The World's Most Interesting GM |

The sound of honest laughter bubbles up like fresh water from a spring in one tastefully dim corner of the tavern.
"And she said: Simple, it's turtles all the way down." The the speaker’s dry, masculine delivery provoked another round of laugher from people seated around him.
It was growing late though, and at last the greater bulk of people got up and said their goodbyes. Leaving the interesting man, and a young halfling woman sitting at the large table alone.
The halfling had her elbows on the table, small fists buttressing her chin. Her legs, dangling kicked idly at the air beneath her chair.
"What's wrong Janira?" Asked the man smiling. His eyes crinkled at the corners with genuine affection. He was paying for his departed friends’ drinks with coins seemingly pulled from thin air, and the serving girl's ears. The serving girl giggled.
"I've got to head out in a couple of days for the Kortos Mounts. I'm supposed to be taking a bunch of Society initiates with me, to check up on that—" Janira stops and gives a quick look around. "...that activity I noted in my report a couple of months back. The Master of Scrolls, Dean Shaine, wants to use the trip as their Confirmation. I guess the Lodge is sort of desperate to push initiates into the ranks after all that trouble with their Rose Garden time contraption, and the flair up at the World Wound, and all the recent tangles with the Consortium. I'm not sure I want to be responsible for a bunch of novice treasure hunters who've never set foot out of the Lodge."
This is a role-playing recruitment for 5-08 The Confirmation (i.e. you have to role-play to get in). So, no list, no lottery, no first come first served--at least not like usual. If you want in, you gotta talk to the man at the head of the table (or the halfling sitting across from him, and maybe even each other) first. This is a role-playing game after all. Once we have enough seats plus however many filled, I’ll pick the final crew (probably in about 48 hours; we'll see how things progress). Characters will be chosen on a completely arbitrary, and unfair basis (personality, character concept, potential contribution to a group, legibility of character sheet, etc…).
The Confirmation is a scenario for levels 1-2. It is "evergreen" for 1st level characters. A player can normally only ever have one 2nd level character receive credit for it per mode (Standard or CORE). We’re playing this one in the Standard mode. For Pathfinder Society credit.
If you are unfamiliar with Pathfinder Society Play or Play by Post Click on the World's Most Interesting GM for some helpful links and advice as compiled from around the messageboards by other GMs.

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When will the game be starting? I'd love to jump into some evergreens to get some of my new PC ideas started, but I'll be on vacation next week and probably won't be able to post reliably. If you're not starting until April 2 or later, then I'd be on board.
I also have a few PCs I could bring, most of which haven't been entered into the computer yet. I can post in character tonight, after typing up one or more of them.

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"I've certainly been beyond the Lodge," Says an especially short Gnome. "Yet for some reason I have yet to receive my Confirmation! Have I not proved myself worthy? It's strange; everyone I've spoken to has assured me that entering the Pathfinder Society would be easier than initiation into the Palatine Eye!"
She cuts a strange figure, to be honest: Her skin and hair are rather drab for a Gnome, but the enigmatic glint in her eye, almost as though she had liquid opal for vitreous humor, somehow makes up for it. Hanging by her side is a heavy, dark, carefully-bound book of fine and exotic materials, like that of a rather seasoned wizard, but unlike most any wizard, she is weighted down in breastplate and heavy shield; no article of faith does she carry, but sewn, stuffed, and otherwise bedecked into her clothes and armor are numerous tiny trinkets, tassels, and charms of unguessable significance. All of this is topped off with an exquisite purple fez-style hat with a strange symbol made of precious metals and stones embedded in it, like a highly stylized eye.
Level 2 True Silvered Throne, signing up for my once-only level 2 Confirmation!

Matthais777 |

I would love to join in, ESPECIALLY if this is going to be super role-play heavy! I have several characters I really want to try out and I'd love the chance to play them!
Character Select Screen Appears
Mutahir Hashem A swashbuckler from Rahadoum, this die-hard atheist and member of the pure legion fled his country after being recruited to by Liberty's Edge to fight against the tyranny of slavery. He is looking to join the pathfinder society to strengthen his skills and help to end slavery everywhere. Getting rid of the gods can wait until all men are free to reject them.
*Gruff Baritone* "Let no man be beholden to any god... or any other man."
Cypher Starchild A gorgeous... person from varisia, with a hint of fey twinkle in their eye and tattoos adorning their skin, Cypher is a enchanting Sorcerer with a silver tongue who can talk anyone into anything. Minds are like putty in their hands, and nothing is more fun than reshaping them to their will.
*Soft alto tenor* Come now... can't we all just get along darlings?
Monty and Nina A young woman, her hair raven black and her eyes as piercing as daggers. With her at all times is what looks like a porcelain doll that she protects at all times. Perhaps it's coincidence that both of them have their forehead's covered? And that sometimes, when you aren't looking, the doll seems to move?
*Trembling girls voice* Mr. Monty wouldn't like that, he wouldn't like that at all... Don't worry Nina... I'm not angry. Kill them for me.
I'd be happy to play any of these characters that I just started that can still play an evergreen.

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A truly massive half-orc, muscles bulging, walks into the bar in time to overhear the conversation between Janira and the man with the interesting voice. His gray hair (dyed rather than aged) is set in dreadlocks and tied loosely back away from his face, and there's a small gold ring set into his nose. He's clad in a simple chest wrap, loincloth, and sandals, and an iron holy symbol of Irori hangs around his neck.
Quaffing the mug of ale he's picked up from the bar, the half-orc makes his way over to where Alexis, Janira, and the man are sitting. "I beg your pardon," he says in Taldane with a light Osiriani accent, "but I heard you speaking of a 'Confirmation,' small one! I am Hengist Justoxus, student of Rajana Shul-Therax Jawahi, the Emerald Princess, First under the Mountain, Whose Praises are Sung by the Xorn." He touches his forehead with a reverential gesture, but then looks up at Janira with a grin.
"You might know me better, though, as Hengist the Mighty!" He flexes, muscles bulging. "Perhaps you have seen me perform in the Petal District, yes?"
Knowledge (Religion): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15

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(Sorry for the character select thing, I've never done PBP before, If you like one of the other ideas better I'll play it, but for now, I'll stick to Monty and Nina)
A small young woman, her feet barefoot and her white dress seemingly stained grey as the grave walks into the Tavern. Her long raven black hair covers some of her face, giving her a almost hooded look the bandanna wrapped around her forehead, presumably to keep the hair out of her eyes, not doing a very good job of it, like she was standing in the rain even though the sun was bright out. In her arms she holds a large porcelain doll, almost the size of a child. She walks over to the Halfling woman and coughs delicately to get her attention.
H-h-h-hello Ma'am. My name is Nina.
She holds out the doll in her direction, but looks ready to snatch it back if she reaches out to touch it. For everybody else, the small doll is merely creepy. For a Halfling, the doll looks almost like a fake version of herself, if even smaller and stringier. The doll is dressed like a Varisian Fortuneteller, wearing a matching headband to the one the young girl wears. The glass eyes seem to roll as it shifts, giving it an odd stare that is just... unsettling.
M-m-m-mr. Monty told me I should come here, that we're S-s-s-s-suppose to be pathfinders now... or, we will I mean, once we do... the thing we're suppose to do here. I think. I'm suppose to speak to you about that right? About Me and Mr. Monty getting to be real life pathfinders?
She sounds rather hopeful, like a child who is REALLY hoping she's going to be given a piece of candy.

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A gruff, dun dwarf with a steely, dark glint in his eye looks up. "Pardon tell, but I may be a novice Pathfinder, but that says nothing about a man's experience beforehand."
He downs his ale and slams down the tankard in his left hand, and raises his right hand... or, more precisely, his axe. "Would it be that fate saw fit to have me just step forth from a lodge, but a run-in with pirates had different plans." It becomes clear that his right arm simply ends in the large, heavy blade of a dwarven waraxe, held fast to his arm by a series of buckles and chains. He admires the blade for a moment. "I made it myself. The name is Balgrym. Weaponsmith by trade. Lost my home, lost my clan, and so I am only known now as One Hand. But I've never forgotten my history."
Knowledge(History): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14
Lowering his axe, he continues, "But never let a man speak for long about subjects of little interest to others. Suffice to say, the pirates started me down this path, but I did not lose my hand to the pirates."

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Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12
"Pirates seek plunder, and everything they find is their prey," Balgrym responds to Alexis, droning on. "The people they find are an issue, but there is money to be had for them in the Westcrown slave markets. And as such, a man would find himself in Cheliax, with nary a right to his name."
He carefully cleans the grit from the blade of his axe. "But it is true, that no master would want a cripple for a slave, when they can still have one whole and healthy."
Grabbing for another ale, he plods along in his story. "The work was hard, excruciating, but my master did not take my hand."

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"Well met to you all! You must be Janira." the dark-haired human dandy walks up to the halfling and curtsies, as if the half-orc that just entered before him was thin air.
"I was told to report in here after my success leading a mission to Diobel. Off course that was nothing, I won't spoil the information here as the people at the Lodge are still going over the report, but I should mention that it was a resounding success, in no small part because of my leadership"
He sits down and continues in a softer tone "I had understood that that mission was to be my confirmation, but apparently there was an issue with the paperwork and they said I was to report to you for a confirmation.... I am sure it has all to do with my heritage, mortals usually are afraid of my natural leadership. I am sure you are not so prejudiced..."
Disguise take 10 +4 Cha +10 disguise self from mesmerist trick

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A bearded man stirs from a table in the back. He carries an unstrung bowstave and a quiver of arrows strapped to his pack. He sits near Balgrym and looks at the one handed dwarf.
"So pirates took your hand?" He shakes his head. "It's a shame to cripple a man like that. Were you able find the men who did it?"
"I'm Sir Hayden. I've also recently joined the Pathfinders. I ran into several of them, while I was trying to rescue the Lady Anilah Salhar. it turns out they were looking for her too, so we joined forces. After bringing her kidnappers to justice, I decided they seemed a worthy group to join."

Janira Gavix, Pathfinder |

"See what I mean? Anyhow I've got to get some sleep." The halfling kicks herself off the bench. "Goodnight you all. Maybe I'll see some of you again." In particular she shakes Alexis' hand obvious impressed by her for some reason. She's a bit more hesitant with others. Doing an awkward little hand dance with Balgrym, and seeming afraid to touch Nina or her doll. She turns it into a weak wave.

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Hengist appears slightly overwhelmed by the number of introductions, but he decides to focus on Balgrym and Hayden. "Goodnight, small lady!" he rumbles as Janira departs. "Well met, Sir Hayden," he continues. "It seems strange to thank the woman who cut off your hand, Balgrym. Why did you do so? Was your hand like to kill you?"

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"A woman took your hand? Rather than your life? Or was it a payment for a debt?" He cocks his head looking at Balgrym oddly.
He nods to Hengist, and then glances at the halfling who was retiring. "You know her? She seems...eager, though I suppose most halflings do. What was she babbling about a test? She seemed concerned about it."

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Nina Looks around at the assembled group and bites her lip. She drags away a chair from the group before waiving the bartender over.
Just... Some water please.
Turning to Greyrun, she speaks quietly, holding her doll in one arm and taking delicate sips of water with the other.
The Pathfinder test Sir! You have to take a test to be a REAL pathfinder. If you don't, you can't get one of the magical compasses... wayfinder thingies... that mean your a real pathfinder.
She makes the cutest, and yet somehow, creepiest, mock salute.
Explore... Report... Cooperate!
She suddenly looks sheepish at her outburst.
Mr. Monty told me all about it.
She indicates the doll in her arms.

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I am the mask and the shadow that hides behind it. I have undertaken no training with your society, but I am far from untrained. The price of my loyalty is not great, but the cost of it can scarce be measured. I am Shabah Al'Quna, and your ruins secrets will not remain so for long.
"So, you plan on graduating from an institution you haven't attended?" Says a stylish-looking Mwangi woman with and Absalom accent, and an owl perched on her shoulder.

The World's Most Interesting GM |

Turning to Sir Hayden, Balgrym replies, "I know who did it. It wasn't a man. And I thanked her. It could have been much worse."
The man with pulls a decorative cigar box out from beneath the table and blows dust off of it partially revealing a handwritten word--VEC- "Nah." The man says shaking his head. He puts the box back, and then smiles broadly at people around the table.
"Drinks are on me." He says but calmly and coolly, like it was no big thing.

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Hengist appears slightly overwhelmed by the number of introductions, but he decides to focus on Balgrym and Hayden. "Goodnight, small lady!" he rumbles as Janira departs. "Well met, Sir Hayden," he continues. "It seems strange to thank the woman who cut off your hand, Balgrym. Why did you do so? Was your hand like to kill you?"
"Hey there sailor." Says an obvious slattern lush from the bar.

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"Tell me Nina, where and how where you and Mr Monty introduced to each other?"
He takes a chair close to the little girl and sits down on it, laying his walking stick on the ground next to the chair. He seems entirely focused on the girl and her doll, staring at her with unblinking eyes.
Nina smiles and sips at her drink, hoping up on the stool and settling her doll on her kneel. She seems completely unperturbed by the unblinking stare. Taking the time to examine her closely reveals several other "Not quite right" features. Her skin was to pale, and looked damp and cold like she had just come out of the water. The pupils in her eyes where much to large, making them look almost black, rimmed in a thin line of brown. While he clothes look like they should be damp, no water dripped from them.
It was a long time ago.
She smiles, showing just a little to much teeth as she hugs the doll close to her chest.
I remember it so well. It was a stormy night, and the rain was coming down oh so thick. I found him lying in the muddy waters outside of town, and I fell in love at first sight. I probably shouldn't have kept him, but he was just so pathetic in that puddle...
She kisses the top of the dolls head and smiles again.
Now, Monty and I are always together. Playing games, going on adventures, all sorts of things I never imagined.

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His mouth smiles, while his eyes continue their unblinking stare. "Pathetic, do you like pathetic little creatures? Do you want to take care of them?" he moves his hand as if to touch the doll, but just not quite
almost to soft to hear he asks "or do you like the fact that you can break them and do with them as you want?"

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Nina looks back at him, her too big eyes gleaming as her smile widens, her teeth seeming sharper before.
"Your a funny man Mr. No, I don't like breaking things. I like putting things where they belong. And Mr. Monty...
She shifts the doll closer to her.
"Belongs with me now. He belongs with me forever and ever.
She tilts her head and takes on a slightly more threatening tone.
I'll never let anyone break Mr. Monty. I'd die before I'd let that happen.

The World's Most Interesting GM |

"So," The man says with a sideways glance at Balgrym, "What do the rest of you do?"
Upon looking over the character's thus far I would like to point out that while it might be interesting to play a French-speaking, shapeshifting, ninja, cosmonaut, Taoist, psionic kangaroo, with a PhD in game theory, and a love of black and white Western movies, one must wonder, what all that actually means? Being able to relate to a character will make them more memorable than almost any number of archetypes if they don't all hang together. Keep in mind you can be a first-level fighter with a sword and still be interesting.
Right now we have 7 player characters in the pool (there's still time for others to jump in!), I'll pick the final team of 6 tomorrow (24 hours from now), and get the game, and discussion threads open.

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Nina, her body relaxing and releasing coiled tension, nods in agreement, bobbing little Monty's head along with her.
Most interesting indeed! I'm afraid I don't know much about the gods... never got the chance to read many books. My head is almost as empty as Monty's! Maybe more!
She giggles, and you could almost swear the doll rolled it's eyes. But that's probably just from her bouncing it on her knee.
Monty at least can read the Harrow. I can't even do that!
She reaches down and pulls out a Harrow card that was tucked away in Monty's jacket. She flips it over to reveal...
Harrow Card: 1d6 ⇒ 61d10 ⇒ 6 The Courtesan
She giggles again and tucks the card away.
Courtesan! Oh my oh my, I wonder what that could mean... Maybe it's talking about little me. Who knows.

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"The Courtesan stands for many things: Temptation, apparent good fortune, solace and sanctuary, wisdom from an unexpected source, and treachery by a companion are all possible."
Alexis orders a Taldan sangria from the bar wench, then tries looking at Monty with her third eye (detect magic)....
(Assuming 3 rounds concentrate)
Nina reads as a soft, faint glow of magic. Monty on the other hand, doesn't read as magical at all.
"I suggest you leave spellcasting out of the equation" he turns to the wench "Get me an ale please" and turns back to Alexis
"Good fortune, is that hers, yours or mine? I understand that the position of the card also matters a lot?"
The spellcraft does not spot any spell or magic being cast.
Spell casting, what do you...
Nina smiles, distracted by the question about the cards.
"Yes! Right side up usually means good. Upside down usually means bad. Sometimes. That was right side up, and I was drawing it thinking about you... but...
She bites her thumb in concentration.
But then sometimes it's where it shows up in the pattern when you lay it out. And then if it's upside down or right side up there. It's all very confusing... I just let Monty do the thinking parts. Sometimes he uses the cards to make me stronger, but that's just if people are being mean.

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Hayden smirks at Nina. "The Courtesan, eh? I think that's a role that's a little too old for you, child. But Harrow cards rarely mean what they display. I knew a woman who drew cards at Lord Kelsey's court, where I was a ward. Sela was both mysterious and frighting at times."
He waves a serving girl over and orders a cup of tea. "That was before I joined the Church of the Dawnflower. I miss it sometimes. It was simpler back then."

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"Good fortune, is that hers, yours or mine?"
"Why, I didn't say it was anybody's, necessarily. However..."
Alexis takes a closer look at Nina's card.
1d5 ⇒ 3
"...in this instance, I would judge it to be an omen of sanctuary..."
1d3 ⇒ 3
"...um, for YOU, sir. Seek you respite from anything in particular?"

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"Hey there sailor." Says an obvious slattern lush from the bar.
Hengist sighs. "Alas, my lady, I am still seeking my teacher, the glorious Rajana, and I have sworn not to allow the distraction of companionship until I have found her," he says, looking rather regretful.
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20
He peers at her Mor closely and frowns. "Also, you are quite drunk! It would be a terrible thing to take advantage of you now. Shall I escort you back to your chambers? Or call you an escort?"
Whatever the resolution of that conversation, Hengist extricates himself as quickly and gently as possible and turns back to the conversation about the Harrow. His eyes grow wide at discussion of the cards' fortune-telling properties.
"I know no prophecy is certain, but I must ask you, O Nina: do your cards say whether I shall ever find Shul-Therax Jawahi, or the villain who stole her away?!"

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Nina bites her lip and moves to the table.
"That's awfully specific... we'd need Mr. Monty to play the cards for that."
She sets the doll on the table and sets the Harrow deck reverently on the table.
Mr. Monty, won't you please read Mr. Hengist's fortune? Will he find Shul-Therax?
The doll shudders a moment, then blinks, jerking softly to lay it's hands on the deck.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

(For time's sake, doing cross spread for speed.)
Mr. Monty moves jerkily, like he was filled with gears that didn't quite have all their teeth anymore. Slowly he plays out 5 cards, arrayed in a cross. He speaks, and his voice comes out rough and raspy, much deeper than would be expected for such a small creature. He places the "Forge" on the table.
You are the forge. Your strength shines through adversity. Great calamity will require great strength from you.
Harrow Card 1: 1d10 ⇒ 61d6 ⇒ 61d2 ⇒ 2
The Courtesan represents a woman of intrigue. Inverted, it means the failing of expectations, of social niceties. The expectation of a teacher, to be there for the student, has been inversed, and now the student must seek the teacher.
Harrow Card 2: 1d10 ⇒ 81d6 ⇒ 41d2 ⇒ 1
The Idiot. Grave foolishness, extreme greed have impacted you. Whether it was your own sin or the sin of another, this greed has stolen your strength and weakened you.
Harrow Card 3: 1d10 ⇒ 71d6 ⇒ 41d2 ⇒ 2
The Rakshasa. Normally, this is slavery, but inversed it is the casting off of chains, the casting off of dominance over your mind. You will break the chains that hold you back from your goals. This is your power, to break the chains that bind you.
Harrow Card 4: 1d10 ⇒ 11d6 ⇒ 21d2 ⇒ 1
Ah... very good... your future is the Keep. You will stand strong against all adversity, and it will not break you, nor shake your foundations. I cannot say if you will find your teacher, but you will not break in face of the challenges that stand between you and her. A good omen indeed.
Mr. Monty turns his head again and looks at Nina.
All this is very tiring... I will sleep again. Wake me again when something happens.
And with that, he slumps back into Nina's arms, once again a limp, lifeless doll.

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Karayan wrote:"Good fortune, is that hers, yours or mine?""Why, I didn't say it was anybody's, necessarily. However......in this instance, I would judge it to be an omen of sanctuary......um, for YOU, sir. Seek you respite from anything in particular?"
His eyes focus on Alexis as he smiles and replies "Don't we all seek respite from things? The Society seems to have more than it's fair share of misfits, people that were bullied in their youth, and people looking for adventure. Why would I be an exception?"
He slightly bows "I don't think we were properly introduced. My name is Karayan Ionacu. I assume you have joined the Society to experience new sensations? It seems a common motive among the gnomes that I met in the Grand Lodge."

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Wait, the DOLL is the Summoner?!? Wow, that IS creepy.
Nina blinks. She coughs and shifts here eyes back and forth and rubs her headband almost unconsciously.
bluff: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
I don't know what your talking about.
She smiles and tries to be coy.
A summon? I mean... that's just silly.

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@Nina: Just so you know, blue text like this is usually assumed to be out-of-character--so Alexis wasn't actually "talking." Also, wow, thanks! Wasn't actually expecting a full Harrow read! ^.^
Hengist listens intently to the reading. His jaw clenches at points, but when it's done he sighs and clasps his hands in a reverential gesture, bowing to Monty and Nina.
"I thank you, O wise Monty! Indeed, you are...what is the Taldane?...you are the most Monty, the, um, the large Monty...the full Monty?...You are excellent at what you do, and I thank you most heartily!" His eyes shine with righteous passion. "I shall stand strong, as you say. I shall find my teacher and free her from the vile slave that has stolen her away! If I can only get Amenophius and the Diamond Sage to assist..."
When Balgrym brings up his own past, Hengist glances at him. "It sounds that we are much alike, Balgrym! Allow me to buy you a drink. Although I was never a weaponsmith, and I am curious...what is it that you see in the trade?"

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"No, not you, you; the other 'you'." Says the gnome. She nudges the wolf to lope over. The crowd clears a path. She heads toward the big half-orc. "You Hengist? Message from the lodge."
She hands a sealed envelope to Hengist, a monument amid the crowd.
"And you must be Sir Greyrun." She hands him an identical envelope right down to the red wax-seal of the office of the Master of Scrolls.
"And let me guess you're supposed to be Balgryn One Hand, right? Lemme see your hand--err--the other one. I almost delivered this to Balgryn One-Hand" She pronounces the hyphen. "But he had this weird spoon thing with tines at the end instead of an axe so I knew that wasn't right." She impales the envelope on the end of his axe-hand, and moves on.
"Anyone of you know a 'Karen Yan'?" She pauses for a response.
"I don't suppose any of you have seen Alexis Trismegistis have you? Because that would be unbelievably convenient." She says tilting her head up and looking over the crowd.
"Say, is this your dressmaker's dummy? --Creepy. I got something for it too." The gnome stands up in her stirrups, produces a brush, and a jar of paste, and proceeds to dab a bit of paste on Nina's forehead. That done, she slaps a piece of paper over it, and smooths out the wrinkles.
Pig's Paunch--Coins District, Before first light.
"Well, now that that's done we can get a drink." She says to her mount. Then she and the wolf wait watching the people around the table with an air of expectation.

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Hengist sighs. "Alas, my lady, I am still seeking my teacher, the glorious Rajana, and I have sworn not to allow the distraction of companionship until I have found her," he says, looking rather regretful.
"'Companionship'? Who said anything about that crap? I just want to--" She unleashes a tremendous belch suitable for nearly half an alphabet.
He peers at her Mor closely and frowns. "Also, you are quite drunk! It would be a terrible thing to take advantage of you now. Shall I escort you back to your chambers? Or call you an escort?"
Whatever the resolution of that conversation, Hengist extricates himself as quickly and gently as possible and turns back to the conversation about the Harrow. His eyes grow wide at discussion of the cards' fortune-telling properties.
The drunk follows, dragging her three-legged bar-stool with her. There's a lot of noise all around her as folks seem to fall over themselves trying to get up and move away. Only the cloaked tengu in the rice cap remains seated at the bar.
The compact (by half-orc standards) woman prods Hengist with her finger. "Two outta three falls says you can't."

The World's Most Interesting GM |

So the final group for this game is: Alexis "The Odd" Trismegistis, Mr. Monty and Nina, Hengist the Mighty, Balgrym One Hand, and Sir Hayden Greyrun Karayan
I should have the other treads (Gameplay and Discussion) open later tonight.
Monty, The tags for formatting your posts can be found near the bottom of this page under a spoiler tag. There are further links to help formatting your posts on the World's Most Interesting GMs profile page.