Wygate (Inactive)

Game Master Vuvu

Howdy, howdy.

I’m a GM starting a homebrew play-by-post game for 2-3 players.

Normally, at this point, I’d put down a published module or give a brief shot of my homebrew storyline and then you all would post up characters that would fit. I’m shaking things up instead. I’m asking for players to apply without characters.

Here’s the plan:

1. Players are chosen.
2. Players make characters together.
3. I make adventures for the characters.

So, this is your chance to get your character some personal action. I really, really, don’t have any idea for an adventure on purpose so that I can tailor your adventures to your goals. My job is to make this fun for you. You can give your characters whatever goals they want within reason.

Here are some guidelines for the players:

1. Post often. At least once a day, but more really is best.
2. Correct English spelling and grammar. Mistakes happen, but if I have to spend time figuring out what you wrote before I can respond, this isn’t the place.
3. Compromise. This is a collaborative experience. Sometimes you have to take the bait. Sometimes you have to care about another player’s goals. We’re all on the same team, me included.
4. Willing to have discussion. The discussion forum doesn’t just exist for tactical commentary. Talk about goals and motivation. Ask questions. Make this a fuller experience for all of us.

Here are some guidelines for the characters:

1. They have to be likeable. No sociopaths, kleptomaniacs, evils, chaotic maniacs, etc. I’m not limiting your alignment, but all the characters have to be in this thing together.
2. They have to be substantial. More instruction will follow for those chosen, but know now that some effort will be required beyond the stat card.
3. They have to agree on the major issues. We won’t get anywhere if one character is a bandit and the other is a paladin.

So, I’m sure you’re wondering, “What exactly do I post as an application?”

1. Introduce yourself briefly.
2. Tell us what kind of experience you have roleplaying.
3. Tell us what games you are currently in.
4. Tell us which you prefer and why in these categories: story/simulation, action/acting, chaos/balance. There are no right or wrong answers.
5. If you have a character that you love, put it here. If not, don’t.

That’s it. Just know that I will be basing my decision off of these few questions, so answer well. I’ll be interacting throughout the process and will be available for questions. I’ll give you my answers as an example, but don’t think that you have to match mine to fit in. Again, this game is about you, not me.


1. My name is Jacob. I live in Virginia. I’m a junior in college and I work at Walgreens. I like hiking, reading, and games of all strokes.
2. I’ve been gaming for about 5 years and have played DnD 3.0, 3.5, 4e, and the playtest for 5e. Also Pathfinder, Risus, MicroLite20, and a few others. I love reading about games even if I don’t play, so I own many more systems than I have played. I’ve played on these boards before, but I decided to stop briefly because I was transitioning from live to online classes and taking on more hours at work.
3. Now that everything has settled down, I know that can still hold up my end of a game or two. I’m not currently in any games, live or online.
4. I prefer simulation because the realism adds tension. I like games with high stakes and high tension. I prefer action because I’m competitive and I like the numbers of combat. Finally, I prefer balance because that is how I am in real life. I am very lawful good and organized. That being said, I am not above skirting the law as long as my actions are justified by a higher cause.
5. I dig tactical leaders and ranged attacks. My favorite character to play is “the field marshal.” Smart, accurate, aware.

As a final remark, don’t be intimidated by the requirements, even if you are brand spanking new to roleplaying. Post with a good start, and I’ll help you grow. I really want this game to be about you, the player, so if there’s something I can do to help you enjoy this more, tell me. In fact, I'm a little partial to new players, so this is great chance to test the waters. If you decide you don't like it, I'm sure any of the other players that submitted would jump right in instead. I’ll be online from 9PM-11PM EST tonight if you have any questions, and then I’ll be around sometime at least every day.

There is no deadline, but I’m starting as soon as I accept the players. Don’t wait.


Dotted, I am at work right now, but will put up a submission for you within 2 hours of now

Silver Crusade

I really like this concept and have never played in a game like this, not for a long time at least. I suppose I have to go back to the days when I first started roleaying, and later when I got into the original Vampire: the Masquerade, running a game in which I used te dice as little as possible. I'm very interested in seeing how this develops. Here's my application.


1. I'm a 37 year old actor. Canadian. I work in a brewery.

2. I started roleplaying in 1986 when I bought the Red Box D&D set at a yard sale. I didn't really understand the rules completely and my only real players were myself and my brother, but I was hooked right away. By junior high I had found a few other friends who played and I got into a variety of different games including Marvel Super Heroes, Robotech and Rifts, and later Vampire: the Masquerade. During High Scool, I ran many adventures completely free-form. They were essentially interactive narratives. When I got to University I discovered even more people who shared my interests and began a many year love/hate relationship with Warhammer and 40k. After University I returned to D&D for the first time since the 80s, having skipped AD&D entirely, with 3.0 and then soon after 3.5. I followed 3.5 into its current incarnation of Pathfinder, finding 4th edition not to my liking. I have been a GM for all of my roleplaying history and seldom a player because it does suit me to run games and create worlds. This has changed slightly in proportion with Pathfinder Society and PBP games. I have also played in numerous MUSH games (online text-based roleplaying games, often with completely free-form systems) in many genres and also in roleplaying guilds in MMOs including WoW and City of Heroes.

3. I am running a Carrion Crown campaign with my friends and also run Pathfinder Society games. I am playing in Pathfinder Society games when I get the chance, and am in several PBP games here and elsewhere including a Carrion Crown, Skull and Shackles, Jade Regent and a retro adventure.

4. I tend towards simulation these days, but I used to be purely story. This is a change that I don't quite understand and sometimes wish I was able to integrate the two more closely. I am also more action-oriented in my roleplaying than I used to be. As for chaos vs. balance, I think I prefer balance. I'm not one who can tolerate people derailing plot with selfish foolishness. That sounds harsh and maybe I'm misinterpreting what you're getting at with chaos vs. balance.

5. One character I keep returning to is something of a departure from myself. She (already a departure gender-wise) is my opposite in a lot of ways. This is not terribly surprising, considering one of the motivations for roleplaying is to be someone you are not. As such she is outwardly shallow, impulsive, manipulative, ruthless, fierce and yet loyal when faith is placed in her. She has receeded into the background in recent years, but I still nostalgically return to her exploits from time to time.

Hope that is interesting. :)

1. Introduce yourself briefly.

I live in California, I work as a teacher and professional actor. I have just recently completed my Master's Degree. I enjoy reading, and movies and beer :)

2. Tell us what kind of experience you have roleplaying.

When I was much younger friends and I played a variety of Palladium games, Rifts and Heroes Unlimited mostly. Then I stopped playing for about 15 years. About 2 years ago I started playing PFS and then expanded that into a home game, which has fallen on hard times due to schedule. Not too long ago I discovered PbP and am active as a player in one game, and as a GM in another. I have a third in recruitment, and a second game as a player that has stalled out at the moment. I have a very strong grasp of Pathfinder and really enjoy it.

3. Tell us what games you are currently in.

Playing in a Jade Regent PbP, and an inactive Shattered Star PbP. Gming a homebrew PbP called the Absalom Gambit and recruiting for another one right now. I am hoping to start a RotR PbP on Saturday if I am accepted. I also play PFS as often as I am able to.

4. Tell us which you prefer and why in these categories: story/simulation, action/acting, chaos/balance. There are no right or wrong answers.

Story > Simulation: I am a sucker for an interesting character and especially for the way characters interact. This often leads me to making very unpotimal but delightful characters.

Action=Acting: The reason I like PbP is that I am able to put the character into the action. You have the leeway to describe characters thoughts and fears while rolling the dice. I enjoy long spans of RP, but who doesn't like to roll the dice and kill a monster.

Chaos-Balance: Not sure I understand this one. I like a balanced party, no one outshining another, I like having an idea of what we are doing rather than just running around blindly.

5. If you have a character that you love, put it here. If not, don’t.

Many that I love, I particularly found of these two online PbP players/submissions

Dorvren and Vachordi

I also have a delightful PFS character that is a Bard (Detective) 2/Alchemist (Greanadier) 3 or my Detectimist. He is completely unoptimized, but is just delightful to play, and surprisingly effective.

In general I gravitate toward skilled characters.

Well I guess that does it :)

This is incredibly interesting and I will have to definitely give some thought about submitting.

As a clarification of chaos vs. balance: It's mostly a question of means rather than ends. It does not speak to good or evil actions, but rather the motivation for those actions. A character of balance (law) will be motivated by a higher authority, and his decisions will be determined by what is acceptable to such an authority. A chaotic character is beholden to only himself, and does not feel the need to justify his choices to others. Basically, does you character behave him/herself in the eyes of whomever is in authority over him/her?

Hope that helps.

Silver Crusade

Ah, I see! I have played characters of both chaotic and balanced perspectives. One of my favorite characters was made as Chaotic/Neutral. I know many people are wary of such alignments as it is sometimes an excuse to act badly. I played her (her again) as a person who hates authority, but was very much motivated by her own goals. She was capable of loyalty and honesty, but often did things without resorting to guidance from anyone else. Never was she the type to engage in intra-party conflict, however. At other times, I have played characters of the other type so it really depends on the character's concept.

I tend to lean toward balance, even when playing chaotic. I tend to view it as a way to do good. Just in a different way than the law would. That being said usually my characters are NG. I recognize that that is not a very good answer :)


My name is Dave, 31 yrs old. I work at a local grocery store in Ct, and am pretty much awesome all the time.

2) I've been gaming since I was about 16 yrs old, starting pretty much from Vampire the Masquerade 2nd Ed, then Revised. I've played Werewolf the Apocalypse, Changeling, Exalted and even a bit of Toon.

After I graduation High School, I played AD&D here and there, then moved on to 3rd Edition. I even got to preview the PHB at Wizard World Chicago in 2000.

Played that all the way till 3.5, and then Pathfinder. My real life group was always a none to strict about the rules, and we loved stupid high epic games. I have a Drow Necromancer deity who is level 214.

Eventually, that broke apart, and I've been playing lots of PbP since PF came out.

I'm in about seven right now, though I keep up with them all pretty good, as I can usually post from my smartphone. There are days where I am too busy at work to post, but I try to throw something up on the bus ride home, or once I'm back in front of my laptop.

3) Right now I am in the Steel Wolves, Elder Games, Ambitious Hearts, a RotR AE, Darkness Rising, and Games of Chance php, and I run Blood Knives.

4) My answers here, for the most part, depend on the game I'm in and the character I'm playing.

However, I generally try to set some sort of goals for my character, often long term. I like a solid mix of action and RP. There are definitely some days/weeks where all I hope for in my pbps is some good ole hack n slash.

As for the chaos/balance, generally balance as I often try to connect a character to something bigger, be it a deity, organization, etc.

Finally, the one character I have right now that I really want to play, and hopefully get some long term use out of is Kheldor, my Shadowcaster Wizard.


1. I'm 30ish and live in Afghanistan on a tiny combat outpost. I work as a utilities manager.

2. I have played games all my life (my Nana was ruthless at Monopoly). I started RPG's with the Rules Cyclopedia in 7th grade. There was a long stretch with Palladium, and 3.5.

3. I am currently in no games. (I've applied to several pbp)

4. I do not have a preference in any of those catagories (sorry). To me, each concept presented doesn't necessarily oppose the other; it simply denotes a different theme. A good game encompasses all of those aspects at different times. I am versatile enough to contribute in all of those areas. To me it is more important to depict those catagories (in one's games) as attractively and immersively as humanly possible.

5. I love every character I make. They are an extension of me, so why not? I have two you may view Here and Here, but the latter is a work in progress. He may still end up with a page 1 rewrite. I do not plan on playing either with your game, and would make a new one of course.

@Zeetle Wyrp - I understand your hesitance to pick sides on the categories I listed. A good dose of each one is healthy. However, I'd still ask you to pick a preference for this game at least so that I can use that to match up players. Basically, I just don't want to end up with a party of cops except the one guy who's a thief, for example. In a live game that can work because the constant bickering takes up a few seconds, but in play-by-post, every debate over anything can take days. If everyone agrees on what to do most of the time, the game moves much more quickly.

As a side note, it looks like the general direction among applicants right now is balance. Do with that information what you will.

Ok, I understand what your aiming at.

My preferences in this case (I'm going on mood here) are Story, Action, and if balance is the way the party is leaning, we can do that.

I'd go the other way though. I feel all pent up out here. I'd like to stick it to the man if I could!

Is this going to be a particular rules set, like Pathfinder?

I'd love to join, but I haven't converted over to PF... I played a ton of 3.0/.5 back in its prime - and I know the rules are close.

I'm interested, but don't want to be a the only guy in the group that doesn't know the rules and doesn't have access to them currently.

mur they are available on this website, just look at the prd

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

1. (Introduction)
I'm Daron; founder and lead designer for Abandoned Arts. I'm 30, and a longtime tabletop gamer. Pathfinder is my "work" as a designer and my responsibility as a home GM. As such, I'm always looking for a chance to play as a PC, and to simply enjoy the game that both is my career and my hobby.

2. (Roleplaying Experience)
I played AD&D as a kid, and I've been running D&D 3.0, D&D 3.5, and Pathfinder since the release day of each. I've dabbled in a few other tabletops, (d20 Modern, Mutants & Masterminds, Kobolds ate my Baby, the Hero System, and so on) nearly always in the role of GM/DM/storyeller.

3. (Current Games)
I'm presently running an Inner Sea Sandbox and an Inner Sea Megadungeon right here on the forums (under my personal Garden Tool login), and I'm active on a daily basis (minus weekends) in both. I'm also playing an AP hosted by one of my best and most savvy players, Shisumo. Outside of PBP, I run a Thursday home game, an every-other-Sunday home game, and quite a lot of irregular Abandoned Arts playtest sessions.

4. (Style Preference)
I'm a fan of simulationist gaming first and foremost. Action vs. Roleplaying (or action vs. acting) are not mutually exclusive, and a good game should include both. More of one does not mean less of another. Furthermore, I think that rules are important, and that the mechanics should support all aspects of the game, not just combat.

5. (Character Preference)
I don't have a specific character preference, but I do enjoy Int-based characters, or just characters that are good at more than one thing. More than anything, I enjoy it when character back-stories are woven into the plot (in big or small ways - it doesn't matter), so I guess my favorite characters are the ones that you remember for what they did, and why. Those are usually the well-rounded guys and gals who can participate in multiple aspects of the gameplay (as opposed to one-dimensional one-trick ponies).

Thanks for your consideration!

Daron Woodson
Abandoned Arts

@Mur - Standard Pathfinder rules, any and all source books as long as they are available on the reference pages. I used this site for a long time before buying the books out of support for the company. Also, since you can post at your leisure, it's easy to look up stuff before calling the shot. Don't let the rules stop you from playing.

@Abandoned Arts - This game will definitely be about the characters and their lives. They are the plot. How do you feel about playing a balanced/lawful character?

I'll close up recruitment later tonight. About 8 hours.

Mur, check out this page. It has just about everything published for the main line of Pathfinder. It's not as easy to read as the books, but I suppose if you use the links on the left it flows better.


1. Introduce yourself briefly.
I am just short of thirty, and am very happily divorced. I am about to go back to school for a computer science degree. I live in Dallas TX, or rather, a much better suburb of it.

2. Tell us what kind of experience you have roleplaying.
I've been a lifelong video game player, but didn't get into pnp games until the last five years. I started off with Vampire the Masquerade, and then later expanded into the new version of the World of Darkness. I got into Warhammer 40k and Pathfider around the same time, around the beginning of this year.

3. Tell us what games you are currently in.
Let's see, I am in two Kingmaker games, one of which is E6, I have a game that is about to start Shattered Star, one that is doing Carrion Crown, a solo Jade Regent, and one that is the dm's creation.

4. Tell us which you prefer and why in these categories: story/simulation, action/acting, chaos/balance. There are no right or wrong answers.
I prefer story, because my interest in rpgs evolved from books and video games, where the focus was on the story. I prefer action to acting, because I think that my biggest flaw as a role player is that I don't take into account stuff like body language, and so I find it easier to describe actions in a fight than in a conversation. Finally, I think I tend toward chaos, since my characters tend to be individualists, especially since my lawful characters tend to be Knights Templar.

5. If you have a character that you love, put it here. If not, don’t.
I feel that this is the time to mention that for a while now, I've really wanted to play a Strix. The original idea was a Strix Gunslinger, though an archer Ranger would probably make more sense.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Well, I'd say that favorite alignment is LN, followed closely by LE.

I think that I probably personally walk a (neutral-leaning) line between the two. : P

Something about having a codified set of behavior lends a bit of, um, character... to a character. For example: a concept I've been kicking around for a while that I'd like to play out would be "cat and mouse" or "worthy opponent" behavior in which the character only really respects enemies that he considers to be worthy, or "on his level." Against dumber or less challenging enemies, the character would find himself bored.

Perhaps the character has one enemy in particular whose skill and genius he respects and admires so much that he won't allow any outside force to defeat him. If some outside party used brute force or a cheap trick to defeat threaten his respected enemy, the character would be on the scene to right the situation and rout or rescue his worthy opponent, if only to ensure that he is the one to one day defeat him (after his adversary recovers from whatever harm danger has transpired, and the playing field is again fair and level).

What's more, this opponent could (or could begin to) feel the same way over time. Each would be obsessed with defeating the other, but the "game" is so satisfying, and so challenging, that neither enemy truly desires a conclusion.

Anyway! Brain dump aside, I don't really have a problem with any particular alignment. It all depends on what I'm playing, (and what the conventions for my race are, which I like to stick within one step of).

Daron Woodson
Abandoned Arts

just reiterating interest. I think this could be a LOT of fun.

GM_Jacob wrote:

So, I’m sure you’re wondering, “What exactly do I post as an application?”

1. Introduce yourself briefly.
2. Tell us what kind of experience you have roleplaying.
3. Tell us what games you are currently in.
4. Tell us which you prefer and why in these categories: story/simulation, action/acting, chaos/balance. There are no right or wrong answers.
5. If you have a character that you love, put it here. If not, don’t.

1. I am a househusband caring for 4-year old and 1-year-old boys, college math teacher, novelist, and game designer. In the past I have also taught preschool and led a religious congregation (those two are surprisingly similar).

2. I'm 40. As a child I played AD&D. As a teen I played RuneQuest, TMNT, Paranoia, Champions, Marvel, Toon, RoleMaster, and a bunch of other "older" games. During and since college I have mostly stuck to my own game designs.

3. After moving to Eugene, Oregon I organized a Pathfinder group that meets about monthly. Today I joined my first PbP. Mainly I play NAME with my wife. That is a two-player, diceless RPG I designed so we could play while on walks with our two boys.

4a. story/simulation Both. I'd be playing Once Upon a Time if I did not want some simulation. I'd be playing Go if I did not want some story. But I do prefer "rules light" -- if the game system cannot be summarized in a page or two it makes me feel like it is trying too hard.

4b. action/acting Action. I do prefer to speak in character when possible. But in my RPGs I want action. The best way to keep me emotionally invested in my character is to put it in danger. The best memories are "that act was so cool!" not "that item was so neat!" or "that quip was so witty!".

4c. chaos/balance Balance. In real life I am quite devout. I talk with God often. So I enjoy stories involving imaginary authority structures whether religious, political, or other -- I love adventures that fight evil cultists, navigate ruthless city intrigue, or play with social norms. For me, a story that trivializes or ignores authority structures is too unrealistic to be as fun. Adventurers who hack and slash through dungeons and remote jungles without societal interaction seem needlessly shallow. How much would we lose if Indiana Jones was not a professor, or Laura Croft not an aristocrat, and we only saw them raiding tombs? But that does not mean I have no appreciation for what you call chaos. Civil disobedience that accepts its consequences can also be the foundation of great adventures.

5. Brother Shuyun from The Initiate Brother by Sean Russel.


1. Introduce yourself briefly.
Hello I am OmniChaos, sadly I prefer not to share any personal information on the internet. Habit of being in security work for years. I am somewhat young and will being going back to school in a few months for another degree.

2. Tell us what kind of experience you have roleplaying.
Mixed, mostly good but a little bad. Been playing pbp for about 5-10 years, I like it alot and tend to jump right in. Played rpgs in one form or another sense I was a kid, even been working on a homebrew setting on the side on and off for a while now.

3. Tell us what games you are currently in.
S&S, 3 low lvl homebrew's, and an epic.

4. Tell us which you prefer and why in these categories:
story/simulation A little of both as I think they are needed to make something come alive so to speak.
action/acting I like acting a little bit but I would say I am an action guy and that keeps my interest the most. I like my PC to be "active" as I think they should be most of the time.
chaos/balance I would have to go with balance, things can shift so much better when their is a balance, not to mention their is more chances to disrupt or correct that balance. Leads to alot of reactions to any action which I feel it should be.

5. If you have a character that you love, put it here. If not, don’t.
Its more a class then a character. I like arcane classes, wizards if pressed. So much to play with. One thing I have yet to be able to do in a game, which I would really like to do, is set up a "lair" of some kind. Would love to finally get a chance to use all those magical traps and protections myself rather then be the one breaking thru them. x3

Yo! We meet for the 3rd time. ;)

P.S. If my post seems a little rushed I just noticed the deadline. xP

OK, here we go.

The players are:

Abandoned Arts

Head on over to the discussion page for the next step.

To the rest of you, thank you for your time. Best of luck to your future endeavors.


omw. Thanks!

Good luck to all of you ;)

Wow. Very interesting game creation idea.

Though very short notice for those in other time zones to respond.

Well done to the selected.

Probably would not have been select as I also don't give out personal information on the internet, which seems to be a prerequisite for the adventure. I have to say I post daily (well try to, often waiting for others to post something).

Just curious, was there a particular reason I wasn't chosen? Thought I did a good job with everything.

@Monkeygod - It was a tough decision and you were on the bubble, I promise. Last night, while I was making my decision, I had you name written down on the list, but I knew I needed to pare it down one more. I suppose it just boils down to the other player's answers resonating with me a bit more. I couldn't necessarily put words to it.

Happy adventuring to those three!

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32


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