xyrophobic |

While walking through the market of Solku, you hear a well dressed, robed man calling out from the middle of the town.
"...wanderers, adventurers, slaves looking for a new life, arms for hire, I Garavel have a job for you. Join my merchant princess Almah on our journey to restore the town of Kelmarane."
I am looking for 4 players for the Legacy of Fire adventure path. We will start with 1st level Pathfinder Beta characters with a 20 point buy. We will transition to the final rules in August. As the DM I will post once a weekday at minimum and will want all players to do the same. I will also require email addresses so I can make private contact with you if needed. If you cant post daily, will not be getting the PRPG final in August, or do not want to supply your email then please do not apply. Thanks. Oh and I already have a Cleric that will play.

vagrant-poet |

Okay, can I be a rogue called Makin ibn Fahd.
He's half-Keleshite, half-Ulfen, raised by his mother Fahd in Katapesh among the bazaars. His mother married a tailor and retired from the wild life. Now Makin not needing to look after her wants to find his own fortune and adventure. Maybe even become a Pathfinder one day.
He looks mostly Keleshite, with wild dark curly hair, moca-colored skin and one dark-coffee coloured eye. However he has heterochromia, and his other eye is bright blue, and he's quite tall and lanky from his father's heritage.
That okay? [Just came up with it in the time since I posted, can change and alter to suit your game of course.]

Billzabub |

Hey, Xyro, I have to say I'm tempted to throw in on this. I've been trying to put together a pbp of this same adventure for a couple of guys, but I'm not sure if that will really happen. I'm gonna give him a quick buzz and see if he'd be interested in bailing on that & rounding out your 3rd and 4th spots.

Makin ibn Fahd |

Hey Xyr, vagrant-poet here, I did a rudimentary stat-up of Makin, check my profile. Is that okay? I used average wealth for buying equipment, 140gp for a rogue. I'm not sure if you count ammo used or encumbrance, or even require us to buy clothes, and mundane, though often fun little items, so I just bought clothes and a belt pouch, for now. Let me know if thats okay, or email me, whatever you'd like.
Makin paused at the shout. Solku had been a dead end for adventure, and he was as yet eager to prove himself a Pathfinder, someday he thought with a smile an exceptionally wealthy Pathfinder.
Deftly weaving through the crowd, a glint in his mismatched eyes, Makin approached the bellowing man.

Billzabub |

Alright, after checking with the group I've been trying to put together & giving it some thought, I'm going to pass. As much as I'd like to play in this, I'd like to run the adventure even more, and from what I understand, my group is going to give it a go.
So, have fun. I'll keep an eye & make sure I stop in regularly to lift stuff for my own game ; )

xyrophobic |

Hey Xyr, vagrant-poet here, I did a rudimentary stat-up of Makin, check my profile. Is that okay? I used average wealth for buying equipment, 140gp for a rogue. I'm not sure if you count ammo used or encumbrance, or even require us to buy clothes, and mundane, though often fun little items, so I just bought clothes and a belt pouch, for now. Let me know if thats okay, or email me, whatever you'd like.
I don't count clothes for encumbrance or price, they are free unless it is special like a fancy suit or heavy winter clothes.
Average gold is perfect, I would want everyone to purchase mundane gear out of that amount and I am somewhat a stickler about encumbrance. I feel that one of the class abilities of the heavy armor classes is being able to carry the loot. But I am not super crazy about it. Same with ammo, I like players to be realistic about it but there is no reason to ruin the game flow because of it.

xyrophobic |

Alright, after checking with the group I've been trying to put together & giving it some thought, I'm going to pass. As much as I'd like to play in this, I'd like to run the adventure even more, and from what I understand, my group is going to give it a go.
So, have fun. I'll keep an eye & make sure I stop in regularly to lift stuff for my own game ; )
Sounds good, let me know if you need a player, I promise not to metagame.

vagrant-poet |

I don't count clothes for encumbrance or price, they are free unless it is special like a fancy suit or heavy winter clothes.
Average gold is perfect, I would want everyone to purchase mundane gear out of that amount and I am somewhat a stickler about encumbrance. I feel that one of the class abilities of the heavy armor classes is being able to carry the loot. But I am not super crazy about it. Same with ammo, I like players to be realistic about it but there is no reason to ruin the game flow because of it.
Absolutely! I'll keep track of them both!

xyrophobic |

I'll be away for six or seven hours, so I'll put in my question now (sorry) : can I play a good or neutral aligned gnoll barbarian. Or would a monster PC throw off the game?
That may be a bit much for an adventure that kills gnolls. Let me think about it and I will let you know Sunday or Monday.

Billzabub |

Billzabub wrote:Sounds good, let me know if you need a player, I promise not to metagame.Alright, after checking with the group I've been trying to put together & giving it some thought, I'm going to pass. As much as I'd like to play in this, I'd like to run the adventure even more, and from what I understand, my group is going to give it a go.
So, have fun. I'll keep an eye & make sure I stop in regularly to lift stuff for my own game ; )
Thanks; I'll keep you posted.

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Hey Xyro,
Finishing up my character tonight. Was wondering what your opinion / thoughts on whether we'll be able to use craft skills in the campaign? Do you think we'll have time to use them? And what about combining Use Magic Device with it to emulate spells/meet requirements for spells from other lists (Druid/Cleric)?

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Hola...sorry I haven't been in touch, I actually am out of the country (hence why I'm doing D&D by pbp). Looking at the party composition so far, I think I'm going to go with a monk.
龙寿Long Shou is a merchant, tai chi master and feng shui practitioner from Tian Xia. He has come peddling his wares, mostly books regarding acupuncture pressure points and Confucian sayings. He's not very successful. However, successful or not, when a band of gnolls captured his caravan, he watched as his team were slaughtered and his precious books burned. Long Shou managed to escape after 13 harrowing days, but swore revenge upon the hyena-men, ancestors as his witness. Shortly after making his return to Katapesh, he heard word about Garavel.
Long Shou is a middle aged man of slight build. He has long black hair that he braids in the back, and a wispy beard. He is rarely seen without his strangely shaped hat, his pipe, and a string of prayer beads tucked into his wide sleeves. He's used to the strange looks that he gets by now to both his appearance and enigmatic sayings.

Vadoma |

Finished up with the character for now. Xyro, I'm going to keep my character "more" updated on the google docs webpage that is in the link for my character. For now I've tenatively put my feats as Magical Aptitude and Skill Focus (Use Magic Device). These do depend on the answers to my previous questions (Are crafting skills going to be allowed/available (I.E. Craft Wondrous Item, Forge Ring, etc.) and will we have time to use them?). Take a look, and I hope you like it/approve!

xyrophobic |

Hey Xyro,
Finishing up my character tonight. Was wondering what your opinion / thoughts on whether we'll be able to use craft skills in the campaign? Do you think we'll have time to use them? And what about combining Use Magic Device with it to emulate spells/meet requirements for spells from other lists (Druid/Cleric)?
Crafting should work as there will be tome lags between a few of the events as well a between the first module and second, so it really depends on how long the group lasts. A lot of PbP die an early death unfortunately. I need to look into the UMD > crafting link. I think you still need to cast a spell but I will probably let you use UMD and a scroll to cast the spell. As for other requirements it would just raise the crafting check DC by 5.

xyrophobic |

JZ wrote:Oops, I didn't notice that, Makin. Perhaps it would be easier to RP if there was only one Pathfinder in the group. I'll look into another campaign trait.Oh, okay! Up to you old chum!
I have no problem with 2 pathfinders, one a good fighter and the other a CN rogue. That in itself could lead to some good role playing, but up to you two.
JZ I noticed you had a move of 15', load and armor do not stack you just need to take the worst of the two. Since your armor is worse than the med encumbrance than you use that. So 20' speed and -6 check due to your shield. Also I see you have a bastard sword and a shield. The bastard sword used one handed is considered an exotic weapon. If you want to use it one handed you can at a -2 on attack rolls and add just your strength not 1 1/2.

xyrophobic |

Looking good so far and just waiting on 2 more finished characters. Lets move the conversations to Xyro's Legacy of Fire.... Looking forward to getting started.

xyrophobic |

Reopening this campaign, it was put on hold a year ago. I am looking for 3-4 players to replace any existing characters that are no longer around. 3rd level pathfinder characters, 20 point buy, core rule book only at this point but you are welcome to ask to use specific additional rules. please submit a character background (not build).
Game play:

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Hey, Xyro! Good to see it's back. I would like to rejoin; only problem is I was playing around with Numair some time back (was considering using him for another game) and his stats and stuff are long gone. I know he was a 3rd level evocation-specialist wizard, but other than that, I lost all of his info. Don't recall his feats, traits (well, I remember his campaign trait was the one that gave a memento of a parent, but not the other one), gear, etc. Any problems if I rebuild him? I remember a good amount of his background.

BoyScout |

I am definetly interested. I have an idea for a female rogue.
She is a "former" theif, turned adventurer, though she refers to herself as an opportunist. Deadly with a blade or bow and a wide range of skills, She has survived on her own for a number of years. Her personality is as fiery as her hair and her temper in battle! She's an ophan, i'm thinking destroyed village, and though she missed joining the caravan she has decided to set out in its wake, hoping to write herself into its story.