Wrath of the Righteous GM

Game Master Acid Milk Hotel

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Shadow Lodge

Arbitracious wrote:

Does anyone else steal liberally from popular media when they make a character?

My sorceress is two Disney princesses, a Kotor 2 character, a bit of Legend of Korra, and some Wonder Woman sprinkled on top for good measure.

i feel that when making characters it's like a blender, if you put enough in the result doesn't taste like any one thing, and can taste better than any of the ingriedients by themselves.

I am here combining Cale'anon, Blade, Èlan, myself, disny's Hercules and a few others for this guy's personality.

Arbitracious wrote:

Does anyone else steal liberally from popular media when they make a character?

My sorceress is two Disney princesses, a Kotor 2 character, a bit of Legend of Korra, and some Wonder Woman sprinkled on top for good measure.

Never seen a reason to plagiarize from someone else. It is more fun to come up with an idea, and then expound from there. Right now I am trying to figure whether this character is a nature type (druid/brawler or druid/monk), a artistic/performer type (bard/brawler or bard/monk), or a creepy type (white haired witch/brawler or whw/monk). Or something else. Really, with all you uppity paladin types, I think having someone gritty and coarse sounds good. Once I decide upon the class, the fun begins to create a background that would end up with those particular skills.

Hey, Not all of us are Paladins in shining armor. Some of us think that when going against Demons, you don't need to, or even want to, fight fair. :D

Also, nice to see you again Tirion. Personally, I think the WHW/Brawler combo would be pretty cool from a flavor standpoint.

Hey, I'd love to have a big sister/cousin white haired witch around. At least one person on mom's side of the family doesn't want me dead, hehe.

GM, can you elaborate a little on how you want similar campaign traits to work together?

Shadow Lodge

Dotting, with a question, How do you feel about an Irorian Paladin (called enlightened Paladin on d20pfsrd) that worships someone other then irori?

Additionally, can an unarmed combatant use brass knuckles or cestus with unarmed damage?

Duynezaen Nightshadow Ready for submission.


Duynezaen was born in the Elven settlement of Arabrecht in Kyonin, outside the Tanglebriar. Being so close the the demon taint has greatly increased the incidence of Tieflings born to Elven families there, however they are not excepted into society. Tieflings born in Kyonin are tolerated long enough to be trained in a skill then "asked" to leave the country, or at the very least go to the non Elven settlements on the coast.

Duynezaen was born to two Elven parents, both of which were transplants to the community of Arabrecht. Duynezaen's parents were Riftwardens at the Worldwound for over a hundred years, fighting demonic forces with arcane and martial arts. My birth was the most devastating event to happen to his parents, it could have been the dark energies at the Worldwound or the proximity to Tanglebriar, regardless Duynezaen was born and killed his mother in the birthing process. Duynezaen's father was so distraught by the perceived loss of a son and the loss of his wife that he went back to the Worldwound and was never seen or heard from again. Before leaving his father turned him into the local training facility for Tieflings.

Growing up at the facility is rough, most children there are orphans. Having much shorter lived lives than Elves, Tieflings can be trained in roughly half the time, however once trained they have to leave most of Kyonin. Training at these facilities always includes some type of demon fighting, typically paladins, rangers and clerics are trained here, a few that show promise in arcane arts are also trained in those arts as well, as Duynezaen was. The demons of Tanglebriar very rarely will attack the Tieflings training the swamp, knowing they will soon be gone and probably a bit of sick humor of the society having to deal with the unwanted offspring.

The years pass, Duynezaen becomes adept at killing minor demonic foes, the training in arcane arts also goes well, combining his martial and arcane arts goes well for him and soon as he was expecting he was asked to leave, being considered fully trained. Not wanting to give up the demon slaying profession Duynezaen went to the best place to do that, the Worldwound.

Duynezaen made his way to the Worldwound to the north, being that Tieflings travel relatively well, having everyone mistrust you makes things easier since one can expect prejudice at every turn. Mostly the trip north was spent avoiding cities and a lot of wilderness trekking, surviving in the wild on my own abilities taught to me alone. Duynezaen eventually made his way to Kenabres, the crusader city.

Duynezaen learned quickly to hide his heritage in this city as he was attempting to make a living with his craft. Being evil detected by every paladin on the street was commonplace, he eventually found himself charged to a half-orc by the name of Irabeth. Tieflings have to be proven worthy in the Worldwound, the heritage they have is seen as a taint, so if they wish to pursue demon hunting tasks they must be approved, as such is the case for Duynezaen. Irabeth had a few Tieflings working with her, mostly charged with being errand boys, go fors, and assistance to needy people of Kenabres. In between tasks for Irabeth the Tieflings are allowed supervised training sessions to learn combat in some cases or to sharpen skills already gained. After months of doing these tasks Duynezaen was finally ready to go out to do a scouting mission with Irabeth and a few others, it is scheduled to leave the day after Armasse

In Character Post:

A female Half-Orc walks into the barracks peering around left to right.

(Irabeth)"Duynezaen? Are you here?

A Tiefling figure moving to within view of the female Half-orc

(Duynezaen)"Yes Irabeth I am here, do you have news about my request to be moved to the scouting excursion the day after Armasse?

I am so tired of these silly chores, I have proven myself over and over as reliable! I am ready to rid this place of as many demons as I can until my last breath! Saying defiantly to himself

(Irabeth)Saying flatly"Yes I have good news, you are coming with us on the mission, you will be with myself, two other paladins, and one other recruit. We will leave first light the day after Armasse and be back before the night falls, it is a true step for you two recruits to begin proving your ability and skill for Kenabres."

More slaying of unholy demons and less carrying sealed envelopes... Contain yourself!! Do not seem too eager it may seem untrustworthy.

(Duynezaen)"Excellent Irabeth, is there anything that I should be doing to prepare for the excursion? Do you have anymore tasks for me before we leave?"

The female looks at me, weighing my posture and mild excitement that is barely contained.

(Irabeth)"Actually I do have one thing I need of you before we leave. I need you to go to the Riftwarden palisade, they have made a break though on trying to decipher your birthmark's meaning and they would like to discuss this with you in private today."

Shaking my head back and forth with wider eyes, [i]I never thought anything would come from these marks, I wonder what the mean, I hope what the Riftwardens have found will not prevent me from my mission!

With a small furrowing of my brow...

(Duynezaen)"Yes Irabeth I will report to them right away. Did they happen to mention anything to you about what they may have found?"

Looking down at my marked arms with palms supinated flexing my fingers open and closed slightly.

(Irabeth)"Nothing to me, but you should be quick about it."

She then walks out of the barracks after a brief pase to size me up one last time.

Making my way to the Riftwarden enclave with my cloak pulled over my head in usual fashion to avoid hassling from guards and gawking from locals.

This could be it for me, the dawn of my life and purpose could already be coming to an end before I can even prove myself...

Walking up the stairs to meet my future I stair defiantly at the door, take a deep breath and enter.

A Particular Set of Skills:

Tracking(Especially Demons), skill monkey, Demon focused combatant(ranged and close) from the start with the ability to focus on non evil enemies later, Animal Companion(scouting), 6 level arcane spell casting, 4 level divine spell casting, darkvision, favored terrain, sneakiness!

I have a pretty decent idea, I believe. I'll be taking an Angel-Blooded Aasimar Brawler/Paladin Warrior of the Holy Light, Zaigan Tylios.

Born from a line of crusaders, repeated forrays and conflicts spanning the spheres has exposed the family line to influences from many different beings, chiefly those of celestial origin. Zaigan is the youngest in this line, and he works hard to live up to the examples set by his forebears.

The main concept is thus a paladin in full armor, walking up and punching evildoers to the ground! He is basically going to be a strong and relatively tanky frontliner with good saves and quite decent damage, adapting to the situation as required through his martial Flexibility.

Could I roll/pick an ability on the Aasimar spell-like ability replacement chart?

I also ask what Dylos did, though in a slightly different manner; are attacks with a gauntlet/cestus treated as unarmed strikes with respect to the Pummeling Style feat chain?

After some thought I have decided to withdrawal from this recruitment. Best of luck everybody else.

I am also going to withdraw. I will be running this in a few months for my table top group and don't want my prep to ruin the slower speed of a Pbp game.

Good luck to all. Enjoy your gaming.

If it's not too late, I'd like to throw my hat into the ring, as my character from my own attempt at running this adventure path is already setup and ready to go. Please let me know if an oracle/arcanist would be accepted for consideration.


Arbitracious: It'll be worked out between party members once selections are done. Keep them a little open and vague, I guess. If, say, you make the ritual in Stolen Fury something your character was raised for that took place in their family's mansion because they were secretly cultists, then it makes another person with that trait struggle to fit in with it because you've gone and make it really personal. Except for Riftwarden Orphan, which I realized after typing all those words is the main one of importance; your characters in that case would be two people in the same boat, but not siblings. Foster-siblings perhaps, but that'd be two sets of Riftwarden parents.

Dylos: The prestige class kind of feels married to Irori, and other than flavour for worshipping him I don't know why you would ever considering gonig Paladin/Monk, so no, probably not. Cestus, from what I can see, definitely works with Unarmed Strikes, since it just modifies them.

Edinoiz: Roll for SLA replacements. See above for judgement on cestus.

Hello Righteous:

I'm posting this so you may have a chance to look me over. I am hoping to meet your specifications for the mission that you have in mind. I am not going to lie; I am hoping for any chance to move to the front lines, so that I can make more of a difference to the troops. I have been relegated to a hospital tent several miles back from where there are several units of paladins and fighters duking it out. I have the ability to heal my patients through divine means, but I also wish to help those on the front lines with some of my spells that can boost their confidence and strength. I will be at the Laughing Elf this evening, near the podiums for tomorrow's event, if you want to talk to me about my abilities.

Thank you.

Hi Righteous; it's Lord Manticore. I created Archie as a unique creature initially to make up for the complete lack of healers in my campaign. I think she would be right up your alley and would be great for both healing and battlefield control. I am hoping that you'll consider her for your group.her stats are available on the profile page, if you have any questions.

I'm still planning on submitting something for this game, as it looks like a great setup. Of course, work and life are conspiring to restrict my free time, so I'll just have to hope I'm in time.

As for my idea, it definitely appears we have plenty of Paladin submissions, so even though that was what I was hoping to offer, I think I will have to rethink that idea and come up with something different.

Shadow Lodge

You seem to be mistaken to what I am referencing, I was referring to the paladin archetype. According to the gestalt rules, the prestige class wouldn't be legal anyway.

Here is a link to the archetype.

@Righteous GM: Does Duynezaen have any glaring problems or things that need corrected?

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber


I might go barbariian/alchemist

or wizard/ magus.

Dylos: Oh, whoops! For some reason the archetype isn't on the Paladin page, and "Enlightened" turned up only the prestige class. Yeah, that's totally doable even without worshipping Irori.

Choant: I'll get back to you. I haven't reviewed any applications yet, I was saving it for tomorrow when I had a pretty long break on my hands between classes.

Ok then, rolling for SLA-replacement:

SLA-Replacement: 1d100 ⇒ 64

Huh, looks like Ser Tylios will be quite a terror to behold (+4 Racial bonus to Intimidate on Demoralize checks).

Sovereign Court

I would love that one, my whole character is based on Demoralize :)

Shadow Lodge

Galahad0430 wrote:
I would love that one, my whole character is based on Demoralize :)

are you playing as a dread (the psionic class)

They get half their level as a bonus to intimidate and a lot of their abilities are fear related
At 3rd level they can induce fear even in brigs immune to fear like paladins, undead and oozes, so long as they are within 10 ft

After further consideration of my anticipated workload and current number of campaigns, I'm going to bow out. Good luck, all.

Sovereign Court

Lord Foul II wrote:
Galahad0430 wrote:
I would love that one, my whole character is based on Demoralize :)

are you playing as a dread (the psionic class)

They get half their level as a bonus to intimidate and a lot of their abilities are fear related
At 3rd level they can induce fear even in brigs immune to fear like paladins, undead and oozes, so long as they are within 10 ft

No, Aldori Swordlord Prc. I get to demoralize opponents and at later levels this suppresses all of their morale bonuses for a number of rounds equal to my PrC class level (and at higher level it also suppresses all insight and competence bonuses). Also, early on (2-3 level of character), I will take the Hurtful feat which allows me to attack someone I demoralize as a swift action.

Silver Crusade

ok, concept is coming together-

Brawler(fighter archetype)/Monk(undecided archetype, thinking tetori)

LN, a man seeking to prove the strength of mortal humans over demons and devils. He fights with naught but his fists and will. Whether wrestling, punching, or what have you he will prove that humans(and or other mortal races) have a greater strength than any devil. While He isn't a heroic figure, or even a hero, he IS an exemplar of his race. He fights the demons for his own reasons, but that doesn't mean he is uncaring to the rest of the people that would die should he fail. (which he won't :P) He see's equal challenge in anyone and is quite sporting when he fights. (also, he is a bit of a, well, show off and a tad prideful )

Stats would be-
Human(dual talented)

Str: 19
Dex: 14
Con: 13
Wis: 18
Int: 12
Cha: 07 (comes off as condescending, and a bit rude. sort of self centered,)

the rest is a work in progress.

Shadow Lodge

Ok, so I need to think more, but here are the options I am leaning towards.

Enlightened Paladin / Kensei Magus focusing on the cestus/unarmed.

Or Enlightened Paladin / Sacred Fist Warpriest doing the same, but with flurry. Both of these options have three stats to AC.

Another option would be Enlightened Paladin / Swashbuckler, though there would be issues there if I wanted to use two cesti.

Or perhaps even Enlightened Paladin / Kata Master Monk, but it unfortunately doesn't get precise strike, which actually both the magus and swashbuckler can.

Ok, after much consideration, and really wishing I could make the white haired witch work since throwing people around with your hair is just cool, I have decided on:

Druid(Menhir Savant)/Brawler(Beast Wrestler)

Will start to work on a background. Hard to find a good deity for this character, which makes Touched By Divinity a tough campaign trait.

Shadow Lodge

Ok, after much consideration, I will be making an enlightened paladin kensai magus. They will be a peri-blooded aasimar, with 1d100 ⇒ 74 the ability to reduce exhaustion to fatigue or remove fatigue with a kiss once per day.

Anyone with a keen eye have any suggestions on areas/roles that have fewer submissions so far? In my past experience, I've noticed that in gestalt games martial classes seem to be favoured, along with Sorcery/Oracle type classes over clerics or wizards. Rogues or other skill based classes can be hit or miss.

So, besides having about 12 Paladin submissions, anyone notice any trends? Or more specifically, any oversights?

Shadow Lodge

Galahad0430 wrote:
Lord Foul II wrote:
Galahad0430 wrote:
I would love that one, my whole character is based on Demoralize :)

are you playing as a dread (the psionic class)

They get half their level as a bonus to intimidate and a lot of their abilities are fear related
At 3rd level they can induce fear even in brigs immune to fear like paladins, undead and oozes, so long as they are within 10 ft
No, Aldori Swordlord Prc. I get to demoralize opponents and at later levels this suppresses all of their morale bonuses for a number of rounds equal to my PrC class level (and at higher level it also suppresses all insight and competence bonuses). Also, early on (2-3 level of character), I will take the Hurtful feat which allows me to attack someone I demoralize as a swift action.

cool PrC, I will note that as a gestalt you could take both classes, if you don't have three levels of dread (or antipaladin, though that's ovbiously out) there will be a lot of foes your core abilities won't work on

Dazzling display is also a good feat for martial fear build.

Shadow Lodge

I found a pic for my character's father,
It has one two many arms, but he could have a prosthetic. As a simi famous retired crusader a 500 GP clockwork arm isn't too far out there.
this is a decent pic for the mom

Rigor Rictus wrote:

Anyone with a keen eye have any suggestions on areas/roles that have fewer submissions so far? In my past experience, I've noticed that in gestalt games martial classes seem to be favoured, along with Sorcery/Oracle type classes over clerics or wizards. Rogues or other skill based classes can be hit or miss.

So, besides having about 12 Paladin submissions, anyone notice any trends? Or more specifically, any oversights?

You know, Rigor, now that you've mentioned it, I have seen a vast number of bloody paladins, willing to charge around the battlefield, 'touching' themselves for a few slivers of health (why they want to keep 'touching' themselves in the middle of battle, no one knows; everyone has their kinks, I suppose). That doesn't even begin to 'touch' on how they always want to 'lay on' others. I mean, really, keep your greasy palms to yourself, I say. If I wanted to be 'laid on' it's not likely to be by the likes of you, Big Boy!

Paladins like to think they're the dieties' gift to women, but they are, at best, a mobile first aid station. Whereas my creators have made me a full-on hospital, with surgery bay, and the ability to protect their skinny butts while I heal their widdle boo-boo's. I say, let them run around and act all tough. Meanwhile, let me reach out and 'touch' someone. ;)

Silver Crusade

Ha, paladins rely on armor. They are so tiny... And petty. I shall show them true strength, HAHAHA! Watch, as I have oily wrestling match with this Balor and send him home to mama tied as pretzel! HAHAH!


I don't need anybody's potions,,,all I need to do is touch me self lalala...

and that's why I thinks most GM's don't really like paladins at least the one ive gamed with in RL lol

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Male Human Monk/fighter (Tetori/Qinggong1/Brawler) 1
N Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +8
AC 16, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+0 armor, +0 dex, +0 shield)
hp 10
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +6
Speed 30 ft.

To hit: +5
damage: 1d4+4
Unarmed strike:
To hit: +6
Damage: 1d6+5

Str: 18, Dex: 14, Con: 12, Int: 10, Wis: 18, Cha: 08
Base Atk: +1; CMB: +7; CMD: 18
Traits” Bred for war, Hard Hitter, Stolen Fury
1- Improved Grapple, stunning fist, improved unarmed strike, weapon focus ‘unarmed’ ability focus ‘stunning fist’

Skills: 4 per level
Sense motive-1
ACP -0

*ACP applies to these skills
Non-Standard Skill Bonuses

Languages Common, abyssal


Bonus Feat-

A tetori gains the following bonus feats: 1st level—Improved Grapple, 2nd level—Stunning Pin, 6th level—Greater Grapple, 10th level—Pinning Knockout, 14th level—Chokehold, 18th level—Neckbreaker.

These feats replace a monk’s normal bonus feats.
Graceful Grappler (Ex)

A tetori uses his monk level in place of his base attack bonus to determine CMB and CMD for grappling. At 4th level, he suffers no penalties on attack rolls, can make attacks of opportunity while grappling, and retains his Dexterity bonus to AC when pinning an opponent or when grappled. At 8th level, a tetori gains the grab special attack when using unarmed strikes, and can use this ability against creatures his own size or smaller by spending 1 point from his ki pool, or against larger creatures by spending 2 points from his ki pool. At 15th level, a tetori gains the constrict special attack, inflicting his unarmed strike damage on any successful grapple check.

This ability replaces flurry of blows.
Close Control (Ex)

At 2nd level, a brawler becomes skilled at forcefully moving his opponent around the battlefield. The brawler gains a +1 bonus on bull rush, drag, and reposition combat maneuver checks. The brawler also gains a +1 bonus to CMD when attacked with the bull rush, drag, and reposition maneuvers. These bonuses increase by +1 for every four levels after 2nd (to a maximum of +5 at 18th level).

This ability replaces armor training 1.
Close Combatant (Ex)

At 3rd level, a brawler gains a +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +3 bonus on damage rolls with weapons in the close weapon group. Both of these bonuses increase by +1 for every four levels beyond 3rd (to a maximum of +5 on attack rolls and +7 on damage rolls at 19th level).

This ability replaces weapon training 1 and 2.

Close Weapon Group: bayonet [APG], brass knuckles [APG], cestus [UC], dan bong [UC], emei piercer [UC], fighting fan [UC], gauntlet, heavy shield, iron brush [UC], light shield, madu [UC], mere club [UC], punching dagger, sap, scizore [UC], spiked armor, spiked gauntlet, spiked shield, tekko-kagi [UC], tonfa [UC], unarmed strike, wooden stake [APG], and wushu dart [UC].
Menacing Stance (Ex)

At 7th level, a brawler constantly harries and distracts his enemies. While adjacent to the brawler, enemies take a –1 penalty on attack rolls and a –4 penalty on concentration checks. These penalties increase by 1 for every four levels after 7th level (to a maximum of –4 on attack rolls and –7 on concentration checks at 19th level). Creatures do not take these penalties if the brawler is dazed, helpless, staggered, stunned, or unconscious.

This ability replaces armor training 2, 3, and 4 and armor mastery.

No Escape (Ex)

At 9th level, taking a 5-foot step out of the area of a brawler’s menacing stance or moving out of the area of a brawler’s menacing stance with a withdraw action provokes an attack of opportunity from the brawler.

This ability replaces weapon training 3 and 4.

Stand Still

At 13th level, a brawler gains Stand Still as a bonus feat, even if he does not have the Combat Reflexes feat. If the brawler already has the Stand Still feat, he can take any other combat feat instead. Furthermore, he gains a bonus equal to 1/2 his fighter level on combat maneuver checks when using the Stand Still feat.

Weapon Mastery (Ex)

A brawler must select a close weapon for this ability.
Arms and Armor: Cold Iron Cestus

Misc Gear: backpack, Belt pouch, 100ft Silk rope, manacales, waterskin(3), rations (20), sunrod(3), torches (10), flint and steel, hammer,

Carrying Capacity
Light 0-33 lb. Medium 34-67 lb. Heavy 68-100 lb.
Current Load Carried 0 lb.

Money 25 GP 0 SP 0 CP


Rossburg was the son of a human commoner, his life would have been lead as a farmer, he would have had a family, grown old, and died as many do, unimportant. But fate had a different idea... One night a cult of demon worshipers raided his small village and stole him away as a would be sacrifice to their dark "gods" Rossburg was 15. Alas, to the cultists dismay something went wrong in their ritual. All Alex knows is that he felt a strange, foreign power flow into his body. It gave him strength enough to break the bonds the cultists had used to restrain him, and using a few fighting techniques he had learned from one of the 3 towns guardsmen managed to fend off two of the cultists and escape with cries of "you cannot escape! The Demon has you! They are stronger than us all!" chasing after him. After several nights of haunting dreams, harrowing flights and drinking rain water Alex stumbled out into a quiet monastery. It was a beautiful sanctuary where a man sat meditating next to a small spring. Alex managed to stumble up to the man before falling flat from hunger and exhaustion. The man picked the boy up and took him inside feeding him and tending to him. That night the cultists set upon the sanctuary. Alex thought with horror that he had brought doom to the man that had been so kind to him as 3 of the cultists burst through the door. However the man showed no sigh of fear and when the cultists set upon him with their horrid weapons the man easily blocked each stroke. He returned their manners in kind. Before long, 5 men lay broken, unconscious or dead in the building. Not a word said the man, but merely began to remove the cultists bodies from his home before returning to finish his meal. The next day, there was a note written in chalk for Alex. Meet me at the spring
when he looked out of the small hut he saw the man, just as he had seen him yesterday, meditating. As Alex approached the man finally spoke.

" you have nightmares, not normal ones, but ones caused of evil, an evil that is within you."

Alex nodded. "yes, they did some ritual, I still feel it now, like it wants to consume me. They said it was stronger than any of us." Alex cast his head downwards in despair and defeat the mans words bringing truth to the cultists claims. however the man smiled.

"only if you believe it so. I will show you how to fight this demon within you. I can show you how to bend the power to your own strength. It won't be easy, and it will take time. But we, are far stronger than any demon can ever be."

Alex looked to the man who was know watching him. suddenly a determined expression came across his face and he nodded at the man. And so it went, for the next 5 years Alex would train under this man, learning the ways of martial arts and finally mastering his own mind, body, and spirit enough to drown out the horrible nightmares he had had for years. Sadly, after 6 years, the Man passed away. at first, Alex was taken completely by surprise at the man rapid deterioration of health he took care of the man for a whole year, still learning wisdom from the sick man. Finally, after an outburst of despair from Alex, the man, called Ryuu, told him to not be sad, it was merely his time, for he was 115 years of age. With this final revelation he passed away. Leaving Alex to find, and walk, his own path as he had.

Appearance and Personality:

Standing 6’3” with a closely shaved head and massive muscles Alexander "Strongarm" Rossburg is a sight to behold. His eyes are a vibrant green and he has a magnificent mustache of golden hair.

IC post from character:

Today, Alexander still does not have any particular path to follow, he helps those he feels need it, and punishes those he feels deserve it. However he makes a careful note to always, always, prove that a mortal man, is stronger than any demon, within or without. Today he has taken it further, to prove the power of the mortal race of man can even outmatch the strength of angels, and devils in combat. Because after all, a man can learn, and grow. A devil cannot, he has, and will always be what he is. So, he has naturally been attracted by the incursions of the world wound, and has finally made it to the areas affected.

HAHA! Come come! See the strength the human body can obtain! Strongarm Rossburg will demonstrate! Yes come! Have no doubt that we are, and can be, stronger than any demon! The show starts Tomorrow!

Alexander looks around at the people, he wasn't supposed to do anything until tomorrow, but he wanted to now. He was always an excitable man, besides he wanted to make sure word got around.

HAHA! yes, come! see the great Alexander wrestly with not one! not two! but three bulls at the same time! HAHAHA! Yes! I shall break pure stone with my fists as well! BWAHAHAH! Alexander Strongarm Rossburg fears nothing! He does not believe in limitations for those that train, and focus their will nothing if impossible!

I wasn't sure really what you wanted for the IC post... hope this is good?

@Righteous GM: Just out of curiosity, when do you plan on closing recruitment? If you've already said elsewhere. I apologize. I missed it.

Her is my proposal:
Illyan Sobachesky
magus (kensai) 1/sorcerer (crossblooded, wildblooded) 1/gestalt 1

The background and statblock are in the character page.

Relevant informations:
- campaign trait: Stolen fury
- mythic path: Champion

I will make the day at Kenabres post later.

Shadow Lodge

Illyan Sobachesky wrote:

Her is my proposal:

Illyan Sobachesky
magus (kensai) 1/sorcerer (crossblooded, wildblooded) 1/gestalt 1

The background and statblock are in the character page.

Relevant informations:
- campaign trait: Stolen fury
- mythic path: Champion

I will make the day at Kenabres post later.

Ooh another stolen fury person, cool. Do you suppose we were part of the same event or seperate ones (or do you figure that we won't both get in)
AdamWarnock wrote:
@Righteous GM: Just out of curiosity, when do you plan on closing recruitment? If you've already said elsewhere. I apologize. I missed it.

i believe the DM said this weekend.

Silver Crusade

Lord Foul II wrote:
Illyan Sobachesky wrote:

Her is my proposal:

Illyan Sobachesky
magus (kensai) 1/sorcerer (crossblooded, wildblooded) 1/gestalt 1

The background and statblock are in the character page.

Relevant informations:
- campaign trait: Stolen fury
- mythic path: Champion

I will make the day at Kenabres post later.

Ooh another stolen fury person, cool. Do you suppose we were part of the same event or seperate ones (or do you figure that we won't both get in)
AdamWarnock wrote:
@Righteous GM: Just out of curiosity, when do you plan on closing recruitment? If you've already said elsewhere. I apologize. I missed it.
i believe the DM said this weekend.

its quite possible. If we all get selected (to be honest, I doubt all of us get in sadly) its an easy little addendum.

Whew, okay it took longer than planned, but I managed to get through all the applications, and might I say, it will not be hard to fill the party from what we have already at all. Selections will be made Sunday. I know a few people have asked for individual feedback on characters, but to be perfectly frank I like having a life and so writing up reviews of every single backstory is just way beyond me, sorry.

I ask that everyone please make sure their information is gathered up into one post, and make a post with all of it if it currently isn't. It's so much easier that way to know who's what and not have to keep a bunch of tabs open when I make my decisions.

Lord Foul II wrote:

Ooh another stolen fury person, cool. Do you suppose we were part of the same event or seperate ones (or do you figure that we won't both get in)

The campaign trait say we should be part of the same event. If we are picked we should see how we can harmonize them.

Illyan Sobachesky wrote:
Lord Foul II wrote:

Ooh another stolen fury person, cool. Do you suppose we were part of the same event or seperate ones (or do you figure that we won't both get in)

The campaign trait say we should be part of the same event. If we are picked we should see how we can harmonize them.

Our Gracious GM said that the matching up of people with the same campaign trait would be happening after the players have been picked. And you have a third one regarding that campaign trait in Zaigan Tylios!

Not going to lie...keeping my fingers crossed.

That being said, all my stuff is available on my profile page. Please let me know if you have any other questions.

Out of interest in exactly how many Paladins have been submitted, I have made a list of everyone who has applied. Hope others find it of interest/use.

Let me know if I left anyone out!

AdamWarnock - Tera Flinders - Tiefling Fighter/Rogue - Trickster
Alistus - Davro Iramelis - Orcish Tiefling Hunter/Bloodrager (Abyssal) - Champion/Guardian
Anoirtrou - Xantrius Kaleson - Paladin/Bard (Archivist) - Marshal
AsheAbdul-Azim Usama Samad Aasimar Bard(Dawnflower Dervish)/Paladin - Champion/Trickster
Camris - Tryane Aflin, Knight of the Cup - Changeling Oracle(Life)/Paladin(Shining Knight) - Path?
Choant - Duynezaen Nightshadow Background- Tiefling Ranger(Beast Master, Tanglebriar Demonslayer)/Magus (Kensai, Fiend Flayer) - Archmage
Diego Rossi - Illyan Sobachesky - Human Magus (Kensai)/Sorcerer (Crossblooded,Wildblooded) - Champion
Galahad0430 - Gregor Asbanoff (stats) Background - Human Fighter (Aldori Swordlord)/Swashbuckler - Champion/(Guardian or Trickster)
Gavmania - Brad Archer Monk (Zen Archer, Quinggong)/Warpriest - Champion
HighonHolyWater - Tarren - Ranger(Divine Tracker)/Inquisitor - Marshal/Champion
Lord Foul II - Nicholas Jonson - Tiefling Paladin/Oracle (Dual Cursed, Psychic Searcher) - Guardian
Lord Manticore - 'Archie', Mk II - Oracle (Winds, Clockwork)/Arcanist (Elemental Master) - Guardian
Riuk - Xildhal Kreedan - Kobold Inquisitor/Warpriest - Marshal
rorek55 - Alexander "Strongarm" Rossburg - Monk/Fighter (Tetori/Qinggong/Brawler) - Champion
Samnell - Teofil Wintrish Arcanist (Occultist)/Oracle (Outer Rifts) - Archmage
TheBobJones - Jorvik Half-Elf Skald (Fated Champion)/Ranger (Divine Tracker) - Marshal

Alfrazar - ? Barbarian/Fighter - Guardian
Arachnofiend - ? Slayer (Deliverer)/Mastermind
Arbitracious - ? Sorcerer (Imperious)/Witch (White-Haired)
Belltrap - ? Oracle/Summoner (Synthesist)
Calinthas Aldimay - Human Oracle (Life)/Paladin Heirophant/Guardian
Dragonofashandflame - Daelric - Aasimar Paladin/Ranger
Dylos - Paladin (Enlightened)/Magus (Kensai)
Edinoiz Zaigan Tylios - Aasimar Brawler/Paladin (of the Holy Light)
meeko - ? - ? Barbarian/Alchemist or Wizard/Magus
Rigor Rictus - Paladin/?
The Dragon - ? Samsaran Shaman/Wizard
Tirion Jörðhár - ? - ? Druid (Menhir Savant)/Brawler (Beast Wrestler)

Silver Crusade

Not as many paladins as I had thought. I had considered a ranger/magus myself. Kensia works very well with them. Plus, in an AP like this demon slayer works wonders haha.

But... I had an inspiration haha.

Guardian path

Shadow Lodge

Not counting interest checks we're only about a quarter paladin.

Also, interesting to note that aside from interest checks, there are no Heirophant Path characters.

2 Archmages
6 Champions
3 Guardians
4 Marshals
1 Trickster

Duynezaen Nightshadow


Duynezaen was born in the Elven settlement of Arabrecht in Kyonin, outside the Tanglebriar. Being so close the demon taint has greatly increased the incidence of Tieflings born to Elven families there, however they are not accepted into society. Tieflings born in Kyonin are tolerated long enough to be trained in a skill then "asked" to leave the country, or at the very least go to the non-Elven settlements on the coast.

Duynezaen was born to two Elven parents, both of which were transplants to the community of Arabrecht. Duynezaen's parents were Riftwardens at the Worldwound for over a hundred years, fighting demonic forces with arcane and martial arts. My birth was the most devastating event to happen to his parents, it could have been the dark energies at the Worldwound or the proximity to Tanglebriar, and regardless Duynezaen was born and killed his mother in the birthing process. Duynezaen's father was so distraught by the perceived loss of a son and the loss of his wife that he went back to the Worldwound and was never seen or heard from again. Before leaving his father turned him into the local training facility for Tieflings.

Growing up at the facility is rough, most children there are orphans. Having much shorter lived lives than Elves, Tieflings can be trained in roughly half the time, however once trained they have to leave most of Kyonin. Training at these facilities always includes some type of demon fighting, typically paladins, rangers, inquisitors, and clerics are trained here. A few that show promise in arcane arts are also trained in those arts as well, as Duynezaen did, being trained in martial arcane arts. The demons of Tanglebriar very rarely will attack the Tieflings training the swamp directly, knowing they will soon be gone and probably a bit of sick humor of the society having to deal with the unwanted offspring, instead the demons prefer to attack the accompanying elves.

The years pass, Duynezaen became adept at killing minor demonic foes, the training in arcane arts also went well, combining his martial and arcane arts was easy for him and soon as he was expecting he was asked to leave, being considered fully trained. Not wanting to give up the demon slaying profession Duynezaen went to the best place to do that and to learn what happened to his father, the Worldwound. Duynezaen has always been curious what happened to his progenitor, wanting to ask him why he was forsaken, if there was reason, such as a Riftwarden ritual gone awry of being born this way.

Duynezaen made his way to the Worldwound to the north, Tieflings travel relatively well, having everyone mistrust you makes things easier since one can expect prejudice at every turn. Mostly the trip north was spent avoiding cities and a lot of wilderness trekking, surviving in the wild on my own abilities taught to me alone. Duynezaen eventually made his way to Kenabres, the crusader city, and the last place anyone knew where his father would be.

Duynezaen learned quickly to hide his heritage in this city as he was attempting to make a living with his craft. Being evil detected by every paladin on the street was commonplace, he eventually found himself charged to a half-orc by the name of Irabeth. Tieflings have to be proven worthy in the Worldwound, the heritage they have is seen as a taint, so if they wish to pursue demon hunting tasks they must be approved, as such is the case for Duynezaen. Irabeth had a few Tieflings working with her, mostly charged with being errand boys and assistance to needy people of Kenabres. In between tasks for Irabeth the Tieflings are allowed supervised training sessions to learn combat in some cases or to sharpen skills already gained. After months of doing these tasks Duynezaen was finally ready to go out to do a scouting mission with Irabeth and a few others, it is scheduled to leave the day after Armasse.

In Character:

A female Half-Orc walks into the barracks peering around left to right.
(Irabeth)"Duynezaen? Are you here?

A Tiefling figure moving to within view of the female Half-orc

(Duynezaen)"Yes Irabeth I am here, do you have news about my request to be moved to the scouting excursion the day after Armasse?

I am so tired of these silly chores, I have proven myself over and over as reliable! I am ready to rid this place of as many demons as I can until my last breath![i] Saying defiantly to himself

(Irabeth)Saying flatly"Yes I have good news, you are coming with us on the mission, you will be with myself, two other paladins, and one other recruit. We will leave first light the day after Armasse and be back before the night falls, it is a true step for you two recruits to begin proving your ability and skill for Kenabres."

[i]More slaying of unholy demons and less carrying sealed envelopes... Contain yourself!! Do not seem too eager it may seem untrustworthy.

(Duynezaen)"Excellent Irabeth, is there anything that I should be doing to prepare for the excursion? Do you have anymore tasks for me before we leave?"

The female looks at me, weighing my posture and excitement that is barely contained.

(Irabeth)"Actually I do have one thing I need of you before we leave. I need you to go to the Riftwarden palisade, they have made a break though on trying to decipher your birthmark's meaning and they would like to discuss this with you in private today."

Shaking my head back and forth with wider eyes, I never thought anything would come from these marks, I wonder what the mean, I hope what the Riftwardens have found will not prevent me from my mission!

With a small furrowing of my brow...

(Duynezaen)"Yes Irabeth I will report to them right away. Did they happen to mention anything to you about what they may have found?"

Looking down at my marked arms with palms supinated flexing my fingers open and closed slightly.

(Irabeth)"Nothing to me, but you should be quick about it."

She then walks out of the barracks after a brief pause to size me up one last time.

Making my way to the Riftwarden enclave with my cloak pulled over my head in usual fashion to avoid hassling from guards and gawking from locals.

This could be it for me, the dawn of my life and purpose could already be coming to an end before I can even prove myself...

Walking up the stairs to meet my future I stair defiantly at the door, take a deep breath and enter.

A Particular Set of Skills:

Tracking(Especially Demons), skill monkey, Demon focused combatant(ranged and close) from the start with the ability to focus on non evil enemies later, Animal Companion(scouting), 6 level arcane spell casting, 4 level divine spell casting, darkvision, favored terrain, sneakiness! Planning on full Magus, most ranger with a splash of Swashbuckler, going archmage and either heirophant or champion for my dual.

Updated some things, wanted to make sure it was all consolidated in one post and add my character plan.

Pic 1

All of my info is in this alias, except for a build plan. I'll update the alias with a build plan shortly, but just for a basic rundown the character will be focusing on teamwork synergy with his companion. My mythic paths will be Champion/Guardian.

Silver Crusade


Champion for mythic,

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