Wondering the Silent Caverns (Inactive)

Game Master Amsheagar



[dice=GM's Pet 1]1d20+6[/dice]
[dice=GM's Pet 2]1d20+6[/dice]

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Cool, thanks!

Dotting this for now. I should have a character in the next couple days, nothing fancy.

I went ahead and updated the list, not much has changed. Feel free to use this time to RP with other players in the gameplay thread.

List of Characters
1. Mark Thomass 66 -- Maraiah Ranger
2. Velithin -- Vemarus Arcanist
3.Darthrancor -- Sonulicd Elanobn Hydro-Kineticist
4. WreckTall -- Hob Prentice Bard
5. Helikon -- Unbeugsam Fighter
6. Ietsuna -- Gargon Barbarian Feral Gnashe
7. GypsyMischief -- Cave Druid
8. Killer Pixie -- Hallucinist Sleuth Investigator
9. TPJ -- Something Fancy... not too fancy.

Definitely interested, Here's my submission!

Also, about the Forage skill you added, what ability modifier is it based on?

Wisdom or intelligence. Might make it where you select. Since it's coming off of your previous experiences.

I'm thinking about starting play with a Lantern Pendant from Pathfinder Unchained. Since it's a scaling item, I'd rather make sure you're okay with it.

Are you?

Can you send me a link?

Yes, that item will be accepted.

Since we are talking scaling items, any way I could get a fruitful sash? I'd feel like a NG Silcardo Jenazad

..... Guys... remembered when i said i would do something about your items, since you most likely wouldn't be visiting a town? Well, i didn't know that what i was gonna do was already in the game.....

Don't worry about picking out any other scaling items, the lantern is okay, but i would want to control the way others evolve.

So some of my halcyon spells will require a divine focus, I'm thinking of writing in a palm sized carved wooden idol into the backstory and paying for a cheap focus. Just an FYI on incoming backstory manipulation, or letting you know if you wanna do something cool with it :D

It is now 8:20 am on the morning of June 10th. I'll be looking over the submissions and will decide after a few days. If your character is not finished, pleas try to have it in in the next few days.

Also, if you haven't, go ahead and join the gameplay thread.

List of Characters
1. Mark Thomass 66 -- Maraiah Ranger
2. Velithin -- Vemarus Arcanist
3.Darthrancor -- Sonulicd Elanobn Hydro-Kineticist
4. WreckTall -- Hob Prentice Bard
5. Helikon -- Unbeugsam Fighter
6. Ietsuna -- Gargon Barbarian Feral Gnashe
7. The Architect -- Shellin Arcanist
8. GypsyMischief -- Cave Druid
9. Killer Pixie -- Hallucinist Sleuth Investigator
10. TPJ -- Something Fancy... not too fancy.

This doesn't mean it's closed, As stated before, i'll be trying to kill you off and will need replacements. 3:)

Interested?.....too late was thinking of updating this character?

Would you allow unchained rogue?

If you can have it ready in 24 hours, i would consider it.

Also note, I am planning on killing characters through out the game. So if one dies, you might have a chance to get in, even if you're not selected for the first round of explorers.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

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I have to say the way you say that unsettles me a bit. It's one thing for a GM to say, i'm not one to pull punches, or play smart. But when you repeatedly say I plan on killing characters, that indicates a very adversarial attitude focusing on Players vs GM as apposed to cooperative campaign where stuff happens but everyone has a good time. That doesn't usually bode well.

Said once or twice it's easy to overlook but the emphasis you've put on the desire to kill off characters has me a bit concerned.

Lol, I am planning on it being hard.

I think what he means is that he is being realistic with his expectations. GM is jacking up some difficulty, and realistically does not believe that all characters will survive. Perhaps instead of planning to kill us, he is just planning for the likelihood of character death :D

Or maybe I'm wrong and out GM is a murder happy monster spawner, either way fun shall be had!

Speaking of killing people off and needing replacements, how's it going on that front? Can I throw a character at this for a reserve slot?

I very nearly died. Hanging on by a thread.

We haven't heard from out Archaeologist Bard in 2 weeks so there might be.

That what i was about to say. If i haven't heard from him in the next week, i'll consider him a victim of the dark caves.

Since GenCon is going on right now. I am gonna give him a little bit more time before i call in his replacement.

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