Dragonofashandflame |

Galahad0430: No hero points. No need for them really; the book only suggests using them if you're running it non-mythic and this is very definitely mythic. Drawbacks are fine.
Dragonofashandflame: Would said Paladin be worshipping the sort of god more open to their worshippers doing such things?
Samnell: Alternate racial traits are allowed.
Was thinking of taking 2 oaths: Oath of Vengeance and Oath Against Fiends. they're thematic for Ragethiel and fith Daelric's special brand of crazy

Anoirtrou |

I would like to submit Xantrius, a Tiefling Oathbound Paladin/Bard (Archivist). I started role-playing about 35 years ago and have been playing off and on since then. I am currently playing in a couple of Adventure Paths, one for 2 years now. I played this character (as just a Paladin, no gestalt) in a WotR campaign but the game ended very early in the first adventure.
I see his role as a front-line tank/battle commander, using his ability to point out the weaknesses in foes and help the rest of the group fight more efficiently once he gains his Marshal abilities.
I will write up the beginning roleplay later.
Male Demon-spawn (Pitborn) Tiefling Paladin/Bard (Archivist) 1
LG M outsider (native)
Init: +1; Senses: Darkvision 60’; Perception +7
Deity: Shelyn (calls on Pharasma in battle)
AC: 21, touch: 11, flat-footed: 20 (+6 Armor, +1 Dex, +2 Shield, +2 Natural Armor)
HP: 12 (1d10+2 Con)
Fort: +4, Refl: +3, Will: +3
Special Defenses: Cold Resistance 7, Electricity Resistance 7, Fire Resistance 7
Spd: 20’
Melee: Cold Iron Longsword +4 (1d8+3, 19-20/x2)
Silver Dagger +4 (1d4+3, 19-20/x2)
Shield Smash +4 (1d4+3, 20/x2)
Ranged: Silver Dagger +2 (1d4+3, 19-20/x2) (10ft)
Special Attacks:
Str: 16 (+3), Dex: 12 (+1), Con: 14 (+2), Int: 12 (+1), Wis: 13 (+1), Cha: 16 (+3)
BAB: +1, CMB: +4, CMD: 15
Armor of the Pit: +2 Natural Armor.
Child of the Crusade: His mother was a member of the crusade, as were her parents before her. The righteousness of the crusades sometimes feels as if it runs in his very blood, and it bolsters him against demonic influence. His mother died last year, but he grew up knowing her, though, and her zeal and devotion to the crusade is the primary reason he feel the same way. She told him of other family members who have also been involved in the crusade, and it would not be uncommon for him to meet a distant cousin or long-lost aunt, uncle, or other family member while traveling among the border towns of Mendev. This strong family tie bolsters his mind and sense of belonging to the crusade. Once per day when he fails a saving throw against an effect created by a demon that would possess or incapacitate him mentally, he may immediately reroll that saving throw as a free action. He must take the second result, even if it is worse. Associated Mythic Path: Marshal.
Unscathed: add 2 to all energy resistances
Armor Expert: reduce armor check penalty by 1
Skills (6 skill points / level +1 Int +1 FC = 8 - Class Skills in Bold yield +3 when trained, Class Skills in Italics are trained only)
Mod Ranks Name of Skill (-5 Armor Check penalty)
-4 0 Acrobatics
+1 0 Appraise
+3 0 Bluff
-2 0 Climb
+1 0 Craft
+7 1 Diplomacy
-2 0 Disable Device
+3 0 Disguise
-4 0 Escape Artist
-4 0 Fly
+3 0 Handle Animal
+5 1 Heal
+3 0 Intimidate
+2 0 Knowledge (Arcana)
+2 0 Knowledge (Dungeoneering)
+2 0 Knowledge (Engineering)
+2 0 Knowledge (Georgraphy)
+2 0 Knowledge (History)
+2 0 Knowledge (Local)
+2 0 Knowledge (Nature)
+2 0 Knowledge (Nobility)
+6 1 Knowledge (Planes)
+6 1 Knowledge (Religion)
+1 0 Linguistics
+7 1 Perception
+7 1 Perform (sing)
+7 1 Perform (oratory)
+1 0 Profession
-4 0 Ride
+5 1 Sense Motive
-4 0 Sleight of Hand
+1 0 Spellcraft
-4 0 Stealth
+1 0 Survival
-2 0 Swim
+3 0 Use Magic Device
Common (Taldane)
Racial Abilities
+2 Str, +2 Cha, -2 Int
Darkvision 60’
Infernal Resistance: Cold, Electricity & Fire 5
Skilled: +2 to Disable Device and Perception
Soul Seer: Deathwatch at will; r: 30' cone, d: 10 min/lvl; know if creatures in range are dead, fragile (less than 3hp), fighting off death (4+ hp), healthy, undead, or neither alive nor dead.
Aura of Good: has an aura of good equal to his level
Bardic Knowledge: He adds ½ level to all Knowledge checks and may make such check untrained
Bardic Performance: 7 rnds/day; begin as standard action, maintained as free action
Countersong (Su): He can counter magic effects that depend on sound. Each round of countersong, he makes a Perform (Keyboard, Percussion, Wind, String, or Sing) check. Any creature within 30ft that is affected by a sonic or language- dependent magical attack may use his Perform check in place of its saving throw if, after it is rolled, the Perform check is higher. If a creature within range of the countersong is already under the effect of a non-instantaneous sonic or language-dependent magical attack, it gains another save against the effect each round it hears the countersong, but it must use his Perform check. Does not work against effects that don’t allow saves. (Audible components)
Distraction (Su): He can use his performance to counter magic effects that depend on sight. Each round of the Distraction, he makes a Perform (Act, Comedy, Dance, or Oratory) check. Any creature within 30ft that is affected by an illusion (pattern) or (figment) magical attack may use his Perform check result in place of its save if, after the save is rolled, the Perform check is higher. If a creature within range if the Distraction is already under the effect of a non-instantaneous illusion (pattern) or (figment) magical attack, it gains another save against the effects each round it sees the Distraction, but it must use his Perform check. Does not work against effects that don’t allow saves. (Visual components)
Fascinate (Su): He can use his performance to cause one or more creatures to become fascinated with him. Each creature to be Fascinated must be within 90ft, able to see and hear him, and capable of paying attention to him. He must also be able to see the creatures affected. The distraction of a nearby combat or other dangers prevents the ability from working. For every 3 levels after 1st, he can target 1 additional creature. Each creature within range makes a Will (DC 13) (10+1/2 level +Cha) to negate. If the save succeeds, the creature cannot be affected for 24 hours. If it fails, the creature sits quietly and observes the performance for as long as he continues to maintain it. While Fascinated, a target takes a -4 penalty on skill checks made as reactions, such as Perception. Any potential threat to the target allows the target to make a new save. Any obvious threat, such as someone drawing a weapon, casting a spell, or aiming a weapon at the target, automatically breaks the effect. This is an enchantment(compulsion) mind-affecting ability. (Audible/Visual components)
Naturalist (Ex): if he has identified a creature with a knowledge check, he can use performance to share strategies for defeating it with allies in combat. He and any allies within 30ft gain a +1 insight bonus to AC & Attacks, and saves against Extraordinary, Supernatural and Spell-like abilities used by that specific type of creature. This increases by +1 at 5th lvl and every 6 levels thereafter. This ability is Language-dependent and requires visual and audible components. Replaces Inspire Courage.
Detect Evil: at will; As move action, gain knowledge of strength of aura about 1 item/individual within 60' as if he had studied it for 3 rounds of concentration.
Smite Evil: 1/day; add +3 (Cha) to attack, add +1 (level) to damage vs. 1 chosen opponent until they or he is defeated. If evil outsider, dragon or undead, gain +2 (2 x level) to damage instead. Bypasses DR.
He also gains a deflection bonus to AC vs. attacks from the target equal to his Cha mod (+3)
Bardic Spells CL: 1st (Conc. +4) 25% failure chance for spells w/somatic comp.
Detect Magic: (V,S) r: 60’, d: 1 min/l
Light: (V,M –firefly) d: 10 min/l
Mage Hand: (V,S) r: 25’+5’/2lvls, 1 object up to 5lbs, move 15’ as move action
Mending: (V,S) r: 10’, 1 object up to 1lb/lvl, restore 1d4hp
1st-Level (2/day)
Cure Light Wounds: (V,S) heal 1d8+1hp/level
Ear-Piercing Scream: (V,S) r: 25’+5’/2 lvls, 1d6 dam/2 lvls Reflex (DC: 14) for ½
Combat Gear
Breastplate (200gp, 30#), Heavy Steel Shield (20gp, 15#), Cold Iron Longsword (30gp, 4#), Silver Dagger (22gp, 1#)
Other Gear
Traveller's Outfit (0gp, 5#), Bedroll (.1gp, 5#), Small Tent (10gp, 20#), Backpack (2gp, 2#), Belt Pouch (1gp, .5#), Waterskin (1gp, 4#), Flint & Steel (1gp, -), Iron Pot (.8gp, 4#), Mess Kit (.2gp, 1#), 4 days Trail Rations (2gp, 4#), 50 ft Silk Rope (10gp, 5#)
Weight: 100.5# (L/M/H: 76/153/230)
A huge, imposing figure covered in armor from head to foot, he carries a polished shield bearing a black rose. He speaks in a deep, chilling voice that sends shivers up the spine of even the boldest knights, yet when he sings his voice smooths out into a surprisingly deep, rich baritone.
Beneath the armor:
Height: 6'7"
Weight: 245#
Eyes: Red
Skin: Black
Hair: None
Once he takes off the helmet, you see a horrific black-scaled monster. Gleaming white fangs, small horns, glowing red eyes and pointed, serrated ears make him seem almost a full demon.
His mother Kale caused the cracking of the Kenabres Wardstone.
At least, that is the way she tells it. Before the first attacks, she was merely one of a squad of soldiers assigned to routine duty in the city. With nothing much to do most of them spent a lot of time in the local tavern, which is where she met Arvoris. A fairly good-looking young blacksmith come to trade from a neighboring village, she started spending a lot of time with him. He asked her endless questions about her and the exciting life of a soldier, and she enjoyed the attention.
Until the attack began.
With the cracking of the Wardstone, Demons began the assault , a screaming horde ready to claim all Golarian as their own. The crusaders fought bravely but were barely holding the line. After a disasterous battle on the front where she had seen almost her whole squad killed, she and a ragged group retreated back through the city. She rushed to find her lover. When she told him he had to flee, he laughed.
And then he changed.
He was not a simple craftsman but an advance scout for the Demonic Horde. And she had provided so much valuable information! Tears in her eyes, she could not believe it. She had used her Sight on him, seen no sign of evil! He grinned and raised an amulet with strange markings on it, taunting her. She rushed him, sword raised, but he teleported away, his laughter still ringing in her ears. She changed after that. Before, she had been a devotee of Shelyn, finding beauty in everything and a firm believer that anyone could find redemption. Now, she rushed into battle to destroy every opponent with ruthless abandon and no regard for her own life. Slowly, they managed to turn the tide and reclaim the city. The Wardstone held, and she joined the new crusade to push the demons further back.
Until she discovered she was pregnant.
She knew once the child was born, everyone would know of her shame and betrayal, so she fled. She settled in Ustalav, kept to herself and raised the demon-child for the rest of her life. She poured all her bitterness, rage, and hate for all demons into her son and trained him to kill as soon as he could hold a sword. She tried to instill in him a belief that he was not to blame for his heritage, but it was still a curse to be overcome. He learned of the proud heritage of his family who had fought in the Crusade for generations. While his uncle was still there, fighting against the hordes, he must not contact him in order to avoid revealing their shame.
Last year, he returned from a trip to pick up the weapon he would need in his fight to find her dead, with a skeletal grey-skinned demon standing over her. The fiend dropped something on her body and vanished before he was able to reach them. He vowed then to destroy all demons, and to find out why she had been singled out for such misery.
Now he has arrived in Kenabres, ready to kill his Father and any other demon that gets in his way...

AdamWarnock |

Rolling for Tiefling alt abilities using the table found here labeled Table: Variant Tiefling Abilities
Rolling: 3d100 ⇒ (67, 2, 97) = 166
I'm going to take #97. Will have a submission up soon.

Teofil Wintrish |

Samnell's arcanist/oracle. Stats forthcoming.
Teofil's parents met in Kenabres, where both had recently come to study the Worldwound, join the Riftwardens, and generally save Golarion from falling into the Abyss. Even given their youth, they had a brief courtship that ended in marriage less than a season after both arrived in town and eight months before his birth. Barely a month later, they were gone.
They left Theofil in the charge of his uncle, a hard-bitten Iomedaen crusader with ties to the Inquisition. Neither had any other relatives in Mendev to turn to. They promised that they would return in no more than a few weeks, but weeks soon turned into months and then years.
Theofil's uncle had never approved of his parents' interest in magic. When he saw Theofil's birthmark, he became convinced that they had done something to the boy. He must have been somehow tainted, corrupted by their unmanly, unholy prying at the fabric of reality. But he would raise the child to be a proper crusader, strong in body and, hopefully, simple of mind. Then he would never be tempted by his parents' ungodly fascinations.
But Theofil grew into a slight boy, bright and easy to like. Even as he failed to prove his mettle he showed disturbing interest in the arcane arts. Worse still, he made many friends. His uncle could see the evil growing in Theofil, even if no one else could. Thus he took strong steps to correct the boy. He was forbidden to read anything save Iomedaen tracts. His uncle personally drilled him for hours every day. Theofil sulked. He tried to sneak away. He hid books under his pillow. And he got caught.
Even the most righteous men have their limits. Theofil had to learn, one way or the other. If he did not, then he would damn more than himself with his honeyed words and strange charm. His uncle seized Theofil and beat him soundly with the flat of a blunt practice sword. Theofil cried out in pain and then spoke words not of this world. Blasphemies spouted from his lips in an unceasing torrent. A green fire kindled on his hand, the sign of Deskari himself!
Crusader and youth split apart, both utterly terrified. Until that point, Theofil had resented his uncle. He never quite believed that his parents sold themselves to the Abyss. But now the proof came from his own lips and flickered in the palm of his hand. He was an unclean thing, rightly hated by Iomedae and all other worthy gods.
They burned Theofil's books together. He swore to from then on follow his uncle in all things and undertook penances both public and private. For more than a year, Theofil tried to make himself into a crusader. When he began to think of anything save the war against evil, he filled his mind with the Acts of Iomedae. He drilled himself in celestial grammars. He worked himself to exhaustion. But his mind would not quiet itself. He never truly came to feel at peace in the temple.
When an elder priest suggested to Theofil that he should go and study in the libraries of the Riftwardens, the rationalizations came to mind at once. Theofil would go only to study the traps for the unrighteous. He must obey the word of a priest. He would be a better crusader for both, perhaps even worthy to lay his unclean hands upon a sword. It would be a surprise for his uncle.
Theofil did his best to remain properly righteous, but his good intentions came to nothing. By chance he met a Riftwarden who knew his parents and had kept in trust some of their belongings. Those things thus escaped the fires. Theofil convinced himself that he would not be seduced. He would read those books and see the other things only to know their evils. His resolution lasted minutes. Within a month, he was buried deeply in esoteric theory and well on his way to mastering his first spells.
The hours of study did not go unnoticed by Theofil’s uncle, who cursed him as an oathbreaker and dealt out more and more extreme punishments. But Theofil was older now. He fought back, however ineffectively. Instinctive magic rose up in him and he cast a spell that warded him from his uncle’s touch. What’s more, Theofil was absolutely certain at that moment that he had done nothing wrong. For the first time in ages, it felt like he’d done right.
That marked the end of Theofil’s life with his uncle. He slept in the street that night and made arrangements, helped by his parents’ friend among the Riftwardens, to make a living scribing letters for illiterate crusaders and otherwise supporting himself on his intellect while he furthered his studies. His life seemed at last on the right track.
But Theofil still has his doubts. When he goes to the temple, he feels hostile eyes upon him. When he sees crusaders in the street, they remind him of all the things he is not. He prays to Iomedae every day and feels nothing but emptiness. He believes his new path right, but can’t quite shake the feeling that something has twisted and perverted him into thinking so. Every time the priests speak of lawful obedience and discipline, he bristles inside. He sees his uncle beating him. His mind invents reasons that each praise of law is simplistic, or an empty hypocrisy. Even as he bows his head in reverence, he feels scorn instead. The more earnestly he worships, the stronger the feelings become.
Theofil accepts the clear proof that he carries abyssal taint within himself. His soul may be forever damned. He fights against it, but has no way to know if he’s winning. On good days, when he makes gains in his research, the fears ebb away. On bad days they come back all the stronger.
Theofil scoured himself clean with water he'd left chill under the eaves of his “room” in the attic the night before, reciting the Acts of Iomedae as he did.
"I will be clean of body and mind, pure in my devotion to the Lady of Valor. My outward state testifies to her glory and gives an example to the wayward. I swear my soul's fealty to Her perfect rule. It is no longer my own but forever Hers'," he said quietly as he finished, bowing his head. With a practiced motion, he took up his dagger and pricked his right thumb until a small bead of blood rose up. Theofil knelt and bowed his head as he touched the blood to the tiny wooden sword that hung above his heart and imagined the goddess' blade resting upon his neck. With the slightest breath, She could slay him. Theofil made himself imagine the blade opening his skin and fought against the sudden rush of anger in his breast.
Why should I bow to her? My life is my own! The words burned across Theofil's mind. In his mind’s eye, he spoke the Abyssal syllables as he rose up and cast blasphemous spells that tore through Kenabres. The magic left him alone in the blasted ruin of Kenabres, of the whole world, with his screaming, desperate uncle. Theofil looked at the hands that cast the magic and saw them with scales and claws, six fingers each and glorious. Something sang within him and he plunged the claws into his uncle’s warm, pulsing flesh.
Theofil’s eyes popped open and he found himself back in his room, sweating and panting. He ran through the Acts of Iomedae thirty times, ten for each dream this month, but did not calm again until he opened his spellbook. Then all thought but the magic vanished. It took an act of will to drag Theofil’s eyes to the window and note the angle of the sun.
If he didn’t leave at once, he would be late! In a rush, Theofil gathered up his writing kit and hurried out of the inn, giving Mistress Thwaite a harried smile as he went by. He hated going without saying something kind to her, but he really had no time at all. He had the arrangements made, but the captain would not wait for his letters and five of the crusaders had demanded receipts to prove they’d been sent. Even the one that wanted that filthy song written down in Celestial! Some things were downright indecent, but the woman paid enough to keep Theofil in ink and paper for a week for the extra trouble.
Theofil made his way as quickly as he could, slipping past crusaders, priests, children, and one man he thought might very well be a hellknight with all the spikes on that armor. He didn’t dare push and couldn’t cut anybody off lest he breathe an apology or a cross word in Abyssal. He came gasping to the docks just as sailors threw the first lines off the ship. Theofil made himself stop, caught his breath, and waited just a moment to be sure he understood the mortal tongue of the curses before he spoke.
“I’m sorry! The streets are very busy! I have the mails for Nerosyan!”
Two sailors gave him a disgusted look, but the paused in their work all the same. It helped to say “the mails”. People thought it was official business. The captain had very explicit and anatomically improbable things to say about Theofil, and especially his receipts, but when Theofil offered up the one he’d written out in advance it mollified the man.
Receipt in hand, Theofil left the docks at a more measured pace. He stopped now and then to give a pleasant word to someone he recognized, before helping an old woman he recognized from services wrestle a barrel of flour into her kitchen. That led to a promise to help her grandson with his letters and, she gave him a sly nudge, “teaching him some of them angel words too.”
Theofil tactfully did not mention the “angel words” that most boys wanted to know. He spent a few hours back at the inn, taking down a few more letters and patiently explaining the difference between what he wrote for notes and a proper letter to a pair of extremely drunk dwarves. They cursed him for unmanly even after Theofil showed them a proper copy he had on hand, but they paid all the same. Drink did odd things to people.
Then Theofil ate a few stale ends of bread that Mrs. Thwaite left out for him and made his way down to the temple. He’d promised to help wash the steps, which kept him on his knees with the goddess staring down his neck and listening to his every inner complaint for a large part of the afternoon. He politely declined the invitation to come and share a meal, telling them that he made a promise to be elsewhere. The boy would be ready to learn his letters soon and Theofil had promised...but he would have found some other reason to leave all the same.
All that done, he at last had time for his proper studies, which kept him up late into the night as usual.
Theofil is set up to grow into a sort of Enochian conjurer, specialized in summoning and eventually binding celestials. By the rules and virtue of his archetypes he can use planar allies as well, but he’s not currently in the mindset where he thinks that anybody from Iomedeae’s heaven wants anything to do with him. Thus he would be bringing them through the regular arcane binding route. Eventually he might come to terms with himself and his faith enough to start using divine magic to bring them in, but that depends on how things develop. If he gets downtime at the right moments, he might summon up some outsiders just to talk theology.
Aside that, the plan is that eventually he’ll be blasting and doing battlefield control with spells like holy smite. He’ll have some archetype benefits that might make save-or-suck spells viable vs. demons down the road as well. Barring some unanticipated developments, I expect him to be straight arcanist/oracle all the way up.
His mythic path would be Archmage. Unsure on secondary.
Personality-wise he’s a very nice, rather dorky, boy that means well and tries to be kind to everyone. He’s usually easy to get along with, though he was much less so when he was trying to beat the evil out of himself. I see him as a person who wants to be lawful good and sees himself as a failure for not managing it, but he’s actually wandered farther and farther away from his goal. He could end up there all the same, but I think he’s more likely to grow up into neutral good once he figures out that he’s probably not under an actual mind-altering curse and accepts that impious or rebellious thoughts are a normal part of himself.
Theofil would like to wield a sword someday. To him it’s a very big deal. Swords are holy to Iomedae and his holding one with a clear conscience would be a tremendous thing. When he gets a little extra money he thinks about buying one constantly, but can never quite get himself to go through with it. That would be strictly a role-playing thing, though. He’s quite aware that he’s not going to do much good wading into a proper battle to cut up demons.
Stats should be squared away now, pending inevitable discovery of mistakes. :)

![]() |

Dragonofashandflame: Oath Against Fiends isn't allowed. It sounds like it should be really amazing for this AP but it's actually a massive and unnegotiable impediment that makes several moments and an entire book of the AP completely impossible to play as they should be.
Anoirtrou: See above.
pardon my asking, but how so? I mean, I have never read/played so I couldn't know. Color me intrigued :3

Rigor Rictus |

Just a guess, but I'd imagine it's the code of conduct:
Code of Conduct
Never suffer an evil outsider to live if it is in your power to destroy it. Banish fiends you cannot kill. Purge the evil from those possessed by fiends.
If that blocks an adventure path, I would imagine that one of the stories requires the team to work with a demon, or someone possessed by a fiend. That becomes impossible with this oath in play...

Windle Thetra |

Presenting Windle Thetra, a young man devoted to Iomedae and living up to his family's history. Mechanically, he's a paladin|swashbuckler, going Marshal path with secondary Hierophant. I see him being an adequate combatant on his own, but at least as good at buffing others--will choose mythic abilities with that in mind. Even with Slashing Grace and a longsword, he's not going to be as good at dealing damage as, e.g., a two-handed fighter. He'll likely pick up a combat maneuver or two to serve as a debuffer.
As a boy, Windle happily spent his days with his cousins and others as a page for his parents, aunts, and uncles, running errands and helping in military camps across Mendev. His ready smile and good nature made him popular even among the surlier members of the crusader armies. Growing up in this environment, it was only natural that he would dream of becoming a knight in Iomedae’s service, so his parents spared no effort in getting him the training he would need to reach that goal. Sadly, after long hours of religious education and martial study the truth became clear: though his faith and heart were strong his arms were not. Eventually the young man realized that his imagined future as a stalwart knight in shining armor, wielding longsword and shield, could not be. A chance meeting with a distant cousin from Oppara made him aware of another path to martial excellence, though—the way of the swashbuckler. And so he left Mendev for a time, living with that cousin’s family and studying swordplay in Taldor. With Windle’s native agility and force of personality, he excelled at it, and his lack of physical strength was not the handicap it had been for his initial goal. But the worship of Iomedae was not encouraged in Taldor, perhaps due to its association with Andoran and Cheliax. Windle did not let this get in the way of his devotion to the Inheritor; he went so far as to choose Iomedae’s longsword as his preferred weapon, adapting the fighting styles he had learned so that he could use them with it. Finally, he returned to Mendev, prepared to raise his sword in the struggle that had dominated his family’s lives for generations. His parents greeted him with joy, and his mother gave him a letter of introduction to her great-uncle Hulrun Shappok, Prelate of Kenabres. Their plan was that the Prelate would be able to find a place for him, either among the defenders of Kenabres or in one of the crusading armies mustering there.
Letter in hand, Windle made his way to the border city, his happiness at being home outweighing the obvious signs of demoralization among the defenders of Mendev. And despite the demoralization his good cheer was again contagious. Where he passed, weary fighters lifted their heads and walked a little more purposefully. Priests found their cynicism cracking just a little. Even low templars were affected by the presence and words of the young man, though they tried not to show it. For his devotion to Iomedae through his years of training had not passed unnoticed, and She had chosen him to be one of Her holy warriors…a fact he did not, himself, realize at the time.
Pack in hand, the young man made his way first to the Cathedral of St. Clydwell to give thanks for his safe return to the fight. Kneeling in the Cathedral, his sword on the ground before him, he read a few paragraphs from his battered copy of the Lymirin Discourses.
From there, he headed to the dueling field in Clydwell Plaza. For a moment he looked wistfully at the mounted fighters preparing at the jousting list, then shook his head and turned away. It's better this way. He approached the judges of the list. "Excuse me--do you need any help setting up? I'll want to be fighting later, but I've got some time now. I'm Windle Thetra."

AdamWarnock |

After some thought, went with #67 instead. So without further ado, I present Tera Flinders.
Female demon-spawn tiefling fighter 1/rogue 1/gestalt 1 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Race Guide 168)
CG Medium outsider (native)
Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft., see in darkness; Perception +7
AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 11 (1d10+1)
Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +1
Resist cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5
Speed 30 ft.
Melee bastard sword +4 (1d10+2/19-20) or
. . dagger +3 (1d4+2/19-20) or
. . gladius +3 (1d6+2/19-20) or
. . kerambit +3 (1d3+2/×3)
Special Attacks sneak attack +1d6
Str 14, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 14
Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 16
Feats Exotic Weapon Proficiency (bastard sword), Weapon Focus (bastard sword)
Traits chance encounter, faithful artist, reactionary
Skills Acrobatics +5, Diplomacy +6, Disable Device +10, Disguise +6, Knowledge (local) +4, Perception +7, Perform (sing) +7, Sense Motive +5, Stealth +5
Languages Abyssal, Common
SQ trapfinding +1
Other Gear chain shirt, bastard sword, dagger (4), gladius, kerambit, backpack, bedroll, blanket, grappling hook, masterwork thieves' tools, silk rope (50 ft.), 26 gp, 4 sp
Special Abilities
Chance Encounter (1/day) Re-reroll failed Acrobatics, Bluff, Disguise, Sleight of Hand or Stealth check, keep 2nd result.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Energy Resistance, Cold (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Cold attacks.
Energy Resistance, Electricity (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Electricity attacks.
Energy Resistance, Fire (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Fire attacks.
Faithful Artist (Perform [sing]) With Desna's blessing, you have pursued an artistic path. You gain a +1 trait bonus to one Perform skill, and Perform is always a class skill for you.
See in Darkness See perfectly in darkness of any kind, including magical darkness.
Sneak Attack +1d6 Attacks deal extra dam if flank foe or if foe is flat-footed.
Trapfinding +1 Gain a bonus to find or disable traps, including magical ones.
When she was just thirteen, she took with a terrible fever and found herself confined to her bed. One night, she left, stumbling in a feverish haze out into the Worldwound. Two days later, she collapsed from exhaustion and dehydration. It seemed that fate had doomed her to die, alone, in that gods-forsaken waste. Tears she had held back for years poured forth as she wondered if anyone even cared that she was gone. Wounds that had been made, but never seen, made themselves felt as they reopened where no healer could reach them. Finally, Tera lashed out, using the last of her strength to pound furiously, and vainly, at the ground as she screamed in a terrible rage, before collapsing back into the dust. Her strength was spent, and it wouldn't be long now before she was sent to face her punishment. Blackness took her as the last of her tears cut their trails through the dust on her face.
The world swayed as the painfully ache in her body dragged her from the blissful unfeeling sleep of unconsciousness. She felt arms, warm as a thick blanket, holding her. A soft, sweet voice muttered prayers in her ears. Her eyes were slow to open and slow to focus, but when they did, she found herself looking up into the face of a beautiful, and sad, woman. She gripped a silver butterfly pendant so tightly that her knuckles were white and her hand trembled. Tera could never figure out how long the woman carried her, or how she stayed alive, but through the fever and the long bouts of fatigue-induced sleep, she remembered the woman tricking a group of cultists and minor demons. She remembered her skill with a bow. She remembered her guile, and her courage. She remembered all of that, even if only in bits and pieces. It seemed like a dream, but it seemed too real as well.
Tera awoke with a start in a small room in St. Clydwell's Cathedral. Her fever was gone, as was the dust that had clung to her skin. Asking the healers about what happened reveled that she was found unconscious by a patrol that brought her straight to the church for help. The men and women of the patrol never saw anyone else, much less a beautiful woman with a silver pendant in the shape of a butterfly. The young girl's curiosity burned so brightly within her she could hardly stand it. It seemed her anxiousness would get the best of her when she meet an elderly Desnan priest.
She recognized the pendant that hung from his neck and as the questions spilled forth, answers returned. The man treated her as a young girl, and soon she found that he'd become a friend. Instructing her in the teachings of the Starsong and even taking the time and effort to have her tutored by a Shelyn priestess in the art of singing when she showed she had a knack and an interest for it. The next three years were happy ones for Tera. The priest treated her like his own daughter and she was sad when his time on Golarion was up, but she had learned to take joy in life, instead of focusing on the misery.
Taking the lessons she had learned to heart, Tera set out to help those in need. She found she had a knack for trickery. She wasn't very good bluffing, but her skills in tumbling and moving quietly let her help in ways most never considered. She developed the skills needed to diffuse situations and could be found helping stop fights before they got started.
By far, however, she used that knack to keep her heritage secret. She disguised herself as human, taking care to keep the fangs and the markings that gave her away hidden. For the past four years she has done her best to help her fellows in Kenabres, and with Armasse nearing, she looks forward to seeing the town's spirits lift.
As for her appearance, She is a slender, elegantly shaped woman. Black markings appear on her left cheek, arm and thigh. She wears her midnight blue hair in a loose ponytail under the hood of her cloak. Her eyes are the hardest feature to disguise, since they glow ice blue in dim light, so she rarely makes eye-contact with anyone. Her teeth are the second hardest, since where humans have their canine teeth, she has long, sharp fangs. as a result, she rarely talks above a whisper even when her mouth is covered.
She wears plain, loose clothing that does an admirable job of disguising her figure. Around her face and neck she wears a long, black scarf made of a thin material that doesn't muffle her voice much. Over this she wears a long, tattered cloak that helps cover the rest of her face and helps hide the knives she carries on her belt.
Tera laughed as two men drunkenly danced on the table to the tun of a fiddle and the beat of a drum. Armasse was tomorrow, but the town's spirits had slowly been rising over the past month and now the gaiety of a festival in full swing had infested even the weariest of souls. The money that flowed this time of year didn't hurt either.
"Now, that's 'ow ye dance a jig!" one of the patrons of the tavern called out. Soon, though the song was over and the murmur of voices filled the room again.
"So lass, where will ye be performin' t'morrow," the barkeeper asked as things drifted back to normal.
"I don't know yet. I figured I'd just see where things went," Tera answered.
"Well, if ye don't mind, I'd like fer ye t'do yer singin' here. Yer sweet voice should keep this lot from gettin' too rowdy."
"Oh," she chuckled her eyes dipped to her hands nursing a tankard on the bar, "I don't think I'm that good."
"Don't sell yerself short lass. Yer makin' a name fer yerself. I 'eard ye managed t'keep Johann and Hansel from comin' t'blows o'er at the Gilded Stones last week. No mean feat, that."
"You heard about that," Tera's voice was barely loud enough to be heard as what little of her face could be seen turned red.
"Hells lass, half o' Kenabres's 'eard about it! Ye gotta gift. I'd love fer ye t'help me keep the place in one piece this year," the barkeeper's laugh rumbled as her saw her face turn even darker.
"Point is, lass, I could use yer help, an' I'd be payin' ye too."
"Thank you."
"Oh, don't be thankin' me yet, lass. Some o' the more, um, earthy fellows can get a little 'andsy with the lasses, e'en one who keeps the world wonderin' when she keeps 'er mouth shut. Ye may be 'avin' t'cause a dustup yerself."
Tera just shook her head. She could still back out, but he'd asked, and she'd accepted.
"As long as they keep their hands off after I tell them to, we should be fine," A positively wicked gleam appeared in her eyes as their corners crinkled in a smile, "And if they don't, well, I'm tougher than I look," she said with an evil chuckle.
I plan on going with the Trickster path as the primary, but I'll need to see what the other paths hold before I decide on a secondary.
As for party role and plans for Tera's future, I'm imagining her as the party face/scout. In combat, she'll be trying to setup flanks to take tough foes down quickly. Toughness, Dodge, and lots of ranks into Acrobatics are definitely in the cards. In short, she's going to be a secondary melee combatant meant to assist the main frontliner.
On the character front, I'd like to have her become more comfortable with who she is. She's not, and she's not consciously aware of it, using excuses like she makes others uncomfortable when she's not in disguise to justify using a disguise. If anyone asks her about it, she claims that she's disfigured, and would rather not show that to anyone. the fact is, in her eyes, she is disfigured. I think it'd be interesting to see how she grows throughout this AP.
That said, I'll see if I can refine this some. I tend to have to work my way into a character, and the RP section could probably use another pass or two.

Davro Iramelis |

I would just like to point out that I accidentally posted with my pfs character of the same name(or close enough), please see this alias for my submission.
Also, I have changed the character to Bloodrager(Abyssal Bloodline)/Hunter because I feel as though it fits the backstory much better, seeing as this characters entire story bases around the fact that his demonic blood drives him to prove himself.

HighonHolyWater |

Planning to go the Marshal Path with Champion as secondary. Has a bunch of knowledges and face skills to help and switch hitting in fights to help out wherever necessary.
Tarren could be said to have a typical crusader-against-evil upbringing. He grew up in Vigil, surrounded by paladins and their propaganda. Generations of paladins and clerics ran in his family. Their legacy included many daring heroes who had led the way to defeating evil in many parts of the world, but most famously, in the crusades for the worldwound. Their mythical stories had been told over and over and he knew them all by heart. Grandfather Jos who slew a demon with his bare hands, great great aunt Bellen whose cold iron arrowheads were the bane of many lesser fiends on the battle fields. Also those who had died for the cause, become captured, tortured, the stories told their tale too though embelished for lack of information and the fact that the hero never returned. Tarren knew all the stories, no one ever doubted that he would go on to become a hero himself in time and carry on the good name. Thus they were surprised and dissapointed when he was found not smiled upon by the divine. His abilities were completely ordinary. He would be no great crusader. He had kept a secret. He didn't want to fight and kill for the gods. He thought he was better than a soldier. He ran away with his sweetheart and they lived happily together for a few years until they were found. They were forced apart and he was taken back to Vigil to complete his training. With no where to go he did his studies and training, waiting for the time when he could leave again and find Emma. His forced training helped change him a little, indoctrination succeeded into forming him into a soldier despite his struggles. But he was still not fit for a divine calling. An inquisitor seized this opportunity, hoping that one from his family might help them become more recognised among those who thought less of them. Inquisitor Tarren finally graduated and with a new type of rebellion. He would funnel his efforts to bring glory to the gods in a different way and increase the influence of the inquisitors. His teenage love mostly forgotten, he embarked to Kenabres. Not expecting to join any crusades yet, merely wanting to experience Armasse and see the Worldwould first hand.
Tarren is for the most part a pious individual, respecting religion and many gods. His primary god though is Iomedae and he seeks justice and glory for her and his order of inquisitors in particular. He carries with himself a cheap copy of the Acts of Iomedae at all times for when he seeks wisdom. When around others he is watchful, knowing evil can hide in the most unlikliest of places and believing actions are what make a man, for more than the words he might spout. Thus he always picks his friends carefully and never gets too close to people very quickly. He is slightly taller than average, brown hair and grey eyes, a rare combination. He trains with bow and sword so he can be prepared at all times for any cause. He has never seen the worldwound and this visit to Kenabres is the closest he has been to true danger.
Tarren walked down the streets of this border town. It was a far cry from Vigil where he had lived almost his whole life. Even his short time as a runaway in Cheliax was nothing compared to the sparseness of the north. I should at least find an inn to stay at before there are no spaces left. He was surprised how many people were here. Many refugees from the lands now claimed by the world wound had come here. They had lost everything yet on this day something came alive in all the people and cheer was to be seen on almost every face. Almost, he could see the hint of darkness in some of their faces.
After a short time he found an inn for travelers and visitors. The Fiends Broken Horns seemed a welcoming place for travelers and it was there that he hired a place for the festival. "Reccommend a good view for the events tomorrow?" he asked the innkeeper after sorting his price. "The plaza hold the most popular seats. There is also the chance to join in on the festivities," he replied with a smile. Tarren replied back, "Oh I plan to."
Human Ranger(Divine Tracker)/Inquisitor 1
NG Medium Humanoid(Human)
Init +4; Perception +6
AC 18, touch 13, flatfooted 15 (+2 dex, +6 armour)
HP ## (#d10+3)
Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +4
Speed 30ft.
Melee Greatsword +5 (2d6+6/19-20x2)
Melee PA Greatsword +4 (2d6+9/19-20x2)
Ranged Longbow +3 (1d8/x3)
Inquisitor Spellcasting Concentration +3
Orisons (DC 12) Detect Magic, Read Magic, Light, Stabilise
1st level 2/day (DC 13) Magic Weapon, Protection from Evil
Str 18, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 7
Base Attack 1; CMB +5; CMD 17
Feats Power Attack, Quick Draw
Traits Child of the Crusades, Reactionary, Omen, Wanderlust
Drawback Oppressive Expectations
Favoured Class Inquisitor
Skills(8 per level) *only shows class skills*
0 Bluff +2
0 Climb* -1
0 Craft +1
1 Diplomacy +6
0 Disguise -2
0 Handle Animal -2
0 Heal +2
1 Intimidate +8
0 Knowledge(arcana) +3
0 Knowledge(dungeoneering) +3
0 Knowledge(geography) +3
0 Knowledge(nature) +3
1 Knowledge(planes) +7
1 Knowledge(Religion) +7
1 Perception +6
0 Profession +2
0 Ride* -3
1 Sense Motive +7
0 Spellcraft +1
1 Stealth* +2
1 Survival +6
0 Swim* -1
*ACP -5
Languages Common, Celestial
Equipment Explorer's Outfit, Longbow(75gp), 20 Arrows(1gp) Greatsword(50gp), Dagger(2gp), Spring-loaded Wrist Sheath(5gp), Chainmail(150gp), Ranger's Kit(9gp), Holy Text(1gp), Wooden Holy Symbol(1gp), Spell Component Pouch(5gp)
Current encumberance Light
Money 1gp
Weapon and Armour A ranger/inquisitor is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, the hand crossbow, repeating crossbow, and the favored weapon of her deity, and with light armor, medium armor, and shields (except tower shields).
Monster Lore(Ex) The inquisitor adds her Wisdom modifier on Knowledge skill checks in addition to her Intelligence modifier, when making skill checks to identify the abilities and weaknesses of creatures.
Stern Gaze(Ex) Inquisitors are skilled at sensing deception and intimidating their foes. An inquisitor receives a morale bonus on all Intimidate and Sense Motive checks equal to 1/2 her inquisitor level (minimum +1).
Judgement(Su) Starting at 1st level, an inquisitor can pronounce judgment upon her foes as a swift action. Starting when the judgment is made, the inquisitor receives a bonus or special ability based on the type of judgment made.
Destruction The inquisitor is filled with divine wrath, gaining a +1 sacred bonus on all weapon damage rolls. This bonus increases by +1 for every three inquisitor levels she possesses.
Healing The inquisitor is surrounded by a healing light, gaining fast healing 1. This causes the inquisitor to heal 1 point of damage each round as long as the inquisitor is alive and the judgment lasts. The amount of healing increases by 1 point for every three inquisitor levels she possesses.
Justice This judgment spurs the inquisitor to seek justice, granting a +1 sacred bonus on all attack rolls. This bonus increases by +1 for every five inquisitor levels she possesses. At 10th level, this bonus is doubled on all attack rolls made to confirm critical hits.
Piercing This judgment gives the inquisitor great focus and makes her spells more potent. This benefit grants a +1 sacred bonus on concentration checks and caster level checks made to overcome a target’s spell resistance. This bonus increases by +1 for every three inquisitor levels she possesses.
Protection The inquisitor is surrounded by a protective aura, granting a +1 sacred bonus to Armor Class. This bonus increases by +1 for every five inquisitor levels she possesses. At 10th level, this bonus is doubled against attack rolls made to confirm critical hits against the inquisitor.
Purity The inquisitor is protected from the vile taint of her foes, gaining a +1 sacred bonus on all saving throws. This bonus increases by +1 for every five inquisitor levels she possesses. At 10th level, the bonus is doubled against curses, diseases, and poisons.
Resiliency This judgment makes the inquisitor resistant to harm, granting DR 1/magic. This DR increases by 1 for every five levels she possesses. At 10th level, this DR changes from magic to an alignment (chaotic, evil, good, or lawful) that is opposite the inquisitor’s. If she is neutral, the inquisitor does not receive this increase.
Resistance The inquisitor is shielded by a flickering aura, gaining 2 points of energy resistance against one energy type (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic) chosen when the judgment is declared. The protection increases by 2 for every three inquisitor levels she possesses.
Smiting This judgment bathes the inquisitor’s weapons in a divine light. The inquisitor’s weapons count as magic for the purposes of bypassing damage reduction. At 6th level, the inquisitor’s weapons also count as one alignment type (chaotic, evil, good, or lawful) for the purpose of bypassing damage reduction. The type selected must match one of the inquisitor’s alignments. If the inquisitor is neutral, she does not receive this bonus. At 10th level, the inquisitor’s weapons also count as adamantine for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction (but not for reducing hardness).
Conversion Inquisition You are a powerful persuader. A honeyed tongue empowered by divine argumentation sways the indifferent and adversarial to your side.
Charm of Wisdom(Ex) You use your Wisdom modifier instead of your Charisma modifier when making Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks.
Orisons Detect Magic, Read Magic, Light, Stabilise.
First level Spells Magic Weapon, Protection from Evil.
Track(Ex) A ranger adds half his level (minimum 1) to Survival skill checks made to follow tracks.
Favoured Enemy(Ex) At 1st level, a ranger selects a creature type from the ranger favored enemies table. He gains a +2 bonus on Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks against creatures of his selected type. Likewise, he gets a +2 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against them. A ranger may make Knowledge skill checks untrained when attempting to identify these creatures.
Favoured Enemy(Evil Outsiders) +2 +2 bonus on Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks against creatures of his selected type. Likewise, he gets a +2 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against them. A ranger may make Knowledge skill checks untrained when attempting to identify these creatures.
Favoured Weapon At 1st level, a divine tracker becomes proficient with the favored weapon of his deity. If his deity's favored weapon is unarmed strike, he instead gains Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat.
Child of the Crusades Once per day when you fail a saving throw against an effect created by a demon that would possess or incapacitate you mentally, you may immediately reroll that saving throw as a free action. You must take the second result, even if it is worse.
Reactionary You gain a +2 trait bonus to Initiative checks.
Omen You gain a +1 trait bonus on Intimidate checks, and Intimidate is always a class skill for you. Once per day, you may attempt to demoralize an opponent as a swift action.
Wanderlust Treat your base land speed as 10 feet higher when determining your overland speed.
Oppressive Expectations When you fail at a skill check, you take a –2 penalty on checks with that skill until you succeed or until you fail at a different skill check, whichever comes first.
Power Attack -1 to melee attack and +3 damage on two handed attacks.
Quick Draw You can draw a weapon as a free action instead of as a move action.

Choant |

AC 16, Touch 15, Flat-footed 12, CMD 18, Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +3, CMB +3, Base Attack Bonus 1
Deadly Katana +4 (1d8+2, 18-20 x2)
Claws +3 (1d4+2, x2)
Silken Ceremonial Armor (+1 Armor, +4 Dex, +1 Misc)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 5
Condition None
Ranger(Beast Master, Tanglebriar Demonslayer)1/Magus(Kensai, Fiend Flayer)1
Backstory to follow

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Here is the rest for Gregor:
At 14, his father enrolled him in the prestigious Aldori dueling academy in Restov. Somehow the training regime there seemed to focus the turmoil inside him and the nightmares diminished. Instead he gained an internal clarity that helped him excel. It was also during this time that he devoted himself to Iomadae. Finishing school, he returned home, but was restless and unhappy with that life now. He realized that his true calling was the destruction of demonkind and their infestation of this world. What better place to contribute than at the Worldwound itself? So now he heads for Kenebras and his hope to join the crusade there.
Gregor is rather serious for his age. He considers himself to be an excellent swordsman and believes he will eventually be one of the greatest in all of Golarion. He takes insults rather poorly. He is honest to a fault, but is also fiercely loyal to his friends. His devotion to Iomadae is unshakeable and many wonder why he did not pursue a career with the church. Aside from his pride, his one other "fault" may be his unwavering hatred of demonkind. When it comes to them he can be most unreasonable. That being said though, he is also an adamant believer in redemption and would go a long way to provide that path for any fallen entity.
Finally! This is the purpose I was destined for! Tomorrow I shall prove myself to the Eagle Watch and begin my fight against demonkind.
After wandering the market for a while, Gregor headed back to his inn to get information on tomorrows activities. It promised to be an auspicious start for his new path.

CampinCarl9127 |

I've been lurking for a little while and have decided to throw my hat into the ring. In case there weren't enough paladins applying already, I'm going to throw another into the ring (I mean it's WotR, there can never be too many paladins). But he's going to be an unorthodox paladin, one that uses less then conventional methods to get the job done. A Paladin/Rogue, skilled both in combat and skills, but who combines the divine powers granted to him with tricks of mankind to be a potent weapon against evil. Champion will be his primary path while trickster will be his secondary. I'll start getting the crunch and backstory drawn up now.

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I've been lurking for a little while and have decided to throw my hat into the ring. In case there weren't enough paladins applying already, I'm going to throw another into the ring (I mean it's WotR, there can never be too many paladins). But he's going to be an unorthodox paladin, one that uses less then conventional methods to get the job done. A Paladin/Rogue, skilled both in combat and skills, but who combines the divine powers granted to him with tricks of mankind to be a potent weapon against evil. Champion will be his primary path while trickster will be his secondary. I'll start getting the crunch and backstory drawn up now.
we can all be paladins! With a standard four party group but with gestalt we could still fill each niche,
My paladin/oracle has healing/divine casting coveredYour paladin/rogue can deal with traps, plus sneak attack on a full BAB is nice. Please do take the glory rogue archetype though.
We would just need one of the other two to be an arcane caster, and the third slot is free for whatever the DM likes, and thinks would work, maybe a gish, like magus, or bard, or alchemist, or warpriest!
Of course it doesn't have to work this way, I would just find it amusing.

CampinCarl9127 |

I normally avoid overlap with previous recruits, but it's really easy to fill all of the necessary party roles in a gestalt game. Plus, imagine how terrifying a TWF paladin/rogue with a full BaB, smite, and sneak attack would be. That's a lot of DPS. And while I have the paladin overlap, I haven't noticed many skill characters yet.
Hah, an all paladin party. At least we would agree on how to do things.

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Jorvik: What's his other class? This is a gestalt game.
Fudge, I somehow missed the gestalt. Thematically, and mechanically, it makes sense to go with Bloodrager. I will update the mechanics in the next day or two, and just add a bit of flavor to his backstory. Nothing that would alter the obvious plot hooks already there. Sorry about that, gestalt w/ hybrid classes is pretty mind bending. 1/2 + 1/2 + 1/2 + 1/2 = 2 better than 1 + 1 = 2? Interesting to consider.

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I plan on taken the "Stolen Fury" trait. I have the opposite attitude Lord Foul does about it. Mechanically I probably won't be performing many combat maneuvers, but it works too perfectly with my backstory.
Except you can make your backstory say anything,
The traits give cool ideas to springboard off of and little half feat abilities.If I want to I could give my character a backstory that encompased multiple of the traits into the story despite only mechanically having one of them.

Righteous GM |

On the matter of overlap: It's probably a touch unavoidable, but generally I'd not be taking an entire Paladin/Something else party. Theoretically you could fill all the roles between two characters, so it isn't too much of a concern, but I still like variety in what a party can offer with characters that provide unique abilities. Gestalt in particular opens the door for so many really interesting combinations that limiting it all would be really boring. At most, there might be one class there's two of, since I'm going by backstory and interest in a character over crunch, but it's not something to expect across the board.
As for campaign traits; the mechanical benefit of them is absolutely nothing compared to the actual tying to of the path. Dual Path won't get you the tier 10 capstone for that path; it's down to the one in your trait. If the only thing you're looking at is a slightly-stronger-than-average trait for which way you go, then you're doing it wrong.
Lord Foul: Read the OP about when it's planned to end. First mythic tier comes at level 6.
Arden: Belkzen has mountains along its border to the furthest reaches of the Worldwound, so probably not. As it stands your character reads off as way too Giantslayer-ey to really fit back in.
Jorvik: I don't see anything specifically saying not to, but any overlapping features would not advance twice, which kinda feels messy, so Skald/Sorc would probably work better for you. I'm way too headachey to read too much onto it and see how Raging Song and Bloodrage would work together, but I have a feeling it'd be unwieldy.

Davro Iramelis |

Ok, as I was pondering this since Barbarian is the parent class of both the Skald, and Bloodrager, is it legal to combine those? If not, I will go Skald/Sorcerer. Just let me know, and I can finish the stats.
I believe they actually removed any and all restrictions from the final printing of the book. Meaning not only could you combine those two, but you could also multiclass Barbarian/Skald or perhaps more likely something like Fighter/Swashbuckler, if you wanted to.

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When Little Nicky was born he was a normal human child, perhaps a little on the scrawny side, but he made up for it with heart and fearlessness.
He was well liked by his peers and loved by his parents. He intended to become a soldier of the church (undecided which god for now, I'll coordinate with the other characters), and even at a young age could be found fighting with the other children using wooden swords and slaying pretend demons (and rescuing princess as per the course).
If things had gone on the apparent path, he would have likely become a knight and attained some temporary local fame, but otherwise faded to obscurity in a quiet, but happy life.
However, fate had other plans....
When he was twelve he was kidnapped by cultist and was forced to take part in a demonic ritual. He had no idea what ritual’s purpose was but it couldn't have been good, there was blood, so much blood, and he was forced sit in a star made of iron (an alter to asmodious) and made to drink the ichor of a devil. On that day he gave his first true and desperate prayer. Just as the ritual seemed to be ending the door to the place had been kicked down, and his father burst in with a number of the guard and defeated the demons. The ritual was stopped prematurely and it didn’t work out the way his captors envisioned—rather than corrupting his soul, or turning him into a sacrifice to some evil being, the ritual's energies were absorbed into him, altering his body strengthening it, fortifying it.
He grew a tail that, after some practice, he could use almost as dexterously as his hands. He was also stronger than any of the other children, and highly resistant to extremes of temperature.
Of course the fear and hatred he felt in that moment changed him. For years after that day he had nightmares, flashbacks of that time, and it took him many years to come to terms with the changes to his body and learn how to use them properly.
For example, he discovered that he could will his eyes to glow and when they did so he could see perfectly in the dark, no matter the distance, and he had an innate connection to the divines.
When he turned fifteen, he was sent away to a school in the south, where they trained people to be knights and squires. An academy for paladins and other devout warriors.
Nicholas faced some persecution for his strange, slightly demonic appearance, but he, by and large, won them over with his dedication to the faith, and to his studies.
For years later he returns home ready to great his family as an official paladin, ready to defend against the forces of evil.... Though not quite as ready as he had thought.
on duty outfit
facial structure
Let me know if the backstory is too short, I can try to add more.
Nicholas is a generally happy person, and has a quick whit and a good sense of humor.
He is brave and good with a sword.
He uses a bastard sword as his main weapon, and is adept at healing and is decent with knowledge skills

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Nicholas Jonson LG tiefling Paladin/oracle (dual cursed,psychic searcher)
Str 18
Dex 10
Con 12
Int 12
Wis 10
Charism 18
HP 12
Fort save +3
Reflex save +4
Will save +2
To hit with bastard sword +6 damage 1d10+6
AC. 21 10+3 (charisma)+7 (breastplate and armored kilt) +1 (buckler)
Touch 13
Flat footed 18
Oracle Spells per day
1st level 4
Oracle spells known:
0th level: stabilize, create water, detect magic, enhanced diplomacy, guidance
1st level: cure light wounds, blessing of the watch, infernal healing
*Sidestep Secret (Su): Your innate understanding of the universe has granted you preternatural reflexes and the uncanny ability to step out of danger at the very last second. Add your Charisma modifier (instead of your Dexterity modifier) to your Armor Class and all Reflex saving throws. Your armor’s maximum Dexterity bonus applies to your Charisma instead of your Dexterity (see FAQ.)
Foretold [3PP]
Source Oracle's Curse, copyright 2014 by RJ Grady, published by Tripod Machine.
Your life fulfills the predictions of one or more important prophesies. You may choose to embrace, or resist, your foretold fate.
Subtract your curse level from the DC of gather information or Knowledge checks to learn things about you. You suffer a-10 penalty to Will saves versus non-mind-affecting spells and spell-like abilities of the divination school. Once per day, you can "take 10" on a check even you would not normally be able to do so because of distractions or threats.
At 5th level, add either augury or enthrall (your choice) to your spells known.
At 10th level, you gain a bonus revelation.
At 15th level, add screen to your spells known.
Branded [3PP]
Source Oracle's Curse, copyright 2014 by RJ Grady, published by Tripod Machine.
You have a visible scar on your forehead or arm that depicts a mystical symbol of some significance. You had no choice in the matter; the brand appeared with fire and searing pain.
(His brand takes the form of the symbol of asmodious on his lower back.
Your brand cannot be disguised or altered, even with magic, although you can still benefit from cover or concealment, and you can cover it by wearing a hood or robe (as appropriate). Some NPCs may recognize the brand and become hostile, per the GM's choice. As a supernatural ability, you can touch an enemy for 1d6 +(1/2 your curse level) fire damage; any opponent who takes damage bears your symbol until an equal amount of damage is healed. Any branded opponent takes -2 to save versus your spells and spell-like abilities. You can perform this branding touch a number of times per day equal to 1 +your Charisma bonus (minimum 1).
At 5th level, you may add your Charisma bonus to your Fortitude saving throw bonus.
At 10th level, you gain fire resistance 5.
At 15th level, your fire resistance increases 10. The penalty branded opponents take increases to -4, and you may roll twice to overcome the SR of branded opponents.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency
Paladins are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, with all types of armor (heavy, medium, and light), and with shields (except tower shields).
Aura of Good (Ex)
The power of a paladin's aura of good (see the detect good spell) is equal to her paladin level.
Detect Evil (Sp)
At will, a paladin can use detect evil, as the spell. A paladin can, as a move action, concentrate on a single item or individual within 60 feet and determine if it is evil, learning the strength of its aura as if having studied it for 3 rounds. While focusing on one individual or object, the paladin does not detect evil in any other object or individual within range.
Once per day, a paladin can call out to the powers of good to aid her in her struggle against evil. As a swift action, the paladin chooses one target within sight to smite. If this target is evil, the paladin adds her Cha bonus (if any) to her attack rolls and adds her paladin level to all damage rolls made against the target of her smite. If the target of smite evil is an outsider with the evil subtype, an evil-aligned dragon, or an undead creature, the bonus to damage on the first successful attack increases to 2 points of damage per level the paladin possesses. Regardless of the target, smite evil attacks automatically bypass any DR the creature might possess.
In addition, while smite evil is in effect, the paladin gains a deflection bonus equal to her Charisma modifier (if any) to her AC against attacks made by the target of the smite. If the paladin targets a creature that is not evil, the smite is wasted with no effect.
Smite Evil (Su)
The smite evil effect remains until the target of the smite is dead or the next time the paladin rests and regains her uses of this ability. At 4th level, and at every three levels thereafter, the paladin may smite evil one additional time per day, as indicated on Table: Paladin, to a maximum of seven times per day at 19th level.
Prehensile Tail Many tieflings have tails, but some have long, flexible tails that can be used to carry items. While they cannot wield weapons with their tails, they can use them to retrieve small, stowed objects carried on their persons as a swift action. This racial trait replaces fiendish sorcery
Fiendish Resistance: Tieflings have cold resistance 5, electricity resistance 5, and fire resistance 5. (With unscathed this becomes 7)
Skilled +2 perception & sense motive.
Stolen Fury:
1 more to be decided, probably birthmark, chosen one or saint's ward
Power attack
Skills: to be determined if I get selected
When Little Nicky was born he was a normal human child, perhaps a little on the scrawny side, but he made up for it with heart and fearlessness.
He was well liked by his peers and loved by his parents. He intended to become a soldier of the church (undecided which god for now), and even at a young age could be found fighting with the other children using wooden swords and slaying pretend demons (and rescuing princess as per the course).
If things had gone on the apparent path, he would have likely become a knight and attained some temporary local fame, but otherwise faded to obscurity in a quiet, but happy life.
However, fate had other plans....
When he was twelve he was kidnapped by cultist and was forced to take part in a demonic ritual. He had no idea what ritual’s purpose was but it couldn't have been good, there was blood, so much blood, and he was forced sit in a star made of iron (an alter to asmodious) and made to drink the ichor of a devil. On that day he gave his first true and desperate prayer. Just as the ritual seemed to be ending the door to the place had been kicked down, and his father burst in with a number of the guard and defeated the cultists and the fiends they had summoned. The ritual was stopped prematurely and it didn’t work out the way his captors envisioned—rather than corrupting his soul, or turning him into a sacrifice to some evil being, the ritual's energies were absorbed into him, altering his body strengthening it, fortifying it.
He grew a tail that, after some practice, he could use almost as dexterously as his hands. He was also stronger than any of the other children, and highly resistant to extremes of temperature.
Of course the fear and hatred he felt in that moment changed him. For years after that day he had nightmares, flashbacks of that time, and it took him many years to come to terms with the changes to his body and learn how to use them properly.
For example, he discovered that he could will his eyes to glow and when they did so he could see perfectly in the dark, no matter the distance, and he had an innate connection to the divines.
When he turned fifteen, he was sent away to a school in the south, where they trained people to be knights and squires. An academy for paladins and other devout warriors.
Nicholas faced some persecution for his strange, slightly demonic appearance, but he, by and large, won them over with his dedication to the faith, and to his studies.
For years later he returns home ready to great his family as an official paladin, ready to defend against the forces of evil.... Though not quite as ready as he had thought.
Nicholas appears much like the human he was born as but the ritual and the ingested fiendish blood has altered his appearance in several ways.
He is a tall, muscular humanoid, with lightly pointed ears, and midnight black hair that comes down to just above his shoulders. His eyes are a golden and they glow with power, some find it unnerving, while others find it strangely alluring. He also has a raised forehead ridge with small horns poking out of the top that enlarge when he is enraged. By conventional standards he's very handsome, but the demonic traits might be off putting.
He has a long black tail that ends in a spade, similar to that of a sucubus.
His back and the backs of his arms and legs are lightly covered in pink scales, and his fingernails, toenails and teeth are slightly more pointed than they are for most people.
Despite the happily uncaring front he puts up, these signs of the demonic ritual make him somewhat uncomfortable to look at, so he hides them by wearing long sleeves, close toed shoes and gloves at all times and hiding his tail under an armored kilt.
1 breastplate
1 armored kilt
1 extra change of clothes
1 backpack,
1 bedroll,
1 cheap holy text,
flint and steel,
1 mess kit,
50 ft of rope,
50 ft of string
soap, torches (5)
trail rations (5 days),
1 waterskin,
1 wooden holy symbol.
1 set of surgeon's tools
1 firs aid kit.
1 stretcher
1 10ft pole

Kothar Kreedan |

as I've looked over my character more I see that a hunter gestalted with a inquisitor is a bad mix, a lot of over lap so I am changing my hunter to ether a monk zen archer or a ranger maby Devine hunter. what do you think? I was going to go paladin but I don't like playing that class so any input would be great. I know I might not get in but...still would like some input from anyone thanks

Anoirtrou |

Dragonofashandflame: Oath Against Fiends isn't allowed. It sounds like it should be really amazing for this AP but it's actually a massive and unnegotiable impediment that makes several moments and an entire book of the AP completely impossible to play as they should be.
Anoirtrou: See above.
I have removed the Oath. It was really just for flavor, I can roleplay something similar without the mechanical benefits. While Xantrius hates demons with a passion and would be very skeptical of one that claimed to be trying to redeem itself, he would be willing to give one a chance to try if only to prove to himself that he is not damned because of his heritage.
Awakening with the dawn, Xantrius sits up in his small tent on the outskirts of the city and starts polishing his armor. After awkwardly donning it in the small confines he exits and stirs up the embers of yesterday’s fire to cook his breakfast. He returns to his tent to eat and then puts his helm back on and checks his weapons before strapping them on. Taking one last look at the strange symbols on the amulet around his neck, he starts for the city. Nodding to the other recruits he recognizes as he leaves the large field camp stationed on the northern edge of Kenabres, he strides with purpose towards the library.
After waiting patiently for close to an hour while the guards at the gate check everyone entering the city, he recognizes the guard on duty and hails him. ”Good Morn, Roderick.” he calls out, his harsh, grating voice unnerving several others waiting to enter.
”Good Morn, Xantrius! Are you planning on joining in the festivities for Armasse tomorrow?”
”I shall be here, but I shall not have any duties. There is not much call for those who follow the Lady of Graves on this day.” he states, tapping his shield with its prominent depiction of Pharasma’s black rose.
The guard looks at him oddly. ”I still find that strange. I didn’t think there were any paladins who followed her?”
”There are a few who see their duty to escort those deserving into her embrace. But I will not keep these good folks waiting any longer. Good Day.” With a final salute he enters and heads towards the Old City. His long stride quickly takes him along the twisting roads to his destination, the same place he has come almost every day for the past couple of weeks.
As he stoops to enter the entrance to the Library, the clerk at the desk sighs. ”He’s still not in.”
Xantrius is silent for a moment. ”And I doubt you have any idea when he will be available. May I view the volumes of Maxtarus’ Demonic Lore?”
”If you must. Be careful!” As the huge knight strides away the clerk mutters ”I don’t know why they even let brutes like him in…”

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Jorvik: I don't see anything specifically saying not to, but any overlapping features would not advance twice, which kinda feels messy, so Skald/Sorc would probably work better for you. I'm way too headachey to read too much onto it and see how Raging Song and Bloodrage would work together, but I have a feeling it'd be unwieldy.
Understood, Jorvik crunch updated - Skald (Fated Champion)/Ranger (Divine Tracker)/(use of ()) (unparalleled)