WotW: A Knot of Thorns The Second Parchment

Game Master Xzaral

Way of the Wicked by Fire Mountain Games



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Percep +4. Init +8 -- Hp 50/50. AC 18, t12, ff16. Fort+4, Ref+4, Will+6
Xanos wrote:

I'm playing a necromancer in another game. It's just not the same.

How's everyone doing?

Been holding off on more pbps as other things are taking up much of my attention.


Like watching the stars. Watching... and waiting...

Lol. Ya know, same as usual. Chasing cars... sniffing butts.

Doing pretty good, all things considered. :)

King of Talingarde

Sadly looking the same at the moment (well, a tiny bit better). Fix some problems, more crop up. At least my mid-year review came through with positive marks. Almost as though I'm killing myself to make it work :D Next week is the traditional beginning of the slowdown though, so waiting for that.

HP 27/35, Temp HP 0, 3 str damage, AC: 11, Fort +02/ Ref +2 / Will +6, Perception:+5 Channel 8/8, Bolster 8/8, Infernal Healing 50/50, Command Undead 50/50. Active Effects: Fox's Cunning

Hope things start running smoother. With my job it's always the storm seasons that are a giant pain in the butt. This year has not been kind.

Male Half Elf (AC: 15|11|14 - For:+4 | Rex:+3| Wil:+5- Per:+2Init:+3)

As I drive for a living, a storm either means a heck of a bad day, or no work. Getting kinda sick of them.

Male Half Elf (AC: 15|11|14 - For:+4 | Rex:+3| Wil:+5- Per:+2Init:+3)

Does a campaign automatically go inactive?

HP 27/35, Temp HP 0, 3 str damage, AC: 11, Fort +02/ Ref +2 / Will +6, Perception:+5 Channel 8/8, Bolster 8/8, Infernal Healing 50/50, Command Undead 50/50. Active Effects: Fox's Cunning

After 3 months without activity, yes.

King of Talingarde

I put this post up in the other group, and wanted to let you all know the same thing.

I've actually been considering restarting the two games if people are still interested. Work has slowed down enough where I can devote time to posting again.

The big reason I haven't is the possibility of surgery. For a few months now I've been going to the doctor and it started off with a lot of doom and gloom because of my weight (I'm more than a little heavy). Also I had to see the cardiologist and go through a bunch of tests for both of them. At this point I'm not entirely certain how much of my fears were just me, but after all the tests I'm actually fairly healthy besides my weight. One issue is though that my BP raises too high with little exertion, so I need to focus more on my diet than exercise (not that I shouldn't exercise, but nothing strenuous). It was also recommended that I look into one of the weight loss surgeries.

Which is where I'm at right now. In fact, today I'm spending time filling out a pretty long packet of information about myself for the surgery which I need done before my first appointment. Next week I have an appointment with a nutritionist to begin a diet program as well.

So my concern has been if I start it up, then have this surgery shortly thereafter, it may end up putting another pause in the game while I recover. Plus I know in May I'll have a week I won't be able to post for my annual leadership conference. I at least want to get my first appointment with the surgeon before I commit to anything. But just to keep you all updated (since I haven't been as well as I should have).

Sorry to hear about the medical stuff, but I guess I'm glad you have a plan of action. That's always the best first step, right?

i'm certainly glad to hear that you're feeling inclined to kick things back off. I know I certainly wouldn't mind letting the wolf run wild some more. >:D

I guess I'd say I'm good either way. I really enjoy this character, group, and game, and would happily jump back into it whenever you're ready to go. At the same time, surgery (not to mention multiple surgeries, as these things can easily go) can take a lot of physical, emotional, and mental energy. I'd not want to get things going only to have it drop back off. I certainly wouldn't blame you if that happened. But—as always—I don't want to create more mental strain on you when you're dealing with health stuff.

Like I said, I will happily go either way, but I'm mostly interested in you making the right decision for you.

As my dad (and granddad) would say, "that clear as mud?"

HP 21 | AC/T/FF 14/12/12 | CMD 17 | F+3 / R+3 / W+8 | Init +6; PER +10 | Image

First, I'm very glad to hear that the 'gloom and doom' may not be so gloomy or doomy. Good deal. Take care of yourself and handle those medical issues one at a time.

Second, just yesterday I was re-reading some of the highlights from your campaign, smiling, and regretting the necessity of it shutting down. So, hell yeah, Price is ready to be the amoral non-vixen she always was. >:)

Third, I've got no problem waiting. So if you want to keep things loose with a possible starting date 'sometime in May or June' based on your work and recovery schedule... that'd be just fine with me. If things work out well for you and you are up for the campaign early - grand. But I'm a big believer in under-promising instead of over-committing.

Male Half Elf (AC: 15|11|14 - For:+4 | Rex:+3| Wil:+5- Per:+2Init:+3)

count me in a still very interested. No pressure on you do what you need to do to stay healthy but if you have down time because of surgery game might be a good way to feel some of that. Fargo's a great character that I enjoy playing and so are all the rest of the characters. I've had a blast with his game I would love the opportunity to keep going. If you are up for it so am I.

HP 27/35, Temp HP 0, 3 str damage, AC: 11, Fort +02/ Ref +2 / Will +6, Perception:+5 Channel 8/8, Bolster 8/8, Infernal Healing 50/50, Command Undead 50/50. Active Effects: Fox's Cunning

Of course I'm interested. This is one of my all time favorite games ever. As long as you're willing to run it, I'm in without question.

As for your health conditions, only you can decide what you're able to do. I will never begrudge your decision. That being said, even if this game runs the risk of infrequent updates while you recover, I think it's pretty much a given that we would all understand and be patient.

Me... too...

Percep +4. Init +8 -- Hp 50/50. AC 18, t12, ff16. Fort+4, Ref+4, Will+6

Still around, still interested, still evil.

M Head Head 2 neck 2


King of Talingarde

That's everyone besides Alaric so far. Tomorrow I've got my nutritionist appointment, and the surgeon wants me to have that before I get anything scheduled. I'm hoping to get something a little more definite on a date or timeframe soon, and hope to set a restart date soon. Just keeping everyone updated.

HP 27/35, Temp HP 0, 3 str damage, AC: 11, Fort +02/ Ref +2 / Will +6, Perception:+5 Channel 8/8, Bolster 8/8, Infernal Healing 50/50, Command Undead 50/50. Active Effects: Fox's Cunning

Want to move this game back to active so that it's easier for us to see new posts?

Well, Alaric wasn't exactly engaged when we left the game off, anyway. I say if he doesn't jump back in with some proactivity and availability, we find a way to cut the character loose. And I'm not all that concerned with replacing him. The team's pretty effective with our five engaged members, and we seem to have a hard time finding a consistent additional player.

HP 21 | AC/T/FF 14/12/12 | CMD 17 | F+3 / R+3 / W+8 | Init +6; PER +10 | Image

True dat.

I PM'd Alaric's player shortly after he vanished and never got a response. I think it might be time to write him off.

Male Half Elf (AC: 15|11|14 - For:+4 | Rex:+3| Wil:+5- Per:+2Init:+3)

Agreed He was a good player when he was here, but we are not lacking in divine spell casting, front line mussel, or a real devote of Asmodeus. I think is says something that within four days the five of us noticed and responded to the PMs/ post. Even in the middle of the assault, I think we can go on. We can have him die dramatically and no one's character should be emotionally invested in him.

M Head Head 2 neck 2


HP 27/35, Temp HP 0, 3 str damage, AC: 11, Fort +02/ Ref +2 / Will +6, Perception:+5 Channel 8/8, Bolster 8/8, Infernal Healing 50/50, Command Undead 50/50. Active Effects: Fox's Cunning

I'll miss him right up to the point where I bring him back as my first skeletal champion.

Male Half Elf (AC: 15|11|14 - For:+4 | Rex:+3| Wil:+5- Per:+2Init:+3)

In my home game the juju oracle has a zombie dire lion and a zombie chicken

HP 21 | AC/T/FF 14/12/12 | CMD 17 | F+3 / R+3 / W+8 | Init +6; PER +10 | Image
Xanos wrote:
I'll miss him right up to the point where I bring him back as my first skeletal champion.

*sniff* :eye wipe: "I miss that level of sentimentality. And it's so eco-friendly. Xanos is a paragon of recycling."

Bluff 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (4) + 13 = 17

HP 27/35, Temp HP 0, 3 str damage, AC: 11, Fort +02/ Ref +2 / Will +6, Perception:+5 Channel 8/8, Bolster 8/8, Infernal Healing 50/50, Command Undead 50/50. Active Effects: Fox's Cunning

Im all about reuse and conservation. :)

Male Half Elf (AC: 15|11|14 - For:+4 | Rex:+3| Wil:+5- Per:+2Init:+3)

And the banter resumes.

Even in death, he'll meat shield with the best of 'em.


HP 27/35, Temp HP 0, 3 str damage, AC: 11, Fort +02/ Ref +2 / Will +6, Perception:+5 Channel 8/8, Bolster 8/8, Infernal Healing 50/50, Command Undead 50/50. Active Effects: Fox's Cunning

I'm so close to being a full blown minion-mancer! Carrying around skeletons in my trunk is finally going to pay off.

Male Half Elf (AC: 15|11|14 - For:+4 | Rex:+3| Wil:+5- Per:+2Init:+3)

Until Cain has a hankering for a bone.

HP 27/35, Temp HP 0, 3 str damage, AC: 11, Fort +02/ Ref +2 / Will +6, Perception:+5 Channel 8/8, Bolster 8/8, Infernal Healing 50/50, Command Undead 50/50. Active Effects: Fox's Cunning

He can have one. I have plenty.

How about a nice femur, buddy? Huh? Huh? Want one? Who's a good boy?

King of Talingarde

So I've got the dates for my appointments now, but only the pre stuff. It looks like it's going to take a while so I figured I'd set a date to restart things. I do know next month I'll have to be gone for a week (May 12th to 16th) and won't be able to post then at all, but have the weekend off afterwards.

So I'll leave it up to you guys. We can start up again after everyone's caught up or we can start after my week in May. Any opinions? Either way I've started catching up on the campaign thread to remember where things are at.

HP 27/35, Temp HP 0, 3 str damage, AC: 11, Fort +02/ Ref +2 / Will +6, Perception:+5 Channel 8/8, Bolster 8/8, Infernal Healing 50/50, Command Undead 50/50. Active Effects: Fox's Cunning

I'm ready to go whenever you feel ready. If you'd like to wait rather than start and stop again in a couple months, I understand. If it's a choice, I'd rather start sooner. Clearly we have no problem with delays when they come up.

Male Half Elf (AC: 15|11|14 - For:+4 | Rex:+3| Wil:+5- Per:+2Init:+3)

I am good to go. I will be caught up by tomorrow evening.

I should be good to go whenever. :)

HP 21 | AC/T/FF 14/12/12 | CMD 17 | F+3 / R+3 / W+8 | Init +6; PER +10 | Image

I can play whenever you are ready. I don't have an opinion on starting now or later but I don't think a start/stop/start would be a problem.

Percep +4. Init +8 -- Hp 50/50. AC 18, t12, ff16. Fort+4, Ref+4, Will+6

I think we can handle any pauses that crop up.

King of Talingarde

Just giving you all a heads up this morning my computer screwed up on me. I'm not sure if it's something simple or not (I think it may just be the video card, but it did force the entire computer to suddenly shut down on me). Hopefully I'll have it back up tonight but wanted to make sure to let you know in case I can't tonight.

Boo! Computers suck! Let's punch'em!

HP 27/35, Temp HP 0, 3 str damage, AC: 11, Fort +02/ Ref +2 / Will +6, Perception:+5 Channel 8/8, Bolster 8/8, Infernal Healing 50/50, Command Undead 50/50. Active Effects: Fox's Cunning

Caine would make for great tech support.

"Have you tried turning it off and then on again? How about stabbing it?"

Male Half Elf (AC: 15|11|14 - For:+4 | Rex:+3| Wil:+5- Per:+2Init:+3)

I think Xanos would be even better. "You are not able to solve such a simple problem yourself? I am dispatching an undead tech to have you join our ranks. My script tells me to wish you a good day, but there seems little point to it."

HP 27/35, Temp HP 0, 3 str damage, AC: 11, Fort +02/ Ref +2 / Will +6, Perception:+5 Channel 8/8, Bolster 8/8, Infernal Healing 50/50, Command Undead 50/50. Active Effects: Fox's Cunning

Bahaha! Awesome. Xanos is more HR than IT, really.

"You are being reappropriated to a different position more suited to your skill level. I think you'll like it, but I suppose it won't matter if you don't."

HP 27/35, Temp HP 0, 3 str damage, AC: 11, Fort +02/ Ref +2 / Will +6, Perception:+5 Channel 8/8, Bolster 8/8, Infernal Healing 50/50, Command Undead 50/50. Active Effects: Fox's Cunning

How high level does this AP go?

I wonder if Xanos could build Deep Rot...

Lol. Xanos as HR.

CEO: "I don't know what the deal is, but ever since we hired the new HR guy, complaints have gone way down... as well as overhead expenses on meals and stuff..."

Male Half Elf (AC: 15|11|14 - For:+4 | Rex:+3| Wil:+5- Per:+2Init:+3)

What is deep rot. I could not find it on d20pfsrd.

HP 27/35, Temp HP 0, 3 str damage, AC: 11, Fort +02/ Ref +2 / Will +6, Perception:+5 Channel 8/8, Bolster 8/8, Infernal Healing 50/50, Command Undead 50/50. Active Effects: Fox's Cunning

Deep Rot

Its a long thread.

The short version is that with enough undead all following a very simple "If X then Y" formula, a powerful enough necromancer could build a computer.

Male Half Elf (AC: 15|11|14 - For:+4 | Rex:+3| Wil:+5- Per:+2Init:+3)

Oh, FYI I am going camping from Wed to Sat next week. Probably no access and even if there is, no way to post by my phone.

King of Talingarde

Computer is fixed. I'll be catching up over the course of this week to get caught back up. Apologies for the delays.

So punching it worked?

Good. Good.

King of Talingarde

Sadly the True Blooded American fix-it method failed me in this scenario. I still am not quite sure what was wrong with it, but I think the power supply. Ended up couldn't figure out how to get it to stay powered on on my own. So a guy at work said he could probably figure it out and I didn't roll so well on the good idea chart. Fortunately it didn't bite me, and $200 later my computer works again. I've actually had it since Friday, but was busy most of Saturday and had to get ready for the game I was running Sunday (which I could thanks to the computer running again!). And today I spent out of town at the surgeon's getting started on the 6 months of evaluation and education (Bleagh).

This has not been a good two weeks.

Sheesh, sounds like it. Here's to smoother sailing in the near future, huh?

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