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Hello All.
I want to fill a roster of evil characters for a campaign story arc I came into possession of called Way of the Wicked. If you want to get in on this, I hope you haven't yet run this game, and have no intention of reading it during play. :)
So, what I am looking for is a group of players willing to run through the series. It should be able to get us from 1 through level 20 I believe. I'll post some bullet point requirements I am also looking for below.
Ideal candidates are/would be:
Other than those minor bullet points I can't think of anything requirement-wise off the top of my head.
I don't need fully fleshed out stats etc, just a solid concept that includes class and race, but I will be using the 20 point buy if you need to crunch numbers or plan ahead.
To be fair I'll leave this recruitment open for a few days and pick from those interested that have decent flavor to start.
So good luck, and happy evil-doing!

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Hey! I'll have you know my past CE characters have gotten along really good with other party members. This is discr...Hello All.
I want to fill a roster of evil characters for a campaign story arc I came into possession of called Way of the Wicked. If you want to get in on this, I hope you haven't yet run this game, and have no intention of reading it during play. :)
So, what I am looking for is a group of players willing to run through the series. It should be able to get us from 1 through level 20 I believe. I'll post some bullet point requirements I am also looking for below.
Ideal candidates are/would be:
Alignment: Allowed alignments are LE, LN, CN, or NE. The emphasis is going to be Lawful (so as to work with a team, despite being evil aligned.) Other alignments will be considered on a case by case basis, but LE is strongly recommended. CE is not allowed due to poor teamwork skills...,
.. and insurance cost premium rate hikes on minion death claims :P
... Well ya got me there.

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Intrigued, but I have a couple questions. This is
3rd party, so presumably not Golarion. I know you said Asmodeus was in, so I wanted to ask how much compatibility the setting has with Paizo stuff. I assume some things may require a reskin/refluff, but are there any big areas to avoid, background-wise?

Gaius Julius |

Would you mind taking a look at the Dragonrider class from Super Genius Games? It's an incredibly difficult class to find the right campaign for, so I thought I'd give it a shot. I'd probably submit a Warpriest of Asmodeus otherwise.

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Intrigued, but I have a couple questions. This is
3rd party, so presumably not Golarion. I know you said Asmodeus was in, so I wanted to ask how much compatibility the setting has with Paizo stuff. I assume some things may require a reskin/refluff, but are there any big areas to avoid, background-wise?
The game is 100% paizo compatible. Background is fairly wide open and open to player fluff, and I don't 'think' you can break the game with background fluff.

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Would you mind taking a look at the Dragonrider class from Super Genius Games? It's an incredibly difficult class to find the right campaign for, so I thought I'd give it a shot. I'd probably submit a Warpriest of Asmodeus otherwise.
I don't think this game would support that class very well at all. It is an adventure 'path' of sorts not open game as much so I'd not recommend that one.

Malendia Athenalia |

hello I will put together a character that I wanted to try in this game
thinking Lava Gnome summoner / sorcerer (elemental fire bloodline)
I tried that idea in few other game applications but was not selected.
(mostly cause the summoner class scares people)
Not if it's built right, which I know you can do.

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FYI: you don't need 8 paragraphs of back story at the moment, just a race/class/quick synopsis is perfectly fine.
Of course if you want to do that, or reuse an old back story that's fine. I just may not have time to read it all right at the moment, and if there's too much interest I will have to cull it down so save those creative juices.

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hello I will put together a character that I wanted to try in this game
thinking Lava Gnome summoner / sorcerer (elemental fire bloodline)
I tried that idea in few other game applications but was not selected.
(mostly cause the summoner class scares people)
Lava Gnome? Where is that from?

Cuàn |

I'd be very interested in this game. I do have several ideas for possible character's which I'd love to play. The archetypes will show up on the d20pfsrd over the next few days I suspect.
A Warpriest (Forgepriest) of Archdevil Moloch. The guy would be a brutal smith in heavy armor wielding a smouldering whip. He prefers using slaves for the hard work, most of them kidnapped street urchins no one would miss.
A Slayer (Deliverer) devoted to the Infernal Duke Ruzel who specialises in ending the lives of his marks in feigned ridiculous accidents. He kills all for money but kills Mitran priests for sport.
A Hunter (Divine Hunter) of either the Archdevil Barbatos or his servant, the Infernal Duke Kalma. The character would be a brutal hunter who does not care what his prey is for he simply lives for the hunt. He believes only those strong enough to fend for themselves have right to their own lives.

Edward Sobel |

Edward Sobel wrote:Lava Gnome? Where is that from?hello I will put together a character that I wanted to try in this game
thinking Lava Gnome summoner / sorcerer (elemental fire bloodline)
I tried that idea in few other game applications but was not selected.
(mostly cause the summoner class scares people)
yes like mentioned before
lava gnome is a gnome with two alternate racial traits.
I think they have darkvision in place of low light. (they also may give up some other racial trait as well.
and different SLA.

Seth86 |

Moroi-Born Dhampir (Svetocher) Antipaladin 1 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 118; Pathfinder RPG Advanced Race Guide 0)
LE Medium humanoid (dhampir)
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +0
AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10 (+1 Dex)
hp 10 (1d10)
Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +2; +2 bonus vs. disease and mind-affecting, -1 vs positive energy damage
Defensive Abilities negative energy affinity; Resist undead resistance
Weakness weakness to positive energy
Speed 30 ft.
Special Attacks smite good
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +5)
. . At will—detect good
Str 16, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 18
Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 15
Feats Power Attack
Traits sensual graces
Skills Bluff +8 (+10 vs. humanoids attracted to you), Handle Animal +8, Intimidate +8
Languages Common
SQ aura of evil, resist level drain, vampiric empathy, variant channeling (rulership variant channeling)
Other Gear 150 gp
Special Abilities
Aura of Evil (Ex) The antipaladin has an Aura of Evil with power equal to her class level.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Detect Good (At will) (Sp) You can use Detect Good at will (as the spell).
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Negative Energy Affinity (Ex) You are alive, but react to positive/negative energy as though you were undead.
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Resist Level Drain (Ex) Negative levels don't impose penalties or become permanent, but still kill if exceed HD.
Rulership Variant Channeling (±1 Profane) Diplomacy bonus/dazed
Sensual Graces +2 on Bluff checks vs humanoids who would be attracted to you.
Smite Good (1/day) (Su) +4 to hit, +1 to damage, +4 deflection bonus to AC when used.
Undead Resistance +2 save vs. disease, mind affecting effects.
Vampiric Empathy Speak with bats, rats, and wolves and +2 Diplomacy dealing with them.
Weakness to Positive Energy -1 to save vs. effects that deal positive energy damage.

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How about a human master summoner who hates his elidon.
Ah. the Master Summoner. I often forget you all haven't played at my local table when I write these posts.
I banned that based on the fact it slows combat down for other players, sadly on a PBP it may be even more troublesome. So that particular archetype is banned, as well as the Broodmaster. Summoners are fine as long as you have just the one Eidolon.
Personally I love summoners, and they would probably fit fine in this game otherwise.

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Reading through Inner Sea Combat, I thought that this Monk archetype sounded appropriate. Some background on the organization here.. Character would be a LE female human Monk, worshipper of Asmodeus. Awed (and jealous of) by the power of devils, her sole concern is self-perfection until she can reach, and eventually overcome, the raw power of the fiends.

Ferrin Venax |

Here is Ferrin Vennax, a maker of clocks, who studies those around him to see what makes them tick. Ferrin lost his family, his love and his freedom to the “justice” of Mitra, and wants revenge. He is an inquisitor, but of a slightly different mold than most: with no access to a church of Asmodeus, Ferrin has sought out the Dark Prince on his own, and made bargains with him, and seeks to carry out his faith in his own hidden way.
I've played him in a two WotW games that took off, got out of Branderscar, and then died out, and would love to take him further into the story. I can update the alias to comply with level and build rules - at the moment he's a tiefling inquisitor, but a tiefling who has spent his life blending in as a human.
Nearly a century ago, Ferrin Vennax was born in Ghastenhall, into a family of craftsmen renowned for the quality and reliability of the clocks they made. While the Vennax family certainly valued the beauty of what they created, they placed far greater significance on what the clocks stood for: order, precision, predictability and, of course, punctuality. They expected things to happen on a schedule, and at their proper time, and by the age of 15 or so, it was clear that Ferrin was not following a normal schedule. He had always been a bit…different, as a boy, unlike his younger brother, Symon. The two brothers were as unlike as could be, Symon small and charming where Ferrin was awkward both physically and socially. In spite of their differences, the two were very close, and Symon did what he could to help Ferrin overcome his challenges. Ferrin struggled to fit in to the ordered structure of his household and society at large, leaving his loving parents to hope he would outgrow his social awkwardness, even surliness at times. But a greater trouble arose - as his classmates and sibling grew and came to be young men and women, Ferrin seemed to be lagging behind, as if under some spell, or as if he were one of the longer-lived races, an elf or some such.
His parents, being devout worshippers of Mitra as well as believers in the proper, natural order of things, were quite distressed by this. They took the boy to priests and wizards, hoping to understand their son’s ‘condition’, and ‘cure’ him. It soon became clear that the boy was not under a curse or a spell, but no one could provide an answer to why he did not appear to be growing and aging like a normal child. One day, however, when Ferrin was in his 18th year, a senior priest of Mitra came to visit the Vennax household and speak to Ferrin’s parents. Ferrin had always been a curious, even sneaky, child, and knew where he could hide undetected and hear everything said in his father’s sitting room. He felt the priest had almost certainly come to discuss Ferrin’s ‘condition’ and made sure to eavesdrop, and what he heard changed his life.
The Mitran priest said that he and other learned priests had discussed Ferrin at great length, and had come to the unfortunate conclusion that he was some sort of devil-spawn. The priest had come to collect the boy, and bring him to the temple for study and perhaps exorcism, or worse, if that failed. Ferrin heard only the very first words of his father’s protests, for he knew the Mitrans would have their way in the end. The boy fled his home that moment, leaving the world he knew behind and knowing he’d likely never see his beloved brother again, and fled the city by nightfall.
Since then, Ferrin has wandered from city to city in Talingarde. He stays for ten years or so in each place, finding work as a valued assistant in the best clockworks in each city, for he learned a great deal in his own family’s workshops before leaving home, and he has a natural mechanical talent and understanding of the inner workings of things. After a decade in one place, though, it begins to become clear to those around him that he is not aging, and questions begin to arise. Ferrin learned painfully that he needs to leave where he is before that time – after 12 years in Daveryn, where he felt relatively comfortable and settled, he had to kill a man to protect his secret. Soon after that, he began to develop strange powers, including the ability to see in the dark and transform himself into other creatures, which have helped him keep his true nature a secret and move on. He knew from this that the Mitran priest was right, and that he was likely the spawn of some hell.
Ferrin has continued to live in this way for decades, roaming from place to place in a very slow rotation, his resentment towards the upright Mitrans growing with the years. At first, he wished only to be left alone, to do his work and not be forced to move on every time he has established a life for himself somewhere. But when he finally summoned up the courage to return to Ghastenhall, more than 20 years after fleeing the place, he learned that his parents had been arrested, tried and executed for consorting with devils – simply because they were his parents. All he could learn of his brother was that he had vanished. This enraged and saddened him, and he now dreams of fighting back against the rigid righteousness of Talingarde and its people. He yearns for some way to strike a blow against Mitra and her followers, who cost him his family and have caused him to live as a lonely vagabond for all these years, for no reason other than who he is. At present, this yearning consists of little more than fervent prayers for the fall of Mitra and Talingarde. Ferrin does not know if his prayers are heard, or by whom, but he has begun to feel a presence of some kind when he utters them, and this has kindled his devotion. He has heard whispers of a dark god, but a just one, called Asmodeus, the Prince of Hell, and offers him an exchange in his prayers: keep him safe from discovery for as long as possible, and in return Ferrin will offer whatever services the Dark Prince might ask of him. His worship is a lonely one, but one he feels all the more strongly as a result, and that strength sustains him in his wanderings.
Ferrin’s travels have provided him with ample opportunity to study the people around him, and he has used the years well in this regard. Just like the clocks that fascinate him so, people have things that drive them. Ferrin studies people, their motivations and habits, their desires and fears, and uses this knowledge to safeguard himself, and to imagine ways that Talingarde might be brought down. Among other things, he has found that humans have short memories, and that he can return to a city after he has not been there for 20 or 30 years without stirring up questions. But he has no idea how long he might live, and wonders how long his 80-year-old game of hide-and-seek will go on. Unfortunately, the question of how long he will live has been taken out of his hands.
After a few years in Matharyn, where Ferrin was working in the venerable Glossen family’s clockworks, where he had once been employed nearly forty years earlier, a terrible disaster struck him – he fell in love. Tisa, sweet Tisa, was a ward of the Glossen’s, and just a few years younger than Ferrin appeared to be. She was free-spirited where Ferrin is cautious, irreverent where Ferrin is watchful, yet somehow she cared for him. They spent nearly all their free time together, they had spoken of their love, even of a family, and he had almost come to believe it possible. He should have known that it could never come to pass, and that he was lingering in one place longer than was safe, that he would be discovered if he didn’t move on – but he could not bring himself to leave this first, heady taste of love.
The elderly patriarch of the family, who had been Ferrin’s employer long ago and who scarcely ever came to the shop, saw Ferrin and recognized him. The old man’s puzzlement about Ferrin’s age could have been explained away as senility, but he called in two younger relatives, who had known Ferrin when they were children and had not recognized him. All agreed this was the man they once knew, untouched by age. They peppered him with questions, and Ferrin grew evasive and gruff with them. They refused to let him leave the workshop and, though Ferrin is a big man, managed to tackle him while the old man called for the guard.
Ferrin was desperate not to be caught, not to lose his chance to battle against Mitra and Talingarde, not to be taken from his love, and not to lose the damned, lifelong game of cat-and-mouse because an old man thought things were not as they should be. Ferrin seized a dagger from the belt of one of his assailants and killed him, and then his younger cousin. He then fled out the front door, but in the wealthier districts of Matharyn, the watch is never far away. Ferrin ran into the street, battered from the fight, a bloody dagger in his hand and two bodies in the workshop behind him, with no explanation for his actions. In spite of his dire straits, the visceral thrill of killing his assailants, of striking a blow of some kind against the holy Mitran order, filled him with a joyous satisfaction unlike anything he had known. Sadly, before he could savor this feeling, a squad of guardsmen arrived and promptly clubbed him into unconsciousness, and he woke up in a cell in Branderscar Prison.
Ferrin looks human enough to a casual observer. His pale skin, shoulder-length black hair, and blue-green eyes are an unusual combination, but not unearthly. He is tall and broad-shouldered, yet slender – but not so slender as to appear alien. Looking closely, though, one begins to note differences about him. He has very large hands, marred in places by odd, bony protrusions. He often wears gloves to cover them, but this is impractical when he’s working on clocks or other delicate work. Ferrin has similar bony bumps on his feet and lower legs, usually hidden by a pair of stout boots. Surprisingly, his large hands are very skilled at fine work, and often appear to move of their own accord, the fingertips rolling across each other as if adjusting a minute screw or coiling a tiny spring.
A close look at Ferrin, or a glimpse of him without a shirt on, tells an odder tale. He has a series of faint bony ridges down his back, four bumpy, uneven lines running roughly parallel. These odd growths, the ridges, knobs and spurs that mark the taint in his blood, first appeared when he was a young man. In the beginning, the bone trails on his back were only two thin marks, two little cicatrices of bone between his shoulder blades. But these ridges have slowly grown over the years, getting longer and wider, and becoming gradually more knobby and bony. What little Ferrin has been able to learn of the hells suggest to him that these markings mean he is Oni-blooded, but this tells him little, for the Oni are essentially shapeless, taking on whatever form whim drives them to. Thus, though Ferrin wonders what form he will ultimately grow to have, he can only wait and see. But he has lately felt a tingling, as of new bone growth, in his arms and shoulders.

Kelarith |

The ACG stuff isn't up on the PRD yet (at least not that I can find), so I'm wondering how you feel about those classes? If they're a go, I'd like to submit Tebryn Mak, Human (Chelaxian) Slayer. If not, I'll make him a ranger.
Tebryn has worked with a master tracker/bounty hunter for a while now. Having left his home for the solitude of the wilds. He's learned the craft well, but fails to see his masters steadfast adherence to bringing in marks alive. He has take a few assignments on his own, and brought back the bounties dead, with only a slight loss in revenue, and a much more satiated anger.

Tanner Nielsen |

The ACG stuff isn't up on the PRD yet (at least not that I can find), so I'm wondering how you feel about those classes? If they're a go, I'd like to submit Tebryn Mak, Human (Chelaxian) Slayer. If not, I'll make him a ranger.
Tebryn has worked with a master tracker/bounty hunter for a while now. Having left his home for the solitude of the wilds. He's learned the craft well, but fails to see his masters steadfast adherence to bringing in marks alive. He has take a few assignments on his own, and brought back the bounties dead, with only a slight loss in revenue, and a much more satiated anger.

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Count me as very interested!
Would you be open to a ghoran character?
A little too exotic, and too high a RP score, for my taste.

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The ACG stuff isn't up on the PRD yet (at least not that I can find), so I'm wondering how you feel about those classes? If they're a go, I'd like to submit Tebryn Mak, Human (Chelaxian) Slayer. If not, I'll make him a ranger.
Tebryn has worked with a master tracker/bounty hunter for a while now. Having left his home for the solitude of the wilds. He's learned the craft well, but fails to see his masters steadfast adherence to bringing in marks alive. He has take a few assignments on his own, and brought back the bounties dead, with only a slight loss in revenue, and a much more satiated anger.
I'm ok with Slayer I have the beta book at home still I think. If they aren't changed much I don't see an issue.

Tenoch Itzcoatl |

What is your opinion on the Synthesist Summoner? How about if it was mixed with Blood God Disciple?
I was thinking it could work as a follower of Malacoda (of the Malebranche caste of Hell) or Moloch (Lord of the 6th). The choice between them might depend on which way I'd take the evolutions (scorpion-like for Malacoda, bull-like for Moloch).

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What is your opinion on the Synthesist Summoner? How about if it was mixed with Blood God Disciple?
I was thinking it could work as a follower of Malacoda (of the Malebranche caste of Hell) or Moloch (Lord of the 6th). The choice between them might depend on which way I'd take the evolutions (scorpion-like for Malacoda, bull-like for Moloch).
Rules as written they can stack, as a DM I don't like it though due to the eidolon being worn like armor. I would probably pass on this design if pitched.

Tenoch Itzcoatl |

I'll go with the synthesist.
Since I saw someone mention a whip-wielding follower of Moloch already, perhaps I'll go with a half-elf synthesist follower of Malacoda. Ancestral Arms for bastard sword (Malacoda's favored weapon). Evolution points into tail and sting (+1 more point, maybe into climb) evolving eventually into some kind of scorpion centaur/drider type thing.
Malacoda's only in the Malebranche but still within the hierarchy of Hell and could easily perform missions for Asmodeus.

Chyrone |

Would the concept of an other worldly sorcerer stranded on golarion be of interest to you?
Human sorcerer, so some spells of his world would be other spells here.
Like a force blast is magic missile here, some party spells now only work on one person.
The guy would seek power anywhere or with anyone to get back home and rule his lands again, but is drained from his power ending up here and has to start from scratch here on golarion.

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Would the concept of an other worldly sorcerer stranded on golarion be of interest to you?
Human sorcerer, so some spells of his world would be other spells here.
Like a force blast is magic missile here, some party spells now only work on one person.
The guy would seek power anywhere or with anyone to get back home and rule his lands again, but is drained from his power ending up here and has to start from scratch here on golarion.
Not quite the 'open' world enough to include aliens. Trying to stay headache free for the most part of this campaign. This back story might be a bit derailing.

Chyrone |

i got his backstory in an alias already.
Sorcerers work pretty much the same.
I'd think of him as a westerner in china, having to discover stuff.
In the end, he'll work with anyone to regain power and research his way back home.
But if it's not your cup of tea it's fine.
I'll have his bio here in case..
Xeram grew up in a busy city on the world of Gralm, populated with the same races as this new world called Golarion. He had grew up in the lower classes and saw what power the rich wielded with money, what it could get them.
His father was a lower class physician and had a sorcerer as a patient once. The man saw the young lad's envy and anger. "You wish to wield power too, yes?", the man asked him. Xeram nodded. "These ones you look at my boy, wield no power. Power comes from the arcane, where money means nothing. Come, i shall teach you the basics."
Xeram learned much while the sorcerer was recovering. His fascination and eagerness to wield more, so he would rise in the foodchain, rose quickly. So much in fact the sorcerer adviced him to go to the magic academy. Within he rose as well, through deceit and arcane prowess, to the point only the high-sorcerer surpassed him in power. Xeram wanted to know what made the man so strong. Devotion and knowledge. This meant Xeram would need more knowledge than the old man, likely more than a lifetime can provide. He started to dabble in the darker arcane and found a way to transform into a lich, which would provide him with immortality, pretty much all the time you need.
Returning to the academy as a lich he was beset upon, but he shrugged it off and casted the most vicious spells known on Gralm. When facing the old man a duel started which lasted for a day, before Xeram used a dirty trick to slay him. But now a new problem arose, what use is power if there is nobody to use it on or exert it over? And so Xeram started conquering nearby lands, bit by bit. Occasionally some heroes would pop up and attack his tower, but he drove them off. But a thought stuck with him, if he defeated the high-sorcerer, there's the possibility one would eventually rise capable of overthrowing him.. Xeram researched much whilest ruling his own modest kingdom. Eventually he came to a conclusion to combine different spells to try and see through time and space, to discover any would-be-heroes. The result was...less than fruitful, as a vacuum sucked him in, reverting his own lichdom and dropping him from a fissure 10 feet above the ground.
Now, stranded in a world slightly similar but different to his own, Xeram will have to learn the differences of worlds and of being alive again. Not to mention his frustration...of being stripped of much of his former powers.

Vrog Skyreaver |

I would like to dot for interest. I have a character that I have apped with in another game that is looking like will not have a home there.
His basic concept is this: what if batman were evil? basically, he was driven to see corruption and injustice everywhere after training for most of his childhood, only to discover that the people he was training to take revenge on had already been tried, convicted, and executed (basically, the system worked). This caused him to snap somewhat and convince himself that the rulership of Talingarde had executed them to shut them up (so he'll be something of a conspiracy nut as well). He donned a disguise and began "attacking evildoers" (basically beating people who broke minor laws) while at the same time speaking out against the rulership of the land, landing him in prison for sedition.

Lufien "Silvertongue" Loamin |

Human Female Inquisitor of Asmodeus (Trickery)
Backstory: Alicia grew up in the household of a wealthy family of worshipers of the Prince of Darkness. While she came to share their ideals, she felt constrained at times by the sometimes rigid structure the clergy espoused. Frustrated at this unwillingness to bend that she found impractical, Alicia started to branch off on her own. The Clerics noticed, and after some conferring decided to use her as an instrument of their God, giving her the title Inquisitor of Asmodeus.
Personality: Alicia follows the law as written when she can, but is practical and will bend or break the law when it inconveniences her. She has a fiery temper, but does have restraint. She does not forget a slight, however, and it might be some time before the target of her ire discovers this to their misfortune.
Appearance: Alicia is an attractive woman of 5'6" and 140 pounds. She is of average build, but well-muscled due to her training with the sword.