Welcome to the Other Side!

Game Master Yasss Queen

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Current HP: -98 | Improved Evasion | Ki Pool: 23 | Greater Blind-Fight | Immune to all diseases, Light Fortification LG Half-Celestial Shabti Monk (Unchained) 20/Expert 1 Max HP: 459 | AC: 57; T: 46; FF: 44 | Init +12 | Fort +28; Ref +29; Will +17 (roll twice) | DR 10/Magic; DR 10/Chaotic | Resist Acid, Cold, Negative Energy, and Elec 10 | SR: 32

Curious, Kei will follow the man and woman and listen to their conversation for a while.

Male Advanced Human|HP: 177/177 | AC: 27 (18 Tch, 27 Fl) | CMB: +17, CMD: 34 | F: +18, R: +18, W: 14 | Init: +5 | Perc: +16, SM: +16 Gestalt Godling, (mighty & eldrtich)/10th/MR 1 | Speed 60ft (50ft) | Active conditions: hasted/7 rds., stoneskin 132

Once his two dwarven ales arrive, Zaidel proposes a toast.
"To the ongoing peace between elves and dwarves! To The Returned! To our new lives!"
The big warrior then quickly drains one dwarven ale, licking his lips.

Male Fae King Oracle 21(Elemental)/Druid 21

Liriiestil chuckles at Zaidel "Zaidel, where I'm from, elves and dwarves never had any racial feuds. We always had peaceful, pleasant relations with them."

Male Advanced Human|HP: 177/177 | AC: 27 (18 Tch, 27 Fl) | CMB: +17, CMD: 34 | F: +18, R: +18, W: 14 | Init: +5 | Perc: +16, SM: +16 Gestalt Godling, (mighty & eldrtich)/10th/MR 1 | Speed 60ft (50ft) | Active conditions: hasted/7 rds., stoneskin 132

"Ahh. Your world was very unique then. For across the multiverse, on many worlds, many of the first stories ever told, where that of The Elven/Dwarven Wars. Two powerful empires, divided by different ideologies, fought for dominance when their worlds were young!" expounded the big warrior. "On these many worlds, these two titanic long-lived civilizations, held their racial grunges for centuries, some times millennia, after those mythic battles."

V.K. raises his mug and says, ”Indeed friend, may all our endeavours be as eventful as they have been so far.” He then takes a swig of the dwarven ale and is immediately blown away by its strength. He shakes his head and says, ”My, that is certainly stronger than what I was sacrificed. The weak rye spirits of my followers were certainly not as good as this. Why those dwarves and elves could not have settled their troubles with a few mugs of this is confusing to say the least.”

Male Archangel of Awesome Paladin of Badassery 20

The couple continue to argue back n forth, the woman taking apart the man's flimsy 'rationale' that these Muses exist, while he steadfastly refuses to give in, despite the logic being used against him.

How far do you follow them Kei?

Current HP: -98 | Improved Evasion | Ki Pool: 23 | Greater Blind-Fight | Immune to all diseases, Light Fortification LG Half-Celestial Shabti Monk (Unchained) 20/Expert 1 Max HP: 459 | AC: 57; T: 46; FF: 44 | Init +12 | Fort +28; Ref +29; Will +17 (roll twice) | DR 10/Magic; DR 10/Chaotic | Resist Acid, Cold, Negative Energy, and Elec 10 | SR: 32

Just until they start talking about something else. I'll then return to the taven to wait on the others.

Male Archangel of Awesome Paladin of Badassery 20

The innkeeper also laughs "Your friend here is right, my people also never had conflict with our elven neighbors. We are the hills and mountains, they are the forests. All can live in harmony, when you look at it that way."

Male Advanced Human|HP: 177/177 | AC: 27 (18 Tch, 27 Fl) | CMB: +17, CMD: 34 | F: +18, R: +18, W: 14 | Init: +5 | Perc: +16, SM: +16 Gestalt Godling, (mighty & eldrtich)/10th/MR 1 | Speed 60ft (50ft) | Active conditions: hasted/7 rds., stoneskin 132

Zaidel silently cheers the innkeeper and bartender. "Then this world is doing better than about a half dozen Material Plane worlds I could mention."

Male Archangel of Awesome Paladin of Badassery 20

One of the obvious looking adventurers perks up at Zaidel's comment "You have been to a half dozen other worlds?!" She asks, in a tone that is both impressed, but also somewhat in disbelief.

Male Advanced Human|HP: 177/177 | AC: 27 (18 Tch, 27 Fl) | CMB: +17, CMD: 34 | F: +18, R: +18, W: 14 | Init: +5 | Perc: +16, SM: +16 Gestalt Godling, (mighty & eldrtich)/10th/MR 1 | Speed 60ft (50ft) | Active conditions: hasted/7 rds., stoneskin 132

The big warrior leans back in his chair to get a better look at the questioning adventurer.
"Not personally, no", confessed Zaidel, "but I am well-versed in the history and lore of those worlds. Toril, Krynn, Oerth, Golarion, among others."

Male Half-Saiyan | hp 303/354, burn 2 | Init 8, Per 26 | AC 24, T 24, FF 18 | Fort 19, Ref 17, Will 9

"We're also well-versed in Earth, even if it was a prison planet," Bage points out.

Male Advanced Human|HP: 177/177 | AC: 27 (18 Tch, 27 Fl) | CMB: +17, CMD: 34 | F: +18, R: +18, W: 14 | Init: +5 | Perc: +16, SM: +16 Gestalt Godling, (mighty & eldrtich)/10th/MR 1 | Speed 60ft (50ft) | Active conditions: hasted/7 rds., stoneskin 132
Bage wrote:
"We're also well-versed in Earth, even if it was a prison planet," Bage points out.

Zaidel shrugs his shoulders and replies, "Apparently so."

Male Archangel of Awesome Paladin of Badassery 20

"Oh, well, nevermind then." She says, crestfallen, as she stands.

She extends a hand " Allandria, planar scholar and sorceress, and disappointed you have no actual knowledge of other worlds. Tis incredibly rare for me to meet another planar traveler."

Male Advanced Human|HP: 177/177 | AC: 27 (18 Tch, 27 Fl) | CMB: +17, CMD: 34 | F: +18, R: +18, W: 14 | Init: +5 | Perc: +16, SM: +16 Gestalt Godling, (mighty & eldrtich)/10th/MR 1 | Speed 60ft (50ft) | Active conditions: hasted/7 rds., stoneskin 132

The big warrior stands to greet the handshake of the elven sorceress.
Wow! I'm shaking the hand of a elf. And not a bad looker either! It's also too bad she forget about me when see meets
Liriiestil. Oh well.

"Zaidel Michigan, Material Plane Hero and Warrior. I'm not sure if it counts, but I and my fellow Returned had a short foray earlier today within an interdimensional fey enclave. It wasn't Elysium, but it was nice."
[dice=Diplomacy (with Charming)] 1d20 + 26 + 1[/dice]

The Vulture King stands once Zaidel has introduced himself and bows slightly before saying, "I greet you, Allandria, as the Vulture King, a minor deity given form. I was worshiped on Earth, where my companions lived, and came into true being on this world. Never matter, it is a story for another time."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 43 ⇒ (17) + 43 = 60

Male Fae King Oracle 21(Elemental)/Druid 21

What was that about meeting Lir? :p

Scarab Sages

F Human Battle Auger 2/Taskshaper 2

Alyssa finds ways to mock both Zaidel and V.K.

"Greetings, Allandria," she begins, with an overexaggerated curtsy "unlike my fellow companions here, I am simply a normal human trapped in the company of heroes. Truly, their tales are both legion and legendary, especially Zaidel, once you get him talking. Try very hard not to stare too long; overexposure has been known to cause feelings of grandeur, self- importance, and, most of all, delusions of insane powers. Please, be on your guard."

She gives another curtsy, then sits back down.

Male Advanced Human|HP: 177/177 | AC: 27 (18 Tch, 27 Fl) | CMB: +17, CMD: 34 | F: +18, R: +18, W: 14 | Init: +5 | Perc: +16, SM: +16 Gestalt Godling, (mighty & eldrtich)/10th/MR 1 | Speed 60ft (50ft) | Active conditions: hasted/7 rds., stoneskin 132

So Alyssa's come to dance. Well, let's dance!
With a practiced straight face, Zaidel continues his introductions.
"Yes, that was Alyssa Mirai, our resident healer among other talents."
The big warrior makes a sigh of worry. "Brave girl, that one. We traveled far to Al'Lammar. We hope the celebrated doctors in this city can remove the staff of the magi that has become horribly wedged up her @$$."

Male Half-Saiyan | hp 303/354, burn 2 | Init 8, Per 26 | AC 24, T 24, FF 18 | Fort 19, Ref 17, Will 9

Bage nearly sprays the food out of his mouth as the two begin to butt heads. Dinner and a show. Nice, Bage thinks as he begins yet another plate.

Zaidel Michigan wrote:

The big warrior stands to greet the handshake of the elven sorceress.

Wow! I'm shaking the hand of a elf. And not a bad looker either! It's also too bad she forget about me when see meets
Liriiestil. Oh well.

"Zaidel Michigan, Material Plane Hero and Warrior. I'm not sure if it counts, but I and my fellow Returned had a short foray earlier today within an interdimensional fey enclave. It wasn't Elysium, but it was nice."
[dice=Diplomacy (with Charming)] 1d20 + 26 + 1

Allandria's returned handshake is strong, confident. "Well met Zaidel. Fey enclave eh? Be careful around them, they are tricksters par excellence. Elysium is OK, a little too wild for my liking."

Male Advanced Human|HP: 177/177 | AC: 27 (18 Tch, 27 Fl) | CMB: +17, CMD: 34 | F: +18, R: +18, W: 14 | Init: +5 | Perc: +16, SM: +16 Gestalt Godling, (mighty & eldrtich)/10th/MR 1 | Speed 60ft (50ft) | Active conditions: hasted/7 rds., stoneskin 132
Allandria wrote:
Allandria's returned handshake is strong, confident. "Well met Zaidel. Fey enclave eh? Be careful around them, they are tricksters par excellence. Elysium is OK, a little too wild for my liking."

"Don't I know it", agreed Zaidel. "I could have kicked myself. I nearly accepted fey food and drink, regardless of all the stories I heard, warning me of their potential compulsion or illusionary properties", chuckled the big warrior.

Vulture King wrote:

The Vulture King stands once Zaidel has introduced himself and bows slightly before saying, "I greet you, Allandria, as the Vulture King, a minor deity given form. I was worshiped on Earth, where my companions lived, and came into true being on this world. Never matter, it is a story for another time."


Turning to The Vulture King, Allandria's eyes grow hard. "Where I'm from, minor deities, demigods and their ilk tend to be more trouble than anything else."

Alyssa Mirai wrote:

Alyssa finds ways to mock both Zaidel and V.K.

"Greetings, Allandria," she begins, with an overexaggerated curtsy "unlike my fellow companions here, I am simply a normal human trapped in the company of heroes. Truly, their tales are both legion and legendary, especially Zaidel, once you get him talking. Try very hard not to stare too long; overexposure has been known to cause feelings of grandeur, self- importance, and, most of all, delusions of insane powers. Please, be on your guard."

She gives another curtsy, then sits back down.

The sorceress waves a dismissive hand at Alyssa "Please, do not curtsy, I am no Lady. I believe you are correct in your observation of your friend Zaidel, he does seem quite braggadocios."

Zaidel Michigan wrote:

So Alyssa's come to dance. Well, let's dance!

With a practiced straight face, Zaidel continues his introductions.
"Yes, that was Alyssa Mirai, our resident healer among other talents."
The big warrior makes a sigh of worry. "Brave girl, that one. We traveled far to Al'Lammar. We hope the celebrated doctors in this city can remove the staff of the magi that has become horribly wedged up her @$$."

Cocking her head slightly, Allandria regards Zaidel with a look of confusion. "I am not sure what a 'staff of the magi' is, but that sounds painful. I would caution that you watch what you say about those skilled in the healing arts, as they can easily be the deciding factor between victory and defeat."

The Vulture King nods sadly before smiling and saying, "Worry not young one, for I avoid trouble wherever possible. If you require proof of my good intentions, I can gladly provide it though for interest of time I would wish not to."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 43 ⇒ (17) + 43 = 60

Scarab Sages

F Human Battle Auger 2/Taskshaper 2

Alyssa laughs. "I'm not bowing for you." She gives a small wink to V.K.

She doesn't respond to Zaidel's insult; rather, she just ignores him.

"So, tell me- what do you know of Earth, planar scholar?" she queries.

Vulture King wrote:

The Vulture King nods sadly before smiling and saying, "Worry not young one, for I avoid trouble wherever possible. If you require proof of my good intentions, I can gladly provide it though for interest of time I would wish not to."


Allandria takes several steps in retreat, and arcane energy springs up around her raised hand. "Stay back demon."

At her words, a cowled figure from her table stands.

Allandria Bloodstorm wrote:
Vulture King wrote:

The Vulture King nods sadly before smiling and saying, "Worry not young one, for I avoid trouble wherever possible. If you require proof of my good intentions, I can gladly provide it though for interest of time I would wish not to."


Allandria takes several steps in retreat, and arcane energy springs up around her raised hand. "Stay back demon."

At her words, a cowled figure from her table stands.

As he does so, he sheds the robe he was wearing, revealing a tattooed, horned warrior He on the left, but the horns are smaller. Unsheathing a pair of scimitars, he points one at VK. "Leave my sister alone vulture man."

More description:

His skin is an almost alabaster white, his hair is longer, and it's a red-ish brown color. Also styled exactly like this.

Scarab Sages

F Human Battle Auger 2/Taskshaper 2

Alyssa immediately stands up at Allandria's words.

"You take back what you said, you nostril-offending exhibition of genetic deficiency. I must be going dull, to conjure such an impaired apparition such as yourself."

She calmly walks right up to the man with the scimitars until the point of the scimitar pushes against her skin. "Tell her to take it back."

Intimidate: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20

In other news, I'm not quite certain where this sudden aggressive streak is coming from. I assume this is what happens when Alyssa's already ticked off and just doesn't believe in anything anymore. Congratulations, we broke Alyssa!

Male Advanced Human|HP: 177/177 | AC: 27 (18 Tch, 27 Fl) | CMB: +17, CMD: 34 | F: +18, R: +18, W: 14 | Init: +5 | Perc: +16, SM: +16 Gestalt Godling, (mighty & eldrtich)/10th/MR 1 | Speed 60ft (50ft) | Active conditions: hasted/7 rds., stoneskin 132
Alyssa Mirai wrote:
In other news, I'm not quite certain where this sudden aggressive streak is coming from. I assume this is what happens when Alyssa's already ticked off and just doesn't believe in anything anymore. Congratulations, we broke Alyssa!

I'll take credit!

The big warrior immediately interposes himself inbetween V.K. and Allandria.
"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Let's not do anything hasty", Zaidel said, arms stretched wide and unarmed. "We were all just enjoying the food and toasting peace the races!"
Zaidel looks hard at the three adventurers before him, and notices something familiar about them from his time on Earth.
"Um..stupid question. But are we on Azeroth?!"

Male Archangel of Awesome Paladin of Badassery 20

Two elves. Allandria and her brother.

Male Half-Saiyan | hp 303/354, burn 2 | Init 8, Per 26 | AC 24, T 24, FF 18 | Fort 19, Ref 17, Will 9

Bage wasn't sure where the sudden change in mood came from, but he slowly puts down the leg of meat he had been chowing on. "We can't even go one meal without a fight," Bage comments, though he is tense and ready to join should one begin.

One note, V.K. is in his fully human form, so he’s indistinguishable from a human.

Male Archangel of Awesome Paladin of Badassery 20

Well aware, unless you're telling me magic penetrate his human guise. Like, True Seeing.

Male Archangel of Awesome Paladin of Badassery 20

Also, Kei, I have not forgotten about you. I'm just pausing your scene because you need to be outside later, lol.

It doesn’t. I was just confused, as Rauko’Tor referred to V.K. as vulture man. On further reflection I did introduce myself so nevermind.

Male Archangel of Awesome Paladin of Badassery 20

I am waiting on an actual reply/response from VK, FYI, as he is the focus of all this tension.

The Vulture King puts his hands up and steps back. He nods and says quietly, ”I wish no ill intent, I would not dream of it. Please friends, I shall do all in my power to convince you of my good intentions, simply say the word.”

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 47 ⇒ (6) + 47 = 53

Didn’t realise you were waiting on me.

The sorceress turns to towards Zaidel "You know of Azeroth? Are you agents of Kil'jaeden here to prevent our return?" She asks harshly, not letting her spell go.

Meanwhile, her brother keeps his blade pointed directly at his 'foe'. "Nobody wants to see your power demon. Show your true form, minion of the Deceiver, or be cut down where you stand."

Scarab Sages

F Human Battle Auger 2/Taskshaper 2

So I'm confused. I know she's about as intimidating as a housecat, but did Alyssa just get ignored?

Secondly, what are the powers/gifts of the two in front of me? Alyssa's Sense Ability is going off.

Male Archangel of Awesome Paladin of Badassery 20

Yea, sorry, Zaidel's comment about Azeroth came after your post, and that has their attention.

As for Sense Ability, you need to make a check to actually learn stuff, do you not? Right now, you just sense that they have special abilities, I think. (It says concentration, but I feel like a caster level check makes far more sense.)

You nailed it. The concentration check is only to determine what level the special abilities are. Since the first round of Sense Ability only determines if there are creatures with abilities and their number, I was saving my check till the next round, but I can roll now, if you'd like. I don't think it really matters.

Concentration: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (16) + 13 = 29

Also, I think it's Concentration because it's an inherent ability that's always on, but you have to concentrate to zone in on one person. Otherwise, she'd just be pinging all of the time, with the company she keeps (and I did try to roleplay that in the beginning, as well, but moved past it as Alyssa leveled). Caster level assumes spells, or spell-like abilites, which she's not doing, at least in my mind.

Alyssa backs off of the two as V.K. makes peace, but she's still unhappy that her friend was called a demon. As such, she stays well within striking distance, just in case she has to teach someone about manners. She really doens't want to fight, especially the guy with the sword, but shes's frustrated enough to go there, if need be.

Male Advanced Human|HP: 177/177 | AC: 27 (18 Tch, 27 Fl) | CMB: +17, CMD: 34 | F: +18, R: +18, W: 14 | Init: +5 | Perc: +16, SM: +16 Gestalt Godling, (mighty & eldrtich)/10th/MR 1 | Speed 60ft (50ft) | Active conditions: hasted/7 rds., stoneskin 132

Despite the imminent danger, Zaidel's face lights up like a gnomish firecracker.
"BY THE GODS! YOU GUYS ARE FROM AZEROTH?!" fanboyed Zaidel. "Th-that means you aren't just elves..but Blood Elves! Wow! I shook a blood elf's hand! Oh! I hear Azeroth is beautiful! Is Quel'Thalas as beautiful as they say it is?"

Male Half-Saiyan | hp 303/354, burn 2 | Init 8, Per 26 | AC 24, T 24, FF 18 | Fort 19, Ref 17, Will 9

At first Bage was hoping it was going to be solved as a simple misunderstanding, but things were still escalating. Bage slowly stands up from the table. "Look guys, we just had to deal with killing a few demons, converting a horde of trolls, and scaring off a huge balrog today," Bage states angrily, already reverting to the 'balrog' title as the other slips his mind. "Now, I'm still very hungry, and I would like just a bit of peace and quiet so I can enjoy a quite excellent meal. So make peace, hold it off for a bit, or I'm going to have to find a way to pay this good bartender back for an obliterated tavern," Bage says, directing it at the two strangers.

Intimidate: 1d20 + 31 ⇒ (17) + 31 = 48

Seeing the possibility of a peaceful resolution, the Vulture King smiles wider. He then says calmly, ”My true form is...large. Out of courtesy for the patrons and owner of this establishment it may be better for me to transform outside.”

Male Archangel of Awesome Paladin of Badassery 20

Alyssa, please pop over to discussion to help me out.

Current HP: -98 | Improved Evasion | Ki Pool: 23 | Greater Blind-Fight | Immune to all diseases, Light Fortification LG Half-Celestial Shabti Monk (Unchained) 20/Expert 1 Max HP: 459 | AC: 57; T: 46; FF: 44 | Init +12 | Fort +28; Ref +29; Will +17 (roll twice) | DR 10/Magic; DR 10/Chaotic | Resist Acid, Cold, Negative Energy, and Elec 10 | SR: 32

I am fine with being outside, and waiting to see what happens!

At Bage's threat, the third person at the table of adventures gets up. She is decked out in full plate armor, with a shield strapped to her back. You note a large war hammer next to her seat as she stands.

"You would be wise to not threaten my sister. Stand down." She says flatly to Bage.

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