Full Name |
Faysal Ibn Ahmad Ibn Aziz |
Race |
Halfling |
Classes/Levels |
Cleric of Irori 3 |
Gender |
Male |
Size |
S |
Age |
33 |
Special Abilities |
Halfling racial traits |
Alignment |
N |
Deity |
Irori |
Languages |
Common, Halfling, Celestial, Gnoll |
Strength |
10 |
Dexterity |
14 |
Constitution |
12 |
Intelligence |
12 |
Wisdom |
16 |
Charisma |
13 |
About Faysal Ibn Ahmad Ibn Aziz
HP: 3d8 +8= 28 AC= 16 (10+2 Dex +3 Wis +1 Small)
BAB: +2 Ranged attack: +5. Melee: +3
CMB:+1 (+2 BAB -1 size) CMD: 22 (2 BAB+ 2 Dex +3 Wis -1 Small/ +4 On defense)
SPECIAL: Use Monk AC bonus in place of Armor/Shields proficiency
SPECIAL: Proficient with all simple weapons, and Improved Unarmed Strike (Cleric of Irori) but no armor or shields. IUS Scales as monk of same level (1d4)
Fort 5
Ref 4
Will 7 (9 Vs Fear)
1. Defensive Combat Training
Domain Bonus- Scribe Scroll
3. Deflect Arrows
1. Wisdom in the Flesh (Acrobatics)
2. Finding Haleen (+1 HP/Skill point)
Skills (4 pts/lvl) Total
Knowledge (history) (Int) * 7
Linguistics (Int) * 7
Spellcraft (Int) * 7
Acrobatics (Dex)* 11
Stealth (Dex) 6
Perception (Wis) 7
*=Class skill
Class features: Channel Energy (Positive) 4/day, 2d6
1. Rune
Blast Rune (Sp): As a standard action, you can create a blast rune in any adjacent square. Any creature entering this square takes 1d6 points of damage + 1 point for every two cleric levels you possess. This rune deals either acid, cold, electricity, or fire damage, decided when you create the rune. The rune is invisible and lasts a number of rounds equal to your cleric level or until discharged. You cannot create a blast rune in a square occupied by another creature. This rune counts as a 1st-level spell for the purposes of dispelling. It can be discovered with a DC 26 Perception skill check and disarmed with a DC 26 Disable Device skill check. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.
2. Knowledge
1st Lore Keeper (Su): Add all Knowledge skills to your list of class skills. You can touch a creature to learn about its abilities and weaknesses as a melee touch attack. If successful, you gain information as if you had made the appropriate Knowledge skill check with a result equal to 15 + your caster level + your Wisdom modifier. (20)
Walking stick/club
Sling with 14 bullets
Holy symbol
- bed roll
- water skin
- spellbook (for notes)
- Ink and pen
- A few sheets of parchment for scroll writing
- candles
- flint and steel
- several (3) flasks of holy water
- couple changes of clothes
- old oilskin (water proofed) pouch with letters in it...
- Wand of CLW
- book: Courts of Stone and Flame
- Pearl of Power 1
2- Status + Detect Thoughts (Know Dom)
1- Magic Stone, Shield of Faith, Bless + Comprehend Languages (Know Dom)
0- Create water, Detect Magic, Light, stabilize