treachery. When her family's reputation was destroyed and the ire of the House of Jierre drawn down upon them, the family defected to Risur. While it meant giving up power, prestige and money it also meant surviving.
It was, perhaps, not as surprising in hindsight that King Aodhan allowed the family to join the nation. Many of its members were skilled engineers, just the kind of people to help close the arms race between the two nations, and the lack of love the Fitelle's clearly felt for Danor left it unlikely that they were spies.
With the family settled and working, if no longer a great power, Mimselle was able to grow in relative peace. Which was not to say that many of her family did not receive some kind of abuse for their blood, but Mimselle herself was unusual. She lacked most of the obvious indicators that she was a Tiefling. Only her unusual silvery eyes and a tail few ever saw would give it away, allowing er to enjoy more tolerance than her kin.
As she came of age, Mimselle had developed a deep respect and love for her adoptive country. It wasn't perfect, but King Aodhan seemed intent on bettering life for his people, even if things right now were...not always that pleasant. Stability was what the nation needed, and to help keep things table, Mimselle joined the Royal Homeland Constabulary, her engineering talents allowing her to create a small assistant machine.
Initially a researcher and engineer, Mimselle has steadily worked her way to the front ranks to be a full constable, and hopes to make a difference. Still, she has only relatively recently passed the magical inquisition to allow her to serve, and is a bit unsure of her abilities.
Whiskey and a Bonesaw |
Name: Ellena Tabbit (Portrait)
Class: Swordmaster (Player's Note: This is an awesome class, I wish I had heard of it earlier.)
Race: Human (Risuri)
Theme Feat: Martial Studies
Role: Frontline fighter/Backup skill monkey
Rough Background: Ellena Tabbit's official record is distinctly unimpressive. Ranked 27th in her class at the Battalion - 3rd of the three women students - she has neither the familial connections nor the specialized skills necessary to attract the interest of the Royal Homeland Constabulary. In the normal course of things she would never have registered on their radar, save for the recommendation of her Unconventional Tactics professor. A retired RHC Inspector himself, in a closed-door meeting he extolled her creativity and dedication while lamenting her family's inability to afford another year of college. The school and the RHC quickly struck a deal: after a trial year's service the RHC would fund her continuing education on the condition that she continue working for them afterwards. On the day of the R.N.S Coaltongue's launch, she's three months into her trial year.
Other random background/personality information: She's very fond of the dockers' works - the sharper, the better - and used to sneak out of the student dorms to wander the docks and listen to recitals. Her sword is actually named after her favorite musician, though she'd never admit it.
She feels like she's disappointing her family by not living up to their expectations at the Battalion - her father and grandfather both graduated first in their class. While her family honestly can't afford to pay her tuition any longer, in her low moments she thinks that they could find the money if she was more promising.
Sapiens |
Alright, I'm not yet sure whether I want to play as a male or a female, but in the meantime here she is:
Name: Alice Kildare, here she is and here she is after taking a level in Badass.
Race: Human (Risuri)
Class: Swashbuckler (Picaroon archetype)
Theme Feat: Yerasol Veteran
Role: In combat, frontline or secondary damage dealer, out of combat face (no Bluff), possibly scout
The background started short but then I got carried away.
"You will apologize to Risur and to me, sir, and you will apologize now, or this will end in blood. Yours." - Alice Kildare
Alice Kildare was born twenty-eight years ago to Jeremy and Maria Kildare, shopkeepers in Bosun Strand. Second child out of three, there was nothing unremarkable in her childhood. She had an education as good as any kid can get when their parents can't afford the rates of Pardwight University, she never went hungry nor was she especially unhappy with her life.
Then, the Fourth Yerasol War broke out. Alice was drafted in the Navy, and the experience of the war scarred her three times.
The first was a scar on her face, running over her right cheekbone, where burning shrapnel had marked her.
The second was a scar in her mind, which grew cold and staunch with every dead friend and life taken.
The third was a scar in her heart, where burned a fiery patriotism that was partly brainwashing and partly heartfelt.
"... among the many casualties of the day, Midshipman Kildare should be noted and commended. Without her bravery and sacrifice, the whole crew would now lie with the ship at the bottom of the ocean." - Boatswain Connelly, survivor of the Impetuous
In the final throes of the war, Alice had raised to the rank of Midmanship aboard the frigate Impetuous. As it, in dire need of repairs, was ambushed by Danoran ships, she was not on duty and sleeping belowdeck. The slight time it took her to wake up and run to her battle station saved her life when a scattershot from the enemies washed over the command deck. The captain and two lieutenants were killed instantly, which made Alice the highest ranking officer aboard the ship. She ran to the wheel, but as a broadside opened the weakened hull of the Impetuous, it was evident that the engagement would not have been won.
She turned the ship to shield the lifeboats from the cannon fire, and as the last surviving member but her had left the ship, she did what she could to prevent the enemy ship from catching up to them. What she could do was throw a torch into the blackpowder storage and ram the enemy. How she managed to steer the ship with no crew is a mystery, but Boatswain Connelly swears she saw her draw her sword and jump aboard the Danorean vessel, challenging the enemy captain to duel. Then an explosion rocked the Impetuous.
"You have gone above and beyond your duty to serve this country, Lieutenant. What I'm offering you will ask you to do it again and again." - Inspector Delft
Alice was marked as a casualty and a war hero and posthumously promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. A few days after the end of the war, however, a fishing boat found, near Shale, a makeshift raft carrying a woman wearing the tattered remains of a Navy uniform. She was heatstruck, dehydrated and starved, her skin was badly burned and her face was gaunt, she was alive.
The explosion had knocked her unconscious, but she had got tangled in a large wooden fragment of the hull of the frigate, waking up to find herself washed ashore somewhere in the Yerasol Archipelago. There she had made it into the best raft she could, then set towards Risur with all the fruit and water that she could carry.
When she returned to Flint, she was given a hero’s welcome, but soon felt disgusted with society fawning over her, and every night she woke up in a cold sweat, cannons blazing in her ears. She took to drinking, but Risur would not have one of its heroic veterans become a drunkard. Alice was accosted by the Assistant Chief of the local RHC branch, who carried a job offer for her. A chance to do, once again, something worthwhile in service of the nation, possibly risking her life.
She accepted.
Character information (in sparse order):
She is Lawful Neutral in an anti-hero sort of way. She cares about justice as much as about law, and will try to do the most decent thing. However, she is willing to do what needs to be done, should this require violence, going against civil rights and even, in extreme circumstances, assassination. She has lost her idealism in the war, turning into a ruthless pragmatist.
She would challenge to a duel to death almost anyone who offends herself, her country or the RHC refusing to take cheek, only forcing herself to patience with her superiors, colleagues and war veterans.
She will not lie or bluff, but she has no problem with fellow constables doing so.
She despises the “useless” nobility and high society, who dwelt in riches while she was on the front, but respects those who earned their money with work and dedication, especially if their wealth did not come from exploitation.
She smokes leaf of Nicodemus cigarillos and drinks slightly more than she should.
She has a large burn scar on her back that she does not like others to see.
She wears her uniform everywhere, even if it might make her stand out.
She has a sweet tooth, especially for custard.
She carries an inordinate amount of hidden weaponry.
Her parents are still alive and working, but they are aging. Jeremy is 58 years old, Maria is 55. Her elder brother (32) is working as a physician and paying off his tuition at Pardwight, while her younger sister sister (23) is a maidservant for a rich family.
Enchanter Tim |
Been busy this weekend. I'll try to look over SoP and some of the 3rd party stuff, and have a concrete idea soon. Overall, I've been thinking about a gun-mage type character. Perhaps using Eldritch Archer Magus base with the Gunsmith theme. Does anyone know of a way to make him a spontaneous caster? I'd love to try out the SoP rules from that standpoint.
Your Benevolent Dictator |
@The Pale King: It's not at all required, but the flavor fits. Vancian magic is rigid and formulaic while SoP is raw and primal.
@Enchanter Tim: There's a SoP Magus conversion, but it's in one of the expansions. I'll get you the info later.
@Everyone Else: Loving the concepts so far. I can already tell that it'll be hard for me to choose the official party. :-)
Lithrac |
I've had a good look at the Spheres of Power and I must say I'm very impressed! This had me thinking over my character, and the opportunity to play a Sphere Oracle looks simply amazing and too good to pass up. Thus I'm heading towards a Deva Oracle (time mystery and sphere) with the Skyseeker theme. The full application will be coming in the next couple of days, but I wanted to let you know where I was at.
That Sean fellow |
Okay. I'm busy gathering info and reading the players guide. I'm leaning strongly to taking the Investigator class with the Spirit Medium Theme. I think that will make for an interesting character. And I REALLY wanna get that Urban Empath Prestige Class.
Just busy day of work today so I'll post all my character details later today or tomorrow. :)
Mark Thomas 66 RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16 |
Almonihah |
I wish I wasn't already at capacity for PbP games, or I'd be all over this. Instead, I'll just be watching. I read over the 'back-of-the-book' descriptions for ZEITGEIST last week, and it sounds awesome...
...Though maybe that means I shouldn't read the gameplay, so that I can preserve the mystery for a possible future play-through.
Phillip0614 |
To start things off, tell me about yourself. How long have you been playing Pathfinder? What do you like/dislike about the system? Are you experienced with the PbP format? If you are, but your game/s ended early, what happened? What kind of combat/social balance do you like? Do you have previous experience with the Zeitgeist AP? That sort of thing. Make me like you. :-)
I'll do my best!
I've been playing Pathfinder since the system was released; I've been tabletop gaming since I started college fifteen years ago. My first gaming experience was with a D&D 3.0 game; Since then I've played games in D&D 3.5, Alternity, d20 Star Wars, WEG Star Wars, Star Trek, Warhammer 40K Deathwatch, Shadowrun, Deadlands, Heroes Unlimited, Rifts, Cthulhu, and Serenity, to name the ones I can recall right now. I've been playing Pathfinder specifically since the Jade Regent AP was first published.
I've only been on one face-to-face Pathfinder game, when I ran Second Darkness for a group of friends; teaching high school keeps me pretty busy and my main GM friend is already running Deathwatch and D&D 4E and I'm pretty much limited to one sit-down gaming session a month. I love PbP gaming, though, and have played in a total of fourteen games, though only three are active right now. Out of the eleven that ended prematurely, ten of them were because the GM disappeared; the last was a Kingmaker game that I was forced to drop out of due to real-life circumstances beyond my control several years ago.
I like how similar Pathfinder is to my initial experiences of roleplaying; I teach engineering and I've always been good with numbers, so the detailed nature of the number-crunching in the game has always appealed to me. I suppose the only thing about it that doesn't appeal to me is the time investment that a real-life game takes; I have friends that game every Saturday for eight or ten hours and I'm just too busy for that kinda thing. That's probably why I like PbP gaming so much, though; I can check the message board and spend a twenty or thirty minutes catching up, thinking of a response, and posting it before getting back to grading papers or whatever else I'm having to do.
I tend to like a good mix of combat and social situations and don't really strongly favor one or the other. The classes I have experience playing are many: Fighter, Ranger, Oracle, Inquisitor, Druid, Mesmerist, and Bard. Probably the only class I've never played before is a full arcane caster. If I were to state my preference, I would say that I like playing social situations more than combat; I like the opportunity to really think about how a given character would react in different social situations.
I don't have any experience with the Zeitgeist AP, but I know of it, and have begun reading through the electronic copy of the Player's Guide I have on my flash drive. I very much like the different-ness of the setting; the last book I read was The Aeronaut's Windlass, the first of Jim Butcher's new steampunk series, and probably my favorite character ever was a Eberron Artificer/Elemental Binder, and that setting is pretty reminiscent of steampunk to my mind. I'm looking forward to digging into the Zeitgeist player's guide and learning more about the setting!
I think that answers the questions you have, though maybe a bit too wordily. If you've got any follow-up questions to ask, I'd be happy to answer them!
That Sean fellow |
Name: Riggs Athentis
Class: Investigator
Race: Human
Theme Feat:Unfinished Business
Role:Skills, Combat Support.
Portrait: I've got one but dunno how to post it.
Background:What? You haven't heard about Riggs Athantis? You must be new here. The reason you don't see him around the RHC is because he currently is on paid suspension mate.He has been for about two months now.
You see, he's not all right upstairs, or so they say. I wasn't stationed here at the time. But he got his partner killed y'see. Ask any other fellers 'round here and they'll tell ya 'e was a wild card. Very unorthodox 'e was.
Folks said he used to whisper to 'imself. Who does that?
Anyway, they keep him around because there's no denying he gets the job done when he has to. Whoever it is he speaks to helps point 'im in the right direction 'cos 'e's an 'ell of investigator but fights like a madman when the time comes 'at talk is over.
I dunno what it'll take for the Inspectress Saxby to call him outta his suspension. But he must be going crazy o'er there in the Nettles.
Ephraïm the Wanderer |
This is Lithrac's submission.
Name Nephilim Aetas
Race Deva
Class Oracle (Time mystery, Shattered Psyche curse (from Iron Gods; barring that, Haunted would achieve nearly the same effect story-wise as far as character design is concerned, though not putting emphasis on the overlapping personalities to my taste)
Theme Skyseer
Party Role Buffer/Debuffer/Healer
Introducing Nephilim
Nephilim is a deva who was originally born a human in around 40 B.O.V. according to his estimate. While like most devas he doesn't recall his past lives (including his original one), his curious nature has led him to investigate his previous incarnations, thus gathering little by little pieces of a vast puzzle. He knows that he was a human at the time of the war with the Eladrin, and that he fought in the Risur army at that time. Flashes and fractured memories haunt him continually though, so his later incarnations have been increasingly difficult. In the last one, he has chosen to bind his fate to Risur's, since one of the sole things he knows for a fact is that he has always had ties with this realm, ever since his first incarnation and his fateful transformation into a deva.
One thing of note is that Nephilim strongly believes that he doesn't progress in life (for example, when he levels up), but he's merely recovering some of his latent abilities he developped in his past incarnations. His life-changing experience as the goddess Srasama was slain during the battle he most likely took part have created (or perhaps strengthened?) a bond between Nephilim and Reida, the plane of distance and time. He has grown to understand time in a vastly different manner than most sentient beings do, and has developped nascent powers to control it. He believes that over the course of his past incarnations, he has made great steps towards understanding himself and his powers, but that he sadly forgot all of it. However, he knows that given his curious and meticulous nature, his past self has most likely hidden the gathered clues of his Magnum Opum somewhere in Risur... but where?
Why he joined the RHC
Nephilim quickly understood that he wouldn't get very far in his own investigation of his past incarnations without the means to do so. Finding the place where his past self stashed the state of his investigation would be a great start towards resuming his path to understanding himself, but he needs the means to do that. Moreover, serving Risur was one of the few certainties he could cling to. Thus, he has decided to remain in his home country and endeavor for it to bloom throughout time. Who knows, by joining the RHC he might even find someone who knew one of his past incarnations? Or have these incarnations already followed that course and joined the RHC years ago? So many questions remain.
Note to YBD: This character's concept is strongly inspired by the film Memento. If you haven't seen it yet, I strongly recommend you do, it's amazing. When I read about the devas' background and pushed the concept forward, this concept came naturally. The choice of the curse (Shattered Psyche) is also linked to that particular feature: his "added" incarnations over time aren't completely silent, which had the effect of making him slightly mad (multiple personalities overlapping), but increasingly so as the incarnations add up. This has also allowed him to remember fragments of his past, clues to help him find who he once was... and eventually silence the inner voices (or so he believes!)
The Pale King |
Character concept is still in the brewing, I want him to feel like he is a part of the world as much as possible. I am leaning toward a Deva who only has a deep sense of loss, sorrow, rage, and betrayal from his previous lives. Sometimes when he awakens covered in sweat, his sheets a tangled mess there is a terrifying moment of clarity, but he has never seen even a glimpse of an actual memory in his waking mind. I am picturing a gentleman with a darker side that comes out when events tug at his unremembered pasts. Class options that I have considered so far include Eldritch Scoundrel Rogue, a Bladebound Kensai that uses a Sword Cane, or a Lamplighter who also wields a Sword Cane.
Your Benevolent Dictator |
JonGarrett - Tiefling Machinesmith/Crypt Breaker Alchemist (Technologist)
Lithrac - Deva Time Oracle (Skyseer)
Sapiens - Risuri Picaroon Swashbuckler (Yerasol Veteran)
That Sean Fellow - Half-Elf Investigator (Spirit Medium)
Whiskey and a Bonesaw - Risuri Swordmaster (Martial Scientist)
Looking very good. I'm liking all of the applications so far. Keep up the quality work, everyone. :-)
@JonGarrett: I'll give you a yay or nay regarding the Machinesmith by the time we move on to Phase Three of the recruitment.
@Phillip0614: Nice to meet you. :-) Like you, I don't really have the time for face-to-face gaming anymore, but PbP has opened up a whole new world for me. I also enjoy the mechanical aspect of the game a great deal and am prone to scouring the SRD or the Archives of Nethys for hours in search of the perfect Feat. I also tend to build my PCs around a specific game mechanic or interesting combination and like optimizing around a typically-poor mechanic in an attempt to make it playable. My last PFS character was a Diviner/Ninja who emphasized initiative so he could guarantee sneak attacks with his shocking grasp wand. ;-)
EDIT: @The Pale King - I like sword canes. You don't see them used nearly enough. :-)
Isabelle "Ellie" Jackdaw |
Just checking in to give my general idea.
I intend to use Miss Isabelle Jackdaw. Her exact build is up for debate, however. I had intended on capitalizing on the machinesmith but it seems like I'm far from the only one. If the market is too saturated with machinesmiths, as it were, Isabelle's original incarnation is an Archivist Bard and I'm more than happy to go that route. I'm quite torn, honestly.
I've got some rudimentary flavor written for her now but I intend on flavoring her more to fit the setting as I learn more about it (over the next day or so) including the requested information.
In addition to the previous picture I shared (which is what currently have in the profile), I've also included a more detailed physical description and personality. I'm sure there's more to add there as well.
Right now I'm working between... well, work. But I'm pretty efficient I think. So I'll update further as ideas come to me. Long story short, though, I want to build a support character who focuses on making lots of things. Especially traps and machines.
Fighting Chicken |
@Fighting Chicken: Nice to meet you. :-)
Nice to meet you too!
Quick question before I go further - if I understand the "allowed classes" spoiler correctly, SoP is allowed as a casting system but SoP classes are not allowed as options?
Just double-checking before I get too far into thinking about my concept. Thanks in advance!
Mark Thomas 66 RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16 |
Almonihah |
@Almonihah: I'm almost exclusively a GM nowadays, but I came extremely close to applying for your Hydra Head campaign. If you apply here, don't forget about Phase One. ;-) The Shifter is my favorite shapeshifter class, by the way.
Aw, why thank you! It's been great fun.
Yeah, I won't forget if/when I apply. I've been looking for a good shapeshifting class (as in, a class that actually focuses on doing shapeshifting well, instead of it being an afterthought) for a long time, so when I actually read the Spheres of Power rules a week or so ago and saw the Shifter... well, I have to play one sometime... and playing one as a RHC officer seems like it would be great fun. After all, what criminal suspects the alley cat watching their back-alley dealings?
Speaking of which... what I would really like to play is actually a Shifter... whose original race is a cat. I have this cat character--the result of some unethical experiments done by a wizard on his familiar--that I've wanted to play for a long time in something other than free-form RPing. XD But that may be a little bit too far out there.
Phillip0614 |
From reading what I've read thus far, I think the character idea that grabs me the most is a Dwarven Gunsmith. Even have a picture I found that would fit my mental picture of him very well! The idea of playing a gunsmith has always been really interesting to me but they've always felt like kind of a strange addition to the traditional fantasy environment.
For Zeitgeist, though? I think a gunsmith would fit very well! I'm going to put together a character with that concept in mind as soon as I can.
Mark Thomas 66 RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16 |
Name: Corinne Durande
Class: Oracle (Occult Mystery / Haunted curse)
Race: Human
Theme Feat: Unfinished Business
Role: Divine casting, Combat Support, Specialist skills
Portrait: Corinne
It would seem that for Corinne Durande, membership in the Royal Homeland Constabulary was more destiny than an active choice. At the age of 14, the young girl became both an orphan, and the only person to survive the Bosum Strangler, the demented serial killer that took her mother from her, and almost her life. Those who see the scar, a narrow line around her throat usually covered by scarves and other forms of neckwear, and ask about it hear the tale freely.
After the last ten years she no longer balks at the dubious fame of being “that girl”…..The Strangler’s last……the one who lived. What she doesn’t speak about is the fact that the maniac succeeded……the fact that she died that night, for a few minutes at least. Yet for some reason, even she can't say for sure, death was unable to keep hold of her, yet her brush with death would change her in two fundamental ways.
Corinne is a woman who straddles the world of the living and the dead, able to perceive, and at times communicate with those whose bodies no longer draw breath. Aware of the fact that one is almost never alone, surrounded by both benevolent and malevolent spirits, her eyes and mannerisms carry a weight far beyond her years. In some ways it is this connection to the dead, even more than her own loss and suffering at the hands of a monster, that drove the other change.
A burning desire to see justice for the dead. In a city of hundreds of thousands, dozens of people die every day, many with unfinished business. The spirits who are unable to move on for one reason or another, they speak to her, tell her their stories. For many she is a last hope that their lives being snuffed out will not go without note.
Driven by that need, and a desire to rid the city of monsters like the man that took her mother, finding those monsters that hide in plain sight, pretending to be ordinary citizens, drove her to study and apply herself, the only child from the orphanage in which she was placed until adulthood to graduate with honors, working her way up towards applying for the RHC academy.
Azaghâl Flintbreaker |
Gonna take a page from Mark in stating my concept more clearly...imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, right? ;) I hope you don't mind my going ahead and submitting a character concept, YBD!
Player: Phillip0614
Name: Azaghâl Flintbreaker
Class: Gunslinger (Musket Master)
Race: Dwarf
Theme Feat: The Man with Two Guns is a God
Role: Ranged Combat Specialist, Secondary Engineer
Portrait: Character Picture
Isabelle "Ellie" Jackdaw |
Thanks for the feedback!
I actually plan on mostly overhauling the story. This is a shell character I made for a steampunk (not Zeitgeist) campaign I was a part of ages ago but the game didn't last very long (the DM had stuff come up) but I've always really wanted to play her.
I'm hoping today will be shorter so I can study the AP more and give you a better idea of what I'm going for exactly. I'll just go ahead and let you know that mercenary isn't it. I want this character to be absorbed in their work as a craftsman. I'll likely forsake offense entirely (I've been known to do that) and focus solely on support and control.
I'll have more on the specifics later today. I'm passionate about this concept though so I'll try not to short you on details this next time around.
Edit: Just one question; how do you feel about the variant aasimars? I'm debating between one of those and a human. I'd be interested in Peri-Blooded. No biggy either way, just want to see if it's an option.
Almonihah |
Okay, so since I've pretty much talked myself into submitting, I guess I'll get to that phase 1 stuff now. :D
How long have you been playing Pathfinder? What do you like/dislike about the system? Are you experienced with the PbP format? If you are, but your game/s ended early, what happened? What kind of combat/social balance do you like? Do you have previous experience with the Zeitgeist AP?
I mucked about a bit with the Pathfinder playtest, and I've played the system pretty steadily since its official release. Before that I played D&D 3.5, 3.0, and AD&D 2nd ed., as well as dipping into a wide variety of other systems (I have a friend who is always searching for "The One True System", and I've always been willing to help him try a new one if he lets me make my strange characters).
As for what I like about Pathfinder in particular... honestly, I'm easy to please when it comes to RPG systems, because I enjoy both the gamist and the simulationist aspects, both the role-playing and the roll-playing, the story-building and the wargaming... okay, I think you get the idea. Anyway, I enjoy how Pathfinder gives a firm enough rules basis that I can have a decent idea of how likely my character is or is not to succeed at most actions. As a more rules-heavy system, this is a virtue for Pathfinder, in my opinion.
While my footprint here on the Paizo forums is fairly small, I've actually done various forms of play-by-post for about the past eight years. A lot of that has been more free-form style RP's with friends via Google Docs or club forums at college, but some of it has been with various systems. The last few months here on the Paizo forums are my first time combining Pathfinder and Play-by-Post, though.
I'm kind of new to the Paizo forums for any campaigns I'm in to have died. Other campaigns I've been in have died for pretty much all of the usual suspects--school or work changes made scheduling too hard, creative differences between some of the participants, in one case severe writer's block on the part of my RP partner... or just the campaign finishing.
I'm actually good just about anywhere on the social-to-combat spectrum. With my family (my most regular Pathfinder group :D) we tend to be pretty combat-heavy, whereas a lot of the PbP RP's I've done have consisted primarily of characters talking. Ultimately, I'd say I enjoy a healthy mix of both best, anywhere from 75%/25% to 25%/75%
I've never played ZEITGEIST, but I did read Endzeitgeist's reviews, so I have a vague idea of some of the overall plot.