Yet Another ... Rise of the Runelords PBP

Game Master ziltmilt

Starting in the sleepy coastal town of Sandpoint, danger lurks.

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So, my kid's got a relatively minor medical implant, but one he needs very badly. He had a new one put in a few months ago, and we found out in April that it was infected. It needs to be replaced, and that may happen on Weds this week, provided his infection is truly gone. The problem is that the specific bacteria is a slow grower, and doesn't show up in cultures for about 5 days. At this point, he might be discharged by Friday, which means he'll have been inpatient for over 2 weeks!

So, work and everything else has been put on hold for the past week and a half; looks like things are calming down on my end, but I'll update here if I have to skip a day or two between turns.

Thanks for being patient!

Just realized something ... I have majorly goofed up. Xanesha had cast mirror image before combat began and I haven't applied it at all.

I think I can go back and retroactively apply this against hits you've made; or we can proceed with the full array of mirror images at her current HP. Do you have a preference?

8th lvl Halfling (Rogue 6/Sorcerer 2); 22, 2'10", 32#; Str 8, Dex 20, Con 13, Int 8, Wis 9, Cha 16; AC: 21 (touch 17, ff n/a); hp 64; Initiative +5

I think I'm ok either way you want to do it.

Female Asimar Bard 2/Monk 2 | HP ?/? | AC 18; T 18; FF 14 | CMD 18 | F +3 R +9 W +8 | Init +4 | Perc +9 | Active: None

I think it is easier to just pretend she just spontaneously generated new images.

Fine either way

Ranger (guide) 8| AC 18(22) | HP 86/86

Probably better to retro it. There's been a lot of arows/bolts/daggers in the air. The mirror image is probably done by now. Remember that if an attack misses by 5 or less it still takes out an image.

Init +2|AC15(17)/Touch10/Flatfoot15|CMD 12||HP 13[13]| Fort:+4 ;Ref:+0 ;Wil:+5|Percept +9/Sense Motive +9. Longsword +10 1d8+4 CMB +6 Channel (4d6) l 0/[3] Male Half Varisian Human Cleric of Iomadae/1 (Favoured Class)

Yay. My misses have meaning.

Ranger (guide) 8| AC 18(22) | HP 86/86


no update tonight ... sorry, folks

i promise though it really looks like we're at the end of the road w/ my kid's hospitalization. his new shunt goes in tomorrow early AM, and if all goes well, they'll kick him out Thursday.

I am offline till the weekend. My apologies again. look for an update by Saturday.

Update - kid got discharged earlier than expected. we're back home now, so I should be able to update tonight (Thursday).

Glad to hear about your kid

Female Asimar Bard 2/Monk 2 | HP ?/? | AC 18; T 18; FF 14 | CMD 18 | F +3 R +9 W +8 | Init +4 | Perc +9 | Active: None

Glad everyone is back at home!

Been quite ill. Pls gimme a little more time. Bot if need be.

Female Asimar Bard 2/Monk 2 | HP ?/? | AC 18; T 18; FF 14 | CMD 18 | F +3 R +9 W +8 | Init +4 | Perc +9 | Active: None

I hope you are feeling better soon.


Can't do an update tonight ... there's no player actions!

I think I should have pointed out that the archons can see Xanesha and can still fire on her but I'm not sure of their range. So maybe I should have uploaded a map after all ...

Yeah - I'm gonna sic my newly summoned archon on her/it.

I think this is a very tough battle for us as apart from Ned we really don't have much ranged firepower.

Ranger (guide) 8| AC 18(22) | HP 86/86

Those archons must be kicking her ass though, especially since their attacks bypass damage reduction.

Congratulations on your progress. We are officially 1/3 of the way through the AP!!

Init +2|AC15(17)/Touch10/Flatfoot15|CMD 12||HP 13[13]| Fort:+4 ;Ref:+0 ;Wil:+5|Percept +9/Sense Motive +9. Longsword +10 1d8+4 CMB +6 Channel (4d6) l 0/[3] Male Half Varisian Human Cleric of Iomadae/1 (Favoured Class)

If we sell the new stuff etc? Whats everyones share?

I could use some scrolls of Masterwork Item to bring my Platemail up to MW and then enchant it to +1, and a +1 shield.

I also am seriously considering a headband of wisdom +2.

Init +2|AC15(17)/Touch10/Flatfoot15|CMD 12||HP 13[13]| Fort:+4 ;Ref:+0 ;Wil:+5|Percept +9/Sense Motive +9. Longsword +10 1d8+4 CMB +6 Channel (4d6) l 0/[3] Male Half Varisian Human Cleric of Iomadae/1 (Favoured Class)
Nicholae Szabo wrote:

If we sell the new stuff etc? Whats everyones share?

I could use some scrolls of Masterwork Item to bring my Platemail up to MW and then enchant it to +1, and a +1 shield.

I also am seriously considering a headband of wisdom +2.

I got 890 after thistle top I didn't spend. 2400 from the skinsaw men I haven't spent and I am curious as to what this latest share will bring me.

I am crossing fingers it will get me over 4k... at that point I have a conundrum. Do I go with the Headband of Wisdom? Right now its good for a level 4 bonus spell (Wis 17 at level 7) but at level 8 its only good for a bonus first level spell... I can always gamble on finding one.


Do I buy to up my AC? I am sort of the party tank or at least potential damage soak (Ned is the #1 damage dealer).

+1 shield is cheap. 1320p
My plate mail? I can pray for spell - Masterwork transformation... I need 300gp of materials. THEN I need to get it enchanted to +1 (1000gp)... GM - can we say this was done RETRO during all the feasts and nonsense?
Thats another 1300gp.
Amulets of Natural armour tend to be common drops but you can't always count on them... thats another 1000gp.

That would send my AC to 21, 24 with shield.

AC at the 20 mark or so no longer cuts it at level 8+ play.

I could hold off on enchanting the plate mail - and use magic vestment. At level 8 its good for a +2 enhancement bonus.

Shield of faith is a very short term buff but good for another +2 deflection bonus.

Anyway... thoughts?

Also any thoughts on what skills or development Nicholae should be branching into? I have not chosen my level 7 feat as yet... any thoughts there?

Init +2|AC15(17)/Touch10/Flatfoot15|CMD 12||HP 13[13]| Fort:+4 ;Ref:+0 ;Wil:+5|Percept +9/Sense Motive +9. Longsword +10 1d8+4 CMB +6 Channel (4d6) l 0/[3] Male Half Varisian Human Cleric of Iomadae/1 (Favoured Class)

Does everyone want to throw in for a wand of CLW or two? At 750gp each they are great value - Ned, Selia and I can use them and I think it works out a 12.5gp a CLW spell... spells that none of us have to memorise or use from our own daily selections.

Init +2|AC15(17)/Touch10/Flatfoot15|CMD 12||HP 13[13]| Fort:+4 ;Ref:+0 ;Wil:+5|Percept +9/Sense Motive +9. Longsword +10 1d8+4 CMB +6 Channel (4d6) l 0/[3] Male Half Varisian Human Cleric of Iomadae/1 (Favoured Class)

Are we going to get an arcanist as our next party member? No offence but Lliedr is a dabbler at this level and I've always found sorcerers to be 2nd cousin to wizards or witches. Hell, even the Magus can be more effective (At times... I will put a dedicated sorcerer against a magus 6 times out of 10 but that arcane spell recall is a honey)

Yes, my kid's going to play a Wizard. I'll get him set up after the holiday.

8th lvl Halfling (Rogue 6/Sorcerer 2); 22, 2'10", 32#; Str 8, Dex 20, Con 13, Int 8, Wis 9, Cha 16; AC: 21 (touch 17, ff n/a); hp 64; Initiative +5

It's a big choice, but I'd recommend going with AC. Better not to get hit, imo.

I got no problem stocking up on group healing items, although how much Lleidr can throw in will depend on how the last treasure haul splits up. And in a pinch, he can try his +10 Use Magic Device to activate a divine wand.

No offense taken :) Dabbler might be too strong a word, more like just character flavor.

At the risk of sounding lazy - did anyone total up what we got from the loot of the final battle?

Female Asimar Bard 2/Monk 2 | HP ?/? | AC 18; T 18; FF 14 | CMD 18 | F +3 R +9 W +8 | Init +4 | Perc +9 | Active: None

Sorry, gang - I got pulled into my travel plans sooner than I expected. I am going to be on the road until Jun 8, but will try to check in. Bot Selia as you need to in order to continue.

Also, I have not had a chance to prep the loot for selling, but there is a sheet that lists it linked off the top of my character sheet. Much of it is not yet appraised, but go ahead and do so and we can figure out everyone's split.

You guys are quiet this week. Anyone out there?

8th lvl Halfling (Rogue 6/Sorcerer 2); 22, 2'10", 32#; Str 8, Dex 20, Con 13, Int 8, Wis 9, Cha 16; AC: 21 (touch 17, ff n/a); hp 64; Initiative +5

Hey, sorry, the holiday weekend turned out busier than expected, and then I had to spend a couple days focused on getting my well repaired.

8th lvl Halfling (Rogue 6/Sorcerer 2); 22, 2'10", 32#; Str 8, Dex 20, Con 13, Int 8, Wis 9, Cha 16; AC: 21 (touch 17, ff n/a); hp 64; Initiative +5

I guess before we resupply, we should address the treasure split. According to Selia's inventory, there are some items that haven't been ID'd or appraised. Zilt, along with our various Detect Magics, can you make Spellcraft (+3 for Lleidr) and Appraise (also +3 for Lleidr) rolls as appropriate to help fill in the gaps on these items?

* a shallow wooden case containing legal papers, including a deed (I'm not sure there's anything important in here besides the deed; I also don't recall what it's a deed to, and if we can claim it)
* tarnished silver ring
* silver mirror
* giant's cloak
* giant's scythe

Does anyone want to make a claim on
* scroll of lightning bolt (375 gp)
* scroll of keen edge (375 gp)
* hat of disguise (1800 gp)
* 4 potions of cure moderate wounds (300 gp each)
* small +2 kukri (8000 gp)
* Ring of Jumping (2500 gp)
* Golembane scarab (2500 gp)

Lleidr does not, btw, except for one of those potions of CMW.

If no one wants any of the above, what's the rule about selling stuff? Half price for magic items, right? Half or full for the non-magical, non-coin stuff like the ring, mirror, jewelry and gems?

Ranger (guide) 8| AC 18(22) | HP 86/86

I'll take a potion of cure moderate.

Female Asimar Bard 2/Monk 2 | HP ?/? | AC 18; T 18; FF 14 | CMD 18 | F +3 R +9 W +8 | Init +4 | Perc +9 | Active: None

Still travelling, but checking in...

I think the potions are good to distribute. I don't think any of us can use the scrolls.

* tarnished silver ring = 75
* silver mirror = 50
* giant's cloak = cloak of elvenkind
* giant's scythe = giant scythe +1

There's also the lamia's gear, which is pretty esoteric stuff:

Impaler of Thorns (9,000 gp) +1 darkwood longspear, despair & nausea effect 1/day

Medusa Mask (10,000 gp) +4 on save vs visual effects, flesh to stone 1/day

Sihedron medallion (3,500 gp) +1 Resist on all saves, false life 1/day, gentle repose on corpse

Snakeskin tunic (8,000 gp) +1 armor to AC, +2 enhance to DEX, +2 resist bonus for Poison saves

NOTE - as long as you guys spend the time and skill ranks on Appraise and KNO Arcana, it's easiest to just assume you can figure out the major properties of magic items you find. Those gp values are the full values, not the resale.

Female Asimar Bard 2/Monk 2 | HP ?/? | AC 18; T 18; FF 14 | CMD 18 | F +3 R +9 W +8 | Init +4 | Perc +9 | Active: None

Updated the party spreadsheet with values. Would this snakeskin tunic have an arcane failure value? Might be something Selia is interested in...

8th lvl Halfling (Rogue 6/Sorcerer 2); 22, 2'10", 32#; Str 8, Dex 20, Con 13, Int 8, Wis 9, Cha 16; AC: 21 (touch 17, ff n/a); hp 64; Initiative +5

Two quick questions: the party treasure list includes 100 pp, shown as worth 500 gp. I thought the conversion rate was 10 gp:1 pp, so shouldn't that be 1000 gp?

The small +2 kukri is listed at 4308. Shouldn't the value be 8308?

Please forgive me if I'm overstepping :)

8th lvl Halfling (Rogue 6/Sorcerer 2); 22, 2'10", 32#; Str 8, Dex 20, Con 13, Int 8, Wis 9, Cha 16; AC: 21 (touch 17, ff n/a); hp 64; Initiative +5

So, if I'm right about the above, and assuming we keep/split the CMW potions and that Selia gets the tunic, and assuming I'm right about full price for coins/gems/jewelry and half price for everything else, I show that a 4 way split gets everyone 7261.6 gp. Someone figure out where I screwed up the math :)

Have any of you all played the ICONS supers game? was just browsing rpgnow and they've got a ton of supplemental material for it

8th lvl Halfling (Rogue 6/Sorcerer 2); 22, 2'10", 32#; Str 8, Dex 20, Con 13, Int 8, Wis 9, Cha 16; AC: 21 (touch 17, ff n/a); hp 64; Initiative +5

Can anyone verify my math? I want to throw in for a CLW wand and see if I can afford a pseudodragon! Or maybe another wand of something or another.

Female Asimar Bard 2/Monk 2 | HP ?/? | AC 18; T 18; FF 14 | CMD 18 | F +3 R +9 W +8 | Init +4 | Perc +9 | Active: None

Here is what I suggest (and yes, Lleidr was correct on those price adjustments).

Selling everything at half price (except coins and jewels at full), dividing by 4, gets us each 8261.6.

I did not sell the potions, which we can keep as "party healing".

If anyone wants to keep stuff for 1/2 price, they can "buy" it with there share.

For instance, since we can sell the tunic for 4000, if Selia wants to keep the tunic, she can for 4000 of her share. This cuts us a bargain for anything we find that we like, but still keeps the overall split fair. Right?

Unless I see different, I will assume this is the plan and everyone should add 8261.6 to their purse.

Female Asimar Bard 2/Monk 2 | HP ?/? | AC 18; T 18; FF 14 | CMD 18 | F +3 R +9 W +8 | Init +4 | Perc +9 | Active: None

I have not played that supers game. I used to play Champion some 20 years ago, but nothing similar since.

Grand Lodge

Gimme a bit folks - still dealing with personal issues. Sorry for the delay

Ranger (guide) 8| AC 18(22) | HP 86/86

Cool, time to do some shopping!

8th lvl Halfling (Rogue 6/Sorcerer 2); 22, 2'10", 32#; Str 8, Dex 20, Con 13, Int 8, Wis 9, Cha 16; AC: 21 (touch 17, ff n/a); hp 64; Initiative +5

That sounds awesome, and thanks for double checking my feeble math skills, Selia! An extra 1000 gp will come in handy as the costs of my gecko mount add up :) They always get you with the add-ons...

Ranger (guide) 8| AC 18(22) | HP 86/86

And giant crickets are expensive

<edit> should have read your post on the gameplay thread first :-)

Ranger (guide) 8| AC 18(22) | HP 86/86

Purchased a +1 keen greatsword, handy haversack and a wand of cure light wounds.

Cool beans! Can't wait to get this show on the road!!

Init +2|AC15(17)/Touch10/Flatfoot15|CMD 12||HP 13[13]| Fort:+4 ;Ref:+0 ;Wil:+5|Percept +9/Sense Motive +9. Longsword +10 1d8+4 CMB +6 Channel (4d6) l 0/[3] Male Half Varisian Human Cleric of Iomadae/1 (Favoured Class)

Okay all. I've been in a depressive slump for about 10 days now coming out of a gruelling work cycle. Just bear with me for the rest of this week and I should be good. Bot me as needed for the moment

8th lvl Halfling (Rogue 6/Sorcerer 2); 22, 2'10", 32#; Str 8, Dex 20, Con 13, Int 8, Wis 9, Cha 16; AC: 21 (touch 17, ff n/a); hp 64; Initiative +5

Hope things are looking up soon, man.

Parthen is here!

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