Yinz Be Goblins (Inactive)

Game Master MJinthePitt

Setting this up ... and probably doing it wrong.

Here for the party.

Pitt_Evertonian wrote:
Here for the party.

Dirty Razmiran masks!

MJinthePitt wrote:
Pitt_Evertonian wrote:
Here for the party.
Dirty Razmiran masks!

It's like a creepy masquerade ball outfit.

I might be a slacker but I am here. Wheres my matches?

Espo, always slacking!


hey lets get um to the pit an burn em an make it scary!

OK, back in character....let's burn some shiz!!


Does everyone still have their character sheets from the one-shot? Take a look at the character sheet and let me know if there are any skills you'd like to switch around ranks in. Also let me know what goblin traits you'd taken.

I'll start the process of leveling up the characters and will let the three of you know what things you're eligible to increase. (Like how Dave does it.) Then starting next week I'll open up the Gameplay thread and we'll get started with the story and a map.

In the meantime, try to get familiar with the bulletin board posting mechanics. Check out the How to format your text

button below.

I am just going to let my character roll with what he has. Do you need anything from me or do you have our character sheets??

same here...I am fine with the way he is built except I am sure you want to nerf that vest of bones thing

Un-Tee-Dee wrote:
same here...I am fine with the way he is built except I am sure you want to nerf that vest of bones thing

I'll reread the Bones magic item and maybe ramp it back a little. There will be some creature aliases worked up for it and I'll pull a Star Wars and come up with overly detailed back stories for the summoned creatures that you'll never know about!

Come on baby light my fire!

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