Zaidel Michigan |

Allandria appears quite bewildered at Zaidel's response "How do you know so much of Azeroth and our home city?!" She demands.
Oh! Thank God! Some rapport!
Zaidel smiles. "You could say I've studied the lore and history of many worlds. I find them all so fascinating. And I would love to talk about it further, but we should stop this bar fight before it begins."Diplomacy: 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (3) + 26 = 29

Matsuhiko Kei |

Why do I get the feeling that I'll be sitting outside on the curb, waiting for you guys, and then one of you is going to get sent flying out the window?

Vulture King |

The Vulture King walks outside and once the Bloodstorms arrive he begins to shift into his vulture form. Once he has fully transformed he says, ”There you are, my truest form. You see why I could not do so indoors. I cannot say if birds the size of horses have ever been welcome in taverns. So I must ask, who is this Deceiver you speak of? Why did you believe that I am his minion?”

Xularal Bloodstorm |

Allandria Bloodstorm wrote:Allandria appears quite bewildered at Zaidel's response "How do you know so much of Azeroth and our home city?!" She demands.Oh! Thank God! Some rapport!
Zaidel smiles. "You could say I've studied the lore and history of many worlds. I find them all so fascinating. And I would love to talk about it further, but we should stop this bar fight before it begins."
[dice=Diplomacy]1d20 + 26
"A fight implies each side has an even chance to win. That is not the case here." The swordsman says, as he follows VK outside, scimitars still at the ready, just in case.

Vulture King |

My true form is that of a giant vulture, about 13 feet tall. He has various hide and bone ornaments as well.

Zaidel Michigan |

Zaidel claps and encourages his kinda mentor when you get right down to it.
"Looking good, V.K.!"

Voice of Awesomeness |

Meanwhile, passerby and those milling around in the streets begin shouting and yelling, fleeing in panic from the gigantic vulture that just appeared out of nowhere.
Which of course brings several heavily armed guards running over, weapons out. "What in the Nine Hells is going on here?!" One of them demands of the group gathered around the Vulture King.

Zaidel Michigan |

Both brother and sister The heavily armored elf is still inside jump back weapon and spell at the ready. "By the Light! You're some kind of massive vulture demon!" Allandria yells in surprise.
At this point, Zaidel is starting to get upset with their blood elf acquaintances.
"Demon? Really? You get a demon from a large vulture god?! Lady Allandria, we.. or should I say V.K., has been accommodating every aspect of your request, and still you are not satisfied that our large vulture friend is no threat to you or the populace in general!"Walking over to stand beside the now-giant bird, Zaidel states with finality, "You know, I had hoped the rumors of blood elf arrogance and close-mindedness was just Alliance propaganda."

Matsuhiko Kei |

Because it's got the potential for a little levity, let's assume that the group when out the other door, which faces a side street.
As people begin running, Kei stands up and pokes his head into the tavern where the group was, trying to get their attention. Seeing no one in there, Kei steps back out, just in time to see a group of guards go running around the corner, shouting something about demons. Not hesitating, Kei follows the guards....right into what appears to be a tense standoff between the group and a group of long-eared creatures.
Seeing the Vulture King in his natural form, Kei moves to him and says "Perhaps you should return to your travelling form, so that we do not upset people more than they have already been upset?"

Vulture King |

The Vulture King says sadly, ”I had deeply hoped that I could resolve this. Friends, I suppose I must reveal myself truly to all. I am the Vulture King, a god, albeit a minor one, newly revealed to this world.” He turns to the Bloodstones and says in a somewhat chilly tone, ” I am not an unreasonable deity, but your reception of my kind endeavours to win your trust have been more than unwarranted.” Turning to the guards he says calmly, ”I certainly do not wish to cause a scene, my intentions are far from there. As you can see, these two...things have responded with some hostility to my attempts to act diplomatically with them. If you wish for me to speak to the proper authorities for dealing with divine agents or beings, I am more than happy to abide by the laws of your city.”
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 47 ⇒ (20) + 47 = 67

Bage |

Ah, no. Don't get the authorities involved, Bage silently pleads. We're never going to finish our meal, are we? By now, his irritation is beginning to fade into resignation as he watches the bird god start to draw more and more attention.

Allandria Bloodstorm |

At this point, Zaidel is starting to get upset with their blood elf acquaintances.
"Demon? Really? You get a demon from a large vulture god?! Lady Allandria, we.. or should I say V.K., has been accommodating every aspect of your request, and still you are not satisfied that our large vulture friend is no threat to you or the populace in general!"
Walking over to stand beside the now-giant bird, Zaidel states with finality, "You know, I had hoped the rumors of blood elf arrogance and close-mindedness was just Alliance propaganda."
Allandria looks askance at Zaidel. "I'm not sure where you're from, but on our world, vultures are harbingers of death and disease. They pick clean the bones of the fallen, hovering over battlefields to gorge themselves on the dead. And this man suddenly becomes a giant corpse bird, and you *don't* think he's a demon?"

Voice of Awesomeness |

"I have seen no hostility, having just gotten here, from either side. However, you are causing quite the scene and general panic. Seeing as how we're in a lock down due to a demon attempting to assassinate our prince, I'm going to have to ask you to come with us for questioning." The head guard says to the Vulture King.

![]() |

Alyssa, who's been sticking close since the initial discussion, is pretty concerned when she sees the people closing. Possible authority figures getting involved are not what she signed up for- that being said, the creature's insistence of the demonic nature of her ally is perturbing her greatly. So she speaks up, again.
"Where we come from, our scholars are taught not to let our inherent biases cloud our judgement- you do consider yourself a scholar, no?"
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (5) + 17 = 22
She vainly tries to appeal to the creature's vanity.

Vulture King |

V.K. concentrates for a moment and returns to his human form. He then turns to Allandria Bloodstorm and scowls. He says tersely, "I had hoped that I could speak amicably with you and your siblings, make allies in this wondrous new world I have found myself in. You have seen fit to judge me as a demon, a beast of death and disease. The vulture creates life from death, allowing the dead to live again, to touch the sky and heavens above, and yet all you see is a loathsome creature. I bid you goodbye, with no ill will but certainly no desire to make your acquantance again." He then turns to the guard and says amicably, "Friend, I believe I can be questioned right here can I not? It would make this process quite a bit easier for all parties concerned. You get your answers, and I can remain with my companions. Does that not sound like a fair deal?"
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 47 ⇒ (9) + 47 = 56

Voice of Awesomeness |

"It is quite the fair deal, but I'm just a lowly city guard. Questioning potential assassins is way out of my jurisdiction and above my pay grade. Your companions can accompany you, if they so desire." The guard replies, remaining steadfast in his duties.

Zaidel Michigan |

The big warrior quickly runs inside to take care of his bar tab, giving the dwarven server 5 gold pieces.
"If you need more, I will be back later", Zaidel said hurriedly, "And thank you very much! I truly appreciate it!" Noticing his last dwarven ale still on the table, Zaidel quickly drinks it down to rejoin his friend and mentor.

Matsuhiko Kei |

"Of course. We are companions, after all."

Voice of Awesomeness |

The guard leads them away from the inn "Oh, I have purpose. My purpose is to arrest criminals or bring them in for questioning. It pays well, provides food for my family, and comes with two weeks of vacation time. I rather enjoy my job, even if it's not anything overly important or fancy."

Zaidel Michigan |

"I'm having flashbacks of my desk job back on Earth," Bage mutters to himself.
"Oddly enough, I don't feel too bad about the situation and generally positive about the outcome", chirped Zaidel. "It may have to do with the fact that I had 3 dwarven ales in a relatively short period of time. Either way, I feel confident."

Voice of Awesomeness |

As you walk, the guard continues to chat with you all. He is quite friendly, and he actually apologizes a few times that he needs to be bring the Vulture King in for questioning, but due to the scene caused, feels it's the best way to rule out he isn't the assassin.
Suddenly, the sky begins to darken, as if storm clouds were rushing in. However, it quickly becomes apparent this isn't a natural phenomenon. It gets far too dark, far too fast. Within minutes, it's almost pitch black.
Looking up, you are all shocked to see what appears to be a massive city bloating out the midday sun.

Kanzen |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

"Mistress! Do you feel that?!" Ak'Gak squealed in terror.
"Silence you little fool..." Kanzen said, though her voice held no malice towards him, it was clear she was concentrating hard as she stared off into the distance.
After a long moment she turned back towards the Goblin.
"We leave." She said and began to walk in the opposite direction of the black smear in the distant sky.
"Huh?" Ak'Gak inquired as Kanzen walked past him, not waiting.
"Mistress, wait for me!" He called as he scrambled to match the longer gait of his master.
Wherever the Mistress wanted to be, it was clearly not here.

Matsuhiko Kei |

Looking up, Kei simply says "Neat!" in a rather excited way.

Zaidel Michigan |

Zaidel, as all the others, looks up in amazement and apprehension at the floating city above.
"I wonder if it's too late to get one more dwarven ale", the big warrior mused aloud.

Voice of Awesomeness |

As you all look up to the flying city, a massive winged being flies down from the city, and says in a booming voice:

Matsuhiko Kei |

Looking around, Kei finds the tallest building he can immediately get to, and then begins taunting the winged creature.
"Hey Ugly! Your face is actually painful to look at! NYAAAH!"
Intimidate?: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (14) + 13 = 27

Zaidel Michigan |

Zaidel shouts up to the floating creature.
"By what authority do you judge these people?!"

Yasss Queen |

The citizens of Al'Lamar, who crowd the streets going about their day, stare in awe as the dark city manifests, the planar shift causing a crackle of displaced air and filling the sky with the scent of burnt ozone.
As the shadowy monster appears and makes it's declaration the people panic. A vendor yells in anger as a large man, losing his nerve and fleeing without looking where he is going, crashes into the vendor's apple cart and falls, spilling the fruit across the street where it is alternatively smashed by fleeing feet or trips the unlucky.
A group of whores duck into the shelter of an alley, pulling their most inexperienced members, the ones who have yet to fully acclimate to the rough life of the streets, with them to hide out of line of sight of the creature, hoping it will hold them in as little regard as most of their vicious clientele and pass them over.
A street preacher stands on a soapbox and cries damnation upon the shadow monster, either unaware or uncaring of the lack of effect his denunciations are having on the beast.
A group of Nobles, having just fled to the safety of their richly appointed carriage, cry in outrage that their lessers won't clear a path through the bustling streets so that their betters can make their escape.
A group of children, delighted by the spillage of free apples across the street, run about collecting them to eat later as a kind hearted woman risks her life trying to command them to seek shelter.
The streets are overrun with the drama of the shadowy monster's appearance, but none seems to be able to summon a effective response to it, even the guards either standing around stunned or shouting useless orders to panicking citizens.

![]() |

Alyssa rushes over to our guard friend. "Do you have a whistle?" she asks.
First things first- organize effective retreat of imaginary brain people. Must remain calm, get everyone moving in an orderly line, so no one gets mowed down. Someone talk to the thing- it isn't attacking yet,"
she pauses as Kei and Zaidel begin to do that "and that's that taken care of. Search the buildings for any stragglers- well, anything else, Alyssa?
She stares at the man, hoping to conjure up a whistle.

Vulture King |

The Vulture King shifts into a new form, one with a human body but with the wings, talons, and head of his vulture form. The Vulture King takes flight and matches eyes level with the beast though keeping a decent distance away. His avian eyes burn with a primal intensity as he says to the great beast, ”I place this city under my divine protection! You have no authority in the territory of a god, so explain yourself and I shall judge if your reason is sound or lacking.” He then turns to the city and says in a booming voice, ”Children, fear not. We shall keep you safe from this purported judgment. Return to your homes, and say a prayer to the Vulture King. I, at least, require just a small bit of devotion for my powers.”
Knowledge (planes): 1d20 + 30 ⇒ (5) + 30 = 35
Intimidate: 1d20 + 33 ⇒ (15) + 33 = 48
Can I use my Alter Reality divine ability to create some sort of protective shield for the citizens of Al’Lamar?

Voice of Awesomeness |

Vulture King, the only thing you know about the creature before is that it's some sort of unique Nightshade. You know the basic Nightshade traits
It does not seem to be intimidated in the slightest by your boastful claim. However, as you move within ten feet, you suddenly feel a biting, vile cold seep into your bones.
6d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 2, 4, 6, 3) = 24 Cold damage. Bypasses all resistances.
6d6 ⇒ (6, 6, 4, 5, 2, 6) = 29 Negative energy damage.
"Puny godling, you know not what you meddle in. Begone!"

Kamii |

Kamii stood on the pinnacle outcrop of rock over the sunken fortress he had made his base and considered his current situation. Bisojo stood at his right while Devlin stood at his left, the trio staring down as Kaz and Wendonai reordered their swarm of demonic minions with threats and impromptu executions.
"We will retrieve the final Foci first, then return for the Key later." He decided as he considered the distant, dark floating city.
"Ironic that the retrieval of the Key, what should have been the easiest part, is turning out to be the hardest." Bisojo commented.
Though the beautiful young sorceress didn't have a critical bone in her body Kamii never the less flinched at the perceived criticism.
"I did everything right." Kamii snapped at her. "Wasn't my fault that group of key stealing a$$@!$&s got involved!"
Bisojo looked startled at his response. "I didn't think it was." She said in confusion.
Devlin smiled in amusement, Bisojo was a savant with magic but she ill understood the petty needs of ego.
"I feel something ancient and cold in that city..." Bisojo commented as she felt another flare of magical aura in the distance.
"...cold and...dead."
Ignoring her Kamii smiled as his Demons got the swarm in order.
"Now to open the portal, and when we return, it'll be time to get that Key...the endgame approaches, and with it, Godhood!"
All three smiled at that thought.

Zaidel Michigan |

Zaidel cringes as the magical attack seems to affect V.K. Time for action, thought the big warrior.
Slapping the shoulder of our city escort to get his attention, Zaidel asks, "Does this city have a keep? A place for the populace to seek refuge?"

Kammella |

My vision is vast. I can see all things, not all at once, but everything is available to me if I but look.
I had a body once, I was beautiful and thin and all of the most handsome men I knew were at my beck and call. That was before, before my ascension, before my death. I have nothing now, my splintered soul was cast into the Abyss and while that dark plane could not digest me because I didn't truly belong there the curse I was under kept me there, in torment, as a growth of demonic matter encased me and grew, the Abyss isolating my soul like a body isolating an invasive splinter in a pus filled blister.
That blister grew to sentience and now names itself Kamii, a Demon who would be a God.
I am not a fan.
Though Kamii has traveled through a portal to another world I am still interested in the events involving the last planet, so I cast my mind through time and space and view Al'Lamar and the massive floating city above it.
To first get a feel for Al'Lamar I descend my consciousness into the city and look to experience the lives of its citizens by riding their awareness.
I am a drunk named Tray, counting out my last silver pieces for one last shotglass full of the good stuff. I intend on savoring every last drop as my wife will kill me when I get home and she smells the alcohol on my breath. She complains because she cares, and even as a person who lives their life in constant denial I am beginning to admit to myself that I have a serious problem.
I am a courtesan named Marie, gorgeous but spurned by my lover and dreaming of a new, rich patron. I haven't eaten in a day and it's annoying me greatly, even simple bread is smelling far more delicious than it has any right to. I sigh as I look in the mirror, the brutal things I do for beauty.
I am a rogue, I know that but for some reason I can't remember my name. I dash through the alleys of Al'Lamar with a bloody dagger in my hand. I think I belong to a Guild, and I think that Guild will be pleased by what I just stole. Why am I having such a hard time remembering? All I remember clearly are flickering shadows...
I am a washer woman named Nancy, crying as I scrub and remember the baby I was forced to give away as a teenager because my parents couldn't afford to support my bastard. I still remember the fresh smell of his curly blond locks as I kissed his head goodbye. For twenty years I have been crying in my private moments, I don't think I'll ever stop.
I am a bird, all I know is the freedom of the skies.
I am a coachman named Niles, the Nobles behind me are ordering me to run over any peasants in the way as they flee a shadowy demon who descended from a suddenly appearing city in the sky. As is normal for my unflappable manner I am ignoring most of it and just moving the coach forward each time there is a break in the foot traffic. I am thinking about Sarah, we were married once, some five years ago. I miss her greatly, the b@**&. Part of me genuinely hopes she is super happy with her new man, another part of me hopes she gets herpes on her face and dies. All of me wishes I could still cuddle her as we fell asleep in each others arms each night.
I am a construction worker named Kevin who was just promoted to field boss. I have naked pictures of young men in the same bureau as a serrated jeweled dagger. I am having the time of my life, the cult is paying me well and I get to have my enjoyment in the same performed service, how could my life get better?
I am a Gunshuu warrior named Severus. My ulcer is acting up and I pause a moment in my patrol to fight down nervousness and the accompanying nausea. Prince Devlin can't be found and now a floating city and an invading demon have appeared. What am I supposed to do? I have been complaining for years about the collapse of the command structure of the Gunshuu and now it appears the s$*$ has really hit the fan. What can I do?
I am an enchanted spirit named Kammella and I have the power to alter reality itself in titanic ways nineteen times, a result of leading Kamii to drink from the Pool of Causality and stealing its might for myself. The realization makes me start. It is so easy to lose yourself in the lives and mindscapes of others, especially when you yourself are currently bodyless and trapped and have no life. So alone you spend all your time talking to yourself.
Well, that would change soon. Kamii doesn't realize it but I have already gained enough power over him to seize control if I really want, my personality seeping so far into Kamii's consciousness that my honesty and sensitivity bleed into his demonic nature sometimes.
My thought process is interrupted as I detect a flare of Divine power.
The Vulture King? I must take a look...

Voice of Awesomeness |

The guard, momentarily frozen in terror, comes around when Zadiel slaps him on the back. "Uh, n-no, not for the general public."
He then turns to Alyssa "Yea, I do, actually." He fishes a whistle out of one of his pouches and hands it to the young lady.

Zaidel Michigan |

The guard, momentarily frozen in terror, comes around when Zaidel slaps him on the back. "Uh, n-no, not for the general public."
"Great", the big warrior said sarcastically.
Looking to Alyssa and her borrowed whistle, Zaidel asked "Come on. Let's work on evacuating the area while the grown-ups have their spat. Out the gate we came in?"Before waiting for a response, Zaidel bellows, "EVERYONE! EVACUATE THE CITY! TO THE GATES! RUN! RUN!"
The big warrior then begins helping others to the nearest gates out of the city.

Yasss Queen |

The Nameless Warrior had learned much of the surrounding lands from the merchants outside the gate and some of the rumors surrounding Al'Lamar's underworld, including how its infamous Thieves Guild supposedly reported directly to the Noble classes and how a large number of strong young men had been disappearing recently with no explanation forthcoming from the authorities.
Despite it's general lack of education and backwardness, apparently there was a great deal of wealth within Al'Lamar and merchants flocked there to exploit its gluttonous people and thriving markets.